JUNEJUNE 20202020 PARISHPARISH MAGAZINEMAGAZINE–– --line Free on Edition Serving the communities of: Christleton, Cotton Abbotts, Cotton Edmunds, Littleton and Rowton. Many of us may still be in a ‘Lock Down’ but all except the shielded and quarantined are permitted, even encouraged, to go out for a bit of fresh air & healthy exercise. How many new public footpaths have you discovered? But is the way forward clear? CONTENTS: Page: 3: The Rector’s Article 3: Money Matters 5: Who is this man? 5: .. and who is this man? 5: Churchyard update 6: Churches Together AGM 8: VE Day 10: Nature Notes 11: Beating the Bounds 15: May puzzle answers 19: Picture puzzle Who is this man? .. and who is this man? See page 5 See page 5 - 1 - PARISH CONTACTS: MAGAZINE: RECTOR: EDITOR: Rev'd Dr Stefan Collier Tel: 01244 335663 The editor is: Brian Inall
[email protected] Tel: 01244 336500
[email protected] (The Rector’s day off is normally Saturday) Deadline for submissions for the July magazine will OTHER CLERGY IN THE PARISH: be: Friday 19th June 2020. Rev'd Gill Hibbert Tel: 01244 336544
[email protected] COMMERCIAL ADVERTISING: John Eccles Rev'd Elizabeth Inall Tel: 01244 336500 Tel: 01244 336355
[email protected] [email protected] DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS CHURCHWARDENS: Joce Platel Bettie Gilliatt Tel: 01244 335645 Tel: 01244 332466
[email protected] Tina Lightfoot Tel: 07557 352592 for either warden: The Magazine subscription is currently £6 per year
[email protected] and normally runs from April to March, but during this Covid-19 crisis magazines will be free via the PARISH SAFEGUARDING OFFICER: website and will not be printed or delivered to Ann White Tel: 07762 774975 homes.