THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2012 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE Pub Mania nets big money for the Children’s Auction BY ERIN PLUMMER
[email protected] to take part in their first year of Pub Mania. A whole day of pub fun Opening ceremonies took for a great cause took place place at 9 a.m. on Thursday, at Patrick’s Pub and Eatery featuring Laconia Mayor for another year at Pub Ma- Mike Seymour, Children’s nia, raising more than Auction founder Warren $165,000 for the WLNH Chil- Bailey, and Rev. Mike Gra- dren‘s Auction. ham of the Gilford Commu- From 9 a.m. on Thursday nity Church. The event con- to 9 a.m. on Friday, 30 teams tinued until 9 a.m. on Friday, and a whole bunch of sup- featuring different events porters gathered at Patrick’s and food throughout the day for the fourth annual Pub and night. Mania raising money for the Beetle said preparations WLNH Children’s Auction. for Pub Mania begin months In its fourth year,Pub Ma- before the event. nia has become a local tradi- “We try to tweak it and im- tion. For one hour at a time, prove it every year,” Beetle 30 barstools were occupied said. by one member of each team. Teams do events over the Team members switched off summer to raise money for every hour leading up to the big moment. end of the event on Friday Patrick’s was also joined morning. in its festivities by the Laco- Pub Mania was influ- nia Elks Lodge, which held enced by Cycle Mania at La- its own Elks Mania event for conia Athletic and Swim 12 hours.