The Tagoror school is located in the southeast of the island of Gran Canaria, one of the islands that make up the Canary archipelago, .

Have a look here: Id3NDHA } Christmas is one of the highlighted dates on our calendar. Our cultural heritage and contact with other communities in the school means that different actions are carried out that mix different elements. } Carnival is a hallmark of the Canarian people, due to its history, tradition and the affable, tolerant and cheerful character of its people. Practically the funniest and most liked celebration in the Canarian schools.

A very special date for all Canaries, and whose origin dates back to 1983. On May 30 of that year the first session of the Parliament of the was held. It is also a cultural festival that "exploits" the most traditional Canarian essence, with indigenous games such as La Vela Latina, La Luchada or El Palo, among others. There are also performances of folk music with traditional costumes, as well as tastings of Canarian food, such as potatoes with sauce.

} It is traditional that on the day of the Canary Islands, we dress in traditional Canarian clothing. Each of the islands has its own clothing. Even within each island there are different models. } On that day too, in Canary Islands schools, students perform dances or play instruments such as the , dressed in typical clothing. Here is an example This is an example of one of the typical dances. Sno?t=27 — The Canarian wrestling, the game of the stick, or the lifting of the harado (plow lifting) are part of our cultural heritage. Usually, the Canarian wrestling takes place on the sand. Here it goes an example: iw?t=7 Plow lifting Canary wrestling

Shepherd's jump

Canarian Ball. } These are geometric spaces in the form of a "checkerboard" or boards engraved in basaltic rocks that were also improvised in the earth or sand. Engravings in the rocks have been found throughout the archipelago and also in North Africa, where they are still practiced today. Like any intelligence game, in addition to the playful component, they serve to stimulate concentration, reflection, the elaboration of strategies.

} Canarian gastronomy is very varied and appreciated by both islanders and those who visit us. Possibly the most identifying dish of the islands are the “papas arrugás” (wrinkled potatoes) with mojo (a spicy sauce) } bLM6nE } In the week of March 9th to 13th, 2020, the Canary Islands and CEIP Tagoror were the hosts of the fourth meeting between the partner countries. This event was recorded and broadcast on the local television of the municipality and a video summary of the first day was recorded. a/mediateca/ceiptagoror/?attachment_id=34 7 We also had an interview with our partners on our school radio, at the hands of the best interviewers. Here you can listen to the podcast. /mediateca/ceiptagoror/?attachment_id=354 } As part of another European project on the environment, we also carry out different activities for the International Day of Water and the Environment. } mediateca/ceiptagoror/?attachment_id=330 } mediateca/ceiptagoror/?attachment_id=328 } mediateca/ceiptagoror/?attachment_id=386 } Code Week, a movement promoted by the EU that is committed to creativity, collaboration through programming and other activities. Thanks to it, they seek to make programming more visible and show any user, including students, how ideas are materialized using code, how technology works and how it is possible to develop skills and abilities to innovate and explore new ideas. } a/mediateca/ceiptagoror/?attachment_id=34 5 } Our students from the fifth grade (group A and B) and sixth grade (group A and B) of Primary participated in the EurCultQuiz activity.