Amtrak Announces Changes
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• • .Voyager - page 4 VOL XVI, No. 3 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and saint mary's THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1981 NIPSCO cancels nuclear po-wer plant CHICAGO (AP) - The board of nuclear plant. directors of the Northern Indiana Although construction began in Public Service Co. voted yesterday 1974, the plant is reported to be on to cancel its planned Bailly Nuclear ly about l percent complete. Work Power Plant on l.ake Michigan, said at the plant stopped in 1977, when NIPSCO Chairman Edmond Schroer federal officials ordered a halt so in a statement released yesterday. they could examine plans for the Opponents have stalled the plant's foundation. Construction proposal for 10 years during which work never resumed at the site. time the estimated cost has risen A single boiling-water reactor was from S I H7 million to $1.8 billion. planned for the facility, which NIPSCO had said July 31 that the would have been part of a NIPsCO project might be abandoned if it network which serves the northern coninued to face legal and third of Indiana. regulatory problems. However, the In Januay, James G. Keppler, the company had been seeking approval highest-ranking NRC official in the from tht• Nudear Regulatory Com· Midwest, threw cold water on the mission to renew Its construction project by recommending that it be pnmit, which expired last year. scuttled. In a Jan. Stetter to NRC officials in Washington, Keppler said he "this is the first time a thought the nuclear reactor site was too close to Chicago. "We did not nuclear plant has believe it was approporiate," Kep been stopped (by pler wrote, "with today's public and political attitudes to build a new nwar announcing that Israel and Egypt would resume tbe public pressure)." plant this close to a major city." Prime Minister Menacbem Begin exchange a few baited autonomy talks. ( AP) Vollen said the plant failed to words sbort~y before their joint press conference comply with any of six siting criteria The proposed Bailly plant, located that has been proposed by an NRC 3'; miles from the Chicago l.oop, has task force - but not yet adopted by been opposed for a decade by en the agency - for nuclear power Second summit vironmental and other interest plants. groups who argued that it Is too AU of those criteria relate to the close to the metropolitan area. proximity of the plant to people, The coalition of groups also con Vollen said. Sadat, Begin discuss PLO tended the site, which abutts the In "I have been told this is the first diana Dunes National LakeshC:Jre time a nuclear plant has been ALEXANDRIA, Egypt (AP) - nations said that during their sum Strip, which Israel seized in the 196 7 between Gary, Ind., and Mlchlsan stopped (by public pressure)," said President Anwar Sadat and Israeli mit they dicusssed Israel's June 7 Arab-Israeli War. City, Ind., was an environmentally Vollen. "Other plants have been can Prime Minister Menachem Begin bombing of an Iraqi nuclear plant Begin rejected contacts with the unsound one on which to locate a celled for other reasons." said yesterday they will restart long and the Israeli bombing of Palestine Yasscr Arafat's PLO, which isfiBhting stalled talks on Palestinian liberation Organization targets In for a Palestinian state on Israeli autonomy. Beirut July 17 that killed at least 300 occupied land. The jewish state says But their two-day summit left un civilians. the PLO is a terrorist group bent on Shaefer assumes resolved key differences between Both aid they would not comment Irael's destruction. them, they indicated. on these talks, though Begin told "We can and have to distinguish Meeting reporters at Sadat's sum one reporter who broached the sub between the Palestinian Arabs and new music directorship mer home in this Mediterranean ject, "Israel never bombed Beirut, an organization called the PLO," port, the said the talks will resume my friend. You said rightly, the PLO Begin said. By ROGER WILKE Gerard Austin and Niels Rasmussen. Sept. 23 and 24 between their headquarters, not Beirut." Sadat told President Reapn in News .Stuff Schaefer also directed the Junior foreign ministers. No location was Begin and Sadat said they differ Washington this month that the Choir for the National Presbyterian given and neither would say over how Palestinian United States should opc:n a dialogue Edward E. Schaefer has asmed the Church in Washington D.C. and is a whether any pJ;"omises of conces representatives would be attracted with the PLO. Reagan refused new position of Director of liturgi faculty member of the National to the negotiations for the 1.2 mil sions were exchanged in the Sadat said he Is not insisting cal Music at Notre Dame's Sacred Training Program for Church lion Palestinians living on the West meetings. autonomy talks immedi2tely include Heart Church and hold a concurrent Musicians. The leaders of the once warring Bank of the Jordan River and Gaza instructorship in the music depart Palestinians. He also said he did not ment, said Provost Timothy recognize the PLO as the sole: repre O'Meara. sentative of the Palestinians on the Schaefer sald a great deal of his West Bank and the Gaza. work will be involving the "joining The sharpest diJference came up of the music and liturgy depart Amtrak announces changes when the leaders were asked if they ments with the ministry to develop believed Palestinian sc::If-rule was full expression of the groups as a possible without the PW. whole." He contends. that the Uni WASHINGTON (AP) - Amtrak, threatened earlier Builder" to replace the "North.Star." Sadat said, "lbere may be Vl'rslty has acquired a position this year by President Reagan's budget cuts, announced -The "Pacific International," will run between Seattle problems here and there." Begin where it can influence liturgical yesterday a route network that eliminates some un and Vancouver, B.C. said it was "not only possible, but it music on a national scale and he profitable trains but keeps most of the system Intact. In addition, Amtrak announced that two state Is necessary to achieve peace with would like to strengthen this posi Amtrak President Alan S. Boyd said 90 percent of supported trains, run by Amtrak - the commuter line out the PLO." tion. service now provided will continue after September, "Beacon Hill," between New Haven, Conn., and Boston, Egypt wants fuU judicial, ex So far, Schader plans no major when the 1982 fiscal year begins. and the "Black Hawk" between Chicago and Dubuque, ecutive and legislative powers changes in the liturgical depart A number of trains that have failed to attract enough Iowa - will be discontinued because the states did not extended to the Palestinians., in ef ment. He said he would like to first passengers to meet congressional requirements will be want to pick up the costs. fect a state. Israel, fearing its sc::curlty ellmiated, however, and trips along the successful The reduction in trip frequencies center along the "absorb what is going on." He will will b~t endangered, wants less also teach courses mixing music and Northeast Corridor as well as between Chicago and Mil Northeast Corridor between Boston and Washington power granted liturgy. waukee will be cur- but also aJJected a number of other trains around the As director of the Chapel Choir, country. The summit was the sc::cond in tailed. he said he hopes to improve the Boyd sald the new THURSDAY~,,y;w; The Amtrak Metrollners will be reduced from 27 to three months between the leaders. liturgy at Sacred Heart. His choir will 24 a day between Washington and New York and from They have pledged to work with the perform regularly at the 10:30 mass 10 to nine a day betw<;en Boston and New York. Boyd 1978 U.S.-sponsored Camp David ~~~::Suu:: e~:~~ • FOCUS accords to widen peace with other on Sundays and at the Sunday eve will allow the sys- . said the change will save Amtrak S13.4 million. ning vespers at 7: l 'i p.m. tem to operate with- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Boyd, who predicted earlier that service would have Arab nation opposed to Israel's ex Schaefer holds a bachelor of in the $735 million subsidy provided by Congress for to be cut by 15 percent to cope with the budget cuts, Istence. music degree in organ performance the next fiscal year. Amtrak originally had asked for said yesterday that costs had been cut by a variety of Sadat angrily called off the talks in from Southern Methodist Univer S960 million and said it could run the full system on means in addition to route changes, saving S87 million. early August of 1980 In response to sity, and two graduate degrees, one S842 million. Previous cost-cutting programs announced by Israel's annexation of Arab east In saued music and one in organ The Amtak trains that will stop running Oct. 1 are: Amtrak included a 25 percent reduction of headquar Jerusalem as Its eternally undivided performance. - the "Shenandoah", which runs from Washington ters staJJ and changes in food services. capital. The city's Arab sector, holy Before coming to Notre Dame, he to Cincinnati At a news conference after the Amtrak board of direc to Christians, Jews and Moslems studlt:d organ under "Donald Suther - the "North Star" an overnight train running be tors approved the route changes, Boyd said he contains the Dome of the Rock land, musicology under Ruth tween Chicago and St. Paul, Minn. expected the new routes to remain the same at least for mosque, one of Islam's most sacred Steiner, and liturgical studies under Amtrak will Introduce daily service on the "Empire the next two years.