Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Electronic Filing System. ESTTA Tracking number: ESTTA807292 Filing date: 03/15/2017 IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD Proceeding 92065219 Party Plaintiff Highline United, LLC Correspondence LEONARD N BUDOW Address FOX ROTHSCHILD LLP 997 LENOX DRIVE BLDG 3 LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ 08648-2311 UNITED STATES
[email protected],
[email protected] Submission Motion to Suspend for Civil Action Filer's Name Michael Leonard Filer's e-mail
[email protected] Signature /michael leonard/ Date 03/15/2017 Attachments Highline_s Motion to Suspend _482 Reg. proceeding.pdf(214864 bytes ) EXHIBIT 1 - Highline_s Petition for Cancellation of 112 Registra- tion.pdf(2606792 bytes ) Segment 001 of EXHIBIT 2 - Converse_s ITC Complaint.pdf(5226274 bytes ) Segment 002 of EXHIBIT 2 - Converse_s ITC Complaint.pdf(3794581 bytes ) EXHIBIT 3 - Converse Petition for Review CAFC.PDF(49845 bytes ) EXHIBIT 4 - Order granting HU Liquidation_s Motion for Leave to Inter- ven.pdf(80734 bytes ) IN THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE BEFORE THE TRADEMARK TRIAL AND APPEAL BOARD In The Matter Of Registration No. 4,065,482 For The Design Mark: Registered: December 6, 2011 HIGHLINE UNITED, LLC, Cancellation No. 92065219 Petitioner, v. CONVERSE, INC., Registrant. PETITIONER HIGHLINE UNITED, LLC’S MOTION TO SUSPEND THE PROCEEDING PENDING A FEDERAL CIRCUIT APPEAL I. INTRODUCTION Pursuant to TBMP § 510.02(a), Highline United, LLC (“Highline” or “Petitioner”) hereby moves to suspend this proceeding. HU Liquidation, LLC (f/k/a Highline United, LLC (“Highline United”)) and Registrant Converse, Inc. (“Converse” or “Registrant”) are presently litigating an appeal in the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit on a mark that is very similar to the mark at issue here.