

1 April 2011 : risk of blackout on violations

The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) strongly condemns the serious human rights violations that have been committed in Bahrain since February 14, 2011, and expresses its deepest concerns regarding the latest developments in the country.

According to the information collected by the Bahrain Center for Human Rights (BCHR), an FIDH member organisation, at least 26 people died and more than 200 individuals (click here to access the lists), including doctors, teachers, unionists and human rights defenders have been detained since the beginning of the repression led by security forces against peaceful protesters who are demanding democracy and respect for human rights in the country.

In addition to the continuation of killings, arrests and acts of repression and intimidation against people considered as opponents or linked to the opposition movement, FIDH is worried about measures aiming at silencing those who dare to speak out about the repression. On March 29, 2011 two journalists from CNN were arrested while they were interviewing Nabeel Rajab, President of the BCHR at his home. They remained in detention for 4 hours.

This event occured following a decree issued on March 28 by the Military General Prosecutor -Decision No.5 of 2011- imposing a ban on any publications dealing with the ongoing investigation conducted by the military prosecutor, under the State of National Safety.

FIDH fears that this decree could be used to strictly limit the freedoms of expression and of the media and contribute to a blackout on human rights violations in Bahrain. With regard to the highly worrying situation, FIDH calls the member states of the UN Human Rights Council to fulfil their duty to urgently investigate and address allegations of grave human rights violations being carried out by the government of Bahrain, and take steps to prevent violations from occurring. FIDH reiterates its call for a Special session of the Council on the human rights situation in Bahrain.

Lists of people killed and arrested in Bahrain : http://www.fidh.org/Lists-of-people-killed-and-arrested-in-Bahrain


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