(11th Session)




to be asked at a sitting of the National Assembly to be held on

Monday, the 12th May, 2014

136. *Ms. Shaista Pervaiz: (Deferred during 9th Session)

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state:

(a) the time by which the additional energy requirements of the textile sector will be met in order to take benefits from GSP Plus scheme given by the European Union; and

(b) the mechanism devised to comply with the conditionalities of said scheme?

Transferred to Water and Power Division for answer on next Rota Day.

137. *Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the amount of foreign exchange earned by the pharmaceutical sector during the last two years; and

(b) the incentives being given to improve the said sector?

Minister for Commerce (Eng. ): (a) A total amount of US$ 358252 was earned from the export of Pharmaceutical sector during the last two years. Breakup is as under:— 2 ————————————————————————————— Year Value in “000” US$ ————————————————————————————— 2011-12 158,387 2012-13 169,865 ————————————————————————————— Total: 328252 ————————————————————————————— (b) Assistance in Marketing Abroad Exhibitions are arranged by TDAP for promotion of exports in different sectors. The exporters of pharmacutical sector have been invited to attend following exhibitions in the year 2013-14 to market their products in overseas markets:— —————————————————————————————— Exhibition Particulars Region —————————————————————————————— 1. Medical Dusseldorf, Germany, 20-13 Nov. 2013 Europs 2. Hospital Expo, Jakarta, Indonesia, 6-9 Nov. 2013 3. Arab Health, Dubai UAE, 27-30 January, 2014 4. Korea Int’s Medical & Hospital Equipment Show, Asia Other than South Korea, 12-24 March, 2014 China 5. The 15th SE-Asian Healthcare Show, Malaysia, 24-26 April 2014 6. 16th Inti Exhibition of IRAN Health 2013 (Iran Med- Iran Lab-Iran Pharm) 18-21 May 2014 7. Saudi Health, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 18-20 May 2014 8. Hospital 21-24 May, 2014, Brazil USA 9. Mediconex, Cairo Health, 17-19 April 2014 Cairo, Egypt. Africa —————————————————————————————— Pharma Trade Delegation to Vietnam ,Cambodia & Laos

An eleven members Pharma Trade Delegation visited Vietnam, Cambodia Laos from September (09 - 16), 2013. TDAP arranged business interaction meetings of the delegates with the trade associations / chambers / buyers in three countries as well as for provision of logistics, interpreters and transportation facilities alongwith leaflet on delegates / company profiles for distribution in these places during B2B meetings. The Delegation consisted of eleven Pakistani companies dealing with a wide range of medicines, nutritional supplements, Tablets, Antibiotic medicines (Analgesics, Anti-diabetics, Anti-ulcers, Anti-allergies), Herbal Medicines, Eye-drops, ophthalmic preparations, Intravenous irfusion / dialysis solutions, calcium, vitamins, syrups, specialty cosmetics etc. 3 197. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan be pleased to state:

(a) the steps taken by the Government for rehabilitation of the people of those areas of Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan who have been badly affected by natural disasters during the year 2012- 13 till date; and

(b) the name of authority established to deal with the said disasters?

Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gil-git Baltistan (Mr. Muhammad Berjees Tahir): Reply of Gilgit-Baltistan (a) & (b) In the year 2012-2013 some natural disasters occurred in Gilgit-Baltistan. Cases regarding rehabilitation/compensation are in pipeline and two rehabilitation/ compensation cases of District Ghizer were approved and funds are placed at the Disposal of GBDMA.

In district Ghizer two villages namely Dalnati and Sosat were badly affected due to flashfloods in June/July, 2013. In these floods 19 houses were completed damaged including loss of prosperity and trees. The GB Govt has approved a sum of Rs. 4.667 million for the affectees regarding reconstruction and compensation as per approved policy of KA&GB.

Gilgit-Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GBDMA), Govt of Gilgit-Baltistan

Reply of AJ&K

During years 2012-13 the following damages were reported:

i. 85 lives death ii. 40 injured iii. 1020 houses completely damages iv. 662 houses partially damages v. 35 shops destroyed vi. 120 cattle perished. 4 Response :

- Population was immediately rescued/evacuated to the safer places from threatened areas.

- Compensation appropriately as per approved scale in vogue in AJK and property losses was provided.

- Affectees were provided with shelters/tents and other Non Food items to protect them from any disaster situation.

- One month food packegus were also provided to affectees.

State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), Govt of AJ&K

201. *Ms. Shakila Luqman: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state:

(a) Whether it is a fact that a large number of power looms and sizing sectors have been closed in the country; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the total number of employees who have been rendered jobless therefrom?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): (a) The export data of last eight months shows an increase in exports of cloth, which is an evidence that the said sub-sectors are showing progress and are not facing threat of closure:— —————————————————————————————— 2014 2013 % age Products Jul-Mar Jul-Mar Change —————————————————————————————— Cotton Cloth Qty (M. Sq. Mtrs) 1764.780 1571.980 12.26 Value (M.$) 2125.210 1986.278 6.99 —————————————————————————————— Sizing is an intermediary process before loom and as mentioned in the table if cloth exports increased then sizing would also be working. Further, the overall exports show that there is an increase of downstream products as well. 5 (b) Exports have increased which shows that loom operations have increased compared to previous year and more personnel would be employed to produce more fabric.

206. *Ms. Munaza Hassan: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that import consignments of raw material of cloth, steel sheet, machinery, auto parts and other various items are being cleared under the disguise of industry;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the national exchequer faces loss of tens of millions of rupees monthly due to said corruption; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?

Already replied by Revenue Division on 09-05-2014.

210. *Mr. Waseem Akhtar Shaikh: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that has not been qualified so far to become Member of Hilal Board of the World; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Ministry to make Pakistan Member of said Hilal Board?

Already replied by Science and Technology Division on 05-05-2014.

121. *Ms. Parveen Masood Bhatti:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the facilities being provided by the Government to common man with reference to GSP Plus status given to Pakistan by European Union at present; and 6 (b) the impacts of devaluation of dollar on the exports of the country?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) GSP Plus allows duty free access on agricultural and industrial finished and semi-finished goods to the European Union w.e.f. 1st January, 2014. The European Parliament had granted GSP Plus status to a few selected countries which undertook to ratify and implement 27 International United Nations Conventions (list attached) pertaining to Human Rights, Labour Rights, Climate Change, Narcotics Control and Good Governance. The Government of Pakistan has ratified all these 27 Conventions and is committed to implement in letter and spirit for ensuring Good Governance and Sustainable Development. The Implementation of Conventions are nothing new nor are they an additional responsibility or burden imposed on the Government. In fact the Constitution of Pakistan and the ethos of Islam contain and guarantee all of the provisions that are contained in these Conventions. Other than improving the human rights condition and providing for better working conditions, it is anticipated that GSP Plus status will result in the following: i. increase in our export to European Union by US$ 1.5 billion in one year. ii. There will be creation of around 100,000 more jobs in textile sector alone. (b) The devaluation and stability of the Pakistani Rupee viz -a-viz the US$ is likely to have a positive impact in the long run since it will make our exports ‘cheaper’ and hence internationally competitive. The analys is of dollar devaluation for the period from june, 2013 to March, 2014 and its impact on the exports of Pakistan is given in table below: ——————————————————————————————————————————— Month Exports Growth Exchange Exchange (2013-14) Rate (%) Rate (2012-13) Rate (2013-14) (1 US$=Rs.) (1US$Rs.) ——————————————————————————————————————————— July 2 0 94.38 100.8 August 1.9 -5 94.47 102.3 September 2.6 36.84 94.59 104.6 October 1.8 -30.77 95.35 105.9 November 1.8 0 95.99 107.2 December 2.2 22.22 97.19 106.3 January (2014) 2.1 -4.55 97.47 105 February 2.1 0 97.97 108 March 2.2 4.77 98.06 99 ——————————————————————————————————————————— Average 96.16 104.34 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 7 Comparison of exchange rate during July-March, 2013 with July-March 2014 shows that on 9 months average basis Rupee appreciated to 104.34 from 96.16.

Notwithstanding rupee appreciation, the export date analysis transpires monthly exports, range from US$ 1.8 billion to US$ 2.8 billion during 9 months of CFY. Export stands at US$ 2.1 billion during February 2014 (Exchange rate is Rs. 108 versus 01 US dollar) against US$ 2.2 billion during March 2014 (exchange rate at Rs. 99 versus 01 US dollar). It means exports elasticity to changes in exchange rate is inconclusive. It also suggests that structural issues effecting productivity and demand orientation may have more bearing on export growth.


Core human and labour rights UN/ILO Conventions

1. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (1948).

2. International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965).

3. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966).

4. International Covenant on Economic social and Cultural rights (1966).

5. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979).

6. Convention Against Torture and other Cruel. Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (1984).

7. Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

8. Convention concerning Force or Compulsory Labour, No. 29 (1930).

9. Convention concerning Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise, No. 87 (1948).

10. Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and to Bargain Collectively. No. 98 (1949) 8 11. Convention concerning Equal Remuneration of Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value No. 100 (1951).

12. Convention concerning the Abolition of forced Labour, No. 105 (1957).

13. Convention concerning Discrimination in Respect of Employment and Occupation. No. 111 (1958).

14. Convention concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment, No. 138 (1973).

15. Convention concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour, No. 182 (1999).

Conventions related to the environment and to governance principles

16. Convention on International trade in Endangered Specials of Wild Fauna and Flora (1973).

17. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (1987)

18. Basel convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous wastes and Their Disposal (1989).

19. Convention on Biological Diversity (1992).

20. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1992).

21. Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety (2000).

22. Stockholm convention on persistent Organic Pollutants (2001).

23. Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (1998).

24. United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs (1961).

25. United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Substances (1971).

26. United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988).

27. United Nations Convention against Corruption (2004). 9 122. *Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government for the rehabilitation of closed units/ industries of looms and garments in the country?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): During July- March 2013-14 cloth exports have increased by 7%, woven garments by 9% and knit garments by 10% compared to same period of previous year. —————————————————————————————— Products 2014 2013 % age Jul-Mar Jul-Mar Change —————————————————————————————— Cotton Cloth Qty (M. Sq. Mtrs) 1764.780 1571.980 12.26 Value (M.$_) 2125.210 1986.278 6.99 Hosiery & Knitwear

Qty (M. Doz) 84.248 73.386 14.80 Value (M.$) 1667.748 1513.292 10.21 Ready Made Garments Qty (M. Doz) 21.806 19.971 9.19 Value (M.$) 1430.430 1308.002 9.36 —————————————————————————————— The Ministry of Textile Industry is in process of drafting Textiles Policy 2014-19 in which one of the prime objective is to operationlize the technology up- gradation scheme to upgrade and encourage investment in shuttle less loom and garments sector.

123. *Rai Hasan Nawaz Khan:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to refer to Starred Question No.212 replied on 7th April, 2014 and to state: (a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to revise Textile Policy, 2009-14; if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof; 10 (b) the details of disbursement of billions of rupees made under the said policy; and

(c) whether present tariff lines are favouring Pakistan particularly with reference to tariff lines of neighbouring countries?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): (a) Yes. The textile policy is being revised and being redesigned by the Ministry, which will be completed by the 30th of June, 14 and will be implemented for the next five (5) financial years i.e. 2014-2019.

(b) The Cabinet, while approving the Textiles Policy 2009-14 approved financing plan of Rs. 188.6 billion, however, up till now a total of only Rs. 28.75 billion have been released by the Finance Division.


——————————————————————————————————————————— Scheme 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 Total ——————————————————————————————————————————— EFS Support 0.83 1.28 0.34 0.262 1.7 4.412 DLTL 3.6 4 5.61 1.355 1.3 15.865 Mark-up Support 0.52 0.33 — 0.204 0.35 1.404 Past R&D Claims 3 0.49 0.01 — 0.045 3.545 Monteization of PTA 1.7 1.38 — — — 3.08 Increased Employment — — 0.035 — — 0.035 ———————————————————————————————————————————

Brief on Schemes and disbursement procedure as per the Notification Order is attached as Annexure-A.

(c) Yes. The present tafiff lines are in accordance with the requirements of classification.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

124. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state the country- wise textiles products which are being exported at present alongwith the details thereof? 11 Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): Pakistan Textiles and Clothing Exports during July to 10th April 2013-14 were Rs 1,118 Billion (Source: FBR). Pakistan exports were in 711 HS Tariff Lines to 193 countries in said period. USA, China, UK, Germany, Bangladesh are Pakistan’s top 5 export partners and our exports of top five products to these countries are placed as Annexure-I. Details of our export to all countries product wise is placed as Annexure-II.

(Annexure have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

125. *Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government for the welfare of Overseas Pakistanis during the year 2013-14?

Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi: Overseas Pakistanis Foundation has initiated following welfare measures for the welfare of overseas Pakistanis during the year 2013-14:

“ Established NADRA Swift Center at OPF HQ for issuance of National Identity Cards for overseas Pakistanis (NICOP) with effect from 12.12.2013.

“ Free transport bus shuttle service has been launched at Islamabad airport with effect from 2.11.2013 for dropping passengers within city limits of Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

“ An amount of Rs. 2.3 million has been disbursed amongst the earthquake affected families of overseas Pakistanis in District Awaran, Balochistan.

“ 654 complaints relating to property disputes were received overseas Pakistanis, out of which 457 have been settled and remaining 197 are under process.

“ 756 death compensation cases were received out of which 214 were settled. An amount of Rs.235.41 million has been disbursed amongst 400 beneficiaries. Remaining are under process. 12

“ 94 dead bodies of overseas Pakistanis were transported to their home towns through OPF Ambulance.

“ Airport facilitation counters for overseas Pakistanis have been established in 2013 at Sialkot, Gwadar & Turbat.

126. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Pakistani fishermen arrested and injured by India in the maritime belt of Pakistan during March, 2014; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government so far in this regard?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: (a) The total number of Pakistani prisoners arrested by India in the maritime belt of Pakistan during March 2014 is twenty (20).

Injured: None of the fishermen arrested by the Indian authorities were reported injured to this Ministry. It may be pertinent to mention here that The Indian Ministry of External Affairs provides Consular Access to Pakistani prisoners four times a year at three places i.e. Amritsar, Jaipur and Delhi. Once our Mission is granted Consular Access to prisoners reportedly of Pakistani origin, it is in a position to report on their physical well being / otherwise. Since the said incident took place in March 2014, therefore, consular access to these fishermen is still awaited. Hence, this Ministry is not in a position to comment on the fishermen’ physical condition.

(b) Incident - 15 March 2014 (13 fishermen arrested):

PMSA informed on March 15, 2014, that Indian authorities captured a Pakistani fishing boat, Jeay - Latif, from an area near Khajar Creek adjacent to Thatta, while fishing. The boat was having 13 crew members onboard.

The steps taken by the Government so far in this regard:

(a) The very same day, Director General (South Asia & SAARC), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, summoned the Indian Dy. High Commissioner to the Foreign Office and demarche in connection with the said incident was served upon him. 13 (b) This Ministry wrote to the High Commission for Pakistan in New Delhi to take up the matter with the Indian authorities.

(c) High Commission for Pakistan, New Delhi, March 18, 2014, took up this matter with the Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), requesting to arrange consular access to these Pakistani fishermen at the earliest.

Incident — 20 March 2014 (07 fishermen arrested):

On March 20, 2014, the Fishermen’s Cooperative Society informed that the Indian authorities arrested seven more Pakistani fishermen from Khajar Creek on 17-03-2014. However, this time reportedly, they did not carry the boats accompanying with them.

The steps taken by the Government so far in this regard:

(a) This Ministry upon receipt of the said letter from Fishermen’s Cooperative Society wrote to the Ministry of Defence and Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) for the confirmation of the said incident, enabling it to take it up with the Indian authorities. The response from neither of the two has reached this Ministry so far.

127. *Ms. Belum Hasnain:

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to conduct Local Government elections in the FATA;

(b) if so, when it will be implemented alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for States and Frontier Regions (Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Abdul Quadir Baloch): (a) The Goverment is actively considering extension of Local Governments Laws in FATA for which the consultation is already underway. As and when the Local Governments system in FATA is finalized and necessary Laws framed, the Government fully intends to conduct Local Governments Elections in FATA.

(b) No time frame can be given due to the prevalent Law and Order situation in FATA. 14 128. *Dr. Arif Alvi:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to open an Office of Indian Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi and an Office of Pakistani Deputy High Commissioner in India; if so, when it will be implemented;

(b) whether it is a fact that it was not considered as a condition to open Khokhrapar Monabao land route; if so, the reasons thereof;

(c) the total number of persons who have travelled to India from Sindh on daily basis alongwith the comparison thereof with rest of the country;

(d) the total number of visas being issued by both countries to the citizens on daily basis alongwith the changes made therein during the last five years till date; and

(e) whether there is also any proposal under consideration of the Government to increase the number of visas; if so, the steps being taken in this regard?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: (a) Currently, there is no such proposal under consideration at this Ministry. However, the two sides have discussed this issue from time to time to reopen the Consulate of Pakistan in Mumbai and Consulate of India in Karachi to facilitate the nationals of the two countries.

(b) The rail link agreement between two countries via Munabao (India) and Zero Point Railway Station near Khokhrapar (Pakistan) was signed on 31 October 2006. This remains on the agenda of Pakistan-India talks and once infrastructure on both sides is built, land route may be considered. The schedule of the train service plying between the two countries along the same route is:

“405 UP Thar Express leave Karachi at 2345 hours on every Friday and reaches Khokhrapar at 0725 hours reaches Zeropoint at 0745 hours on Saturday. 406 DN Thar Express reaches Zeropoint at 1400 hours on Saturday and reaches Karachi at 0100 hours on Sunday.” 15 (c) This Ministry does not keep a track / record of Pakistani citizens travelling to India from anywhere in the country including Sindh. Ministry of Interior and Immigration / Emigration Department would be better equipped to respond to this query. However, it may be pointed out that Sindh hosts about 93.3% of Hindu population (of the total 700000 Hindus residing in Pakistan). Therefore, a bulk of Pakistani Indian passengers is from Karachi and other parts of Sindh.

(d) The record of the total number of visas issued by the Indian High Commission to Pakistani citizens is not shared with this Ministry. However, the total number of visas in different categories (from 2008 to 2013) issued by the High Commission for Pakistan, New Delhi, is 263,375. On an average therefore, the High Commission for Pakistan, New Delhi has issued 200 visas on daily basis.

(e) Currently, there is no such proposal under consideration. The issuance of visas by both Pakistan and India is governed by Visa Agreement signed in September 2012, which cater for visas in following categories:

i. Diplomatic Visa ii. Non-Diplomatic Visa iii. Official Visa iv. Visitor Visa v. Transit Visa vi. Group Tourist Visa vii. Business Visa viii. Pilgrim Visa ix. Visa on Arrival

129. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Gawadar Port is being utilized in order to enhance imports and exports;

(b) if so, the facilities being provided to importers and exporters at the said port at present?

Transferred to Ports and Shipping Division for answer on next Rota Day. 16 130. *Ms. Tahira Aurangzeb:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the number of Pakistanis imprisoned in Saudi Arabia and Malaysia at present; and

(b) whether it is a fact that those detainees are not being treated properly in jails; if so, the steps taken by the Ministry for repatriation?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: (a) As per information received form host government, currently 809, 700 & 320 Pakistani prisoners are imprisoned in various jails/detention centers of Riyadh, Jeddah & Malaysia respectively.

(b) The general living conditions for the detainees in the jails of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are good. The inmates are provided with all the basic necessities of life including reasonable accommodation, food and health care facilities. Moreover, during the routine visits of the jails under taken by the officials of the Missions, no complaints have so far been received from Pakistani prisoners regarding their maltreatment by the jails authorities.

However, it has been observed that the prisoners even after completion of their terms of awarded sentences are deported back to their respective countries after a considerable delay. This is due to the procedural delays by the Saudi Authorities in completing pre departure formalities. This issue has been regularly highlighted by the Mission with the relevant Saudi Authorities at a appropriate level.

Following steps have been taken by our mission in Malaysia to help & assist the detainees:—

• During last year, regular consular visits were undertaken to extend consular assistance to detained Pakistanis in Prisons / Immigration Detention Centers.

• During visit to Immigration Detention Centers, the detainees were provided telephone facility to communicate with their relatives. For the prison detainees, their messages were recorded and subsequently conveyed to their families. 17 • Most of the detainees in Immigration Detention Centers did not possess copies of CNIC /Passports which are essentially required for issuance of Emergency passports.

• All possible assistance is being extended to the Pakistanis detained in Immigration Detention Centers / Prisoners. Blank passport forms are being delivered at all immigration Detention Centers and travel documents are issued and delivered on gratis basis.

• Generally, the detainees express inability to bear the expenses for the purchase of one way air ticket. The mission arranges air tickets through philanthropic community besides utilizing PCW 86 E Fund. In year 2013, 47 such tickets were arranged through different sources.

• In order to provide legal assistance to the detainees, a law firm was engaged in the past and services were hired on retainer ship basis for the period of six month, which were later terminated. The Mission is now looking for other suitable firm for hiring. Meanwhile, the families of detainees are informed to arrange legal aid.

• The prospects of felicitation of medical team to provide medical facilities to the Pakistani detainees in prisons/ detention center are also being looked into.

Following assistance is being provided to the non-detainees / ill legal immigrant:

As a matter of policy the immigration authorities impose fine and sentence in jail which vary from three (3) to six (6) months in all illegal immigrants before allowing them to leave Malaysia. The fines vary from RM, 1100 to 3100 depending upon the length of their overstay period. The prime concern of our overstayed Pakistani is to avoid apprehension / arrest.

The majority of illegal Pakistanis expressed their inability to fine heavy fines which cost them lot of money in addition to the purchase of one way air tickets. After a number of meetings with Malaysian authorities it was negotiated that as a special case, all illegal Pakistanis would pay a fine of RM 500 per person regardless of their period of overstay without any arrest or apprehension. Till date, cases of 249 Pakistani Nationals who become illegal due to over stay have been processed and got cleared from authorities without any arrest. 18 131. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the steps being taken by the Government for the promotion of Cricket in the country; and

(b) the year-wise loss suffered by the country due to hiring of the foreign coach for cricket during the last three years till date?

Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): (a) Pakistan Cricket Board has taken following steps for the promotion digame of cricket in the country:

1. U-16 Talent Hunt Cricket Program in 50 districts across the country since 2007-2008.

2. Pre-tournament camps for U-16 players at Regions on annual basis.

3. Regional U-16 Tournament on annual basis.

4. Advance Coaching Program (4 Weeks) at National Cricket Academy for 24 top performers during U-16 Region& Teams Tournaments on annual basis.

5. Holding of Regional U-19 Academies on annual basis.

6. High Performance Camp (6-8 Weeks) for Emerging Players at National Cricket Academy on annual basis.

7. Specialized Coaching Camps at National Cricket Academy for the development of Domestic players (Fast Bowlers, Spinners, Wicket Keepers and Batsmen).

8. U-19 Fast Track Coaching Program for the enrichment of young players at National Cricket Academy every year.

9. Development of High Performance Cricket Centers at all 12 Regions in process linked with PCB cricket Centre of Excellence (National Cricket Academy). Karachi and Multan Centers are almost ready to be operational. 19 10. Coaching Course (Level I, II, III & IV) to educate contemporary cricket skills to coaches throughout the country to develop the players at grass root level.

11. Physical Training Courses to educate Regional / Local Trainers the modern day training needs for fitness of Regional / Local players.

12. Physiotherapy Courses/Workshops for Regional Physiotherapists to a keep them equipped with latest physiotherapy techniques to cope with players injuries.

13. Skill Performance Courses to groom Regional/Department Teams Cricket Analysts.

(b) The remuneration package given to the foreign coach of the National Cricket Team was as per prevailing rates of International Cricket coaches.

Coaching positions are immensely important and those skills which are not available in the country are outsourced, This trend is followed all over the world, Hence no loss has been suffered in this regard.

132. *Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that livestock have been exported during the year 2013-14; if so, the details thereof; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the Government of Saudi Arabia has imposed ban on the import of dairy products; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) During the year 2013-14, a total of 13,875 animals (8,995 cattle/buffalo and 4,880 goat/ sheep) were exported from July-September 2013-14. The Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet imposed ban on commercial export of live animals with effect from 1st October 2013.

(b) There is no official ban on the export of dairy products from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia. But there has been very limited export of dairy products to Saudi Arabia. Only honey and butter fats & oils derived from milk are being exported in 20 meager quantity. Saudi Arabia has the world top dairy companies and is self- sufficient in dairy & its products and rather exporting dairy products to other countries.

133. *Begum Tahira Bukhari:

Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to develop tourism in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa particularly in Kaghan and Swat Valleys and Northern Areas?

Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): Under the 18th Constitutional Amendment, the development of tourism in Pakistan has been devolved to the Provinces with effect from 5th April, 2011, However, PTDC had developed 35 motels, 01 Hotel and four (4) Restaurants before the 18th Constitutional Amendment, Detail of all such resorts/motels including those located in Khyber Pahtunkhwa. Kaghan, Swat and Giigit-Baltistan at Annexure-I. Steps are being takes is rehabilitate/uplift these resorts. Detail of additional steps already taken is also attached at Annexure-II. 21 22 Annex-II


The Government has taken following steps to promote tourism during the last five years:

(i) Revamping/remodeling of PTDC’s Tourist Information Centres.

(ii) Establishing of Tourist Facilitation Centres in Provincial Headquarters.

(iii) Tourist friendly countries have been increased from 2 to 26 for grant of Visa on arrival (VOA) for one month validity and multiple entries for group travel through designated Tour Operators.

(iv) Pakistan missions aboard have been authorized to grant tourist/visit visa for 3 months validity and stay with double entry.

(v) Creation of awareness for domestic tourism through print and electronic media\Special discounted tour packages have been introduced to encourage students, families and group to explore Pakistan.

Besides, following specific actions have been taken during this period.

• Institutionalization of inter provincial ministerial meetings for enhanced inter provincial coordination on tourism promotion. • Enhanced participation in international and domestic tourism events. • Tourism promotional events organized by PTDC • Review of National Tourism Policy • Introduction of domestic tour packages • Production & distribution of tourism promotional material • Publicity through print media • Operation of international bus services. 23 134. *Begum Tahira Bukhari:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the total number of prisoners repatriated to and from India, USA, Iran and Afghanistan during the period from 2008 to 2013?

Transferred to Interior Division for answer on next Rota Day.

135. *Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistan and Human Resource Development be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the demand for Pakistani workers has been Increased abroad during the year 2013-14; if so, the names of countries thereof;

(b) the number of institutions established for the training of said workers so far alongwith the locations thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken by the Overseas Pakistanis Foundation to increase and speed up the training activities thereof?

Minister for Overseas Pakistanies and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Saddaruddin Shah Rashidi): (a) The data of migrant workers is maintained as per calendar year. The overall number of migrant workers sent abroad has slightly decreased in the year 2013 as compared to the year 2012 (from 638587 to 622714). However, in some countries the export of manpower has increased in the same period; names of those countries are at Annex-A.

(b) It is not the mandate of this Ministry to establish training institutes for the training of workers. However. Overseas Employment Corporation has established three Korean Language Centers at Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore for the intending emigrants to South Korea.

(c) Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) is only concerned with the welfare of the Overseas Pakistanis (OPs) and their families. In this regard, OPF has taken/is considering to take the following steps for training of the children of OPs as a welfare measure: 24 • OPF has established one Vocational Training Center in 2013 at Peshawar.

• Four (4) new Vocational Training Centers are proposed to be established in Swat (KPK), Sindh, Balochistan and Southern Punjab.

• OPF has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Technology Up-gradation & Skills Development Company (TUSDEC) for imparting Vocational Training.

• Collaboration with other organizations:

9 Imparting Vocational Training in colloboration with Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund (PPAF) in National Logestic Cell (NLC), Dina, Punjab.

9 Army Nursing Institute, Lahore – Proposal under consideration.

9 National University of Modern Languages (NUML) – Capacity building for trained Nurses Proposal under c onsideration.


Name of the countries where export of manpower increased for year 2013 as compared to the year 2012.

Name of Country Year 2012 Year 2013

United Arab Emirates 182630 273234 Iraq 32 951 Jordan 279 345 Kuwait 5 229 Libya 1872 4543 Malaysia 1309 2031 Qatar 7320 8119 United States of America 164 226 South Korea 759 1197 Azerbaijan 3 98 25 136. *Ms. Asyia Naz Tanoli:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether Pak. Afghan Joint Chamber of Commerce and Industry has become operational;

(b) whether the issuance of multiple visas to Business community has started;

(c) the total number of members that have adopted for its membership, so far;

(d) the number of sectors in which investment is being made presently in Afghanistan; and

(e) the expected/estimated increase in the said trade till the year,2015 in terms of millions of dollars?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) Yes, it has become operational by both sides since 1St Feb 2012.

(b) Yes, Afghan Embassy in Pakistan has started to issue multiple visas to the Pakistani Businessmen who are members of Pak-Afghan Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry for six months from January 2014.

(c) Afghan Chapter of Pak-Afghan Joint Chamber of Commerce & Industry consists of 219 members while Pakistan Chapter consists of 188 members; totaling 407 members of the Joint Chamber.

(d) This relates to the Board of Investment.

(e) Ministry of Commerce has initiated the process to assess the estimated rise in trade with Afghanistan till 2015 taking in to account the relevant economic as well as political parameters of the relationship. As this is a time consuming exercise, the answer to this query will be submitted to honourable parliamentarians on conclusion of this exercise. 26 137. *Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the proper medical service/treatment is not being provided to the patients of chronic Cancer and labor pain by a number of public hospitals in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) at present; if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) the prescribed procedure to procure medicines for the said hospitals; and

(c) the steps taken by the Ministry to control/decrease the prices of medicines in the FATA?

Minister of States and Frontier Regions (Lt. General (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch): (a) Health Directorate FATA has a network of health facilities including Agency Headquarter Hospitals (6), Tehsil Headquarter Hospitals (8), and Rural Health centers (11) Civil Hospitals (20), Basic Health Units (174), Community Health Centers (170), Civil Dispensaries (464) and labour suites (20). Only 124 health facilities are non-functional for the public due to inaccessibility or destruction during the conflict or because of their use by the Pakistan Army.

Almost all the Agency Headquarter Hospitals are functions and providing health services round the clock through-specialist doctors free of cost. Last year 1697631 patients have been treated in OPD, 11011 patients have been operated and 3894 serious patients have been referred to other hospitals. In occasional cases due to non-availability of certain facilities in FATA, the cases are referred to other districts in govt. ambulances. The 30 labour Suites established so far are functional and labour cases are well managed. In tribal areas 37 WMOs, 172 Nurses and 323 LHVs are providing health services to female patients.

However due to non-availability of Health services for patients suffering from Malignant diseases, they are referred Other hospitals in the country especially Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

(b) The Department follows rules of PPRA (Public Procurement

Regularity ,Authority) for procurement and purchases of medicines. The Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has constituted ...Medicines Coordination cell (MCC) for 27 purchases of Medicines’. All the Sub Offices of Health Department follow the MCC approved list and purchase medicines according to their demand. The purchases of medicines at Directorate level regarding some ADP schemes is carried out by the departmental/interdepartmental purchase committees (IDPC) headed by the concerned Secretary and Additional chief Secretary FATA respectively. After approval, advertisements are published in Newspapers and also placed on the PPRA website. Tendering is carried out under prescribed terms & conditions and bids are opened by the concerned purchase committee in presence of the Firm’s Representatives. Comparative statement is prepared of all bids and the evaluated bids are submitted to IDPC for scrutiny and approval. The agreement deed is signed with all approved bidders and the approved list is circulated for procurements.

(c) This Question relates to Ministry of National Health ‘Regulation, Services and Coordination, so they can better answer this position.

138. *Ms. Nafeesa Inayatullah Khan Khattak:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that used plastic pipes are being imported from Saudi Arabia and UAE; if so, the purposes thereof;

(b) whether the said import is being made according to international standards/certifications; if not, the reasons thereof; and

(c) whether it is also a fact that the said plastic may become a source of spread of infectious diseases; if so, the steps taken by the Government to address the said issue?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) As per the current Import Policy Order 2013, Hazardous wastes as defined and classified in the Basel Convention is banned for import. However, Waste, parings and scrap of Plastics, excluding hospital waste of all kind, used sewerage pipes and used chemical containers falling under their respective PCT codes is placed on the list of items the import of which is restricted i.e they are importable only subject to the fulfillment of certain condition. The aforesaid items are importable by industrial consumers subject to the fulfillment of following conditions:— 28 i. Certification confirming appropriate manufacturing facility and. determination of import quota from concerned Federal/Provincial Environmental Protection Agency.

ii. Inspection, from technically qualified designated Pre-Shipment Inspection companies to be notified by the Federal government from time to time that the imported consignment does not contain any hazardous Waste, as defined in the Basel Convention.

The data of used plastic pipes including waste etc of Ethyl/Polymer plastics impoted from Saudi Arabia and UAE is at Annex-A.

(b) Yes. Ministry of Commerce has already incorporated in the Import Policy Order that International Standards should be followed. The Customs Authorities (FEW) are required at the time of imports to ensure their conformity with international standards (Basel Convention) and provisions of import Policy Order.

(c) As at (a) and (b) above. 29 30 139. *Mr. Muhammad Muzammil Qureshi:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan has failed to enhance its export as compared to neighboring countries during recent years; if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) whether trade and performance of Pakistan over the recent past have been examined; if so, the details alongwith the date of examination thereof; and

(c) the steps being taken by the Government to learn from the policy experience and current practice of other neighboring countries to move towards greater liberalization in a phased and well planned manner?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): As regards Pakistan’s trade performance during the past few year various challenges like energy crises, terrorism and political uncertainty have been faced by the economy but our trade has shown consistent improvement. As per data available at Trade map of ITC (International Trade Centre), Pakistan’s exports increased by 21.98 and 18.36 percent during the years 2010 and 2011 respectively. There was a slight fall of 2.88 percent in export during the year 2012, due to external factors like shrinkage in global demand in wake of global financial crises and lower prices of cotton in the international market.

The comparison of Pakistan’s exports performance with its neighboring countries is as under: ______Year Pakistan China India Afghanistan Bangladesh ______2010 21.98% 31.3% 24.69% -3.71% 18% 2011 18.36% 20.32% 36.78% -3.25% 31% 2012 -2.88% 7.92% -3.95% 14.12% 1% 2013 1.04% 7.89% 1% Data not 3% available ______Sources: Trade map of ITC 31 Exports contracted by 0.9-percent during the first eight months of FY13, but imports shrank by a higher degree failing by 3.5 percent. Low export growth was largely the result of 2.7 percent fall in textile exports, reflecting the impact of continuing energy shortages difficulties in meeting production schedules, and slack global demand. The contraction in imports was mostly of .food, transportation equipment, petroleum,

(b) The performance of trade is examined by the Ministry on the preparation of the trade policy each year. The STPF 2012-15 was announced in the year 2013 and the trade analysis was made to focus the potential sectors for export promotion through appropriate incentives.

(c) Since 1947 Trade Policy was announced on yearly basis. To address the issue of stability in policy regime, a medium term trade policy was. adopted in the year 2009 for 3 years by the title of Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF 2009-12), The STPF had two major parts i.e. regulatory amendments and export development initiatives. Ail regulatory amendments aimed liberalizing and facilitation of trade were fully implemented during 2009-12. However, due to financial constraints export development could only be implemented in a partial manner.

Export performance of Pakistan during the STFP 2009-12 had been satisfactory. Our exports which stood at US$ 17.69 billion in 2008-09 grew to US$ 23.6 billion in 2011-12 Following this practice next STPF 2012-2015 has been approved by the Cabinet end announced in January 2013 with the following goals:—

(i) Make export sector as an engine of growth.

(ii) Enhance Pakistan’s export competitiveness in short as well as long term.

(iii) Increase Pakistanis cumulative Exports to $ 95 biliion during 2012-15.

The objectives wouid be achieved through institutional strengthening rationalization of tariff policy, improving regional trade, promotion of export of services sector and by undertaking effective trade diplomacy. STFP 2012-15 is still in progress and Pakistan’s exports have shown 6.7% growth as compare to previous year due to partial implementation of the trade policy initiatives.

The following are the principal elements/strategies. STPF 2012- 2015:— 32

i. Enhance access to export credit and export credit guarantees ii. Create Regulatory Efficiencies iii. Promote Agro-processed exports iv. Increase Exports from less developed Regions of Pakistan v. Promote export of Services Secter vi. Enhance Regional Trade vii. Revamp Export Promotion Agencies viii. Mobilize new investment in export oriented industries ix. Help Exporting industry overcome energy crisis x. Enhance Product and Market Development and Diversification xi. Enhance Trade Facilitation xii. Undertake effective Trade Diplomacy xiii. Green more and more Exports xiv. Rationalize the Tariff Protection Policy xv. Reform and Develop Domestic Commerce xvi. Enhance Role of Women in Exports

The measures announced in the STPF 2012-15, to achieve the objective under the salient features, are spread over a period of 3 years and broadly categorized as follow:

a. Regulatory amendments in the trade regulations b. Institutional Strengthening and Governance c. Measures to enhance Export competitiveness

All regulatory amendments in the trade regulations (Import Policy Order and Export Policy Order, 2013 have been issue. vide SROs 192(1) 2013 and 193(1)/2013 dated 8th March, 2013 and stands implemented. In institutional strengthening and governance; Domestic Commerce Wing, Trade in Service Wing has been established in the Ministry of Commerce and started functioning in July 2013. Other institutions proposed in the STPE 2012-15 are in progress and will be established within the stipulated period of time. To enhance export competitiveness various export development initiatives are announced in STPF 2012-15. The business processes for these initiatives are under way in Ministry of Commerce in consultation with TDAP, SBP and Finance Division. 33 140. *S. A. Iqbal Qadri:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the year and country-wise total amount of foreign exchange earned through export of rice during the last three years alongwith the price thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): Details regarding year and country-wise total amount of foreign exchange earned through export of rice during last three years alongwith price (unit value) thereof is given at Annex-I.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

141. *S. A. Iqbal Qadri:

Will the Minister for Inter Province Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the location wise total number of Hotels and Motels of PTDC in the country at present; and

(b) the details of profit earned therefrom and expenditure incurred thereupon during the last three years?

Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): (a) There are 35 Motels, 01 Hotel and 04 Restaurants working in the country under the PTDC at present. Details on locations of these Motels/Hotel/ Restaurants at Annex-I.

(b) —————————————————————————————— 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 Detail Rupees in Rupees in Rupees in Million Million Million —————————————————————————————— Revenue 119.113 123.658 111.604 Expenditure 133.316 169.329 165.683 Profit/Loss (-)14.203 (-)45.670 54.078 —————————————————————————————— 34 35

142. * Mr. Junaid Akbar:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the present arrangements of transport made by the Government of Pakistan for Trade by road with Central Asian States, China, India and Iran;

(b) whether it is a fact that the said arrangements are insufficient;

(c) if so, the steps being taken by the Government to improve the said arrangements?

Transferred to Communications Division for answer on next Rota Day.

143. *Dr. Nafisa Shah:

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) the year-wise persons displaced from FATA during the last five years till date alongwith the details thereof; and

(b) the steps being taken by the Government for the care/ rehabilitation of said displaced persons?

Minister for Commerce (Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Abdul Qadir Baloch): (a) Due to the prevailing law & Order situation a total of 322,886 families displaced. from FATA during the last five years. The year wise and Agency wise detail of D isplaced families is annexed at -I.

(b) FATA.Administration with the support of Federal Government and UN Agencies coordinated assistance both in the camps and off-camps as per minimum standard. The detail is annexed at -II. The annexures are placed on the table of the house as well as in the library.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library) 36 144. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) the prescribed criteria for selection of players and other facilitators of all National Games in the country;

(b) whether the said criteria is being implemented to promote merit base culture therefor; if not, the steps being taken in this regard; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government for training of young players as per the International best practices?

Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): (a) Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) has 39 National Sports Federations affiliated with it. Each federation has a selection committee duly approved by .the General Council of the Federation which .Selects the players-through holding selection trials/national championships.

For the Pakistan National Teams, the factors taken into consideration for selection of players is current playing form fitness, past record, and suitability for conditions of the events to be played.

(b) Yes the criteria of merit based culture is being implemented.

(c) The sports federations, after selection of their best Players, send their names to PSB for training camps organized for participation in the. ,national international events. PSB organizes national training camps for junior and senior players. The National Sports Federations also organize national training camps of junior and seniors players at their own.

The international best practices, latest techniques and training methods are a corner stone for the training camps and sessions.

145. *Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to develop the infrastructurel facilities at 37 Khokharapar/Munabao for early operationalization of trade routes therefrom?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): During the visit of Indian Commerce Minister to Pakistan held on 13-16 February, 2012, the two sides, among other things, agreed that possibilities of opening Khokharapar/ Munabao route for trade will be explored in consultation with the stakeholders (Annex-I).

Presently, there are infrastructure issues like lack of road networking for operationalization of the route for trade and non-availability of Customs’ setup at port. This Ministry is in the process of consultations with the relevant stakeholders on development of the infrastructure at Khokharapar/Munabao for trade purposes.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

146. *Dr. Azra Fazal Pechuho:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan is engaging with host countries especially in the Middle East for protection of rights of migrant workers from Pakistan;

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government in this regard?

Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Saddaruddin Shah Rashidi): (a) To regulate the export of manpower, Pakistan has signed Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar and UAE. MoUs with Saudi Arabia, Oman and Iraq are under process.

The MoUs contain appropriate clauses to regulate the export of manpower which also include the protection of rights of migrant workers in accordance with laws of the host countries.

Further, Pakistan has Community Welfare Attaches (CWAs) posted in Jeddah (2), Riyadh (2), Dubai (2), Abu Dhabi (1), Muscat, (1) Bahrain (1), Doha (1) Kuwait (1), Baghdad (1) who are also looking after the rights of the Pakistani migrant workers.

(b) As above. 38 147. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether any reductions in Non Tariff Barriers have been sought by Pakistan for granting MFN status to India; and

(b) whether India has agreed to such reductions?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) Pakistan has been demanding that the issue of Non-Tariff Barriers (NTB) be addressed to allow its exports to have adequate market access in India.For removal of NTBs, during the 7th Round of Pakistan and India Commerce Secretary Level Talks held on September 20-21, 2012 at Islamabad, Pakistan and India signed three agreements i.e. Agreement of Cooperation and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters, Bilateral Cooperation Agreement on Mutual Recognition between PSQCA(Pakistan Standard and Quality Control Authority) and BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) and Agreement on Redressal of Trade grievances. Presently, the two sides are in the process of finalizing modalities for operationalisation of these agreements. On completion of this process, most of the concerns of business community related to valuation, standards & conformity assessment procedures, certification, testing, classification, clearance of goods etc. would be addressed.

(b) As at (a) above.

148. *Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of Pakistanis Missions in foreign countries being closed by the Government; and

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to downgrade those missions instead of closing down?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: (a) Pakistan Mission at Santiago, Chile has been closed down, in compliance with the recommendations of the Committee to Review the Performance of Different Officers posted in Pakistan Missions abroad, constituted under the Chairmanship of Minister for Finance, Revenue, 39 Economic Affairs 86 Privatization.

(b) As per the decision of the Committee to Review the Performance of Different Officers posted in Pakistan Missions abroad, Pakistan Embassy at Dublin (Ireland) had to be closed down. However, due to strong reservations expressed by our Diaspora in Ireland and in view of Pakistan’s growing economic and commercial relations with the EU, particularly after the grant of GSP + status to Pakistan, the proposal to downgrade Embassy of Pakistan Dublin to Charged Affaires level instead of closing it down is under consideration.

The proposal to downgrade two more Missions viz. Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) and Dar-es-Salam (Tanzania) to Charge d’ Affaires level, is also under consideration.

149. *Ms. Munaza Hassan:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the trade deficit occurred due to overall imports of the country during the period from 1-7-2013 to 28-2- 2014; if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the services sector also faced a considerable deficit during the said period; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(c) the steps taken by the Government to control the said deficit?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) Trade deficit during the period from 01-07-2013 to 28-02-2014 is as under:

(Value in Billion) —————————————————————————————— Exports Exports Imports Imports Trade Trade (PKR) ( US $) (PKR) (US $) Deficit Deficit (PKR) (US ) —————————————————————————————— 1770.116 16.866 3086.023 29.408 1315.907 12.542 —————————————————————————————— Source: PBS 40 REASONS FOR TRADE DEFICIT IN GOODS

• Due to persistent energy crisis (electricity gas) the production of Industrial units has affected adversely which has resulted into slow growth in exports.

• Due to worsening law and order situation in the country especially in the port city (Karachi) of Pakistan, importer’s confidence has been shattered and they feared to visit Pakistan which has resulted into less demand of Pakistani products in the international market.

• Due to energy crisis, demand for Petroleum has been increased for utilization in electricity backup system which has resulted into increase in imports of Petroleum.

(b) Trade deficit in services sector during the period from 01-07-2013 to 28-02-2014 is as under:

(Value in Billion) —————————————————————————————— Exports Exports Imports Imports Trade Trade (PKR) ( US $) (PKR) (US $) Deficit Deficit (PKR) (US ) —————————————————————————————— 354.861 3.381 529.450 5.044 174.589 1.663 —————————————————————————————— Source: PBS


The services sector in the country has not been provided substantial incentives in the past. Resultantly, the sector remained unorganized which affected its exports adversely.

(c) The following incentives have been announced by the Ministry of Commerce in Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) 2012-15 to improve exports and to have favorable balance of trade as well as balance of payment:—

(i) Mark-up support of 2% on prevailing Long Term Financing Facility (LTFF) for future import/purchase of machinery has been announcec 41 to encourage fresh investments in export oriented industries in a tough economic environment, for the manufacturers cum exporters of the selected sectors (i.e. Leather, Engineering, Horticulture, Processed Food, Marble & Granite, Sports Goods and Computer related services to increase their products.

(ii) To boost the exports of the country by promoting the value added sector, a further markup reduction of 1.5% from the prevailing rates (8.4%) of Export Finance Scheme (EFS) will be provided to the fish and fish preparation, processed foods, meat and meat preparations, sports goods, footwear, leather products, surgical goods, cutlery, onyx products, pharmaceuticals, electric fans, transport equipment and electrical machinery sectors.

(iii) To offset the increasing cost of utilities, selected non-textile exporting sectors (Fish and Fish Preparations, Processed Foods, Meat and meat preparation, Sports goods, Footwear, Surgical goods/medical instruments, Cutlery, Electric Fans, Auto Parts and Furniture will be provided ad-hoc relief 3% of FOB.

(iv) To support the initiative and to motivate exporters, subsidy on the opening retail sale outlets will be provided upto 75%, 50%, 25% per annum of the rental cost in the export markets in Asia, Africa and Australia.

(v) To increase income of the farmers and foreign exchange earnings, the government will provide 50% subsidy in the cost of plants and machinery for dates and olive processing.

(vi) To incentivize establishment of fruits processing plants in Gilgit Baltistan (GB), the government will provide 50% subsidy in the cost of plant and machinery for establishing processing plants for fruits and vegetable in GB.

(vii) To increase processed meat exports from the bordering regions markup subsidy @ 50% of the prevailing markup rate, for setting up of Meat processing plants in KP, Baluchistan and Gilgit Baltistan will be provided.

(viii) To control un-scientific and explosive based orthodox mining and processing methods, mark up subsidy @ 100% of the prevailing 42 mark-up rate and 50% subsidy for wire saw, cutting machinery to reduce wastages for establishing mining and processing in KPK, GB and Baluchistan, will be provided.

(ix) To sustain communication between the Government and Private sector for promotion of leather exports, Ministry of Commerce will establish Leather Export Promotion Council.

(x) To boost services exports from Pakistan, Services Export Development Council has been established.

150. Disallowed on re-consideration.

ISLAMABAD: KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI, The 10th May, 2014. Secretary.

PCPPI—653(14) NA—10-5-2014—650. 1 (11th Session)




For Monday, the 12th May, 2014

40. Ms. Belum Hasnain: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the total number of foreign visits made by the Pakistani Ambassadors-at-large during the last four years till date alongwith the names of countries visited and expenditure incurred thereupon? Minister for Foreign Affairs: The details of foreign visits made by The Pakistani Ambassador-at-large during the last four years is attached as Annex. (Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

181. Mr. Siraj Muhammad Khan: (Deferred during 10th Session) Will the Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the ratio of cutting of trees in Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan is increasing; (b) if so, the steps/action being taken by the Ministry to control the said cutting of trees and to preserve the natural forests in the said areas?

Minister for Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit Baltistan (Mr. Muhammad Berjees Tahir):

Reply of Gilgit-Baltistan

(a) & (b) The ratio of cutting of trees in Gilgit-Baltistan has been contained through strict controlling measures by the department during the last 02 years. 2 Strict and exemplary punishments have been awarded to the offenders and most of them have been sent to Jail. The timber have been confiscated and auctioned. Besides, Forests Check Posts at vulnerable area have been strengthened by deploying contingent from police department. The Raid Squad of the department has been strengthened and equipped.

Besides, the above legal actions the department has been actively engaged in taking the communities on board for conservation and preservation of forests. Conservation Committees have been strengthened and conservation friendly projects have been initiated in these areas. Micro Hydel Projects and harnessing and promotion of non timber forest produce have been initiated as alternate source of livelihood conservation of Wildlife through Community Participation and establishment of National Park is also being pursued by the department. These measures will provide foundation for payment of eco system services. Through these measures Communities will be compensated for their contribution in preserving the forest.

Reply of AJK

The State of AJK with population size of 4.170 million lie between 73 24' to 74 56' East longitude and 32 45' to 35 07' North Latitude and stretches over an area of 32, 85,760 acres. Natural forests of the state consist of Scrub, sub- tropical Chir, pine and mixed coniferous crop. AJK Forest Department is meant to protect, conserve and manage the watershed and forest resources of the state. The forests of AJK are vital for Pakistan from perspectives of faxl security, sustained supply of clean water, environmental stability, biodiversity conservation and energy production.

a. The trend of cutting trees in AJK is not increasing rather a decline has been observed in this sphere specifically over the last decade which is explained through following narrative.

Illegal cutting of trees in state forest, being done by the locals for their bonafied domestic use is just limited to a small scale. Under the prevailing Forest Regulation No. II of 1930, the local residents living within three to five miles radius from the forests have the right to get trees on concessional rates for construction and repair of their houses. Timber distribution quota so as to meet the timber requirements of bonafied concessionists/rural communities is allocated on annual basis. For this purpose, 1.2 million cubic feet yield has been reserved under rule. But due to ban on cutting of green standing trees which was imposed in 1997 and stays sill in vogue, no green standing tree is issued under timber distribution (TD) 3 quota. Moreover, entailed to the importance of forest resources of AJK, the President of Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 2010 consented to provide Rs. 35 carors annually for continuing the ban and to compensate the revenue liabilities. The need for this concession is growing with swelling population size. To cater for the increasing demand of wood Forest Department is endeavoring to promote the awareness about farm forestry, agro-Forestry and social forestry among masses Under different development projects. This activity has to be continued uninterruptedly so that people can use their abandoned lands for tree planting which not only will help meet their demand for wood but will also contribute significantly towards increase in tree cover across the State. By virtue of the endeavours being made by the Forest Department and increase in forest cover has occurred that is also evident from Land Cover Atlas of Pakistan published by Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar in 2012. This study, which was recently carried out by involving modern technological tools (Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System) with very high resolution (2.5 meter) SPOT satellite images, reveals that over the years the status of forest cover has improved in AJK by 3%. b. Control and protective measures being taken by the department to check illegal cutting of trees in AJK, include the following i. Five Courts of Protection Officers have been established for the speedy trail of forest offence cases. ii. Amendment in law has been made under which heavy penalties including confiscation of means of transportation of illegal timber/ forest produce are imposed on the culprit. iii. AJK Forest Department has a well established Wireless/Radio System which is being used since 1996. This has significantly helped reduce the incidents of smuggling of forest produce and illicit cutting of trees. iv. Three Forest Raid Parties headed by the Divisional Forest Officers are operational in each forest circle. Working in collaboration with the territorial forest divisions these are responsible for control of smuggling and protection of forest resources.

v. In addition to departmental efforts destined to control illicit cutting, Pak Army is also empowered to protect the forests within 8 KM strip along LoC under “The Cutting of Trees Prohibition Act, 1992” for defense purposes. 4 vi. The vibrant and environmentally well awarded society has also realized the importance of natural resources thus contribute actively towards its protection and promotion.

vii. The dynamic and ubiquitous media has also played a remarkable role in protection and conservation of forest resources through dissemination of information and awareness.

185. Mr. Sajid Hussain Turi: (Deferred during 10th Session)

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state the total number of Senior, Junior and Soldier Clerks working in each Agency under Political Administration of FATA at present?

Minister of States and Frontier Regions (Lt. General (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch):

—————————————————————————————— Name of Agency Senior Junior Soldier Clerk Clerk Clerk —————————————————————————————— Mohmand 08 17 - Bajaur 08 28 - Khyber - 0 - Orakzai 05 12 16 Kurram 05 19 45* North Waziristan 07 42 05 South Waziristan 05 35 - FR Peshawar - - - FR Kohat 02 04 - FR Lakki - 04 - FR Bannu 01 04 - FR Tank - 05 - FR DI Khan - 03 - —————————————————————————————— Total 41 174 66 —————————————————————————————— *Due to prevalent Law & Order and across the border situation for the last 5/6 years. 45 new Kurram Levy Check Posts have been established on the main Thall Parachinar road, which are being manned by Kurram Levy Soldier Clerks as a stop gap arrangement due to the lack of regular ministerial staff SNEs proposals for creation of the said posts have already been taken up with Government. 5 116. Ms. Nighat Parveen Mir:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the location- wise total number of Pakistanis presently imprisoned in jails in Afghanistan aiongwith the charges levelled against them?

Minister for Foreign Affairs :The location-wise total number of Pakistanis presently imprisoned in jails in Afghanistan along with the charges leveled against them are given below:

————————————————————————————————————— S. No. Jail Total Number Charges ————————————————————————————————————— 1. Pul-e-Charkhi Jail, 57 (As of April 26, 2014) Spying/Narcotics/Taliban Kabul suspect/Forgery/Robbery/ Unknown etc.

2. Afghan National 32 (As of April 29, 2014) -do- Detention Facility, Parwan (ANDF-P) 3. National Directorate 9 (As of April 26, 2014) -do- of Security (NDS), Kabul 4. Parwan Detention 8 (As of April 26, 2014) -do- Center (ANA), Kabul

5. Sarpoza Jail, 46 (As of April 28, 2014) -do- Kandahar 6. Helmand 5 (As of April 28, 2014) -do- 7. Jalalabad 26 (As of April 28, 2014) -do-

8. Herat 2 (As of April 30, 2014) Illegal Entry into Afghanistan • Farah Jail (1) • Central Jail (1) 9. Mazar e Sharif Nil (As of April 29, 2014) ————————————————————————————————————— Total 185 —————————————————————————————————————

3. Our Missions in Afghanistan are in contact with the law enforcement agencies of Afghanistan to have an update on apprehended Pakistani nationals and to have consular access with them at the earliest. 6 117. Ms. Khalida Mansoor:

Will the Minister for Inter-Provincial Coordination be pleased to state the detail of monthly pay, allowances and perks admissible to officials of the Pakistan Cricket Board and players of cricket team separately at present?

Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): Details of monthly pay, allowances and perks admissible to PCB officials from Chief Operating Officer upto General Manager level is attached as Annex ‘A’.

Details of players’ remuneration and allowances is attched as Annex ‘B’.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

118. Mr. Amjid Ali Khan:

Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the funds for the completion of Sports Stadium in District Mianwali have not been released so far; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): Out of approved cost of Rs. 39.746 million, Rs. 29.224 million was released to Directorate General Sports Punjab, lahore till 27-09-2010. Then the erstwhile Ministry of Sports was devolved w.e.f. 30-06-2011 in pursuance of 18th Constitutional Amendment, Provision of funds for completion of project, is now, responsibility of the Government of Punjab.

119. Mr. Khalil George:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish employment exchanges in order to enroll the unemployed persons for employment in the country and abroad; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi): No. 7 • Presently, there is no proposal under consideration of the Government to establish employment exchange cell in order to enroll the unemployment persons for employment in the country and abroad.

120. Mrs. Shahida Rehmani:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the number of trade agreements made by the Government with China so far alongwith the implementation status thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): Pakistan has entered into following Trade Agreements with China so far:—

* China Pakistan Free Trade Agreement (CPFTA) in Goods was signed in November 2006 and operational from July 1, 2007.

* The Agreement on Trade in Services between Pakistan and China signed on 21st February 2009 and operational since 10th October 2009.

Implementation Status

i. The second meeting of Free Trade Commission (FTC) was held on 29-30 November, 2010 and the following points, inter alia discussed:

o Pakistan’s request for enhanced market access to 268 items o Facilitation for participation in exhibitions/ trade fairs in China o Sending a buying mission to Pakistan. o Cooperation in skill enhancement/ capacity building of our export industry.

ii. The 1st Meeting for the 2nd Phase of CPFTA between Ministry of Commerce China and Pakistan was held in 10-11 March 2011 in Islamabad.

iii. The 2nd meeting of 2nd Phased of CPFTA was held on November 14-15, 2013. Both sides exchanged views to further deepen the bilateral trade and economic cooperation through the platform of FTA. Both sides agreed to resolve the issues of Electronic Data Interchange, Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary measures (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT). 8 iv. During April, 2014, Pakistan has made a request to the Chinese Government for incorporation of necessary amendments in the Schedule of Specific Commitments under Agreement on Trade in Services regarding.

a. Reduction of statutory requirement of global assets from US $ 20 billion to US $ 15 billion and;

b. Addition of Urumqi and Kashgar in the Geographical coverage under the Banking Sector Services in Agreement on Trade in Services.

121. Begum Tahira Bukhari:

WIII the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to establish more new garments cities in the country except Karachi; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): There is no new proposal Under consideration for establishing garment cities in the country.

122. Dr. Nikhat Shakeel Khan:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state the total amount of subsidy provided by the Government to textile sector during the year 2013-14 alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): The funds that have been released by the Ministry of Finance to the State Bank of Pakistan for the textile policy schemes in the financial year 2013- 14 (i.e. from July 13 till now) amount to Rs. 3.50 billion. These have been placed in —————————————————————————————— Schemes Rs. Billion —————————————————————————————— Drawback of Local Taxes Scheme 1.3 Claims of R&D Support 0.045 EFS Support Scheme 1.7 Mark up Support Scheme 0.350 —————————————————————————————— 9 123. Mr. Junaid Akbar:

Will the Minister for Textile industry be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the textile industry is facing tough competition;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the said industry is also facing acute shortage of trained manpower, lack of diversification, lack of quality control system, weak social and physical infrastructure, old technology, limited connectivity of people and textile markets;

(c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the steps being taken by the Government to overcome the said challenges respectively?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): (a) Yes. The country is facing tough competition in the global merket as India, China, Veietnam, Turkey and Bangladesh have been providing subsidies to their textile sector to increase their market share.

(b) Pakistan is developing country and textile has a share of 55% our export mix. The Ministry, have been carrying out trainings, developing infrastructure programmes such as textile city and three garment cities and also providing moderate support to the textile sector.

(c) the Cabinet approved first ever Textiles Policy 2009–14 and under various support schemes Rs. 28 billion have been disbursed by the government to value added textile sector since 2009 to date.

124. Mr. Junaid Akbar:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan has not yet been entered in the list of hi-tech export countries; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the steps taken by the Government in this regard? 10

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) Exports from Pakistan are dominated by low technology products and Services. Reasons of lack of exports in high-tech sector are • Inadequate skilled workforce due to low quality education including technical education. • Lack of Resources/Funding specifically in Research and skill Development • Lack of investment in technology sector • High Cost of Production. • Lack of Reliable supply of gas and electricity. • Lack of IT competiveness. • Lack of awareness about the legal rules and regulations for entering in the importing countries. • Due to the prevailing law & order situation importers are hesitant to take Pakistan as a reliable source for IT services. (b) Government has announced the following measures in Strategic Trade Policy Framework 2012-15 to enhance exports in different sectors; • Various training programmes for skill development are being conducted by different agencies of Federal and Provincial Government • Government is in process of establishing The EXIM Bank with the help of provincial governments to extend trade financing facilities to exporters. • The training and product development Institutes, running under Ministry of Commerce and TRAP will be strengthened after carrying out a detailed 'entity improvement diagnostic and audit'. This would help these institutions produce better quality human resource and designs for our industry. • Export Finance Scheme (EFS) is a major scheme To ease the constraints on running capital, it is proposed to provide a further markup reduction of 1.5 points from the prevailing rates to the focus sectors including the electric fans, transport equipment and electrical machinery. 11 • To offset the increasing cost of utilities, it is proposed that selected non-textile exporting sectors may be provided a ad-hoc relief 3% of FOB, in order to stay in the export business and the sectors also include low to high tech sectors like Electric Fans and Auto Parts. • Trade Development Authority of Pakistan is also focusing on the said sector for participation in trade promotional activities all over the world. 125. Ms. Aasiya Nasir:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) the details of Pakistani Ambassadors and High Commissioners posted for the second term in a particular/same country during the last five years till date; and

(b) the names of countries where posts of Ambassadors/High Commissioners are lying vacant at present?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: (a) No Ambassador/High Commissioner has been posted for the 2nd time in the same country during the last five years.

(b) The details of vacant posts of Ambassadors/High Commissioners ar as under :

—————————————————————————————— S. No. Name of Mission —————————————————————————————— 1. Bishkek 2. Dar-es-Salam 3. Kuwait 4. London 5. Ottawa ——————————————————————————————

126. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistan and Human Resource Development be pleased to state: 12 (a) whether it is a fact that a large number of Manpower is provided by the KPK in the country;

(b) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to provide such facilities in the KPK specially in Malakand Division as are available to residents of Islamabad?

Minister for Overseas Pakistan and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi): (a) The subject matter does not fall under the domain of this Ministry as these are related to inland manpower, whereas, this Ministry has the mandate to export manpower to foreign countries.

(b) The provision of facilities in Malakand Division is the responsibility of KPK Government.

127. Sahibzada Muhammad Yaqub:

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) whether there is any proposal under consideration of the Government to bring uniformity in levies in the country; if so, when it will be implemented; and

(b) whether there is also any proposal under consideration of the Government to give proper service structure therefor; if so, when it will be implemented?

Minister of States and Frontier Regions (Lt. General (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch): (a) In order to bring uniformity in Federal Levy Force Regulations and Service Rules have been brought about through different promulgations already made and one, is in process. These regulations are generally on similar lines with minor changes keeping in view the, peculiarities of three regions where Federal Levies are deployed:

1. Federal Levies Force Regulation 2012. 2. Federal Levies Force (Amended) Rules 2013. 3. Provincially Administered Tribal Areas Levies Force Regulation-2012. 13 4. Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA) Federal Levies Force Service (Amended) 2013. 5. Federal Levies Provincial Administered Tribal Areas Force Balochistan Regulation 2014.

6. Federal Levies Provincial Administered Tribal Areas Force Balochistan (Service) Rules 2014.

In order to ensure uniformity in, application a Directorate General of Federal Levies Force has been sanctioned at Federal Level with sub-offices in three administrative units so as to catter for any specific need of the Federal Levies Force including administration appeal rules etc.

(b) The Federal Government has regularized the services of ‘Federal- Levy Force in FATA by promulgating Federal Levy Force Regulation-2010 & framing Federal. Levies Force (Service) Rules-2010. The Regulation was repealed by a revised updated Regulation-2012. Similarly, Federal Levies Force (Service) Rules-2012 and the same were again amended and updated by Federal Levies Force (Amended) Service Rules-2013. Services structure i.e. recruitment promotion pensionary benefits etc. of Levy Force has been properly defined in the above Rules and Regulation.

128. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that NOCs have been issued by the Embassy of Riyadh, KSA on the same day for deportation of dead bodies to Pakistan and burial in Saudi Arabia respectively during the year 2011; if so, the details alongwith the justification thereof?

Minister for Foreign Affairs:Our Embassy gets to know about the death of a Pakistani national in the Kingdom once the Company/Employer of the deceased or any of his relative/friend residing in the Kingdom approaches the Embassy of Pakistan Riyadh or the Consulate General of Pakistan, Jeddah for obtaining the “No Objection Certificate” (NOC) for transportation of dead body to Pakistan or local burial according to the will of the legal heirs. Obtaining NOC from the respective foreign Embassy/Consulate in KSA is a pre-requisite laid out by the Government of Saudi Arabia.

Following documents are required by the Embassy/Consulate for issuing the NOC for the transportation or the local burial of the body:—

• Passport of the deceased, 14 • Hospital report specifying the exact cause of death, • Police report in case of road accident or in case of natural death and • Written request by the legal heirs for issuance of the NOC.

As soon as these documents are received by the Embassy, the Welfare Section issues the NOC without further delay. A system has been put in place whereby this facility of obtaining NOC is available to our nationals even on the weekend (Fridays & Saturdays) and holidays. Furthermore, the Embassy gives top priority to facilitate our nationals in distress and ensures swift transportation of dead body to Pakistan. In this regard it is worth mentioning that the procedures put in place by our Embassy/Consulate to facilitate the NOC issuance round the clock are the simplest as compared to the procedures being followed by other major manpower exporting countries in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

In case of any unnatural death e.g. murder, suspicion of murder etc. or if resident status of the deceased is doubtful or the employer of the deceased is not traceable, local authorities withholds the dead body until completion of investigation. Such are the cases, where pre-departure formalities may take longer.

We have already brought this issue to the knowledge of the Saudi authorities on a number of occasions including Joint Ministerial Commission meetings.

129. Sheikh Salahuddin:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the steps taken by the Government to improve the standard of services in Pakistan’s embassies abroad in order to provide maximum facilities to Overseas Pakistanis?

Reply not received.

130. Ms. Sabiha Nazir:

Will the Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the Boy Scout and Girls Guide associations for youth are non functional in the country at present;

(b) if so, the steps being taken by the Government for their revival and promotion? 15 Minister for Inter Provincial Coordination (Mr. Riaz Hussain Pirzada): (a) No.

(b) Pakistan Boy Scouts & Pakistan Girl Guides Associations are functional under the administrative control of Ministry of IPC. Both the Organizations are providing services to the community to help the mankind without any discrimination of color, race and crees. they work towards International Peace by representing pakistan in various International forums. The Ministry of IPC is doing its all efforts to assist both the organizations financially and administratively to update their programe and promote their activities.

131. Ms. Sabiha Nazir:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that a number of Pakistanis are in jails/ detention centres in Malaysia at present;

(b) whether it is also a fact that said Pakistanis were arrested during campaign against illegal residents in that country;

(c) if the answers to part (a) and (b) above are in the affirmative, the steps being taken by the Ministry to help the said Pakistanis?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: (a) As per Malaysian Prison Department there are around 320 Pakistani detainees in the Malaysian prisons and detention centers, out of which 102 are under remand while remaining detainees have already been convicted.

(b) At the expiry of amnesty scheme period, the host government on 21st January 2014 started the cleanup operation against all illegal immigrants. There were some detainees who were arrested as a result of cleanup operation. However, major portion of detainees were arrested prior to the operation on the basis of their alleged involvement in murder, gang robbery, money laundering, human smuggling.

(c) Following steps have been taken by the mission to help 136 assist the detainees:—

• Regular consular visits were undertaken last year to extend consular assistance to detained Pakistanis in Prisons / Immigration Detention Centers. 16

• During visit to Immigration Detention Centers, the detainees were provided telephone facility to communicate with their relatives. Prison detainees messages were recorded and subsequently conveyed to their families. • Most of the detainees in Immigration Detention Centers did not possess copies of CNIC /Passports which are essentially required for issuance of first travel documents. • All possible assistance is being extended to the Pakistanis detained in Immigration Detention Centers / Prisons. Blank passport forms are being delivered at all immigration Detention Centers and travel documents are issued and delivered on gratis basis. • Generally, the detainees express inability to bear the expenses for the purchase of one way air ticket. The mission arranges air tickets through philanthropic community besides utilizing PCW 86 E Fund. In year 2013, 47 such tickets were arranged through different sources. • In order to provide legal assistance to the detainees, a law firm was engaged in the past and services were hired on retainership basis for the period of six month, which were later terminated. The Mission is now looking for other suitable firm for hiring. Meanwhile, the families of detainees are informed to arrange legal aid. • The prospects of facilitation of a medical team to provide medical facilities to the Pakistani detainees in prisons/ detention centers are also being looked into. Following assistance is being provided to the non-detainees/illegal immigrant:

As a matter of policy the immigration authorities impose fine and sentence in jail which vary from 3 to 6 months on all illegal immigrants before allowing them to leave Malaysia. Fines vary from RM 1100 to 3100 depending upon the length of their over stay period. The prime concern of our over stayed Pakistanis is to avoid apprehension / arrest.

The majority of illegal Pakistanis expressed their inability to fine heavy fines which cost them lot of money in addition to the purchase of one way air tickets. After a number of meetings with Malaysian authorities it was negotiated that as a special case, all illegal Pakistanis would pay a fine of RM 500 per person regardless of their period of overstay without any arrest or apprehension. Till date, cases of 249 Pakistan nationals who become illegal due to over stay have been processed and got cleared from authorities without any arrest. 17 *132. Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the steps being taken by the Government to declare India the most favourite nation alongwith the time by which it will be announced?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): The Commerce Ministers of Pakistan and India held a meeting on January 18, 2014 in New Delhi, India. During the meeting, the two sides, inter-alia, reached an understanding to normalize trade relations and extend Non-Discriminatory Market Access to each other on reciprocal basis. The Joint Statement issued on this occasion is enclosed as Annex-I.

The Ministry of Commerce is in the process of consultation with the relevant stakeholders both from public and private sectors to devise a mechanism to ensure provision of level playing field to our agriculture and industry vis-à-vis India. On the completion of this process, the issue of grant of NDMA status to India would be submitted for consideration of the Cabinet.

(Annexure has been placed in the National Assembly Library)

133. Syed Asif Hasnain:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state the improvement in relations made by Pakistan with Iran, India and Afghanistan during the year 2013-14?

Minister for Foreign Affairs: Pak-Afghan Relations Afghanistan is a brotherly country, and a close neighbour of Pakistan. The two countries share immutable bonds of history, culture and faith. 2. The Government places a central emphasis on building friendly and good-neighbourly relations with Afghanistan on the basis of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity. Strengthening cooperative relations with Afghanistan is part of the Prime Minister Muhammad ’s vision of a peaceful and prosperous neighbourhood.

——————————————————————————————————————————— *Transferred from Foreign Affairs Division. 18 3. The Prime Minister has had four summit level meetings with President Hamid Karzai since August 2013 - in Pakistan, UK, Afghanistan and Turkey. On the occasion of 8th Turkey-Afghanistan-Pakistan Trilateral Summit in Ankara on 12-13 February 2014, the Prime Minister had fruitful talks on security issues and matters relating to peace and reconciliation. The President visited Kabul on 27 March 2014 to participate in the International Nawroz Festival where he met President Karzai. He also participated in the Quadrilateral Summit of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan and Tajikistan. Meanwhile, parliamentary exchanges and people- to-people contacts are growing. 4. Pakistan continues to play a facilitating role for an inclusive Afghan- led and Afghan-owned peace and reconciliation process. We are constructively engaged with the High Peace Council (HPC) of Afghanistan to help further the cause of peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan. 5. The Prime Minister has also stressed the importance of forging a strong trade and economic partnership with Afghanistan. Pakistan and Afghanistan are each other’s major trading partners (total trade volume US $ 2.3 billion in 2013). The Joint Economic Commission met in Kabul on 22-24 February 2014 to take forward the process of diversifying and deepening bilateral economic cooperation. During the visit, Finance Minister Mr. also inaugurated a road project and hospital at Jalalabad, financed through Pakistan’s bilateral assistance. 6. The two countries are also working on a range of bilateral and regional projects related to road, rail, energy and connectivity. In the regional context, the two countries are working to promote energy projects like CASA 1000 and TAPI gas pipeline. 7. Despite its economic constraints, Pakistan has extended the stay of Afghan refugees till 31 December 2015 in the belief that the refugees should return to their homeland voluntarily and honorably. The government of Afghanistan and the international community appreciate the hospitality extended to Afghan refugee by Pakistan for more than thirty years. During his visit to Kabul on 30 November 2013, the Prime Minister announced increase in Pakistan’s assistance for reconstruction and rehabilitation in Afghanistan from US $ 385 million to US $ 500 million. 8. Afghanistan’s Badakhshan province was hit by landslides on 2 May 2014. The Prime Minister conveyed a message of sympathy and condolences to President Karzai over the loss of precious lives and widespread damage. As a gesture of solidarity, Pakistan has also dispatched relief assistance for the affectees. 19 9. Presidential and Provincial Council elections were held in Afghanistan on 5 April 2014. On the Afghan government request, Pakistan beefed up security along the border and kept Torkham and Chaman open to enable eligible Afghan refugee voters to go to vote. The Interior Secretary met with Afghan Deputy Minister for Interior in Kabul on 9th February 2014 to discuss border security cooperation. 10. In short, the Government remains focused on building a comprehensive and multi-dimensional relationship and is taking all possible steps to maintain and further enhance the positive momentum in bilateral relations with Afghanistan. Pak-India Relations Improving relations with India is a priority for the Government. During 2013-2014 efforts were made to engage India in a meaningful manner with a view to resolving all issues peacefully. Since assuming power in May 2013, positive messages were exchanged between the leadership on both sides in a bid to move forward. The two Prime Ministers spoke to each other twice over the phone, letters were exchanged and special envoys of the two governments met with a view to take the dialogue process forward. In the backdrop of hostilities along the Line of Control (LoC), the Prime Ministers of the Pakistan and India met on the sidelines of the UNGA in New York on September 29, 2013. Both decided that the Directors General Military Operations (DGMOs) of the two countries should meet at the earliest to discuss ways and means of ensuring that violations do not take place. Pursuant to the understanding, the two DGMOs met at Wagha on December 24, 2013, and agreed to maintain ceasefire and sanctity of the LoC. Chief Minister Punjab, Mian Shahbaz Sharif visited India from 12-15 December 2013. He met Indian Prime Minister and delivered Prime Minister Nawaz Shareef’s letter. The visit paved the way for Commerce Secretary level talks.

The Minister of State for Commerce had a meeting with Indian Minister for Commerce (January 18, 2014) and discussed all the issues relating to expanding our cooperation for mutual benefit.

Diplomatic efforts are underway to resume the dialogue process. Advisor to the Prime Minister on National Security and Foreign Affairs, Mr. Sartaj Aziz met with the Indian External Affairs Minister in New Delhi on November 12, 20 2013 on the sidelines of the Asia-Europe Meeting, and then again on 20 February 2014 in Maldives. However, decision for resumption of Composite Dialogue is likely to be taken after new Indian government settles in. There has been progress towards normalizing economic and trade ties between the two countries. Moreover, decision for granting Non Discriminatory Access (NDMA) to India and removal of Non Tariff Barriers by India will also be taken after Indian elections. Both sides agreed to facilitate the exchange of business delegations. Both countries are considering round-the-clock trade on Wagha- Attari land route for all tradable items, through containerized cargo. Pakistan requires India to bring the SAFTA sensitive list to 100 items, excluding those of importance for Pakistan. This would facilitate addressing trade imbalance. Discussions are also underway for possible import of electricity and RLNG from India. 134. Dr. Shireen Mehrunnisa Mazari:

Will the Minister for Foreign Affairs be pleased to state whether it is a fact that Pakistan has not signed the Protocols to the Tlateloco Treaty and other NWFZ treaties; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Foreign Affairs:The Treaty of Tlatelolco is the conventional name given to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean. The Treaty was drafted in a meeting of Latin American and Caribbean nations in February 1967 in the Tlatelolco district of Mexico City, Mexico. The Agency for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean is responsible for ensuring implementation of the treaty.

There are 33 States Parties to the Treaty of Tlatelolco as well as overseas states’ territories in Latin America and Caribbean (The territories belonging to US, UK, France and the Netherlands).The zone of application is defined by Article 4 of the Treaty of Tlatelolco and includes the entire Latin American and Caribbean region as well as large portions of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.

Under the treaty, the states parties agree to prohibit and prevent the “testing, use, manufacture, production or acquisition by any means whatsoever of any nuclear weapons” and the “receipt, storage, installation, deployment and any form of possession of any nuclear weapons.”

There are two additional protocols to the treaty: Protocol I binds those overseas countries with territories in the region (the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Netherlands) to the terms of the treaty. Protocol II 21 requires the world’s declared nuclear weapons states to refrain from undermining in any way the nuclear-free status of the region; it has been signed and ratified by the USA, the UK, France, China, and Russia.

Pakistan has a declared policy of no use of nuclear weapons against nonnuclear weapons states. Latin American and Caribbean states that are parties to the Treaty of Tlatelolco are all non-nuclear weapons states and Pakistan’s assurances of no use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states are applicable to the parties of Treaty of Tlatelolco.

This declared policy of Pakistan of no use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapons states (NNWS) is also extended to states that are not in possession of nuclear weapons and are part of one of the Nuclear Weapons Free Zones (NWFZ) such as Treaty of Rarotonga and the Treaty of Pelindaba covering South Pacific and Africa respectively.

135. Ms. Munaza Hassan:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that All Pakistan Textile Mills Association (APTMA) has supported the imposition of five percent duty on Indian yarn; if so, the reasons thereof;

(b) whether it is also a fact that the duty on the import of yarn should be zero across the globe including India;

c) if so, the steps taken by the Government to rationalize the yarn prices?

Minister for Textile Industry (Mr. Abbas Khan Afridi): (a) Yes. APTMA has supported the imposition of 5% duty on imports of yarn on MFN basis. The reasons are huge subsidies provided by the Indian Government to their textile sector.

(b) Import duty on yarn in India is 10% while in China is 5%. The import duty is to protect the domestic industry and encourage manufacturing. In Pakistan, the import duty on yarn was 5% before 2010 and in 2010 it was made zero through SRO 15(1) 2010.

(c) The SRO 15(I)2010 has been withdrawn by the ECC of the Cabinet. 22 136. Mian Muhammad Farooq:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of cases of corruption reported in the Ministry and its attached departments during the last five years alongwith the details thereof; and

(b) whether action has been taken by the Ministry against each culprit thereof; if not, the reasons thereof?

Reply not received.

137. Mian Muhammad Farooq:

Will the Minister for States and Frontier Regions be pleased to state:

(a) the total number of cases of corruption reported in the Ministry and its attached departments during the last five years alongwith details thereof; and

(b) whether the action has been taken by the Ministry against responsibles thereof; if not, the reasons thereof?

Minister of States and Frontier Regions (Lt. General (R) Abdul Qadir Baloch): (a) No corruption case has been reported in the Ministry of SAFRON and its attached department (i.e. Chief Commissionerate for Afghan Refugees) during the last five years.

(b) Not relevant in view of (a) above.

138. Mr. Siraj Muhammad Khan:

Will the Minister for Textile Industry be pleased to state whether it is a fact that the Government has allowed the commercialization of 30 varieties of GM Cotton; if so, the reasons thereof?

Tranferred to National food Security and Research Division for answer on Next Rota Day. 23

139. Mr. Ramesh Lal:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to refer to Un-starred question No. 97 replied on 06-12-2013 and to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that the pension of retired employees of EOBI has not been increased since long; if so, the reasons thereof; and

(b) the time by which it will be increased?

Minister for Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi): (a) and (b) It is incorrect that the pension of EOBI retired employees has not been increased since long.

The pension of the retired employees of EOBI has been increased @10% w.e.f 01-07-2013 vide EOBI’s Office Order No.342 dated 28-10- 2013 in line with the decision of Federal Government.

140. Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister for Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development be pleased to refer to Un-starred Question No. 50 replied on 07-04-2014 and to state:

(a) the roll numbers, registration numbers, academic sessions, names of universities from where M.A/M.Sc degrees were obtained by the Subject Specialists recruited on Contract Basis in BPS-17 during the month of January, 2013 in the working Folks Grammar School, Serai Naurang, KPK; and

(b) the roll numbers, registration numbers, academic sessions, names of universities in respect of the under process B.Ed Degrees of the above said Subject Specialists?

Minister for Overseas Pakistani and Human Resource Development (Pir Syed Sadaruddin Shah Rashidi): (a) Working Folks Grammar School, Serai Naurang Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) is being managed controlled by the Provincial Workers Welfare Board, KPK. The relevant information has been obtained from them which is attached at Annex-I. 24 (b) The detail is attached at “Annex-II”.

(Annexures have been placed in the National Assembly Library)

141. Syed Waseem Hussain:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state the year wise details of trade made with Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan during the last three fiscal years alongwith the details thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan):

1. Pakistan’s Bilateral Trade with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan:

Pakistan’s total trade with Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Iran and Afghanistan during 2012-13 amounted to US $ 6563.67 million showing a decreasing trend of 20% compared to US $ 8206.07 million during the previous year.

i. The year wise details of 3 countries during the last three years is as below: Value in Million US$ —————————————————————————————— Years Kingdom Iran Afghanistan Total Trend of Saudi Arabia Trade in % —————————————————————————————— 2010-2011 4974.15 734.94 2508.7 8217.79 2011-2012 5450.47 306.60 2449.0 8206.07 -0.14 2012-2013 3943.87 266.0 2353.8 6563.67 -20.0 —————————————————————————————— Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

ii. Pakistan’s main exports constitute of agricultural products to the three countries. In addition Pakistan exports textile products to KSA, chemical products to Iran and building material to Afghanistan. Major imports from KSA and Iran are petroleum products, chemical products and iron ore, whereas Pakistan imports fruits, dry fruit, carpet and rugs from Afghanistan. 25 2. Commodity Trade:

i. Pak-KSA:

Our top ten exports to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are textile products, cotton fiber, rice, meat, spices, fruits and vegetables, fish and fish preparation, light engineering goods, leather products and chemicals and major imports from Saudi Arabia are crude oil, petrochemicals, plastic and plastic products, organic chemical products, fertilizers, aluminum & its products, precious metals, steel castings, rubber & its products, paper, hardboard.

ii. Pak-Iran:

Our top ten exports to Iran are rice (all sorts), meat and meat preparations, paper and paper board, chemical material and products, fruit and fruit preparations, sugar raw and refined, cotton fiber items while major imports from Iran are petroleum, ores of iron and steel, hides a, skins and furs, chemical elements and compounds.

iii. Pak-Afganistan:

Our top ten items of export to Afghanistan are rice, petroleum products, animal and vegetable fats and oil, vegetable, dairy products, construction material, articles of plastics, fruits, cork and wood manufactures, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and major items of import from Afghanistan include vegetable, fruits, raw cotton, carpets and rugs, hides, skins etc.

142. Dr. Muhammad Azhar Khan Jadoon:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) whether it is a fact that Pakistan Reinsurance Company Limited is a profitable company; and

(b) whether it is also a fact that the said company is being privatized; if so, the reasons thereof?

Minister for Commerce (Engr. Khurram Dastgir Khan): (a) PRCL is a profitable organization as shown below:— 26 —————————————————————————————— Year Underwriting Profit Profit Earning Dividend before Tax after Tax per share per share —————————————————————————————— Rupees in Million Rs. Rs. —————————————————————————————— 2009 482 318 270 0.90 3 2010 291 650 526 1.75 3 2011 379 1,257 844 2.82 3 2012 509 1,481 1,104 3.68 2.5 2013 453 1,706 1,321 4.4 2.5 —————————————————————————————— (b) There is no proposal for the privatization of the Company.

143. Maulana Muhammad Gohar Shah:

Will the Minister for Commerce be pleased to state:

(a) the details of the rebate granted on the export of cement during the years 2012 and 2013;

(b) the customs duties and taxes paid during the said period; and

(c) the number of fake exports detected during the year 2013-14?

Transferred to the Revenue Division for answer on next Rota day.

KARAMAT HUSSAIN NIAZI, Secretary. ISLAMABAD: The 10th May, 2014.

PCPPI—653 (2014) NA—10-5-2014—650.