Bonds within Pet of FORUM one homer of the Our readers write Babe Ruth week ...................................Page 4 .............Page 6 ..............Page 3 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Tomorrow: Mostly sunny 7 58551 69301 0 MONDAY May 8, 2006 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL 14 pages, Volume 148 Number 29 email:
[email protected] County has Pandemic Flu plan Local activist Bird Flu movie to disaster. with infected birds may also clinics, and health department The virus H5N1, also called become ill. staff to test and improve the says building air Wednesday Avian Flu or Bird Flu, has been In the last three years, more Pandemic Flu plan. of concern since 2003, accord- than 100 infected people have “Everyone has a responsibil- The Daily Journal ing to the Health Department. died. ity for preparedness,” boom must wait Because a television movie Spread of the disease has “It is unknown if the virus Mordhorst said. scheduled to air Wednesday been tracked from Asia to will ever mutate to a form that The following Web sites might raise questions or con- Europe, Africa, and the United is easily spread from person to may be of assistance: Johnson campaigned succesfully for cerns from viewers, the local Kingdom. The major impact person. However, if it does, it; marijuana legislation six years ago health department wants to has been seen in poultry and in will cause widespread illness; remind citizens it has a wild birds. and death. So, we must pre-; The Daily Journal Pandemic Flu plan.