BROWNING ON BUSINESS Inside, See page 4A ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY THURSDAY | JULY 30, 2015 14th Ave. project complete Coroner: Two Officials hold Wednesday morning ribbon-cutting weeks until BY ALEX HOLLOWAY
[email protected] remains Columbus leaders and community organizers celebrated the completion of roughly 1,800 feet of new construc- tion for the 14th Avenue ditch im- provement project on Monday. identified Work began late last year and in- cluded a combination project of fill- Remains have been sent ing in the old ditch along 14th Avenue and widening the road to build a cen- to state Crime Lab ter turn lane. In all, the project cost a little more than $1.3 million, using funding from an Army Corps of Engi- Luisa Porter/Dispatch Staff BY ISABELLE ALTMAN
[email protected] neers grant and the city of Columbus. Cutting a ribbon at the intersection of 14th Avenue and Martin Luther King Columbus Mayor Robert Smith Jr. Drive on Wednesday are, from left, Lauri Gordon, of Greenfield Multi-State Trust; Columbus Mayor Robert Smith; city councilman Marty Turner; Pastor It will be at least two said the ditch improvement has been Steve Jamison; Franklin Hill, with the Environmental Protection Agency; and weeks before human re- “a long time coming” and is the first Trey Hess, with the state Department of Environmental Quality. mains found in the yard phase of more extensive work along of a New Hope residence 14th Avenue, near site of the former the plant’s operation. Since then, EPA start of construction on this NPL site.