Reconciling Personality with Process: Linking Two Different Views of the Enneagram copyright by Susan Rhodes, rev. Dec. 2005,
[email protected] There are two influential models of the ennea- Personality vs. Process gram, the “process” enneagram of George Gurd- If we look at the personality enneagram, we see a jieff and the enneagram of individual differences system that describes nine points on a circle as by Oscar Ichazo. The latter is more commonly nine point of view, each one looking at life in a called the enneagram of personality or personality different way. We can describe this view in terms fixations. For our purposes here, I’ll speak of the of a personality type. And we can look at how personality enneagram, although my own view is this type is motivated and how it relates to other that individuality is not exactly equivalent to per- types on the circle in predictable ways, given its sonality.1 placement on the circle and how the inner lines Most Gurdjieff (Fourth Way) schools regard connect with other points. We can study the na- the personality enneagram as a somewhat de- ture of each point from many different angles, graded usage of the “true” (process) enneagram; looking at such things as its fixations, passions, most users of the personality enneagram know virtues, gifts, Holy Ideas, symbolic animals, etc. relatively little about the process enneagram, We can also subsume each point into a broader unless they happen to participate in a Fourth Way category (such as a center, triad, or hexad) or di- Group. However, many people who discover the vide it into a narrower category (subtypes or wing personality enneagram regard as a wonderful tool types or a combination of both).