Mini-Case study: The downfall of Blackberry Ali Moussi Universteit van Amsterdam 6068324
[email protected] continuously take losses, while section 3 expands on the 1. INTRODUCTION influence of management which allows such losses to In 1984 Research In Motion (RIM), later renamed Blackberry continuously happen. was founded. The company designed complex wireless data connection networks which were used by the police forces, military, ambulance services and such. Following rapid growth 2. INNOVATIVE COMPETITION AND and innovation, RIM developed a revolutionary pager, a device CYCLIC ADAPTATION MISALIGNMENT that can be used to send and receive messages which used their In the period 1984 to 2007 Blackberry was extremely successful communication technologies. Soon, this ‘personal in their launches of innovative products and services. During communicator’ was labelled as the next big thing. The this period we can see a clear pattern in the adaptive cycle of Inter@active was deployed in 1996 as RIM’s first handheld Blackberry. Their secure data connection networks where communication device. In the next years, RIM continued a exploited, and conserved which made the company a key player steady line of innovations and improved the handheld in enterprise communication. Soon, these technologies where communication device greatly. By 1999, RIM launched the ‘released’ and through innovation and reorganization their Blackberry rebranded devices and email services which allowed products where significantly improved, even new products were users to sync their devices with corporate email systems. introduced like the pager, and the BBM messenger service for Demand exploded, innovation continued. Blackberry became the consumers. A cycle that Blackberry used to steadily improved iconic in enterprise communication while their Blackberry their mobile communication businesses.