Title with Tosio Kato at Berkeley (Tosio Kato's Method and Principle
With Tosio Kato at Berkeley (Tosio Kato's Method and Title Principle for Evolution Equations in Mathematical Physics) Author(s) Cordes, H.O. Citation 数理解析研究所講究録 (2001), 1234: 1-17 Issue Date 2001-10 URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/41502 Right Type Departmental Bulletin Paper Textversion publisher Kyoto University 数理解析研究所講究録 1234 巻 2001 年 1-17 1 With Tosio Kato at Berkeley H.O.Cordes Iam looking back at aperiod of about 36 years of collaboration (and, later, friend- ship) with Tosio Kato, mostly, while being his collegue at U.C., Berkeley, 1962-1988, and, after his retirement, 1988-1999. Actually, 1963 was not the begin of my acquaintance with his name or person. It so happened that we both grew uP within very similar mathematical climates, but at different ends of the world: In Japan, and in Germany. In fact, while Iwas amember of awell groomed community, Kato seems to have developed his environment all on his own, living in the countryside of Japan, during the second world war -according to his remarks at occasion of award of the Wiener prize, in 1980. Iam astudent of Franz Rellich, at Goettingen. Rellich started the rigorous investiga- tion of analytic perturbation of self-adjoint eigenvalue problems, in aseries of 5papers, in the 1930-s [Re], in the light of the quantum mechanical publicity of such problems. (Schroedinger [Schr] had given aformal discussion of the Stark effect, as perturbation of the hydrogen atom by an electric field, using such calculus.) In the early 1950-s Rellich came back from atrip to the USA, and told me about a young physicist, Tosio Kato.
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