Analyses of Commercial Fertilizers and Other Substances Useful to Agriculture William Carter Stubbs
Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Agricultural Experiment Station Reports LSU AgCenter 1892 Analyses of commercial fertilizers and other substances useful to agriculture William Carter Stubbs Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Stubbs, William Carter, "Analyses of commercial fertilizers and other substances useful to agriculture" (1892). LSU Agricultural Experiment Station Reports. 489. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the LSU AgCenter at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Agricultural Experiment Station Reports by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact AE"ALYS~S OF COMM'ERCIAL FERTiLIZERS AND OTHER SUBSTANCES USEFUL TO AGRICULTURE. ' tsSUED BY THE BUREAU OF AGRidULTURE, I BURE.AU OF AGRIOfL!J'URE. GOV. MURrHY J. FOSTER, Presif]ent. WM. GA,RIG, Vioe-PrMident Hoo.rd, o\ SuperviljOrs . .H. ' C. NEWSOM, CommiS11ioner of Agt·ioulture. ~l'l'.A'l'ION S'l'.AFJI', WH. C. STUBBS, Ph. D., Dir11otbr. , D. N . .BARROW, B. S., Assisto.nt Director. Baton Roue;e, La. I J. a:LEE, B. s .. Assistant Diteotor, Calhoun, La. J. T. CRAWLEY, .A. M., Chemiet, Audubon Park, New Orleaa,. L&. R'. T. ·BURWELL. H. E .. .lllnobirii~t, Audubon Park, Now Orleane, Le... B. B. ROSS, M S., 'chemist, Baton Rouge, La. ll. E. bLOUIN, 111. S., Assiet11.nt Chemist, Baton Ro11ge, La. A.. T. P~ESCO'!'T, M.A., Bot'c'ui~t. H. A. llOllGAN, li. S. A., Entomologist. F. B.
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