Laptops of the Future John Edwards November 2007
1 Phoenix Technologies Launches FailSafe™: Built-InBuilt-In SSecurityecurity andand RemoteRemote ManagementManagemen for Laptops OctoberOOcctobeer 2007202 007 AdvancedAdvaannccede ttheheeft -Loss-LLoso s ProtecProtteeccti onn andandd Pre-Prer - venveventi on,on,n IIncludingncludidingn EncrypEncryypti on,on,n Tracking,Trar cking, Recovery,RReccovery, andana d RemoteRemmotet ControlledContrt olled SeSecu-cu- rityrrity ttoo be EEmbeddedmbedded inintonto NNext-Generaext-Geennerati on MobileMoobib le PCs.PCs. ThroughThroougu h ann intuiintuiti ve,vee, eaeasy-to-usesyy-too-use WeWebb inin-- terface,teterfr ace, PPhoenixhoenix FFailSafeaia lSaffe deliversdelivers a com-com- prehensive range of theft -loss preventi on and protecti on features.. With FailSafe, Phoenix PC OEM partners can embed an Leading industry analyst and mobile PC innovati ve command and control system into the PC core futurist, Tim Bajarin of Creati ve Strate- fi rmware to track, control, and recover lost or stolen mo- gies said, “By making it easier to track, bile PCs. recover and remotely control portable PCs, Phoenix FailSafe typifi es the type of Users can encrypt, lock and even destroy data on lost lap- soluti on needed to provide the peace of tops to protect sensiti ve or private informati on. Informa- mind and protecti on to advance the mo- ti on on the laptop can also be encrypted to prevent data bile PC category including UMPCs (ultra theft resulti ng from stolen laptops. mobile portable computers) and MIDs (mobile internet devices). This degree As a result, consumers, small business owners, and IT of security ensures that the personal managers can remotely manage mobile PCs, much like and private informati on stored on these mobile phones are managed, through an intuiti ve Web powerful but mobile and convenient interface.
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