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Di1951trtem.Pdf 1 tfAJj£ FROM ti.6, TO GRANTOR GRANTEE Book Page Jan. 2 Meeker, Camolena & Frank Edward Giffin 2458 94 • II II Mayer, Clairernarie & Clarence T. Philip G. Lauch 2458 165 ~• II II Moorehead, Roy S. & Dorothy J. Patrick H. & Julia Agnew 2458 182 II " Morgan, J. Peter & Ophelia Philip G. Lauch 2458 186 II II -Mi..s.~l-e.~r-J;G-~i-ss--~--1!.~~~~) -\V:i-J.he.J.mi-na. .S.t.G-J:!k II II Mossman, Heorge A. & Ruth A. Bernice Early Hamilton 2458 192 •• I 3 M-L Construction Company Brank E. & K. J. D1Andrea 2458 216 " II Mitchell, P. Lincoln & Julia G. Velma J. Hesterberg 2458 248 II II Meyer, Josephine & Joseph et al Lester & Lily Hoer 2458 23 2 II II Metz, Daniel A. ( Affdvt) Isabelle Metz (Maritel Status) 2458 295 I ti 3 Metz, Elsie & Daniel Marvin S. Gilkerson 2458 344 • II 4 Moore, Marion & Pearl Edward W. Miller 2458 411 11 " Miller, Esther & John Dorothy R. Rissover 2458 417 II II Mercer, Kenneth & Fern Edward Bauman 2458 428 II It Mueller, Louise Ludie- Foster 2458 440 5 Mossman, George & Ruth Charles & Lark Birney 2458 509 •• !I 2 Meyers, John & Myrtle (Easement) Cin. & Sub.Bell Tel.co. 2458 322 II 5 Mendenhall, Alice(Decd) per Extr. Alice M. T;anter 2458 561 II 6 Mapp, Areatha Cobb Burnett R. Mapp 2458 573 II " Murphy, Alma G (Deed) Cert. Tr. George R. Murphy 2458 575 JI II Metzger, Clifford & Julia C.Gibson & Alice H. Smith 2458 584 • II 8 Martin, Lawrence & Audrey Chester & Gladys Volk 2458 623 II It Mayer, Marie (Deed) Cert. Tr Minnie H. Mayer 2459 5 I II II Moore, David Errett et al & Mary Harry Moore 2459 10 It 9 Mullin, Charles & Helen Carrie & Joseph Maschneier 2459 144 • II 3 Morehouse, Lawton et al Water Main Ext. Anderson Twp. 2459 145 II 9 Moschinsky, Eva & Harry General & Rosa Mae Pearson 2459 213 II 10 Marckworth, Olivia James W. Moser 2459 258 II II Meyn, Elizabeth Met al John A. Braeuning Jr 2459 264 " n Mezger, Adolph (De:cd) Cert, Tr Clara ;,re zge r 2459 302 •• • JI 11 Miller, Robert & Margaret Virbinia & Guy Dykes 2459 359 II ,, Medler, Kathleen Eva B. Merkel 2459 365 II II t.1orre 11, Marie Anthony & Mary Mancini 2459 413 II II Monarch Bldg.& Loan Assn. James & Ella M. Howell 2459 441 It 5 Monitor Distributing Corp. et al Brohar Inc. 2459 491 II 12 Morris, Mary James & Evelyn Scott 2459 546 ·I ,, II Morsie, Fred Cincinnati Gas & Elec, Co. 2459 576 II II Mockbee, L.Calvert (Deed) Cert. Tr Abigail B.Mockbee et al 2459 590 n II Mitchell, Leo A. (Deed) Cert. Tr. Martha E. Mitchell et al f'459 598 ... II 13 Moeller, Paul & Edna George L Riess 2459 621 ·I II 15 & Muench, Charles Frances Jeanette M. Schupp, Trustee 2460 24 II It Mundy, Esther (Deed) per Adm. Earl Royston 2460 32 II ti Myrick, Pearl (Deed) Cert. Tr Maryellen Myrick et al 2460· 36 II Magevney, Joseph Patrick Myrtle May Magevney • ,, " 2460 53 16 Martin Nellie & Elmer Helen E. Rotte 2460 143 " 17 MadDonald, Eileen M. John P. Roach .-.2~60 190 11 Mills, Victor & Grace Dorothy H. Baumes et al . 2460. 248 • Menke, Wm. H & Emma Anna & Thomas Green 2460 255 2 Em FROM EDD.K 0 PAGE 2£9 TO - _-_ - . -. - - - . _- - - -- - -- - ' - . ' - ' -- -- . -· - - - - -~-~-------·------ - - - - -· .. ~-·.----:- - - _- __;:,:-KR~OER.PT~,,:;.! ~TA.CD!J.CJH,.. __ . ···-.=..--. _ - '"· .•. __ -. ·- --- -- - ... -.- _ - . .. ___ - ~--- -~ __ ·---- - . ~-'·~-"'---... -~--,-- - •-, ._,. ,·· •---~-- _ .. .. ---·· _ . -----~---- --,-~ _._ -· ______ -,;,..-..· __ . ___,.·~~ --·- ...•..· GRANTOR GRANTEE Book Page Miracle, Edgar & Juanita et al Jennie & Hannah Moran 2460 .329 Jan. 18 Mullanney, Edward & Ann -Chas. F. Jones 2460 3'71 It It • Mause, J 0 seph P (Deed) Cert. Tr. Clana c. Mause 2460 381 II II Mangold, A.Fay & Robert Wm. & Antonia Frank 2460 432 " 19 Minges, Marie & Henry Ruth J. Ginley 2460 451 II II Manthey, Albert & Mae Ruth Maurath 2460 477 ·II 20 Mathias. Ray K. Doris L. Mathias 2460 494 II 19 I •• Margraf, Mary Jane Walter E. Margraf 2460 503 II 20 Martin, Telley & Leona Eleanor B. WGaver 2460 505 It " Miller & Associates Inc., R.M. Cinti. & Sub. Bell Tel. Co. 2460 549 II 22 Merkel, Eva B. G.L.Gallagher 2460 576 II 8 I M-L Construction Co., The George A. Shankland 2461 3 II 23 • Meininger, Esther & Carl John & Ruth Fuerbacher 2461 19 II " Mathias, Edgar & Laura Arthur & Bernice Welsh 2461 82 l,t II Michel, Clara & Alban Curt & Viola Borths et, al 2461 95 II 24 Merrow, Matilda & Deward Lottie Hann 2461 101 n " Mathews, Kate (Deed) Cert. Tr. Ethel Gartman Casey et al 2461 142 II If •• Meinken, Edward J. Ann lvleinken 2461 143 II II MacKinnon, Wendell & s·ernice Leonard & Kathryn Broadbent 2461 156 II " Mid-West Drive-In-Theatres Inc. James & Ada Radabaugh 2461 192 " 25 Martz, Jeanette E. & Wm. et al Rowena Ray 2461 194 " II Mueller, John Stacey (Deed) Cert. T~· Kathryn E. Miller et al 2461 200 If II • Michel, Norbert Phillip D. Vlamis 2461 273 II II Mitchell, Katie & Chester et al Alfred Radabaugh 2461 276 II If I Meece, G.L. & Vivian (Easement) Robert & Della Clements 2461 293 II 26 Morgan, Sylvester & Georgia B. Marion & Pearl Moore 2461 299 II " • Minning, Alma Hoffman Gregory & Corinne Netelar 2461 334 If It Mann, Mildred & Simon Otis Wright 2461 338 II If Munson, 1Tames & Mildred Roy & Helen Andrew 2461 381 II If Morris Investment Co. Bd,of Education City District 2461 405 II 27 Maly, Charles Verna .M. Hertlein 2461 408 II II •., Mathia• Joseph & Lillian George F. Platts 2461 412 11 II Morris, Mary E Linton & Edith Terrell 2461 418 II " Mills, Walter et al Raymond Griffith 2461 421 n " Morris, Jerome & Juanita Mary E. Morris 2461 445 11 " Mitchell, Gregor (Affdvt) As to sale of real estate 2461 449 II II I· Mayer, Anna L. & George Frank & Alvena Fischer 2461 450 II II Moore, Robert W Casper A. Cramer 2461 456 II 29 Meyer. Marie & Joseph Charlea & Wilma Beyer 2461 578 " 30 Metzger, Allen & Margaret Joseph & Opal Satchwill 2461 597 II II Metzger, Allen H. Margaret K? Metzger 2461 603 II " I· Meyer, Rachel N. (Affdvt) As to fee title to real estate 2461 623 II II Moore, Adele Guynan Alice Boeckmann et al 2462 19 II II Mittelhnuser, Anthony & Loretta James Jr & Beulah Hardy 2462 30 II 29 • Middleton, Hardin & Adeline Robert & Mabel Edison 2462 39 II 30 Maschmeyer, Helen D et al Carl & Elspa Coble 2462 41 If " • Marbury, Mitchell & Polly Essie Pinkett 2462 52 II It Meldon, Marie & Robert Ralph & Mary Dolan 2462 54 II 29 • 3 FROM GRANTOR GRANTEE Book Page Jan. 31 Muennich. Lav1rence & Beuerly Paul & Margaret Eggers . 2462 98 • " II Martina, Mary (per Extr. James & Maggie Pierce - 2462 119 ,. " Mitchell, Bertha & Gregor R.L. Crone 2462.159 Peb. 1 Moffett, Minnie P. Paul E. Moffett 2462 200 II " Makepeace, Wm. Sr & Laura Inez Myrtle Hall 2462 218 lt an. 31 Meyers, Melville & Georgette The A.A.K.Company 2462 238 I Feb. 2 Moorman, Alan (Affdvt) Tp Distinguish him from A.M0 orman 2462 264 • II II Meyer, Lillian & Leo Theodor Breidenstein 2462 312 II 11 Motzer, George & Ann Verna Pickett 2462 319 ll II Minges, Raymond & Miriam (Grant) Cincinnati Gas & Elec. Co. 2462 325 I It II Minges, Fred & Daisy It Do 2462 342 11 ,, • Minges, Raymond & Miriam Do 2462 351 II 3 Myrick, M:aryellen et al Patrick & Mary Ryan 2462 360 II II Marlowe, John & Mildred Mabel E. Goerth 2462 362 II II Medecke, Mamie c • Fred s. Woodead et al 2462 374 II II Mente, Margaret P. (Deed) Cert. Tr. Anthony Pappas 2462 423 •• II 5 Minges, Marie & Henry Morris & Gene Runck 2462 439 II II Macke, Clemens & Carrie Melbourne & Mildred Becknann 2462 460 II II Moore, Bernard & Willie Mae Bernard & Nellie Norton 2462 474 II " Morena, Antonio Clementine & Jerome Cianciolo 2462 477 II II Morhardt, Alphonse & Luella Frances M. J;'ost 2462 479 • II n Moran, Annie Estelle F. Brinkmeyer 2462 481 II 5 Mendenhall, Emma et al Amy L. Murdoch 2462 494 I ti " Minges, Ricgard c. Flora Lippert 2462 530 II n Malloy, Kathryn B Wm. & Rickie Murphy 2462 532 • II II Murdoch, Amy & Carlisle Florence Murdoch 2462 538 II 6 MacWilliams. Juanita Raymond F. Hare 2462 608 II II Mackroff, Sam (Affdvt) As to will of Leah Mackroff 2462 627 II II Mackroff, Julius It Do 2462 628 n II Matz, Florence John H. Matz 2462 629 •• II II Mackroff, Sam Jean Levine 2463 14 II II Do Do 2463 15 11 If Mentiply, Mary & David Ben F. Elias 2~63 62 II 2 Mettler, Harold & Elizabeth (Grant) Cihcinnati Gas & Elec-Co. 2463 63 II 7 Murphy, William & Rickie Ann Roby 24.63 115 ~1 II II Malandrino, Guiseppe Maria Sciarra 2463 144 II It Miller, Esther & John Ruth A. Losekamp 2463 203 II 8 Marks, Belle Harry A. Mettler 2463 266 " II Murray, Beatrice & John Ruth Anna Ehrhart 2463. 316 JI " Madison, Annabel & George Joseph H. Childers 2463 360 ·I II 9 Mevke, Joseph & Eleanor et al Joseph Marke 2463 430 II II Moran, Lucy (Deed) Cert. Tr. John Lange et al 2463 432 II II Mefford, Wm. & Leone Norval & Elizabeth Harrison 2463 489 • II 10 Martin, Lawrence & Audrey Vincent & Audrey Crow 2463 511 II ll Manthey, Albert & Mae Marian Spreen 2463 532 • II 13 Minges, Marie & Henry Edward A. Back 2463.572 II 11 Meyer, Miron ,\ Louis M. Simkin 2463 614 • II II Minning, Bess Pattillo (Affdvt) As to change in name 2463 629 4 FROM TO ·-------.~~•• -· _:_:_.......~ -- , • ~-~o - • - - ' -• ,_._ --~-, ·- • _:_:.:1r:: GRANTOR GRANTEE Book Page Manzi, Salvabore Jr & Elizabeth Dorothy c.
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    Press Contact: Jocelyn Jara 312-729-4411 [email protected] Maritza Santibañez 312-729-4052 [email protected] KEY INFORMATION • The captains from Super Mario® Strikers are back, joined by four new ones, and now players can create their own original teams by mixing and matching their captain with a new cast of sidekicks. All characters have their own sets of special abilities, making each one play completely differently from the others. New captain super-abilities and sidekick skill-shots add a new level of depth to already crazy soccer battles on the most unpredictable and hazard- filled pitches in the Mario™ universe. Each field features its own set of interactive hazards that alter game play during the course of the game. • There are tons of new single-player modes, from tournaments to challenges to tutorials, but the game truly shines in multiplayer. The game features a robust multiplayer mode: Up to four players can battle locally, or they can go on Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection (by themselves or with a friend) to compete with friends and rivals. • Building on the frantic fun of Super Mario Strikers , this game gets players into action only possible on Wii. Primary game-play controls use both the Wii Remote™ and Nunchuk™ controllers. Players use the Nunchuk to control their characters and deploy items. Flick the Wii Remote to perform the defensive “Big Hit” move and flatten foes. To defend against a “Mega Strike” goal attempt, use the Wii Remote to point at the screen and manually defend against multiple balls as they rocket toward the screen.
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