llham . A . J Bliss, M orwe , Tavistock , Devon, England

W . J . Caparne , Rohais , Guernsey .

Cayeux Leclerc , Paris , France .

Mrs . Frances E . Cleveland , Eatontown , N . J .

- - F . Denis , Balaruc les Bains , (Herault) France .

B . H . Farr, Wyomissing, Pa .

Sir M ichael Foster, Shelford, Cambridge , England . ( 1836- 1907 )

W . E . Fryer, Mantorville , Minn .

oen mann Goos K e , N ieger Walluf , Germany .

Amos Perry, E nfield , Middlesex, England%

éturtevant Miss Grace , Wellesley Farms , Mass .

Eugene Verdier, France .

Andrieux, Vilmorin Cie . , Paris , France .

George Yeld, York, England . MAY FLOWERING IRIS

( Intermediate Bearded Iris)

BOY ( Fos . 1 913 ) S . violet ; F . velvety purplish

violet . — BOS N I AMAC (Fry . 1919 ) S . cream ; F . pale lavender

cream , orange beard . — 01 S . . BRIDE (Cap . 1 9 ) F pure white with primrose

colored beard , large flowers .

0 — CONSTANCE ( Cap . 19 1 ) Pearly white with falls

shaded blue . — DAUPHIN (Cap . 1901 ) Rich purple with very distinct

falls . — DOLPHIN ( Cap . 1901 ) S . ; F . velvety violet

purple .

— - DOROTHEA ( Cap . 1901 ) Porcelain white tinged with

lilac . — ETTA ( Cap . 1901 ) Very lovely pale cream , yellow

beard . — FRITJOF ( G . K . 1910 ) S . soft lavender ; F . soft

purple , shaded lavender, very large .

A A — H LFD M ( G . K . 1908 ) Pale yellow ; very good in

combination with purple and mauve Darwin tulips . — HELGE ( G . K . 1908 ) Pale yellow shaded . — HEREWARD (Cap . 1901 ) Light bluish violet . Stand - ards lavender white . B RG— INGE O Enormous , pure white flowers with distinct

golden beard .

1 — IVORINE ( Cap . 901 ) Very large , creamy white flower with gold markings at the base of the petals and - an orange beard . Fine with rose pink tulips .

1 — JOHN FOSTER ( Foster 19 3 ) S . F . white pale

cream beard .

K 1 0 — ING CHRISTIAN ( Cap . 9 1 ) A new fine white

variety with a yellow beard . — - MARS (Cap . 1901 ) Deep violet purple , blue beard . — REINETTE (Cap . 1901 ) White suff used with palest

lavender . — SARAH (Fos . 1908 ) A charming little hybrid . Flowers

delicate pearly white, borne in great profusion ; excellent ; begins to bloom with the Pumila Hybrids

and lasts a long time .

0 — WALHALLA ( G . K . 19 8 ) S . light blue ; F . velvety - violet purple large flower . TALL BEARDED IRIS ( POGONIRIS)

( Co mmonly known as German Iris)

D ozen Pri ce 1 1 — AFTERGLOW ( Sturt . 9 8 ) Soft greyish pink shading to

rich yellow through center . — ALBERT VICTOR S . soft blue ; F . beautiful lavender ; very

42 . large and fine flower . Height inches — A . . ALCAZAR (Vilm . 1910 ) giant in flower and growth S - d light bluish violet ; F . deep purple , with bronze veine i throat . One of the most magnificent and strik ng, com

pelling admiration by reason of its imposing stature .

— - r . AMAS S . bright blue ; F . deep pu ple violet One of the largest

and finest in its class . Height 32 inches . — i . AMBASSADEUR (Vilm . 1920 ) S . smoky redd sh violet ; F

dark velvety reddish violet , held almost horizontal , beard

yellow . Late . — m AMBIGU (Vilm . 1 916 ) S . s oky ; F . reddish brown , beard

yellow. — ANNA FARR (Farr . 1 913 ) S . white , lightly bordered pale

‘ blue ; F . pure white , pale blue marking at base ; immense

flower with large petals of great substance . Beautiful .

Height 36 inches . AR H E E l — C E i m . 11 . V QU (V 19 ) F deep velvety violet ; S . deep - purple violet ; immense flower ; very rich coloring . E sp eci ll fi 'l e gy fi planted near or together with Dawn . Height 7 inc es .

— - - S . ASIATICA light violet blue ; F . deep purple violet . — AUREA A yellow of beautiful form ; absolutely distinct from

the species of same name .

1 0 — - AURORA ( Fos . 9 9 ) Tall plant with pale lavender pink

shaded flowers and orange beard . l — C ev . 1920 S . AUTOCRAT ( ) bright clear blue ; F . veined with

darker blue , shading to lighter at edges , Very tall . AYMAR D 9 11 — . 1 S . (Den ) pale shade of violet ; F . paler with

a distinct veining of purple .

Z — - - . 1918 S . r A URE (Bliss ) lavende blue F . rich violet blue .

B ilm 1 — - V . 920 S . ALLERINE ( ) light violet blue ; F . deeper . 1 — BARBARA (Fos . 913 ) A pretty form of Cengialti with the s o oft blue c loring of Albert Victor .

6 — - . 1917 S . . BENBOW (Bliss . ) F deep violet blue BLACK PRINCE—One of the latest to open and perhap s the blackl sh deepest of all in color . S . purplish blue ; F . deep

purple . — k intense . dar 1 S . . BLUE JAY (Farr . 19 3 ) bright , clear blue ; F ,

30 . blue . Height inches — i . BRIDESMAID S . white , shaded silvery l lac ; F reticulated at

the base and slightly frilled, soft lilac . — 19 18 . CAMELOT (Bliss . ) White , edged pale violet — CANAR Y BIRD (Flavescene ) Light yellow . — 1904 S . . CAPRICE (Vilm . ) rosy red ; F deeper and richer rosy

24 . red , yellow beard . Height inches

— ' 0 S . CARMENCITA ( Clev. 192 ) soft rosy lilac , shaded old

gold at edges ; F . velvety crimson , edged lighter .

— - CARTHUSIAN Handsome hybrid . S . clear lavender blue ; F .

darker blue , reticulated brown at claw ; large and fragrant .

Height 2 feet . — v 1 20 S . . CAVALIER . ( Cle . 9 ) fine clear blue ; F deep velvety

- blue purple , white at throat with blue veins .

— - CELESTE S . F . pale blue . — CELIA (Yeld . ) Light bluish violet . — CE N GI ALTI Bright blue flowers .

— - CHELLES S . bright golden yellow ; F . bright red purple ,

beautifully reticulated . — l . CHERUBIN (Vi m . 1911 ) S . very pale lilac ; F pale lilac

thinly veined with purple . 1 — CHESTER J . HUNT (Farr. 19 3 ) S . celestial blue ; F . dark - marine blue, bordered pale blue , shaded at base ; stigmas

light blue . This variety should be planted with soft , pale ‘

yellows or whites . Height 27 inches . — CLEMATIS (Bliss . 1917 No Iris could be better named than

this uni%ue variety . The shape of the flower is very much

like an exceptionally fine Iris Kaempferi , or a large six

petaled clematis . All six segm ents of the flower reflex

horizontally. It is light , clear violet , with variable vein - w - fl ing at base . A strong gro ing , free owering , fragrant

variety . — S . CLIO F . fine lavender . Very strong growing .

m 0 - - Vil . 192 S . u CLUNY ( ) soft lilac bl e , F . a little darker. D ozen Pri ce — CORDELIA Exceptionally beautiful ; S . rosy lilac ; F . rich crim

- 24 . son purp le ; very fl orif erou s ; late . Height inches

— - CRIMSON KING Rich claret purple .

19 13 — - CRUSADER (Fos . ) Large , stout textured flowers , of

noble , clear blue , purer and more intense in color than

- any other . S . light violet blue ; F . a deep shade of the - - w same color ; orange yellow beard ; free fl o ering . This is one of the richest colored seedlings raised by the late % % 42 Sir Michael Foster, the Father of the Iris . Height

inches .

— h - 14 S . fles DALILA ( D en. 19 ) pale rich red purple , k with yellow beard . One of the most distinct and stri ing in color ; the falls are more red than any other variety ;

excellent . — 190 S . . DALMAR I U S ( G . K . 7 ) satiny grey ; F lilac with

silvery sheen . — DARIUS S . yellow ; F . lilac , margined white, with rich orange

beard .

— - DAWN (Yeld 1911 ) Our best sulphur yellow . The general

coloring I s that of Flavescens , but it is uni%ue in the way in which the throat is beautifully suffused with amber

yellow . Height 33 inches . — DE JAZE T (Vilm . 1914 ) A superb bronzy flower . —A DEMURE ( Sturt . 1918 ) blending of madder , rose and copper that glows dully in the sunshine and turns to rose

in the shadow . — DIMITY (Bliss . 1919 ) Pure white with faint veinings of blue

on margins of both S . F .

- DOMINION (Bliss . 1917 A wonderful Iris in a category all

its own . Large flowers , the standards of which are ’ D auphon s blue or light bluish violet , large , erectly held ,

well developed , and slightly veined . The falls , of excep ti onal substance , broaden out at the base to a deep , rich

- velvety purple . In the throat there is a light - veining of violet purple on white ground . Very pro

- nounced . orange beard Very broad blue green foliage .

— - S . r DONNA NOOK dark lavende blue ; F . bright purple, re l t ticu a ed white and brown . — DORA LONGDEN (Bliss . ) Flowers of good shape ; standards pale lavender suffused with yellow ; falls rich red lilac f suf using at haft and edged with yellow . A very richly

colored Iris . Strong growing and very free flowering .

8 D ozen Price — wi DRAKE (Bliss . 1 919 ) On the lines of Pallida Dalmatica, th - well shaped flowers of. the palest Cambridge blue . Beau

‘ - ao tiful and free fl owerin g , most charmin g and distinct on of count the pretty colori ng .

— a EDOUARD MICHELL (Verd . ) A grand Iris of imposing p pearan ce ; tall spikes with flowers of splendid shape ; broad - frilled standards , and falls of great Width ; self colored - flowers of a distinct , deep wine red . ilm 0 — ELDORADO (V . 19 1 ) One of the most distinct and rich

color combinations . S . yellowish bronze , shaded beautifully

- with heliotrope ; F . bright violet purple ; the center of the

flower golden yellow . Height 30 inches . — ELIZABETH S . white , heavily shaded lilac ; F . white , shaded

violet at the margin . — S . . 19 15 . E . L . CRANDALL (Farr ) pure white ; F white ,

heavily bordered deep blue at the base .

— - 1918 S . . . EMIR (Yeld . ) pale blue ; F rich dark purple blue — 913 S . . ERICH (Farr . 1 ) bright light lilac , flushed rose ; F bright violet- purple. — FAIRY Very beautiful ; white , delicately bordered and suff used

24 . soft blue . Height inches FLAVESCENS ( Canary Bird ) —Indispensable soft yellow for

0 . drifts of color . Height 3 inches — FLORENT INA (Queen Emma) Creamy white, faintly flushed

lavender ; very fragrant ; blooms very early . Height 24

inches .

BI — - - A . FON TAR E S . violet blue ; F rich violet purple , an early rf Germanica, but dwa er and bluer than the type . 1 0 — FOSTERS YELLOW (Fos . 9 9 ) Creamy yellow . — FRANCINA (Bliss . 1920) S . spotted and heavily veined with

reddish purple ; F . edged with similar color . Mme . Chereau w type , tall and slender , with ell shaped flowers . One of the

most novel and distinct of its type . — S . FREDERICK pale lavender ; F . lavender, barred with brown ;

. f very free One of the most ef ective for massing . — FR O . 1910 (G K . ) S . deep gold ; F . brilliant chestnut

brown . — . . 1906 S . GAJUS ( G K ) light clear yellow ; F . cri mson , reticu

lated white and yellow, with a clear yellow picotee edge . G — . S . LORY OF READING (Farr deep blue ; F . royal

purple , orange beard . D ozen Pri ce — . GOLIATH ( Cay . 1 908 ) After Prosper Laugier , but the F are

deep purple instead of crimson , and the S . are a paler

bronze . — GRACCHUS S . primrose ; F . veined and shaded purple ; a lovely

Iris , early . — a F . 1 20 s . GRE VI N (Vilm. 9 ) violet with yellow sh ding ; dark - violet with bright yellow veining .

— - v - GULES F . rich pansy iolet of enamel like smooth — ness the haft has brown veining on cream ground ; S . - is reddish lilac to red violet . The habit branching and it attains a height of 3 to 3 % feet ; very distinct ; a strong

grower and free bloomer .


— - - 1 . . . HALO (Yeld . 19 7 ) S lavender blue ; F violet blue

- — HER MAJESTY A charming color scheme in rosy lilac ; F .

deeper in color than S . and finely veined in a darker shade .

Height 20 inches . — HIAWATHA (Farr . 1913 ) S . pale lavender, flushed rose ; F .

royal purple , bordered lavender .

— - HONORABLE S . rich golden yellow ; F . velvety rose purple .

— - 1 . . HUGO (Farr. 19 3 ) S petunia violet ; F deep purple ; wide

spreading flower . Height 33 inches .

ZA— - INNOCEN Very useful , ivory white variety , with orange

beard ; delicately beautiful . Height 24 inches . — . . 90 IRIS KING ( G K 1 7 Very large massive flowers . S .

- old gold ; F . very broad , rich bright velvety crimson

maroon , margined with gold . Height 24 inches . — . 1 919 S . IROQUOIS ( Farr ) smoky lavender , dotted brown ; - F . black maroon , reticulated white at base .

— - . 1909 S . ISOLA (Fos ) light blue ; F . violet purple .

— - m . Vil 1904 S . ISOLINE ( ) silvery lilac ; F . purplish old rose ;

golden at the throat , yellow beard .

- . 19 15 S . JAMES BOYD (Farr ) clear light blue ; F . dark vio

let , tipped and edged lighter . UN I ATA — . 1909 J (Farr ) Tallest grower ; S . and F . clear blue ;

unusually long, drooping foliage .

1 — - KASHMIR WHITE (Fos . 1 9 3 ) The most beautiful of the

' white hybrids we owe to Sir Michael Foster. The flower 4 stems rise feet high and carry six large , pure white fl i flowers ; very or f erous. D ozen Pri ce

— - KHARPUT S . violet ; F . velvety violet purple ; very large hand

some flower ; flower stems long and rigid . J — S . . KNYSNA (Bliss . 1917 long , clear, deep yellow, arching ; F - 3 . deep velvety red brown; vigorous grower . Height feet

— - KOCHII S . and F . rich claret purple ; very handsome . Height

24 inches . — LA NEIGE (Verd . 1912 ) Solid , warm tone of white ; faint % lavender reticulation on the haft and yellow- powdered

f . 16 . beard . Falls are sti fly horizontal Height inches

191 - LADY FOSTER (Fos . 3 ) One of the noblest varieties in

the collection . Flowers unusually large , smooth, and

- stout textured ; splendid , bold, erect habit . S . pale blue ; .

F . light bluish violet , veined old gold at the broad throat .

He ight 3% feet .

' — W - LEDA (Farr . 1909 ) S . hite , frilled and dotted rose lilac ;

F . white . T R I E — LEWIS H OW BR DG (Farr . 1913 ) S . bright violet ; F . - blue violet , shaded rose ; very large flower with wide

standards and falls . Height 33 inches .

0 - LOHENGRIN (G . K . 19 1 ) A color scheme in shades of

- cattleya mauve ; very large flowers ; vigorous habit . Height

3 6 inches .

— - A . LORD OF JUNE noble Iris S . lavender blue ; - . bl e l r F rich violet u ; a ge flowers and bold , vigorous habit . _

Height 3 to 4 feet . — MADONNA e This is an interesting collected form regarded as

the type from which Princess of Wales is the white S port .

l 0 — % MAGNIFICA (Vi m . 192 ) Enormous flowers borne on stiff - . . i branching stems S light v olet blue ; F . dark reddish

violet brown stripes at base ; yellow beard , sweetly scente(with — . 1906 MA MIE (Cay ) One of the most beautiful varieties . S .

pure white , frilled lavender ; F . pure white , penciled and

margined lavender . Height 36 inches .

l - C ev. 1920 S . MANDARIN ( ) deep orange, shot with red ; F .

rich red . M — S . F . AORI KING rich golden yellow ; velvety crimson ,

margined gold . 918 — . 1 S . MARGARET MOOR (Bliss ) and F . reddish lilac .

— - - S . MARIE CORELLI primrose yellow F . rose purple , reticula

ted primrose . D ozen Price — MARY GARDEN (Farr . 1 913 ) S . pale yellow, flushed pale

lavender ; F . long and drooping , creamy white , minutely

dotted and veined maroon ; stigmas clear yellow. Height

28 inches .

’ R 1 1 — - MA Y GRAY (Farr . 9 3 ) S . clear lavender blue ; F . dark - lobelia blue .

— - MAY ROSE ( Clev . 1920 ) S . and F . soft bright rose pink . — S . . MEDRANO . (Vilm . 1920 ) and F a beautiful dark smoky

red . — 1905 S . MERCEDES (Verd . ) purplish lilac , shaded bronze ;

. F . white ground , dotted on edge with purple 1 914 — MIKADO ( Dem . ) One of the most distinct in color and

habit . Except for the orange beard , the whole flower is heliotrope with the falls a shade deeper than the

3 . standards . Height feet

— - 1913 S . MINNEHAHA (Farr . ) cream white , shaded yellow ; - ul F . cream white , heavily retic ated maroon , stigmas clear

yellow . 90 — A MIRAGE (Fos . 1 9 ) pale Queen of May with smaller - flowers ; S . lavender white ; F . lilac ; claw and haft show a - little bronze yellow . — 4 S . . MIRIAM ( Vilm . 1 90 ) palest lilac ; F pale lilac ground ,

richly veined with reddi sh purple .

- 1 10 . . MISS EARDLEY (Per . 9 ) S golden yellow ; F rich mad

- der red with yellow. 0 — MISS WILLMOTT (Fos . 1 91 ) This variety is unrivaled for

the stout and smooth , almost leathery texture of the pet

als . It is a fine white , sometimes pure , sometimes lightly

and variably washed with lavender . When at its best

it is a very noticeable plant , carrying its large white

bloom proudly . Sir Michael Foster regarded this as one

of his finest seedlings . l i — . 1909 Cen ia t MIST (Fos ) . ( Pallida x g ) Has the neat rounded typical flowers and habit of this cross with the lavender

blue of Albert Victor .

- MITHRAS ( G . K . ) Slight yellow ; F . brilliant wine red wi th

narrow border of deep yellow . — . 0 MME BLANCHE PION ( Cay . 19 6 ) S . soft bronzed yellow ; - F . lavender blue , silvery shaded margin . — ME . M S . CHEREAU white , edged blue ; F . frilled blue . PA — MME . CQUI TTE Rosy claret . D ozen Pri ce

- 20 S . . MOLIERE (Vilm . 1 9 ) dark violet ; F darker velvety

violet , veined brown at haft ; styles very large , dark yel

low ; beard yellow .

- A MONSIGNOR (Vilm . 1907 ) very beautiful piece of rich

coloring ; S . pale , unveined violet ; F . groundwork of same

shade but richly overlaid and veined , except for a broad

r . 24 . margin , with deep pu ple Height inches — 0 S . MONTEZUMA (Farr . 19 9 ) deep golden yellow, minutely

‘ dotted brown ; F . yellow and white , veined purple and

dotted brown .

— - 0 . MOUNT PENN (Farr . 19 9 ) S . lavender rose ; F crimson

lilac , deep orange beard .

0 — MRS . ALAN GRAY (Fos . 19 9 ) One of the most beautiful - Irises . The flowers have that neatness and self coloring noticeable in all the Cen gialty seedlings and are of a

delightful lilac shade derived from Queen of May, which gives one the impression of pink when comp aring it with

other Irises . It is uni%ue in generally bearing a second crop of flowers in August and no Iris is lovelier when

4 . massed in %uantity . Height 2 inches — MRS . HORACE DARWIN A cool white ; as yet unsurpassed 4 for massing ; F . slightly reticulated violet . Height 2

inches . — MR S . N E UBR ON N E R Very lovely deep golden self color .

‘ — MR S . RE UTH E A lovely flower . S . white , shaded and veined

- blue gray ; F . white , frilled soft blue ; very large and

handsome .

— - - NATIONAL S . violet blue ; F . rich velvety violet purple . 1 1 —' NAVAJO (Farr . 9 3 ) S . light bronzy yellow, shaded laven

der ; F . deep maroon , heavily veined white and yellow ;

stigmas yellow ; deep orange beard . — . 1916 . . NEPTUNE (Yeld ) S bright pale blue ; F . rich dark - purple blue . The tall branching habit sets off nobly its r la ge flowers and wide spreading falls .

— - — NIBELUNGEN S . fawn ; F . violet purple on bronze an art

shade of great attractiveness . A very vigorous variety . — 1909 . NINE WELLS (Fos . ) S light violet ; F . deep purple o r vi let, showing a white g ound at the throat . The stout are 4 tortuous stems feet long ; late flowering .

- - . 1915 S . NOKOMIS (Farr ) pale lavender white ; F . velvety - dark violet blue, bordered white .

13 D ozen Pri ce

’ B D ORA E —~ NU E G (Verd . 1905 ) S . slaty gray ; F . bronze and I purp e .

— - OPERA (Vilm . 1916 ) S . reddish lilac ; F . purple violet , very

dark and velvety . — ORIENTAL (Farr . 1913 ) S . clear blue ; F . rich .

— - t red. OSSIAN S . pale yellow ; F . clare — PALLIDA Lavender . — PALLIDA DALMATICA (Barr . ) The finest of the Flag Irises ; tall stem with very large pale blue flowers ; broad

foliage . Height 4 inches . — PAR I S I AN A A large flower of good and unusual coloring ; S . - white ground , dotted and shaded lilac purple ; F . white ,

30 . frilled at edge with lilac . Height inches — 1909 S . . . PATIENCE (Fos . ) grayish mauve ; F deep purple

— - 1 1é s. . . PAULINE (Farr . 9 ) and F rich pansy violet

’ — - PEACOCK S EYE S . olive gold ; F . bluish plum color, wi th a

gold border .

— - S . . . PENGE (Fos . 1913 ) light bluish violet ; F violet purple

1 0 — - PETIT VITRY ( Cay . 9 6 ) S . bright violet ; F . purple violet . — POCAHONTAS (Farr . 1915 ) S . and F . pure white , standards

faintly bordered pale blue .

— ’ POWHATAN (Farr. ) S . light bishop s violet , with deeper

border ; F . deep purple , shaded crimson ; large , horizontal , ’ spreading flower . Height 38 inches .

I I R — - PR M E . 1 ( Sturt 916 ) S . light gray lavender ; F . velvety - crimson purpl e .

- PRINCESS BEATRICE (Pallida Dalmatica) Light lavender . R — i . P INCESS ROYAL ( Sm th ) Deep lavender , blue S . and F . — PRINCESS VICTORIA LOUISE ( G . K 1910) S . sulphur

yellow ; F . rich p lum , bordered cream .

— - . 1914 S . PROSPER LAUGIER (Verd ) light bronze red ; F . - velvety ruby purple , with orange beard .

— - PURPLE KING ( Purple Prince ) Very eff ective , large flow - ered red purple variety of fine color . Height 24 inches .

14 Dozen Pri ce — QUAKER LADY ( Farr . 1909 ) S smoky lavender, shaded w1th yellow ; F. blue and old gold yellow stigmas and yel

38 . low beard . Height inches — QUEEN ALE%ANDRA (Farr . ) S . fawn , shot with lilac ; F . i lilac , reticulated bronze at base ; yellow beard . Very beau

0 . tiful variety . Height 2 inches

— - QUEEN CATERINA ( Sturt . 1918 ) Pale lavender violet, with

yellow beard ; white haft , veined with bronze — QUEEN EMMA (Florentine) Creamy white .

% QUEEN OF MAY—The most charming of the pink Fallidas ; e S . lilac ; F . purplish lilac or ros , large , free , very hand

some . — 0 . RAFFET (Vilm . 192 ) Uniform dark blue ; F being striped

at base with white ; beard yellow .

— - 1 . . RED CLOUD (Farr . 19 3 ) S rosy lavender bronze ; F velvety - maroon crimson , reticulated yellow ; stigmas old gold . — K . RHEIN NI% E ( G . ) Very charming form with large - flowers ; S . very large , white ; F . rich violet purple with a

narrow but distinct white edge . Height 36 inches .

— - RINGDOVE Very free fl owering and beautiful seedling with

boldly erect stems which often exceed 4 f eet in height . - S . large , pale lavender violet ; F . a shade deeper . The

variety is most . distinct having a band of still darker

color at the throat .

— - 1919 . . RODNEY (Bliss . ) S and F self violet blue .

— - 1 10 . ROSE UNIQUE (Farr . 9 ) S and F . violet rose .

— - - S . . RUBELLA ( Speciosa) rose lilac ; F crimson purple . — SARACEN (Fos . 1913 ) A very distinct plant with light

- violet standards , and deep purple violet falls , practically

the colors of Amas but smaller . The falls are long

oblong, hang vertically and show a bright yellow beard

and a uni%ue golden brown haft .

— - . 1914 S . SARPEDON (Yeld ) light violet blue ; F . deep purple vio et . —A SHALIMAR Tro%ana seedling of fine size and rich color, most remarkable for its branched habit which carrl es

numerous flowers .

-4 - - t . 1918 A SHEKINAH ( Stur ) pale lemon yellow, deepening through the centre ; the first clear yellow of Pallida

growth . Height 3 feet . SHELFORD CHIEFTAIN— A giant variety growing 4 or 5 feet

i . . i . h gh S l ght blue ; F a deeper shade of bright violet .

15 L 1 0 — - SHELFORD YEL OW (Fos . 9 9 ) Straw yellow .

- — SHERWIN WRIGHT Deep yellow . H — . 1 916 . S REWSBURY ( Farr ) S rosy bronze ; F . violet . W i purple , th lighter shade ; conspicuous orange beard .

— - STAMBOUL S . light blue ; F . rich violet blue ; of vigorous free-fl owering habit ; darker in color and broader in the

falls than Caterina which it most nearly resembles . — SYPHA% (Bliss . ) Exceptionally good form with large fl ow - ers . S . Pale violet ; F . deep crimson purple , boldly reti culated at the haft ; free flowering ; the falls hanging al

most fl at give the flowers a uni%ue shape . — 19 0 S . TAFFETA ( Clev . 2 ) brown shaded with blue and gold ;

F . fawn shot with blue .

1 04 — - TAMERLANE (Vilm . 9 ) Deep purple violet falls with

paler standards , is close to Tro%ana but rather earlier, a - flow rin magnificent tall bold free e g Iris .

1 — e - TARTARIN (Bliss . 19 9 ) Pal lilac lavender blue of two dis

tinct shades . — 1 10 S . f . TE CUMS E R (Farr . 9 ) clouded bu f ; F smoky violet,

yellow border . — 1 910 S . THORA ( G . K . ) white , tinging as they are with

blue ; F . deep purple , solid at the base , but at the throat

showing a white ground finely veined with dark purple .

— - TH OR BE CKE The best of its color . F . velvety black vi olet ;

24 . S . white . Height inches — TRISTRAM (Bliss . 1919 ) Standards of the clearest white . d Falls deep rich purple , richly reticu ated at haft . Most

distinctive and beautiful . — TROJANA A magnificent plant 3 to 4 feet high , with branched

spikes of large flowers . Needs a warm , dry situation and sometimes behaves badly in the matter of foliage after - - flowering . S . light vi olet blue ; F . deep purple violet . — VERBENA (Yeld . ) Deep velvety purple . — VIOLA (Fos . 1913 ) Light bluish violet .

— - VIOLACEA GRANDIFLORA S . rich blue ; F . violet blue

0 — - WINDHAM ( Farr. 19 9 ) S . soft lavender pink ; F . heavily

veined with darker shades . 0 — WYOMISSING (Farr . 19 9 ) S . creamy white , suffused deli

cate soft rose ; F . deep rose at base , shading to flesh

colore d border.


( Japanese Iris)

— AZ URE Six petaled , soft mauve , blue . — BLUE JAY Six petaled , blue . D — GOLD BOUN Six petaled , white .

— - KAMATA Three petaled , deep .

— - NORMA Six petaled, lavender pink with blue halo .

' — - PRINCE CAMILLE DE ROHAN Six petaled, purple violet .