Economy and State in Fiji Before and After the Coups
Economy and State in Fiji before and after the Coups Bruce Knapman This paper is a rt;:vision and update of an earlier article on the economic consequences ofthe I987 military coups d'etat in Fiji (Knapman I988a). Its purpose is to explain what has happened against a background analysis of postindependence development, and to predict what is likely to happen. It is not prescriptive, but it does comment on the universalist, promarket, antistate analysis and policy recommendations in two recent books on the Fiji economy (Cole and Hughes I988; Kasper, Bennett, and Blandy I988). The conclusion is that Fiji probably faces a future ofeconomic stagnation. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES AND PERFORMANCE I970-1986 In I874, at the beginning of the colonial period, Fiji's largely self-sufficient subsistence economy supported a population of about I40,000 Fijians who tolerated a shaky frontier economy of less than 2000 white settlers and traders. By I970, at the end of the colonial period, Fiji had an export economy supporting a population of 480,000. Of these, 200,000 were indigenous land-owning Fijians, 76 percent ofwhom lived in rural villages and retained a significant commitment to subsistence agriculture and neo traditional society. Another 24°,000 were Indians, 6I percent of whom lived in rural areas: they were predominantly Fiji-born (therefore "Indo Fijian"), grew the principal export crop (sugarcane) on leased land, and were prominent in small-scale commercial and service enterprises. The remaining, almost entirely urban, population consisted of Europeans and Chinese who dominated the management of largely foreign-owned big business in the manufacturing (mainly sugar milling), banking, trade, and tourism sectors (Knapman I987, I; CES, July I988; Fisk I970, 36-42).
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