BELLAGHY (Ballyscullion) Parish Bulletin 16th February 2014 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time CHURCHES USEFUL TEL NO’S FEBRUARY SCHEDULES Irish Dancing Class: Tues at 7pm in interested please contact 71362475 or Parish Records. If any of the Fr P Baker 02879 642458 Readers Bellaghy GAC 07714882955 before Feb 28th for an following apply please contact the St Mary’s, Bellaghy (1877) Fr O Crilly 02825 821190 Vigil: Coleen Gallagher J.B. Bunny’s Drama Club application form or more details. Parish Office 79386259 or th Lifeline 0808 808 8000 11am: Amy McGoldrick commences 8 March for 14 weeks, Is God calling you to serve as a email: St V de P 07508549588 Masses: Daily Readers: from 10 to 11am every Saturday, at Priest? Join us for a time of
[email protected] Mon & Fri. 7.30pm Pastoral Centre 02879 642983 Mon: Teresa O’Hagan Tues: Dan St. John Bosco Community Hall, for information, prayer, questioning and • Details changed in past Tues, Wed & Thurs 9.30am Childline 0800 11 11 Joe Cassidy Wed: Tom Scullion CHARIS 02886 769217 girls and boys aged 4-11. Contact reflection. St Eugenes Cathedral, year e.g. name, address, Vigil (Sat) 6.30pm Thurs: Moira Kearney st Samaritans 08457 909090 Vincent McAllister on Derry Saturday 1 March, 2014 telephone etc. Sun 11.00am Frid: Marie Kilpatrick st Cruse 0844 477 9400 07799004983, before 1 March 11.00 am. • Moved into Parish in last Confessions: Church Cleaners Cruse Bannside 02825 630900 places are limited Off The Cuff Community Theatre year. Fri 7pm -7.20pm Sat: 6pm – 6.20pm Dolores Mulholland, Veronica PAROCHIAL HALL Group are offering Drama • Gift Aid.