Surname First Name Rank Regiment Age Cause of Death Date of Death Location of Death Location of Grave or Memorial DoB At Abingdon Further Info Ashwin G.J.H. Lieutenant Durham Light infantry 22 Killed in action 07.11.16 France Warlencourt British Cemetery 1894 1907-1912 Austin A.M. A. Paymaster R.N. HMS Hawke 30 Enemy action 15.10.14 North Sea Chatham Naval Memorial 1883 1895-1901 Abingdon resident Badcock W.S. Corporal Royal Berkshire 28 Killed in action 27.07.16 France 1888 1903-1905 Abingdon resident Baker C.T. Lieutenant Canadian Infantry 39 Killed in action 29.09.18 France Ontario Cemetery 1879 1894-1897 Baker S.H. Major Gloucestershire Regiment 37 Killed in action 23.03.18 France Pozieres Memorial 1881 1905-1915 Abingdon resident Berry MC E.F. Captain Indian Army 27 Killed in action 17.04.16 Iraq Basra Memorial 1888 1900-1905 Betteridge A.R. Private Royal Berkshire Regiment 32 Meningitis 18.02.17 UK St.Michael, Steventon 1884 1895-1901 Betteridge H.E. Private Royal Marine Artillery 18 Pneumonia 27.09.18 UK Radley Churchyard 1900 1910- 1917 Brown J.R. Lieutenant Canadian Infantry 38 Killed in action 27.09.18 France Bourlon Wood Cemetery 1880 1889-1902 Brown MC A.A. Captain Royal Field Artillery 31 Heart failure 04.03.18 Israel Ramieh War Cemetery 1886 1900-1905 Burge L.O. sergeant Royal Fusillers 23 Killed in action 10.07.16 France Pozieres Military Cemetery 1893 1904-1911 Burkett H.W.B. Captain Wiltshire Regiment 23 Killed in action 14.04.18 France Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension 1895 1904-1913 Buswell T.H. 2 Lieutenant RFC 22 Missing/KIA 26.03.18 France Flying Services Memorial 1896 1907-1913 Campbell H.V. Lance Corporal Royal Berkshire Regiment 23 Killed in action 06.09.18 Italy Barenthal Military Cemetery 1895 1906-1911 Cannon H.S. Corporal Royal Engineers 26 Killed in action 30.10.14 Belgium Ypres Town Cemetery Extension 1888 1896-1899 Challenor N.B. Captain Royal Berkshire 30 Killed in action 31.07.15 France White City Cemetery 1885 1893-1899 Abingdon resident Clack S.E. Private Royal Fusillers 19 Killed in action 25.04.18 France Crucifix Corner Military Cemetery 1899 1910-1914 Abingdon resident Cobb J.A. Corporal D.of Wellington/W.Riding 25 Died of wounds 06.12.15 France Etaples Military Cemetery 1891 1902-1905 Cook C.E. Lieutenant Royal Sussex 22 Died of wounds 08.07.16 France Choques Military Cemetery 1893 1908-1912 Cullen D. Private London Scottish 20 Killed in action 23.08.18 France Vis-en-Artois Memorial 1898 1906-1914 Abingdon resident D'Almaine R. Private Canadian Infantry 20 Killed in action 04.11.16 France Ecoivres Military Cemetery 1896 1904-1906 Abingdon resident Davenport A. Lieutenant Rifle Brigade 21 Killed in action 23.08.18 France Douchy-les-Ayette British Cemetery 1897 1905-1915 Deacon P.L. Civilian Colonial Civil Service 36 Pneumonia 08.10.18 Kenya Mbaraki (Mombasa) Cemetery 1882 1893-1901 de Courcy Williams C 2 Lieutenant Middlesex 19 Died of wounds 21.10.14 France Bethune Town Cemetery 1895 1908-1912 Dunn A. Lance Corporal Leinster Regiment 31 Killed in action 14.06.18 France Cinque Rues British Cemetery, Hazebrouck 1886 1900-1901 Eason A. 2 Lieutenant Royal Berkshire 18 Appendicitis 20.01.16 UK S.Mary's Churchyard, Long Wittenham 1897 1909-1915 Edwardes H.F.E. 2 Lieutenant Duke of Cornwall L.I. 37 Died of wounds 06.02.17 France Bethune Town Cemetery 1878 1891-1898 Abingdon resident Ellison C.J. Captain Royal Garrison Artillery 29 Pneumonia 18.02.19 UK Abingdon RC Cemetery 1888 1899-1900 Abingdon resident Gale L.F. Corporal Qns. Own Oxon Hussars 30 Killed in action 26.05.15 Belgium Menin Gate 1885 1894-1898 Gillingham R.C. Private Royal Berkshire Regiment 27 Killed in action 04.04.17 France Thiepval Memorial 1890 1904-1906 Abingdon resident Goodyear D.M. Lieutenant RFC Died of wounds 29.06.17 Belgium Brandhoek Military Cemetery 1892 1906-1907 Goodyear R.C. 2 Lieutenant East Surrey Regiment 23 Killed in action 24.04.17 France Gouzeaucourt New British Cemetery 1894 1906-1907 Goodyear R.M. 2 Lieutenant Essex, a. R. Scots Fusiliers 19 Killed in action 12.03.15 France 1895 1910-1913 Goodyear E.M. Lieutenant S. Wales Borderers 21 Died of wounds 02.04.15 UK Kensal Green All Souls' Cemetery 1893 1908-1911 Griffin I.E. Captain Ox. And Bucks. L.I. 28 Died of wounds 19.02.15 France Beauval Communal Cemetery 1888 1898-1904 Habgood J.H. Private Berks. Yeomanry 24 Missing/KIA 21.08.15 Turkey Helles Memorial 1890 1903-1907 Harragin W.P. Lieutenant A&S H./King'sAfricanRifles 34 Died 01.11.18 Tanzania Dar es Salaam Cemetery 1884 1899-1900 Harvey J. Private Royal GlosHussars 20 Killed in action 23.04.16 Israel Jerusalem Memorial 1895 1909-1912 Harvey MC&Bar E.H. Captain Gloucestershire 28 Killed in action 30.09.18 France Estaires Communal Cemetery Extension 1890 1903-1908 Hewer R.T. 2 Lieutenant 1st Berkshire Yeomanry 30 Killed in action 21.11.17 Israel Jerusalem War Cemetery 1887 1898-1904 Hood J.W. Lieutenant Royal Garrison Artillery 28 Influenza 15.11.18 France Valenciennes Communal Cemetery 1889 1915 one term Howard J.A. Lieutenant Essex Regiment 20 Died of wounds 09.05.18 France Bienvillers Military Cemetery 1898 1910-1915 Abingdon resident Johnson L.R. Lt. Col Canadian Heavy Artillery 61 Died 17.04.15 Canada Mount Royal Cemetery, Montreal 1855 1860s King K.V. Lieutenant RAF 21 Killed in action 30.07.18 France Varennes Military Cemetery 1896 1906-1909 Abingdon resident Layng G.R.S. Lieutenant Gloucestershire Regt. 21 Died of wounds 18.08.16 France Warloy-Baillon Communal Cemetery Extension 1895 1906-1909 Leach T.N.T. Wireless Op. Merchant Navy 17 Enemy action 02.10.18 Irish Sea 1900 1911-1917 Abingdon resident Lewington W.J. Trooper Queen's Own Ox Hussars 21 Killed in action 25.03.18 France Pozieres Memorial 1896 1908-1912 Louth H.G. Private Seaforth Highlanders 25 Killed in action 09.05.15 France Le Touret Memorial 1888 1905-1907 Lupton F.W. 2 Lieutenant Royal Fusiliers 20 Killed in action 04.08.16 France Thiepval Memorial 1895 1906-1914 Abingdon resident Marcus D.H. Rifleman London Regt. 21 Killed in action 01.07.16 France Gommecourt British Cemetery No. 2 1895 1908-1912 Marshall MC B.S. Lieutenant R.F.C. 22 Shot Down 07.06.17 France Arras Flying Services Memorial 1894 1909-1912 Miles P.N. Private Lancashire Fusiliers 19 Missing/KIA 09.10.17 Belgium Tyne Cot Memorial 1898 1908-1914 Abingdon resident Milne MC J.T. Captain RFC 22 Missing/KIA 24.10.17 France Arras Flying Services Memorial 1895 1905-1909 Mitchell J.M. 2 Lieutenant Ox. And Bucks L.I. 24 Killed in action 25.09.15 Belgium Menin Gate 1891 1904-1909 Mortleman W.R. Lieutenant Honourable Artiliery Co. 27 Shell shock 29.12.18 UK Chipping Barnet Church Burial Ground, Herts 1891 1902-1907 Perrin C.E. Co. QM. Sgt Royal Berkshire 22 Killed in action 14.08.16 France Thiepval Memorial 1894 1906-1911 Abingdon resident Perrin A.N. Lance Corp. Coldstream Guards 27 Pneumonia 30.10.18 Italy Cremona Town Cemetery 1891 1903-1906 Abingdon resident Pryce A.O.C. 2 Lieutenant Cameronian Scottish Rifles 34 Killed in action 14.04.18 Belgium Ploeggsteert Memorial 1883 1894-1902 Abingdon resident Robinson L.F.W. Lieutenant Royal Engineers 23 Killed in action 25.05.17 France 1893 1907-1909 Robinson C.W.S. Air. Mechanic RAF 23 Killed in action 08.08.18 Belgium Perreuse Chateau Franco British National Cemetery 1896 1907-1909 Saxby G.S. 2 Lieutenant London Queen V.Rifles 34 Died of wounds 22.04.17 France Duisans British Cemetery 1883 1894-1901 Abingdon resident Sells A.J. Lieutenant Qns.R.Wst.Surrey 34 Killed in action 26.10.16 Belgium Berks. Cemetery Extension 1882 1898-1900 Shepherd A.G. Flt.Sub.Lieut R.N.A.S. 21 Flying accident 10.03.15 UK Wotton St.Peter Oxon 1894 1903-1911 Shepherd-Turneham N.P. Captain Yorkshire Regiment 38 Killed in action 28.09.16 France Thiepval Memorial 1878 1889-1894 Abingdon resident Shopland H Private RAMC 41 Died 18.06.16 Greece Salonika Military Cemetery 1877 1887-1894 Slade R.B. Lieutenant RAF 26 Flying accident 23.07.18 UK All Saints Churchyard, Aston Upthorpe 1892 1901-1903 Smith C.F.B. Lieutenant Suffolk Regiment 28 Killed in action 15.02.15 Belgium Menin Gate 1886 1900-1901 Sparkes R.A. Major 54th Sikhs 34 Influenza 02.11.18 Pakistan Karachi Memorial 1884 1896-1903 Staniland W. Lnce. Sgt. Gloucestershire Regt. 31 Killed in action 25.09.15 France 1884 1895-1901 Abingdon resident Tinegate G.H. Private Worcestershire 17 Missing/KIA 10.08.15 Turkey Helles Memorial 1898 1912-1914 Weaving R.V. Sergeant Royal Berkshire 28 Missing/KIA 27.08.16 France Mill Road Cemetery 1889 1904-1906 Abingdon resident Webb A.P. 2 Lieutenant Kng's Shropshire Light Infantry 32 Killed in action 09.04.17 France Tilloy British Cemetery 1885 1896-1898 Williams W.C. Lieutenant Hampshire Regiment 21 Killed in action 24.09.16 Greece Doiran Memorial 1894 1909-1913 Willis R. Lieutenant Loyal North Lancashire 28 Killed in action 16.05.16 France Ecoivres Military Cemetery 1887 1913 One term Woods G. Captain London Regiment 22 Died of wounds 09.09.16 France Thiepval Memorial 1894 1911-1913