Role and Important of Hydrogen in Plant Metabolism
Kheyrodin and Kheyrodin, World J. Biol. Med. Science Volume 4 (3) 13-20, 2017 Indexed, Abstracted and Cited: Index Copernicus International (Poland), ISRA Journal Impact Factor, International Impact Factor Services (IIFS), Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI), International Institute of Organized Research and Scientific Indexing Services, Cosmos Science Foundation (South-East Asia), International Innovative Journal Impact Factor, Einstein Institute for Scientific Information {EISI}, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources, Science Indexing Library (UAE), Swedish Scientific Publication (Sweden), journals indexing, Directory Indexing of International Research Journals World Journal of Biology and Medical Sciences Published by Society for Advancement of Science® ISSN 2349-0063 (Online/Electronic) Volume 4, Issue-3, 13-20, July to September, 2017 Journal Impact Factor: 4.197 WJBMS 04/03/119/2017 All rights reserved A Double Blind Peer Reviewed Journal / Refereed Journal REVIEW ARTICLE Received: 04/08/2017 Revised: 04/09/2017 Accepted: 05/09/2017 Role and Important of Hydrogen in Plant Metabolism Hamid Kheyrodin and *Sadaf Kheyrodin Faculty of Desert Science, Semnan University, Iran *Urban Planning in Mashad Azad University, Iran ABSTRACT Hydrogen is the simplest and most abundant element in the entire universe. According to astrophysicist David Palmer, about 75 percent of all the known elemental matter that exists is composed of hydrogen. The nucleus of a hydrogen atom is made out of a single proton, which is a positively charged particle. One electron orbits around the outside of the nucleus. Neutrons, which can be found in all other elements, do not exist in the most common form of hydrogen.Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced predominantly in plant cells during photosynthesis and photorespiration, and to a lesser extent, in respiration processes.
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