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Als D Lebai Teoc Dor I ^M'lXHp ADC 3 3 h "' ,e-< www.magicvc v a l l e ^ ^ o m 2 30632.12/1"1 4 / 2 0 0 4 D P U B L .I ? H ■: SOUTHWESTSC MICRO JIM PARKE . S627 E YANDELL EL P A SO . T X 7 9 9 0 3 Thlelnntetl r r w \ J T . ' Twin Falls. IdahbjggthIt vear._r;.N0...261 ■ —■ . .Friday,iT,-SepienibeiLjL7-,-2i-200.4 _____ ^______ ___ ^ 0 - C: c r i t s ___:_____ C o o p M O R'RNING t Bush mor>re W k a t h k r Today:: WV a rm , , , officii‘ als dlebaiteocdor I i C ; ' ■ . and pan optimistic cloiidyt ByJullsPencmce : as itIt landed on the grouncnd, setting a numerical1 standardst for tee wasn'tl'l 'iready to accept tiie « writar . GrindIndstaffsald. • manure. •. ' num bers; thetil sniffers were rec^ .' €] , ^^^'low SO . -------------- ^ . "I"Ic called the guy back and tbiold But he used Grindsdstaff's anec- • ommehdinjling. aboutIra( ■■ ;:F P a g e A 2 b o is e -— When TVvin Falls, 'himm theyt were pursuing a noilor-.' dote as a basis for)r suggesting instead,i. membersn decided to _ iq County CoiIlommissioner Gaiy nialal agricultural practice,:e,” that a good jplace too b e n t o set go back tot!0 their constituents in- R I I U 'V Grtndstair gtgot a call last w’eek Grind■indsttUTsaid. a numerical standarcard-lor unac- .volved in1 allal ag endeavors and R eport paint:I t s . M a g i c V a lLfLtlr^ i I. about a strorrong dairy odor north GrindstafT'sGri story camc outtin I cepiable ag odors wiwould'be to get more inputIni oefore going for- ' KAW- ofBuhJ.hesjJ said hc iriimediately anI odor od rules meetingThursdaday determine whedierr theU smell of- ward withh numericalr standards ^ Flsh bucks: Feds beDpost - looked intoothcrhatter. tl .' inBolBoise in which a committeeeof c manure isacceptablej»le._ .tiiat they wiwill eventually ask the darker picturL i r e funding for salmon3n It turned1 oout the odor tliat of* peop]^piepn both sides of the dairiiry . "Manure smells lik«like manure," ' L e^lattirereto.approve. t The Associated Press ' ' recovery., ^ fended thetie county resident odorlor debate gathered to writrite Tie said, Chatbumim said his concem is — . patfo Rl Came frdm-in-a farm across the langunguage arid set standards forfc nie committee . hash: already tiiat the ntnumbers on manure Page B l road from1 thetl one where the theste stale's {igricultural odor !a\law decidcd it will rely onmthetratoed i ihatthetraljrained sniffers have al- ^VV\SHING•1■0.^’ — Wliilch ile a person wass ccomplaining, and it thalat thci Le^laturc passed inI sniffers’ readings onc a tool ready suggcggested as a standard . ”nevv intelligence (.'siimiite•ofl'ers ofl' MONKS' didn't comele ffrom a dairy.! • 2002.02. knovm as thc NasalilRangerasa F aresetaithetiielevelofagpracdces ?a ^ o o m y asses-snicnt o fr IniIniq’s Instead, a farmeri and his wife - JohnJoh Chatbum . deputy adad- basis for numericalI standardsst at long heldi asa acceptable in tiie fuiure. I^sident Hush talksJks in- . _ ! _Choose:wlsely:,Colltollege- _ .«hb workedcd in to\m were land inlnlsinistrator for the animal irin- _sites where state resi<?siden^tsjwve__staie.ofIdah jaho. • • __ stead about brifthtcT daw alitaliead nund ' “PPjy^Smiulahufefrom acalfop- dustriistri<» division of the Idahihb compMhed about'^excessive ag “Acceptedted agricultural prac- under a .ncw ~ ~ , ■“ giads’ salaries depeipena eration on a Saturday aiid were Stateate D epartm ent of Agricul:vj- odors. prime minis- . Guomene n lease see ODOR, Page A2 , [i.| more on major tharlan • taking care2 tot( disk it in as soon tuit>,it!, was apprehensive abotout But on Thursday theth commit- . ter and ilie kidnapip ■ school choice. prpromise of Americans3ns. : FP a g e E l rrue.elections. 'Freedom is __ □n . ,he . See Pagatg e march," he ^3 W e e k E n d NG UlPTHE: PIEQEs: itold a • cam­ - ■ papaign rally Tliursday. Iraq is a daily tiiein e o f Bush'sBus :ampaign spccciu*s. oftenie n a • ' springboard for uttatkinglg De-f .• .•V ^ mim ocraiic rivjil Jolin Kerry.y. BuiI • BllBusli does not spuiik aboutliit thet m ore tJi;in 1.000 U.S. <Je;ilhs.hs. tiiet Wlli^ily publicized kicinnppinipings. .JT H ex(ixeciitions a n d bc*lu'ading.s,Igs, or I T .di(Jie (lark scenarios ouUipodled in . Cutting edge: "Sky '*<Ja Jie higlily cliuisified .\atiuniiinal Iin- Captain and the Wo:Vorldi of i telelligence listiiniite thatt wu as Tomorrow," is a live-ve-action • ^ pnjresen ted to h im in l.tii- Kily.tly. -• .. movie almost entireirely Tlie new report olTers a sobisober- ng 'picture of Iraq's futureure ill , . done by.cpmputer^ erms of political, econoiiiiclie anda: '"^ P a g eC l iecurit>’conditions.' -.w l' In a worst-case scenario,irio. it enjmisioiis developnienis ppoii o in t-■ : S p o r ’i ^ im,ng to a civil war among; Inui'sIm tillliree major populations,s. tilet • -Suiunnis. Sliiites ;uid Kurds, " At best, the exjierts said,J, IntqIr '. 'IP Aiil have a ten u o u s stability.ty. A middle-ground estiim[iinaic V, -A . enjnvisions increased e.\ireini‘.•inisiii and.fragmentation tliiii.iinp'onp'ode — ......... - V. • . • • eQeffons to Intiid a centrtil (^ovc!ovi'! II- m en t and adversoiy altei-i:rt ct- foiforts to denincnui?e iiii' anCOl'tl- uy.- ' Soccer showdown: Several administraiiouH oni-.i> Highland visited IVvi[Vvin Falls cials confinned the existenct■nee of PUgh for a Region Fo til'the inieiiigenfe report, wwhi hich ' Five-Six conferenceceboys i triggered criticism o f Bushll fronifrc soccer game Thursd■sday. tlieKerr>'catnpiiigii, Pl .. B ush, h as b e e n ck)tvsi.stcn>tentiy - • . fis, 49, sifts th roug tha remainlalns of his home after ridingg outi Hunlcane Ivan, on Thuriur^day. In the.Ol’d East HIII'1 DlDistrict of Pensacola. ;iving"a vcr>’ ‘.cvii.iriooasti). as low well Irji) w as StSen. F la. H e s it s In the living room where he andam his grandmother sat thrbi rbughout the night. Beforerthe th roof cbltapsed, they headeaded to the backseat . qq3ob Graijam. said.ti.'in iii a O p i n i o n of thalr car wherewh they remained until thetie Ihurricane had passed. Thele home had withstood six pr<previous hurricanes, accordindlng'to Lewis. telelephone eohierciia* callc . Growing minds: The arrtrranged bv Keirv's sttill -M" M iis epon iiut)\vs il large bucket:kei of •• College ofSouthemm ld a h o fold xraiei-dver tiibse roses."'S." ■‘ ............' helps students mak€ in drawV S m O T ie local • Graham, the fornjer cliachair- 1 volunIteers ms? affordable educatiorIon easy, nan of die Senate Intelligengence today’s editorial says CoCom m inee. u rg e d th e WillW liitc lys. ■ ■ ByChlpThomi)mpson i^-'Ujijj iouse to release tiuv reporto n so Pj a g e A 6 Tlmet^^awi> writerw ___________ M a n Storpm -weaiy JSoiers can decide if tliev wantan t to .■ • ' COIontih u e u1tii a p resid en tI wiiowl ATXANTA^ •— As Hurricane m U las "gotten us into the quagmiigmire C iI I' Frances subslbslded last week, 68 W H ida bears oif r Iraq until no. eitiier. planan tfor .•' V . volunteers frfrom Maj^c Valley - M H eniiiiry o r exit." l l i e U liite Hou^ ouse GracefulI prepared to) ggo into the field to B B aid tile report would not bbe e re-i offer aid to0 victims' but were ^ H | sased. Amazing Grace>cpndc se held off by theiie approach of Hur- V n It of Ivan Kerrj'. in a sp e e c h to N atiortional out a ^ u p to spi ricane Ivan, P n y d H l the AssoclatIlated P rsii GuJuard veterans, said Busli1 wl\ v h o ' spread Thedestracruction Ivan brought . I S l • — w-a:vas trying- to persuade votevoters . to the alread;ady battered re^ n . .PENSACOCOLA.' Fla. — Hurri- vltii "a fantasy w orld o f spin’'spi Saturday Inn has prorhptiipted the Federal I drilled tiie Gulf Coasi ather dian lellihg tlie.tnitlinil <on Avufl Emergency. raq. The TImes-NeweW8 Agency to pu on Thursdrsday \vitii I30-mph put the c£^ out for, ^ H | winds'tiiatlat inflicted far less ■"I\vo dajT> ago. tho i^residesident another 400K) relief workers to to o d right h e re w h e reL‘ I'mI' • . aJTSS dam age thithan feared every- I n d e x Join the 2.000DO already waiting in :ept Florida's Panhan- ,‘J;landing and didn’t acknovnowl- . Atlanta for deldeployment. irette Morris helps Damian WiWard after his vehicle overtuiturneiionlrv dge tiiat hiore tiian 1,000) imm en C la ssifie............. ........... .E4'16 As m any as iu.« hi» *>,. where:e 1residents were left as 12 of these new tarstetItate 59, Thursday, In Birming;igham, Ala., as Hurricane Ivaivan hit tne surgerge-ravaged beach- r:n d w om en have lost tiieirr livesliv Comics .......................■____07 workers will11 1leave today from citv.t.' ’ n Iraq. H e 'd id n ’t tell >t)uJ tlithat □o M a^c Valley,y. said Sheri Black* ' . fronts, floolooded streets and “I Crossword.................. pped.apart by deadly riUi eacii passing dav, we re:esee.- se wood, direct!ctor of the South Provo,vo, Utah, vtrere spending thehe was currentiy watchii ng more chaos, .mofe'violeiulene.e. • Dear Abby . .B8 Central Idahtiho Citizens Corps aftemcrmoon vratching the storm'sn's flow througl tiie mliTUQQie oi a -The storm n d iscrim inate killings." Kerr>Ker wrathIth 1unfold on te l ^ i o n .
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