Asians in the City Booklet 2017.Pdf
Projects 1. Saturday in October 2. Booklet Asian American3. Student Film Club, Festival 2016–2017 Advisors:Go Johnto: Cho and Michael Takeda 1. FCC website Toki Aoki, Davi Hay,2. My BenedictFCC Locquiao, Montha Mao, Octavio Mejia, Yecenia3. News andMejia, Events Ratana Serey, Jose Soto, Jarod Vaquilar,4. Asians Sarah in theXiong, City and Choua Yang Asian American Club, 2015-2016 Projects Advisors: John Cho and Michael Takeda 1. Saturday in October Asians in the City 2. Booklet 3. Student Film Festival 2017 Davi Hay, Kerly Keokominh, Jezebel Lopez, Go to: Ola Masbudi, Octavio Mejia, Ratana Serey, 1. FCC website Featuring student works of poetry, ction, non- ction, art and photography Nathan Teng, Steven Vang, Yang Vue, 2. My FCC 3. News and Events Aubrey Wu, Cali Xayavong, and Melody Zhou 4. Asians in the City Asian American Club, 2015-2016 Advisors: John Cho and Michael Takeda Davi Hay, Kerly Keokominh, Jezebel Lopez, Ola Masbudi, Octavio Mejia, Ratana Serey, Nathan Teng, Steven Vang, Yang Vue, Aubrey Wu, Cali Xayavong, and Melody Zhou Asians in the City Booklet 2017 Painting by Wu Daozi (680–740 AD), Tang Dynasty “Is it not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?” — From the Analects of Confucius The Asians in the City booklet is published each spring semester during the month of April by the Asian American Studies Program. The contents are primarily the creative work of Fresno City College students; the writers and artists retain all rights. The submission deadline for the 2018 Asians in the City booklet is February 28, 2018.
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