1 Hidden Depths: Diversity, difference, and the High Court of Australia Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan1 and Heather Roberts* There is a growing international emphasis on the importance of diversity in the judiciary, and the impact of the individual in decision-making. However, it can be a challenge to gain insight into the individuals who sit on the bench. For instance, there is limited official information about the individuals who sit on the High Court of Australia. One of the rare glimpses provided by the Justices themselves is their judicial swearing-in speech. Drawing on a case study of the swearing-in speeches of High Court Justices sitting between 2008- 2016, this paper illustrates how these speeches can illuminate key demographic information about the judiciary, as well as facets of the individual rarely explored in studies of judicial diversity: personality and values. This study demonstrates how swearing-in speeches can assist with filling information gaps about judicial diversity, and so extend debates about judicial selection.2 Key Words: judicial studies, diversity, ceremony, psychology, personality, values 1 Reader, Cardiff School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University, Wales E-mail:
[email protected] * Assistant Professor & ARC DECRA Fellow, ANU College of Law, The Australian National University, Australia
[email protected]. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers, Professor Gabrielle Appleby and Professor Sharon Roach Anleu for their constructive comments on early drafts of this paper. Dr. Rachel Cahill-O’Callaghan was supported by a Cardiff Research Leave award and an ANU Visiting Fellowship. Dr. Heather Roberts is supported by an Australian Research Council DECRA Fellowship (DE 180101594).