Journal of Coastal Conservation 4: 115-126, 1998 © EUCC; Opulus Press Uppsala. Printed in Sweden - Interactions between water and land in The Netherlands - 115 Interactions between water and land in The Netherlands Waterman, Ronald E.1, Misdorp, Robbert2 & Mol, Arie3 1Government of the Province of South Holland, Zuid-Hollandplein 1, P.O. Box 90602, 2509 LP The Hague, The Netherlands; Tel +31 70 441 7012; Fax +31 70 441 78 19; E-mail
[email protected]; 2Coastal Zone Management Centre, Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, P.O. Box 20907, 2500 EX The Hague, The Netherlands; Fax +31703114380; E-mail
[email protected]; 3Arcadis Bouw Infra, Gevers Deynootweg 93, P.O. Box 84319, 2508 AH The Hague, The Netherlands Abstract. The Netherlands are one of the most densely popu- The Netherlands is a typically lowland-coastal coun- lated coastal countries in the world and there is only limited try, bordering the North Sea and with three main rivers space for living, working, transport and recreation, while there (Fig. 1), the Rijn (Rhine; with the branches Waal and is also the need to preserve and expand valuable natural habitats. IJssel), Maas (Meuse) and Schelde (Scheldt). The North In order to solve many existing and future conflicts of interest, Sea (572000 km 2) is a shallow epicontinental sea of the and in order to create ‘added value’, strategies are developed to optimize the use of water-land systems. Atlantic Ocean. Most of the present 353 km long outer The principle of ‘building with nature’ is applied in order Dutch coastline, bordering the North Sea, is dynamical to integrate land in sea and water in land in such a way that under the influence of tidal currents, waves and storm future generations will be able to use coastal resources in a surges which remodel the accumulated river sediments.