Mourn Loss of Crowley's
sded„( Mtestlanft ©bscruer VOLUME 28 NUMBER 95 MONDAY, MAY IO, 1993 • WESTLAND, MICHIGAN • 44 PAGES FIFTY CENTS 1993 Suburban Communications Corporation IN THE PAPER III mourn loss of Crowley's r •» ,n 11 - Shoppers at the Crowley's store liked its convenience school district teacher. nesses. and values, but the company is having financial prob Her husband, James, a 'former They were among shoppers in the TODAY Nankin Mills school board member, store to take, advantage, of discounts lems. The planned closing will leave the retail strip added that .he is also unhappy about offered by Crowley's to sell as much with two vacancies in a six-unit center. the planned closing because it leaves inventory as possible before the doors • fast-food restaurants without any top close late next month. Mother of the Year: Mary Ann BY LEONARD POGER the store." . stores. Scott Veldhuis, the city of West- Clos of Westland was picked EDITOR She also displayed her Crowley's Another shopper, • Garden City's land's .economic development direc Mother of the Year by the Right to Local shoppers said they are "dis "frequent .shopper" discount' card Judy Patterson, accompanying her tor, said Crowley's opened its West- tressed" or just plain disappointed at which entitles her to $10 gift certifi granddaughter, said she 'is "very dis land store in 1986 with the help of a Life/Lifespan organization./?.k the plarined closing of the Crowley's cates to demonstrate her patronage of appointed" about the planned clos $2 million loan approved by the city's store on Ford and Wildwood.
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