Dé Céadaoin, 14 Feabhra 2018 Wednesday, 14 February 2018
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SEANAD ÉIREANN Dé Céadaoin, 14 Feabhra 2018 Wednesday, 14 February 2018 Chuaigh an Cathaoirleach i gceannas ar 10.30 a.m. Machnamh agus Paidir. Reflection and Prayer. 14/02/2018A00100Business of Seanad 14/02/2018A00200An Cathaoirleach: I have received notice from Senator Catherine Noone that, on the mo- tion for the Commencement of the House today, she proposes to raise the following matter: The need for the Minister for Health to introduce the loop medicated isothermal ampli- fication test in Irish hospitals. I have also received notice from Senator Keith Swanick of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Health to review the decision to close the Rosalie unit in Castlerea, County Roscommon. I have also received notice from Senator John Dolan of the following matter: The need for the Minister of State with special responsibility for disability issues to outline when a new statutory scheme will be established to replace the abolished mobility allowance scheme. I have also received notice from Senator Robbie Gallagher of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport to consider St. Tiernach’s Park, Clones, County Monaghan, for inclusion in the large scale sport infrastructure fund. I have also received notice from Senator Victor Boyhan of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Health to confirm if the 12 hospital beds at the National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dún Laoghaire, are now open and fully available for rehabilitation services. I have also received notice from Senator Rose Conway-Walsh of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Health to review the HSE decision on access to Versatis 69 Seanad Éireann patches pain medication. I have also received notice from Senator Neale Richmond of the following matter: The need for the Minister for Education and Skills to provide an update on Ballinteer Educate Together national school, Ballinteer, Dublin 16. Of the matters raised by the Senators suitable for discussion, I have selected those of Sena- tors Noone, Swanick, Dolan and Gallagher and they will be taken now. I regret I had to rule out of order the matter submitted by Senator Richmond on the ground that it is a repeat of a matter taken on 8 November 2017. The other Senators may give notice on another day of the matters that they wish to raise. 14/02/2018A00300Commencement Matters 14/02/2018A00350Infectious Disease Screening Service 14/02/2018A00400Senator Catherine Noone: I thank the Minister of State for coming to the House to take this debate. I would like the Minister for Health to oversee the introduction of the loop medi- cated isothermal amplification, LAMP, test in hospitals. The test can provide results detecting the presence of meningitis within an hour, dramatically reducing the time taken to produce a re- sult under the current system. This would allow for life-saving treatment to begin much sooner than currently possible. There are 200 cases of meningitis in Ireland annually. Of these, 10% of patients die, 10% suffer major disabilities such as brain damage or amputations and 33% suf- fer some form of after-effect. Ireland has one of the highest rates of meningitis in Europe. A child suspected of having the disease is subject to a blood test, the result of which is returned within 48 hours. Consequently, some children at serious risk can be sent home with a disease that could kill within a matter of hours. The LAMP test was developed in Queen’s University Belfast. It is a test for meningitis, the result of which is returned within an hour, and it has the potential to save numerous lives every year. It is diagnostically as accurate as the current method but it is much quicker and more straightforward for any hospital with a laboratory. A significant cost would not be incurred and it has been trialled over the past few years by the NHS. It is a no-brainer and I would love to think it will be introduced in Ireland because we have one of the highest rates of meningitis. 14/02/2018A00500Minister of State at the Department of Health (Deputy Jim Daly): I thank the Senator for raising this important matter and for the opportunity to outline the thinking of the Depart- ment and the HSE in this regard. Meningitis is defined as inflammation of the meninges, which is the lining around the brain tissue, and this can be caused by bacteria, viruses or, rarely, fungi. When testing for meningitis, a sample of cerebrospinal fluid must be taken, which is then ex- amined for white cells that fight infection and subjected to certain culture and molecular tests. The aim of these tests is to identify the specific organism causing the inflammation. There are two reference laboratories in Dublin where testing is carried out - the Irish Meningitis and Sep- sis Reference Laboratory at Temple Street carries out bacterial testing and the National Virus Reference Laboratory provides the viral testing service. 70 14 February 2018 There is a move currently in laboratories to test for a greater number of organisms at the same time. These broader tests provide a number of benefits. They have quick turnaround times that can provide results in approximately two hours and they can be performed in the local hospital laboratory without the need to send samples to the reference laboratories in Dub- lin. The Irish Meningitis and Sepsis Reference Laboratory supports the introduction of tests for meningitis in each hospital that provides an acute emergency service. There has also been significant progress in research into the use of biomarkers for diagnosing sepsis at the time of presentation. An advantage of these biomarkers is that they are not specific to a particular or- ganism and, therefore, have the potential to detect sepsis due to any invasive bacterial infection. The Senator referred to one particular commercial testing system, namely, the LAMP Hi- berGene system. This system can be used to test for two particular organisms in cerebrospinal fluid, namely, meningococcus, and group B streptococcus. As the Senator said, this system has a quicker turnaround that the broader systems I have mentioned. However, it only tests for a very restricted range of bacteria that can cause meningitis and will not identify other causes of meningitis such as pneumococcus and E. coli. The system also does not detect viral causes of meningitis or other viruses that may cause encephalitis, that is, inflammation of the brain. Consequently the other tests must still be carried out to ensure that the correct diagnosis is made. Otherwise, there is a danger that the wrong treatment would be applied with potentially catastrophic consequences. Finally, I would like to talk about the introduction of immunisation against meningitis into the childhood immunisation programmes in recent years. Every child receives the meningo- coccal B vaccine at two, four and 12 months of age; the meningococcal C vaccine at six and 13 months; and a booster dose in the first year of secondary school. These vaccines have had a real impact, leading to significant decreases in these forms of meningitis. 14/02/2018B00200An Cathaoirleach: This is a very important topic. Does Senator Noone wish to ask a brief supplementary question? 14/02/2018B00300Senator Catherine Noone: Yes. I was brief enough in my initial remarks in any event. I welcome the move towards testing for a greater number of organisms at the same time and towards a quicker turnaround, which obviously is of double benefit. I have to take as read what the Minister of State tells me about the test to which I am referring being more restricted in what it tests for. I hear where he is coming from in that regard. In his final comments, the Minister of State referred to vaccinations. This is a matter of very serious concern generally, particularly as there is a great deal of unnecessary scaremongering about certain vaccinations in this country. It has been shown that there has been a reduction in the number of children being vaccinated for meningitis and for HPV, which causes cervical can- cer. That is a much larger issue. This is obviously a system to detect meningitis when it occurs, but there is a way to prevent it occurring. We are so lucky to have these vaccines. It is a very serious issue that people are being misinformed and that there is a lot of misinformation about vaccinations. In many respects it is probably more important than detecting it. Obviously, we want a good system of detection. If, however, we have a way of preventing it, surely that is the only show in town. I encourage members of the public to inform themselves before considering not having any of these vaccinations because we are so lucky to have them and children need to get them. I thank the Minister of State. 14/02/2018B00400An Cathaoirleach: The Senator is making up lost ground now. She is stealing a bit of time. 71 Seanad Éireann I call the Minister of State to conclude. 14/02/2018B00500Deputy Jim Daly: I think we are okay. There is no question regarding the final point. I agree with the Senator on that. 14/02/2018B00550Long Stay Residential Units 14/02/2018B00600Senator Keith Swanick: I have asked the Minister of State here today to discuss the planned closure of the Rosalie unit in my home town of Castlerea, County Roscommon. A public meeting about the threatened closure of this health facility took place on 8 February. To say that family members of the residents are upset would be an understatement. The unit was previously threatened with closure in 2015 but, following public protests, this plan was reversed.