^M'lXHp ADC 3 3 h "' ,e-< www.magicvc v a l l e ^ ^ o m 2 30632.12/1"1 4 / 2 0 0 4 D P U B L .I ? H ■: SOUTHWESTSC MICRO JIM PARKE . S627 E YANDELL EL P A SO . T X 7 9 9 0 3 Thlelnntetl r r w \ J T . ' Twin Falls. IdahbjggthIt vear._r;.N0...261 ■ — ■ . .Friday,iT,-SepienibeiLjL7-,-2i-200.4 _____ ^______^ 0 - C: c r i t s ___:_____ C o o p M O R'RNING t Bush mor>re W k a t h k r Today:: WV a rm , , , officii ‘ als dlebaiteocdor I i C ; ' ■ . and pan optimistic cloiidyt ByJullsPencmce : as itIt landed on the grouncnd, setting a numerical1 standardst for tee wasn'tl'l 'iready to accept tiie « writar . GrindIndstaffsald. . . • manure. •. . . ' num bers; tilthe sniffers were rec^ .' €] , ^^^'low SO . ------^ . . "I "Ic called the guy back and tbiold But he used Grindsdstaff's anec- • ommehdinjling. aboutIra( ■■ ; :F P a g e A 2 b o is e -— When TVvin Falls, 'himm theyt were pursuing a noilor-.' dote as a basis for)r suggesting instead,i. nmembers decided to _ iq County CoiIlommissioner Gaiy nialal agricultural practice,:e,” that a good jplace too b e n t o set go back tot!0 their constituents in- R I I U 'V Grtndstair gotgt a call last w’eek Grind■indsttUTsaid. a numerical standarcard-lor unac- .volved in1 alall ag endeavors and R eport paint:I t s . M a g i c V a lLfLtlr^ i I. about a strorrong dairy odor north GrindstafT's Gri story camc outtin I cepiable ag odors wiwould'be to get more Iniinput oefore going for- ' KAW- ofBuhJ.hesjJ said hc iriimediately anI odor od rules meetingThursdaday determine whedierr theU smell of- ward withh rnumerical standards ^ Flsh bucks: Feds beDpost - looked intoothcrhatter. tl .' inBolBoise in which a committeeeof c manure isacceptablej»le._ .tiiat they wiwill eventually ask the darker picturL i r e funding for salmon3n It turned1 oout the odor tliat of* peop]^piepn both sides of the dairiiry . . "Manure smells lik«like manure," ' L e^lattirereto.approve. t The Associated Press ' ' recovery., ^ fended thetie county resident odorlor debate gathered to writrite Tie said, Chatbumim said his concem is — . patfo Rl Came frdm-in-a farm across the langunguage arid set standards fcfor nie committee . hash: already tiiat the ntnumbers on manure Page B l road from1 thetl one where the theste stale's {igricultural odor !a\law decidcd it will rely onmthetratoed i ihatthetraljrained sniffers have al- ^VV\SHING•1■0.^’ — Wliilch ile a person wass ccomplaining, and it thalat thc i Le^laturc passed Iin sniffers’ readings on c a tool ready suggcggested as a standard . ”nevv intelligence (.'siimiite•ofl'ers ofl' MONKS' didn't comele ffrom a dairy.! • 2002.02. knovm as thc NasalilRangerasa F aresetaithetiielevelofagpracdces ?a ^ o o m y asses-snicnt o fr Iniq’sIni Instead, a ifarmer and his wife - John Joh Chatbum . deputy adad- basis for numericalI standardsst at long heldi a as acceptable in tiie fuiure. I^sident Hush talksJks in- . _ ! _Choose:wlsely:,Colltollege- _ .«hb workedcd in to\m were land inlnlsinistrator for the animal irin- _sites where state resi,it!, was apprehensive abotout But on Thursday theth commit- . ter and ilie kidnapip ■ school choice. . prpromise of Americans3ns. : FP a g e E l rrue.elections. 'Freedom is __ □n . ,he . See Pagatg e march," he ^3 W e e k E n d NG UlPTHE: PIEQEs: itold a • cam­ - ■ papaign rally Tliursday. Iraq is a daily tiiein e o f Bush'sBus :ampaign spccciu*s. oftenie n a • ' springboard for uttatkinglg fDe- .• .•V ^ mim ocraiic rivjil Jolin Kerry.y. BuiI • BllBusli does not spuiik aboutliit t the m ore tJi;in 1.000 U.S. ’conditions.' -.w l' In a worst-case scenario,irio. it enjmisioiis developnienis ppoii o in t-■ : S p o r ’i ^ im,ng to a civil war among; Inui'sIm tillliree major populations,s. ttile • -Suiunnis. Sliiites ;uid Kurds, " At best, the exjierts said,J, IrIntq '. 'IP Aiil have a ten u o u s stability.ty. A middle-ground estiim[iinaic V, -A . enjnvisions increased e.\ireini‘.•inisiii and.fragmentation tliiii.iinp'onp'ode — ...... - V. • . • • eQeffons to Intiid a centrtil (^ovc!ovi'! II- m en t and adversoiy altei-i:rt ct- foiforts to denincnui?e iiii' anCOl'tl- uy.- ' Soccer showdown: Several administraiiouH i>oni-. Highland visited IVvi[Vvin Falls cials confinned the existenct■nee of PUgh for a Region Fo til'the inieiiigenfe report, whiw hich ' Five-Six conferenceceboys i triggered criticism o f Bushll fronifrc soccer game Thursd■sday. tlieKerr>'catnpiiigii, Pl .. B ush, h as b e e n ck)tvsi.stcn>tentiy - • . fis, 49, sifts th roug tha remainlalns of his home after ridingg outi Hunlcane Ivan, on Thuriur^day. In the.Ol’d East HIII'1 DistrictDl of Pensacola. ;iving"a vcr>’ ro.sy ‘.cvii.iriooasti). as low well Irji) w as StSen. F la. H e s it s In the living room where he andam his grandmother sat thrbi rbughout the night. Beforerthe th roof cbltapsed, they headeaded to the backseat . qq3ob Graijam. said.ti.'in iii a O p i n i o n of thalr car wherewh they remained until thetie Ihurricane had passed. Thele home had withstood six pr wwriter______M a n Storpm -weaiy JSoiers can decide if tliev wantan t to .■ • ' COIontih u e u1tii a p resid en tI wiiowl ATXANTA^ •— As Hurricane m U las "gotten us into the quagmiigmire C iI I' Frances subslbslded last week, 68 W H ida bears oif r Iraq until no. eitiier. planan t for .•' V . volunteers frfrom Maj^c Valley - M H eniiiiry o r exit." l l i e U liite Hou^ ouse GracefulI prepared to) ggo into the field to B B aid tile report would not bbe e ire- offer aid to0 'victims but were ^ H | sased. Amazing Grace>cpndc se held off by theiie approach of Hur- V n It of Ivan Kerrj'. in a sp e e c h to N atiortional out a ^ u p to spi ricane Ivan, P n y d H l the AssoclatIlated P rsii GuJuard veterans, said Busli1 wl\ v h o ' spread Thedestracruction Ivan brought . I S l • — w-a:vas trying- to persuade votevoters . to the alread;ady battered re^ n . .PENSACOCOLA.' Fla. — Hurri- vltii "a fantasy w orld o f spin’'spi Saturday Inn has prorhptiipted the Federal I drilled tiie Gulf Coasi ather dian lellihg tlie.tnitlinil ago. tho i^residesident another 400K) relief workers to to o d right h e re w h e reL‘ I'I'm • . aJTSS dam age than thi feared every- I n d e x Join the 2.000DO already waiting in :ept Florida's Panhan- ,‘J;landing and didn’t acknovnowl- . Atlanta for deldeployment. irette Morris helps Damian WiWard after his vehicle overtuiturneiionlrv dge tiiat hiore tiian 1,000) mim en C la ssifie...... E4'16 As m any as iu.« hi» *>,. where:e 1residents were left as 12 of these new tarstetItate 59, Thursday, In Birming;igham, Ala., as Hurricane Ivaivan hit tne surgerge-ravaged beach- r:n d w om en have lost tiieirr livesliv Comics ...... ■____07 workers will11 1leave today from citv.t.' ’ n Iraq. H e 'd id n ’t tell >t)uJ tlithat □o M a^c Valley,y. said Sheri Black* ' . fronts, floolooded streets and “I Crossword...... pped.apart by deadly riUi eacii passing dav, we re:esee.- se wood, direct!ctor of the South Provo,vo, Utah, vtrere spending thehe was currentiy watchii ng more chaos, .mofe'violeiulene.e. • Dear Abby . . . .B8 Central Idahtiho Citizens Corps aftemcrmoon vratching the storm'sn's flow througl tiie mliTUQQie oi a -The storm n d iscrim inate killings." Kerr> Ker wrathIth unfold1 on te l ^ i o n . Pensacola. B a.,suburl rm \vas blamed for at .11:, Horoscope ...... B8 Council. U.S. deaths, mosi of aid. da Blackwood’j>d’sson. Heath, orig* .‘Tt^It^ kind of nerve v^ckingng ' "Watching the covS re ra g e o n WTiite H o u sf com m uuiiv.i n it: - " " lorida. M ag icV aliey ...... Bl ■ inally from FilFiler, is dne of those becauilause you don't know what to television is a humblirjlina oroeri- them In Florl ions director Dan Baitlett‘tt .i.I. ' Money ...... El waiting in AtlantaAi to be de- eiqject>ect and you see it on televi-d- ence because you w go ^t^uSi • . "We wereere prepared for the used Detiiocrits r.f unfoumii but the tornadoes im ied C7 cloyed and1 said si by telephone sion1 knowingk you’ll be therere life taking everythingi| you have hurric^e, b iessimism."P»tsuieiit Bush• h a ^ 'ts ■Movies ...... n, bam , bam ." said Ci,' that workers were soonin but1 it doesn’t sink in."1." for grantratintil youu ss e e some- lis briefing*, itciii.c o m m ainoers iu k , ■.Nation,....;...... A3,A3 b'^7 M . ?o ! hotel rooms early Blackvckwood said. "It probablyliy • body going tiiroughh ia tragedy Glenda Nich.Ichols, manager of tiie _m ' the gni'inc; lie has reasteason Obituaries ...... ,...... 62 because of Iva[van’s approach. • won'tn't sink i to und] we’re thereire and it wakes you up) a little W '- I^rotellnnIrm in Marianna. Fla. . f_.ar his opf;n;isni because.olof dietJ , 1 see the victims face to face.”>" Andrus said, "There wasas nothing we. could - Opinion...... i... Ag Blackwood,)d,22,andhisroomf andsei normniis ainouiii uf progn.’ * ■ ■' . m ate. Dan ArAndrus, also 22, of Andijidrus agreed, saying that hetie Please see VOLUNTEER!ERlPageA2 Pleaslease see IVAN, Page A3 wv ha\i' tiiade." B ^ e tt saitl. . ■ Random fa c u ...... sr" ^ Sports ...... Weather ...... ;::2 IN EEEL mo}yes for^•ward o]m Pit 4I waste remoya]I al West...... BS4 . - Wbrld ...... B7 " 1 By MicIVIIchelle Dunlop . waste retrieval andi removal,"i es-Newa writer _ said Kathleen TVever, the De- W e wsT s ' p ack er ^ partm ent of EnvireIrorunental li* ■ L a s t w■vo o Know; The ' . pDAHO A l FALLS — W hat’st’s Quality’s INEEL over'ersi^t ad- . [r^ tfo O f u.S.Departiartment of Energy ng called the first m odemm minisuaior. r ended Its>3CMay 3C .public f;e-scale e excavation of ra-a- During a. 30-day c comment; peperiod on the re acdve waste buried abovevc period held this sprirring by the ' movalofbuiburled waste at Pit regional JJ® aquifer is scheduledxi Energy Department in conjunc- :et underway this October at MILLIONAIW I K B 4'oflNEELsliRsaloacJve , at tion witli the state off ItIdaho and .nagement com. Idaho Engineering and En-n- . tiie. Environmental PProtection MONEY INSISIDE! inmental Laboratory, thcle Agency, tiie public hattiad the op- . Department of Enei^ an-tl- portunlty to offer opini'Inlon on tho IPHB m P ■ T h e la te itost: The Energy nounameed Thursday, Pit 4 plan in one o f tvrawoJArays: by ' Oepartinent;nt announced It . Earliarlier this year, after a participating in any oione of five. willgoaheailead with waste re- decadeadeofeQorts. the ^ergy De-e- public meetings heldId through- ' 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ LLiOKI BE movai andd IrIncorporate sug- paitmetment completed ils wastete out the region or by sending gestionsdeiderived from pub- removilOval test pilot at INEELs Pll ' written Mmments. H H lie commentents Into Its plan. 9. Thairhat program fiadlitatcd Itstt , “Generally speaking,lg, the pub- HMS m ■ W h a t 's'8 Inext: Excava- latestst endeavore — excavating a lie was generally in favfavor of tills JMM'I rufuua AMAMOUNfk .tio n will betflegin In October half' acre aa section of Pit 4. located^ proposed action," said sai Bruce nm cMMf ll ni he saine RadioactWe W ^te and will takeake approximately in the Byram. a spokespeiperson for iated photo, workers construdjct the retrieval enclosure lJU U '.: a year to complete.COI Managnagement Complex as Pit 9. INEEL Trhe h e bonom line is we think Structure atPIt Pit 4 where radioactive wataste will be removed this au- ■ •______I this Is a good step forward inIn Please see PITT 44; Page A2 tumn. Tha structurestn has since been com>mpleted. A-2. Timos-Nows,TW, Twin Falls, Idaho Friday, Septembim b o rl? ,2 b o 4 ' / : : c r v - . , : x m z ] .Today: CoiiiltHiiitidiiljlc- .lild [nirlly clouUy Highs ]hs near 79 • XodOday Tonightt S a t u r d a y Sunday . MeMonday Tljesda)a y Clly HI Lo PrepI 'T onight: yiiijriiii cloucJy wiili a laic nif)htit KhowQfst posuiblo Bola»..---'.-.-v..,' 7»’4tii Lov/s ne.it U) Burlay 73 42 o.oo-i o ia M ' . '.7I» B7.-I Tom orrow : Mo-.ii•li'-.illy ckiucly aiuJ winOy with aI lowla rain siiowors Cooucd'Alena 01 so’^oor 50 i poSSlllN- Hlf|IUi•|iui Me;ir/2 W M anam a^',.' : '..-..7D..'44i'^i'44l^0«l% ., j> Jaroma 71 ,44'44 0( 00' i i ’ ’ :tgraur. ■ ' ' I S r - - WINDY I 0 ^ 0 . • ■ O'- 0 Malad. ' noiawaMMM*- ( S S Z i oiiabiu ond ■ InereaBing eloudiud* •< Mostly cloudy ond Cool ond damp Ungoingorlng clouds Breaking cloui Ily Cloudy' windy, poihapg o ouds pSSfiato-. • TocJoy:Mikl .iiid i wooihor.oipoctod - oneant) ahowor ' ond lowor thoM 47 0,00* iKl tiiuL'/v Will) o.'iily sunr.liiti'u■ ((r0 ivin 0 w.iylo rainsbowor P.ll'.llV JlllOttKMjIIansome: ovorniflhr , ' . i CM.., •« I londmo lo'fl ramor cool nrxJ dampp wookondoollook,-n ‘Moon Phases .■■■■ MeMo o n rls e . U .V .IN D E X . .aridid M p o r is e t Low . . . Toaay HiBhi SO lo 72 TonlBht'iiht'a Lo«r»'33 10 42 , TMlry ' HMflrttM-. 1«lOtWAU ,' •■Mocniaati- mei>M I? '• A t , Salurday Moonrlaa: 1312i00FI|l Mflionaali 9:47 PM “ DayWeatherJczr, Ific, • •' S B O IS E Tlio wooli i»ill combimb io 0 iriiil, • • s ip J l S^'28 I 0 ? e bcl14 M ThaniQnartnanoaiina ___ tioozy ana diy o^0l^d ClOuUy, cool- FIcilQti. .. Fl FullMsen Laal Oir. Naw Moon Sunday Uoenrlaa: .1.m rni ..«eonMti io:3»m. , mwe aun proiaelion neadad S S f c ■ nnd oaniB woaiho- v m timu lot Iho woohi I C Q M E aS S S M tngiTOM'a: S ^ S S lg k . iiiiol/io Do Drisk aiiirnovall . ■ . • Today ' Tonorraw .Sunday norrow - Today Tomiromartow . Today ' Tonromorrow . Today ‘Tomoromorrow HI Lo W HI Lo W HI Lo W Lo W Clly . HI Lo W HI LoL W Clly . HILoW HILoW HI ’ Clly ' - HI L ow HILOW HI Li 7S M.(ne70 4s pe »4 43 aft '> - d r a & r t i Today KlBht/Lovi*} ati AMH 77 as tl M eo aU ' Mnto ■ . 80 78 «i 90 90 71 : pa AOMW-- - 91 77r X91;9I 7 3 r 'M m ^ - : lB4atfi.>81« « AttMcOiy . M. Torn 75 SB ia n ■ PtriMMirM 80 CB ffi 7575 01I «i . 04 CBm ' ai5 Soturdny C00l0> Uooo.ng ' SI 91 PC 74 40 me 70 40 tn .cnanniMi.WV 73 oi m os u 74 91 tu . Cara . ea es tu 90900B lu Sanugo 0> 54 1 9797 4148 > nnd dnmi(imp Sunday mio O'*** • ' ’• . . 77 40 pe SO 38 oe SO 35 •h •!> cmes 74 Miu 78 0787 W .aiM . 81 UaH nB2 iBl X or«nn lOO 7S tu toot00 7Bw Baeu . . ' ' ezesr. -7»88 nai rn Mortdnv.ny. ' . ah CiMttnd 07 55 n og. 5454 tu SIP»< : 77 60 p: 80ao I 62 PC OanM ' 73 4e tu 7777 52 tuS)9Wr BO 54 HJ 04 5! ah Oan>«r . as 83 au a* B>B>au saiUMaCay 87 83oe 80BO i S8ae Henoltoio B8 77 l 8BBBTBt -MAt*«. > 7S»W 81718t70ai< ^ Kn?F«ii» ' 77 4J pc 70 42 PC 00 30 an U> dm Momx 79 50 hi aa isa w . 72 65 PC 7070 < 05 nie JwutaUm 79 Bl pe 01 T 02 4S. Mt 00 3« an S3 34 anWl OMM ' .71 BOPS 73' 8888W ^ n i r l k a 7D.88PS 88B8 154(0 JohanWlMO 70 BO au 79SiSSSSi.. .SSS SJs s s 01 44 gu 75 40 pe fll 33 me Einsto B) BO dc M .fl«j! 60 5< > 2un01 . 70 45 u . 77 4( ei 4t pe 72 30 PC 83 3« ah-th- HoncMt ae 77'«0 88 77 7 7 /4 d « ^ g 70 44 pe.oa 40 inc 03 3S an*'* . 9? ,73 pe 94 flO U30thS«32me53 3lan T CO 4& an 04 30 th 57 37 onUl JM-tonvae «9 70 SI m 85 6043pe7l43pe 0240«nHI Km m OT >S 01 bi 87 8SiOBee - ^.M o u n tain I 1 ■ 02 53 r 01 51 r 05 50 me-nc UIWOM 9» 74 tu *0 71 •70 49 PC 71 45 me OS 40 anw uoanock 90 S2au ae 8Zi82 «j' 76/48 v * o q g y w M g g j ^ 75 '42 PC 00 40 PC SO 37 tnin Lm AjiqM 72 02 PG 71 02 I A eo4Bmeo4epe 03 43mcIW Mancna ao ez w 88 82 iBl • ' ' 70 51 PC 72 40 rr« 00 40 th e9 44mee0 39meS9 30*hIh ' UmHuw . bo B8 £ 74 Z\ 1/.UT07 03 PC Off 58 PC 75 50 meT>c fuWF,*. eo . 81 tn 00 SBSB it u . 70« iSokiSl^WA'^ Ih NMOrlMra 03 74 au 01. 7372 iau Fronta Vmlotdayt!aytSuilsEnmmM; 7&.iiOo«« Low: 33 “ .S!iS:IS;!S:SSSS»h . N«w>t)n> ■ 7# 65 B. ea 5B 1 : 33-111S ^ ' I S X •• 09 37 me02 31 me 55 30 anM OMM«mO>V 'BZ 09 PC 94 08 1 Cold o j^ wsainar k^i: : Cllcu f.u'uiir. IK Uii'llr CkKKIy. mc-mcsiriff CKCkMdy. c.OouUy. Vgllowsioiio. Ml 00 34 pc 03 29 me 52 30 ,M)»l Omalu 01 eo PC BD'.OS i t r-T 9i>'v»mu»i>iain flivsna . " £ / 'arm • m ' . ' ' k A ' E v e ry T hF u iu r rsd a y In The Timos-Nowo w s C a ll Today i e o s ' I . Today Tomofroi'^**-#.1. Today Tomorro IW Clly HILoW HILOM Ijnjn, J 733-0931 .Z,. sj'ssssis:an p ^ iio n ee srpe o a e ip OvbRwk CO 44 u> 58 M tn tn Tonno 70 55 me 72 55I* ». Valid 10 6 p.m. loday 80s ) Edmonon ' 04 43 pc 52 00 •ntn VMBMf • 04 48 r 81 BO r luded . munidat . KMimna 50 4t < 57 JV iI vooru . S3 49 r 33 M«p r .Vtalarday-a National enramoa : Qm 677-4042 •n Mrmoag 7Q 48 po . 73 48« « au Hlgh:iioaiDMaiVM»y,CM ST" s.ssss; .. Low:22aiFom,coo'

Statlonai Pit 4 Cleanupp Iinformation K t 4 „ ^ V o l u i ii l t e e r s ^ I P r oroject j Basics »vents and d e g re o sers in O ccludt: k e r ContiniJed from A2 , weapons production. . -work,rk commences in Ociober. ,, Continued from A1 l k n o w/ untU u we’ve packed our ; Over, •U ra n iu m • checked out of die hotel • WhaUsatPit41‘♦ f • • Excavjavatlon will take plaeo on , . A n d m s a n d Blackwood, Bl for- bags, cii ll days • Nearly 3,600 barrels, boxe: ammatcs, left for and areare jumping on die bus," l-'ioin lam uiry/ I9():rI: lo Sep- ahalfaif acre area of Pit 4 with an . tes mer college room Valley, and cartons worth of waste,.i u s s a id .. le in b c r I5)fi7,1’i t ‘\'1 receivedn G )Id . approxiniximaie depth of 10 to 13 ' !,.an 'A dania,togetl)crS:rSepL8tobegin Andrus: anta to estimated 2,000 cubic meter drus is enthusiastic about War-cni luiclcjir■ Wlw eap o n s pro* feet of)f waste;w ■ ers of at least sbc w eeks»r» M il to k o 6 8 rondoijon,. . . state, and-federal residents left for Atlanta Since Into " , ing plutoiuiiin, beryllium bu aiul ~ samples of.waste that wasn't • assistance. cc being st^ed bw. Ivan, be trained and deployed oe- rerrj m o v e d ? “ Sincc th e n BlaBlackwood said workers iimcriduui. tially targeted for rem oval. jrs have rcceived addition- .' .relief workers in th e w ah dieir assignmentnt has changed al trainilining including a crash ue to ' U nuiiiiin a n d volvolatile organic • Transutsuranie waste — including * • The• sampling process was of Hurricane Frances. I'oinpoiiiids canI alsoal bu found plutoniui ® .. sliglidy. Now his5 teamtt will oper- courscc in i flash flood survival, >ed by . lium. beryllium nnd americi- added jj( 10 the cleanup plan aft ■ The latest: Voiuntet ill llic d i^ a rea.I. (Olher waste um ” 1®'^. ate n disaster resosource cemer in Blackwow o o d said. addi-. ' members m of the public ques­ have been stalled In AtlE iicMus in d u d u 'scioIid jli siahilized • volatlliitlle organic compounds — ti< . a fixed locaUon;V CentersC will be “Theyicy brou^t in a search e ox- tioned, whai waste would be' k publicized througu g h local m e d ia iand rcsccscue'expert and o vuUte- _ • _by Hurricane Ivan and ar Nliibs ib at clou ling chemicals used as so l-.' ' b( n ininsiir.iDir wasie. i behind. oudets and victimimsAvUl c o m e 10 w a te r' rescur e e te a m fro m Calffbr- V exffected to be sent into c'dfjari)aj{CMic-lias| — the centers to getge informadon nia whoho told us all die dos and the field by Saturday. . . . ;; uk1 glass,-...... I’l pose a risk for liun* , ,ieitested In order, to give.woi'orkers about aid sources,es, h e said. ., . , d o n ’ts,i. sosi I a ssu m e w e'll b ach -; ; ■ What’s next: Due tl ■ ’ • M iidi nl' Iho wasi.iisli'was oriui- ila'dsofycfyears. • ' and ;ih the public a better tin;inder- "Inst'ead of hunting hi them cbunteriiering a lo t of.flboding.” he the devastation caused[Uirc I n e w ‘ nally sioa'd in ilnilrunis. c.inim . Jlielniimnsuninic waste. Bynim standing sia of wl)yi tyiies of■ uwaste down, they’ll com*me and find us." said. Ivan, as many as 12 ii2ada 5 y ears Jiiui bdsvs. In I’iiI’ii i). \v(irkur.< II >be lcste• Accorclii•ding lo T rev en .ih e Pit 9 , "You ' never k now h o w d)iJicy’re broadened die arcaarc of devasta* thing tliey. tir need is somebody been changed to. requintek. ■“lhe vast niaioriioriiy of those excawuionion provided useriil in- going goi to pick a n d c h o o se wlw h at’s ' (ion to in clu d e LoLouisiana. Mis- ' whoS rude."rui he said. "We can i ap p lic a n ts to be at Icaist 25 drums are noi int:intaci," Byrain formationon that will b e ap plied at going goi to go.” sh e said, "Wcchave 1 sissinpi, Alabamjma and could becomcn e di ie vicdm s." old ahd willing io commifer Chip said. PiimagiC‘wo under I’ii •I.Trvvcrs:*r said, th ere is ed Iri a fewfe\ waste streams," she will wil be removed from PPit 4 “Tliey probably3ly won't let us volunteeteers the criteria have lipurs,'seven days a week. Uroundwaier m o n ito rin g . sitid. whw hich h as a su rfa c e arc< a ro u n d th e Suiistirliiirlace Disposal "We'ree r legisladonli %vill ■ The h e latest: The comrnlttee practices,' which is to beI'work- usi die location where transunjranic - never hold up in a n d v(jlaiile or){iirganic com- or volatileile organic ,compound.s. In If Ih o y m e tThursday Thi In Boise but didn't In conjunction with numerical1 4 to p• 7 ii.rn., Ciill:iill lhe number . , - v However,I. die Depanmen*nt o f oum cd by d ie a ^^ c u ltu ra l o per- Ranger. R on Sbeffleld, a U r f*ir ypro- r plained. Jitirluy-KiipLTt- ' Tlw Times.rtes.Ne«siUI*.SM|.()K()iis .I’ ll' facilitate die workshop,■ I’jiiil-O .ik lc v ...... 6//-4042 publislicil»J.iilJ.iilv at 1.12 J-aiftkId St. W,. tect th e S n ak e R iver Plain' Pl In addition, Ser>cn. Tbm Gan- GleHflSIS Ferry schools are people from across dielie m p u b - IViii i'.ilK Aquifer, h e stdd. non, R-Bulil, instn io n . call -.. K m a i Twin J=iilK.. h>hy Lee I'libliiaiiiHis Inc.. n ^ ‘1); structed th e Ag o f f *1166e e d s I m p r o v e m e n t ’ |have r e ^ t c r e d to p a rtid p j and uiliur .iru.is ...... /J J -O M l Mibsidiary »of n lj;e linicrprises. •"’niis type o f large settle iaiscca- Department to wriv rite a protocol dieworfahop. dsd c di- I’criiHliciiN:als piiiJ at Twin Malls by Vativation hius never b e e n do nne t at for setding disputeutes diat might article in the Aug. .28 i T h eatrc S u h s c r i p t i o n1 r r:i a c c s Tlic Tirncs-Ns-Ncws Olficial eity and the Subsurface Dispo.sal An\rca," arise between an1 allegedal perpc- laper contained incorrect < Mi'Mii.- ilrli\L*n: il.iil)l.iil>' ..Id Simday. vspjjtcr puisu.ini III Seciiiin ByrByram said. trator of excessive,0 i0B odors and la d o n a b o u t.th e sta tu s o f . Tcts th e S4 |x.T week; S;inija.imil.iv and .Siinday ‘ f '!'«Ihc tdahi) Code. Tiiursday Is s Ferry High School and i ; '>nl\. i ’ .Ml |>cr wivk.:k M.il’ ,„h.crip. ligiiated as the day of tlio I ------— ------1 M iddle3 SSi chool for d ie N o C hild T lie lo u r is o p en to th e | whicli le^al nlll> IHI |>cr week. .Sal- gCo'pyilght«20M ' L o ttery a n d We.feath er & th e first5t Ume.ti Tlie Glenns Peny i The Timcs-Neivs r e ^ncorrcct t s ■irilii\ .inJ Suiitb} i>nl> nil S.V(H) per. WafllcVaiValley M w iptpm Inc. . M id d leB SchoolJ was on die i Iriformalton«1 are error. sadz. 16, • "n e e d si inimprovement" list and \ injuries " l ’ i m e . si-Ncvvs - ^ telephoneJ in fo rm ad o n . K acie J. Beads: r i n t h e N e w s ...... Press ...... E xt. 3 who died lUesday from Inji17. also wrong'phone p number R cliill A dvertisingnfi (M ike S m it, A d vertisingr)g D irector) . .E xt. 4 - \su stain ed in a n autom obili Afi W eekly (J a net e t Goffin,i General Manager»er) ...... E x t.S ^ .A stor>ory published TXtesday cident, w ^ not driving hered on ly Publisher Stephenien Hartgen ...... E x t. 249 about a lo(< u r o f N ew York Q ty r . . . o r ch eck o u t o u r w car at the tim e of die crash. website: ww.m agicvnlralley.com during springsp break contained The 2000 Mitsubishi retsEd d ie ------1 the wrong)ng phone number. • ( o w n e d b y Du stin C ald 17. w h o w a s a p assen g er ir vehicle. K enny K am pe. 17, w as a p assenger. i The two rcccivcd < A m inor injuries. The limes-News regrets cntir. . Friday, Septtfflber 17 ,2 0 0 4 1 ) ^ 3 . N a t i o n ' ' Halloweenh . : , ccostumes^^HH Gunmaeiikidinap Am(lericansJ Iv a n _ gone too HI Continued from Al feet, toppedled by largo battering Sunday, in BAGHDAD. Iraq (AP)(A — A I------n . do about it. I put all mymi guests in ^vaves.Aporp ord o n o f a b rid g e o n •. ■ team of kidnappersrs grabbed r . -Idieitroomsandtoldif-1 them to gei_Imerstate_iC_iO,_die_majot_easu ______EamUy_Life_W t two Americans arid aB’aUritonln.a^" in die'bathtubs." w est higliw;hway through thc dawn raid on their hoh o m e o n a - Ivan quickly deterior io r a i^ t o a • Pariliandle.e, v\vas washed away. > leafy Baglida^streci;t Thursday1 i-f tropical storm afterter coming . Insuranceice experts put. the ■ — a bold abducdon dudial under- - ' . ashore. But forecasterters wamcQ ‘ storm’s dairlamage at anywhere I ' lines die increasing: dangerdc for it %vos n o t d o n e yet:3i: h dircat* fromSSbiUicillion to SIO billion. ! £ foreigners In die embatbalded cap* g • en e d u p to 15 inchesosofrMnand ’Tlie deathath toll Includc^ 13 in ! V\ : , , ital as violence soarsrs ialiead of , B h MH 9 flooding across diec Soulh.S al* • Florida, two-vo-ln Mississippi, and. • , national elecdonS'plaiila n n e d .for J' read y soggy after Hurricanes' H' one in Geoileor^a. In Louisiana;:. ICteepDisoqunlspn n ! ■ . carly next year. • •J C harley a n d Frances:cs over d ie four evacuecuees died after being.. |s | >l(Tre B n S Gbfiincl i n g i ■ : • W est p f Uie caf>ltal.I.U.S.forccs U \] past mondi:, • taken fromm theirl storm-ihreat* launched attacks-Thuh u rs d a y in- ■ And m ore danger•could co be on, eried homesies to safer parts of die N R »pened in a No»v laolion.'ion.' ;| -. the Sunni insurgenttni strong- y die horizon: Hurricar:anc! Jearme staie.- 1136 Addison Ave. E.E . I , holds of Fallujah andid Ramadi,, I Is- te a rin g dirotio tigh d ie M any oif f die-md ilU ons o f G ulf Tvrwin Falls • 737-0909• 0 9 i • Wiling, up to 60 insursurgents in ■ C arib b ean on a p adh i thati could Coast resideiidents who spent a across ao from.Rile-Aid & Altwrhons» n » ; : strikes against allies - 'i ______] .along a 300-niile streijetch.qf die phe,manyf(?j' f(?arcd. ' • eign fid iters" w ere killed kill n ear . - APtMt* , GulfCbast-clciinkloutlutasli^.u. Fallujah. but hospitaltal officials. former .'165-mph moi ar asks journalists to stay aytray lonstcu'dii^i | Use tlii!liis C oupon unid Save e k i tliere Siiid th e city w asIS ccalm a n d .’ A. U.S. soliHan ^ay from the house In al-Maiv'*■' killed 70 people e In th c : | • >«-" I diat diey.had not rccci!cclvcd iUiy BaehJad,Bd, Iraq, from which gunmen aba. C aribbean, closeci Innon c an un- I casualties. a Briton on ThtThursday. . siciidypadi. - o w n e _ i I 'riie military launchet:lied w h at il Ivan came ashore•e inear Gulf | ^fi | .' ■ ' . called « "precision3n ; strike" T h e team1 ofol about 10 attack- sometic |people fixing die gcnera- a- S iiores Beach. Ala.,., aroi u n d 3__. ------1------^^gainsra*housc1n'Fallt.lUujalVlind— ers-drove-to-to -th e -h e a d -b f-ih e — ton”-sl"-shcsaid;------— r — — a.in..'buf it \\’as'dicrPrPiuiliiUidle , • V® ■ i3 S[MaE_ I follow ed itAvitli ii secoicond Strike tree-lined strcitreet iii a minlvan. "'nii’Iliese iire kind people who10 — squarely ih the2 i n o rth c iist I \ 1 M/ NewOOwners! I in a nearby town, 'lliellie second walkeduptoilo tlie house, clrcum- iiave'c come'ioc rebuild Iraq," sheIt-* nuadrant bf tlie stono rm , w h ere ! Qn u i i e t , L a r g e , c o m f oortable i room! strike destroyed tlireee bbuildings vented a coiconcrete wall and iidded.led. "Wliy did diis liap p en tolo tile winds arc most v i o l e n t - , I allegedly used by Zjirqarqawi’snel- ..snatclied dieie Westernere \vidi- diem?’m?" ■ diattookthebmht. ndes m icrowave aifuid refrigeratorr I w o rk out a gunfiglili^lil. said Col. A d n an Neigleiglibors knew tJie foreign-1- ‘ Ivjin s p u ii off at leiis.■Ml a dozen ! 12.9" » i n g le s k i man, an Interior ers be Tlie U.S. Embassy/ identifiedic Abdul-Rahma becaiise diey had allowed■d to rn ad o es in Florida.a.wiiilocn.- \ 2 4 8 2ndn d A M W, T w in F a lls« (208) 733-5630w | tlie Americans as Jackck Hensley M inistry ofilciiIcial. diemm I10 use diclr generator forar ating.a stonn surge: 661 f lOtC) 16 Coupon ExpIrM Nov imd Eugene Armstrong,mg; b u t th e N ineieen-ye-year-old'HadTareq electri':tricity during Baghdad's . a. ^ identity of die Britishh hman was : sald hewasws walking down the swelieititering summer. n o t disclosed. street whenn lie sa w ii m a n O>ne ne resident, w lio w ould give ’I’he three workedd 1for G ulf dressed In black, bin his facc cov- his nain am e only ais M ajid for fear _ Services Co.; a U nited1 AArabi Eml* cred w ith a rccrc*d Apib headdre.ss. ofreprcprisaJ, said he left Ills house rates-based . consin s lm c lio n dragging o nlu e (o f d ie W esipm ers ab olUt u t G a.m. during a power com pany, by tlie collarir andi pushing him' outageage to turn on the commu- "■nicyvvercdoingwoiATorfcunder into a car pwpjirked outside die naJgergenerator. . contracts-wilh tliemI itIn Bagli* House, "1 I n noticed unusual move* dad." State ‘ Depjepartment A neiglibor.lor. w iio iden tified m etil n t in th e ganige. 1 heard spokesman Uichard1 BoucherE berself onlyy as{ Um Ibralilm. voices:cs tliat sounded like somc- said. said sh e w asIS tawakened by the one' 'was trying to drag lOES [ Tlic abducdon tookJk placej In voices of meinen giving orders., somebicbody else," h e said. "1 wjis i n S | 3 g j * r die al'M ansour heighbi;hborhood. "Walk. Gel inin,", sh e sa id si)0 ' fri{^iteiite n c d a n d left th e areii, but 1 * ■ one of the most affliifnuent in Heard men sisay in Arabic. ”1 whenm I cam e back to tlie for*, ll ■ ■ Baghdad. Foreign emembassies diouglu tlieyy wwere stealing a car eignerslers’ hpiisc. I saw Uiiu die iind prominent Iraqi popoliticians a n d I w as scarcared; b u t m y m oth* o u teIT r jgate Wiis o p e n an d die iire b a se d in d ie nei{^ib(h b orhood. . e r told m e tliitliiii d iey m ig h t b e foreignigners' car liad gone." i / O l REGULAR ■ i n i ' IJ i w PRICE Mint releases3S nickel’s new looook ^ The U.S. Mint releasede d d e sig n s lor tw o new nickelssis Thursday that. H M witl tra Issu ed In 200S.i. TlT hey sh a re th e sa m e iront but have dllferent - ' b a c k s lo co m m em o ra-ate te important m oments in U.S.t.s. history. Closer profile ...... “in 'G o d W e MEN’S StiHOES: M il'll ;____ I'.pfThpmps__ Tru8t;:.nnd.tho______■ ■ ■ J e ff o r s d n date romain onthofroiit FhrsJeimi'Bifkem'nsiock,Roikport,M^ Mer'rell, Nike, Neww Balance, Skechers, Dr. Martens. ■ 'Excluding SAS &Dmhko! . Liberty.” now p p o a rs Jri s c r i p t .- ■ F r o n t

B a c k

Design remrerr in iscen t ol - ' Viewlew of c o astlin e . th e buHoliHolo nickel . commemoratescoi ■ WOMEN’S SSHOES: ...... ^ m e rrio rates /•'a.-A - ...... LLew is a n d ...... tA... . -liilhe...... Louisiana ■ Clark'sC quest to. ^H |M Clarks, Hush Puppkim,Ecco,Birkenstock, re a c h th e I j r Lynwood Shopping Cenlerler ' Pacific O c e a ri ' ' }{atumlizer,Eas}’SpiSpirit, Nike, Merrell, SOURCE: U.S. Minr' Neuiyance,Mer,er, Skechers,Dr.Martm, #733-6280I ' ■■ ■ ': Bigger, bbolder JeflPerson ^ RosHommerson,Eas!as}i Streei. f SHOE!ES TWINFALLS graces reevampedinickel ^ 'A W ASHINGTON (AI(AP) — Henrietta Holsiilsm on Fore said. iYourtJjiLLee I r Community NNewspapers - Thomas Jefferson appealtears bold* Tlie “tails"' sidesl also gets up- er and bigger on new^ five*ceniTr dated, pieces, marking his first Tlie back of die fiisl version COBDIflLlVC INun^jo . m akcov:er'sincc h e lanre88^i .

A T / ^ y # i ■ $ 0

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T hank you I

—I— ------. I ■

m ,1 W ln FUlt. Idaho Rlay.Sefpt'•fptemb«17.2004,

m i v j j

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Windows • Power ' Slock 9008R • Hit Steering • Cruise Control 1' P o w e r L o c k s * P o wver c j M irrors * H it Steeringing • • Power Mirirrors • Tilt Steering * Crx Cruise Control • CD; Cruise Conlnii Locks • Power Mirrors « Tilt Steering • Cruise * Air Conditioning • CD > Automatic Transmission \\ • Cassettc/ClCD • Rear Air • W heelsIs-Roof • Rock ' -Control • Cassette/CD *>Seaf Rear Air'Wheels ' , RetailPrice k [P Retail Price ,\.Z:Si ■19740 IK ^27870 t Smart Buy 13991Pli Smart BBuy 1 1 1p ! s s k ^ p : ■; ■ '033 FOR^~ ' V TAUIIRUS SE!IS ■> stock #391E • P CHOOSE FROA)M 1 5 0OO a X 4 SUIBURBANI L.S. TRACKER 4X4 FREESTAR SES Pow er Locks* Pow er M irrors • Tilt • Cruise Stock 26655 • Power Win Vindows • Pow er Locks • PPo' o w e r Stod «6608 • Pov'ower Seat • Power Windows •PowerLocks*• Po Stock #6734 • Power Windows • Power Locks • Slock#6678 « Power Seat, Windows, Locks, Mirrors • ’ Control • Cassette/CD • Leather* W heels ' M irro ra • n i t S te e rin g ■ lg • Cruise Conlroi • Casselti>cltc/CD , Power Mirrons • H it Steering • Cniisc Controltrol • Cassctte/CO • Pow er M irrors *.Tilt Steering • Cruise Control • Tilt Steering • Cniise Conlroi • CD • Rear Air 3 TO CHOOSE FROM • Slider • Nerf Bare • !Tow Pk'g. • W heels • Glasslass Shell Rear Air • Runrnning Boards • Wheels • Roofif Rack*Ra Tow FkB CD • Wheels • Roof Rack • Tlnlcd Windows • Wheels • Roof Rack , ■ Retail Pnce A C Retail Prii \ 19760 | | l | *34810 n i M 15 Smart Buy MIE Smart g..»i«95 ^ 5 9 9 5 » 1 ' 0 2 C H lEV R O LE*ET 'o9 0 T O Y O'T T A * ' -' - ' 0 4 F O R D - L . S . V tfE N T U R EE R A V a . Stock *6598 • Pow er V TAURUS SES . SPORTTRAC XLT r W indows « Power Locks • Stock #6557 • Power W indows • Powe; Power M irrors • T ilt:iit Steering • Cruise Conti , Slock 5075R - Power Scat • Power W indows - , Stock S6427 • Power Windows • Power Lock. • Power J in tr o l • P o w e r VVirtdns. . E I u c a i i o n H . grovvUih iindustry. But It CSI. by comparison, it's invigt/ig o ra tin g w h e n o ffe rs•s af w e a lth o f o p p o rtu n i- that grovvih is occurring at tr 'tlie bargain S900 tiiat time studenis pay per ^ .. the College;: ’ of< Southern fuH-'in IIVIAS ■ Id a h o . s e m eester. s t At Idaho Stale full- •Tlie M apc: VaUey’sV{ ,link .to , fees a r e S l ,850; a t B oise higher educaticitidn continues, ; University. ^ $3,520,'and . ’ to s h in e w ith aabrigliterglow 1 , at thele University of Idalio, ' S' . fm J . a o .b iJ52. . w h e n c o m ­ W liat is killing the'rcmiin i an is • ■. With such ., p a r e d 100 =■■ . ■ ...... = o f CUS’s credibility is tlicecon- i 'o a t I many other Our view: Affordaljguip modest costs, |troversy over documentsts"(K) ^ J Idalio colleges ' local,students M i inutes" o b tain ed that p u rp o rt ' Y i ------and-universi—i—feeMndadyanGsd-sl[.skills—rl'iive-nunicr.s- - --i t o rcvtKil-George-VVrBiish'fh's-rail ------tie s . T h e ous affordable u i re to su b m it to :i physic; school’s com-“ training add to ttie • options to ori it forfoi m o re d ia n th ree ycars?■ ' From Internet blogs;s to talk I rccent gatliering for . ’Ilie n tiierc w ere quesdo 4.010 in 2003 ai tions ' c d a s saying. ”/UI(Ml D jui could say lleports3rts about Bush’s National radio io c a b le 'IV too m aan y are- th e " Iddaho a Association of a b o u t f o rn ie rlc x a s Lt. Go)lov. w as d ial d iis was • th is fall. vas a n a ttack G uardsrd servicc and allegations watching and have accesc cessto , , , * C o m mnerce e and Iiidustry. B en B arnes, w h o claim edd liei from d ie rig h t-w-wing nuts, imd bf favorvored tre a tm e n t go back 10) o u d cts tiiroiigli w hichII lhth e y c a n A n y w a y y o u1 ada( d IJP Uiosc m om beilers noted how the !'help ed g et B ush into th e: Giiard'G diat we shouldlhave h expected, atleast;ist 1994. w h e n h e w a s n m -' sen d d ie tm ih — o r aIt l Icile a st n u m b e r s , th e y/Signify si more sMleladack s a n in te g r a te d sy s- “jin 1968.'Hie trouble wilhid i ia t Uiis. given d ie stjikes.su H e w as nin g: againstagi A n n K ichards for other opinions — to ah:tnaudi- a sto ry is th a l B am cs contrai classes, m ore• facullyfi .and ■ lem oref c o m m u n ity ' co lleg es. ^ radict- terribly defensivelive and nerv- governcrnorofTexas. . en cc h u n g ry for o d ierr vieviews e d his e arlier statem en ts (t(no o u s.” , more job trainilining in (lie Yot thi e state’s sl tw o com m uni- Why liyj are d iey m tiking a n o th - and diflcrcnt sources. w o n d e r he's a top fund-rai.a ise r 'Hic; way to cle;:le a r Uic air is for ■ e r comcim eback this close to th e , Magic Valley. Thehe communi- ty collegleges, CSI and North ^ Still, for d io se w idi a m e m o ry ' ty college modeldel continues jjaho Q for John Kerry). J3{irnes' daJaugli- die original docuicum ents to b e electionion a n d w ld io iu .tlie jiroof o f wh at jo u rn alism usedsed to look C o lleg e, c a t e r w ell to (cte r called h im a liar for his to reap success;s ati CSI. a n d u ie labo: is p ro d u c e d s o Uicjicy can b e exam - that journalismjou of anoUier oni like a n d w h o a 'ln c m bie c r 1th c bor dem ands of tlieir lalatest rem ark s.' in e d by indepenc.’nd en t experts. m o stI likelylik vvould have de- great days of lidwiiid 1111.. M^ ur- it's paying off n(not only for areas wh vhile giving' those stur N ext it w as revealed ihatlat re- ' But. acco rd in g; tollicAmeri-to niandecded?_^______row, it l ^ i j ^ t o se c CBS3S inii w hat_____ — — locaLstucIcnts-ar-and-familics.— dents— ' —who— won'r— galn” "tii-tired Maj.Gcnrl3obby Hod3d ges------canSpcctator.’CICBS'doesn’t I calkailed s o m e c o n tem p o - . coulU lie iis d calirk n ellill shouldsl but tlie entire regi •egional econ. four-yeaiDar d e g r e e s th e b e s t ciclaim cd CBS h a d m isled h:him have die original:lals. ll i e p ro d u c- nin ess fromfn m y youthful clays ai Uiese d o c u m e n ts proveve iito be. o m y a s w ell. e d g e possible. o s “3by read in g fro m d ie docunaments cr is quoted: "OuDur sources have . NHC NcNews. I'ormer NBC News false a n d th e n etw ork: prcproved to '.For starters,5. affordable &1 liasha; proven over many ov er th e p h o n e instead ofif in d icated to u s> diatU: w e will n o t presidcid e n t U euven P rank told have b e e n try in g 10 foollo lth t c . sh o w in g U icm to him . W in higlier educationion grovys in- years its?(s a b ility t o te a c h skills g, h e n h e b e gettin g Uie originals.ori Mow m e. ”I’I don'td th in k Uiis siory w as public for lo h n Kerry's^ sals:>ke. said Uicy "so u n d ed ” like UiUiey' d ia t is p o ssib le 11 • creasingly difflifficult for for thelocal lo job market, and i I d on’t know." siifficiet:iendy checked out. Uvery- w e re.w riu cn by Killisin. CBB S I do. S u p p o seiu tht c d o c u m e n ts d iln gjtoclay to seems to ben to d a y ’s Id a h o faifamilies. Just to attractict even m ore industry' ,q Cal Tliainas is a naiioiilioiially to o k Uiat a s con fin n atio n1 co f w ere faked by.Uitdie Kerry cam- • publlclfIcliy stunt/not reporting.”, syndicaicd colunmisi ani> this week. UniJniverslty of into thele area. i It’s no wonder th anil Fax tlieir audienticiiy. ’Tlic proioblem paign, or someorjone trying to Fonnerier NBC and /dJC corrc- News commcntccniaior. Idaho ofiicials anrannounced its the poterlential for growrth con-. . intention to raijraise student tihuestoto b e m e t , y e a r in a n d r fe e s 10 p e rc e n i.. SiSimilar hikes year out. ■ 5StraighttmarriajIges haveen’t heldI up, dth[ier ITixcd to o u r refricenc ra to r ' ' • I cmbodiisdim ent o f evil, w hile I am Or denying divorce to aan y d o o r is a ph d io o fm m b o d im en t o f good, M i c h a e=1^ l G R p s s , co u p ic th at a id n o t suhm:limit to a ■ lhejTimes-r■News 1 wife and several ofli t die firet casualtybfshifi- m in im u m o f sbc m oiidisclisof. ; - -, - : St«Stephen Hartgen .... ____PulPublisher ' ’ friends: five aunictive.clll- inieli I— — ------—------1 ing Uieie I:b lam e is o flen co m m o n , . twice-weekly marriagei;cdun.sel- cd gent suburban women, sor the nipisi blaming his Ing sessions? . rMike S m it.... Advertising din Dme Unfonunately,:ly, stories su ch a s sense: tl: ■ • 55 professionals, so me-. e lioiise-. Uicse are all to3 o common, a even crinicj oor n th e im m o d est dress o f Steriliziition for any hetihetero- Hie membefsrs 0of the editorial board and writeriters of editorials are wi wives, m any of Uiemid s friendfor in g ood, solid, lonservativecor ■ hisyicdrcdm ; ai d efen se lav\yer iis- sexual man who abandond o n s his more dian 20 years. Among lg his client’s murder Stephenhen Hartgen, Steve Crump and OaDavid Cooper, ' A ^ ng Uie communities sucluch as my oivn! signing 1 children? A lax deductionion for m a n y diings tliey have In cccom - B ut in o u r zealtodefcncl’Uicln- to spree:toa'I\vlnkiesdiet;ora to . , ,. joining Promise Keepers?.jrs?.' . — mm o n is d ie fact th at Uicy all co ncluding Uiat his obses- I ..j______• ill s d tu d o n o f m ai^age.Ican’t n ii Talibcoi I u n d e rsta n d die m orala ralout- I- ex cx p erien ced m arriages putJt to h elp w o n d eringwhcUieracon- g sion wid.vidi a w o m a n 's bare ankle rage of Uiosc who invoke)kc 1th e Write to us ■ UrUic torch by husbands who10 .sUtuUonal b a n o n gay m arriage is bestit acad d ressed by blow ing Cip biblical injunctions againsainst ho- ■ , ■- -oroncc publicly avowed to sta>tand mtiy just be sliiftitfting the blame. anairof•ofl,500-yciu--6ldBud- . moscxualiiy. but If werenre n o l . he Times-NewNews welcom es with false i >e n a m es will b e perma- byby d ieir sp o u ses u ndl cleaUilUidid I a d m it d ia l 3blalamc-sliifdiig dhas. going to observe its equalllually no- le tte rs .from r< m readers on nently barrfaxed to (208) 734- gycym. Anodier went searchirling . responsible for diedn shameful odierss fcfor our uoublcs— dien diemselves while wc putlu to c u r . mailing address amand telephone 5538: orir e e-mailed to ioifor a “new and improved” • rate of failed marrarriagesinthe let's stoptop rebuking horiiosexuals ow n h o u ses in order. num ber/W riters whiwho sign leuers letters&mi^megicvaltey.com. wcwoman, while anotlier hadid al- , UnitL>d States, for Uicc sadSi state of conjugsil I can’i im siginc they'dd bbe otch ------■ , - , - i rcjready fo u n d o ne. O ne n u rtirtured If. jus Uie Rev. JerryJei 1-alwcIl bliss andin d jia ss so m e laws that die job any more dian soson m e o f ' • ■______hi!his p ersonality disorder likel 224-24-2752 , -L ettee'R — H eather Tiel. se n ioior ri regional di- 5 c o st m e a n s 5.00000 times die networkJrk of dmgs and conse- rector . , • http://craijraig.senate.gov/email Big money In politics T h c v ariad o n s arc cncllcndless. profit.'anditiswnworthy of note quencesces for Uie rest o f us that b u t a few d iin g s are clean 202 Falls Ave.. Suite ;a n no . uite 2 C(could be mucti worse® d ia t d iis d o c s nlot ot take into ac- arerippli[iplng die fabric of our Twin Falls. ID 8 3 3 0 1 o n e is im m u n e to dm gs;;s; vw c iill “ „ , Rep. Mitlike Simpson M arijuana sells in the pailark'- c o u n t d ie m assivelive overhead clviilzndca d o n a p art. I don't im ag- share die enorm ous burdc 7 3 4 -2 5 1 5 ; Fax 733< jrd c n o f 330414 In Tv.in Falls3lls. call or w rite: in]ing lot for ab o u t SIOO per asso ciated wiUi1 oioil exploration, in e d iatat Uilst is n ew to anyone. • In W ashington: th e illegal d ru g trad e ann d dc rug a rn e s . agriculture field ou n ce. M eanw hile, th e stocock production, trans]nsportadon, rc- So what’:liU’sU ie point? a b u se a n d d in b a g s are rea 239 Dirksen Senate= .= « c = B .„ . ! reaping mim ark et g oes Into hystericss iininganddistribtibution. Tliere is Tlicpc! p o in t is d ia l I w o u ld . die obscencly staggeringn grc- r I ■ .ing IsAve. E..-suite25 wlwhen crude oil approacheses SSO n o ev id en ce d ia»t t d< em an d for raUicrr see sc a Texas oil m a n in wards.li's also unTohunau W ashington. D.C. 20! n a ic b u t 1. ID 8 3 3 0 1 ' pper c barrel. Tliat mucli crudiidc, cither commoditylity is decroas- controlol o of his c o u n try ’s afTalrs tm e Uiat It takes a lot o f m {202)224.6142 if m oney 734.7219:9: t 7 3 4 -7 2 4 4 d e p e n d in g o n its specific grgravi- ing. but comparecre d to Uie illegal d ian so>omc n b ru tal h ed o n ist in atid influence 10 becom e 1 e-mall m essages car Fax n e nrcsl- can be sent via mwoshlnstiIgton: 'ytyor quality, probably wcigiiglis. drug trade, die oil business— Columbinbia or some barbaric dent of this oui-of-control Sen. Crapo's home i trol nc page at 1 3 3 9 L on|.Igworth Building m ay b e 2 0 0 p o u n d s, w hich11 ounce for otmcce—is - peanuts. madmarnan from /dglianistan. I’m ju g g ern au t o f a country,y. if.If. for - www.senate.gov/-ct -crapo Washington.on. D.C. 2 0 5 1 5 would make its cost, very T h e n th e re arcre thI c h a rd e r n o t so) m m u ch w orried iibout starters, so m e o f dial mnoney on Phone: (202202) 225-5531 rouglily.'2 c e n ts p e r ounce.e. In d m g s: o p iu m an d heroin, G W annd d id ie m o n e y th at h c a n d and influence comes fromrom oil Sen. Larry Oralr a i g Fax; (202)!) 2225-8216 p“O ther w ords, a n o u n ce o f mari-m crank, cocaine or icrack and liis palslls mr iike from Ihclr oil in- ' o r even k etchup. I don'tt ssci e e d ie In Twin Falls, call or vwrite: A ccess SImiimpson's e-mali through juana miglit cost die consul>umer perhaps a host oofi f odiers d iat 1 terests.s. I’mI'l w orried a b o u t th e problem. Things could be M ike M athew s, regloigional director his Webpagpage: 55.000 .' lim es as m u ch as a nI haventhcardofyif yet. These gen- lunaUcc t\vceker t\ twitching nerv- much, much worse. 560 Filer Ave. Suiteite IA http://w wvftv.house.gov/simpsoa w ounce ofcm de c ra te even greaterler returns for a ouslyb bcl eh in d m e in die KIM BRUMBACH M ost likely, 5.000 d m es died: loosely afiillatedwi woddwidc convcnietniencc store. TVvinFalls

Doonesburyy . By Garry Trude.eau Mallard Fillillmore . By Bruce TiriiTinsley . Ijtc / COai£HTf/NC>/t BOA Aouesnonfofxxj. HHetJ i FlU SPO t/TM / f dw L TfiA} UrMtTrfOf^MATTHeV ^ ft.IP-FLOPf>IN6 SUXSNl W «SA6RgAr<«SSE FI o r \ POOKHSfte... ^ O K £P TO CHECK rr> ^ peFtAciN& OMS M a n V I ^Q06ScM -toS4VA y - m r / \ B I S iJs Un w ofAV eeV 6 N / f , f 5 «■ y I A. ' IP ■3 5 ^ - — , I’’’"-

I Friday, Septomlwr 17.2004M T l m M ^ . T M n M t . Idahoaho .A-7

O p i n i o3 i N Coloiirado a;ouldsppoU elejction tday —— Lett[ERS — — here arc many 1 — Colorado case becata u s e d ie ini- Keep yoti^our critical eye . pplca.surc and convenience« ool f . scen ario s o u t ll I* ' dadve will have beer diis nice Hide golf course so • een p assed by OH lO Calal taxi Increases nnearby. Cenainly th o se respcs p o n - what could hapla p p e n o n ^ J —dicvotersofGoiorac rado a n d n o t------sible \ m 'not m ake a n y newcw . election dayT;------T J45 . die. Legislature-How iporary lax foTdie senior si 5 an OK tax. Increases in frfriends or converts from diethe One scenario thatdIt deserves ' . Supreme Court hant ^ '= • '> 0 .axesatdicdie Filer fairgrounds, goUing gi community or theJ pepeo - Tm o re a tte n tio n involviolves Col- . ^ . Issue ifit arises agair orado. countylall.[all. am b u lan ce service. . pipie who expected ihelr nnvnv A l916SupremeCB Court case school levyeyy iax is questionable! hihomes to border on a golf,f , ------r------1 I VlP^.Wr ^ suggests die Coloiad rado inidadve ' hnwiw all lod many people ^course. (Should they ask forfor R ic h a rRD i co m plies w idi Ardclc dicir money back?) ^ ' Rehnquisi. Scalia am into Idaha going on our ^ S ^ a s . d and welfare ^ le m at. ' Why lear up grass and gretgreeris . recendy cast doubts ; L . H a se! Bonto anenormomous otaense' lo die ^that take t\vo to three yearsrsio i< \ fi . precedent asappliedied to Coi- . . Idaho taxp:ixpayer. O n to p o f all gei in shape \vlien rig h tn exexi i ' ■ ■ orado; diis. redredred citizens who cannot d o o r is f ^ u n d crybic to b>ede- e d ^LBCTIOMOAVf O n Nov. 2^ C oloradaidansivilibe 1 ■ j^ W 'ould at least iwowo odier jus- airorddiepleproposed I7pcrcent veloped? A nice builaing&ndin d ' doing morc than votinidngfor fVSsirA ' ■ dees b e willing lo consider,coi .iaxlncreas<;ase on M edicare Pan B diebeaudful grounds dialtgo go p resident. Tliey will1 alsoalj con* ■ ^ findincAmendment;nt36aviola- vrillbciiitvlit w idi dlls obscene . widi it would upgrade that sider'Amendment 36,36, a voter- . U d o n ofA rdclc II, inid]C’C0ntext d added burtlurden! . wwhole secdon. • .‘ initiative that, if p a^.virill' ^ f ® of deciding yet anododier presi- his dmeme for die coimty com- . . i; for one, am asking thoseDse i n : clionge the way Colonlorado's nine ^ dendal elecdon? missionersers to take a good hard «charge to reconsider. Pleasese electoral votes arc alloid lo cated .. ■ Tlie court’s decisiosidaio.siay lookatwhavhat is going on. Prcity don’t take oui CandlcridgeeG G< p If Course. ' • ' - Most states, includiii^gCol* .. . the'more .out of a similar conuntroversy in , jbdn, we2 wwill find ourselves in • •re imponant point Is und(nder which electors arc cho-o- ■ Nc\y Jersey two yean LARRYPARKE • - ' orado, aw ard all o fthtestates e this; With su ars ago is a die sa me sisituadon at die tax- - such a close race na- sen:n ands located. Wlien die: . hopeful sign that theihey wouldn't, payers In "K , ’IWinFalls, electoral votes to whichichmer tlonally.thBi I'K ixafom ia (California)! ^ IB results o f die U.S.:I.S. S u p rem e C o u n w as con-n- Sdll, \\iu i such higlliglistakes ...... TONYSfl'SAUERNO . • ...... - r presidential candidateMe obtains nationwide! le election could well sideridering die 2000 Florida a n d im c c n a in law.’.we w can dcfi- TWlnRiIIFaUs , the greatest num berTofyotcs. ol • lumonaimiudiclal dcicrmlna- cont Write to us there. oniroversy, s u p p o n e rs o f Buslush nitciy keep die Colorlorado donwlietneitier Amendment 36 •, arguirgued d ia t d ie Florida scenario widiin die r i fie Times-News welcomi:omes . A m en d m en t 36, if pi e ie id m o f , Leave golgolf course and Ifpassed, applles,(oror on exacdy how it ap- Suprupreme Court, in extendingS_____ posslblcidecdontda)dayd.sasters_jg^g|jp,, letters from readers .oo'n _. ■would djvide'up Colorilorado^—: ------pllcsrlf thereerearo’amblguit!es)r:— die'ale deadlme foFM Gore lo coio n- in d ie m aking. p other la n d s~ ' subjects of public Interestrest. electoral college votes tes propotT • Bush won didie last election. test!St dt ie elecd o n a n d later by — 7— ------S o d icy y are a going to tear out Letters may be brought) ourto oui donately. dependinggon o; how don't forget,21, iby only five elec-. , ordeirdering a reco u n t, h a d violanated Richard Hascii.apa professoral an establishlishedgoU course lo Twin Falls or Burley office: m any votes each candim didate toral votcs.-w . . Artie:rdcle II. Tlie argum ent \vas' Loyola Laiv SchoolltnLos/\ttge- tn build a temempiewhendiercis . mailed to PO. Box 548, Twinvin • !wins. What's more, it d( it declares That is wh/krherc d ie C olorado dtat ia ti d ie c o u rt iiad u su rp ed diiJie les. is ihe atiihor'of‘1'■"77a' unim provei)ved land bordering diis Falls. ID 83303; faxed to (20l(208) • unambiguously that “tl t "die popu- nightmare; ccc o u ld begin. ' Lcgiscgislatiire's povver. • Siiprvme Court aitdldElecrion samegolfc.If course. Tliis isa mys- 734-5538: or e-mailed to fet-.fet- Iar propordonal selectiscdonfor We can stastart with the sim- • In 7 In ll? first decision in th e Latl'" (im j Press, 200i003). icry lo diosilose of us who enjoy the ters^meglcval/ey.com. ' • ■ presidential election1 Is in te n d - plest w ay thsdiat diings can go Horltlorida controversy, die ed to apply reiroactivelivelyand wrong: Tliee vvole on Amend- ' Supnjp re m e C o u n suggested dia(lal thus dctennine tlie mannerma in ment3Gcoulould be veiy close. suchich ^m ieni m id it b e which pur state’s prcsicQsidcntlal ' a n d dicre mmlglu l need (0 b e a ' pluuilauslble. diougli it foiled to d< electors are chosen aanc n d o u r recount o f: votes,vc Ihrowing die cldede thei issue conclusively. In state's electoral votessare ai cast entire nadono n al e lecdon into dis- . diele secosi n d decision. Busli vs.r ■ ’vSiD)EWALFk S aleE . for the general electionio n o f puic;. Gore,ore. three jusdces— Chief Everything oi) n s a le ! 2004." Sccond,Oo fp p o n e n ts o f JustlcisdceW diiam R ehnquisi a nd,d ^ :■ I •■'(■■ In o th e r w ords, if GetGep^gcW. Amendmeni!ni 36 couJd go 10 justicsdces Antonin Satlia and Bush narrowly g ^ s> nioreni votes counclolmirning thai it is unfair Clarelarence ’fliom as— embrace(:ed V '■ One Week only! th a n John H Kerry ( right i ^ now, ‘ and unlawfulfu l to a pply Am end- th e viewvi thai die Florida September 13 thru 18 things look likeatossu];sup),Bush ment36retrcitroactively to dlls - Siiprtipreme Court’s acdoiis violai ^ could end up with onlyniy four or election. Tillshis argument seems edArI Article II. ■ five electoral votes rathadierthan doubtful bccecau se d iere is n o Dissendng Dis jusiices argued O f f n in a unfair surpri!>riseherc. diaitat die F lorida c o u n decision “70% I P u t aside f o ra m oiiittiiie m d ie Tlie m o st>t IntcrcsdngL and wasas simply s an Inieipretadon o question whether this;is Iis a de slr- uickiest legalgal q u estio n lias to • tiiec Legislature'sL« exisdng rules, BlUack Roa aole new law. And putut asidet the dowidiArdcldele II of tlic ConsU- 'llicrticro is litde d o u b t d ial oppo- q u e sd o n w h e d ie r it will help tution. whichIch allows each state ncnus:nLs o f Am en d m en t 36 will lo tK ie rs S43-‘25l m'”''onday thru Saiurday: lOam to 6i Kerry or Bush. Le^slaiuretG! to set die rules miikejikc a sim ilar arg u m en t In dn I A l 918 Main Slreet.BUHL esigns for the Discrlminatitting at Affordable Prices'res” L eETTER— Pelite thru 3X.sl2es « www.tv.blackfockclothlers.com

Diversity and tolerleranCO m ake us o nle e culture; dicy dc* to oflerofTt widioui accountability feat their owrw n p u rp o se by • tofollow foil ru le o f law a n d learn also depend on behaviorbe Points 7 -9 . . -. _ J L d i ee n n { ad v e Ijingu'age is.a m oral, ------— ^-C o m e togetlier" waisAfais'the ' P d ln tT fCZiiy it police areh'i "In- failurelure. Skin c olpr Is h o t m oral, headline in the Sept.. lledidon11 tcrestedlnknknowing’* whedier a Beiia\h av io r is. o f tw o articles a b o u t: ththi e H is- p erso n Is h eere n illegally or not.. • C Cor onsider diis:.A stu d e n t .. , p a^ c cultiiral festivalila a n d . P oint 8: CoiCommunity celebra- come:m es to class o h tim e w ith all discussions o n h ow AnjAnglo c lti-: tions will iniclude cl Mexican work<>rk do n e , ready to learn. An- . zen s o f Jerotrie m u st: acacccpt the Ihdcpendencn e e D ay (W liy?Tliis o dic icr rc o m e s in late, d id n ’t Hispanic presence diallathas isn't Mexico).3). finishIsh h is h o m ew o rk a n d is ill- seen a 300 percent rise;Ise in pop*. P oint 9; WeVe m u st look be- • prcpaspared. Tho student ulaUonhere. y on d th e suirfacc rf such as color displaiplaying b a d b eh av io r is 'The points made intindieartl- of skin, • p v'cn c n preference and the good ■ cle con b e answ ered withwil two Answer too pointsJ 7-9; City' studeiIdem m u st a c c e p t d ie b ad ‘ ■ 'reasons why there is nonot "ac> police expect!Ct Anglo Jeromc-itc's studeiideni’s "differences’’ so lie is ceptance of diversity." to foUmv ruleileoflawwhynot notI offended. of Wliere's die logic Point 1: Spanish'spcapeaking Hlspanics? CommunityCc cele- :: CAfa r l a s t r u n k resident doesn't get dueluQ * . brations in tli nd i racist! It’s n o t ' t ci r y g j f e a .JS anther’s clubs. the color ofi'skin sk thal residents Q uic^Casfi Point 3: W hite womern o n w o n ’t are resistantit toti accep t. It’s b e- | - 7 3 2 -5 6 2 6 n>s; havior. Any c ut ltu re th at takes ^ sh o p in H ispanic sto res No credit clisclts • Fast service - Point 4: Secret of succuccess is in advantage oaf f\ whai America has ^ ^ education. Point 5: T lie first Litinotosit adr ' on die Idaho Coun offAppeals A] ' Steal the RoomI was bom a Mexican natnational. . MMBAI S W E E K ’S; ;s p e c i a l " P oint 6: P eople m utst st talki a n d I d u ^ e l wV“Sofa' ' IncludesI So^, Loveseat Coc listen to c ach o th e r too finfii d ocktall l^ble & 2 End Tablesbles common ground. A n sw erto P oints 1-6: .Q munication! If Hispanicnlcs w ere I SAMIC Pl ? required to leam andI spspeak B^999 English In order to beco:>comea ACOUStli - citizen, get educationi^rj^eive or GuitafSrs ” ” benefits, thcywould.Th ® v NOINT ( . therewouldbeducprocirocess and no langu^e barrierricr d iat & ^ERES5TjP ' maximizes dlllerenccs.1s .T h c e d - : .NO. ucational system wouldiid n o t . . y U £ a y m have to crcatc specialI groupsgn ■ •• )MUSIC g . N T 5S _ ^ J such as Spanish parcnt-in t-te a c h e r organizadons aind Hispa (^in . Falls . Burley sp an lc 837 PolelineincRd. • 734-9010 1321328 Oierland • 678-3388 culnire clubs. The city leaders' goala lls I to Around here it ^ alwaysys plaj y tim e. . I Steal the Room *] Indudes Queensn Raster eludes Q ueen Dresser.ser. • (HeadboanS.ft)c«t)OJEx»rd&Rails ■ ■ ■ H Mlrroi- & NIghtstand I A»hlv 3 /- f [AGES I H U A sh: Bg.QM.ftAIR.PACKA< D irect From S 2 0 9 * Price 9 , 9 ® J ? (Priu ItidudM AIITaxts ft F* r'I699 I i . Ashleyy F u r n i tture i HormeStore 170S Kimberly RdRd. - Twin Falls, ID ^ 208 • 73:37 • 9600 ^ H irrOBERIS-OCTOIO B E R 2 2 ^ ^ H K sS: Mon-FrII KI0am-7pm . S2 iam-6pm ‘ ^ __^ . Sun 121 2 -S p m “ ‘No Paymonis artd.No Inisrei uyer# Wlih a minimum purchase dl S69S.S6 APR . 23,5S. minimum linafW® Charg® $.50. SEE ST leces and labnc pnnii vary by reoion.in. Selection may vory by siore AltlwuQh flvory pmcauiksfi1 IsIS lakon. error# in prwo anO/or spedipecilicalionmay occur in pnni.Wo reserverei ine right lo correct any soenucn , errort. Prices valid for a IlmiKmiiod lime only. Participation timesIS maym vary. Homesio'os ore inoepon«ndontry owned and operated. An amouni ooual to sales uucos» s as sluwn. Expires l0 /0 3 ^ . O 2004>004 Ashley HomoSlores. Ud. A-8 TImo»-Newi, TWirrwin Falls, Idaho l^day, Septembimber 17,2004


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j ays E *1 y - 3 1 “ PRICICES EFFECT!nvE Frididay, Saturday & Sunday • Sejiptember I7thh, I8tll &l9th,,2004 : f Ir id a y

■ ■ l ^ s W c t ^ ^ S S S S ^ TU lJ i t m Vji-' Alberertsons ertsons ■ . V i " ' " " ge Eggs Derated Milk ' 8 > ,

o . 1 * \:.A. O ' . ^ -$}<« up ;o 102 with cvd ^ S)vtupio .3&wnhurd p)i£ ... , ^ m ; : | j 19 f ' ■ ' ® ' GcIoodDay ' ■ — A I.V«'V,

" i v i - ; : : / ■ . : 7 9 ^ ' i )d Day ^■-- Alberjrtspns ■ ir • . , , ■ '- Brow/ ^ n o r \ lag. ■ ' ’ M Powd'dered Sugar 6 • 8 J 9 I 3 2 0 ^ .1..Lim it 4

p Sirt up 10.80 with cird ^ ^ up to .70 ard - ® Wllh s n BSiM RjgffgffinSrSK aESiM iitiltl Iriday 0 . f t 'i d a y • I & , : .. t f ' m r . . m m ■■ ■■ ■;,.:i::;s;- ► [ ■ wSm^ I V '

. ■ TST ^ '■;■■■■ , V ^ ‘ . a ...... Albertsons • / Albertsons''^ % / Albertsons W Albertsons Scmi.-Sweei • ^ Sweetened Ccnderidenscd Milk ' 99 Pan Spray Cooking Oil . . Chocolate Chips 9 W ■ 6oL.- W . ^ '2'Sor.SelcnVanesi«- I z : ■ ^ ' Select vaneve$ 9 9 9 9 s.., I «-i" u-i • W to I 70 wih urdjrd 11 m im ' 0 . friday .. m l g l ^ ^ d a ^ RH g§>- . I'PI

m S'- - %S Albertsons . • ■ ■ I Albertsons ^ «, Albertsons- .Marshmallows 1 Albertsons . Graham Cracker PiePI C rust 9 9J ^ Fancy Coconut Flakiikes ^ $ I y> Brownie Mix W i4 o t . , V - i-rRe?:.- . 9 4^! > 4 f a f b r k! i ill* ts IS M -T ! Hf;l’|ji^ Sw up 10 W -n»i Mrt Hr'iWM Smwto.tloAiwoi«Oiurd . ., , I frid a y • m^airrni* ’ a ^ M B i S i R L Cl . ■ 1 ^ ' ®a®iB. fe!:!

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( On th e attack; I n s i d e Kcrr>’ criridzcs' lituarles .. .. ______B2 B iish o \:cr Iracj. 3ho/West ...... B4 PageL A ^ l (tjlZ: )rningbreak ...... B8 3IG Va AisitM/ir Ci/y Editor.£ Troy FffSter, 735-3.> 3 .W Thc 'rimcs-N(N e w s , ■ Friday, Sepptcm bcr 17, 2004y S e c tiom n B

A r o u J> N D ^ •

I H E V A Ll I l e y itiz e n sIS wei|g h i nI o n A^uger• F a l hs . ca Meany houso use Uju ciiyof'iWin Falls andai Hybrid poplar treerees and oUier " Group seeks writer J-UrlUrB ho sted to col p u b lic iripiput ' plants aitd trees courouldsoakup a s------^ ^ ------,,. engineers and design teamsis- . )r;ihe Auger, r-alls projeci. so m e o f tliose exces;lessnutnems, ’ si/usTracker “held an.'open houSe .Thursdaylay.' .■ 'Ilie project’s goals, are higliglir divening Uieni from million for RlRupert TW IN FALLS' TA — DJirrcU Hei- ' 'Hi Jrii Uie Snake ■ i-e*S t wi e kiiew : The c i^ of lo.invite public input on how,y . ' ned 'Over . to Uie "Toro crcate a heritage projciject River where tiioy■ woul.1v\ ronn lUJPliUT — Id ahID'S o ’s co n o rcs-. ■alls finished buying ttie ' the project should proceed. ard Uiat sh o w ed p h o - Uiatlat will enhance, rehabiiitaitalc. floaUng lllamentousiis^ilBaeinals.. sional dulugaiion Is is ivoE l- Pes'cAeatd They are taking applications5 for reserve and protect Uie en»nvi' , "'nils would bo anII m e a n s o f re- ' Falls property in 2002 • ' ^ willi thu U.S. Depai ideveloped land, and people who want' to sign 'upI for . . \ roniiinineni and provide ringigS'l S million : BIU Bock:ck handed him a green ? ■ W hat’s next: Planners; winwill lyed by'IVvin l-uiis citizens aiand Kirby Vickers, chainlirm an o f Uie 'Securee fundirigfi and galHer ■ Iter quality aotstickcr. n"' in iinprnvcd waiei visileisiiors liow arid in Uie i'uiuriire," .boardatJ-U-U. ideas onon'howbesitocreate'a: ' ' continue ci to seek ideas from ’ lo an s a n d griints to> HRupert,i the'' "Put it ori yqur favorite spoi.“ acco the public." The Auger Falls Con­Con. ccording to inronnaUon po^ost- As a, former diret : park, wildlife refuge and t*' ■ , io iir ■ c o n g re s s m en. n . saids in a' said Block.ck. a senior project ' ed at iieclrirorthe^ S SQl u water, treatment system ceptual ci Design Task Force’ . . [1 at the* event. ' ' ' •. ' city's parks depimnn joint siatenienU • ,■ manager aiat' J-U-B ; Engineers' j^. liiiem. ir site ,is to lake lal ful to get Uie pliospHpHorus out of ...... upgrade the city of o f n u p e rl’s -You <.aiim p u t it w h erev er you *rcateateel wastewater from tlthe . Uie river by planting '______w ater a n d w astew ati ing sciine sort exposed tnto the. waier.Holtzen th e re are vvays to tie it inI (vviUi(v^ ™ t'L212£B^.iLBloclack replied.— — ------ircai,eatm ent-plani.and iise-i(-ii6-;san— of-crop.-hc'-saidr^i tions. ^ -^lluii s-really— saidrlixpofposure-lFroxacilywhat— -clin'eloijhleht)-.--:^ cli ------: ; for Uie b o tto m o f th e irrigirig'ation source. said .Malark •.Importani.” . "Many of onr natlcJlloii's walor manyresidisidenis want. QitUe trails that exist in Uie Uie Auger Falls laiui. Holuloltzen. a project engineer wi.vith nu‘scale of water aixl .wastewater sys ter purity de* "My, iniiinterest is in biking, canybn'could j-a be easily turttu rn e d ilanted th e circlc o n l*U*lU-B. perids on whai peoj.•ople' w a n i'io w hiieivalerler and . ice climbing,"' many decades old.’*I. S.IIU sen . w a te rs edKe into mountain biking trails,ills, h e , Ige. > ' City CH ofllciiils hope lo reduiluce do witii' the land — juid how said Twinll 1' Fidls resideni D arren ... Mike Crapo. chnlrini■limn o f the 'M g lit lEc ad d ed . tiiere." he said. "That’s thele amount a of pliosphonis aia n d ■ m u c h tliey’re willingngtosjiend. SmiUi."U1tM ih Auger FJills.Uiercs - • Senaie Agriculture■e Commit-' .vi.-.-ri, nee leeds to go." otheiIher nu trien ts in Uiat \vastiste- A park would reciuirerec purer not a lot, thatth would.have to be , Recreationists would liklikely ' lec's Suhconuniltee.■eon Kura! of Kimberly, made his wate’ater. which would impro'rove w ater Uian a habitat Iiave to share th e space, howlow ev- Developmeni. at restoniiiori d o n e to m aak e a kayak park. 'Ilie markTliurs(irsday d u rin g m i o p e n wate'ater c]uality in Uie Snake Rivth sem fornia. and Alaska" in regioigional Cniters Star Party is} sfsponsored salmon recovery programs.ns. by the Idaho Falls Astrcstronomical • «IOITUinC--Th#TWi.»JHi« Society througli th e courtesyco o f Raft River HI]Hl^ School senior Alan Branchnch of Malta adds a coat of' paintp to his group’s marketlr9tlng project, dubbed 'th e World’sWo F astest Motor- T h e m oney vvill b e n e fitt proj-p r i.'cts ra n g in g fro m .tril.trib al lhe National ParkSeivijivicc. Ized Shopplnjling C art; Wetfnesday evening.lg. 1The high school’s ecbnomlinics teacher, Randy Spaeth, i ll, is teaching the class of sersenlors about . hatcheries to stream diversic;rsions marketing a Iproduct. • allalong tributaries of Uie Salriialriion City admlnistratrator :------— ------^ ^ RiRiver. - ' of Hailey resign! "Jt w as only tvvo y earere aago ins T V yfo tliat Idaho became eligibleble to I IAILEY — T h e cityty o( f Hailey I W 1 ^ share iii fedenU salrh o n recov- recc announced In a pressress release an will J n BLM\ case s plead gguilty II Bry dollars, d e s p ite havilaving .• e r Thursday that JimI AAzumano' -u t i ' u more than half the habitat:ta t for •N ew s______^ ■ July3ly 3 a t d ie Big Sand B ay rccrc;re- a hill'Uiat was markerked \viUi an' previouslyly saids . ™ has resigned his positicilUonasclty 'hBTlmes-Ne >}orUiwesi Oiinook salmoim on." aUcinion area at Salmon Falls Cfeeeek off-lliiiits sign, acoccording to a i Uie tii; administrator cffccti'ctiveScpt. b o , s E-, time of the incident. CrCrapo said ih a prepared stasiaie- — A man accused of Resers e rv o ir.' • c o u rt d o cum ents. 30. Callen was^as on probation'for ' nnm ent, . . ; a'Bureau.of Land A Aji Jury trial had been scheei ■’The city has benefiileliledrrom assaulting a .. When- Oper approachcd ap battery ;mdnd for failing to report Thc Pacific Coastal Salmalm bn ent ranger has agreed uledud fof r Oct. 5. Jim’s extensive knowlowiedge of Maijagemen . Callen. Uie defendarlant tried to a non-injurjury accident, accord- ' ReRecovery F und w as in id ally i Liilty to Uic chargc. ' That Tht hearing was cancclcc Jly cs- systems and procroccdSres." 9P- nee. striking th e offi.)fficer in Uie big to Uiele 'I\\in Falls County tallablished under thc Cllritllrito n iCaUcn.l9.ofHoUis- andid az c h a n g c o f plea h eariri Mayor Susan McBryarm n ts a ld in ’"8 left knee with htslis ATV. th e p ro b a tio n oflice.o Ad\dmiriistratiori in 2000.)> liin i- Tiont "Wt! *er. w ill picplead guilty to' thc wassiIS se t for Uie sam e day. a prepared st’atemein e n t, w t. ' ag reem en t says, proving h ab itat in th c lovilow er arge of assault, on "If "If Uiis matter were to pro H e re plortediy o r told a. frien d . . P^' w ish h im well.” Columbia River region b .vas indicted Aug. 10.. cceded to trial,.tlie Govcmmerp ni T h e im p act knockickcd Oper to after Uie JulyJul incident Uiat he • Cc 1 b u t /\2 umano came to0 FHailey in which hewa; eaving out Uie headwaters:ers in to th e R ule 11 Plea - a nd d th t c d efen d an t a g ree Uiahai Uic ground, w as iifraidd lih e m iglit go to jail'lf le* December 2003 aftciftcrHSley accordmg to :dahb. It d o c u m e n t sig n e d UB ie.;. .i. flicts w ould b e pro v e n bebe- .. O pcr's injuries incliicluded con- hewas cau^auglit for xIolaUng the conducted a nationwid.videsca^X Agree™™ ' F o u r o f Uie 26 s a lm o n p op an Sept. 10. . ■ yondnd il reasonable d o u b tththe fusions, abrasions anand bruises, law. the agriigreenient says. . po p u - to till th e position. ations on the endanger iictment alleges Uiat agreeire e m e n t says. b u t vvere relatively minorm i in na- The offenfense is punishable by igered "Thc city staff have b species list spawn in Idahdah o ’s ireibly assault, resist.: On Un Uiat day last-summer•at i) ture. Jean McNeil, up to 20 yeyears’ imprisonment’, supportive of the devel Snake River. npcoc and interfere" • theB recreationre area, Cjilien wavas spokes\vonian for UiUie U.S. at- plus direee yiyears’ supervised re- ' i bf improved financial < However. Idalio vvas notlOi in-I ' ranger Zachary Oper ridingling an all-tcrrain vehicle U|up torncy’s office itin B oise, lease a n dI a S250.000 fine. budget policies, risk r :luded iniUally bccause it is rn o t ment. expenditure mguidelines. _ _ .* aI rPacific shore state, a s a re•eCal- C safety standards and r fornia. Oregon. Washingtin g to n . ment by, specific objife s Mai md Alaska, which all shorela re a Azumano sald in thcic press( re- in sentenciced for 1(leaving aaccidentt scene t tototal of S90 million eachI ye year. lease. "The City Couro u n d i a n d By Ollip Tlioniompson accide:id en t a n d two to seven y ears a r enue and told Riunoslos to re tu rn said sh e sympathized.syn wiUi Uie /\nUl additional SIO m illionI gcgoes mayor recenUy workedked togeUi- Tlme»^ewtB vw ^ e r . 'for pcpossession. wiUi Uie scn;n- to Uic scene. Ramos1 rcfuscd.rc the parents ofif Uieti victims. ha\ing to,o A m erican In d ian tribes.>. er to develop goals for the city. —^ ^ — tencc!ices' to be serveced uimess told officers,5. butb turned seen iier ownowi daugliter hit by a States J must match. tth c T his h a s b e e n a g reatIt opportu-c BURLEY — A man who hit concu(icurrenUy. But boUi term;ms himself in to ofGcers:rs a ro u n d 9 • car w hilein in Uie t first grade. noney. me which can be spentm t io n nity for me to learn mmunicipal two pedestrijtrians and Uien fled . 'verere suspended and Ramoilos p.m. that eveninglg a n d ex- Bui Sleigli'iglit asked Uic judge thihings like stabilizing , streatreo m governance." th e sc e n e vvo{vassenttojailTliurs- facestes 60 days in Uie M ini-Cassiisia jilained that' he was wa scared Ibr lenicncy,cy, saying Uiat Ramos >anl^. ba installing fish screense n s at day. C rimiminai i Justice Center ancn d ' b ccau sc h c h a d n o liccnsc.lici has soughtit medicaln help for dc- ininigaUon-diversion pointsts aai n d Accident victimm District Judfudge M onte C o ls o n Uirceee years’ supervised proba>a-' Originally Ramcmos w as pression andmdneedsastnicturcd iiuchasing pu conservadon emease- *.- J se n te n c e d Emic Et Lewis Ramos Uon.n. • . charged with a miselisdemconor and supporportive environment n me e n ts from landow ners. gets memorial fif u n d Jr.. 23. to at t hleast 60 d ays in jail Ranla m o s will rcceive cred it fo:for for leaving thc scenec oo fth e acci- . m o re U ian1 ppi riso n Ume. Those measure do notM aad- lg th e sc e n e a f te r . 47 daysdaj of time already serveeed dent, but Cassiala County . Ramos’’ wife. w Tammy, also dn m em o rial iress breaching die four Iov^low er ■ HANSEN — A m I two teenage girls in jailjail b u t sUll m u st serv e a ful'ull prosecuting attorncney Blaine asked Judgedge Carison not to Sn fu n d ha s be e n set u p foi in ak e R iver dam s, w h ic h sorso m e S w s “ iIT r lin a Burley cross- .60 ddays aj a n d w as o rdered to play aj Cannon convinccd UicUv c o u rt to o rd er Jail timUni e for h e r h u sb a n d , ;ciendsts sci say m u st b e rem ov Beadz, die 16*year-old)ld H ansen noved Jecember. and for o resUtuUtuUon to vicdms and thoiioir u p Uic charg e to a felociony d u e to She said Rl ^ an o s need s to b c in a ' be: cirl w h o died l\ie s d a y r )cfprc Uie fish runs can fullyillyre- i s u b se q u e nt t tcharge of posses- insuraiirance companies and stateue' Uie circumstances ofof Uie acci- supporUve.e. family fi environment' cer:over. from injuries sustaine ^□dlnan s,„„„^„conontToUed su b stan ce. ' iu idi lolocal law enforcement. Thch c dent. in order lo0 overcomeo his prob- Last i month, a nevv Bush A a u to m o b ile accidcnt.I jh A d - letamlnes. amouilOunt of .Uic resUtuUon haslas O n M ay 13. Ramo;nos entered Icms. andshsh e p ro m ised to h e lp ninistration m i strategy w . Contributions mayV tbe idvcn '"'diampheti w as '.Sr S™ Hamos adtiddrcsscd thc coun notyetyet been tabulated but is eS'?s- an Alford plea, guilt)iity wiUiout keep himout OUI of trouble. . pn>roposed' by that wou.vould to a n y U.S. B ank b n m c ircnts of Uie victims ,‘ Upiatewted at more Uian $10,000.I. ad m ittin g to a crimic. e, bi u t failed ’ "I've b e!cn e n hero for him and . chi to funeral chapel stafl'o: rhange Uie way dam s are opipp er- scntendng hearing, Rairlamos hit the girls at thc corjr-. to appear at a May! 272 p resen - h e k now s that."Uii ■Rimmy R am os ateIted' to improve saliiiiUm on to Reynolds Funeral never should have ner' ofo f East 13Ui Street a n d Elbeba tencc InvesUgaUon.I. accoi rd in g said, " an1 dw 1 o n ’t p u t u p wiUi it. pa; RO. Box 1142, TWin I lassage. r » " did ' the wheel of Uie Avenumuc around 6 p.m. on DecBc. to coun documents,ts. D e p u d e s a n d h c k n,mvs m v that, too." "rhe • nc!w plan dkicrardsis tht e 83303., , ; . c ar w iU ioutIt a license and that 21. 202003. according to a Cassissia arrested Ramos Junenc 15 on a /\ftcr heaiearing from Ramos’ pn ' Beadz . was drivir ireviously corisidcred opUi>pUon driven since. Countunty Sheriff's Dcpanmenin t w arran t for failure to0 appear.a family, thc! moUicr m of one victim >f of breaching the four darnsm s io n friend's 2000 MicsublshiL t l c . K ‘- I S - "[ stopped I was so alBdavdavit. During the June arrest,ar offi- expressed anger,an saying s h e b e- the Monday n i^ t when thecaislidUlt ^ S f o ? hc lower Snake River

f • M TitM»K«wi,TWInlHn FWIi. Idaho. FHday, SaptamlMrbar 17.2004

M a g ig I V a l l e y

1 ■ ■ , -___Ob iITUARIES- — ObiJITUARIES> — — — ------

Fof oWtgiry frt#*I andK Information, oall 73MI27S 27 Monday through Saturday.ly. OaadllnaC la 4 p.m. for naxt*I* ______dty.pMbllOitlon.-Thi.Tha.a^Naddraaa(or.obltuarliarlaalaoblU«maglcvallay;oem.^l mr^DaathnoUoaaaraafraa— Jamas Grouaifar SamargiB -1Jerom e M rvlot and ean babo plaoad untH4p.m; ovary' diday. To vlaw or lubmlt obKuariilariaa onllna, or to plaoa a mao'*** Jiunes G rover So;Sam argis, 77, o f ’ j j j | | | ^ H A m em o rial survicci foror JamesJl r— ' a tfa In an Indlviduadual ontlM guaotbook. go toI www.maglovallay.ootn and ollokIlok on -Obltua^aa." IVvln Falls andd formerly of Som orgla udU bo conductc(icted at 2 . ' Jerom e, died IUcbiesday. SepL 14, p.m . S unday S ept. 19. 2004, 20( ut 2004. u n d e rth e coreofdiclVvlncoi the Hove Robertson F Fui u n e ra l, Trixie Robertrta (Guinn) Groa9 8 8 0 , . ^ . ■ FaUs Caro Centersr and Hospice C hapel w ith d ie Rev. Jeffsff PorterF • Visions..' offlclatlnfr No vlewlniv in g Ib ■ ; 'Itlxic Hobcrtfl (Guinn) • jHjjjjM M mlany a n happy years togetheie r H e w as b o m Fi’eb. et 16.1927, in . . planned. Fimeral servicesIcea ahd, . Grosso, as. diedd oc n 'lUcsday. a nnd d especially enjoyed thi;he Id a h o FaUfl, d ie s80 o n o f A n d rew . - crcmadon arc tmder die1C dc ire c -. . ■ Scp.L 14,2004. Inun Boise carc . ' flshljshlng trips to M a^c' Reserc r - . . orrineComwaU tion of lhe Hoye Robeiibertson . centcr. ‘ - 31; v o in iil d iclr m o to r ho m e . Afte ■ew up and .at- Funeral Chapel and Cremiem aU on. A graveside ser.iervice will be retireidrement diey 'spent severe in Idaho FaUs. Service of Jerome. held ot 2 p.m. onn Friday,F Sept. wintiInters with their snowbirc’ird graduating fromn high school I'he famUy would lik e - to . 17, 2004. a t ththe e Meridian- fricnlends in YUma. Ariz. then:. In 1947 hele married the d ia n k die stouonV vln FaUs'aUs Carc Cemetery. Meridladion. Services lYbdc.TO is survived by heie r love o fh is Ufe. Nao m l B arnes In Center and Hospice Visionslons f o r . B Ier DUlon.Mom. o re u n d e r th e dirccIrccdon of Ac- d aQu^ter. u s Flora Pearl MUIc .their exceptional care. c e n t F uneral H omm ee. M eridian. CoUlns olli of Port Angeles; Wash,^ .' E ventuaU y theyicy moved to- '•Aldiough you’ve gone)n c a n d THxlc was bom.im. on July 8.' a nid d son. William. C. MUleJer California vvldi dtctheir dirce kids 9 ||||H passed away Oh faiherr GGi rand, . ' 1919. ih Grecnevillville. Ibnn..^ to (Stepitephanie) . of Boise; elgh tm d th e n h a d a foufounh. After re- ' i'll alw ays re rh e m b e r diosclose glo-' ’' ' a t. tlre m e n i from Jersi rious days A touch of yourlu rh 1 a n d Pearl Flora Russellicll G uinn a n d . grani■andchildren, and five g ^at mey Maid they ■ ctanerTliTliompsohofCaUfornla i - m o v ^ ,b a c k to Jen The strength tif your chitjn tb race C harles. Fox GUlniJinn. In 1922 grani•andchUdren. • • erome to nm a .SS® H,yihyUis J o h n so n o f TVvln : itji dairy, That warm smUe diat freqirequcnt- diey moved to Jeroerome, and in . She Shi was preceded In dead Iso surviving are a brodt-' ' ij;. Among his passiBSIOIU, besides ed your face. ' 1937 to G ooding. b yf hher t parents; her stcpmodi nds “‘lUffy" Sam ar^ of n d his famiTy. w ere h & e ln g yo u leave h a s brob ro u g h t. ■Rixie m arriedi Vwrniam Eu- e n hher husband. Mugs; ahc ima; nvo sisters, Balne . Jer ing, bs'ing at sorrow and tears Bul I liknow g e n e M iller o f JeiJerome, and d aulU ^ ^ te r. Pauline M ary MlUei IS and Dona Samargis;. ! ------sportshop.— boxlr«tog_ln_hls_?£^^ -where-youVe-goner-dieid ie r e - is ------— ^ — . *^they m oved to Blissilss whertt they— i ^ i ' ^ ■ ■ pnacKUaren andTour : operate a store until 4^ cir younger years andjjdservtaghls n o th in g 10 fear. o p erated th e "Y-Ir The farnlly e^qjresses iheli randchUdrcn. rant, lounge and» i r p : ■ . • s lnnccrcst S dianks to Thedtda country in the Nav; Tb be widi your wife,s. w h o m During die War TViTWxie took a In 1960"0 ‘"IHx" m arried Ray- Dovwow ning a n d th e s ta ff a t H eer. r Survivors incluiilude his four ^ vas p re c e d e d in d ead i by you t loved so dear GiveI GGr rand- ife. N ao m i: a n d th re e j ' job in. Seatde woibvorking as a mond E "Mum""f Grosso, and ItageIge R etirem en t C e n te r foifor chUdren. Jimmyy Samargis: of his ivlfe, m a a kiss from all of us henhere, rs. Tbd, F ran k an d Steve. ‘Rosie lh e R iveter’r* o n B-29 air; th e y m ad(ide their home in theiricir loving and profcsslonala) Id ah o FaUs, Janie5 SnmnrgkS and brothcrs. . -JasonSamk im a r ^ craft. After die warmr ended she Meridian,I. Shei emplciyed . core,ire. The family requests ncno rctiuned to Bliss,i. anda in 1946 in the mecledical a c c o u n ts de* flcnvcnvers. b u t suggests m em oiri- ri' : , • they sold the busilusiness, and partmentt ofc Saint Alphonsus alss I be made to a favoritelie , Kacie J .. BeadzI - Hanscien moved to Kuna. where \ she Hospital.. ThxleTY and Mugs had charilariiy. . "ThidiOfUes" kindness'and generosity. ■ T liere is n o Ufelife w idiout its n Kade Is siuvived by her par- Helga\ Lechner!P Harmon - Jensrome share of agony. . ents. Kurt and Dee; heriier tw o . N o r can y ou love)ve a n d n ot fe d sisters. iCadc and Hailey;;hert\vo. hei • . H elga L ech n err HiH an n o n i 68. o f her d ead'aih. . agony. • brodiers. Henry and (^ eIcbaU b \ of . died Sept. 13 2004X)4. at M a ^ c Survivorsors include her chil- A need whose! hhunger drives Hansen; her grandpanoarents, Valley Re^onal MeMedical Cen- dren. Edwaw ard D lqter H an n o n . you Near insane. Geraldine Nleber oft FFUen ■ te r in TVvin PalJs. T\vin Fallsills, Clifford Ernest A state in whichliyoumust.But y Ronald Beadz of Richfieldeld a n d She was bom Aug.Au 9. 1936, . Harmon,1\, l\v lh Falls, a n d C on- c a n n o t bc. Elaine McCasklU of Kimbim bedy. In Lfnterlelderbacli.cll, G erm any, n ie (Di(Douglas) Mehr, There is no curnre. Nor any- She is also suiVivcd b y h esr r niniece, the daugliter oftf 1Ernst and Lexington.:n. Ky.; brother, Dieter th in g 10 say. N or aan n y aspirin for Jerika; a n d h e r nephew , WaW alter; Freida Wagenheimcmer Lechner. Lechner, FrFrankfurt. G erm any. ' unhappiness.' many aunts, uncles, couco u sin s She m a rrie d Clifford Clll Har- Herpareirents preceded her in O d ic r friends suiland loves wUl ■ and her close friends. Jason,,on,AUl- mon in Frankfunjrt Germany deatli. c o m e y o u r way, AndAn then po^ - son and. Jamie. She wiUw lU b e and soon aftor mo'Tioved to the A fuiieralrai will bc held at 2:30 oti dirough deadith or faldilcss- M P V grcady l o ^ and missedibyaU by . . United Slates.in1 11962. -niey. p.m. Saturlurday, Sept. 18. at ness. She was pitxeded In deailleath by . later divorced. ■ Hove-Robeberison Funeral. A n d so .ff youm would ever E j9 [j|9 o n e brother. KtUvin; h e r• gn:grand- In 1979 she! mr o v ed .'to C h ap el in1 J(Jerom e. .dweU in joy, You mustmi embrace fadier.j Gilbert John Nicben)cn a n d ' lerome where she>e worked\ for FriendsIs rm ay call from 12:30 dieagonyofso'rrowow. two undes. Larry Jonescs a n d TUpperwarc. • . ■until 2 pI.m. .n Saturday at die . T im e wUl aU yoy o u love; a n d in the llth grade at Steven c Jones. She M^as redredd ata tlie time chapel. need destroy. H an senI HiH igh School. K adc w as .• A celebration of Kacle’s:le’s life B ut y o u vrfU hheal to love Invtjlvcdd r u n n in g cross-country viwUi b c held a t 2 p.m . M'londay. on again? IbmorrowV 1 love always, track forrherschool.Kacletooka h( Sept. s 20. 2004, at die HarH ansen R obert'I'Bob' Danner lotpfpridcridcinhcrseU'.., . I-lilgh School wldi Fadiertr BBrian •‘KacieBeadz She wasrasalsoaniemberofdic TThom of the Ascension EpiiEpisco- ______Jlobert Danner_w r_was.bomJn. _ t h ee. .S Sawtoodi. M ountains, like ------— on-Eplscopal Ascension Churdi In— ppal Church officiating.------iW in Falls, Id a h a A I. A'legendory d iec badeb: of his hand. He and Kacie J. Beadz...16j 16 o f H ansen,. IVvinFaUs.lUs. Burial wUl foUoW a t thlie e FilerI , ' aviator, he passed a d aw ay M on- h isi belovedb wife. Dia, wererc Idaho, cUcd TUcsdcKlay moming. Kade! enjoyedcr writing poetry. Cemetciy. C Friends mayay call dav doing whai hele I1. d d e n t w ld i h eer r wonderful sense of up u In Kacle's name at theh e U1 .S . completing liigfi scsd io o l. H iss projects p were vast as hisJS K acie w a s -b om m o n Ian. 9.. hum or.- Bank.B Cohtribudons maynay b e' serlro in die Navy/y duringc the taleents. n t They ranged fjrom roof-'f- 1988. ta TVvta Falls,Jls. Idaha die Sho was.rasdiefiiehdliestperson ^ven g to any U.S. Bank brarbranch, V ietnam War. h wiras as there d ial . . .. . in g; an.0 airplane hanger toto. . daughter of Kun andar Dee Ann you ever!rmet,.whidi n is attested ^yen ^ to funeral chapel staffstaf o r ■ his passion for flying fl^ took . castlnsdng a fly ro d ' H e w as a d e-c- Nlebcr Huddleston:m Beadz.. by her many,ma dose friends and. maUcd n to Rcynolcis Fum•uneral- flight. . ' .' v o ted husband. fadier,ir. . S h e grew u p and a n attended . everyonele whov ever met her cx- . Chapd, C EO. Box 1142; TWln T Bob is survivecved by his. A g ranmdfaihcr d and friend Thosese schools In H an sennand a was cur- perienceded her extreme acts of Falls, F; ID 83303. beloved wife a n d1 partner. pc Dia .4;. ^ w hio o kknew him weU. wiU feel anin Teresc; Gay Wile, diethe m o d ier of cmpt>iptyvoid. dieir diree chUdrcnrcn; hLs chil- v*: lUs[ lis smile, liis hum or and hisis . — Subscribe. Call 733-09:-0931 • - ' “dren; ■ Davld""Dan) a n n c r " a n d ■*■'■■■■ ' A g e hiicrosiiy e r of spirit 'wiU be) e - ' ;■ - ...... ••...... \SERVIGE5i S — — -0 Kimberly McCain.In. H is son, , • • m lsscssed ^ a d y . 1-lis sp irit wUl bcJC vayaidieage broihers,.. Charles,C Howard. fdt in Darren, pa.ssed away t in the raountains'beneadiih Mark . Louis .Papapak of *nvin Melva Soren^iiSc Coffey, me- B Is also sur- Leonard. Leslie; Lc: a n d his .sister, m an y of 11 in 1970. He Is my wings and by dreamers.k FaUs, graveside s cirvice r^ at 1 p.ni. morial scrvicc se ’ at 10 a.m. vived by' hisis beloved M ym a Arelhewoidids A\ n m em orial service wiU be« today at Sunset Mevicmorial Park Monday at a Colonial Funeral granddiildrcn.-Bobhobby Danner ■. Bob was as an extraordinary heldId ;at 2 p.m. on Saturday, (White Momiary). ■ Chapel.20C2005 S. F o u n h Ave. and Jenny Danran n er: a n d a n d skilledd pilot p who knew die Sept.3t. 18,'2004, at .Stanley Air ‘'Glad to hear.it..it.” Danielle McCain;n; his four Frank Chunurch W ildeme^ and Thxi.d. SStanley, Idalio. H e rth a W lest o fK J. Beadz of Hansen, cel- neral a t 11 a.m . tc 'SM 1 of life at 2 p.m. inyoiour Jam es A. Downs D - Rupertrt , TWnity Lutheran C at'die Hansen Higli Eighdi St. Friends n Friends may from. -. hour before the sei JamesA.Downs,as, a n 89-year- service at the sT d m . SSunday at Reynolds - vo(abuIanaiy. . old Rupert residen passed . c h u rc h (H ah sch MoMortuary Bur- pu„e'^ch,C hapeL ' away Wednesday,y, Sept. Icy Chapel). 2004. at d ie M lnidokloka M em or- % > . i A lvin U lrich o f TWin 'iali^ospltal. Myra R. AlocandeiderofGastle- ^ v icc a t 10 a .m . M o n d a y ■ James was bornrn April 30, ford, vlshation frorrom 6-9p.m . FaUs.scriJc Lutheran Church. 600 'saaw ' m im BmSHB9 , 1915, in American1 Falls.p£ Idalio, today at Farmer Fimiim eralC hapel, .a t Peace Lu the first of dirceI .children cl to 130 N . N in d i Ave... BBuhl; funeral Stevens AvtAvc.. FUen friends m ay Tom a n d Vctla Dovmj He grad- a t 11 a.m . S a tutrday rd at The c”)* &<»"n <4-8 p.m. Sunday at onuory, uidi family re- - uated from AlbioniHi^Schocfl Hi ' Church of Jesus Chrihrist of Latter- White Mon and die Albion StatState Norm al d ay Saints, 3 rd WaiVard. Viewing ceiving frieirien d s fro m 6-8 p.m. School. He dien taujauglii school from 10-10:50 a.mn. .;Saturday at for s e v e i^ y ears a n d w as prin- the church. E m estW: Wayne i Smldi. memo- I clpal of die Alb\lb lo n .rial scrvicece atI 2 p.m . loday at the C^cade grade schoolools. D uring Irene IVulllIo L La aC o m b e o f W ood Rlveiiver Chapel In Hailey; I ■ die summers, he workedwo as a Jerorne, v i^ serviccic e a t 7 p.m . th e re wUl1 bb( c a g rav esid e service I forest g u a rd in thithe Smidi's today at die Hovev e -R o b e n so n a t 4 p.m . to«today at the Shoshone I Ferry I^ g e r Districtricl and for Funeral Chapel.inn Jerome;] fu- Cemeteryy (\(Wood River Chapel). | Motrison*Knudsenn C< onstrue- , . • . neral al 10 a.m. Samaiurday a t th e - don Company nearir CCascade. ter from diehe Burley airpon for ’' Job's'sDau^ters. D , ' Sl Jerome's CadioUcUc Church. Early in 1941, Jim ^ ■ H(*ie is j survived by his wife. c ep ied for navaJ fligh lalned active wdth lu :Ulc( ^ c o f Rupert; o n e daugh*[!! Stephen 'Ozrzzy* Kelly ass. Jp s a n d M asonic or- ler. Ms in Seatde and'Corpi Marianne (Mark) Behlc. of,f Osborne, memoriala l service at 3 WHI After receiying liis "V nost ofall he enjoyed Wrwick. ai^ N.Y: tw o so n s, Tbmn p.m. Saturday at thed Seventh C om m ission, h e wa« :5 spending dme with Dovmiwns of Norwich. Conn., andd Day Adventist Church. Ch 501- various dudes; iMmi vely g randdaughters jo e D Dc ow ns o f B clm om , Calif.; F o u rth Sl W. in Jerorrome (Farmer andgreat-gn Serving The Entiri Insiructpr, Aircraft granddaughters. t^vo> sonssi by marriage. Donn Funeral Chapel), re Magic Valley an his Masonic years (Marti;mi) Friesen of Rupen andd • Groups and Carriei at Cassia Lo< for 80-1- yyears. Service In die Pacific; Lodge N o.-14 a t Al- G aryy (Darlene) C Friesen of Ru-i. J o h n J u n io r Wockheed Aircraft.ift. Kcimedy falls.s. He seived the “ “n'liitro his famlty, his friends A L port. N.Y. G ra n d Lodg>dge of Idaho as: “ndI afflHadnns.at H e c o n tin u e d Retiring from thele Navyr as a grand hlstoitorian. DDGM for {row in dlls calling during c o m m a n d e r after 21 years, he ivra terms andam grand represen- retirement ^ years and wass ^ thesele reqiM^termf acccpted a Qylng posilosidon with tadve of WaslungtonWa Grand “waysays there for everyone. The a world'wlae chartcirter airline Lodge In IdahJaho. meinoiniories he has left us will be n have an.tny q u ^ la tK cat based at Wilmingtonton. Del He Other Maslasonlc orders widi cherisrrished forever, married Lucille FriFriesen on which afHliatIlated: The order of service A wiU b e h e ld a t 11 SepL 14, 1972. Then,ien. after 13 th e H igh Priesricsthood. Red Cross a.m.M: M onday, SepL 20,2004, a t years o f flying in dieePacificand Pt ofConstandritlne. R o ^ O rd er o f ' H anseiisen Momiary Rupen Atlantic areas andI fourfo cond' Scotland, OrdDrderofEastemStar Chapelipel, 710 Sboh Sl M em ori- n en ts, ;im a n d h is wifiwife, Lucille. N b.39. servinidngasAssodatePa- als may m; be made to the re tu rn e d to R upert.t. IcId a h a Sdll iro n o f OES OE No. 39 and Scotdsltdsh Rite Learning Center w a n tin g to fly, h ei bbecamc a Assodate Guijuardlan Bedicl Na inlWlrWin Falls o r charity o f yo u r f l i ^ t in stru c to r a n d flflew char- 39 and Intencmational Order of choice.ice. - - TF FridayIday. September 17 ,2 0 0 4 Tlmet^it^Mw«.TwlnFeU«,ldeho B43 '

M a g ic V a l, il e y AV e s t Party fvill kicki off cityy’s next centur• y -...... E niMD OFA LANDI)MARK The Tlme»^^ews . ~ ' I . band shelllell and faniily oriented tio tii n s 10 h e l^ reach th a t goa'oalw ill ------’ Secoi!Ond _gamcs.aiiduitLcQ m uetitions wilLbtL™—hi ------TVVIN-FAIXS“ = “ A ir e \ u x^\, Wtk coordinateiated volunteers ahd Wagon rides will be avalvaiiable billed .as the “Second Cen . Century KiVICKnilT area civicic groups.g A h o i dog-cai- ' to tc s h u td e p articip an ts bacliick a n d moreS m " Kick-oCT will m ark th e eni •W h.n:2to6p.,p.m Saturday ■ :ontest. cow-milking fordi. fc between die cenieiitcnhial ■ TWin Rills’ centennial year- p.i^iuroay, contest andan Idds fishing pond party p: and Oktoberfesi, w hich dvidcs on Saturday, O ct 2. T he . - will be am^ong i die many activi- will w b e h eld a t d ie sa m e tin-dm e on T ME:at: party, which runs frohi 2 ito 6 ' * Where: Twin Fall!•alls City Park, goj^ghg on dirougliout the Main N' Sircci dovmtown. Ai S3,000£ — —. • . p-m-. will be held at thee,IW 1 ln ’ ? ,How much: Ree,fee. ■ , afternoon.,sn., I’articipahts In die grant gi from the CentennialdCom- C . ' .. I Falls City Park off Shoshjsh o n e . •______' ■ cow chip-tIp-throv^g contcsi.are .' missionn to . Oktqberfests t will , ------f DRINKICMORE Street. r,. Inviied to lo seek'out and bring allcnv al th a t celebration td coconiip- Preparations are underer wav Snake lUver.Canyjwon Rlm T ^ thdr own,yn cow chips. PanicI- Ue Ui Into'ihe cvt'ning. . for food, g ^es, music an d a , will, kick off d ie dadays fesUviiles. . .hj,n,s ,In •' ^ih e''. •. raw ■Al a b o u l 5:30 p.m ., a pres''s • ^ cally pass the future of diej'cltyio dl owned by a-^u i 10 bring d ie lr ow n dcco- cu a rren t a n d form er m ayorsors. dial , , | •rising vestors, will be dra wiUw involve siu d e n is a n dj fifuture i. I •ation. up the trail’s Sh« iWln Falls Ceniennial leaders; le as l\vin. Falls cnie:Hers its tham grade to die Firstrst Federal Sav- Dancc'OrclDrchestra, urider tlie di- nextn cientury. ... .^ rs is . ings Bank ovcrloclook where dio rccUonorD3fBrianramon,\villplay ,AU , In a tte n d a n c e \vill he i event’s ribbon will be cut11 a n d d ie n ew ly from 3 166 5:305 p.m . Tenils will b e cd ci to sing .along' with th e n a ry , completed portioiton of. dip mill , „p brr„r die five odier Mope ceniennial ci song, "Just ^r. ’ ' 'vill be dedicated.«*■:,f r o n i'J lF r c - .Valley comommunides topromoie Water." \A Tlie kick-off eveni^t^iS S OFFICE J tVvin ‘ tlic stagecoach w W dra™ dielr'oivnvn upcoming cchienni- conclude c'l at approxiniauately F aS *^ C cn- into *l\vin Falls, whwhere U am be „|s Uuhl,_ Burley, Kimberly, ■p.m. p. temilal Commission is worlworking se e n dirougliduiUl (mvn before |„roineaniand Rupert. Tlitj Oct. 2 dale of diele i with numerous local buslne[nesses e n d in g up at dieI cllycii park for die 'Hie lastist o( f d ie ’lWin Falls Cen- ceiincidesa wiih die date die and volunteers to providee a full celebradon., tennial merchahdise.m e as. well as , founder.fc I.B.- I*errine. ^ h:io ^ died ' nftcmoon'df'foodracdvidcs?:icsund-— siafdn-garrirra: iil'lsblJks’ julU tbm irrum - ii entertainm ent d iat wiU closcose die and roast porlc saisandwiches will oraiive hrbricks, vvlll. be sold. . siaiiie sl of Penine ^ a^si centennial year, which bebegan be available, alonong wltii oUier Ceiiienniallial Conunissidn chair- Lehrnian, L locaied onn th e widi die opening gala at the meal Items and dlidrink.s. T liu cosi m a n Kenen Edmunds said, the .canyona rim next lo die PerrinePe M agic Valley Mall fast NewY(W ear’s . will be S2,for adulJulis and Sl for fund-raisinisingisstillsomeS4U.(X)0 Bridge, B will soon liave a plaquepl Eve., childrcn. sh o n n ftlictiie goal needed to com- installed ir next lo it diat (com - A ribbon-cutdng a t 111 ta.m. At die same tOTtime, musicians plete diee pprojecis tu whicli the .memoraies it Perrine's pio OcL 2 on the new portion1 ofofthe win b e ^ playlnjing at the . city commissiosion cominiiied. Donii- , contributions.ci Id FOer Schclool Boardd considerrs new solftbaU fielt m lOmM uyiNDI/tiM Tir—N«M By John E. Swayze Tlie only sdpul>ulation is diat hut.Ilansirising sidd dial his goal l*rincipal P Rob Robinson. ■ CarlMeluglnofClr Circle A Construction works:s to take down the feed it city recreadonalII i teams be al- would beie tot have the diamond • • B oard ch a irm a n Bill Bii TlmBfrtiews corroapondent to w e ra tth e oldd FeedersF( Grain on Thursday.r. FeedersI Grain has teen ai ------lowed to use diee Ifield between coniplciedled by next spring. burg bi said dial until die di s next fandmarh In Burfejrtey for many years, but a serfiiifes of fires destroyed the FILER — Filer High-Sch^ o o l die mondis of Maylay an d July.' TlieSciicciiool Board postponed receives rc audit ' results ^ ^ ^ t be getting a hew softioftbaU IWelve' dozenen recreation Jiction onm dieiJ p roposal until d ie month, n: library condidonsns and operation. Circle/>le A will now use the towei to(0 mix and load feed while ' te a m s u sed the'i parkf facilities issue nr f liability il: has' been ex- funding fu will have to staytay lh e Twin Falls Cranee Is scheduled to begin takingng down the.'warehouse ' The School Bosird was askedas lastycar. a n d thatIt nr u m b e r is cx- p lorcd and ar .die recreation sam sf e. • ' tbday. ' Wednesday to consider thelecon- c to increase)se next season. district liashas m ade a decision on "We cut Filer'Elementalu ary lo ______strucdon of a new Qcld on ply running out its contribuibuiion to die project. six si hours because we cut[ MMollLs- school's campus. lls way we can Inoiherllerb u sin ess, FilcrParcnt .Jerlozero."hesaid. .ie , said recread o n Teacher Organization Oi member The Hollister Eleniei Softball coach Bob Ham y a n d 'Ih s a s u rc r Julie Koylelyle req u ested that die School S< libnuy is siaffed hy sees a new Held as th e way- to ‘A®' — Dl>EATHN01TICES---- uds. ' bo ard pprovide ro an additional unieers. ui .duce p roblem s w ldi scheduiJlMliSr Kaye Anne Edward Hansinc, whoI alalso is'd ire c to r S2.K00 roror tile i I'iler Elenieniary .Filer Middle School Prin practicc times for both rincinai ThaddetiB Osborn05 Ruth1 (donaI Parish , of softbalT and ba1. '"'■■nlerge* S atu rd ay to liike.* tiie ti brielge an d part of the> and workshops to enhance d I to help bring National YearYi aw ard from d ie Idahoho Writ- morning in a ceicerem onial vralk trail," saidsai Kay Sorensen, a scouiI . ' ,q am ;tt’sfuU seni littee chairman for the• skiils, according to a news mtenccLstwoto o iS u[3nivo S C o m p an y troops ers ci League this'ycar. across die Perrinein e Bridge. c o m m it fiveycars a n d a Sl,(51,000 fine, w id i . 9 ^ ^ ,5™ C ub Scouts, smd Fidls Dis)isuict. "It could be scout lease from, the' Id< 0 sec dieir families for Boy Scouts. Cu I crecOt for 159 daysys served in ja il..-.f‘m j ° > . ATI/ • • scoui leaders willivill m eet to cele- • c o m mtiitce it members, - scoutI • . • . D epartm ent b f H e ^ d i a n d V las Before being sliipped K °wel- Pending successfusful com p letio n Meeting discuses AT ' bniielW in Falls'cs' ceniennial widi masters,rs. Cub den modiers, andI fare. aq . y „ o f th e rid e r-p rorogram, t which . ashonhikeacrosross d ie bridge. peo p le2 InL aU positions." "Supporting Idaho's Childi liiiner menu consists of use “ In recreation areaeas ildren evaluates convictsns^potendal for nie crossinglg is i part of die Afterr crossing e the bridge, cur- lg, D u tch o v en potaioes, will be held from 8:30 to ■I4 pP ™. rehabU ltation. GiGarrett could TW IN FALLS — Rcpres. Snake lUver Counluiicil s Centenni- rent scoi:outs a n d ih e lr leaders will1 today and tomorrow at dieeMou* H avoidaprisontcrmrmandbeglven, leans, com. green salad, tivcs ti of the Sawtoodi Nat al Jamborall weekend. vv Boy condnuilue on a 5-mile hike backc , day Ihn Airport at3300Vista®Ave. i probadSn. ' d dessert. T h e cost is 37 Fdrest F will b e o n h a n d Saturday an . gcouts will gagaiher for an to Dieierke's Lake. From' the» . . ■ .. inBoise. Workshops include: : ‘The convictionn stems« from a e . ' ■ at ai an open house lo discu: overnight campIp FridavI n ight a t bridge• diey t vvill h e a d easnvardI • Ib o ls for M aintaining;Fami- Fa Feb. 6 incident inn whichv Garren oyctlUction will be conduct- vising vi dielr. Forest TYavel-d Plan L.ike.. .rTiien Saturday alongportions pc pf the ccntenrJal1 . ly Connections drove his car off di(diefoad.Amo-. cd by B>B o u rn A uction. All widi w m em bers of the publii morning diey'li'11 gadier i on die walkinglg inul. down to Pole Une , • WnshipCare torist who stoppedted to assist h im m u s ic ians n are welcome to par- The plan includes resirisiricting nortii side of tiieh e Perrine Bridge Road arid aii then back up to the} • Independent living - suspected he’d beeieen drin k in g al- tid p a tc dJin In die jam session; aU al dff-road vehicles to idenentified in full uniform,I. widiv local Cub canvonn rim near the KnievelI in Fooels employees are roads « and trails within the • Addict^ Parents cohbl and contaitacted poUce. | die forr Scouts, ju m p silsiie. Cassia Couniy Depeputy Prosecut- providinglg li d ie fodd a n d m any o f est-a Currendy, off-road vclvehicles since die aciriciivity also Is a . lilkcn:rs will then sdck to the • Advocacy, ing Attomey BlaMaine Cannon die auctionio n item s. , can a travel cross-countryy In1 38 saluie to IVvin i-ali alls’ ccntcnnial, , new poilonion of die centenniali ■ ■ • The Infani-Tbddler Progio g ^ siffd. ■ To donalmale items for the auc- - percentpi of the Sawtoodi Nation-Na the council iss aasking former trail, which w follows ■ die oldI ' For m ore In form adon oj n fos*I It Is G arrett's thiiihird conviction tion comantact Noriecn Reed at al al F d re st T h is k in d o f travcivel will scouters a nd scoucout leaders of afl stagecbiroach trail dovvn nearr ter care, call Mickey Harme:mer at for driving underjr dieI influence 878-0003;3; INina Murray at 878- notn be permitted under die new ages lo participaiipate in th e vvalk Shoshoro n e Falls. (208) 334-5695. F br m o rc iniinfor* ' and District Judgeige John Butier 1660 or)r Becky Fowler at . plan.p: madon on adoption, call SSu usan said G arrett h a d1 p!participated in 654-2452. Forest Servicc officials rc< DweUo a t (208) 334-5690. ; Qve su b stan ce abuibuse treatment . publicP Input dn design: ents are ki ■ programs previous)lusiy Jerome! nnovelist will hold trails ^ for specific uses Incli^icluduig ^ Studei ings and Fomwr bailiff sentenceiced Garrett also faccices a one-year . |_ t, ATV recreating, horsebackick rid- ; suspension ofhiss ddriver's licen se " WKiK1 SIsighing IngIi and m ountain biking.. for felony DUI charge' for falling to su b>mit n i to a b re a th TW INI FAFALLS— Jerome novel- T h e o p e n h o u se vvill Lbe. h e i d queeniis in colleisgetown BUBLEV — A lan G airctt,iti, 44, test for alcohol. 1st W. Leneenore Mobley will sign betw b^ een 4, a n d 7 p.m . i ir n d i e ^ the former bailiff in CasC assia copies o]f f herh book Aturday at community c( room of KMV4VT-TV , REXBURG (AS(/\P) — C ollege ■ th ere tvere'we m ore th a n 80 em p ty .' ' County’s Fifth District Coicoui^ Event helps briiirlnghome H astingsS 1Music, . Books and W \^ ritten c o m m e n is .will b bi e ac- stu d e n ts looking!in g for h o u sin g u n its ex]s q ie a e d as th e first d ay of was sentenced Thursday.to ceptedc< through Oct. 31.n . T h e have d ie u p p er hhj a n d in a reniiu schoolI apa p ro a c h e d montiis in the rider programalSL the troops fbrr holidayh ey has published her plan pl w ill likely b e lihplemm c en icd m arket witii farr moremi rooms and Rexbubu^s apartment marketI . a felony cohvicdon of driviriving BURLEY — Adhellnner, auction, third novilovel, "Calypso: Dark indiesprlngof2006.ir . a p a n m c n is th aan n ihi ere a re b od- h a s bo mu m c h a s tw o years be- dents d( slain on April 20.1991 . vate apanihents.ts. said Shaliaron T\ickett. director off had been accused os longmg as die diird invcsdgaigation dial has fore die attack.!aiu , The grand jury said itt didn'td "We lust keepip giving a n d giv- liousinglg at BYU-Idaho. two years earlier of maktaking ' not placed any blamebl for. the "Clearlyrly Columbine never hand hi up any indictmentsnis, be- Ing and giving.'ng." said Cindy The vacancyv: rate last semes- , d eath threats a n d b uild in g p ip e s l a u ^ t e r o f 13 peoleople by sulci- should h ha a v e h a p p e n e d a n d caiise ca all the wimesses claiilatmed, Sharp, managerger of Colonitil' ter wasIS 15.6 percent. Figuresi bombs, according to a gng ra n d dal te e n s Eric Harris arr and Dylan diey don'ln'l want die public to IO lo k now n p tiiin g a b o u t mi;nlMlng House, apartmemem complex, hiive noiloi b een com p iled for diis, jury report released Thursda;iday. K lebold. know , ththat," said Brimi sheriff’s sli recdrds. "T his year, vvee |usi|. have loo semesteter, but Kurt Hibbcn. the! m u ch housing." , city's nialiannlng director, said he’s> Last fall. Coloninnial House had heareiofof vacancies as hi0i as 40) F a U s^ ^ . 13 vacancies. Eariier Ea diis fall, percentIt in some complexes. Continued from B l competidon downvn diere."- ten fromn thei public indicate during di die next phase. er, widi fuU-dme occupants.iis. If a vraUdng andnd biking path people wantwa a morc natural “The task force will takeIke d ie S6Ilt6I]i n c i n g "People want to sec soisome were constructeded in a loop, lookandfciI feel to d ie area. ' information in and meett i -with. habitat ,down there," saidd 1Lee there could be five/e tto 10 miles of But lo.3. pp ro v id e access, d ie technical tc< people and formim u laie Continued fromB B l l w a r n ed d R : am os d ia l if h e violai- Glaescmann,'lcad en ^cercerinc paved acccss, he! said..sa final plann mm i ^ i h av e to include a aconceptual plan to recrecom- ihe scene. ' e d Ids probation p he would notI technician widi the city of'I\nWin TWin Falls Highi ^S i o o l g r a d u - parking lots, loii interpretive signs m ni erid to th e City C ouncil."J," said Carlson thenn read i ihrough be so lerc n ie n t Falls. “There’s going to be a1 lolot of ate and formerr (CSI' student and restroitrooms, among odier Candyq Miller, facilitatorr widi ' Ramos' ext'ensinsive. crim in al '[Everytrybexly's telling n ie you’re; critters." Brett Smuffer wasas on vacation . developmei the Langdon Group, ai su: b - record d atin g black a d 11 yciirs and doing bebelter but I don't scc that." Creadng access and mamain* from Soudicm. CaCalifornia and "The areaare; has already been sidia^ of J-U-B EngineIneers. questioned Illss famUy’sfi iissur- C arlinn toldi Ramos. "I'm hoping; tainlng wilderness is notot an only Wednesday/ heardI about disturbed."d." Glacsemann said, "This Isn't a se t plan . We'ro>'rcfor- anccsdiathesonian th e riglu track, they'rei rri i^ L " , easy balancing act Ultlmatilately, die Auger liills projroject. "A co u ple le hundred 1 acrcs were mulating a concept" "Tliis Ls n ol a mm? an on die riglit ------it will be up to die cidzcniynryto “I diihk I’d likec 10K sec It wilh heavily devilevciopcd by industries _ _ track," Carlsonsaid. sail TTmeses-Netirs reporter Chip1 : decide how to m erg e th e tvirctwa morc vrildcmess,i, butI with ac- in years ppas a st" . "Tills is a m ann wwhose criminal Tliompsioson can be rcachcd at the “People w an t access, walkihg alk cess," he said, Officialstis arc tak in g applica- Tlmes-Neivs writer Reh'ebecca history is cscalatiniting." ncmpaf:apers Miiii-Cnssia biiretiuI trails, fishing," Glaesemamann Landscape archrchitect David tions fromm residents: who .want Meany M can be wached atit 735- Ou-feon said hehe would rcluc- at '677-7-4(042. Ext. 638. or byV ■ said. ’There’s even been somesoi - Kbga, widi die Lanemd Group Inc., --to bcon-acea com m ittee to help or- - 323259- or ■by- e-mailil at lanily follow die the • prosecutor's e-mailI ati cthompson&mapc'- ■ talk of holding an Iron Man W said the commentsnts jic has got- ganize andnd jfrcsent| information [email protected] rt. re c o m m e n d e dI sentence s but ivlleycocont B 4. Times-News,Fdn Fall!, Idaho ' m d q . S ip U n bl» ti f l7 .2 0 0 4

I d a h o AW E S ^ r ;king fal)egins work on boy o k BPPA decide!;s to cut

portcd'lTls wifemissini^ ^ ' ircss lo repk'iCete Ul(J b lo o d ; liolesale-p)ower-rat(tes M u r d e r Aspect SI says5 proceeds HTriish Wiis b uried ab o u t 3.'i3 lo sialn cd o n e foundi..d 1„ a nrarlv '10 feel d ee|) in ii pll ab o u.It t th e trash bin. ri-LAND, Ore. (AF) — l l i e h e said. length bf two fooibiill llelds.Ls.Cii. ’llie co u p ic h ildldbi;ciipn!niir. : Bonnevil,ivllle Power Adinlnistni- . Uonncvllle has sufferedred from w i l l b e n eefit : schol^shihipfund I;diiver dogs spent the l:|st sevensc Ing to move to NoNorUi Carolina. ‘ o» said s«i ’Ihursday it lias ., dry condldops for mosts i o< f t h e - - . w eeks sifting through th e pil:)ile at w here 1 lacking cla::laimcd to have dccidedid loi red u ce its w holesale past five years, lim iting: thth( e flow , SAIll’ lAKH c:riYIY (Al») — As Dougliisliis I k icking iilso cou- »>gnighi for her body. . been accepted1 in medical Power ratesra by 7.5 percent be- of water ihroiigli the systij'stein of . - policcNCJirch liutaiicoUiiiy liiiKinil firm ed ihiitliiit his so n w as w orking LPolice, llrellghiers iind UrlJrb an school. In reiillty,y. Ihe. never i>p- ig; Oct. 1, a move the Columbiii iiiui Siiiike river rive liy- , ; for ih(! h d tf y o r Lori l.o; I kicking, o n ii i)ool3ok. iin d Siiid h e hiid SciiSciirch a n d HescueTeiini 'ni(nem- plied, and. comininiry to Ills . federal1 powp( er iigency liopcs will • droelect'ric diims lhalt sifpply.si liur luishjiiul. cluirgcirged with'her siiirietjimvuiver, this time working herhers began going back .overLT lhe stories, had not1 >e>even finished strengtlietlien die re^bnal econo-... nearly hiilf-tlje, powerr lbU th e nuiKler. is\v()fkni}io!}{oiiahook. from iinoutline. ou ^ ;«frgiirbiige by blind o n ’Uiesdiijiiy. ; ' a>llege. T h e I'ridii;day before iitir • «ny- , , ' Northwest. ’ Mark l.liickinjj Siiidsail in a letter , ICIVX Siiid sii ih e 'h d o k hegiiis' • .Lori • • Hacking'was repotoned- (fisappearimce,: LoriL Hacking ' T'he BlV\Bl^ h a d siiici last moriUj. The I’onlimd-biisedI fcfederal ' l()K"lVXihaianyproproceeds from with llicL‘ diiy( Miirk iiiul Lori . m issing on M ondav. July H).). 1 le r ', called th e m cdlcal:al school to in- it wouldId rcducei vvnolestile rales' power marketing iigencyn e y hild Ilie honk would go to thc l^)ri met. husluisbiind said sli'e'had I'nilecled to <|uire ah o u t {IniUiiuiclal iild and hyatlcasilast 5 p ercen t (o b eg in Ihc liecn forced to nilsc niie:-lie s fol- liackinK incinoriiilill : scholiirship ' MiirkI Ikicking ki iillegedly con- .n.’*iretu rn ii'fter going for iin c:ciirly . leiirncd (hey hadd noi rccord of Icderains1 fiscal year. lowing th c 2001 W esternn energyei • • fund, wiiich was estiihlisliedcsti hy fessi'ti :) lo hisi brothers ihiii h e'. morning jog at Memory (Jr:rrove- hi'in. ' • • Stevee Writ^it. BPA admlnlsird- crisis triggered by dro u g h t, ' ihewDinaiVsmoiliL'rher. shoiherwlw hile sh e slepi iind dis- ■, I’ariI’iirk. • ^ Hacking allcgec?edly told tw o tor, saidd thtl e Jigency h a s reduced failed G ilifornia energy> dderegu- e ■ I ho Silk Liike television iL'k sia* nosed ofherbodyiniitnishbin. h(j ■ 'I |'hbusiinds Of. v o lu niteers it l.)rothL*rs Uiiit dielu niglu before t-’osisi)y by S70 m illion sin c e thc ladon and IZnron (3or|xK nim arket lion sitid WcdnCsdii)diiy ni(^)i tinit iiitcrdiiinpnpediilthcliindrilL I'eljK'lpcsiii^siiid it vviis his seiirch. using us cadiivcr dogs, heic ciillcd< them, reporting th e m Me Is chiirged1 vwiih.first-de- disputes,es.with Invcsior-owned lhe pockets of Norlh>rthw esl so n ’s hiindwriiiii}'. began thic c cdiiy a fter I lacking re- nissing. he wjis buying a nniiii- gree felony m u rdler. er utilitiess wv ere se td e d Ittsi June, nitepiiyers.”

^ “ Grant^" w i l l “ ^ U | “If^lm ost a c eintury r for Twin Fallalls’ landm ark 2019th Century Club,l b . assist st>tate.; Sunday In Centershnial

researcl[;hers''''lii J H ’J: ■ C:()1:UH') — A 9 I'c'dL'nil Kfiini will licIilelp Ihe Uni- v ersiiy o f Id ah oI d(letermine Q Congratulalations! You've foi:ound today's Millillionaire III Moneyley! w h e lh e r m o d ern lo^ylogging om e- B l V tices hiive a liglilerer touch on m C lip only thetl bill from this adid and save it to bid.pon great prizes like? a Ih cfo rcsl. 1 ^ car, boaoat, re.stauriuit .nnd groceryg l certificates, aand much moro! " ^h^^{ is reiilly Ihchc ' eviihiiiiion of how modernnio tim­ herpmciicesimiiiic-ivet Wilier Iloiv : iind Wilier (]Uiiiity” saki T im Utah Gov. Olene01 Walker signs a declaratlration naming September as yTheTim ^-INfews e ...... I.ink. assisiiiniprofes!fc sso ro ffo r; College SavliavIngS'Month during a Thursda)day news conference. Behind esi hydrology at theme university’s v .... . Duple th a t’s participating In a ppilot program to help lowere,.|n. f M n k e M e / ' CollegecifNaliiriil lUvacsources. ner is a couf ' riu- s:irj«).()0() gniiiniiit request Illes pay for college. OO4S hiU'ked hv U.S. SeSen. Liirry . • C'niig, IM iiaho. hiisIS I been iip- T T f r t l p ro v ed hy C^ont?ingress. . A |J Ic tl S:ir>().00(l extensionitothegnint in lh prograir(n will hell 2004 I ' also is included in' ii hill. Link siiid. ' Until now. m ost ol f o mlilies i pay f(for college t fk -ginK. diila hiis conco m e from c a i-i- i a i* stiidicK in lh c H)r>OsisandlHROs. a: AKHCnY(Al>)— The' iindn d ' c o u ld cost m o re tlii k = — § 1 ® tall onT 'luirsdiiy initi- Silt).(fM),0(H)iii20years. . witen liinhcr co ilot progriim to help - ’I'l' cleiircut luii^e standi ’I'he progriim . is initiiikdly I -TS me. ...fiim illcs__s a v e .„ c a;ippcd.al-50- p | families,-wl — ------f{n)wth liin b e rw iih lil w h o ------1—------college thill could mus Ibr stream protection. }i iust eiirn less d ian 2U0 n ercccent 1,200 o v er ii four-yeiir o f fC' ' 'Ibdiiy. m u ch of.thi f fedenil poverty g u id elin es .UK.|,arvcs, 'jS d ''' q uualify.'rhis ai yeiir. for exiiniplcIS. ' ■ Spotonspred by comes from privaiel;ild y iiivnucl. ' rade-Ear*' all Ikluciilu)n Savings famiimily of four would need sei'ond*nrow ih jTore.'' J to griim is intended to miikiliikc less th an S37,70(> lo h e i now recjiiire a linht(I t e u n S ^ I’romotion endsds IDoc. 4 ,21K)4. No purcli.ise nvci lies dcal with tlic ris- igibk;iblc. 11-ccss.iry. For Millioniiin* 111 mommuy. .send himilivriltvn SASl: tuti> huflerslrips along sir :)riiigliercduc»tion. They 'I'h iilso must commit, IP Millian.iirL» Auction:ions, TheTimcs-NWs, PO BoxX 548,5^ Tvvin F.^Hs; IP 833(13 withinlin 3 d.ivs o( publicntion of moiiuv rL‘i|uiri’d. road-lhiikli fice e siiin a te s that a siiviiivlng al leiist S2S per iiiontm l). ' niques have itnpro’ education al ii siiiie which ic h d ie state will m a tc h dod( l- selective ihinning hu college* or iuniversity will cost larfcir for do llar u p lo S3(H) p e r ycycar • . . rupkiced clearculs, LirLinksaid.. • appmxlmiiti■atclyS32.000in200-i;' for>rroiiryears. ft . '

■ HighI Spce(d ' i * Wlhat’s iyoiir Grame?I Irnterne3tfor jljust . H i f,.. ■ bling.!.jicv targeted aaidaeiiidiiig apjipQi-tiimtiea!

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M a g i c V a l l e y AV e s tr_

l O D i N G C o u n[TY i COURTS - - Jeroivdd e G o u n tr Y' C O U R T ! — —Goo ews ' . 90 SUIiuspended: Magistrate Judgedge The TImes-Nflws ■ . Maglslraic JudgeJgcT hom asH . Bor* vised prdprobation: Magistrate Judge. CBS Collections vs. L ...... - - - ___ Casev..yJtoblnsonu______------^------T h o m ar — Wock.TSccklnpS2;n93?i5r —■ Rcceni actM iy JliKOMU — Huctiiuiiciiictlv ity ln I’atrick - Orvilrvillc Whitchawk: Josee G.G Perez-Jungo; failure 10> terest; S9H9.B2 aitorne; ■ g o o d in cZ - 5lh Districi Courl in1 JiJerome driving withoutJ t privileges:| pretri- purchaselase/invalid driver’s license:.;.. Pliilntiff alleges ihui del I" Slh Disirictct (Coun In Gooding ' CivilII ' Coiiiiiy indiidud ihe fnliflillow ing: conference Ocl.Oc 18: M aglsiraic S6B,500 fifmi.*, SG3,50 court costs:' owes foraccoiinis assignefned?„"r .Couniy include,ided th e foUowlhg: a iw id e Collections ^-s. Mariela-iela . Judge Thom as> II. I I Borrescn. Maglslra5lrat(- Judge Thom as II. Bor- plaintiff for colleciinn. > n n r fvrniK]iai. Seeking S2.292.05: attorneyney • Misdemeanor ' resen. Bonneville lUlling andId Collec- Mlsdemean(Jn O r fi*es of0 $“KB. I’ImnillT alleges tliatlliat lorscnicnclngs Ceramrami Sha\yn Secord; failure-I lions vs, Surah Walhic ,t lhe pliiiritifT for collection,ion. did driver’s llccnse; 'ccnse: S< ikissen: driving under Ujirliicbara llolesilisky.'doing busi*usi* T o n y I. ,Cox: |nm icntiv», 1..,./ ...P. ' ■ purchase/invalid ;: 568.50 flrie, SC3.50 courl S2.-nu,.pIus interesi: S,6006O1 aiior* • Tanner R..HUS S I M n m ; SBi-;B1-.50 suspended, cosisr M leges that -the inlluence anahiehded’to lilaiietT- . nessa-, as Clear Lakes Diilh- Supply vs. ‘ k 's s cirivHnit; preiria l c o n f ^ Magistrate -judge Thomas. ney- fees. l‘laintilT allegi S63.50 coun COSIOSIS, S35 probation' M.Borre:irresen. L-ounis as* • live/careless drdriving; S:«ll) fine. TomI Harley.11 SeekingSl,160.34. pliis3lUS O cl. IH; M ii|>jsirnlc Ju d g,1-1 e T h o m o s . defendani owes for accoi Iths unsupcrvised ' ■ signvd to the plaintiniiff for . 5300'suspendi^.It^. S153.r>() coun'coMs; ititorei'rest: alidrntn' fees. Plaintiff al- ■ . • ■ II. Horri>cn.' S3a probationn fee:It «ine year linsu- legess that1, defendant owes for dair>’ • Gabriel luurvz: disiurb. lallon:' failure to M (sdeidemeElnor' colleciion. id e proof of insur- ® liernailvos p m ise d prohiUi;)alion: 90 in jail, siippliijlies.' ■ ins the pcace: prciriii Risk M anagem ent <\liei 2; $75 fine, $32.50 Wlthheiheld Judgments vs. John W. Coni'ieli andd 'ITeres'i I 90 suspended:!d: M agistrate Judge ' Ki>kisk .Management .-MiernailvesIves c o n fo rc n c c O cl. Ui; Ma^jiS' Seeking Case;-lloblnson.on. • vs. CiiCarl Storey and Tifl'any /\nnVnn tnilc |tid(;c TIuimas S IIn W t r J t . ^ ri 'cosis: failure to Rubgnben Alonso lauregui: petit Connell. ' spouse. ‘ ;is l-agiindes: inatten- St()rev.L-y. sjMiuse. Seeking S-t.i37.3B.',38. . ' . Horrcsun. ; ■ ^ use safsafety restraint: $10 ,hcft. wJudgment-withheld for one S1.12.'>.66. plus iniervM:1; S.100 S at- . IW '" Lucas I ; Magistrate Judge yc„. ^3^ ii„m*« ih-ii live/care ess drdriving: SIttXl fine,' plus interest: ii S1.-J25 ailomej- fees,ees. Ciirisiophvr ' M $300 flne. S200 suspended.' - torney ft'e's. I’lainilff allvi ThSinamas Ii. Borrescn. § 0 3 qq » !lm s"a il S300SU.1,ended.led.SW.yOcouncosts. Plalhilliiiff alleges th^il . defendantlant ’ pil'avour: disturbinK thi 0 court costs. $35 probationI defendant owes for accoi ‘r ..\ fecocai>U Joaoao A rruda-A lm el' • fe c ’ssO ] ... signed , to lhe plaini n fee; one vear unsu* inn o f a 'c n n ito lii-d siih* fare'v-s. lared Erik McDononald and w' ill close BlJoise officesS ' : . c a r r y i n g a concealcd w irio Torres: petit ihefi: judg-' Jennifer Jean .McDoiiaid.:d. Seeking I days discrclionaty. „ie„, wUhheld for one year: S300 w iihoui a license: pretrial c o f .Mr. McDonald: S3377 nm onthly HOISI: (AP)vP) —^ sm a ll d ec- in ivvcivophiises, beginning immo:.nei______day^crvcd:JfiO;day__ -S200-suspendcdr^S63:50- A ------D IITP-O ci. U lW lagisfrTilte ite juage Jriver-s license sl ' support lor lacy Rose .\lcl.IcDonald. . ironies company o . is dintehely. Tliom as 11. Horresen. s suspension; Mag- coun cocosis. $35 .probation fee, Istrate Judge ;. plus 71 perceni of child'si's im edical consolidatinglg itsi ofTicus. result- .Thiihe company says die moveove Gabriel V. I-ara; veh se Thomas H, ssopubiubiic defender fee; one year e.’cpenses: attorney fees. ' ing In tlic losloss o f . 14 jobs in will 1help trim' expenses andm d . manslaughier: failed lu1 u-nin™ ' Horresen, iervised probation: 90 days re™ ' Aulum MIchclhelle Gullon; com- ““ E southwcstorn li M agistrate ludge Thomas I 88 suspended, iwp days el- •n Idiilio; . . provii/ide better customer serv*•rv* . m l.tlnB c rlm c toI, animals: $500 igible re s e n . . I t for- w ork program; : Divorces M obility l-leiilectrohics. Inc. an* ice. uspended. $63.50 Magistra Cynihia Massey: drMny strate Judge Tliom as 11. Bor- Rlien L«)uise Danvers. vs.vs Bvron n o u n c e d T Hi hursduy it . is .' Keyev em p lo y ees In Idalio willivtU Lee Danvers ' consolidaiitiglg itsi handheld op- he oftiftered jobs in San DiegoI oro r ■. -out privileges; arraigi c lu^ge Thom as II. conihuied Sepi. :*(): Mng .Terri Lee Golay vs. Uugene e ru lio n s Inn Boise to its at thele com pany’s hom e officeJin in ludge Thom as 11. Horresen; my arraignments Cioiay connectivity’ ofliceof in Sjin Diego '.Scoitsitsdale./\riz.. D ryii H. .Mix: recklesss driving; d , J. Hurlodtado-Clntora: driv- ICS Brian Fraley: burglar>-; p rc iriid confereiu-e O ci. 10; IB M ng- ln g u n d e r Ih c influencein t am ended E 5 mas II. I" “flvlng undeIder the Influence hearing Sepi. 10; Disirict istruie ' liulge Thoma; 1 John K. Butler. H o rre sen , (under age 211):): $750 fine, S600 ^“ “ 8^ Joi laez: dis- suspended, S7878.50 courl costs. „ e ^Juan Gonzalez-Casiilln: Riiynuindo Angel I’clae: lg or aitempiing to elude a lurbing ihe. peace: nreiri'il p ' SSO public defcniender fee: one year *ieeing o sbailon: Magistrate e °officer: driving without cijnfereiice Oct. Ifl; MagIiiBislrnle P™,';' cgcs (mIsdemeanorJ: resist- • ludge Thomas II, Horresen. ludge Thom as M.Il.Borresen. privifcge irbinglhe LucasA-Dolsotson; failure to give " 8 or obstructing officers Alejandro Havas: disiurbi lenicanor): siatus hearing peace; preirial .coni^erenci■nee Del im rhediaie notiotice of an a c c l^ n t lom as 11! itmended 10 failu;Ilure to notify upon ^ci. 22; District- Judge John K.; lit: Magisiroie Judge Thun r. . • . H o rre sen . striking Tixturesis close.' ed ihefl by extoriicn io n - processionon violallons; S150 p|a|„,|irliff alleges-thul defendiini . • aiding/aliening: Inirglarynryr prc- 'I"'. susjuspended. S63.50 o„esforifor accounts assigned to the . ■And thal's a fad. liminary hearing. Sepi,L-pi. IR: court costs: ihrc(iree monihs super- ■ .piainiimIffforcollection. iJuitMi; nu: - — — jrTne-ilMlvNPMvniRrfWrllJTl ----- ",------' vHirkc.uiicii I j S c C oi i U N T Y G Ql l U R T S " ^ iiK'WR): r-'t tnrnilun an b a n t ftiniiihlRKi. The Tlme»News ' ■ MlsdemeanoilOr pluslhieriiercsi; attorney fees. Plain* tiffallcges!ges that defendant owes for xSIIOSIlbNli-Heceiuaiii.iciviiy' sentenclngsS' accounisnis assigned 10 die plainiifr i . . - . in 5 ih D istrict C o u rt inI Lincoln Li Vincenr Chavtavez: two counis forcoUecilection. O iiiniy included lhe followlowing: fmud • insuflicieiclem funds chc-ck: Wcharclard Walsworih vs. Lome first count: SG3.S0.50 co u n costs; one Wendy Wei Heims. Seeking Misdemeanor . - ycorsupcrviscdpiI probation: sccond $2,050.I. PIPlaintiff, alleges .that dcv. . count: $63.50 COUIourt costs; one year fendaniII o owes for non-payment of arraignments supervised probaibalion;.Ma^sirate rent, ngiam. Ford1 MMotor Credit Mathew . ■ Theo Duke Games: possiossessiori ludge Mark A. Ingi ’ t l of a coiurolled substance:e: iuse or Cesar J, Romernero; driving with- Axelson;m: : Seeking 58.970.71.. plus p: resistingn g o( r ob- -to . purchase/lnwnvalld' driver’s 11-... Plaintiff.iff. i alleges that.defendant..... siructing officers: two. ccounts cense: S60.50 finflne, $63.50 coun failed to10 n make.monilily pa>'menis underage consumption ofjiliifjdcohol: ■ costs: failure to prtprovideproofofin- . onavchlcchicle.' ' , p reiria l c o nference Sept. ti:H: ^Magis- surancc: S67.5()) fine.'S32.50fli coun ,n costs: 18 m onths ira ie lu d g e M ark A. Ingram . !Se=af,?a.K ChlldSII support cases T lio m a s G, 1 le n d erso n ::inatten- in Nation: Maglstratt S taieole of Idaho Health imd Wel- A S pecial Tim^n es-N ew s E xp aanded i FamilyI Life Section live/cureless driving: semeniencing Ingram. S e p t. I.'i: M agistnile lu d g eL'MarkA. M . . fare vs.'s.' StevenI Scon. Seeking nonihly support for Robert Published Sun.diday, October lOtlt h in g ra in . - Misdemeanorior dismissals . J leimy Oro/co: failure tn on. plus 55 percent of . This popular spepecial feature sectioii.Oil. w ill c o n t a i n l o c a l sistories on. w hat’s IP P“ r- Dusdn Broivcr;er; f a u d -' Insum- child's; medicalm i expense.s: $1.I5B . c h a s e /in \’alid driv er's lic lie en se; irek; d i s n ^ s ij hv new in interiorSi•Si i n c l u d i n g : r e m o d eeled l i hom es, the latestst trends, window failed to appear; MagisiniK; ; lime lhe child was in the iue Judge , p,„s„u,or.M aglslglslrale Judge Matt custody ( M ark A. Ingnim . ly of the state: atiorhey coverings, fldorixr i n g , k i t c h e n s , c o l o r* schemsc es; hom e office:es, new decoratingI H erio id o Quijaiio; driv in g i ideas, accessorieies, decorating tips,, ppools, house plants aand appliances, ^IlSShliolIorIon; ftnud - Insuffi- e of Idaho Health and Wel- lhe influence: driving wilhou wi j|,„|,«k; dismissed by , . Brel H. Buleher and Cindy There will be anin additional featuree onc how a local coup]pie is renovating a p rivileges: o p e n c o n iain e n p gislmleludgcMmk ^ c«mference Sepi. I: Magi Seeking of Mr. Buleher: • historic barn int«Ito their dream homen e .' ludge Mark A. ingrtim. nonihly suppon for Cha-. Igton; driving wldi- • If you have a hhom e furnishings, homeho building, homes m aintenance or K oberi 'A. Ke>itold5; falli i; dism issed Iw Juanita Hennings, plus T'O 11 of child's m edic^ expens- any other relatet:ed business,.this speclecial section targets >YOUR custom ers! purchase/inviiiid driver's li< gislraleJudgeMarJ S o r m preirial conference Sept. '■I; ^ S i - jrneyfees. ' , ' O ver 545,000,OOC00 was spent last yeaisar in the M agic Valle;ey.in the furniture in ile lu d g e M ark A. Ingramtn. . " ries of m erchandise.* Tnivis C. Siono; baiiery:y: under-u « |- n ' ' Divorcerces and household furnishingsfi categorie age consumplion of alcohol: ale CIVll prc'trlai conference Sepi. I: Magis-N Blaine C ountyy Collectors C VI TV- DcijonJo n ^ A laskowski vs. Todd Publication Datlate: Sun., Oct. 10O ^ ' ■ owski . in ite lu d g e M ark A. Ingiiimin. . . islia R. Paucar. St-ckingSci S1.6i5.63. ^ Inskoivs : ■ iAdvertising Deacadline: 'Wed., Oct.C .6 Call Your Tinimes-News Sales RepR today for moiDre information F B I agent sshoots m ani Idming ^ at 733-13-0931 in Twin Fal’alls or. 677-4041 inn Burley. teep ap •C/unffl»- statigtisties for ihe 7 county TitiieS'iieS'XcK'S \D M (ncivspdpcr' 0designaivd market) incident ovci^er ^ re st w aarrant :ead the Computers Id Technology page ~ ^ T h e TT i m e s - N e w s PllOliNlX (Al») — ArAn FBI Tlie warrantt diet] FBI was try- Serving the M agicc Valley\ for 100 years. agcni shot an ncquaintanc;ince of a lng to serve chaibarges Nethercotc eevery Tuesday '\\-w\v.magicigicvalle\-.com bordcr-wjiich group, mem e m b e r witli a ssaultingg a federal officer. while trying lo serve anm arrest . It was issued Sep>cpt.8byaredera} -. w a rra n i. I-Bl officialslls sa id m agistrate in *I\i(IXicson. 'nuirsclay. NeUiercott, 3737. is a convicted . The .shooting happipnened felon who servec/e d p riso n d m e in I a b o u t 1 1:15 p.m. W ednescesd ay in CiUifomia. ii g ro cery .store parking loi.lot. Me. w as also0 ffound guU^ in According lo the FBI"BI. the June by a Texascas ju ry o f felony agem was trying to servovc CaseyI . Tirearm possessiission. An accom- 7 T 0 f P i W t WG Ncthercoit of Douglas.ts. Ariz. pahying assaiilinlt charge. that Nediercott is a known memember accused Nedierlercott of pistol- ■ viw i t h H y p n o sS IS 110% of Ranch Hcscuc. a groui;3up diat whipping an UI case,c Nediercon ■ ^je s i^ so you can stop smoki)Wngtonlghtwiih •_ At the lime. Neiliercoti:o tt w as w as a ccu sed o>f f pistol-whippingF ■ notrw anxiety, no irritability anddnovw n lghtgain. ' F r riday, S e p te m b e rr24 2 *^9” I Riddle. Edwin Alfredo ^ C0MFn.ETE with 22-year-old Kalen R ) Manda Gonza- . yI'es, m that’s right. You can stop smcmoklng. not just cut 7:00 pm - 9:45 pm also o f Douglas. les. 26. w hile oin n Ia n n e d patrol at ■ The Ballroom.' lown, but'stop smoking by' tseminar's end. . V. . MAY BE TAX . 1 Charlene Thorton, spspccial a Mcbbronville,'e, Texas, ranch in ^ jjqr 10%, M m /m r guvantae'. 201>05 Shoshone Street Nor a g en t in cliarge o f th e PhoenbcPhi March 2003. JO rtn . DEDUCTIBLE ■M l will experience two hypnoi I "actions He and seveneral other Ranch Hfou lotic sessions this (corn3rner ol S h o sh o n e S t & 2indId fiAye) RcRonald B. Gorayeb ^ FBI office, said that ."ac jvening to eliminate your desirere and cravlna for Hypnotherapist | ibers were pa- ■ gj„ taken by Nediercott andd RiddleB Rescue mcmbt dgarettes.WnhOurMethodofClli:ilnical Hypnosis. I rJJ ts to fire trolling a ranchch ow n ed by Joe vou e g lster at door 6:00 pm • 7:00’:00 pm I "Over 5(500,000 people have ' 4 led o n e o f tlie FD! o cen ts t /ou enter a deep, relaxed staitate oi hypnosis CCash, Check’, VIsa/MC. AmE)tiEx attended oui)ur hypnosis seminars. It • ■ his weapon." and theie shot Sutton, who soliUild h e asked for Q Kvhere you are awake, aware ancmd IN CONTROL wvnv.stop123.com ' can wcwork lor you! Try ill* . s tm c k lUdtile. ilieir help becai:ause he did not ■ p , '■ * Private clicncnts have paid S245 cach I 3y tapping the power of . youriur subconscious -Sem inariar Guarantee: This programn isIS designed so toquitcomP T h e FBI w ould n o t elab(aborate. \vant illegal Imimmigrants and nind. the hypnosis Is deslgne nfonably and corporations ned 10 ellmlnalo you will. stopsn smoking, not just cul down, dot but stop have paid ili. Riddle was airlifted to0 a U ic- d ru g sm ugglersrson c his land. Hrour craving for cigarettesas In everyday JmoKIng ci tliousands o f dollars for us ^ son hospiuil. but FBI ofilclals ofl Netliercott, Ranch F Rewue S nfe, ] completely. That's why w ee ir employees quit smok- Ife situations - In the morningng.atwork,while no%auarjaranlee. Attend this seminar: il } condi- and the Suttorto n s h a v e ' b e e n a drMi would not disclose his o JrMng, on the phone, in the presesance of smokers. it,|„gw esa> say It Is or if you are not compleiDieielv satislied. an benefil from our group r nam ed in a chril I Uon. /il law siilt seeking r i unitVill It work for m e? Whether yoyou are a casual we will refuefund your entire seminar leeI pluspli 10% at the ' r only 549.99 complete. ; Tlie FBI said it won’t1 releaserc damages back(eked by immi- r |long term smoker, the hypnosissis Is designed so seminar's’'s end.( Plus, if you ever ih’inkk abouta t smoking ;ks. credil cards accepted, r the name of the agentnt who pants rights grojroups. -youioutvill leave this sem inar ss a N 'OU may attend any Gor^eb Si ort-slla seminars & group ' ■ I NON-SMOKER again, you ? Slop Smoking a,." Qvailatilo:1*aoa-^^^^^| fired th e shot, k eeping wit)AithFBI Tliat lawisuilt hhi a s n o t yet been rtih no a ru ^ ^ ^ ri^ ll^ ^ ^ ^ i n ar ^ - FOR FREE - F O R I^E . policy. heard. K S H e a i m "iTELaia1 M B ii* I TIme»-News.TWinFalliFolli. Idaho Friday. SeptomlMr•17.2004 17

N a t i o n

0 0 Docictor devel(lops gel f m iTB uish^s lead fad< thatit smotherirsheadliace J, Bush's v'ulnerabiliticidi’s o n Iraq Knieht RlddiIdder News Service plague pl many insccdcidcs's' u:u sed L a t e s t f i midings put c,candidates inin v irtu al tie^ . and the. economyly continue. ------^— T” to treat head licc. which oflliafnicis ' Jind Uiese have jmcinch o red lh e SAN JOSIOSli, Ciillf. — n ie y ’re u u p r to 12 million cliildrenjn n1 a - . W ASHINGION (Al»)\P) — The ' post-ctmvfnifnlion bounce. Bush ers.s. i\.'\nioi)g likely voters. Bitsi,sh r«ce." • llie bim'e oofscho.ol-age f c hildren ' ticlinnvvide each year. ' , COI’ cpnvcniioii tiayc,’C 1'Presideni was aheadi t o f P em o crat lo h n ' w JisIS aal -17 p ercen t a n d Kcrr>'.jy ; u . A fte r lh e H cjm b licic a a n c o n v u n - „ „ d Uicir■parents ps — contagious '"Me's . g ot n novel Idea," ssaid . Ktisli a il(>uhk'> among registered, -Jiipeperceni. lion and its well-or■ordieslnmid crawly crcaifeatures tlint infect ihe Dr. Dt Al L ane, ch air o f d ermm ataiol- ilie race h a s sctllcci ini.poniii{; hyhvihe I'ew.', Bv the secoiul se poll.: done' directrector of the Pew Hesimrcrch niitioiiiil polls. -'Thailal load ap- ,i„„olnBisiist hi.s found a new ihehipies. tlv "By using a physilysical ,. ! lk‘sciirt:!i Sept. t, the Hush Icail hail' (!enK•mer for ihe People ^ ththe. pciircd'io he,shrinkiiking 111 sonii! ,Veapdn forror ligliting h ead lice: a inediod mi to kill the lice, it wwot o u ld . .■riiMirsiofiuxMiaiiolional polls evaporaioil.I. In ihai |»>jl. Bush I’rCss.Kss. "This poll finds a loiI (of polls hv liile lasi wui-k. vvi am a, giobofclcailear gel that chokes die lie he much moni dinicult for’or tth e hv IVw. d u n e Sept. •H). reilect- imtl Keriy w ere k n o tted at -tn ,th ei‘ ppbsiiive ( Im piict Bush luid;liii i 1 larris’.noil; out1 Ihursday i,d,-induciricing critters by form- lice lie tb develop resistance." lil lhc prtpresideni’s percem amonong registen^d yol- chee convemionc rejnains. BiliiK showed tiie nice ever‘:™- . In g a sliriiikink vvnip when rubbed In 1994, pyrethrin. a netnerv e ■ ■ . a n d dried,OJI,qnio tlie scalp. . loxin loi found in many cxisdKisting ': ’’H ead licilice are-just like its — ' ireutmeni.s, irc wi])ed o u i liceB in 95 ’ 1^0 they hiivee nto breathe," siiid Dr. [lerceni pe of.cases. However,iver. a L d V I , Dale.Pciirlirrlmjui, whose restarch ' 2(X(>}2 study reported^ dial itstsc a u ie -' Kerny attacl:kspressident (overir; . ^vvas jnibllsli'islied in ihcSeptember mlrsue hild d ro p p ed to 34 percejrcent. - j issue-of Ihethc journal !’ediatric.s.' pr:>resumably becausc lice! wwi ere s i ; CIXUJO. Miiin;n; (AP) — I 7.'-, •. S :u)ut if we suffocate lieiccoining resistant . to) ith e • ' I'tfsUli'M i Husli p rcssi.•ssed h a rd ' . - s d i e m r , :hemical. ch ’ ! iiuisdiiy IO uiuliTiuiiKlinePemo- • ® s simple, hut Pearlmsui Ahouij 70 percent of dieie j p a ­ .'titt lohit Korrv'asi) proirosptvlive K :i toiling for tlie pasi___tieie n ts in Fearlm an's stu dly y lih a d ------rninmandcrin-ciiict'rTIracatsini^ — ------—4 ifsW cIeslgn :i p ro d u c t liiiliird-to-treat licclhiirhad sl —-- . llic MassachuM’Us senatorslm of . ^ a r o u ^ ^ |th is ^ co ncept, l-inally, it ;v/ived h jirior treatments.. T T h e . ualHiii}; oil Iraq andid sending he hiis succeeded. His ■emtiinlng rei tiiird cjime becai.•cau.se daMKcniusly misleadingling signals - ' ap p lied lo th e h a ir a n d jf o f paiilc*stricken parents5 w iio . iiilrifiid and Ibfalikv. •d w id) a h'iiir d ry e r to linch (lit ill labels such as "con;on b c • Kcnry. !>ii‘lrcssin n; N> atio n al fi)ijii a ril|iim th.iit plugs the lot)se’s poloiso n o tis if ti.scd im p roperly." p er (Itiaril v clcran s in Ui: i holes — eliminated on>11 popular over-thc'counim nte r sail! ii w as IUislnvlu>I Wivvas trying J In 96 percent of IHH prim d u cts. lo persuade voier!i wid lents in a triiil iiist ye:ir.. Pciirlmiui’s lotion consistsists o f lasy w o rld .o f sp in ” Rill 3ur percent were re- itearyl sit iilcolioi. propyleneIC g gly- ti'Hiii^ lh e trull) o n Iraq. :e-free six monihs after ,co:ol. so d iu m lauryl sulfate, w a te r ' "Mixed signals are.dii.thcu'rong ,m It. - ih a h d o th e r ingrL‘dlents"gcncnilerally signals to se n d lo o uirtroops r ti K inore, Pciirlmiin's lo- •ecognizcd re< as siife" by th e} FoF ood = . , ihi- Held, o u r idlius a nul. d . mosi of ’ lion seemems to defeat the ;inmd Drug AdministraUon.n. i ac* ; all. c)ur enem ies." B us s h h :.said at a A v X condition even when - corording to th e |)ul)Iislied rcpc•eport. niUv :ii a (iiin o r lcagi/(.>IV bniiobitll1 tm m ,vere not renmved from A1 lm ost as troulilesoine.asa s td ie Hold, in Sl. C loud ass hhu.cam- fa ■ using fine>ioothed sii|itigma suiTercd by schoolciiilichild- paipied ihro.ugh souili m bs. reien With head lice aree tth e M innesota hy hus. s say the non*toxic lainstiiking pa liousecleaning pi : .Bush also kept, up) h is c'riti- pro d u ct siioihould avert th e c h em - cei:cdurcs (ypiciilly demandeoK f . I'isni or Kerry’s healijalih carc' tfpMs jgj,l rcsi.siariiance pruhlenis thal tluheir jiarents; proposals, sayinf; hisIlis rivali. .Domoctatic presidentialpn nominee Sen. JohnDhn Kerry. D -M ass, w aves durljflng a gathering a t the Congjngresslonal - plans would creaie a in ucus on Wednesday In WashlrigiJrigton. ■ liiih-dollar. govci 1-yeaiar-old girl dieies after being eiilerprise lliat wouldlie] rc slilc l W hilii Kiirrerry addresseil the whichich Keriy said lhal he coulcitid ' o w n u p 10 th e serious)usnessofihe ' ‘g peoples choices and ddr riv e p n - mal (iuard conven- > notI envision( invading Irai'aq siiuation in Iniq. Viiit* c o m p a n ie s o tion in l-isVe]Vegiis lhal B ush h a d "u nider d e the current circumm- . lie lold the NaiioiLional G uard S U F ^ Ijcally C sieparatited from twirin business. sp o k en to iwcIWO days earlier, the stanccnces" h u l also said It wmpli* p a siaie lhal Democrat111 ,Al C.iiic j „ „ „ | ,, I'avorile |i„ th em e: lh al a,ccou:;ountahlccnied_;iiiions-<>n-li- lr a ( |,— B u .sh -said .— Bush-Jsh-.Siii(l,—the-w o rld w ill-d rirrifi— em-vvorld of-spin.-wh.vho-will-give- -ivvin.-U*aI -BlockT-luy-B -in c ritia il— plerformed e "an cxliaustive-i lo open'a'lead in theL- ddays lol- ••yesterday, in a radio iniervievv, lovvan^ard iriigedy. 'This isn't goitijing' lhe.American people)le the, truth, hut .stableicondilitin. ct su:luscitative effort,” hospiitspiial low ing th e ■ . Hepiepuhlican }„• uied to) (clear things up.", to hhaf a p p e n o n m y vvatch." 'Thihe not a fantasy world ofo f sp in b ut a I.ea a n did h e r sister, T ab ea, .sp<;poke.swoman Stacl Vernijrn ic k convention. However.r. 'one'( na- jjush said. . . crowivvd d chanted, "l-'our mon)re ■ w o rld w h ere vve chalhallenge our from l.emgingo. (Jerinany, vvere Gololdberg.said. lio n al poll, on' 'I'liT h u rsd ay , 'i h ai vvasIS a reference lo years.’irs." hrave m en iind wono m e n 10 hc sepiirated:i !■ shortly after mid- .’The girls' p iiren ts— Nelly,Uy,27, 4 suK)>csted lh c ]ircsideiu.•ntial con- . Kerr\‘s inierviirview lhe d a y b efo re , KerrCerry sjiiil th e pro h lem wjiiI’jis . iih le to inect lh e lest lc of our night, afterL'r 1m o re th an Mi h o u rs sin

C B S s o f t eens Interrnationdi monitors i t s s t a n c e' will\watch U.SS. election . WASHINCrTON (AI>)P) — An- t e a chor Dan.lUithcr ahdI oioUicr lup The Washlngto^on Post sevenilend swing states to invcsti' .'..llj.;ures;it CBS News arcirc soltcn-- • . • - - e- whai .spokesman Jasor ing ihcir defense of ( Iho WASHINGI'7I0N — ’nil!Bush- ' Mark'rk said were serious am: authenticity of challeng«nged doc* Kerry raco miglit m not. nt first deepei!penihg c o n c e rn s a h o u t mi- uments pqrporiing to prove glance, sceinn 10 have much in liorityity disenrninchisenicnt, tluh e ¥ ■: lapses in President Busiush’s Na- common uiihith lumuUiious past inicgrijgrity df electronic votingng / -■ tional (iuard serviccicc w h ile electio n s ihplaces pk such its Maiti, machi:chines iind other issues thai sianding hy the dirusist '. come Nov. 3 .1th e U nited S tales in U.S. U.S elections'. Mark ciillct a distinction-with theeffieffort "unprecedented." lil a series' t>r newspacnn,>i,r in 'VlH ShatC a r y b y g l v i n i tries: It will join th e Tlie hc groups 2 0 -pcrson lean: inilivei^fj ig our \ icrviews, a comjVany sta litions whose elec- . includludes: Brigalia Ham. chair­ a h d a n u p d a te d sto ry hr heads the Ndilona lhe d o cu m en ts. internationalal groups plan to Ciiizeiizens Movement for Prei ■'I! the clocuinents' j L‘ Nov. 2 U.S. d e c - l:lecii(ciions, the. oldest elcctior Shrubs I w liat vve vvere led to helit e l t L . I U ■ i: SuhdmSepteinbtrlM -m oniliniioring group in Asia; iinc: / M ' • like to break lhal siory."17." lliilher a ' ild(;i!,iU(>iLion for Cilobal.Tix* c;at.Tvv-Twyn D w ^ fo r Jo'ne.s, i: '•? ■ {{I luld The Washington Po . Pnsl. Any thaiiBi.'. iV Sanan I-rancisco-based - count;mty eleciion official ir lime I’m wrong. 1 wan ■ '"'..'"li’*'' nonKOVLTiiniKnental organizadon Walesles Who helj)ed supervisti ' Faiall is fo r ANNIVERSAR?K SPECIAL! li righi o ut front a n d .say.iiiy. l-.ilK |„ „ niniiored ii elections in Camhinhodiii's llrst free election; ihis iN what went wroi.TOiiB iind co u n lrics,s. arrived h e re this • as wc:well as elections in othei!S Plaanting!!! O F F ! how it w ent w rong."’ ;roup vvill fan oui' lo countiintries, , week.’I'hcgroi • nhaiplplanted In mil, trea • M aples \ andshnfavbs have plenty of • Flowering PiPear Trees t . • Flowering PIPlum Trees r . time:le to develop root • Poplar, Ash ill answer it, for ybu Pactadies, Janathoa Appta, PtPears, Plums ■ ^ *i» 2 E S with ease and speipeedi /SWIVEET CORN ^5 ^ 0 0 /3 off Price! wono w ' m Dozen J . * “ » J ? Q uestions answervered'by local expert/ m i m /jn APPi N 70”''“^® I / m aesgkvi U Golden,& I R e d a iD U Dellclowtus and • Rock ' Jonath I • Bark dtelfoy 1/2 Si a -B em s G A R D)EN I CENTER" i-Bushel t T & LANMDSCAPING f rmation you need -’rPrioesgoodthroutfuflh>Sunday,'S^mbar NOW! ______W h ere,re Addison Meets Eastlandm d * TVvinFalls. ID 83301 •( ■ J/ I H I H B

. Get the inform L now... IAMKleptMnberlT.aOM TkTkni»W wi.TW tnFilis, l


Inspi[>e(^r on Iraq:] No) I c o I N O F HOP] intentionsIS-— S e i g e v i c;tim t seen clclutching cr(ross recovee r s h o s p : i n pital WASHINCIIGTON (API— Drafts. Duellelfer c^uld wrap up thos re're- ■ . ofareportflrofrom die top U.S, in - p ort r t as soon aa dils monUin th , ■ MOSCOW CAI>)- IlIt wV as a n 1 In die head. As ahe Idytiy 'w im d - sp o cto r In Ini . icoQ lc ImoBU o f h o p e ; Iraq conclude there Tlioaosc who discussed the reporp o rt )c In thu-'■ i b S v-- cd, Artur pleaded w‘.with her: were no wciiveapohs stockpiles, Inaldilde and outside die.mvem'e n i-. d c u ih u n d o ia o s th a t ond} n d c d th e . 'IDoh’t die. D on't dio. OOpen r ypur but say dierere tare signs the lallen - men'm t d id so o n th e c o n d ld om n oo: f • thrcu-day-BusIoh school lOol Blego m f a 'i' :n eyes. Don't die." At oneitjpohit.hc i Iraqi t^Bldenlont Saddam Hussein anononymlty becausc It containaln s . a bloodied handid c( lu tc h -- even held her eyes bpopen wldi had dorhiarnant programs he class tyct- lng a goldon crass.. ssified m aterial and Is ho t yci hlshanda. • . . hoped'to rcvlt!vl\« at a later dme, com]m pletedi ' • Thts^lahownlnanAft ' - . SoldierslaterpassediId h e r o u t o .a c c o rd ln o to people familiar '. .. Thrhe report Is expected to> bbt e cd Presa p h o io th a t run oi n o n from window to safety, theE crossc sdll wldi die andiiidings. • slmllillar to findings reported b) pugca worldwide Is now 3w recov- nJ In her hand. Her pictIcnire was In a 1,500-iOO-page rep o rt, th e D uellelfer's predecessor, David ering In a Moscow host ospluu, Q 1 token soon after at a nearby head of thee IraqIt S u r v ^ G roup, Kay,y, who presented an Ihterltr!rlm piece of shmpncl embed le d d e d ln . triage tent, a bandagege around ‘ Charles DuellLtelfer, will w d S a d - . ' repoi>ort to Corigresis In O ctoberiber. her brain.. h o r fle a d a n d h e r whitng" n g ' ■ p ra y e d every d a y whll' ' X ' S Xligence official said . Jerome Falrarounds school widi more thana n 1,200 I . For how, doctors areeplannhig p ’ , LealB a th e r Hides • Harness & Saddlejie-- • o th e r hostages, Viktoriaa oiand her ‘ 1 to leave die shrapnel fi SuppHes • Tools i Hardware C h e c hien e : women ® 9-year-old brother. Artur,ur, fo u n d ' I . They will only, operateite If c o m - T im es-N ew s Ad: 9-16 cach oUier. He had beencn in the . JM A AUCTIONEERS „ plicadons develop. www.jmaauctlons.com bathroom outside thee schs o o l After days of being! cconfined b llb c di ,'w o r k e r _ and probably could haviiave lim Viktoria Ktsoyevw a, 14i holds a photi> of herir handhi with a cross a t a to bod, Victoria tookk h 1 e r first SATIVTURDAY,SEPT.18, 11 :3 0 aAM m away, but Viktoria’s mmodier, ' Moscow hospitaljtal, Thursday. The photo, wass takent« by the Associated cautious steps Wednesd!sday. Sh e’s M OSCOWW ; (AP) — ^ , 0 cx Btax COMHUMn CHURCH AUCTIONION ’■’H it^ a Ktsoycva. saiidd Iil\e de^ pfess on Sopteir expected to be hospitalitniiypH for Chechen woii Itiques • ApDliances • Fumiture • lember 3 on th e day the Beslanlan school siege ended In uios • 1/2 Beef •lo c a l Anistry • c ld cd to stay h is sistc d dien to blowing up3 RussianR passenger fihaalln? anrf explosions. about' a irioiith, and 150 Pr, New S h o e s'M isc . Fearing the chain holdLildlngthe * to a Sana- la st m ontljndi were briefly de- u avel w id i.h er family to S9AddlsooAv^ Wast, TMnfia/lsAs ■ cross' around her neckdc m ig h t • uperadon. ‘“ined by •police p< before the ^ torium for further recup Auctioneer Kaye Wall break. Viktoria to o k itt oloff a n d a n d Ut votive caicandles. said a ti teacher quickly discon-- , The cross .is at herer family's brbribed at least one ___ w ra p p e d It a ro u n d h e r left h a n d "Every d a y wiwe had hope that nccted!d tthe .wires to die device2 ' apartment in BeslaiJlan, still empl^ployee to get o n th e SAT\TURDAY.SEPT.1B,11HM)AM UH when tite siege began. our childrenn would come and direh re w It o u t th e >vlndow. ■ stained widi blood: heher fadier leclia reports said Dick & Ju d y Allen, R ier T h e cross w as a gift fromfro; her home," Ktsoytjyeva ;said. "Wc • As gunfiregu! erupted, aditlts .In1 a n d b ro th e r p lan will brb rin g it to y. . • , Antintlques •Collectibles • Fumiturejre O rdiodox p a re n is th a t rejreplaced knew If it wentnt on longer, we'd .the rooroom lold everyone to die alleged suicide Household H< • Lawn • SportingI 3 . Moscow later. Tlme*-New8Ad:9-16 ■ . one from her baptismsm that only be able to carry our dead screamm "Don’t shoot!’ to the2 ■ Tliese days, Viktoria bombers useeised an interm ediary loaSibiralrilnesem- lASTERS AUCTION SERVICECE ' , somehow got lost. Vlktori:oria said, children o u t ojf f there.”t ■ forcess outside.< "Maybe they/ brovm cross diat was a J board a jet, even , www.mastersauctlon.com .she wasn't very religious,is,butal- I Viktoria andd llher brodicr were didn’tt understandt or didntt a p riest a t d ie hospital,.“. I c T a c had a dcket for a sui ways wore die cross anywnywaiy — first h e ld In th(the main gym — know' w who was shooting, butt few small religious iconi IUNDAY, SEPT. 1 9 , 11:00AMM - — even while sleeping.------—rwhich-was-paclacked-widi-explo— diey-stlUstill all-were firing— bodi- I ext day, ^ e Interfa)^ petaIts & J f ( ^ Thornton, TWin Ritls ___ 1— the-windowsll!--alonf icy quofed“RuMia’s ' Apf During tite siege; the tht tiny sives — and dietli teenager said our (trocjo o p s ) a n d also th e terror- ppllances • Fum. • Colle^blesis ' - small menagerie of stuf r General Vladimir Lawawn • Garden • Shop • Sportingng cross becamc her talismisman of siie was certainin she would die if ists,"VlkVlktoHasald. m als. Ustinov as sasaying. She got oh T1mn-Nev»Ad:9-17 h o p e. ‘M th ree d ays 1 hheldltln e l Uieywentoff. V iktor;toria ran. She remembers 5 Viktoria once \vantededto be an the plane twotwt minutes oefore lASTERS AUCTION SERVICECE ■ m y h a n d a n d prayed;"’Viktoria Vi 'file siblingss latcr’movcdla to an die horrorror of escaping dirough . i . economist, but nowr plansp , to check-in closcosed,hesaid- , ___ iWWW,mastersauctlon.com adjacent room,m, and when Vik- die gymym and seeing the bodies s becomc a pediatrician, T h e s a mle e Iintermediary' also ,m ( he first explosion there — WONOAY, SEPT. 2 0 . 6:00PM I for m o d ie r w as prayinying too, toria heard die — some widiout arms orr And from now oh,1, Viklona' took a bribe>e fromii the other al- q r p a re n ts S ept. 3, as th e3 standoffsi spiroled legs — including those - of G eneral Auction. TWin Falls keeping vigil'widi other pi I said, sh e will b e In c hurch u n every leged suicidedo bomberI to get On Furniture •Appliances n e a r th e school. O d ie r rclrclad ^ (o its violent cncsnd,abombplanti friends.)Is. parents and teachers, Sunday, her cross overr herh heart a Volga-Aviaelacxprc^ flight, he CollectiblesCol • Tools • HouseholdId went to church servicesces daily ' cd near her didn'tdli go oir. She Atomo n e p o in t, Viktoria w as h kt w here it belongs. • ■said. 734-1635 • 731-4567 ■ .■■ ■ . V - -V : -IDAHO l AUCTION BARH ' www.auctlonsldaho.com

A f g h a n p^resident i esiscapesrockk e t a t t a c k pm H o MONDAY. SEPT. 2 0 , IHW i " O W c o m e ? - "TSjO'Am bra Family, Gooding KABUL, Afghanistan - ' -n iec ULf.S. ofTicial, w ho sp o k e to -lousehold • Cabin Cruiser 6oatIt ° . Blaine County dadad’s book gets himt) offi Ihe hook Tim es-New s Ad: 9-18 sallants fired a rocket ^ worlddin I brief , : . \ssociated Press on condl- A m cricon'helicopter taking "of anonymity,' said die'e S u nnday < in Family Lifef e ; "AllASTERS AUCTION SERVICECE ■ ■www.mastersauction.com. . ident. Hamid i&u^ai on i ;d States believed Parchln,1, l ______' foray into Afglionistan’s "ttoubiStro IAEA delega)'ates wrestle ' s"m:ieast to of Iran's capital,1, • ■ _____ ■ "riRIDAY, SEPT. 24, ItOOni provinces .’fliiu^day,- bul b it with Iran rese s o l u t l o n m, was being used to test ob & M aybelt W arbis; Gooding>9 missed and he escaped inJi explosives, possibly for u s e . Tr lH O R N T O N r iT Household • Stiop Karzai lias survived at V I0JN A .A U,usuia S ^ U.S. and nuclear weapons. ASTERS AUCTION SERVICE5C ■ , .• one previous attem pt oninhlsUfo. h Europe^ dlplo;ilomats tentadvcly ' www.mastersauction,com . Me made light of the= allack,a “Srecd -nmrsdaiday to demand a qu , S i m ^ f officer In Guantanamo 2miRDAY,SEPT.25,1:OOPM which renewed concernm about Ininlnn tofreeze oh uranium L ocaicatcd: Twin Falls, Idaho10 >y fall as diey Tine- hearing Frieda Hoffman, Jerome die U.S.-backed leader'sr's safely m ric h m c n l by I Ings urges dismissal From llie M agic VaJlOT RcRegional Mcdlcal C e n te r In IVtlnTW Falls, go 4 miles Fumiture • Appliances • amid Ibllban direaUi to der^ tuned a draft rc; resoludon meant . • N lUAN. i Puerto Rico. — west oti Hwy. 30 to th ec 9:93-30.)unctlon, then 10 ttilluslies south on'Hwy. 93 ijn-awn & Garden • Miscellaneous:S " ______. to th e 2900KX) lnters«?ction. tlicn 5/8 milellc wost.v ______th e OcL 9 p residential dec'lecdon. 'o deprive Iran■an of technology. -n,e prcpresiding officer in chargc T Im ra-N ew i Ad: 9-21 OfTicials drrested threeiree su s- i^ a t c o u ld bo uiused to make nu- oru.S.S. mr ilitary com m issions inn Sale Time; 11:00 a ,mn . ;______ILunch m served IqrKattnr MASASTERS AUCTION SERVICE: e clear weapons, ' www.mastersauctjon.com p e c ti ' . G uantaritahamo Day has recom- APPLIANCES said die ButnegodatlcIdons over die text mendcicied that two panel The U.S. military salt jI Whirlpool matching auio;jiomatic clothcs washer and dndryer - W hirlpool 15 SATVTURDAY. SEPT. 25, 10:30 am jper as it being prepared:d for the Interna- membe w rocket-missed the choppe ibers bc dismissed fromn cu ft rcfrlgeraior frccier -G- C E R V refrig eta to r-A m a n aI lo16 c u ftu p rlg n tfree z - AllI Am A erican A u c tk m Annual Fen approachcd a landingzon• 19151‘ and 1941 baby plates-rs - advertising ite m s EqulpmenL Eq Hunt Road, Eden - old table, lamp - (eweir■elry b o x e s - c o stu m e ( e w c1 l^ ^ -• sewing basket - joi„,tin Deero A Font Tractors • Comt>ineno I I art glass stem watc - pinkpir sherbcn dishes and glas T1mes-NoweAd:9-23 tu res - beveled m irro r - o< ld M o d el A tru ck fe n d e r - JM A AUCTIONEERS LAWN, QARDE»EN, SHOP & SPORTIIT I N Q IT E M S www,jmaauctk)ns.com Redwood patio fumitureire - 3 exercise bikes - pup»te tei m - electric c h o p — ^ u saw - gas space heater er - shot gun shell refoaderler - new rifle shell SATATURDAY, SEPT. 2 5 . ItOOPMM ’ ' ■ rclo ad er u n it - new "22-2j-250" b u lle ts for re lo a d in g - brassbi casings, *223, Liz Ram er, TWln Falls Congratulationsns! You've fotmd1 ttoday's Millionairlire n i Money! 22-2S0, 308, 38, 357* foifor reloading - plastic ammomo boxes - sleeping . Household Sale ' ' bags - 3Smm camera - camc corder - step stool -- 6ft61 aluminum step Tim es-N ew s Ad: 9-23 ladder - lawn and gaideiden tools - Coleman smokerKer - propane b a tb ^ u j k C lip only the bill•ill froii^ this ad and1 saves it to bid on grealeat prizes like a , cue - dog house - bugI zapperzs - trim saw - leaf blowilower - pickup slide , ASTERS AUCTION SERVICEX ; In gas ta n k to olbox - 2: HondaH 3 wheelers for partsts - 15 gal spray ta n k ___ Jwww.m8stersauction.com' car, boat, restestaurant and groceiyiry certificates, and mun u c h more! on wheels - survey .Irananslt - wood lathe - electricnic motor - 2 ditch cifi pumps - 2 new Ford picliilckup seat covcrs - small gunun rack • ^4mOAY,S£PT.26,11H)OAM red & Helen McClure, Jeromm e • HOU8EH JJESpAY,SEPT.2a,11rt)0AM “ . M' : > bread m a k er - badiroon>om scales and shelf - radios-s - clothes h a m p e r - “T O T S i cutlery set - heater - gamiunes and puzzles - cookie jari r - - TV trays-vases- iS*® lclre^*^?uS5 S ffl? i p ^ a n d o th e r hou se h o ld mis -wwwwwjMsteoaudl0n.0)m •mall: Jho!l6nem^k»alley.com dnFaiMD833M>^^ M Tlm of^ew s, IWtriwtn F ^ls. Idaho Ffidayi 5«ptembimber 1 7 .2 0 0 4

MORNIIjiNG BRIiAK Badm aan n efsffollow wvedding invitati(ion

DEAR ABBY:i receivedI ila w ed- •[ ■ : I historyiry nie. and finally confront-- ’ gay Your next iiiove shslit o u ld be —dinginvitation from lUnd;idy." th e ■' -J ini. to insist dial.y o ti andI youryoi hus- ___ sLster o f iny co-worker, "L•Lani.":r '■ '"■'-'m-:DKAR: :*orgesays it Ts just curiosi'iy'y' ban'd' consul; a nniiiafrlage"' don't know Undy persoiiiiliilly.but f ■ a th at h e is n ot gay o r l.iisexti-• counselor. . m I iissiim ed that luini hadd asked f** “ A B I 3 V Ie says he has never been T~ ~~U7 :'u her to invite my husbantn d a n d , a man, nor would he want1 ' DEAR ABBY: I am a 111-year- Jeanne lieorge did iidmit he hass old girl w h o w ears glasseisses. 1 vvas . . . 31 ip . J!m tne because we often soA,CAUR h a d “inadvertently" sen t nme the i^ira for her sistiister's bad man- nearss normalm and heterosexual, DliAR WISHING:7: T h a i's invitation thinking I \v:>s> »some-' ners, and don't't wv a ste tu n e a n d ' b e viev/ievving gay pornogniphyf sonietbiiig you and votv o u r par- o n e else slie knew. S he sjiiuiid she energy holdingg iia grudge. Since Web sitessin dail// . , ents should askyciur eye'L-ye doctor, h a d too m an y guesis. a n dII ithere- i you do n 't k nowvlJndypersonal- I: — TRUSTING INTEXAS> I recfCiUly read thai allalthough . . ' fore 1 was being uniiiviivited! I ly it's unlikely^ y o iir pad is will • DE/UEAR TRUSTING: B ecause>' doctors used to discour.ijur.igechil- ' '.responded 'graciously. ..even . cross again, .• . h e findinds.them interesdng anclI tlreii under the age ofaf 12I from ' th o u g li' I felt hum iliated,d . Lsini ■ ' ' ' ' excitinj!ing and is getthig sonie-• • wcjiriiigcoirtact.s. dielagebUrri- ag< n ever m entioned tlie stibjibjecfto’ DEAR ABBY:'Y: My busbaiid, thingoin ut o fit. Ilear in m in d t l i a1 t. er. has..recently been!ii irev ised m 9/17/04 . m e. "George." a n d I hhave been mar- beingg'gay .(i does nut prevent-aI dow nw ard d are expecting a personon Irom being religious,. ' If you are responsible:ii)le a b o u t ACROSS 40 -Ji Furlough 13 Goologiciigicol ' 4l'Nev. noighbor . Uy th e way, other co-wcivorkers ried a year and ji ■Iwere invited. Now I feel sistupitL baby 1 recentlyy idiscovered that marriecried, virile (or fertile), orr chores, school assignmm eients tiiul' 1 ■Pygmalion" SI S' Unidonliliod ' .periodsis 44 Loll on Iho " ptoywiigtil '. woman 21 Wordbolo/o bel . plalo VWas UiLs nide. o r is this kikind of he has' beenn viewing gay "normamal" in. appearance. Yourr y o u r g room ing, I see no reaso n p Inoian t.iio ol . . 54 0‘ Somms and ' boot or>rjump ju 4G Jack Of Pairick ||thing n o big deal^ pornography cevery day for iiusbanland may be so deeply clos-• you wouldn't he respcisppnsible tospoet . , Lazarus 25 OHiciotoito aito; a 48 FuiioitfQos ______: — LEFTOlDUT1N^_ tiioniiis.on our.lir.hoine coniput:.,. eted.. tthat _he hasn t evenI eiiotjgli u> h an d le c'oniacntact lensi ____ _ ------tO-Trnvol------—58;5« Washington :~27 Tb aond : . . ------50-trnioio------^------r - ' documoni. , Sq. ThoBlor 20 _ d o lorcoIon . 5t Ouling . LOUIS>SVILLE er. I have intcke:ked it using the aclniiitcilled to himself that lie's> • es. 14 Elophanlino 59 65 Sun loo long 29 AlpmoI warblew: 52 Comic-Sltip ' 1 5 Oodgo 63 6: BTU poet. 31 Gntdnorilerol ' orphan ■ ^ le Nieo . 646‘ Navy SEAL. 'Mognmbimbo" . 53 Madonna rolo S 'g.tllhofKJ-> o.g. 32 Umofinocnod.' 55 Waierod labnc ^Stray envelq? p e Tauruiis’attractitiveness sbi)othes otheiers 17 SKip 65 6! Sotling 33 Childishsh ' • 56 Sean of Tho IB Sing Sing 66 6( Cairo's tivor 35 SoundI Lord ol lhe « * . il- SEiP'riiMBlilBUR 17 IS YOUli I------^ luilies now. Spend on Kometbingson Ouanots •67'6‘i Tako Iho proportyrty , Rings" Jyields check^ BIRTHDAY... . yoyoit have likely . _ that shows ofl your besti( mimiii-s. .19 Involvodin '. whool 37 Chorgodo d ' 57 Soarehos lor ^ reaped the benelitefitsoriifeiakinga . H|- c) r c ).sc : o p i > SCORPIO (O ct. 23-Nt:;-Nov. 21): 20 NYC Iinanci.l1 6S 6£ _ mo Rod particio0 60 For all limo £ Now is the lim e lo seekc an accord ‘ disiriel' G9 Young odull 36 . Born inn Fi France 61 Woodwind . 1 ' luni fur ihe.heitetiter, by being lion- , 22 Wido smilo 70 7C Sitos lor 40 Run int IhiIhe 62 Blundors for $15,000 cst am i tnie. liiuiiu ncirpnijecistliat JCFileraldlne Saunders w ith sm iieone if there are m dled 23 Docoillul . somo soloa wast) need a spark ofeenthusiasm n in the feathers lo sm ooth. Apolojlologies are . perso n ' 71 7i Yearnings SALUM, Ore. (AI>) —- ieff vo. R i^ii imvv you ‘ '...... likely to be accepted, annd d you> can 24 0«aw8oH. o oi in fnllnw tinth e rules, but tlie ofsussociFiociates. It’s tim e to treat otli- .overconie past clilferenct.•nces vyith • 08 liquid ' •OOWN .|sl£|*B.P■"JE’f i h l i u h l o ip l .lAl Dat\vyler Di found lots o f loc the litter. next few weeks arean a goml tim e to ers lo> luiicb liii and be generous, widiI wr\- linle cHon. CiifisolgocI good taste 20 Poachy kooni V 1 Exhibits » I MMO !'ct without restnitniint and follow colleagiiiigu'es. niitke great pcace offeringsings. 30 Wandor about • ' -2i Mortal ■ A lm o a LL ■ L lr l f °U m T A few w eeks Jigo, D atv t'vyler gujj.,ncL. pmvrtivklcti hj' oJhere., CANCkNCEH (/u n e 2J-;uJy 22):r SACMTA;{IU5 (Nov.V. 22-D 2 ec. 31. Vory dry 3 3 Quick on s » s ,LLL ih oiight h e w as just b eing i .34 Plant onenof. ono’s loot' 1 E eim M At ille hcgimiiiiKlg (o f th e ^ 'ar, you I'.ven if if othersi im pose nilL's. you.I. 21): W lien the world is blublue, yoiir 36 Roloouo 4 4 Marsh L *lP lsW^7 C | |-n|7|Dldg y ilttm ■ ' scisciehtious,about picking1 “P.'J.i miclit find yourstr soul m ate if you are lookDokiiig' for creative wa>-s toI sparkling siiiile is a vvelconi:onie sight, eaicti 5 S Ctlshooi group lolslolM . lD lljlD f^llE lsI Sirstn iy e n v elope o n th e stree- e t s o f ' are single, but if i f )you are ttlivady use thenbum 10 your ad%’antaue. YouI You m ay have sevenil plea.'ileasant re- 39 Moving Uuck 6 6 Moinlojn |H * |D |E |P | ' Siilein. Sil panofahapiiytwcw osonie it m aybe are aIiw live wire’ loday an d full ofeii- minders that you are loved-andlov» 40 Oiva's room 7 7 Hearty male? p [ o But dien he 0 |)en ed uip p th e tim e to start a fail'iimily o r just bask tliusiiusnasmfortlielate'stfad. . valued today . • . 42 Shoe pan 6 6 Morkslimo '[ H a l i P B 43 Profoundly 0 fl Rouse 10 . .' sM■ 7 to o 7 s t f B x s H .envelope .tin — a n d fou n d a clch eck , in lhe apprcn-al ofo f thosei who hold • LEO0 (July ( 23-Aug. 22): To be :it ■ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-lJ>2-Ian. 19): ' disturbing action . P ^ O l^•p l£ Wl 'e'p W ? * s s o fo'forSl5,(X)0. the strings i« vourur success. • your best,be you must bow .your, Your \wiy o fdoiiig thingsgs receivesri ■ ■ 45 Spin opart .10 .10 Singor.Sarah e l ' ° E "I U iouglit. ‘M an. tills is uun re- ARIES (Mar 21-21-Apr. 19): Make head to to the rulL>s. A heiglitenL'dI apiirowu Hiclay Being conscien­ coi .46 Frank Hotbon 11 11 GIMhocull LuwibLbydrb al.”' sa id Dai\vyler, Saliiilem 's plans for the iinnnimetliaie future in feelinglg oft ambition migiii gnibI tious and accunite makesces jyou tlie sei-ii classtc 12 12 Passive lA fwlQlElij lor. “1 coordination wilhlb Iothet^-'iodayis hold, aani nd people ma y expect youI apple of someone's eye.ye. A w ild 47 Ftoshly. . prolost . urbanuri design coordinato: knewkn someone would bl‘ nmiss- perfect diiy to'(I'Iind a helpmg to be mnir ore tnisines.sliKe. Work out -• urge to spend iiuHKy 'oon n som e- inginf it b ig time." hand. (3oiini o n1 tliosetli close to be - detailsIs byh being generous nidier thing wiiinisical couldId deligiiti Oatwyler took tiie ciiecl'ck to forgiving and kindind. Ujve matters, thanplclp lc w ■ someone close. , (GO (Aug.23-Sc>|it.22): Miike th e b an k , w here stafl' figiUin*H could befixed nowow. . VIRGC AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-l-eM-eb. 1»): 1 ofi'erings now and apprise S l e d d oo j g s r u n a t 220 m ph; out sj it belonged to retS S ’.y 'IAURUS(Apr.2(-.20-Muy20): Peo- pe:icc ol ' .Rubbing shoulders witliill thtl e rich pie find your attnttnictive c]unlities otherss ofol your plans. Be clear and and famous could appeal>eal to you W illiam M. G oods. re likely to forgiv’e concisese about j your needs and de- tocby, hut close associatesiates could -ioods ' b i r d s s q w a r n i n g "iAt tliat exjict moment. GcJUUUS yQ^ a,anydiing if you sires, bothboi w ith business panners be in a serioiis moodJ aiidai not i q u a w k e d V was at another bank prcpa m ake a sincere efliefTon to make up and loveoveci ones. Your m oney can ready to party ■ ______to d e p o sit, his S15,000 check cli for problenw.m Beautify your growifyou if y make long-term gojils PISCES (Rl). .l9.Mar.ir. 20):21 1(0 ------—Thcspecdofugo1 good tlog teaih ■ "... thert;. u n aw are tliat it w a s trmiss— - siirmtmclingsoriir'improvx*youraf)- -‘ tiprioriij 7—niahtie-.-l'antasies-~coul:ould - b e —— ~ a n d a' dccen t sleded is about 20 ' in“ing. . pejirance. E(s 'w orked with ..i varietyely of 8 p .m . . say that their work wc has in- Urin Barren B(. and Jack Miiim ° r ____ _ small busine:lesses and;currently con:onducis small business; ssem inars nationally. You'llVoi creased over th e Isisilast sbc m o n tlis am bv reached n ar wwinbatlh i“ 9 3 -j take away and that they hadn'tJn ’t u sed all d ie raonicom,tntpanion.com. iSubscrib^ 733-09: vivaluable'.marketing tlpiayl

^ WHEN: Fri, OclOctober 8, 7:30 - 9:30 amI HOW: Reserve yiyour seat todayl ^ WHERE: CSI-F•Room] 17 • Shields fildg.I E-moil [email protected] or complete theI formfon ® (building direciectly eost of Taylor Admin. BidBidg} and fax \ito: 733-4224, ATTN: Tina Congratula)lations! You've fon3und today's Millio.ioiiaire III Money For questions, caCOII735-3205 y- COST: Sl 5.000 fper person Clip only theth bii! from this adi iand save it to bid on>n great prizes like a\ . car, boalSat, restau ran t and gr grocery certificates, aniand much more! CALU E-MAIL ORDR lFAX TODAYI RESERVE YOURJR SEAT TO GET TIPS ON HOW TOIro BE MORE SUCCESSFUL IN YCYOUR BUSINESSI

jTheTim es-N E:'i e w s ’ ^ ...... : . Fax Io: 733-422224, ATTN: Tina / NlakeMeA ^ 2 0 S04~^ NAME ______BUSINESS__^___ CITY/ZIP ______m 2004 I ADDRESS _____ i / i PHONE fax ___ ' ______E-MAItML-______■ . . life Plus. . .. ) y ou'll get valuatable seminar hamidouts and entere:red intoi a drawing forf( FREE ads anddservices! s,Sponsored By: s pfonsoredby a ‘ r a c l e - E a r " f T T T n r FIRST iTheiimes-lN Promotion endsis DDec. 4, 2004. No purchase* ncccccc'SMr)'. For Millionaire 111 money,iey, send handw ritten SASE to O FEDERAj Millionaire Auctions.Dns. ThtfTmics-Ni;ws, PO Pox: 548.54 Twin Falls, ID 83303 witiiinn 3 1da y s of publication of money. ■ Opening today: I n s i d e R e e ^ Withcrspooo o n ■ ■ ' Eveni■nts ...;....C2-3.5 , stare in \&nicy Fair.air. ,• •; ■ Movievies ...... 04.6 , . Page>C4 C _ w ^ E E ] ;m d k . E . Fean/ra Editor. Stax COwnp^733^»31^^

'I’hc Times-Ne'le w s Fridayi Scpiptem ber 17, 2004 S e c tioi n n i C '

- b e t s in entertainniim e n t ^

s 7

______MllwauV^■ukaeJQumal.Sentlnel------p SpringtimeI 'soneof le / sose matches for Hitler thoiopposites ' ' ' ' -ii A T h e national courinf ofoat seems duction of Mel Brooin g p ro - t h amake t . rollicking musical nseprilyin ,Produoeis” ^ p lay S" la^ y d ie . Moiiison Center on iospect,like ' campus of Boise Sta'on the retT(ocolate and versity tonight, SatuiState Uni- c h Oanut ' butter. night and Sunday ni p e}ple a love the spectacle of night: -^P^pp,BS like "TVoy," which cost movieslmch to maice a prpflt. C ountry jam too.mucd the top movie of the ner was the digitally anl- n , Andd "Shrek t 2." A benefit jam sessiol y summei why not combine die curing C o u n ^ Classjion, fea- mated , . So ii-watering wl special ef- g Tiitielinc, Pockecchiassies, mouth-'of thc first with die ■ . ^ nutty goodness of the ; | MilesttDne/SwamrollichanEC. ol ^ virtual r Pure Country, Renejoiler, ■ other?11. som eone did, and it's I I "Sky Captain and the ■ and U-Tum,'will beneg.de I ,: . Jll,;ioflb morrow." I . Twin Falls’M oriiam5e h e ld a t Worldmbinlhg ol traditionally ■ , ■ _ Comtn ercial.... conventlons_:_H SteakhouseonSund necessity-is-the-modi- _ _j.___ comme:invention Independent ternoon and eveningindayaf- with neideas, "Sky Captain," StStat»4f-tha art special effecsets create an alternate realllallty In this scene from Paramramount PletiJras' new schfl fli er-of-in\ film ’Sky Captain and the . Proceeds wil go towtng. nim 1 id( opens in theaters na- World Wi of Tomorrow.' The movovie It sot for release today.y. ■ We today, could change ■ bringing thc Idaho-iwnrri ^ ' which o UonwId<>oth worlds do business. ill Guard troops homjNanon- • how botIdi relatively inexpen- quipment and easy and ' im e . lable technology, inde- ^ • sive equ affordabsnt filmmakers for.die... i . . pcndencIme have the capability I nrst timiate films that rival” stu- ' to creatc»re, said Kerry Conran. , vriter-director of "Sky dlo fare, C/ >T .AI n lin." : the wriI inevitable” that Holly- Captain. % s wili ir appropriate "some ■ wood3 wi same techniques we ' of thebecause s it \vi!l allow y (o do the sam e thinj^ I used be D irector loj them,r.Jw (o less money,” Con- -L >gs for far. fi ran said.; what diis dilrtysome- Michigan native done?, 11, he may have rein- Q d the wheel. •on to w hat:may , iron has created a film ich all the elements ex- D are tio b e stl Justhe w actors, and anything thing nitcnictMi with, was creat- bethefiitui U WeitdAlYankovic,.tl Well,icornputer. ire : I fbtemost song parodi . vented! d actors were then Conra1 against a blue screen the M T V era, ™U p t In whichh-deOnition video and >CUplCl cept dieslements were com- o f f i l m m aIdng l Utah State FairpaikI i ® (Left to rigright) Angelina Jolla as Frank;inky, Jude Law as Sky CaptainIn and Gwyneth Paltrow . ■ ■ diey Iritc Lake City Saturdayrthe r edinaciIS like the "Star Wars": as Polly In 'S ky C aptain a h d th e Woricorld of Tom orrow ,' els make some use of and the Big Easy Cbi liliio Stechniques, a : and their HisI movenients v^ere prciro- en, acdon-film juveniehilia,"Sky House in Boise on p lay th e in high-«r, George Lucas, "is re- grammed gra into a com puterrto t Captain" souncls likeke m o re of ‘Sky Captain ancId the Ible for paving die way create cre a character, like Go!tol- , thesam e. Thursday. k i n & l t - S L tople ' like me, who took Ium lun in tlie "Lord of the Ring:igs’^ ' It's die. story cifif a pilot, Worid of Tomorirrow’ y n i ^ t Filmsle did and ran widi It." films. filn played by Jude Law.v.ancfare- a •.Who’s InIt? It? Ju d e Law. Gwynth Paltrow, AngelinaAr Jqlle: . prequelsnsaid. . : "Wldi" -World of.Toiiioior- porter, played by Gwyneth C • What’a tt: ratMrat t? PG. i n c e r t such tecfor such Aims, h e row.’ rov we're still in ' th e Paltrow, on die trailUofamad c .wh.n’tlnpIn playlnf? 1WIh Cinema. Centurjury Cinema of Burley, live-acdon realm in diat It creator,:. "diey< sdll physically livs it’s scientist who w ^tsnts 10 de- sklTlmoClnmnemas of Katchum and JeromeB Cinema,I to shoot on location live live actors perform ing'' sal'old stroy die world, I j r sponsibli BU co7 It's great eye cendy, butt ae lousy story. . for peop:ley still physically build Conran. Coi "But we did avravay While it looks likeke It takes ‘ •'“““ I™! w hat he witwith eveiything else. Unlesess place in thc 1940s, itusesfia-it Conrans. it takes three months the the aaors physically toucheled turistic technologicgies, like But if dieB nnarrative Is die ’What: wouldw Orsori Welles do But ot fl the movie." . , it Ito or interacted widi it. it litei:er- laser beams, Jet paciicks. rock- sniff of comicUc Ibooks and Sal ■ . If he wasvn making a sciencc- le other extreme is the al^w as not there." ets and submerslblIbles that urday . morrorning serials, fiction1 filmI of dial era? What travel ling to digitally anim ated Thei film has 2,000 specialIal- place It ih the realmllm of sd- Conran's, des:ieslgn elemenis would1 it1 look like?'" Conran end they*olar Ejqiress," in vh ich effects efft shots, the samm e -ence-fiction. (Iraw on thee flfllm noir of th e ' said. sets. lanks was rigged up to num nui ber of shots In the entirtire Basically, it is aI nostal^c n period. ■ "I’d uy to put myself in the film. Conran said. tt ■ Andts it called m otion-cap- Bin look at a futuristic; pastp that. "At dmes. IdevendiinkofltId shoes ofc a filmmaker from to shoottnsors. I , . In Il a world of fantasy-driviv- never existed from the perspective pe of. that crara." At the upcomln "-nie Poll Tbm Har devices > Please sir, m oi . . ture sens T h e touring Broadvva production of Lionel! iireelslaiindpark: hosts InndianHsarvest Fi^estival musical “Oliverl" will CanyonCai County, will host itiu die United Nationallal Indian "We’ll also3 havehi a rafQe and from noon nc to 4 p.m. Admis- firstfirs Harvest Festival, ia Trlb^ Youth from the th Duck . a. silent aucdctdon," said S ^ . sion is»S6 S per car at die Three S ^ t Lake Qcyls Capil NNSFERBY— A gath- fUnfundraiser for Its upcomlnjIng . Valley Indian R eserervations, first vice presldcident of die Red Island1 CrossingC State Park en- Theater toni^t, Satuw a y of speakers, singers, WbWinter Powvraw, schedulew. For n e l B a i t i more infonnation. call n i^ t and Sunday nig entativesofoll the Indi- Saturdw's S gathering wUvUl perfbrmancebytheRi! Red River scheduled fbrsrDe&llatCald- I SamatiIt (208) 455-7584 or Lori vill p la y Thi Tlmi:Ions In Idaho will take IndInclude raute, Sho^ohene, Singers. weUHlghScho:hool, Is expected liebenanau at (208) 585-6006. Saturday at Three Is- BorBannock, Nez Perce, ^ a c hhe, e 'Ineyll present tratraditional to draw repres*resentatives from Thereire were 27.i237 Ameri- For dmes, dates ipitol ■ GLENtcateParic CoiCoeur d'Alene. Lakota. Tu[l>* powwow songs, accoicording to mimy Indiann tribeso to dance can Indians I in ' Idaho, . Red Rtver Powwow As- lallilallp, Ute, Chippewa. Ylichchi Ron Sam, a membei3er of the and storytell)lelling com ped- • accord!;ding to the 2000 Census and details, SSSrnlon. a Native American ancana Oneida. Taiute tribe who is oneon of the tions. . — aboi■out 2 percent o f th e li^t lepresenial group based In Uiere 7 wlU be dancing byb organizers of the even-ent The Harvest^ t FestivBl runs stated: population. p see Events Spotli^ an natior place Sat on pages C2-3,5 land Stati H ieR e sedation . cultural V l ig h t w c-2 Tlm6»^ow8.TV*iTWln'Fall*. Idaho Frfday, SeptemI»ml>erl7.2004 W eek:EE n d PhiTI Vassair wiU (do two) showi«in Jaackpot; tonigliht tion ofM ciB m oks’ •■The PPr roduc- Abravanel Mali;i; For F ilckei infor- culturaltral event, from'noon to 4> at 8 and 10 p.m. at Cactusctus'Pctes T o ’ D r J t T] crs” will play die M o r^ o n1 C C enter___m dt|.on._call_/\riAr* J O x .a u tB O i) _ p . m ^-aiJThi^Island a i Crossing-y Ppcnrt Pficfnn tn int. *'-n rltP K , ■ ■ b n iliccanipus of Boise StatiateU fl. 3'55-2787.Abfavaivanel Hall is locat- State: rtirk. -The event will feature2 which arc $25, $30 andid $35,S can vx'Riiyat flp.m .'nckcts, whihich tire e d a t 123 SouthiV^^esiTbmple. W speakerkers, singers, d rum m ers a n d1 . bc reserved by phoningaing- (800) . s:J5. ilO , S^5, $50. S55 an(md S60, dancerscrs from iribes including Uie; 821-1103. cun Iw reserved by phoning an . Paiute,le, JShoshone,' Bannock,- Nez ^ :E 1 A Seat at (20B) 426-1494, onlSl.i'S;. T h f ter/Utah ^ A e. Apache, C oeur. d ’Alene, -h 3roadwayproducr pcfce, i I Country/Buhl 'litip://wvwv.idaliotlckeU.co: ta, lUlolip,. Ute, Chippewa, at Alhcnson's in'IW in Fails.r-',,o r„ rsr‘1 Bain's m usical Johimy U and U-liimmwillplay u try/Declo , ^ ’‘Ollverl” ,wUl pitpluy lh e C apitol Yuchll and ai Oneida, and.dancing> from 9 p.m.. to 1 a.m.'m .a tT lS 'H icatcr ini Salt La)Lake Clly ai 2 p.m.. .byUnlunited NaUonal Indian "IWlial I'Ugith'cs. will play from i) . flR o c k /B o ls e I Lounge. No cover chargfiarge. T I’s ■ . and 8 p.m. Tickeiscis.w hlcharcS 30, YbuUi1 fromfi Duck V^ey Indian 11 a.m .ai Sliakcrs, N o co \x t ‘ Lounge is locatcd a t 112112 Broad-! . Emory, Brazil, From, Fll an be reserved by Heservalrvaiion. Cost Is $6 p e r car at •. ShJikcrs Is locattjd at 826' i, F lrtl to , S3S andS4S.,can I 'wayAvc.S. Lost and Name Tbkcn rfU play phoningArtTixaiai (801) 355-2787. lh e Trhrce hn Island Crossing State ayai; , ,.t : •The V e n u e 'a t 7 p.m'. Tlinckets, Tlie Capitol Theateater is located at Parkentenmince For morc informa-; Var|ety/TV»ln ftilss' which are SIO, can b e reservirvedby SO West 200 Southjih. ., . Uon, calcall Lori Liebenau a t (208) Couhtry/Jackpkpot Karaok<)ke/Twln Falls Sphoning (HOO) 905-4027; onlinline at 585-600!^ 5 o r Ron Sam at (208), Swamp Cats will playloy fromI 9 • loke vvith Lone Star liiiler- . htip;//www.ilck(jtweb.c6m. 'i' p.m. to 1 a.m. at The Oo:Oasis. No ill do tw«) shiAvs, : P'anetarluin/li/f\vln Falls ^ss-tsb-'584. ; i'iiil ViLsnir will i; rnt will he featured from AiAtkinson's Mtirket ih Ketc cover charge. -The Oasis5 Is locatcd1 ' at H iiiul II) |i.ni. ill 3 B road "The G rcaicstn \W onders o f th e at 1007 Blue Lakes Blyd.I.N. N. . ii.toJ2::M)a,m.atthel’it). 'ilie II Venue Ls locatcd at 5231 ntry/Jackpot ItcMiri lliisitu) inI )<■(lackpoi.-nckcis, . Iiil), No cover chargc. 'H ie ,St. . St •U n iv erse" willI 1be shown at COUntr wl«ch iliv S 3 . SlHlS».i, ulS:i5,«,n r.Clul) is locatcd ai l.'iiy . • FauUuicr Planet;letarlum at the ; PhUVU v W w vviil dp vwQ show^, Piease see EVENTS,rs,PageC3 P . ‘ l)erosmvtll)vi)lUHi «,„i..|!.((ll»l)IKl- ■ :lyltaicl. R o c k /U ta h Herrett Center Toifor Ans and Sci-, ' cnces at Uie Colic>llcge of SouUiem • ClrclcIerksatidG:B.H.wil«11 per- Idalio at 7 p.m. 11c ■gllj K araokeike/TwIn Falls ro llckcts. w hich ore Rock/Twin Fall • form nt the Velvet Room itin Salt S4 for adults, S3» for senior eld- oke will he featured from 1 a.tii. at 1 li UlablcalUiedoor. ' I I ;i™. , U„il|ic.. 'lliell Klover Kiub Is locnt- Inlng Smith's Tix ai (000} HHfl.Ja-’ITXX Children un d er 4 are not admit-. H |H | . ('(ivvr d w rK c Js 15-J.■l.lbiltaslliitT_^.j„,lilH., I 12-MiiinNr— ------o-o t r online*-at-http://wwvv^si«5mUh~’teU: ------isliii;iilL‘(lai i:*! I'oiil(nirthAvc..S. ------, is a bi-monthly Sundajay feature containingr stbc.com. T h u Velvet Hoo3 o m Is i located at ISSWesi 200 Soul information thatat is im portant .to I K a rao k e e /B u h l , S atuIRDAY . . Country/Buhl our senior citizizens, including , ' . Karaokt3kc will he featured from li-’l um will playly fifrom 9 p,in. to a;3 o p ,n.r toj, 12;30a.m. at Oaribiil* Country/Utah ” Health • Medicare • TVavon/orC/t£nnBr^im^m can be reserved. by plic,S! Q k e / R u p e r t cji Falls Karaoke Smith’s 'Ilx at (»00) im - O K J th e Suntnday Variety/Twin Fa . Kroakerm. at Uicllie Blue Ilotini. No cover VVam'iWj Springs Avc., ed at 1300 East 9401400 SouUi. Uriuii) diincc musii■Kici^bcfea- Tlic Blue Hoom is located ^ iiireti at 9 p.m. at aiasoreSpons,CJi remoniAve. . Classical/Utah (J| Festival/Glennn n s.F e rry ►wwovir Associa- r a H:ir iiiul NiKlitclub. C Utah Sym phony will perijrform ^^ver Powv Call Kash at 735-33111 or U nda at 735-3291!91 is S.'). ClKLsers Is Iocsocaicd” t IMS T h e a tes r/ r /B o ls e , AaAaron C opland’s Tlihti Symjn p h o - its'{irst Harvest . l-illmorcSt.N: T h e tourluring Broa

g t t i HH r liS S j LUNCH I castdnf I a C h o i c e I . &DINNERerbuffeMS g . , ' ' . [ 0 ' O U R M C mriNC N ROOM Chinlese BiSato?" HAS SEATINCINC FOR UP BAR, GRAND -TO ISpPEiPEOPiEi BUFFETiMONCC I . FRESH SAL/AD D BUFFET AND C(COMPLETE MENUU EVERYDAY! Si B ESrW tU flced tea,:a, coffee or hot tea A U & ‘ B l LWAYS included with nmeal | I I . HIGH QUALITY FOIOOD ‘BESTR■flEC/PfS for Wild Ga ■ ffiSEsigIM I •FR E SH I Jame Dinners = I •C 0 «iVENIENT \ Iocaiion anand parking • EXPERERIENCED COOKINGGSTAFF I ! TAKE OUT an,nd DEUVERY I 1 iSU ffiSSiiSK BM K S'<• M( OWH [Man fWU^’ Op«iDiiity1l(lo n -9 p n ^ 1719 KIMBERIY ROAD kes Blvd. N . • Twin Fi B FiidoytSmiriltJoy'UMO M TWINfAlLS.IPaaol!y M g m a i i . , 735 Blue Laki Falls. 734-6578

MONOOUAN lAlHfOUt L MNIPVYMOHCOtlANKOUIC 9 “^ • V ' . 4 , V ■» OfENTA^WMaMlYl^ V ' WRUar.SeptMnlwrl7.2004 V1n»t«M.Ty*lW n l,lie. S . & BeerTdsling begijin s a t 6 : 0 0 p m 10 p.m. « t'llic C hadw ick I S ckBarand stlx.com. Thc.iie. Lo-Fi Cafe-is- c •, vriU p r e s e n t Joe D ip je i •Grilltf, 1,35 Main S t.' , U M D A Y 55 M u s i c aand l finger foods beginin.at:7:00pm ^ ^ : located at 16515 !South West Tem- ■ Jimmy Roberts’ '*1 llo' p ic. • You’re P e rfe c t, N o w C htirilingi:"al7 ' LfUve Music By . Country/Decli) Couhtii h t r y / U t a h p.m. in Uie festival’s jut , Tlic Fugitives will playlay from 3 R ock/U tahh Jessioisicai Andrews will sing tliatt ater on Boise’s east ehd.i i l t S S ^"TheSSfieepwfiisperers"'^percatw I ^jfffl p.m. to I a.m. al ShaktakcRi. N o ‘ L os L o b o s wiJ U tali S la te FiU rpark in Siiltt ,wliichareSlflandS26.cu,canbe.re* . RfcfcH BBsllar, M ari Williams. I covcr charge. Shakers ISis .loI c ate d . A m p h ith e a te r ir C ity a t 4 p .m . T ic k ets, w h ic h1 served • by plumingng (2 0 8 ) - . . Didd Diamond I a t Q2G Higliway Ul. . ■ . ' 7 p.ml lickets.'s. wiiich are S12.50 1 ^1 “';'10, c a n b o re se rv e d hy ph o ri-. 335-9221.TlieamphiUieiiiCiiterLslo- \ Jfidiv^ua{ y 5 and S17.50, airKin be reserved by Ing.amiiimidVsUx at (800)-8HH*nxX( •: c a te d a t 56 5 7 W arm SpriniringsAve. BfOUgfltfitioyou by: II;::' Dance/TwIn FaUs p h o n in g Sm ith'sth’sTix.at(800)008. nline at http://www.smith*' online at o m . T h e U tp h S ta te F airpark; Theat^i/Utah ; ' ■ , ' s» « a 0 e M o u n t aain G rill * Urban danccmusicwill a te d a t 155 N o rth lO C O W ^t. lured at 9 p.m. at Chasers imithstix;com. The «'ocate • IT ie to u r in g B roadway Iproduc- ■ together wit,ith- ■ ■ Bar an d NiBlitclub. Cover itheaterislocatedat. , . tion of Lionel Bart’ss imusical . ^ is S5. C hasers is located t and Washington Varietyety/Tw in Falls ■‘Oliver!’’ will play thc1C Q ipitol ^ at 1539 Boulevanl. kerbs Oil Cominpa n y's g FUlmore-SuN. A benbenefit jam session, featur*. TlicatcrinSaltUkeCityj!tyat7p.m. , C- kiuntry Gassics.Tim e Line,, Tickets, which are S30,), S35S and ' QS t o g i e s W m e fe a tu re d fro m . ■ 5$2 Additional Line3 ' karaoke/Burley Idaho Shakekespeare Festlvai I. to 1 a.m . at llic M over Klub . F>ubl K araoke will be featurecite d fro m w ill p r e s e n t JoiJoe DiPietro and gc. I l i e M o v e r K lu b is locat* ib llsh ed in Ag W e ekkly, A uto Shopper, 4 0 2 M a in N 8 p.m. to midnigiit at1 tliIhe 610 Jimmy Robertsrts’ “I Love You. ^d at 402 . inteternet and W heels5 Club. ’Ilie 610 a u b is loaiocated at - You’re Perfcct;; NowN Change” at 8 ' 1054 Overland Ave. p.m. In the festestivai’s amphidie- Tlieatei t e r / B o l s e PlPrivate Party Only!'! ater on Boise'ss easte end. Tickets. -mee to u rin g B ro a d w a y produc* Karaoke/Burley . w h ic li a rc S24 a n d S32. can b e re* do n of Mel Brooks "The phoning (208) Producei Krookers K araoke will b jw rs” wiU play tiie Morri* ""’'■'/S"; 33M221.'rKcanamphidicaterlslo* : ci^sifiFieds tured fram 9 p.m . lo 1 a.m. A/arm Springs Ave. ilivorside. No cover chargiS c ? ™ " lUvcrside is located ai 197 ____ w ;iv30W. ____ _ C lasslcal/UU t a h Utoli Symphoho iw will perform , Karaoke/Decio Aaron Copland’s „ I . ny at 0 p.m. in .Salt Lake City's ^ ^ ^ S p r i m Kroakers Karaoke wli,11 hhe fca- yfi„viincl lIoU.II. For ticket infor- • . tured frorn a p.m . to I a.m. H m a tlo n , c a ll •Art -A. Tix at (801) Big iCaliunn. No cover charg q • 355-2787.Abravoivanei Hall is local* Big Kahuna is located'aiI ‘‘I y . cdat 123SoudiVh West Temple. • M ain. . • >priht PCS Vision \ •• Theater/U talta h ’icture Mail Phone Karaoke/Rupert Broadway produc* ^ ': Moonlight Madness ' ‘n i c to u r in g B r tion o f Lionelel Bart's m usical «8200 - ■ will b c featured Trom 9 p.n p.m. to I ■'oHverl" will.. plplay the Capitol . ly Sanyo' ' • a.m. at the Blue fioom. No No coyer n^cater in SaltLLake City at 2 p.m. chiarge. Tlie Blue Room isIs Iclo c a tc d a n d O p ,m .n c kkets, e i which are $30. al 613 Frem ont Ave. S35 and S45. caram be' reserved by. 49.99 phoningArtTixai>cat (801)355-2787. I .aheraS200 Theater/Bolse I ■ J T lie C a p ito l T lieIieater i is located a t.' ' UNiuM . instant savings. *riie louHng BroadwayI* ppr ro d u c - 50 W est 200 Souti•util. , I Preferred credit tion of “Mel • Brooks" • " T h e ^ • LOC:a l a n tf YTIME customers only. • Producers*’ will play Uie;e Morri- f Planetariumn/Tw / in Falls son Center on the campmpus of • ‘-Space JammIm ln”will b e show n Boise Slate University at 2 '‘ 2p.rn. at Faulkner Plorlonelarlum in tlie and 0 p.m.*nckcts,' wlilch ar MINJUTEC/AILING i^ S J5 . Herrett Center‘ onOl thc cam pus o f ' . $40.S45.$50.$55andS60.c S' w ■^"CoII.^eofSoSouthem Idalio at reserved by phoning Select < Photo Impressit I ions fromn Farcountry i Press \-M ■ ■ , Yellosllowstonc Impressions “ . ‘ '=7^rsry*«5> '\'^S ) fCff) (SS) !/ Frt'd PJltiglwfl HImVER Jolin in the Wyoming photogrzg ra p h e r w h o JUSTr ^50 PERR MONTH• ■ c o)unts u r Yellowstone Nation:mal Park as his • 'S b aickyard c k and enjoys outdoid o o r recreatio n Add Natlonviwide Long Distance forir justji ^5 more per month, C calling area are therelere during all four seasono n ■ 1. Calls outside your local c; only ten cen' 1 the PCS.network. Other n m ts per m inute while on tl ir m onW y charges apply. SeeSi below.** 80) pages.pr 9 118” X 8 U8" $9.95 _ / Calling includaii9t Vallay. Wasliington. Payaits, Gmio«n. Canyon. Malhauc. Ada. Owyat, El me. Lincoln. Blaine, MIftidaka. U tah( a h Impressions . I. Elmore, Gooding. Twin Falls, Jerome C«t»la.Pow«r.Binghigham. Bannock. Jatianoo. Onoida.ia. Bonneville.G Madison. Frsmcmt. and i:he.in'counties, and FrsnUin. 10 & Sox Eder, and Cach< By yS Sieve Mulligan & Stephethen Trimble Instant savins>»quiquires ln*sioro purehasa and aclivalivation of a new line ol service. From ro r Mount Ogden tp theie dramatic fo>rmations m of Canyonlandsids and Arches, . fro'em n the striking Red Moui9untainsand thie e austere San Rafael Desccserttothc . 3ol waters of Glen Canyoi:on, these pho- . tbs presentp many, diverse la n d sc a p e s o f . ■ U tah in all seasons. fiilJ color pages, 8 1/8" x 9 1/8" $9.95 ■ Idahiaho Impressions • ■ >V ^kfaho B i,u( Lelattd Hoivard' - — Certified1 IPCS Vision*'" Specialiaiists, for com plete demonstrations:dc \ Intcrspersed te r with thc breathath tak in g . land!ndscape and nature photoJtos are images ^ S p r i nint Store- conVinveying some of Idaho's's culturali his- rw «*e— r t w i n FA IISs 11 ^ ry, recreation, an d com mnunity u activi- 760 Blue Lakeikes BoulevartJ i F_ ------jjg g g !S such as festivals, fairs,;, a n d ro d eo s. I20BI735-9292>92 . ------1= 80' pages.pa 9 118“X 8 218':. $9.95 M-Fri:10-8 S a t 10*6 ■ \ Ji t i ' NAME AODBESS CITYSTA7E2IPPH0NE ' PAYMENT. CHECK ENCLOSED • ' Taxes,uos, surcharges (including a USF ch;chaigc which may ctiangc monthly.hly and cost recovery fees of $.60) oi irkot. not included. Surcharges CHARGE TO: VISA MASTERCAHICARD AMERICAN EXPRESS DISCOVER a r e notlot titaxes or govGrnmcnt-icquircd chiirharges, 0) or other (ccs. which vary t;y marb

SIGNATURE "______I to acdil. fiinns ond Condnions apply.'Jy ' ACCOUNT NaEXP. DATE t nto(i): Offor ends Oaoboc 24.2004.0I. Otfor not sval[at>lo wiih Sp«int PCS AdcAdd-a^phoru or shared minulos plans. A ion leo and SISO Early Tnminaiion . OIY- I T in t . ' •• I PRI w ea: long distanco is availal>Io withs. A it non-tofundablo S36 phono activationmonth, Dis option includcj calls ___ TtUOWSrowE IMPRtSStOHS ■______H; a s S a i wilMn 11X1 UlIJS’s ° KMay S not t» combinabio wilh othor olfonIh ihcs plan for an additional S5 por et>lems, s • IDA.«.M^iSIO«i SSSsSSii = - a K Irwant savings only avaaaUo at B200 VBion Picturo Phor». J199590 avallablo { m all areas listed. Sninffs:nomors li actfvaling or porting thoir . ^ Ffco and Cloar Ptars staning at.99 S4S discount onfy jM>lat>lo io now aistoilaiSSOplus^anadmtntno — PflPOilACEftHlffING fOH nRStluiT "">60 : S4S or Iho Umirniiod local calling plan ai ■ POSIACtfiHIPfSHIPPIMO fOR EACH ADWTIOmi IIEM ».C mi apply). Phono upgrado avalabio I $34.99 pci month or highof whilo inn 0oc^ standing. R^uiros ono w tworeftjnd ya within 14 days |«sago charpos still.02004 Sprint. Allnghtsmsorvod, MllllMiAReSKIPKOCJI[0 (JIH» 1ST CLASS MAIl OR VU UPS S""Sprint and 0 yoar agnwmont upgrado. Co(vigti( . t and Iho diamond logo ato iradomaikst ol ^ n t D)mmuniatiora Companyy L.RL.l ‘fOREUH•fOI ORDtltS PUASE ADO tSJW TOTAIOTAIOUE.______

H C4 Timo»Kew«.'ni>. TWin Falli. Idaho temiml7,2004. W eekcIE n d RC€eseWi^itherfspoon1 stan•s in Yasut:y Failir’ ----- — —N ew -toththejralley.-j-™T. - Reiiee^niylorrNlkki-Zier-----—! horror-ihriller that-wiscljirlyfceds^agents-and-rei remairis-one-car— tonsrjdd bigl wavesis a fasclnatr ' [ ise ofa kidnapped (orclst:The ^■.'“Hero'^. " v;• ' ' on her car andI cUinbsdi back up ing histcstory of the evolution and '. ) working for a large ])harir•m aceu- prt-’tmstf Borneo (Kim BaBasinger) manag- B egir Led by director Ziianiiang Yimou rt Reese Wither- revolutimion of a sport. With tical ! cbnioration go to B glnhlng” . ' again. It's a pan 1 ver with iUB to connectt wilhiv si cell phone - -nip . ■ and ditzzling cinematolatographer spobii was bornrn to play. Mira Gregg; Noll.N JeiT Clark a n d Laird in } pureuit ofa rare Howe he prequel to die 1973 clas-’ ' fouiitalh-ofiyouth. pot< Jde of. about 20 sic"Tli Chrisiopher Doyle, thh e e) p ro d u c- • N air m ak es th e; mmost of tlie ex- ■ HdmiltoIton.' PG-13 (strong lan- ' Jteiitlai. “f " ‘ll'''' 'Tlie lixorclsi" has traveled a I super- fChris Iivans) wwlio swiftly ma- |‘ tion team has madee whafjuslw travagant splen'lendor of the guage.•. bbig waves) ' 'Iliej serpents have been : l-d o cu m en led b u m p y ^oad. . . sized Ihis liiiie from '10.iO to 5(1 ""‘■‘s when ielie finally realizes . PaulSc ' miglit be tiie .most artistically an . . period wlille pokitoking fun at lt,s ^ I Schrader was brouglit in to feel a n d Ihere are a lot m o rc o f is siaktake Witli William • (iirect- ° soplilsticaled. most>t foriii'allyfi cra ssn e ss. ■ ( l*G-G-13 for some Sky C qt; Ihen Schrader's version Captain and the ; . [dieni in director OwighiII IUtile's H. Macy. Jasontn Siatham,; Noah ' (««« n 'i b e a u tifu l. m artial -artsts Jiln.1 i die . sensuality/pariialial nudity and a u/Avifi. rejected by producer James d of Tomorrow” ' lliiglily enienaining mov3vie as- , H ninierlch. (1:29:29. PG-13 fdn.vio- [T Roh ' ■ genre h a s se e n . Ii is so g o o d a i brief violent imagi itobinson, who hired .Jour- w hat It d o e s b e s i th aat t ll1i makes ly jo u rn a list (G w yneth surecl. ^ of ils genre-jurLim ping li-'nce. te rro r' situationss and neymaman director Renny' Marlin • potential. • Johnny' Melessner. sexual referenceices.) ,0 nj.s] . Its areas bf weaknessi lhllu al m u ch iw) a n d flash y a v ia to r • }■ e-shoot vlnually the entireI; easier to overiook.,ThT h e story “Garden s ta te ' Matthew Marsden andI Morris T • , - . • film . Ii Law) look into mysteri* ^ . Hiirlin's effo n m ark s the“l ' starts as a .simple one, ccc e n te rin g 2^'tch BrafT. best bes known for, ous disaisappeahinces of famous Chestnut ^ star. (1:33.1»G-1-13 for “The Clearingin g fo u nrth h "lixorclst" film, noi •iV s “S crubs.” mimakes a co:ifi- scientist aciion violence, scary inw ii ges ]\ on a dialogue betweeneen a king lists in retro environs. •' Iford, Helen Mir- countlintlng Schrader's, and it’s a n d tVnmele.^s (I lo n g[•Kongstar: Kc , ______^dcni_wiiUng_ar_and_diteciing __ Wiili-Glc _andSQnieJiuiguageJ— _ 3iovanni-Ribisl,-Hai-yngi— “ ------:------run“and'W lllein;in Dafoe star In ainly nol die worst, ^m e-'* Jei-lJ), a n .accom plislietihed assas- debut in a a dmdarkly ajimsing Omid Dj D jallll.and Angelina lolie. ^ this quiet; undeidersiaied kidnap where:re between a prologue set'‘ sin who’s vanqulshet: - homecoming stortory diat gradu- Written : h e d th ree n and directed by Kerry , "The Bourne dmma. Periiapsps too quiet, loo lie Middle Ages that unin- fellow assassins whose ally becomes a lOse d eter- a journey of Conran,n. PG. g u n d e rs ta te d . Il’s It a suspense lonally evokes "Life of self*discovery aind n d redemption. Supremacy” mlnaiion lo kill the: nim o n arch ZJic. H (profanity. n" and a final shot ofSkel-'■ has iieen a living helllell for th e ' UraiT stars as a s t The thrill-ride' sequel istfuggltog^' “wimblibledon” la n ^Jkarsgard ta walking into what ruler for years. Naiura a cto r w h o se re tu;umto n NewJer- . , up Us amnesiac hero." ( C violence, aduh a lurallyi the jy Brit ten n is player finds IS like a .grade-schooler's king wants lo know the details sey for h is m o thle e r'sr funeral has Damon) two years later, ly in to w orld-fam ous All-- j, ama lies a perfectly,y of Nameless' exploits.:s. T’I h e lale unexpected • co he eludes die crossfire ofSf'S ,'; “The Door inintheF Ioor” S S consQqucnces. id tournament and falls u liocre horror film. 'Iliere is With Natalie PorPortman, Peter c ble-crosslng Cb\ andj KGii Love and loss Please see IVIOVIES.IES, Page C6 r-Jf, >. star, K irsten D unst, Paul >ss In Ihe Hamp- somee 1 hobt-lnducing dialogue ■ Sarsgaard, Ia n MoHolm and Ron >y. Sam Neill and Jon Lcibman;(l:41.RIRrorlnoguagi., u star. Written by Adam d ru g u se a n d a seescene of sexual- Brooks5 andi Jennifer I'lackett Ity.) a n d Mlark at Levin. Directed by R icharddLoncraine.PG:I3 1 S leep When he I’ni Dead" . “We DoDon’t Uve lliis is a moody)dy thriller that Here Anymore”Ar , . V Btiy o n wireless?SS . Wo novor Slop w orking for youfyou re u n ite s th e twng an d n u aiiced . a n d all , . • brother. Will (Cliveivc O w en), w ho fo u r chlaracters an a re h a rd to like, left L o ndon th re eeyeat^ago.Will yc •I’hcy’recr•crash victim s i n a d en i- was quickly cUmblnblng tlie mob olltion derbyde of narcissism and lad d er w h e n h e mmade a his hasty lles.R{se>sex, nudity, profanity, vi- . ' exit. R ated R. olence, adadult liiemes) Dcal “Mr. 3 0 0 0 ” ... .CContinuing i Redred egomaniamiacal baseball "AUpn vs.u Predator” 0 nytime I ' player returns to lldie game 10 , " ------years, {and- many^pi,r.poun'ils)-later_^pMke P a cinethatic Wrestle- _ 1\vo’ film heavies, die 0 < “ to try to reestablishllsh his Hall of 1 0 l a \llens and the dread- linutes~~“ Fame qualificatioitions. Bernie Predators, face off in Mac. Paul Sorvino.10. Cliris NoUi, Michael' Rispoli1 aand Angela .a. .'Ilie human charac- .... . -( & — nd your interest—get ' • Bassett star. Writtrlttcn.by Eric he crossfire. PG-13 (vio- C ham pncU a & Kei Keith Mitchell ore, profanity, horror) and Howard Mich;lt;hacl Gould; . • ‘ I story by Eric Chanjampneliaand INatlonvwide LoDngDisttance -| Keitii M itchell. PG-1 ondas” . • All for calls from your Local pigitalChilCholce* Coverage Area.' . N o t a1 -c-comedy but rather a “National Lampinpoon's €€DH€U>UIITH I Gold Diggers” O n i y ^ l 1 con men tum Q U IC1CKB00KS«? 9 99 A p a ir o f failed co tiieir attention (o) m arrying t\vo |^|, monthly . access ...... aging but wealiliy.liy-sisters. Will Lisa at 737-0087 ING, Setup & S upport ■ Friedle. Chris OvOwen, Louis Requlretnewl'O i '0r 2-yr.Mr«mfntpMlinf. ■ •. Ak into Die ‘ when youlu'buyone ■■ ^ licr)'licarl'L cof this black' ^ . ■ ...... 7 ■ fofonly"J

opal. I hadd a challenge Ano SSO nuil-lril-ln rebate per phoM ' lovinj any oi.li'i.hcr gemsLoncl ant]$2

D i a mn i o n d N e e li : k l a c e ”

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. ■■ • .t's

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■ K ' ______Sholop from home. Ovemighght delivery to your doorsorstep Is just a elide or allill away; v e r j z o r i E nwireless.cc:om I 1 . 8 0 0 . ■ “T h i s mn o m t h s nnationaUy i “ D.2JOIN( 1.800.256.4646 ^© a c d m m e d f V a h D l a c a n d [ ~ VERIZONN WIRELESS COMMUNICATIETIONS STORES >*Open 8 imH-fM-f a m l n y bm n > n u f s c u i^ d p r D om n Vizm ger.'’ IDAHIDAHO FAUS MEIDOtAN vn Square MaU . . MK MQYINQYEOt . *■ Meridtan Crossroads TWINFAUS r>sar h V 216:2163 & 17th Sl ' 1400 N. Eaole Rd * 1239PoWinefW. W9 MAIN AVENUE Across (rom Near Barnes & Noblo J l \ | TWIN fALLS a ? , * £ 208-736-2022 JgSikcrs 208-734-8091 Veiiun Wireles:dess aistom cn always get the best »t deal! on new phones. Whh Newlew IEvery Two,youangctafr(I free phoM every 2 years valued u| I up to $100 or $100 towards the! phenephc g g m ofyeurdwia.iusts], cuii bu reserved bj nge lim m y Roberts’"I Love It Atkinson’s Market in Ketchuchum . ______ArCOx.aHBOJ) _355r2 :------Pcrfect, NowCh^gtfii lic-Big-Easy-Concert-House■use is —'------Ciipitol •nicaicr is l«)C!i lhe fesdval’s aniphit seated al 416 S. N inth SL Wesi 200‘iouih. ' charge. Chasi Boise's casi end. 'lick Fillmore St. N arc S18 and ^6, canl l o c k / U t a h R ock/Boise by p h o ning (208) 336 n_ am philheater. is locati Big Dad Voodoo Daddyy u wlU . T h e S am ples will pli i.ii.y lllf Bis R araoke/I , jjj Warm Springs Avc. ilay th e O gden A m philheaterilcr in liiisy 0 )h c e ri I louse! at 7:30 p,m. P & D Kara )6den,.Utah. al 7 p.m.. nckcIckcts.. . . ■Ilckcis. w h id i aruS12.-<12,-can b e re- . from 9 p.m . t< Im!. T H U , « s. , /h'lch arcS12:50 and S17.50,0, ccari •, served, by phonintling (BOO) Steakiiouse.' le reserved by p h o ning SmlUm ith's .' i)K5-4H27, onlUuline . at MontunaSica Ix a t (800) 888-TIXX or onlinelin eal , • ' hiip://\vww.iicKetwcl).tjb.coiri; o f at 182G Canyon , Blues/T>ln Falls iiip://w >w .sm iihstix.com1. . Tl’The. Aikitlsons-Market , in Ketchum.1 >p .•‘TVoy Spence Projec Igilen Amphitheater is locatiKated Tlie Uin l-asy Concertert House is Karaoke/F from '9 p.m . lo '1 a.m . ut t 25th Sireer and Washin^(D ^o n located JU 41 (> S. N inth:th St. k roakers K Ival No cover chargc. ll i e I iqulcvard. Rock/Boise IJIackTupeforaplmMuc Girl a nd • AUdni \vill play ll i e! VcVenue at 7- '• p.m.‘ikkeis. wiiich arearc SIO, can , ' 1)0 .reserved by plionion in g (8 0 0 ) . J ilfir>.4«27. . online ■ littp://\v\vw.iicket\veb.c or Aikinson's Market inn I Tlie Venue is loeatcc IJroadSi. , “ Rock/Utah : m M inistry will perronrorm the IG EEI Velvet Hoorn In Salt lililiik e City at 7::h) p.m. nckets. whidtich are S25, H V w can lie reserved hy>y phoning ' Sniith’sT ix at (HDOMIHH-’IIK-TlXX.The ^ • Velvet Uooni is locatci at West 200 Soulli. EailgaateK I r ty ”Q l Rock/Utah N onpohU will |)lay tth e Lo'I'i OifeinSalil-ikeCityat ■nckets, vvhicliareSl2.c be served by phoning Smitmith's'llxat (HOO) o r Ol bttp://\vww.smithstix.c( -V;■ \ ,lx)-I-i ('jife is located al 1 West Temple.

M o N D K ? ' - . ^ t ’.' - I v ' IT .'-v;; r Karaoke/^urley ' K niakers K araoke wil b e fea- tured from H p.m. to 11a.m a.i . at die. 4 Rendezvous l.ounRe. ^N o cover M char^'c. ■I'he Kendezvouiou s Lounge islocatedat 1(W 11. Main Rock/Utah fiug Purllicr Seems Iforco rcv er Til> 2 0 play In lhe Vonue in.n. S;iltS L ake' w B S H i p H I City at H p.m .’nckcis,i, whichw arc -r 510. can be reserved by On - SmiiIVs •nx~aT"(fiO()) fl i B m k I or online at littp://wvmwifvir.smith- stix.com. In the Venuee h locatcd 3 ^ E _ ^ m G ^ R E E N B C( S R g R Q *Big Screi ' at219.South20(jWcst.- F?ock/Utah Mitsubishi ' (lonicx will perrormHI i In Mitsubishi Venue in Salt liikc City 7i30 p.m. 'llckets. which are ; l)e reserved Iw phoninu • •nxat(H00)Bn8-TD0C6r< http://w\vw.smlthstix.C(x.com . In th e Veniic is locaied att 221 i 9 s o m h . • 55 Inch widtscieen I16:9) 2t)0VVesr.. • HelCemminilS 3.0 wllh IRLeaining T u e s d ' , • AMVP‘Admcc:! Mulllmcilla Vlieo Processor • MedtsCommsnif' 5-Foimal Karaoke/TwIn Falls WBSk Memoi/Catd ■ P«.DKanmki:wlllliclbe featured H |3D |H |S • PertcctColorTM Picclslon S-Way Color Correction from9 p.m. to 1 a.m .all i ‘ Place. No cover charBe. 1 .• MIctoFlne'3 CRTs • Place is located at 121 Fourth ^ FlroWlitS Ave. S. R ock /Utah____: i Kohcrt W alter will perperform ' . Ugo’s in &ilt I^ k e Gity ai 'nckets, w hich are SIO, cacan re- , served by phom ng Smltl (tlOO) HH.8-TIXX o r ono n lin e at 1899 http://wvrtv.smiihstix.coicom . ligo's P P i | i H B | H . is located ai G6» S. StaleicSi. £ InfiMlliTlbishi Gold Series Mitsubishi i Rock/Utah ; llic Good Ufe and Ncv'Jcva DIno- vu in &ilt L ike City will j; ; at Kilby C ourt at 7:30 p.i I CIS. w hich are SB. can hele reservedr on http://www.24lix.con Kilby m r " ' ' ' • 55 Inch Widescreen 116:51 ‘ C ourt is lo cated 741I S Kilby • NelCcmmand.^ 3.0 wilh I Court. IHleorning • AMVP'idvanccdMullimedla r > ; : VIdee Processor I Rock/Utah • MediaCommini' S-Format Scissor Sisiers will pla>Ilay Uquid . Memory Card ; Joe’s in Salt Lake Ciiy' atat 8 p.m. • PerleciColor' Piecision ; nckets, w hich are S!2, cancai bc S-Waf Color Correction 5 I .served by phoning Smlili at • MicroF!ne-3CHrs ; (000) OHH-TDCX o r on onl lin e • FireWire.^ IU££ 1394) i http://www.smiihsiix.cor *1 ) uid loc^s is locaied at 1249 12 East I 3300 South. i Rock/Utah I : Jlmmlc Viiuglian will pperform ■ at 'llie Velvet [{oom inI SaSalt Lake City at H;30'p.m. Tickcis,CIS, w h ic h ’2391 arc S15, can be rcscn by plioning Sm ith’s Tix at (800)(80 888- TIXX or ■ onlinene http://vnvw.smiihslix.corcom . T h e Velvet Room is located Wc»st 200 South. Planetarlum/Twin F . “Tlic Greatest Wonderslers Universe" will be sho . raiilkiier Planetarium at tl reti C en tcr Tor A ns an d Sc at the College o f Southerrlem Idaho ' ZM at 7 p.m. 'llckets. w hichta an re 54 for adults. S3 for senior cilizi S2. Tor stu d en ts a n d Si) forr fa ; nre avsiilahlo nt llie dooioor. Chil* dren u n d e r 4 arc not adm i

Wednesd.DAY . r - S :

Varlety/Twin Falls Rob N oni B and will plaplay from S c U n h la & 8 p.ni. to midniglit al'Ilicllic Oasis. No cover charge. llic.Oasi)asls is lo- I c a ie d a t 1007 Blue IjikessB R Iv d .N . ■ ■ ■ I M Tlii»*^*wi,7WlnFin M il. idaho FMday, S«ptembef» f l7 .2 0 0 4

W eekEi Ni D Moviess ConUnuftd from C4 Now playiaylng 1 1 lownrd (daugliterter of.Hctor/di- scarytalualu witli unsual r'eso- G reen, M atdiew LUlard tmeim d Dax ■.is io ld in severaj different dif Ver- _ , _ „ ' rector Ron) makc.G-1G-13 for sivl- TWI" c i™lem " a 'Sk> lolciicu a n d a -The Vlllafiia g e- • m moi orrow ' etiedbynieiiacingiiBcreattin.-s.M. uiiiuhn, puerile as the latrine atlit a Boy ' . • Izcd inarU al arcs vloli ns recasting of wwimwilOUt. a Paddle” ! y. , "Alien vs. i.P Predator* 'Mr. 3CH)0' ' Niglit Shyaniulans Scouts camn. I»G-I3 (drugru g con- ■ scene of sensuality. • "Ijttle Red Ridinglg Mood" story 'I'liis: lcsl-< lc: 4{-maiiliood come-' teni. i sexual and toilet hu ‘Spldermar hum or, nan 2" ' , turns a fairytale! iiinto an eerie . cly abotiiotit Ihree friends (Seili violence) % R o b o r ■ShrekS:)■ Burl3urley ,, , . , • ‘Princess sC Diaries 2- .. ..Ceni'entury Cinema. , lo o s e ly Ihspirutillwlsilac/yri-. lij -M.aooo-W • •• • . . . . ■ 'SkySky Captain nnd tho Woild of Ti r j T T ^ B | | mov's collccUon offsio sll rtsto rie s. -lA/iihnni ; a Paddle” morrow* . i W s j T b c I ^ \ AlexProysus’fu’iurisiu fe,icr,lm s,a,? -An S .d a s ' ■ . Mr. Mf-. 3 0 0 0 ' • Will Smith as a bio-lio-Chauvlnisl .“ 'J™?, jtain and th e World of To- • .®3"Saints and Solditvs'-. M M U y H 'cop.invc.siii;atinga ir - ■ . -CellC e liu laf ' .ramill«n.ya C o n g r a t u l a bund today's lionaire III M one;yl e y ! m a y h av e b e e n c o m r jtne Supremacy' Wiihout ' a-P.iddlc’ . ' lations! You've fo M illi robot revoliinj* againi;,lnsl Ilis m as- C lip only Iti­ h e . b i i l from t h i s a d J a ter. !»G-13 (acdon „i- ■ . Burhlurley Theater d and .save it to bid ,onp great prizes lilly ‘■'iclifcl -I, Roboi- , -SSky k y C aptain and the World of Tc ■ . monnorrow* l p " ^ 2( character study and anc a com- . Resident Evil: Apocalypse* pelling drama. R II (violence. Lamphouse:„Til..t.r ■ ■ . ^WlUMAI drugs, profanity, adulliult themes) t h sleep )W W hen I'm D ead ' 2004 1 laglcLantem . ■ ’NapolGonn C D yriamite' -Q a„ “Napoleon Dynamamlte” Sarden State' ■Ridiihiding Giants* ^ 1 1 ]t —k ■Ilie feature-directi:ctin g d eb u l Tho Orpheui _ -Van!inanity Fair' of Idaho native Jaredled Hess is a Resident Evil:Evi Apocalypse , -TheFhe Door in th e Roor* collection of sightIt gags; and ,'WeIVe D on't Live Here Anymore* p ratfalls d ia t m in e s th c famUiar Jerom e . . ‘ Mari^aria Full of Grace turf of awkward adcadolescence. Jerome CineInem a ‘ Therhe Clearing" Napoleon.' playedJ 'w ith ad- •ResidenVE^i‘Evil: A pocalypse' "M4r. r.: 3 0 0 0 - • mirable, conimiimitment by I— ^------I newcomer Ion Meder, Jer, is a higli iiiis time doesdo battle with Doc stancancLs o n its ow n. PG-13 (a (o - S p'onsored o by ‘ r a c l e - E a r " school student enduriluring die vi- qc Jj (Alfredxl Molina), 'riiis.is a don-Dn-film violence) cissitudc of growing lisfying and involving ^ small town, where he Promotion cnd.>!Ls Dcc.E •!, 2004. N’o purch,1S4.> neetteccss.ir)'. For Millioniiia' lll m ominey, send hanilwritton S/\SE lo e th at b uilds up o n d ie . ThCrhe Village" his grandmother a,.d a/ older ; one tl Millionaire Auctionsnns. Tl'f Ttmt’s-Ninv'.'v PO Dox* 554 4 a Tivin r.ills JD K3303 ivilJiinin 3 dii}’.s of pubJicjIion of monvy> f |2 ^ brotlier. T lie m ovieiselsoullo sc complicauprions of die fit^t but. Newcomer Ne Brycu D ailUlas . creatc a portrait of aj lovable loser. W ith-Jon Grit Gfren. Ramirez and -Una1 NMajorino. (1:28. PG for tliem atictic elements a n d language.) “Paparazzi” Shrewdly m ade forir nmaximum . . impact upon tlie sussuscepUble. . j y d lls is a classic exploits m ture — topical, pun a n d morally dubious in tlieliie U's “Death Wish" styletyle revenge ^ • fan tasy in w hich a1 paparaz7J-..pj b e le a g u e re d n e w m■< ! thing-other than grui'runt. With Sienna Guillory. Sandriidrinellolt. s • And unlimited night a nd w eekend long-distance onn yyour home phone Oded Feiir. Mike lipps, I-pi Zack ■ , ’ f (for qualifying customers)0 , . Ward, lliomas Kretscitschmann. \ Jared Harris andd S ophie V Vavasseur. (1:33. R forr)r rnon-stop violence, language ana n d som e nudity.) I’ll.MlylSl “Saints and Soldiei B ased o n actual Worl^orld War II . events, die movie tells dra- made story of a smalllOll of IS III:!; iiltcr S;iO Iliaii-in r«-|)att^ allied soldiers mipped behind enemy lines witli infonform adon th a t co u ld s liandset.It: $35 new service activationI feeandfee S200 per-phone earty tefmlnaUoluUon tee with flxed-term contracts. Price d e hum or. (etminale this otter al any Dme. overy lees per handsel and other fees thi c*Bfo«s.ta*e9.; that vary by markeL Local artd domesticHtic long-y 12/31/04. Subjcfverage Area, will be charged at the roanioming rate. Other restrictlofts apply. CompleteCon details In service agreementml anda coverage maps provMed with han red days and In good standing at the time the i «>nd3et8ndalc^w$fwifeleslco CC-7

W eekE ni■ j P - ' G r a c e f u l Amazing Grace( • Olsen twiiins . I. ’ ’ . sends a group to0 ■ ■ ■ ■ -E ngagj EMENTSI, spread the Word.1. Saturday in Religiono n begin coll( VOORHIh e e s -R u p p ------?------Davis-Jon^] I : • ------^BUHL—-=—Dan -1 andnaynT“ ^ ^ B " RUPERT = * M c fliira1 anOliirb- ~ .J l afNYU Voorhees o f BuBuhl annoimce die . .line DavHs o f Paul anncuiounce the engagement oiof their daughter. engagement of their 1 r . U L L Let Angelas Timet !r daughter. . _ _ _ _ _ Erica Daniellele \Voorhees, to Chris Coleen Marie Davis. to John William Rupp,!p, son of G lade a n d . Budd lones, son of EmZmest Ibnes NEW YORK — "Mai ■lary-Kate • Melody Rupijpp . of Saratoga ; |gSH || o f R upen a n d die laiee BettyE Jean a n d Ashley ju 8 l w a n t loto haveI as Springs, Utah, Jones. . n o rm al a coUegc expcrlecrience as . Voorhees isis a 2001 graduate o f ^ ^ 3 Their counity and w estern ^ possible," said the Olsensen tw ins' Buhl-I-Iigh SchSchool and.a-2004' 'fFitiei’hr 1} J-ritteinpnAf.ti r'Aft ■ •- \vedding. is planned fcfor p .m .' I longtime spokesman.I, MichaelN , graduateoftheheCollcge of Souih- n ra H Saturday, Sept. 18. at thd ie Sunrise: ■ Pagnotta. . ’em Idaho, whA'here she rcceived | | B W P River Ranch. 400 S.. K160 E., Ru- But hbw-could anythy thlng b e her degree Inidentalasslsdng. d( .. . , pert A recepiibn and UFE An d iris Rupp and Erica VooAees “no rm al" a b o u t Mary-Ko•IC ateand . S he is emj:mployed by both . hon o r die couple will'b bc o lS d ta i” )avls and John Jones y•% Ashley Olsen, the big-eyi•eyed kid- , Braces R Us aricmdMa^cVallcyRc- ical engineereng ai Magic Valley Re­J.* mediately . followinring ; .the ceremony attiat die same location. die a c tre sse s from LosIS AAngeles, glonal Medicalcal C enter in *I\vin gionalal Medical^ Center, ART ARE turned fow college frcshiish m en in ' Falls. ' T hle e wedding' Ls plsuined for . . NewYork? R iipp is . aI 19951 graduate of Saiurdarday. Sepi. 25; iEaiiTijnag ONE Sure,-.they. cram m ed!d for 1 the .G^tsville Hi^ligh School in U iah. . A receptionrec. 10 h o n o r th e cou- . . SAl^ a n d a p p lie d Tor carlsarlydeci- WWle servingg Iin th e U.S. Army, pie.willvill be held from 7 10 9.p.m. i l B B p W h e n sion to a hot school amand then he also gradualuated from die U.S. Sepi.. 2S 2f at the Blue'Rock Vine-; Keep .apI , I 'll-l.'rw ,! Kill* ' r n D B a d ' I. ' sweated it out undl the'they were Armed Forces» Biomedical1 Engi- yard.. <1060<10 N. 1200 E.. Buhl, ^ . ReacJ the.CompiipUters Today 4;4{45->;l?-9;iy ^ accepted. They evenin ' found neering Prograrram . Tle he couple ivill reside in . 0|V |> Tiu-vLv».In.ln^ l£ iV 5 . • • their own place, and shoppedsh He is employloyed as a biomed- Jerome.n e. ■ . and Technologyy |page NariolBOeon Dynamite • .,iJv.M r,Ult..»' this summer for new < .V clothes i - every Tuesdaya y in 8 tliBU1 I lo W B e k liosi.-it-N R Tb and stuff for tlieir new pa 'p a d . But . REED-()-G a r t e r I : The Times-Ne'Jews Today 4::4:30-7:00-9:00 while the Olsen twins l.iir.\)t.ii„,if'r(i..:,—I------.S H O S H O NVIE E David and started classes this week ' i '.'iS p a c ia l" •...... ok ati New nhonda BccdjorBuibank,W o ash.,'■ York University in Gree ------, AntflenctPiParUclpatloa Sbow MAGIC "VALLEY' rrecnwlch announce thehe engageriient of r Village, m a y s h a re m an y . S«tnriltl•day at MldalHit my of the Uiclr daughteiIter, Kacey L a u re n ' , '^ ARTS c o u n c i l ' . same expectations andmd chal-- Reed, to Oianlancey Lee Ganner, of typical student!:ms, Iheir sonofRIckandnd Margaret Gartner - _ i experience isnot not Ukcly of Shoshonee andi formerly of 'ISTIHTERNATIONAL to be normal, byn e any a n s. mw Qncy Herrett Centeler for First a n d fo rem: there o st tl: is ReedlsagradraduaieufColumbia Arts and Solelence BABY CONTESTr reai estate. Burbank High;h SchoolJ a n d Walla HERRETT CeNTCRht HOURS Only in New York coui;ouldyou WaUa Commnmunliy College, AGEANT i i TtiMdays&FfI(Ioyt..9:30omiom*9:00pm buy four units— essentiaitlallythe where she wasas a m em ber o f Uie Weds & Thundoys.. 9:30am lom-4:30pm M K B M a gglc i Valley Mall entire top floor of a high-5h -rise — ' WaUa W alla CoiCominuniiy College Chanciincey Garter and Kacey ReedI Soturdoys...... 1:00:00-9:00pm X Salurday. Sept. 18 ot 6 p.myRegistration from S-6 p.m. ' p iit th e m to g e th e r for S7. 0 CLOSED SUNDAYS AND MC ,m. S7.3mil- National Inten:crcollcgiaie Rodeo ilona!al . Iniercollegiaie Rodeo MONDAVS Sables Q.41-4 yr^yGirrs 5-27 yrs. iion a n d still n o t b reak ir k into the. Team. ' Team.n. I-Me Is a professional rodeo Enlryfee‘35|ii (Formal or Sunday dress) . top e ch elo n o f real estateate deals. • SheJsemplojJoyt?daitheBechJve . coivboyboy in . Mllion-Frceivaier.° Faulkner Pianetcjforlum ' B* 3 > 3 :0 0 p m * , iidffisoui D finished, the/U have a n THE COWBOY ASTROIlONOM ER ^ I MOREm.i w C O M M T ^ l S fancy dorm itory. Still, it’s i B U R L E Y- -J, James and Kathy with Baxter Black , deal; it's n o t C entral Par> EndmsofButleirley a n n d tm ce.th e Saturdays . , ...... 4 4 :0 b p m . ,1 ^i S H 9 l ' than BIGIG STUDIO PROJECrSr% engagement of their daughter. SPACE JAMMIN* A lrlttribute to j, ^ I I - A 80WEOUSLYiLVSHOT.BtOUFiaBV.^?; or Park Avenue. 'YM?' S ' ■ ^ for w h y a h o t p o t anand Sin- Jamie Endress, to Rimdy Bern* spoce-orlentedrockrk muilc! *•" A ■■OMOfWTM W AKl^Flie.'! gle bed were good enouilOUBh for )f Jack and lanice ' S a tu rd a y s ...... i : B:15pm ' . f i Ienna and Barbara Busllusfiand BerastromofBo TICKETS FOR A U SISHOWS g u . . ; . ^ 1 Chelsea Clinton— notIto to men- Endnsisa-graduate gr of Burley a. ETIIEISTnUIKmEVBIUK' lion the Secret Service-e — but School an'and lhe College of ^ A oulis .... .,$4|S iu[>entsints ; . . $2 not for the Olsen twimrins. the Southern Idaho.iio. She Is em ployed Seniors . . .S s IFauilies.IES ■ ■ .$ 9 V :r p eo p le a t St. Luke’s Inteiiem al M edicine in mini-moguls had other p “MINGLE IN THE JUNOIIOLE»mES ____a n d t ^ n g s tO' w or^^|i_ a a b o u t. _Boisc, . r l ^ . . — RoptlloRevuQln.thoHivTQR.R(t. Rainforest------CS*K d S 0 L D 1 . E R S - TH^' may no't'be presidtsld e riti^ ...... B errisirofh isis a 'g ra d iia ie “ o f ''Jahilei EndfwEn and RMdy Bemstrpm ^ S - l - ’ Tuesday. Sept. 21 . ..6.6:00pm PFu:liui«uJ;i^ij:B urM in]«*tF a'i« jiGaa.rHoir daughters, but the OlserIsens a re C apitol tU ^ i SclSchool in BoLse. H e h o n oir r die Ui couple \vill b e held im- ' ' r'. /lAHXSI.tiaKlS;isuariuiBa&»tM 'B:aii'‘jeMIOII Holl^ood royalty ato p a n is e m p lo y ^ aIt t J.B. ) Construction., m ediatetaiely following - the'■> ^REE ADMISSIONlO Ti A LL V estimated Sl-billion nierlierchan- in Boise, ceremnony oi In Boise.' An open; OAUERIES AND MUwsEUM w , ■ tA m dising empire dependeident on The weddinging Is p lanned for h o u see willw bc held at ‘I p.m. Sai- miBtDOf “ 5P),4dgo....® !e their go o d n a m e . Salurday. Sept.1. 18,1 at th e Bishop's urday.y. Sept. ii 25. at die Eiidres CSIOMPUS \ '■ iThe Olsens began thetheir ca- Mouse in BolsaIsa A reception to residencenco in Burley. ) 732-6655 reers w h e n d ie y were .9) m o n th s i------^------s \ ' s . old, sh a rin g th e role o f MiiM ichelle TO P l a c;e e a classified ad, C e n t e R 1 3 5 riAND OR. 4 6 4 E . STM N. J, call 733-0931 PLAYINGS.2400 678-7142 N. ■ o n ABC’s s itc o m “Full H(H o u se " I______www.csi.edu/hem NOW P srrett • 'oMn-i:MW—nw c«uw iaii.tw iw ■ arid have e v b l\^ into' a 1b ra n d 1 n am e. "Their reasons for goigoing to _ I . college. arc' not. vbcatic HVISH ationai.". lo n n in i • Pagnotia said. "This is their |lltU L L EED J SALMON CAIVESAR salad; . ' ch an ce to em lore.'! W hile b o tn a^rc takingn g a r e - | r z r ■Ml quired writing course, AstAshley is . ' signed up for Italian andnd is in- ■ I tercs(ed. in ' pur lursuing I ■ . II . psyd io lo g y a n d b u sin essjsswhile , ! . M. ' H H I ^ Mary-Kate is enrolled inn a p h o - I I togniphy course and leaning 1« ■ ^ i'ptcml>er25.:iaO'l !. tow ard m e a rts. - W M a m S t r e ^ I ^ r m • T w i^ Falls • 733-0466J '

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The 'I'imcs-Ne'l e w s Friday, SeptDcembcr 17, 2004 Section1 CD M orning LINEl T Bruins tr^ SportsQuoter— J eir o m e iedgesjVaUe^ a t rmeet ^ t y ; to avoid1 I’ve come ale1 . I ; ; ■' way from sittin{ a letdowh 5-by-5 cell witl Byty Kevin Colbert ' Imes-News w riter gold medal', no 'I'WIN 1-ALLS — It^ w ouldd d bI e sponsor cpnti^c no asy for'l\vin Falls h e a d fooibioiball oacii Tobe SmiUi to bask in Uthe big pronibter. I’lI’m the Jowofaiiigwlh. • Bui iifter looking a t Uie'gangam e hungriest fights '' filnJm from Uiis p a st S aturaajraay's 28-8-21 victory against Timbcn b er- the world right ! h e, he know s better. ' "It w as a big w in fo r us, a rereal bigig win for us," Sm ith said.I. "Bi“But afi(fier we got Uirough lookinging ar, filnJm, we made a lot of misuikiJtiikes — Boxer B< :iaf we've got to g e t fixed.I. 'Ti'The Hopkins abc his lin g ab o u t it is d ia l they'rere notn « ' J m pelersonnel. problems, so3 vw e potential S15 r hould be aiile 10 tiike careirej o' f paydayforfic Uiolose. Oscar De La Hoya "Every week we go. we’w e’re . Saturday In LasJIS Vegas jiirning someUiing aboutI ouour- sehulves. good and bad." • ' 'i'he Uriiins'(2-0 overall) hohof p e T r iv ia . th1 eC7 leam mostly good.Uiiniliings aday when they travelel 1 to , Q u e s -iio n ; Nailampa for a 7 p.m, garrgam e Wliose image is a at to p th e gainst Skyview (1 -2 overall. 1 ■ J 7-inch Kyt/cr.Cup trap-ophy? Jjiss 4A S ouJiiem id a h o CojC on- ferijrence). 'I’he g am e will m mai ark • ■...ansivciiverbchiv win Falls’ Uiird ro a d c o n testest 1to C»rTMim/n..Tlin»lim beuegin Uie season. 'Hie meetir« tin g 'ill also be the first-everr b: 4 MAGIC MO gs' success w:is d u e to (.^pKplosive offense in bolhh itsii ^petition before finishlniing Sophomore Cananssa i-ee tiieir prepa College Volleyball, • soirr—niele high school cross comp piiratioh for Uie hill wirins under die direction ofDfof- 6 ‘ c o u n try seaso:ison is one tough hill firstt withw tl tim e of21:03. ''c ro sse d tlie line secon:ond in 22:09 clim b, accorcording to coacli Don fcnmsive coordinator M Mai ark CSI at Arizona WesterItem Qas* to climb forir a: rea atlileies, b u t "VoiYou run straigiii up, thi;he while iciunmaieSara'ra'iVsiUi^ber Wiglit. chaaL Q u a rte rb a c k - M Mik ike sic.Yuma.Ariz. . tliey encounnintered one of tlieir mounmriiain’and then straigh;hl was third in 22:54:54 to lead 'IWe’ve .rreally e iieen working, snimlUi has completed 30-of-4of-41 •CSI vs. tasiern;Arizu-izona, 9 steepest challtallengesThursday. back:k dow< n." Johnson said. "h "I Jerom e to d ie w in. h:ird o n thh e iiillsi {iich ath le te s. It .wwas the towering S|rfss totc a distant tiiird place'beJC: riglit tiiere by m e ahciihd it helped Jerome: earnedei a more con- smmiUi finisiied wiUi 13 grabsb sfor f< e ski resort souUi of iiindid ai b a ttle betw eO n Jerom'«Tie b u r team o u t a lot." vincingvicicictory on the boys side, 244<14 yard s a n d tw o - sco'rccores Uuhl, I'iler. Valley. G oo a n di ValleyVi for first. In die endid. Valley came everr siso close to ' finisiiing wit Wood lUver Invitaiiona! I 'S n ”"*''" wlUi .32 points' to Bur- agagainsi Tunberiine. Junior StepIephanle. Jolinson o f five} finishesfir in d ie to p 14 w enire edging out Jerome.. T h ree ru n - pigsgease see MEET. Page 02 R R u n ning back Brody Millii4illor h aas s also done his piirt, nishinshing iN'BRIEF ir375 yards and five TDs so faft r : hile also catching two passtasses ...'CSII voUeybball romapsthi^pugh A rrizona |ir 91 yards a n d a score. Melba cancels The Bruins - have put on a ■ ’ football game0 The Tlmes-Nawlewfs______Strouc 6 u d said . Uilrd p la c e in 2002. Via l-lllpe 12.SetterAslileyGan-12: low offensively, but they'vey've Siroiiro u d s a t m a n y o f thehe "We had momentsIts w h ere w e, daiili d ishled ed out 40 assists while so showed hetiri and ^ ^i i t . Ml-LBA — M elba wras as forced YUMA, Ariiriz. — The College of starterrters for the second-rankec;ed played w ell for a goo(3od stretch," Edhali Serralmiltaliad33. ^gagainst T im beriine, TVvin FalFails . 10 cancel its home; fooiballf< SouUicmldahlaho volleyball team GoldeiIden Ea^es during GameJ 2 Stroud said. "We’d pickpl up 10 . "We hadid I been gtJlting really sed a 96-yard scoring drivedriv game against WendellcU Tlmrs- cruised Uiroirough its opening agalnsin s t Moor)}:trk to m ak e hiihis poinis here, enougli1 tou separate . predictable,"le," Siroud said prior lat ate up eight-plus minuteauies day due to a large nunlumber of jnalches at thtthe Arizona Western pointn t— - diere’s no excuse for no101 ourselves imd dien we'diioldonwe totheicnimfim am ent. “We'vt* (leen I grab| a decisive 28-14 edgedge . suspensionsi accocdingng to the Classic tourn;irnament. Ui Yuma, playini ut. a n d win. getting a io01 ii m ore m otion in o u r iUi just 2:19 rem aining. Nampa ' Prcss-'IVibuneme. The Ariz. Thursda'day. defeating .New "Iw^would have sat do\vn mort)re “OdierUiantliat.il'iiv « is a d is - ofTense. IlIt tniiikes it lough lo , "h ‘ worked.out that way,h butbt game will not be rcscluclicduled. Mexico MilitaiiiaJy in stitu te 30-.15, o f th th e e m if I co u ld ,” h e .saidid.' appointing day." iiiock us. Uiailat’s exactly whait we hadid tot Wendell coach.Steve/o G o o d - 30-15; Liie ColCollege of Tbxas 30- "Theyiey were pretty quiet afteiler Eliane S an io s ledICSlwiUi2I C . "We'vejusijusi been addinga litde ave," Tobe SniiUi said."... MiUMilk--. body said 11 Melbaa players{ 20, 30-24;; '■ and Moorpark die mmi atcii. I'tliink I got tiieir at-[il- kills a n d 17 blockswliile wl Marta bit at a time.'ie."hei»dded.'Andihe }^8lg tlie clock and dien still sti were suspended for viivio lad n g College (Calif.)lif.) 30-24,30-21. tenUoilion." Siem iatkow ska m adle e 17 kills. slide th at wwe've bceii ru n n in g sing able to pull it out atIt UiUie le a m rules. But head cs s{ a n d pigjPlease see CSI, Page D2 ^ nV IN FALLS — T’he h e Boise ' irds UHougli.Uicair toTimbe:nber- Slate University ■ bi l e q u a n c ro a c k R ussel Mill.II. club’s Magic Valley-cl It's not likely TVvin Fails•i wiwill '• ' will meet at the Pressb b a r ' Twin FaaUs boys pickp up fai!ice such an aerial . attacttack • and rus'iaurant at 7 p.n ^ ton:m ight against. urday prior for the leltelev ised “They're a t^vo-back teamTi,do , d >me iso, counters," Tobe SmitimiUi st Texas- ; b first connference mw m : . s I-l Paso. lid. "T’hey're a pliysical leaneam. fc rCally go from o n e extrem I By Diane Philbin vvork o f Sariiiiritos and Garcia. And rem e ) lhe otlier because ihey'i ______:is h a rd as I IS I’avldvic caii shoot , ley’re O’Leary Jr. boosteiters, : I Times-News writer ling to pound die ball at us "T ------die ball, it shouldsin be mentioned . h.,. : us ii ' tie-bit." plan Monday meTwiri Foils (2-0. 0 0 m 5A Wesl)I) Vineyards on Sept.• 1 Falls won 4-J, win were led by die fancyfai fooi- ' Pleaslease see WIN, Page D2 at ^ Skyview (1-2. M in dA SICI■\ Pirst night went too 'O sc a r SorioK pH stiver II icvtjii^ Ogden, with a 163. LMt wMk: - Twin Foils t>oai Timbefline 28-21II Sclirader won Secondi d flig h t Irish (eyes smiliiiingonEuriropean tea Sk)Mow lost 10 Mondlon 35-203 wilh 173 strokes. un at Ryd(ier Clip iMMflnc rush«r. fwn«:' L eaders follow: BlBroOy Miller. 2 7 1 1 S yds.. 2 TDD The AasociatededP resis______chancesices a t O ak lan d Mills C oun-1- Mickelson and Davisis Love-IIL veryconsciotilousofitwhenlwas RwM(«.MMon: M -l Bwr«inll9.:iMjJdr^ltal try OUlub u i tills w eek, stocking itsIS Butkprobablywouldn’Jn ’t h u rt for grow ing us p p pl lay in g golf." Miller.42-375yds'.. STO BLOOMFIELELD TOWNSHIR 12-marlan roster wiUi McGlnley•y everyone to have aa 1four-leaf Inde^, Iri; LMdkiCpMa«r.c«na: Irish eyes have pro- *0 Smrn. 1 ^ 2 7 ^ 7 Xb.. 2 TD. 1 INT Ona-i Rt?i I M ic h .— T he yAmericans have ' and coicouhtiyman Padraig llar-r- clover in d ie bag. d u c e d s o mic c unlikely i Ryder Cup. Paulnc.MaMn the big names.s. rlngtonlon. along with Darrenn liarrington is Uic to{top-ranked iieroes. ■ fcho SoWi. 3041640 ydSn STD. 1 INTINT Qfta - 1. jffl SmMK I n 2. Ccrton eiBM»niB 11 2 . TheEiiropeajc a n s h a v e th e luck C larkeke iof Northem Ireland, player on die Europeslean team. In 1987. w Uadtac r«c«tvw. S«tM: U - 1. Dm Smn 117,2.Gi*g C«itM 122 , when Europe >von ofthe Irisli. "U jiujust se e m s to keep co m inlg g McGinlcy may be thethe hottest the event forfor th e first Ume o n Mitch Smim. 13-244 yds,. 2 TOD ______From Eamononn Darcy to Paul dovmn 10i< the Irish guys," Oarke;e and Qarke iias beaterten Woods American soli sc at Muirfieid, R«oeMi«.MMon CompOed from Staflan reportsI McGlnley. Uiee EmeraldI Isle has said, "h's"h a great litde piece of Mitch Smith. 15-265 yds.. 3 TDD )f tw icc w ith d iflcren t p arlanners. Darcy came10 throug t wiUi a to- enBrandon StoKes. 5 « 3 yds.. 0 TO0 ------made a staggeri;ering contribution iiistory»ry toi b e p a rt of." “Tho Irish guys have^ done( cx- iidiy uncxpecpected singles point tMdlnctocMcr.SMM: T rivia A nswer: to Europe's Ryetyder Cup success ’Fhele U.S.I team is loaded \vldih c e p iio n a lly w ell,"' i la:H arrin g to n 6ii th e finsuJ d di a y Mononin Pottiier. 14 tackles (10 soloj3lO| Abe Mitchell, the golf go in* civer the last 17 years. And the someola of die worid’s top players,5. said. "T lierc w as so mne e heritage The Irishm.iman was winless in p PothioT.*2 2 ^ h ? e s ^ solo)I siructor for Samuel Ryacir^cr ' ■ visiting team1 isn'ti taking any includhidlng llger Woods, Piiilil Uiat w as alw ays Uiere,}, a a n d I w as P leases>e see RYDER, Page D5 I____!

r ■ V . M .TIin»New».TWnWlnFWtt, ldiMK>' SeptefniNnlwrt7.2004 S p o r t s '- . Spartetans sweeephome ttriahgulaar Ath]letics uupend]RangeiTS The Tlmea-News ■ daday, 25-17,25-19,25-14. ------^------■ LlLocal sports Preston utilized a dccjc id e d OAKLAND,' Calif. C (AP) — Ramirez-homered direeree tim es R U P E irr— 'IlicIC M^ inico S par- • ■ ______^______• . . hciglit he advantage dirougiIg h o u t . K enny Rogers lostostattheCoUse- for ali of Chicago's runs,5, aai n d th e ta n s c o n tin u e d t I 10 Improve canyon1 Conference victory. tlie contest: which, enableed the um for tlie firstst time in more Cubs kept, pace in the;e pplayoff Tliursday, sweepingIngloromoanci enns Ferry. In d ian s to pick targets. . d ia n 10 years, wit]vith Bobby Cros- . race by rallj^ng to beatitC Ci ln c in -- Decio in a -homemi; irlangular iry Andrus added three "Tlicy staned out poummding by's three-run double d In the nati. Thursday. The d seven digs fbr die'IVo- o u r bade row,'^ said B obcatthead I fifdi inning leadinlingdicAdiledcs Tlie Cubs opened dieiiheir final ‘ downed Jeroine ■in S r o u t t . (2-4 overall, , 1 -0 coach Tiffany Green. "And “ to a.5-4, win oiover the Texas' road trip of. die regularir siseason . 25-17, 17r25,.25-0.: ;nce). Kaysle Gunter's when vra adjusted, they b(began Ran^rs dn Thursirsday. ' v • * . r. i — four cities, 12 g a m es s— - i o o k - . ... taking down Oeclp:V h5 -5 .“ ° 7 : xl to 19 WendeU p o in ts d ro , p p in g it in th e tniddle.*' Rogers (16-8):) \was unbeaten dpn. gavgavc.up o iie ru n , fo u r hits ing. to Iceep up with/ith S an Decio beat Jeronrome in nvo • teammate Meagan .Jessica Gam led Goo(oding in 35 appearancciccs. in Oakland ahd oneme walk. He is 3-1. in his • Francisco. gjim es.' • eU helped iheTY ojans to- widi eight d i^ and 12 serervice sinceAug.7,1994,94,goingl8-0. lastsbcibc starts, and he lasted . ‘llie Spartans wervere led by Sla- )ints off her serve. ■- P°points. Alfonso SoriantH io vtras h u n i h . iseveh iruin n in g s for o n ly d ie d iird’ Astros 8, Cardinalss 33 ; ■ c le S everson’s 100 killsI agai,nst . Burley (1-4) goes to dieT}'I\vin an awkward hcheadfirst slide dmeslncilnce lh c All-Star break, lell uavels to Carey on ■ J , st: LOUIS — Jeff KeniCent h a d Icrome, while'Megjlegan Whitlock -T ^ S y fc Falls Invltadonal on Thursd;iday ^hilc stealing dilihird base in. thc Mihneinwota broke die game / for a 5 p.m. game. . two d o u b le s a n d fo u r RBl!:lBIs.and - added nine in thclie first match. ■’ . eighth inning. HLHis left foot got, open wwit ith a fo u r-ru n th ir d Jose St. Louis committed aI sciseason- • Both . Wendy MeMeiners and iJahn Pa .caught u n d e r hds is right leg, and Offermainan drove in one run vnth Falls 3, GiGirls soccer high, four' errors to h e lp Danielle Bott tallieiIlled 11 points ,'oano ra • hc left the game.ic. H e'll u n d e rg o a grotmindout, c Crisdan Guzman Houston, snap jMon M Maj aixjuls': ag ain st Jerom e, whiivhile W liltlock. Twltl Fail•alls! HI]Highland 3, Twin FallsIs 0 ■ tests F riday ' . h i t ^ RRBI E d o uble, a n d C u ddyer ^ - 11-game winning streak.tk, and Mary.l'ennellcU stuITed two .TWIN F msive ^ch HardenI (! (10 -6 ) allow ed followedred wldi his lOdi homc ' I FALLS — T h e . B ruin 1HIGHLAND — Oflen Tlie A stros toolc tw oI o f diree • ' blbcJa'iiplece. ... • girls camcTie' o ut .strong in g am e .. vtroes wo c o n tin u e d for die 1i^dy ^ix hits while imcm proying to 7^ 1 run. a tw o -ru n shoito.lefL .‘‘I just have no0 cconiplamls. , Higli- ■ since the All-Stariroreak.. I ■ from die NL Central lc:lead ers, It Idalio Falls rallied to' ■Bruins Br} T h u rsd ay n i ^ t in H staying two games bchinetiind San'.. S p a rta n s co a c h1 JKns Chris- ,ake ta c ,gone ■ Three Oaklandid relievers prc- OrioieS me a Region Four-Five-' land, Ian as TWin Falls has now g es 9, Blue Jays 5 Francisco in die wild-cartia r d race tensen said. "I feelrftlioy i played six win. : -Five- served the lead afteraft Harden lefl Tnoni . 21-25, 25-21, 25-17, ' ^three su^ght Region Four-F SONTO ' — Rafad*' and keeping thc Card: very well. T liey playilayed together 2 5 16 ing a in tlie sevendi. C ardihals'. Six games widiout scorin . Octavio Dotel n,i,252.!iro h o m e re d a n d Rodrigo magic num ber for dindiin as a tcajn and evei:vciyUling iusi stranded pinch-ni-runner Manny :h in g th e< Bauer led TWin Falls go:goal. : won, his diird stral^it division atfour. . w ent well." ulilcd Alexander on thirhird base in dib if ■ _ Avitli severi/en kills, w hile W e n d y . . HI ighland m o re d ia n d o u i lifting Baltimore over I'he Spartans nio\nove to 4-5 o n r „_, i ™ >1 -1 0 elghdi, dien pitclitched die nindi ontributed 10 assists, die Bruins' shot total; 21 to. . the season. 2-1 inn (Grea, Basin. inutc! forlUs21stsaveln'in^echances. Diamondbacks 8, slca Bond- c h ip p e d in ' With Wji (Lgoal in die 35di min ion Wells hit two' home * Conference West attiaLlion. Jerome j^ith sevencn servicc points. How- tlie tlic Raftis led 1-0 a t d ie h alfIfand ,, , * .. RocidesS d ro p s t o '1-7. 1-2 in Jconference. , ' ’ runs, irincluding a ' two-run L> dcfetise wasn't there a d d e d tw o m o re in th e secccond, Red Sox 11, h o m er ir while Decio is now,w 3-5. : Minico r in thc diml diat landed PHO EN IX — D anny BaiB au d sta Bruins, who .recorded coming cor in thc 59di and 7 , • • nvo rowsnvs into die fifth deck of a n d Jerom e a re inlacUonSalur- ac ■'9‘h D e v il R a y s 4 . hit a run-scoring doublele iiin die e total blocks for tlie minutes. mii ■ . ime. sevendi and scored on AioM exC in- . day in die Jeromee InMlalional.Ii Sieve BOSTON ^ CurtC Schiiling ;alnst a Tiger team that . TWin^ -Falls coach St lieiro.hit his 5 47th h o m e r uxin's sacrifice fly llftingAri'A riz o n a . ' w hile D ecio travelsIs lok Am erican „o ,stro n K ( ,n]y became thc firsti l 2 0 .gamevto- m nger as thc night wore £»chmid Scl broke h d ow n sim p] ninth liming, moving tb overCi)lorado. Falls fo r tlie B eavers':ts’inviialion- lor leagues ividiin or "We couldn't generate anyn v o f- ^ I o n e o f M ike S ch m id t for ChadTYacy added a two-run;twc , al.. season, reaching,ig^die.mark for lothplao "W ecamameoutswij^gindie fenfense,” h c said, lace on die career list. homer in die eighdi irinii juriey th e third tim e in1 fourf( ycars a n d fining to' first garhe,le, but let off and they . 1TWin Falls (3*4) goes to B u help the Diamondbacksck s vvin. Murtaugh 3, played ver nextTXiesday rery well for the rest of no ra^fo& y Tlge;^s 6, Indians 4 diree straight for die firstIrst tim e ' th e n iatchch,” TWin Falls co ach Kevin M Ulari Castleford 0 I Damon cach he VELAND — Eric Munson • ' since sweeping San Franra n c is c o ; ker said. Po homered and 9 ; ^ MUHTAUGH — Pocatello 8, Minico 1^ drove in four rums, n s and Bosibn ™d Omam a r Iniante cach h it tvra- from June 1-3. . ;^Munau^ .‘"“ e Sruins (5-4) will play in ' p POCATEUO — Pocati moved within 3.5 1 m eis and Deuioit's buDpcn defeated Casdeford n c Invita'donal on Sat- iteUo .5 games ofthe 22. 25-23 in Maj scored foiir goals in the'finali a l l 5 first-place N ew YoiVbflt Yankees In b usy all n l ^ t , leading die |l\Aarlins 4, Expos 3 ' bvcraevdancL • Southslde Confereerence play ' mminutes ir of the first half onn die , ‘die AL East. Thee learhst start a MIAMI — Dontrellce WiUisiV ■ Thursday. w ay to a n 8 -1 wrin against MiVlini- three-game serieses In N ew York rs starter Gary Knotts, ■ , asn’t won in 13 appear- ■, won for die first dme! iriin five, D rue T o lm an a nid d Kristen1 Eg- Carey3, 3, Dietrich 0 TCO. on Friday ni^t, It. d ie n p la y a j j c e s — 1five sta rts — sin c e July stans. and Juan Encamacioicio n hit ' bert both had six kilkills. Tolman DIETRICUa^ — Carey swept a "That kind of made usIS go three-game setI in1 Boston a leading 5-3 and vras one 'a tw o -ru n triple to lead1 FloridaFle added Qvc blocksi wwhile *nmya tired DIetritirich team o n th c ro a d do'*down," Minico coach Armarahdo week later. overMontrotu. R ipiasaid. Schilling (20-6) im being die piitcher of . ' R an d o lp h serv ed ujp p ithree aces. Thursdayy night.i 25-12, 25-22, ."Rip 3) allowed four when Detroit manager Jeff Conine drove, in thed ie g o - ; Dani Ramirez scored in Murtaugh (4-5,5, 4-2) next 25-16. . 1 the runs and eight hiulits in 7 2-3 inv S tiSYammell pulled him in ^ah ead ru n w ldi a sfacth-ini-in n in g , 35th minute on a breakaway playsTbesday at Haglagermanina • Dieirich:h coach Natalie Chris- 35ti ly for ' nings and won his carrcr-higji. UiefifUifeh for Steve Colyer. •single. T h c M arlins, w h o0 ir;trailed: . ' tri-m eet w ith Valley.>y. dansen. wwl h o filled in fo r h e a d lhe li'.e Spanans tb pull Minicoco to sevendi' su^^t Stanst sincc his 3-0 In thc fifth, remainedn e d 3.5 . co ach T erei!rcsa Sm ith, ^ d f a d g u e '’ ^viti•vithin 2-1 before Pocdtcitello last loss on Augug. 9, against ^a tloill)iiai League jg a m e s be h in d S an Franciscicisco i n ' Richfield 3, Bliss{33 Q \vas thc decidingde factor; as the 'aunched laui their barrage to graraba ThmpaBay the NL w^d-card race. vils have now played 3-16-1 lead a t halfdm e. ^ G iants:s 3, Brewers 0 RICHFIELD — RidmcMeldH-3. ni:e°m S :h e s over d ie co u rse o f Minico ^ (2-6 overall) holosts Twins 10, Whitilite Sox 1 MILWAI IMets 9, Braves 4 3-3 Northslde) defelefealed. Bliss L ■ • , MoiVlountain View on Saturday: ATAUKEE — N ot in d ie I MINNEAPOUS-S — Kyle Lohse city wheihere Aaron played, hc 25-11, 25-15, 25-11I behindb Bvc ,visits . Community P-mi.m . NEW YORK— R ld iardd HHi ld a l- kills from Brianna pitched seven shis h a rp in n in g s, w on’t. But Bui get ready, kayakers: ,goc and Todd Zcile S ch oolncxiext M onday D ietrichs ile h it a n d IQ p o in ts fro m Al M ichacI C uddyer;r 'went 3-for-4 Barry Bonio n d s will get d ie c h a n c e . Eback-to-back homers In ] lAngelaKenl.' is a,against Community BO In N ew Boys soccer with a homer ancmd Minnesota to hit anoinodier historic homer at )York’s seven-run first inn '.Schoolasw5 well o n TXiesday. in n in g . HagerinanS, ’ocatello 5, Minico 0 b e a t die C hicagoD WhiteV Sox fo r hom e, leading the Mets over AdamJan ta. , its n ln d i straight victory.-vil The San Francisco slufficr re- M ike C am ero n h a d d ireeu ^ h i t s RUPERT— Thklngadvantf Magic Valley ChriiiristianO Gooding:g 3, Built 0 HI itage IhestieakingTWi[Wins are qOick- m ainedl ooi n e s h o t sh y o f ^ in in g aand drove In two runs forfo r th e )f a reconfigured Spanan seD TWINFALLS—- The T Hager- GOODINilNG — A very siiarp “J"® stup, ly dosing In on>n th e ir th ird Babe Rut!luth and Hank.Aaron in Mels, who took three ofo f five ’ocatello boasted five sepan m an - Pirates volleyleyball team Senator vovolleyball team took irate- consecutiveALCeniBntraldde.Thcy the 700-hi)-homcr club Thursday, gagainst die Braves. A dayay afteri corers in a 5 -0 sh u to u t agali d o w n e d th e M a ^ c:Valley Va Chris- out Buhl tl in straight games ainst reduced dieir marieirichumberfor butdidgogo3-for-3wldiawalkin rmanager An Howe was firedIre d e f - 4inico Thursday evening. tian Conquerors 25-25-17, 25-17, ThursdaynI-night at h o m e . 25-13, . clinching die cUvlsloaontofour. die Giantsn ts ' 4-0 victoo^ o v e r th e ffecdve a t th e e n d o f th e sseason, e a Four o f th e five goals cam e ikce Brevyers. js 25-12 Thursday nigllight in 1V ^ 25-9,25-19.19. fho I lein Lohse (8-11). tryingtry to over- Milwaukee New York won its firstt series,se he flrst half. The Indians stru Falls: T he Pirate's mom ove to 12-2 “It\v a saan n all-around team ef- Tuck come ah inconslsslstent season ^ since takirig two of direee e .In.1 a Irst In thc 14th minute with on the season, 4-1 in M agic Val- fo n .” said d ( Gooding Coach Joe ith a with a strong finlsllish that could CubS5, 5, Reds 4 rrain-shonencd set at Coloro lo ra d o . Doping shot over die keeper ■ ley Southslde Confeiiference play. Tbone. - • • 3rby puthiminthepostjstseasohrotar ■ CINCINIINNATI — ■ A ram ls ' 0onAug.a7-19. eff Johnson. Five minutes lailater, The loss drops MaMagicValiey Indeedit1 it was, as die Senators aso n K nighton to o k it sc C h ristian to 1*5 o n t]thc season, had three ap players reaching the hrough the Minico defense 0-5 in confercnce.e. The' Con- double-di^j^ts In service points. nake it 2 -0 , a n d foUovtred 'querors are back in acdon in BrinanleToiToone led widi 21. and vms he 35th by Byron Ecken Ia Hanssenhaiif Hansen IXiesday.';■ HagermanI CadyCoate:lies and Kaiynn Pereira S L idles Li^ghthousse hen Man Brown in thc 36 h e a d s to S h o sh o n eB MondayIV for p u t u p 18 8s and 14, rcspecdvely. tsa Busch put in thc lone seco:»nci By Erie Larsen block, am n d o n e ace. R achel Ver- . n . a tri-match with th e In d ian s P ereira als2 iassists. . urc it out I would. Otherwi•rw isc 1 :— Ll^diousiluse. • d Burley loilooked strong on de- . "We1 tried moving some guguys don't know how to get diemi3m iup." 3 fense as wc ip fro m th e b ack a n d th ey totook TWINFALLS —-Forget F pretty, "TheyV played well and The Huskies Improvet to .4-4 Camas County 3, w a b o a s U n 8 3 8 _ 5 e i w orked :aj J X a n d 17 blocl d v antage o f o u r defense." snsaid just get it done, i^as a team at cenain on o die sciason, but diis yo u n g ! lave been the points," U< TVvln Falls ChrlstIstlan 0 Goodinglg 1moves up to 7-1 and dinico co ach D en n is H ayneses. It may not ha« ’Uohs coach Tobie Hcl- team » has a long way to3 gogc to: Minico (0*8) goes to Moujun- Hansen Huskies'js' volleyball man said,id. "But a t d m e s w c h a d ' ,C' . ' , , ■ FAIRFIELD — TilThe Camas visits Kimbnberly next TXiesday. . .co m p ete w id i die M a ^ cc VaValley lin View on Saturday m o tto T hursday, butb i it was die some communication cor errors . S Cotmty Mushers cn.cruised p ast B uhl (4*4)1) plays at die Wood SouUiside Conference's's \ b e s t ' way diey playixi.. Every E Husky and a breareakdowrn diere.*’ t( TWin Falls C h risdanan Thursday Uiver invitat,lallo„al. team s. T h ey ’re sch ed u ledd ttc o b e : player saw time in ir their road A numiimbcr of passing and' back b in action Monday 25-22,25-13.25-16.55. Setter Kris- lurley 1, Preston 1 Ja y in non-conference vrin vn over lhe service errorserr did In die Lions. S ten Weadicrly’ sei Shoshone M up Uie Shoshonene . PRESTON pr — Bonifacacjo Li^thouse ChrisdaidanUbns 25- Just whenicn it looked like Light- M ushers attackers alJ "Wc have to go back to d ie : . anchcz scored thc equalizersrin 17,25-18,25-18 inn TWinT Falls. ho u scw o u ' ' her way to 40 assist:,if^."£i°dS sweeps t.triangular rauldmakcarimtodea drawing d board and workk hh; a rd - ie 7 9di m in u te to lift Burleysy to , "We rotated dux)irough toget as Husky leacead, a ball in die net or ei hitter Bedi McLamm taUied 10 .KZMBORLRLY — S h o sh o n e rc- a 1-1 er," S tim p so n said. 1-1 d e w idi P reston. m u c h p laying Omene for each of out of boulouhds would derail the kills, while Sapiandiidia Slssiam mained u ur n d e fe a te d o n th e “M The lions fall to 0-6 bnb n th e . "He just wasn’t going toNT I players, Hus[uskics coach nui. s< fin ish ed w ith seven.1. se a so n , taki:iking both games in a. deni season and will contii• n t i n u c '. enied," Burley co ach W es NNy- G alen S tim pson saicsaid. “I h av e 11 "Our serving sei was our weak si "(McLam) was off>ff Ifor several triangularr matchv in Kimberly, blad searching for dieir first wrin in: Sat- lade said. "H c got o n th e cdiwge players diat I feel1 ccan come in point," HelmanHei said. “Widi the u ' games, but we gott herli figured besting File urday in Dietrich in a triangim g u lar ■iier 25-19, 25-14 and ofUif tlie 18 a n d ju st b lew it b y tl and play as well aas s d ie n e x t I rancid scoriroring, it rhakcs a great w ' ou t.” C a m a s coacliI BeckyBc Skin- Kimberly 25 widi die Blue Devils and OakO a k le y . ' 25-21.22-25.15-13. . keepeeper and equalized. The Tl guess I'm happy willvidi diat situa- difference.'ce." ner said. "Now she's's h itting it all T h e best r “T h e biggest thing nowv isis die >t match ofthe touma- ke^e ^ e r didn't ev en sec It.” • T h e Hus overforxis." , . tion." -luskies won thc match mental rr aspect of die gang a m e ," ' m e n t, howjwever, belonged to T ’ni h e goal c am e n o t long aftd)?r Allhough she plajlayed sparing- on a misnlismatdi of height and , H A solid defensi\isive effon Kimberly ar Helman said. "Wc need to get a n d Filer, .w ith Kim- Preslreston grabbed the lead on a ly, Huslqr w n io r JeslessiCa T h o rp e . adiletic aabl b ility W liile th c b igger d helped hold off theD Warriors as berly prc diese ^ Is to believe dieyey can_i irevalling after a pensenalty Idck In thc 75di rhinuilute. led Hansen widi eigelj h t kills. S c- H usky playcrs pla; communicated w five-foot defensiverc specialist tenacious fiv win." , ifivegames, 25-15,22- “It “It >vas back and fonh." NNy- nior Retha Stanger'cr w as sc c o n d well, theyBy playedj widi litde ur- Jennifer Dettori wenttntlowforlO 25, 24-16,21 , 25-23, 15-12. It was bladilade said. "T hey played toui on die tearh widih four 1 spikes, gcncydiroiirough thc match, digs. an 18th bitbirthday present for . defei Hmcs-Neivs sports writerlerEric. i . efense o n us. But I w as rcaJially The Lions were onemce again led “We neeiced to work oti a lot of LarsenL can be reachcd at 7-6I ’BOO-. "We did very wel"S' 5-6-seniorir Wliltney\ Funk, who impinpressed becausc we can fense." Skinner said ime by sophomore Amunbur Ulrich, things.Afe We weren't sh a ^ at all." 65S-3S83,61 Ext. 639.>, ■ or iald. Ueally led die BuiltiUdug o ffense w id i 14 rightg ht back in th e 79th m in u te. g e ttin c d o w n a n d pl C-” who totalled fivevc kills, one Sdmpson>n said.s "If I could get a elarsenGPmagicvalley.com.el r. •■ ' plctang up idus. Siaq'Vy Waiter followed with Burley Bu (4-1-1 overall) travcvels difficiilt digs.” ca Mecham had a big to) 'IVvin*IV Falls o n TXicsday for The win moves the hcWlldcats, recording 4:3030 p.m1 . m atch . to 2*5 on die season,m Th“v'S* a n d 14 d i ^ a n d U n d - main 1-4 in Magi ” esi_ knocked clown 14 kills, lo ti Northside Conference k S ne takes their 1 0 -0 ate • Tuesday Continued frtm D l FUipe wa will face confercnce i was in die lineup after mmatches against Easternn / Ari-.; re c o rd to ^another tri-match in Voll The Community S- oileybaii ^ t o s , FUlpe' and an Johnson spraininglg hI e r an k le last w eek- zczona, No. 10 Seward Countyn ty C C CareyonlUtIXiesday. K im beriy (8 - ' ^ die Yavapai CoUege (K hom e Monday. ietrlch 3, can all run thc slideid e effecdvcly, e n d a t th (Kan.) and Long Bcach (Ca(CaUf.)’ 2) hosts GoGooding on TUesday • butSicmiadcowskahahastum edit Roughrldc:Ider Tournament in CiCity College in pool play a n d Filer (4-54-5) takes on D edo at Can'amas County 2 into her ^ a t^ t weiveapon. • Prescott., Ariz.Ai S he m issed prac- "Seward is going to be a googc d Wendell 3, home, alsoDT\iesday T , “M a n a s ieally genad with the tice. Monlonday, to undergo ra FAIRFIELD — Dieirich di match." Stroud saTdThursdas d a y > slide," Stroud s a li "She's awe-, treaunentlnt b u t h a s b e e n p laying . Glenns Ferry 0 atcd Camiis County In fi\ . On Saturday. CSI startss ddi o u r • so m e off h e r left fofoot and can widi thcteam tei since. bl WENDELL — laynlynie Good- Pteston 3, Burley 0 unes TXiesday The Blue Devi ble-ellriilnation toumamia m e n t i ; Today.', CCSI .plays best-of-fiye pi b o d y re c o rd e d six killskill to help PRESTON)N — Preston swept wono n 26-24, 25-21, 18-25i 19-2S . . play at 10 a.m . MDT. WendeUtoa25-19.25-25-23,25-23 B urley in stnscrai^t games Thurs- andId ]15-10. W in _r M e e t ^ — Contotiedfrompl b e rts o n CcCollege. crowbar CT over die outstrctdiBtched! Contlniied from 0 1 R esults foLfollow: played three gamiimes in two BecrfoUtoUowed with his score fingertips fii of Bruins goalkeeikeeper! mrlySdnd - ir uuuflm n 2019 w e e k s .. to m ake it 22-0. Di ley's 79. Senior Cor:onrad Lee , • Drew Davis to m a k e it 3-1,l.B B; ru -; BoyaretulU He sdd he hadd ianticipated Second-Id-half scoring staned ins. in c ro sse d th e f i n i ^ lineinefirstwith Qlfi» _ die game to be a touough one. inthe54thidl m inute on a Pavlovfc an 16:39 clocking. Tfed Tolm an T h e final goal for TWintl Falls-R T h e B ru in s ’ flflrst' score boomer thatdii hit the right bar ca ' to o k th ird (19:0!3:09). Ieff, 14hMUM-l si«rmJMwn.S>rirf.2iO);2 cam c o n Sanchez^} seco nid d g» o a l' iJ S i .’" K SM c a m e o n a fre e kick Ic In the ^unomeed into the net past or M o rte n s e n fifth (19:1 |.IIIO.JMIM)W>MXMvn).ia.l2. SnTnu^.J«m*.a: o n a n assist fro m BUal a t id ie ] 19:12^ Troy .“S S S tte:. i«gM »in. vwqi a» . 1 IM Am. M«R a 47, sbcdi minute of thetht first half Highlandd g o a lk e e p e r M ike 70di 70 minute. I b lm a n 10th (19:47)D ai n d i y i e r . itD.BOmMmx) IM IM£>«l Mrii. 240». 7. D«Y FkAu. l;l J«ir-»An»«n«i !jrn»ii«jen»»a«,ji. •r -1. aMcrm mmod » M: 11 Aui tmin points behind a ninth-]th-placefln- r ------^ cw Fletcher, ish of 19:40 by Andrew a - 10 ftytBtfOi2420.19 HMOO«MM22;2l S l Independence, NtNev. took rwC^27«.» rwniMvWti.)? LnMy >ubsicribe toe)day. Call 73S13-0931 founh with 121 points.its. K im ber- naTu 'Uran»a.4ijMtuH«iMtr TtnwHS Iy wasfifithwith 139anca n d H a n se n r"”" lu.-,.- I JmWmBnr,241« OD i r 677-4042 forf r home delJllvfery. s b ^ with 215. •r-i7.EiMimMrt»s aT.—"*"’ " sa-j _ ^ ^ ~ ^ T . > Fridailday.Septm nberl7,2004 .Time» Twin M it, Idaho M•3 S p o r t s

S co rRESAND SSTATS PORTS IN BRIEF—I ] a s e b a l l . ' P 'H n 81IBB 6 SO >wtA»>er>^ Rim to Rimn Heras B WHAT ’ S 1l40.n11 « ' 1229 MTr^Aa Ton Acn Bm««R«guf>«R i^un or walkalk a scenic.and . Spanish 7«i«(B«r . . O. U <31 ’ » BPN2,6p.m. .. t-203l-MiM|4»0ni $ft«r* sh Vueita on 'lliursday by fOfSy^a^ia300.TNT;' . .• «X^Fru»P»MuU*#0«*>ltftEwQ'K.^ ch allen g in g 7.£7.5' mile coiirsc winnihjlig the tour’s tou^est . '™ » . PAMES7.DOOOBI33 ' • • .w L Pa OB • 1 p.m. a*ND«oo. losANoafs'£S' .'' , 12 40 U»«Mm>.,>W4wn.C*nCnsi^ diat bttpns anc:md ends at Bass . stage toto d ie C ^ a r Alto •m oun-, U«n*KU • ■ H U iC9 — ' > . tti h tr tt.t t r nti ■ . C m t n v n , . 'Lake at (Jiti DltiuItiu Lakes Country, tain pasass. . ' ; • Oogo- , TJ 73 W -IJJ •'• ••NASCAR. FeathetwlghtModr ' Br-TaX '4 1 3 1 in/qtl SSllO 12 50 TMViK«ni Sim • • Om iw ■ 71 75 «J 15 • PVifu* 19 19. Wtml 5S > 2 I POI.GwC«t>r . Clijl>,'niecmryiiry fee is S20 Ifyou Herasas rode' die 9b'-milc leg . 0«9« , • 79'4i5.19J ’ ified Series. SPEEbr8p.m. . . . . ICp-tRiJB 5 9 0 0 Sfrtt,e 11119 '. 140.Ttr|,Mirtj i,«C)»rtlMn.«4n.«4WK,«r .register'on o r I: • Ryder Cup, fifsl found. USA'iSAi r ' BOiMn -J:.3-3 3. SnO(»MP41 I 0 .1.1 CnnUiCM'i . . ' < . ir before Sept. ll- from .the ,tl southern, city of ■ • lt«WilB .4 0 2 I VIW.3D 33 I 0'M lH.CmU*,i»2s 33 I0 9 0 3sm.T,/ryWiHRJC- . Pi-reit 4 O'l 2 Wwe 3 1 . . Lntry forms arear available at SbcSpSpiinish countrymen fol- ' n u M s 3 t 0 0 Stmtn 110 I 10 210 Ti4B«> EvlOrNUvt'Wi ' ss H ina s ■ • Red Son at Yankees. ESPN,j ond round. ESPN, 2 p.m.. . PM5"{1 1111 Ftmpr 00 I0 0,0 . Donnelley Spoiports, Elevation lowed,l. led by runner-up n Sp<3rts. Gold'ss CCyn'i. 'l\vin Falls' SantiagiIgo Perez, w h o w as 34. ThMk/tOam ' . .5 p.m. . . ’ , • LKJA.Safew^ Classic, firsfifSl' " 0 0 9 22«S 00 0I 0 0 aWint.Su«5U9«.UMMr.6 0 0 0 0 . Citwtt t*l 0.00,1 0 0 WMflttSMa -.o ..,,. ,\,]^to|c,cluh,1. YMCA.1 yMG\- seconcbds behind.. Frahcisco . Bibfvii.ronnos ' • Braves.at Marlins, TBS, •' -'found, TQC,7 p.m. C>w>lp 0 9 0 0 .'C«wp 0 0 0I 0 9 •8i3K4nG0i>..«.*5«.«n„R«F.«v Ciiy Pool, a n d Lcng:*' ’ 9 0 0 JUlonp 0 0 0I 0 0. «sn.Etn04«t< id tlie ''h v in I'iills M ancebebo Wiis third. 53 sec- . 5 S i ' » ‘ • • 5:30 p i). . 1 0 0 0, ' tSO.FiM Ski. WinBu:m/ ■ I'"'-", ■ ImpiZ/u-wttv Ilentsits ou sted U.S. Postal Ser*- Sw O ^ 210001 120-7 . Funt Jrt> Ure*) sponuoro.com.in. For more in- vice, tycyclisi Floyd Landis from • r*Kwen(WiMit>3'7)arQRne(it)^».' , lMAr'>VW!>»T (W-w il.SOSam. . • Women. Pepperdine at Col-Ol- D»-toHft)mU06-S*Bt)*?o5lJlwAiv-.'• «>iirOD*i ■. roriiiali.iiic.aII-11734-2f>-ir). th e N}. o.' 1 jio sld o n overall. Lim-^ eoowi « N.Y Y«*m 9 2B- (23l. RVlMuMrtlll 11 920 AwD4i>Kt\ Pwruui j;ivilR 'Jr- d isslipip p ed lo fifdi. . ,e«.S0S8m . orado St.. FSPT. 7:30p.m.m. wwijiai.vwtc>ai2i icnMCk Um U4U» g ___ 30-l;»<«il>MB.e5.nia,.PwcnUini7l 9340lwDei».Grr’s>rt; «« ■ Koonmsojpm' Raptois' GMiM expects NMWdi 5 111 OcMffA 0 0 0,0 P H R En BB Bi SO SiMSceti ' Doim (RcMRnn 12tj« C>'I e looms as m erger • lQi*M|.et6pm Um 3B 4.0 2 3 OIMWAS 2 2 0 ..W*tW.109 7 5 3 3 3 3I . tl^^?wi4.12 6 7 3 3 1 4 . ’Un(.Ei)9nUnc«' “■ =”>• Cartel to staitay put ■ Is®. ' r«MiU .5010 VWMd S 203 4 I4(U' I 1 0 0 0 B. 9 ' 1 a .0 0 1 O' »50.«t»llw*n 0*.*~aw iMMj.e’iopti> fll>*Tio16 3 2 2 2 MSSJIPS 0 3 I . B«rM>S42 ) I 0 0 0 1 0 I KMiM jfT^n UfCiry ' ■ roiiON'iot -~ Vince Ciirter be ^ put off OtUM rte IMOl ■ SMfH rp(n-Herr. Ul eoipm Sunoai 4 2 12 -ItniwOb 5 0 00 0 0 St(tM.IM«Wrt«.IIW>U*,W*,o . iu...v>.r wants oil) of‘lb"Ibronto. but dte TOKY'.TtJ — nic first sirikc In CCCnnlrf. 4 0 |,0 ?««>( 4 S 0 0 7-2XA-l7jiei3i33l).‘ ' MtftwiSl? 1 0 0 ,0 0 r«w (Pot »S| u AMwn iCdon I J.ll(, |« jn ttttd - IOOO Giou< 3010 IMA>«M IOl9Uif(W«» >»^JH(G»w>»i.^>ew£i-*r, ' R aptors’ now’ gegeneral niiuiager die hististory of liipanese base- 0 0 ucrst,eiuv£s4' WA).»r(}l,:6 5 7 1 4 •0 0 5 »**Mn [X»AnMuM . u ,.. says h e isn'i Boil'oing anywhere. 'biill loo|loked increiisingly likely 2 0 ATIW(TA • . NEWYOftK . S«f«I , • 2 • 2 I 1 0 1 1020 MrxCntw. 'wvt EMI u National League 0 0 ttr h a ttr• .hp ^ . C4rn^. 1 3 2 2 0 0 vviMnM >iuni ” ^ ' -ll doren’l chchiinge' anything Ilmrsdiiiliiy jifter representatives unnMier ToWi set t2l 41S ?3S13S Fwcnu 3 < I 0 S [1 ?"3 : Jioion 1 1 0 0 0 0 19».UntM4V>«*J*nnViVrtw ! wilh us." Roll HnUabcockloldThe of, die country'sc .pro'baseball . ' ' '.EMDMMi ' IBtBnor* 1S000011-0 ' J t '««POMlo2t>4.miMn««n.WW>lUtvu HVWlCKxAtOMr eaimlu 2 0 0 1 We/9» 4 ; 0 J0 ' ' P*cn»s»]6»e»f»«ic-nc»i 1040. Pttfr P(j»rt. ivrtji jVssociiiied I’rcs;ress on Thufsdiiy. leams niledr out a key player W L Pd GB TetMe ieC0OtO1-< U>n2p 5 0 0 0 Fie^t j Ii Aft i ( l'B»-pjWMI(C«r»i.p,WA>,»in|*rf»,.All Am*nuBia»*o CcD4.Tt E-RP«Hi«.9 III. Hnt* (7i -Tvcr«o t lOO-OMnn ». Tuu; 3 1 I ® 2 ®C U-<>r»t-*«rr, U’-> V«Mf f« . PMP», toso fWJrftr C*f»i«£rHiten I -SS .S I ' 2 0 ,1 ^ $ BrOM. Ju9> QiM^t . team . V\l‘ c.xpei- Ph**anef« rs 7i sit loj20-6M [191. OtIuMn ini HR-nPwrM»■» OsnnSb 2 0 10 IMCt'P ' 0 0 JOJ. 0 ( KeDr«. ' tl» m. R«>j T |^ SAttrr RjW :iei't him .to futllll lapiin’in's players d ire a ie n e d to tm>Yo>t . . « « 05 a (191.( V«MI 2 |19^S&^«mW P* Ump 0 0 0 0 Vrrtr>3B S'l ' I all o.bligaiionss olof.the cdntnict." strike tills tl weekend unless a “0»Ml ei «-,415 « SO xfioon 1 0 0 0 MOKJOII 4 2 *JIJ. : t-303*-J4105|5««Cl ''.SlWr!»mU-;4HiW«Kr C«M{Mlto> I c*)np 0 0 9 0 :.<.ip 3 ? : : II l9 5lMr*«Sw.n*|tF««s-^anMjn'tM ; I'jjt. Hijpiors>rs iill-siar guard one-yeai.‘iir freeze wiis placed on RUPMW.D8 e > 4 3 0 ' 4 w I Pd ce I 4 JuOulp 0 0 0.0 kYI^u 3 ;>■ 1 2 C Ba s k i-:t m j . il20^Uc7^4a>ri*'M«imjt'f, ■ Kild tiie'ro ro nntoStar'in’l'hurs- to ■ the meiierger of the Pacific •Sllou* , « 50 U5 - ICnnMr 0 2 0 0 0 0 Ajgr*id 4 0 0 I I-tnWc 2 0 O'{ -- — :nen«ien WdiMnTn«rT9WH . ChoflD . , e» H iie HS . I 2 0 0 •«■ 0 1 U*«16 4 0 0 0 HD«p. 0 0; 00,OC ...... 'WNBA .■d;iy‘scd iiio iis:"l>:“ll's'iimeforUie T.eague'^e's Kintetsu Buffaloes 1 . EiW>ne .4120 vtincf ’ ^ 0( . IIM Clvc>«o«0n Aw«Mt4n B> i£. ' ' ■ ' ‘ , ? ?-?---- AITteuUOT tUKMfl ■<4(K>IW«e truth: 1 wantit U)i be traded." andOri>rixBlueVVave. SSS. S S IS »1. i TTnuil 4 0 10 V«HP 0 0 6 C 111(1 Cr4gG'-Ji«' P*atu»i • ' u .» 4U. »6 .UOlMULIO'122 ' 7 6 4 1' •- -cpMiflp. '0 0 0 0 .j"Mwe 0 ?I 0 1 EASTERN aMFERCNCC ' . Cjirter also saidaid in a lelter to' But. leiiinU ofilciiils told tlie CW»> , 4. 0 0 0 3 >9 CB UfKU-*v. ■ . o n 431 SS I rCvmce/.. r.- 'is S3I11 _ • r r t posfcci on WMDMbl . ( ! . JO I SluUmjfi V.t Stul.‘*'4,n o n h is V\'eb sr(e . Uipiincsif.se basebidj plityers' as- W L Pd' OB ?** ' J J ; g J> D>Oi>u» 3 12 3 16 '« UO iM A n^ »l ei S7» - L > . Tdtt 394 9 3 Tota 339, I2« . r«,r«, • ' It t6 500n . t rucr CMtur D«tCv Gti;otwiti . thai he’s not eagiagiTio wait while sociatioiion 'I'hursday Uiat a ’ *’ K ttm ^ 1^ te SOC10 ,. . Oei9Fi«w.CW"r-m«r th e team rchuildlilds. ' Ireeze on oi the merger was im- ■ StnfiMHca e: es SU 3 ^ RLo^[adMU2UBtn«n<7n.(>>T»irr5» i,fiU»)4K tx •S»0<90 7« 64 iM • SS p4di inpjtwoi wp-ue««i ' MwYixn.lOB-AaifMr 'l_ ' '**'* « S T E (w co ^ r» i^ the fact thai we,ve h av e not been ' W ithI diei m erg er o f d ie Buf-' T/n Tfflncm, fm Uta ttgi.>1 e«PrMl1l|.fcwon2iXi F*«, S*et«.J»"««e,t. liwa.Bw 1 24 8 .JM0 _ i230 »M'P«cmi4*tS(MA( . fmrnim CamtfenmiS-TfKXulS^-l'ROojn ' 11 ; i24C.C4i*Ev hallgameS,’’.‘S,’’ C arter wTote. Pacific: L I eague Avas re d u c e d ' *wyuB.Cc««HS 1t-3l7A-2l.4S1IS0S«i p H n ER n3 SO FkMa4,UcMi(«3 JO ' 4 . .tr»ijon*i ^ "I am ai th e poll'lointinmyciireer from sixiix teiuiis to five..w hich . S.vW«f ■ 16 16 iMJO e 12S0 C4Uw».er>4 C»««*"10.1 1 t 7 : 2 0 ea"* I;rr-4« Oa99CiMS.CKm>H4 ( * -M l* • • 13 l> 4» II where 1 do notloi hiive time to could result rt in at least ,100 ' . ts«n, 3 1 0 .0 ? ; r itninv>e ■ t 2S }«Q . . 165 lpm.l,i*w«cr 'lrw'llinv'ir ^^.ai( two to lot lUullona.SLlcu*) Ibt TOfKi 1 2 1 0 0 0I lOrtMSpM^ anwCauAftanvw lour years for ii players's' and team personnel SvDi*p«Lc«An9M.tM ' . y WH»ff2# 4 a t C Lfwd* 5 11010 Unr 1 1 0 0 - 0 110 D4f*0u>«> -i.-ir. I,. ' ;tt*an> to mature.'ire." . losing dieirdl jobs.' PAA/iOaxH -n.»«id -f 2 0 10 jjovtrt 1 0 0)0 0 Cwm ' I : 1 T t I P»P|H» NY.UMlOln«w»'i3)tlPaUv9i(Vaie«<' vatMrci IOOO tm od 3 2 1 01 0 Mw .10 0 9 0-: R4, • Ciirter. who0 I' h a s-fo u r ve:irs itficM1Cl.S0Spm Cknon C 3 110 Umwji»5 1 2 f 3.3 Nmrvk ■ ■ , 1» P»>J4~rt.Biikr*M« Rj,' ewM'pn 1,0 0-0 onmnai 5 0 11 , •' f*'.Y»«?>.WMf«)1.0I in Ki«n . , re m ain in g tsnin his contract. Parent u«>ui«ma>.;j|MPMaacU>iiu*» ^ I 1 Ira«IV/.1M3 6 , 9 4 J I ;‘ s*;rww71 .t«wn62 2om. T«n Si*^ Cx'St*.!^ nt Its hopeful th a t , • KfttftOW 4 0 10 COwou 3 2 2M 1 ' • 9 , 0 0 I 2 P*Wr3 loTfTjWflsrt .. ’ . . ducked questionions ahuuc his fu- OSMI 2 0 0 1 Ct»n'36 4 2 1212 Yjw I 1 0 0 0 0 210 BwiUWu »! ilWwi)-l|.S:1}pn< 'TPK4{rt .3 0 0 0 0|«l)a 3121 " i«« *»» * CjwkXU 5 B m ture with theL‘ leamu when he r recovers ' " Ctwfli'5*»iSwAi«»w 6p"i Cil.t/.'OW MMl(B|n7-S|«FlonU(K«.^»1|.S3S CCiMl3e 3 0 0 0 frwrtc 4 12 1 22 ' f'«cnt«'p4/»eio}M!i»'tJcV 2 20 .VvAiu 11 IraA Sc;rt-.fiu,K- Ti to'.. w as in Torontoto for bis annual l/XMI’iIPA. Ma. — 'llie pjireiits VWiMw 3 0 0.0 hv “X ' Bunp WtuMt tSAMO 1M1)« Ikuwi (Oftt 6BOm c 2 0 0 0 0>Mt Aow Omo. inrs Pru Cb::iL ji Uwtiyi tl ta» Ary»t.^ ^ m charily all-stara r g a m e in Inly, of a. 'ieennessee r 'I'ech receiver 174).eOSpin. TTMl . a t 4 1 TM . M191410 . Aiuauiwrne-ismsi ioia(wvM«ni cO ttw oMtooao-1 ' CU8S5.REOS4 lMAr9Mt8l$«»( e»n PGA-Texas Operpen Bill Ciirter's ageigem.Mark Stein- who renL'niains in a co m a after I0-7l,«10pm JuhTMu oi4oooa*-io. CHCAOO CnOWATI U Sicrmmo Spm TKOO., ■ berg, said a1 week w laier his being injuredin in a helmet-to- lotAraiinlNmi-iiiMCotnds EE-CGumtfl 1121 2100- tti h tr tti nu Al T7a flMon Cant« uC vm I ChUgs 3. UnrmOJ 72&-Uom*M 2 (IS). "" inawjiCowoeu to»"i diem asked thehe Hapiors lo ex- helmett collisionc iire o p tim isd c IJvi<.W> StflAMBftO S»D^|P»».y12S),«lSinr>r«Bea CCCuimaA2[29l.OiMll| BcrMnMiHn- KPfritU 4 1-00 4012 PincOSndtoi :)ssibilities', iheir son111 will recover jind even- (IwiyWj.eiSpn SC u^^O i CS-Wmrra i8) S-COuww. ARrxtte 5 3 4 5 4 O.t' ; 1 W*tf*7y.4!';n.»o>» 2P"> ' Y«^(J8l;P«;7«(3Ss■(IMSl ‘ ■.y >«xoi3rnPK»f., rprfl luiillv gril^iiduaie from college. A*)ul 2 0 0 0 Ogr,'! 4 0;" 0 J1 'UvwiitSjtiimM; ep"> f«*Rowid AL Boxes c iO M h IP 4 0 1 0 0JW26 3 0 0 0 • f«Pu-5r Mit— S&surl 4 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 jnUcC««m .3'U--Ki Mayei moves'es to . Y . Hixon. sun u f VVash- AMCTC9S.FVWOBB4 . , . 0Otilmll.10,11 7 9 5 5 3 4 TWaAr2B 4 0 0 0 V.'««>ucl 4 ■ i 0 7mCa» Kedskins assistiint Stan . TEXAS OWMI AAM IJ 4 4 4 0 0.' . Urctrp 0 0 0 0 liflMc 3 1 ;• i C Foc)'rn,\LL OtV'WlUX }4.»-. ( Romania quaiuaiterflnals IS u, ttr h H ttr tiH c KMMp. 0 0 0 0 rveoup.l 1 .' 0 “ JJ M«r, . 32-32^ lliis b een in cridCiU con* enritffi s 3 2 I KMurd 4 i :o uSSL. Sitee 4 0 10 FW7.0 0 0 9 3 . ' SORUCV’en 3?33-(JM ! uuc:ii/\iiii.sr,>T. Homiinia 'i— dition atai St. Joseph's Hospital BUMS 3 I 12 D ^ l 4 1 2 0 UtMWeil l. 7 4 I I 1 2 Wmlp 2 3 0 0 firtncri 10 0 0 5wlS««n 13U-< UYcngn 4 0 10 {Om3b4 i t 2. . .ftRcnxtp I 0 0 0 1 0 CrSAi2B. 10 9 0 VK.HS 0 C 00 00 AiiERKANOMFBIENCE •PtiruV«eing c a n e d ofi" th e field Tu«1B 3 0 0 0 Hooglft 4 1 1 0 tl TeMi- 345 4 5 T«M 314 5 3 Uanwooi Mli-c defeiiied Arnaud during dieiJ second quaner of ASoraa 3 0 0 0 CwtntfKOOO. wSHcon vi ' ® “ ® , ® * ChaO> 200010200-5 PP PA .• jujtniwru-s 3'-W- U"|l twv r « UM Md. f..-Enf*w , .-,9 0 t.COO V27 | l ' XSV~* ; Di I’ascitude <3f3f II'n m ce 7-fi (0). th e G oldIden Eagles' 21 -7 lo ss to O*xoi 4 0 0 0 &neyu 4 0.3 3 n I.. O m g omi3sooo-t (UnMt. s*1 •weet i2.5<>- 3 . CMt,r«»l .’9-3-.^ sday to advance Sottdi I'loridaI-l< last Saturday. . BMtmif . 4.0 1.0 .DUmc 4 0 1.0 E< ■ . Ci>c*gg1,CTCm>iite-CH*99:. ■. 'fW « •„ . 0.1 .0 ..COJ K 10 .13 hi«aS.4mcn — • 4 12 0 SaMni2»4 0 10 'T-22rA-20.052|4S4ai T. ' Cr«mi.42»-A(UTCtti3ni|35i,Bi»ni<>S-noM W L T ,P«PfPf PA ; j ^ < ^ ^ , ;1 m ania O pen. k nocked;d die younger Hbcon's TeUi S4 T 9 TeM 3SS 129 .. f> H n En ea jQSO t 0 0 IOM 1313 to Bi%»G4r. . 3^3i-' seeded Vicior helmetloir. o TcM 0030100CO-* GUMTS4,eREWEnS0 Oogp TpyxniH 1 0 0 1«9 17'7 ■ jrrxUror- ' 3Wt-< '* iinsee OMM 100 040 0 M &&WFRW . . laWAUKEE tors have told the ttr A y ' ttr KUJ, WMSW.e.7 7. s 4 4 . 4 9, , -WS" 0 I 0 000 20 2’ • 0J 8w 4 . Hanescti ot'Homoniiuiia beai Sle- Docto 0 . M««»« 1 0 0 0 0 1, ' .i>4«-4P0i4 . 9 1 9 000 24 2? . H».«lj;,n(r*< «15-« ? that the. 22-year*old ■ sasraaK isi.... Dftilffl2D S 0 0 0 POMd 3 0 0 0J] K».MnS22 1 . 0 0 0 C 1- Pa IV*i 33 IM^ J ‘ fan KouliekofAif Austria 6-2.6-.'^. H ixons . IWI. ^ fflL SaittK) 003 0) . K nitu 5 1 1 0 CgriMtu 4 0 0 0. . Cnma ' W L T F«PrW PA fcVyiP»» MH-rn-i* J •• and' seventh-se-seeded ,Filippo seniorcccould regain conscious-' R w iu 0 0 0 0 OrtUrlft 4 0 0 20 t-txcci 6M5 4 J 2 ', 1 • t 0 0 'OK K B 3 lar«"<>a«n DU-', ■ F(U» s 3 2 11 4 0 0 05 • •RW»{f*ti3.2 13 1110 1 1 C 9 I COO 2424 21 U'}4-6^ j Volandri of Italv I ousted n'essaiaa n y tim e. T lieir so n i!> a BcTMf 3 0 3 1 BClvtil 4 0 2 10 VMnr* . 2 0 C 0 : 4^ . Bum/t C. I 0 oto J 3 W rtrtlifnM M i:-6u-66 -• Uic:hardGas(;ueluel o f France fi-2. in in sferr fromf LSU where his fa- nogmLlfrt 42-3« S S '2 C ', EiEiiont. 0 0 0 0 3 0 10i W>-W0« 2.«irxcc Oerrjl 0 1 0, 0» 2«24 31 SiMB'yin J1.J5-6 B«*4- . . I .1 0 0 0 I UofK* “ 0 0 0 0 XQ«2t) 2 0 0 0 l-fi.(i-.3. ' th e r Wilvas an iissistant last S v IP 3 0 0 1 Wms 0 0 0 X0 Or>prt*-Hcm. 04 "C«i. f-« Uv. , , , Jjis-t U4Mry • 1 I 0 0 0 I , S' n . S««n4 e«4nRgi^ tla^ . w“ .T PttPfPf P* . 3!.ji_clS-« 1 sciison \when die Tigers won JJJJ, . . . . ! Prtinc ; 4 0 0 0 On9n;n ' 34.i3-4 . Tu043e 4)17 ' E) ' , ■um4.t4> . 0 1 0 ■ 000 71?1 14 a*lB>>4f« 3S-3i-iK 1 Red Sox plan OnOon) 2^3'0 0 0 2 0 ' ^ Br '9 0 0 0 1 0 0 o”0' Wednesday's U tfi Boxes Cll^iirvj .9 1. 0 000 JtJ' U Ai»r.Ou»«, r.35-« , _ title forjr their first national Cwomd' .4121 cem? 2 0 0 0 Amertun.lMeuo' IWI1CfW.C0lffEn£ME trfl«i«tT.< JUW.K; 2,000 seats:s InI Fenway: champiolionship.in 45 years. '. ‘oSij. 11J? 0 0 0 ? •«' Mnurp 3 0 0 0 VSaws 10 00 Em ” u«aNQm.ANcaso S4I ; BOSTON—- Hed Hi Sox ofllciiils diiy to d;iy. ... It co u ld b e . tSS'' S4 9 4 Tdi* 310 3 05 .ANAilElU -.SEATTlf H L T PaPFPP PA 34.31-6 .U>rpn*-Mixr«.U«trPo)W:nn].JM ' I< f^«WAl 1 0 0 1CW 31 .'7 C»*,Pj.t' J4-U-6 3 said diev hopele to add. up 10 w eek to:) week,”\ die fath er said. .eiTtinin.S«lintrmTicndAThnjflirw. gSwFnrBkcs 211000000-1 'Eountt 4 0 9 0 iSvf>>n 4 « i ,0 . ivwKipc" 1 0 0 1 a» tt '0 J«9u*nn UM m ooocmoco^ ; 0 D«Ui O 'S coo 17 K - . :»,()()(» st*ats lo Hixons .were unable to E-Ountn (iSl. B<»M« 12) OP-Uh>tu>H I, ErUMIft ,3010 Virrt. 4 I ; 0 17 35 IMtSc"^ . ' . 32.35-6 10 J'eiiway Park .’Ilif H I-]00A-^1SjSI(43.6e2J .E- ' .v o w n .1 0 0 0 cywT. 4013? ; >1 r &J«J . 0 1 O' coc 1717 .31 IviU.*! ' 3.’.3i-t many details about tlie • LOft-Sw Fflroiea 7 7 2D-0&W“ GAAUWCI 4 9 0 0 B-XUW 6 0 0 0 ^ .04n.l>ice« , 32)i-< J after ne.st seasonfM i»i. Q-uan (20l SB-Clocin(1).Tuci*iiS|l>EaMaM «-■»»»■' a u « : .3 0 0 5 jeCt.l3s 3 0 O PS . t^* o-iM-1 0 1 0 oot r • ■, ‘ over the ne.vi fewfewmondts. originiai:11; • told that Drew had a 4 110 UMid 0 0 0 0 S4 1 f ’i^B»r 0 1 '9 occ t5ti fe ' ...... 'BASEBJUX' ■ r u n 4 0 0 1 B»om2ll 5 12 1 Htn«M«rW227 ^ 2 0 0 3 4 , 3 0 9 0 Ofcec^ J 0 ? IQ0 . .’ Nem ■loam ofilclalslls refusedi to dis- I’rain bnimise. Doctors clid not EfI . 1201 0 0 0 1 BMMkd 3 J 1 1 GHo.f»0 0 0 0 & o c • W L T PoPf pf PA • Ci£VEL*'ri:ili0.1.‘r5.»i4»9a»£<-s "1.V- close any specific:ifics o f where die a tte n d the t! news conference, BUnK 4 0 12 URnni 2 10 0 . .O r ,'-3:0 0 0 0. 9. . TcM 290'2 0 THM . Ml ( 1 ( , &f»»l- •' 1 0 0 1C00 JO n t6 T(0nC'1N6l>4lYn. TUffifig 3 0 I O' 1 0 0 0 AMmr OOOOOOC06-0 u’tH-Bi. 1 0 0 1C00 24 54 t4 U«-ESOIl-«i-.S-SflK«ni«).,.,l^jnj seats vvould • b e a d d e d . A held in diedi hospitiil auditoriimi.' , JeCiuirt 3 0 10 OCKWtn 4 2 2 0 .VSMaiL.<0-l1 4 S 4 4 2 2 S«tM 0030C001r-1 Lt/>**«ij • 0 0 ItW'H n !• « r •« B*W C* M«3»r ftucfi 1 0 0 0. ucOrif < 0 0 0 WM ^ 3 1 0 0 0 1 spokeswomann for Ma\‘or "lie does cl make- a lot of A nn I 1 0 0 0 0 lOe-*W.«>n4 $Mw73B-EtUM«i „• OJ »■ “» '6 '* 20 ‘“ M . . TMM C 3 0 10 Uiil lb 4 12 4 S6-W«2t 4 1.2 0 WMte 3 2 11 Unp«it-llaTW. U" rui 'H n ER.BB SO 7. ^ 2 , :«^L-»U4=^ , mayor is lookinking fonvard to negativeb'e." S ta n llbcon said . SKcm Atoiu uirwi. trwis {d nwumo AnMn ” . 't 0 0 IOM 17 UiMtC 0 0 0 0 ^ WC>*tL1M2 7235 1 1 : to,5 I 0 0 IOM 2t .• ACES-I.*>liC.HKnT»«laP«.p»<»si««vi ' seeing tlie teamm 's’s proposiil. a d d in g; diad l D rew also a p p e a rs OCem u 4 2 2 0 T-2 '* 42A-I7374(41.900) Fflw ^I 1-3 1 0 0 9 - 0 1 0. C«l 10 RmM0 0 0 0 0 Ur-^-tma 0 > 0 COO 1» 1'Ijj. seating’ e.spiinsiono: hiis to resporond to some voices, in- YMI3B 4 0 11- „ OilAHONDaACK31,nOCnESS . FFn«>nV;4.li9 2 O' 0 2 4 ’ his m o d ie r’s. 4 1 1 0 . • COlORtW CC AnZONA u ' WP-FR«9rgw ‘ StriMYtOm* Mon. included adding:ng 274 seats atop eluding li TeM 384 104 T«di 3I11W11 . ttr n b ttt .DU w ' ' >.CJ»lanlD«tr«. 1l4l« ^>^Cn?9»5TS?sS!!?G?SGs».. ilie ’’GreonM onsi)nster." tlic* park's COOOOtB»-« . UM2ti );■' 4 1 1 0 rmvet 4 0 2 1' lHTpm-« e>'XI attsn left-llelcl wall; I2*: BMn ' 300D12S^1I S* a nrteuiun Oc*go«C>twei. lltm QEOR&A-AmwcMT* M l ocuv; : 2-io seats iiiop LA fan.1 buysI entire E-twgiatDP OenwltOB-TrtiiBn HWonIb »* 3 10 0 SmW > I 0 I 0g T-2I3A-31269i4744?i MiK'igaiaN Y Gdnv nan th e righi-fiekl rc e.BanmB2S-luoanr).ew»l21|.M.iC>mi.6 30cffl FOOTBJUJ. lection at Dodger SeM 4 0 0 0 lJU«Ma«i»iSS2^ UimESOTA t^KilAS-SfM^Sru- behind diird hasease. won citviip- Stadium H«a

inp«Mle2MM»nMtt> i Ii.d 4 0 0 0 4 12 0 10 m> [>*3U >x*3 lo n d s’ 70 0 th h o m e r u n NEW YORK OT Dt«rcr., 5,..., l>rovalcoil.isi-of! off Yiiwkey W'iiv - B arry Boi SliSS>UfmMu»,ivFfllO«')«. 3 « 1 . "• *- BrMie 4 12 0. >V»v«aRB*»^4a>r.^^ « to tniflic and w id en ed gates l>all nilglg h t la n d .' CttM:S«ca-4 ' TM ' 3710 149 TM 3*3 « 102 1 Q o l i - E-ACUfon IS) DP-Cotxtao 2, An»u 1 T m 100103C8-10 a n d a dded turnstnstiles. But nonow h appears Bonds . jMa *“ OMM 902000001-3 15th Annual" AUSTIN WRANGiER&.IUi'M jon lio T-2J0A-3S.O4etSS,»SI ' I®lOO-CoKMW ■O.AAnu72»-UM|1Sl. \%ill reach:h d iai.m ilesio n e in d ie TKiwll3),M4(im)CkllSl,tl04ut«a2(2«), ’ E-AMiAnop 13) UUM'I3ICP-T«IUI 04-.'it-' Canyon Classic mE»I.KIUW4 AOwi W 12). a ff). RiM«n 0) HR-e*imn M 3 lOe-Tlitl 9. OMUne It 2B-E 'a/tj , ; S S E S ; ! : ; ? ^ ; diiys su Miilian. a life- 12). Titcy (71 &.T«im SM^inxi ll»J OlHOCMlSl UTour5iJ9) UwilSl SSSS Hearing se t to DETDOrr 0£VBM 1. I*mc*i9 (29) HR-flUWl ^9» - 8»">.(WrY(awn Bf»ftiAt»o(»i 0*54 , gold medal disputedli ' selling mostni< of those tickets in l9)S#-ASorw«> ^ ^ l91.D«lC^0U**' iMMEiuwmoucS.^^ M m L M 1 2 2 2 1 2 ,f> H R ER GB SOtf. g;;?;;;;?. 'a month afterter die Olympic . '*»V,;ht-field pavilion at 4 0 0 0' 1 1 j 0 M Tm » ' eiO.UOMEraonCKMUrxSlrrtSuiSum . -»c.RiVfln«G*w.i*nanAcw,' snvui 1 0 0 0 0 0 . ■UGum gold m edal w ass dradl p e d iiround' noMRiJr SSi tadium . 4 0 0 0 4 I I ! .Tua 'Tu . ' 1 3 3 2 0 3 0>*mW.I3S. 6 9 2 2 3 4, 620 SmCtl.JrnPunnTtrtySpiUnar AAm '. OSnoM 1 0 0 0 0 3 Ul. 2«. d e c id e d sbc D ratl 2 2 0 0 BM*3b 3 1 1 0 AA A«nirtf»r, . 1 0 0 0 0 • t S«mD4« nCBiM iiis neck. I*aul1 IIH iunm is still M ahan UMon3> 4 2 2 2 DmMlft 4 12 1 n««iVl R«r 51.37 4 4 3 5 ' 130 r(«nBon JMiPtWi SMnOmx «0 I'ago to purchiLw every nttun2e 3 1 1 1 LdMif 3 0 0 0 StfiKt Str 23 0 0 0 0 0 T.,r« ■, I.J 1 1. 2 0 An»ji • OnloPf0.t)i*<«a»MAMl flgliling to makeike sure il stavs months a jsm tin, I 0 0 0 BkMa 4 o o o Oi>e*me -..«« there. seal in lilt . OMnj • ° 940 KMiK(«r.MltfiH»n«f.Bwi6i«v hesecdonfortwoofthe ' KcctM 1 0 0 0 1 1 , a<* JW1H W»s ,Fl^i§»PUm?H5-S.^ RV, Ann iunes against the San gojr^lts I 0 0 0 0 0 UJ0..1.17.5 6 1. 'e 6 2 i^ 9»P«Bi«'t noaB4*r« D«iwt«in llie Coun ofif A rbitnidon-for ' “ ’«■«•* m o m t 020 030001-0.« .... 't o B»*n) ,110 0 10 .BWMni9 4r«n-T*4rc^ici CHvnTM t 0 0 0 t 0° . SMntMrnr . _ r.fWj£R$£YOfVllS-Auo«MGS«0 s<« Sport will h ear■ tinim appeiil Sept. FnmcLsco;o Gianis diat end.the . OM M CD021l«0S-<4 HBP-«y HBI /I r a (WWindlWP^'VOl. , 91 m. [MUI Pumim Om SdmiM. Pen’two CMTVnflitn 0 04.1] 0*11 *>t>» £-MM<|l9).Mmt(IO|OP-OMW1 Odvmm Od' Omt .'122230 ° 27 from die SouthJtli K orean gvm- sciuson inin October. H e w as h o p - ioo-oiwX»AM'< DAM.l/t) Uxpm-Homt. W4Tr M rn . u wrt«. 910.004 SiMti Gne lufK T»n Surar,ir, OAMie-PW ORNC<»».CU«0«UJ D. njist who lost die dl all-around Bonds B would, join omy mrq(ni.1Anon(l3l.n4ta>n|II.\U«lr>4ton*. M NMKA fni. Uwrr Fo>. 11 jdi and Hank Aaron in Mr. SKtm. Jot BtMintfi. Tnn Tm TicMt*' 920.J»KAjior««.T«fIyUcN»..S«M ernxF ' tide to lla m n i ibecimse of a B^>1>« «uU • FiTO«im,C*'*TF«mMm • BrHC>XM> f JuUfiOiartu fi» tr h o m e ru n d u b .' T-2S7A-2SW91136621 . 9».Csrr,FvmMni.U«viAi(»f(ii.U4i scoring error. YiuigYm Tae-young 7(W h( w m c A L T « « * lurnBMUlr . in has been reselling I NtUontlUtCM is asking thatIt internatloniilI Mahan ttr h H ttt kU 9 49. Dm Ooti um PwTM. SIM Gnm S S 42-30 3 9 3 1 WinAlb M, .4 0 0 0 Pwitd 3019.I. CWMOtCeACXS3.ROC«S2 ' ~ SK'.KSSl'.rpiku gymnasdcs officiaicials b e ordenxl m ost o f thti e 6.4.58 d ckeis for a s Ctf|W 1-3 0 0 . 0 . D 0 ^C«Tc42b 4 0 2 0 ICB«0» 3 0 0 0I COOAUO AMZCNA „ , P4uttnm.FPac4i(»Mt«K«.FRec: 9 SO. HtTMrt Deyg Ain u u Cmw. F Awundn Suoan f Mr l•^At t 10 correct th e resultsresi from tlie niuch is as S15 cach — much JMteW>a 2. 2 0 '0 « 1 ?TBBUK 4 1 1 1 LDueie 4 12 0 nu OodCtsniM . JThnil 4 12 0 Orm t 4 0 0 0I U>lM2e' 1112 Tfctmd 3 111 iR> all-around, andnd adjust the "’ore than th the $3.50 the ffi?4 Itll gPaaal 2 10 0 Conlb 2 12 1 Oqlonn 4 0 0 0 i r a i 4 I 3t 0 Drv-,$wwr^ mL*dal nm kingss sosc h e gets gold .D otigerss’ front office gave h i m ; .OwWI 1.0 0 0 £tmrJb 4 1 1 0I A»nl8 3 0 2 0 Dmn> 0 0 0> 0 1010 l.»"£«T*tH»fw»Ew.6*Bi0O»(i E«. Scrinac 3 0 10 JEcmii 2 1 1 2; uon-t" 1 0,0 0 oot*»n 1 1 2!0 0 >.BiwkBteaMn oPi a n d H iunm getsIS a silver part ofo a standard group-' K'-"-"’? S r! 5 S IIUMWpr ^ 0 0 0 0 AtKutlu 3 0 0 1 CtUMOb 4 0.0 0 nromlll 3 0 2r I1 l02Q.Uer(|M.UMSuraM.n(r0 104aTmeF>rFlaTaig PMFtMl.Cr«gggg ^ SOCCER Ciin to m ake sureure diat doesn't jomanlptp u la tc d ie system , a h d TeM »S T 3 Talk 2(4 1 4. ' rrmnd .3110 RMcnp 2 0 0)0 0 OMn.tMlK>nn happen, spokes:i wont happenr again." Gary ‘ ' SUaM 0002IOOCO-3 EMM ^ ^ ^ ^ 0 0 OO.)0 . . frw«Fiwi..l»ny n»jFM l OCOOStOOM COtlfOE . Scibcl said. T h e UUSOC’s gener- Miereanulu, the Dodgers’ vicc E-M n (4) lOO-womd e, FbuH 7 3B> XCBip 0 0 0 0 iiirp,kf<«nc* Rv0rHr«.OeugLs>«i, tit o f corru n u n icatio n s. T-402A-15«143J«1 ' ^J£nc«i>»n (21 W-TBaM {211 se-c«nai Toail 82 S 2 TM 293 103103 C»nU4gn MXSm-twrtoHtttnCnaa^ei^t ' ol counsel has5 beenb working Cdotto 000000020-2 1119. Juati El* Tn«r (kM.AMi I4**r'*1 ROE«-»uir»«EJMl»««K»Kti«i: U«tr» SACRED MEAfll-mnwlCJ B"wm4 , botliwiLappearairat tht; hearing Wcdne^i tt> h K ' tti kH ItoiI t o M ____ 2B-ll»»r«a,(i4j 3B-fnmi(2l. GUI) $iWwaMrt.JeMWnMW.. .oaun in Lausanne. Swicm tzerlan d . Convlech d ftom sttf and w#e reports eAM2« 4 12 0 Jnen«i 4 0 10 U«rOlnBtlO-14 e I 4 4 S 3 1130. news &IW. jvwi C(M( 0«m■ Ore •

' ■ I. m n IY

P a g e I-'riday..Scicp tcm b cr 17, 200404 ' ' "I'hc 'rim cs-NJcW c\ !i Footbball S partai im lc90k tX)]>pliimcejbaclk S t a m di rn g s By Eric ULarsen r , ■ . bijttle, ru il o urpffcns'e elUceindent- ' ■ , ' T Im es-Newsw ew : H ter !: / , ' ' H ly, ancl laktidmebfTihe'die 'd o c k , I . . tliink we’re going to conno m e o ut Weekk 4 • m i l ’H|{T in — The M uiico Spar,- witii a viciory," I’errigoi;said. sai ' , tu n s arcirc coming oli' a ■■ Kickoff is sliiled for 7:30^:30 p.m . HUt-UTl’UClnching I(i-M hoine.Ibss ; at Spartan I'idd. . to Hi^by: andai now haye io' face - J H ■ C l a s s OA 5 i . thf Contlntur\- Diamondbacks.' “ . Hansen at deletu iin g .-JA sla te .Roflon Pour-FJvcFlvo-six Itlnljos d Lighthouse Christian Toam S s aM.I. ^ n Conto.n=. chiimpio,,.>11. Stningely en o u g h , ii' S an . . ■ . Twin Fatls Brums ' . 2 0 0'on it 30-yard'ird p a ss .Jeiome Tigers' 0-2' uding a ir>-l-l u p se t in from Matt I'rcestone to10 rMiirk' Wood River VVolvermesO-30.3 0.1 2 0 0 1 .,\i thithal lime, the Spartans '» • Pearson1 with two second:m d s Teft East DivisionIlon ' vvero tiieL‘ ( only Idaho team to ■ k in th e g am e. T h e ath leticisicism o f • Ptestor* Indians ' Mt-i OO • tluivri Conentun- in a two-year 'ionaUaci(Sl-21-2 . ■ 0 0 peat tiiatIt -I feal against a team ^ reason for Hansen’s peip erfect . . . ' that has w won Ihree of the last. “ stiirt to the season. C l a s s 3 A / - •oi"’ ho Class -IA champi- Moiinwhile, the Lions defd efen se . onships. 1hiis struggled with :i full11 viirsiiyvii Sawtooth Central Idaho i ,hofconreren« -Yoi. real.L'ally need to m ak e sure TIMUMCWSKItcMt . .schedule, ^ giving up an ave GoocJ't’C Senalofs 3-0 avenige 1° « ymiroprvp; . ■ ■ ' Dedo Horflets . . '2-0 ej)a’red m entally as well Gradiratluated running back Caseyey Schvaneveldt of JeromeI ststiff-arms a Minico defender,ler, right, last season. |of 42 points jier game. VW liile Bum inoiaiis !•!■ 1 . 00 I’l'ysirall;alh’ for (.’eju u n ’.” JVr- Uml — an dusnv liullbncb.'ick ■— Kiinoofly BullJOgs 111 00 cl. " They have a nt'w solitolid receivers ami a shifty luhalf- give up big. quick; scoresse is going sure theyey would have hung In hiis 1 fou n d his wack in B rad D cn u izio , tth c , to b e key. . . there to) the th end. Thesci guys put ‘ /.one a number of timesnes, he , ' dtinann).. s so they’re n o t d o in g DitiiDiamondbacks are loaded:d at • Perrigot is also encoiuBgeden by themselvelives in a situ atio n to w in . faccs f a stiff challenge;e iin il lg lhe same, but there the? C l a s s 22A f l . cwry-thin« i h e skills positions. his, team’s resilieriency against die gamelie late."I sspeedy I luskies defense. are.soincsitsiniilariiies." "Deimi/io "I reminds ine a lot, nigby. If M inicnico cs s/Mris writeriter Erie ■ Gitr’irs Ferry Pilots , 1-22 OO s ta n d in g cquarterback talent Twiiwin," I'errigoi said. ”'n ie ahilbility adversity and big Ijirseii can Ue n’nchedott '/-i l ’800- ■ Viilie, Vikingb , ' 0-3 ig chaiiges in time forT historyh to repeat. Itsdf ^ 3 00 Irom Centuitury's highly recruiied ofif our oi defensive backs to coi:ome momentum." Per’errigot said. I'riday 658-3883. ' Ext. 639.9. or ^ .senior Liiktike Butler. Along with uplp and: make tackles and1 rnot "Our teams in thee past.[ I’m not "If, wee canc wiii the turnover lL‘larsenie) Hornets 3-0 ^iiit, didn't d iat f | | a ^ kidgrnduaie? lieading into the confere Rart River T'Oians 3 0 0-0 Sdlliool sh(opping ference •:0stie(sry;\3tvcs' 2-00 .00 It’s a safe bet th at id iouglit ran . ^ sciison. . • Hage-nijr P.tates „2-l1 0-0 By Eric Larsi - 1 through llie mind] oof an oppos- . “We’rujusttryingtokeepve p w ln - Magic Valley Independenttit Times-NewsM W rtt., S ing:linebacker lininging u p against ning and keep, the tradiia d itio n Lig'it'^Ouse CMsiiart 0-3 ------” the Wendell lYojan•ms tills year. going," Davis said, "'niislis jyear .WUNI^lil.lilJ. — Wliai do you h ’Hiero’s a 5-foot-9) guy'g wearing we're just trying lo go forwb rw iird This w eek3k S tpvctoiliege girl that h as it all?* r L No. 24 in Uie 'IVoja3jan backlleld from that." iirlh as it all athletically • ^ j and he’s running all oyer' Idaho Magic Valle;e y g r i d . strength, endurance. — defenses. For d ie laslast tw o y e a rs,. H K Volleyball p o w e r —- likeI VVcndell sen io r < r No. 2‘1 would have^c been quar-, F^day't seh^ul< ^ p r t s W e e k terback lyrel Davis,vis. ’Iliis y e a r,. . Whlmcy Funk, Kimberlyrly . . , JaytiicGoodtodbody, you give h e r a, [__ . TlieBulldogssenlornounilu n d e d • • ■ Dietfi'ch M Maek3y.'3:30 p.r “*'• it's yoiingcr brotlier'icr'Zac,’a }un- . Rocviano at Camas County. hularship, . . ^)(y,ty m ade their lirst ciill earli d ow n 17 kills to help h e:r r teamtc ijan tnickstar is looking \ «‘«r lorhallback. Carey at Norm Gem. 4 p.m. lis week. It's b een jia n ofof a seamless sweep Anierican Fallss a< n d Murtaugr* JV at Ltgntnouse.eChr.Jv.4p.m,. Cl lp narrow/ her.choicesh d ow n in •-i’ "'niey’re a little bit behind[ “It-*tl tn in sltip h o f a IVojaiijim team Uiat Jerome in a'lliursdoiy u-langiingular. ; Amencan Falls at Decio. .77 pp.m. theco n iinlg K monihs in prepju^- • itaini Willi die two vvins, Kimbi line." ’Sie\'e G6orai:‘ lexa >9>rfi .— ' B Hagernian at OaHcy. 7 p.m',>-hi, versity inI>;iloAlto,(iilif. I’iii • n«-r rtjscfti ^ iii*t wts-t r» hiMI, graduation of a nunumber of col- Boys soccer CQStielO'O a'l Ralt River, 7 p. >-« r,*- V4MW V*iicn Vmuh^ lege prospects. Daviavis h as boon co ach Sieveeve Goodbody said. "All ' "aiiestillli11 has 10 shop around," '-yy■» '•*3W^ »43tw /.tiW’ 6v«e «•*( *l« M Jackson B urk, B ll^ RimfOCk Ot Shostione. 7 e.n ;Jtain positions were Wendell mtcrack coacii'and failicr w« thc. motor tliat keejee p s th c 'IVo- “ ’c captai Burk was the differencee in the Buhl at'Middleion. 7 o.m, :'M| TnJir 4.-.«'-eo^ im SK;rU( ranrq a ai Mmico. 7:30 o,m,..o.m b o d y ’s top-1p-five list of scliools &JV, 4t»>^ ’««F»h Witrar rognim , « -■ Pocatello at Jerome. 7:30Op.m, p. ' • a lo n g w ith Boston College, C r vt « »• 3»aetfr»w • • football T-shirts forir tUie defend- Irajanprog M anything reiilly difler- ^Girls soccer Saturdny't fiamaame P e n n ,-N o tr c J, *5^ : t»> r» se 51. m«•» . "W e’ve trie d to0 ci a rry over ' all, playing-- point She's a scoring machiichlne. ' ■ H er o ld e rr 1 hroiher Sean is-a 11’i VC"4», hM •, w.t ^41 Mt}«" r* f tf, tama last yeiar’s attituciu d e to w ard Davis said. “It’s never Driscoll D put in two goals Ssuur-Ssit I ^ sopliomoreire fullback for the Il»W» ■) much of a difference diiy di in )r the undefea-•feaied Pleasecalli l l u s "U’s a link' seniors gniduate doi tie hit shocking to us, ' Yitamit, s i I of tlie p ro g ram . WWolverines. /s father sjiid ofthe re- the guys left beh=hindaren', w ith your scs c o r e s :tp-r !-♦ <■ utr* It5,MJT good." : w ere q u iie a few peo - alls. "Its like a movie tri<'JS «. ,•*! I rwvur^Am a re. “D avis said . •’’I'h e • Cl ur* w»t» Diivis -and the •lYoianshave' n-< Cross country . and stat!Jts scene;()ncdl; day there’s ii call fro m ' rf'.^4*. * »<; /:,T , , . ons stand sold out all left litde doubt ahoilOui how lal- oooo Stanford, ;hethe I'le.'ct, w ho knou-s." ^ TVurr l a n d stuff." Stephanie Joimson. OurIc}irley WM^MiFih ■ H71M icMiiA « pm ented ihey are over 1-800-658-31‘6 0 0 0 , As for Gooloodbody's c h an ces o f -.rt. er d ie course " ‘=v;Si£P concessions“ siiles, T*- ’Ilie Bohcjit runner flnisln ish ed of three convincing ■>r 230 staying instate sta forcollege? Don’t 118 Mns over shin slogangans, and a supportive sccond in Saturday’s Ciirdiirdiniil exts. 239 or • 2A playoff contende: --w w co u n t o nit. it.Boise Stale Univer- com m uSliylityproudofa 15-gamc Classic in Stida Springs in a timti: e moutli and Cltiss 3A 3A Bulil and s,Jstreak iire nice, Davis, of 20:37. Jerome’s Cnris.sasa LeeI Kimberly Perhaps !? '‘"-'.“ “ l Goodbody.dy iind the ’I’rojjms are finished sixth out of 145 runnjn n e rs telling aspect ubob o u i Davis- k eep in g their ili focus on tlie in 21:44. PC a r r y ’ s P worth to the Trojaajaiis tom es , games, *ower Gu from ills ))osition as a [■[de is.a team 'cap - “We tiilk ilk iibout letting odier Titnes-News sfmris writer'erC L ric . tain. ■ I d a h o Po.v3wer R a n k ings'S . , . . people andan the journalists ^Larsen can be tvached at 1-800-I-8i “T h c thing ab o u tt tlth a l is It w as w orry abouilout tlie streak a n d thiU 6S8-3083. Ext. 369.''.' o r WMk endlne Sept. 17 voted on by Uie tear HerwiwrinCAM ;nm." TYolans. sm ir.^G oodjo d b o d y Siiid. elarsen&niagici’alley.coin. ’ Firfitf . 'fta PowerF Rankings ■ w. « "ST“ 'sr??? “ r S ' ,OutSl *!• "S y.i■ i V;v;:a . ^ fS-.i.-4a «,• • OutiA ■ ■ t I'- } Crr- lit • Atnjx Sll «1’ I j • ? !5 ■•i'tt ,!•*: 3 ! S u b s c r i b e ttoday. o Call 733-093931 or 877-4042 'il ) 3ti ! for hom e delivere r y . :«s-* * " 4i 1 • ^ "s^s? S 4 Pim* JSO :i<-6' >: i Ani5« ’l'l 111 I---- . M}M; Mt ■ i‘.‘ . . " ',''<5 . , C4U4A.( { Jt2 :£ii- 7j’V ?J! • 'i: V£»'--yA .1 Crv:rv, ■ '«: ■ * 2W " . *4! ■1 ) V.SI-ir»si/i ‘it i »D i’i it • 1*33 sen*- t 8c<“», « ' t: C^^•tun JJ 5 s a , ^ M' u K’’ SW!n*it^'i S «4 45 i< :CxE .‘uE’ C-o t Ul doilA ’•8 ■ jjj 'JtJ • Vrus ? CW.i:w«1« tM ' PjISnr 4t0 '10 : v»i, .us a ' ti’i !oV.^ oAYJ i pjrf)>:rr»>t !>i J C4it»a» M2 r t i l * H • , oi ' • Bqt, '0 4 e w J4 1 'tVti 11* ■ } ' :;E*o/,»tEP,ii. 4 CEVEV.li C ? •.~e.,nfcr 1 S>„ 412 » M? -0BSE5"K-n 'C ,14.. iju*,!ilW-Bir- S*4 I 04« Fc« J02 iii«! ifi , IK< • “-ie. J ri"'rvi t 1?3 K! ;*S SJJ ' 51 Vf-»«->■ ' ua 14 HmMii lOt Zm U<(U. V, ; ; isJ o.EiK« i wa:»t 4?o u FKi«r« SJ ^ utaiw » »1 i tc u t' eUCrrOOT tc 41 i Uiwivrttr- »e J5« »4 u CMCE UCCMl'OfftX 420 • UEfllOiUi . «sS ! ■ S LAST'STWI'Ei K: 35-16.68.6 pcrccnifnt Wlih e r e inI t h e Wf o r l d ? UASfOn OS0« »J M =.!r^ iiASON: 103-42,71.0 p crccntu ugt*' . !•! t«J SS 9 ‘’ S i o a / , «0 6 w—~ rf(raffey.(om /TravEjet f.OTUS 5 ! i i * S i i w I s5 r ■ iSJ i i rays Travel Senrtce, Inc.Ini (•OSTfiliS 5 . V»lM Online travel contestIt is p o n s o r e d b y : s ; s !: 'Ellocg CarlsonWigonlitJsjl1 SS Ki ll] 4144 ejfliEv Invest in RinAnr' 0 mCHriflP *;? <0 :j?! ■ ' “ 'S.'SS , H m f u i w i h cwr gaogn^ quHlagai. fiitiiMroormoii*^ SMon W' tS4 MJJ ' CCEW^^i^ E ] Srovon* your future iamghtqSSOh a s if . uaa -UCREST D - yihntlmlymhb ■ K "- ■ ' ■ S 2 SAtMoi. Read n e . the Money pages $00*,SM'>’2JW iSi 5 Wtajttirrn i, M« . no : »

I ■ WlMday,S«ptefflter l7.2004 '.Tlnvlme»l^,TW{nFUti, Idaho IM . S p o r t s5 Chov»v’s hi}igh-tec ch p offenise baiick at ;BYU PROVO; Utah (Al>)) —- T o p -' I ranked SouUiem Califorfornia has , I tvvo Uiings Brigliam Youisung'used f > y,'' to;' Norm Chow and bis hi higli- ' iji I., pow ered offense. 1 ' Cliow, aii assistant atat BYU1 for ’ '27 years, reiums to Provo Pr on ' J Saiurday Us Uic offensivsive coor- I d in a to r o f th e 'IVojaiian s. A nd I Chow 's cu rren t team hajbas p len ty I - in c o m m o n wlUi som e frofi ih h is ■ I past wiUi o n e o f Uic naiii I auarterbacks leading an offense I, . tnatseemscapableofsoscoringat '

I "We h a d so m e succes: I enjoyable limes. You i I 'U iose m em o ries a n d mmiove I Wc w ere o f a different erera. a d if- I feren t tim e,” said Civwhow. an IlfH I assistant a t BYU from 1973-99. I i) M M W M M I Chow 's cra ai BYU umu n d e r for- J m er co ach LaVdl Edwung a n d I Hoisihsui'IVopliy winnerler'iy Dei- I ' m er. C liow w-as th e co-ol•offensive i I coordinator and quantinerbacks • ^ coach 2 0 years ago w wli lien Uie * Cougars went l3-0' anand, won Stanford flankeriher Evan Moore, top. Is unablelie to catch the ball In the - Indianapolis Colts runninglg backb Dominic Rhodes Is upended up' by New England PatUoitUots linebacker Tedy Uieir only national liUe. It to Brigham Youn'g.defensivee back Nathan Soelberg InI Bruschl during the fourthi qiquarter S ept. 9, In Foxlioro,ro, M ass. : , Me left Provo in 1999S b n f t o r i . becJune, apnareni he wouldn'c u IhooloslriBsooclecond of the-first haft Saturda;day. In Stanford. Calif. he succeeding Edwarta rd s a n d ______------1 cludining 231 passing. 10 increiiseISC w ent to No'rtli Q iroliniina State. IICA « C olts faceJ :second w eeek o f killerr s c h e d u l e eaiii • average to 463 yards■ds where he lieiped molddafivsh. : use) aat BYU its tea Pt-Tga^ame. . man quarterback naniet By Dave Goldberg - . tionablc statusis o< f p u n te r Craig • Chic:hicago (plus 8.5) at Green ic d l'h ilin . ESPN,I. Saturday.Si 8 p.m. BYIJ Rivers — ih e fourth overI'enul pick iTJ's offense se e m s to b be e Associated Prass writer I l e n tr id i.... Bay lieadeiled in the opposite direc-ic­ in the Nl'Ldraft last spriiirin g . I------^------COLTS,22-2121 Rivalryairy game and Packers on ------t :------lion. Tlie Cougars showede d T h e In d ia n n p o lis Coll:lolls are - a sh o rtrtw w eek. "It's been great to watv'atch. b u t last season. il's n o t surprising, lie'; som e promise in the seasono n o n e o f UlC N l-li best leamam s a n d * M in n e so ta (plus 3.5) at PACKI:KERS,23-17 It-’s Il's been fivefr years since openener againsi Noire Damen e ' ciiclnnthingtolmnilieirrc;rreputa- Philaddphia {Mi.A 1 widi s Edwards, who .won't be . scores on Uieir first two.,vo. lio n in a iliree-p o in t losss inin N ew T h e V ikings;s are better in- JelTCaGarcia caryc up the )(.. a lR .iu l- h a n d f u l o f players ]ili who took drivesJS— m o re p ro d u cU o n th a n ing Saturday's gamele ' a s h e {,fj |(,r c linyland on opening niglil.:dii. N ow d o o rs th a n out.I t. - Dallasi defense dc ifit plays as it did r cliurcli missions BYU ggot in an opening qu^terte r recovers from kiiee-n they go Into ’lunriessec;anun- ai . EAGLES. 27-2(’•2 0 . • ■ last weeke e k .' ••replace* j^ay renienil)oiil)or him . b u t m o st' |n alll oc f 2003. , in en t surgery. d e rd o g f6 r tlie sccond straightsii • Pittsburghh (plus(| 4) a t BalU- TUnala w v o n 't let it. w ere n ot iiarin oo l'h is era. . ButIt once sianing quarter-?r- After just one season week, step two in a devasi/asiaiing more COWBWBOYS,20-14 on. Ciiow - - ,uter a slownw sum in ii 24-13 backit: John Beck got k nocked o)Ut ut left Uie W olfpack 10 jo early schedule. The Ravensi wwon't be cmbar- • Newfew York Jets (minus 3) at lOin n ew victory over Virj^niaTechVir in Uie ofthe;le g am e in Uie seco n d q u ar-ir- conch Pete Carroll and Bui Iliere’s reason forbr opU- rassed at home,le. S an Dliego ieg • ’ 1 , ^ seaso n o pener. e n t ih e T ro jan s lor. ihih e C ougars struggled to get , system quickly took hoi niism for Peyton Mannin(ling a n d RAVENS, 19-6>-6 Cid h ad Pennington will Carve iioId. Gar- looked m oreL‘ likelil Uie d efen d in g , anycoconsisteiicN’. BYU tield o n to10 son ,1’jilm er w on Uie H Triend.s, u n d erd o g s by a ppoint- • New Englarland (minus 8 ) a t u p d iee SanS Diego defense and Hejsman national chamampions lasi week. beat lhe i Irish'20-17. , but last1st Jind-a-hair. A rizona M artyS'Schottenheimer c won't be IVophy in 2002 luiti hlis.succes. is: in 4 9 .0 siuii.luiiout of Colorado weekk Uie Cougars seemed to sor. Mall Leinan. led the to . For o n e Uiing. they bc:ibeat Uie" Tlie perfectt p place fo r a let* able to0 dodi anyUiing about it. hflroijns scale., •uiiniviivei ill a 3(1-17 loss at Stan-Ji­ td the national cliampi 'ilia n s tw ice last season,, includ-in down — the! CardinaJsC were. JETS,2S , 32-24 npionship use: Rainedled 553 yards, in-', ford. ing a 29-2 7 w in in NasliviUiville. F or ' com peU U veath<[homclastseason -• MiaiIiam i (plus 4.5), at C incin- anoUier, Tennessee alread;;ady has and PatHUmaninceremorUeswiU ( naU , injury p roblem s. h a v e U icm firedid iup. T h e1 Dolphins E had to play A n d fo r a third, thele > Colts- Bill Belicliickck doesn't allow earlyto to avoid Hurricane Ivan Bruins _ moved the ball well againjdn st Uli! le td o w n s a n d1 devoursc young- last Weekcek and diey're supposed Patriots hui were killed by Ihree QBs. to get the thi remnants in Cincin- Continued from Dl witli tlie Bruiruins' offense. 'Hie nhth e k ey m atc h u p sh o u ld bb e tu rn o v e rs in sid e Uie 20-;^0-yard- PATRIOTS 24-14-13 naU Siinday. unc Coiich Smith also■) kno\vs Ha\vksallo\u;^da points in a loss our skiikiil guys against Uieir skiUdU line: two funibles by.EdgSdgerrin • Carolina (pli[plus 6 ) ar Kansas It’s justu s t n o t Uieir year.' . Sky^iew's tlefensive skillill 1 players 10 Bishop KellyIviuidiuioiiierHSiii a guys.. bothI offensively and de-le- lames and an irilercejception City BENG/JGALS.26-I6 inayhaveprobleiiLsinaiditdiingup a defeat 10 NIericendian last,week. , fensivi,vdy.'.'Smith said.., • tiu o w n b y M anning! *rhe-Panthersers are without- •Sarkirk F iM cisco (plus 7) at "W e’re 0*1 a n d w e’reL‘ at a the Stevie SmiUi amand. Uie defense New Grle)rlean s sa m e p la c e w e e n d e d laisi st )year,’! lo o k ed ordinary!ry against Ahman SpcakLaking of Ivan... he forced coach 'I'ony Dungy said.1. "We're Green and Uiele Packers. Priest UieSainuin ts to practicc in Son An- a good team, but you’ve'e gcot to Holmes romps?s? tonio. d o it \veek in a n d w eek outout." CHIEFS,27-l€•16 SAINT!N TS,17-7 — MakeMeA A ’i'he quarterbacks, co•^o-MVPs • St. Louis (plus(p 2.5) at At- • Seat!}atUc (m inus 3) a t T am p a Manning and Sieve MeMcNuir. lanta Bay could cancel each oUicricr out; The Rams neoeeded a litUc luck The SeahawksSc Hew.to New • CLIIP 'i1iai c o u ld p u t th e olTcnsimses on l^eat the Cardirdinals. OrleansIS ac n d o n now to T am pa. th e le g s oi^ Jam es a n d Chris( Tlie lude runsIS 000.2 0 0 • BID sion. have Uie Giantssangry.Theytake a . UONS,NS, 24-19 Brown says he’ll beL- rre a d v li o u t o n th e Red:c d sk in s.. • BulTsixlTalo (plus 3.5) a t O ak- N ! ^ Sunday. But left guard,d ZacilI GIANTS, 19-17•17 ■ . land • wit« - I’iller had .surgery on a torn • Denver (mirninus 3) at Jack- Into' ththi e b lack hole. ^ 1 1 bicep Uiis w eek a n d will11 bbe re- sonvUle , RAIDE;DERS, 15-14 t l Y o u d o nn 't have te answa er any q u e s i i b n s placed by rookie JacobI Bell,Bi a Jake P lu m merwill er' only throw nfth-roiiml dnU’tpick. .wiUi h is right airm m th is week. LASTVTW EEK :9-7 (Spread). 12- Based un lhal and thele c qu es- BRONCOS, 27-27-20. • 4 (straighig h iu p ) o r call yoiD ur b est frienind like they ' do on TV!

...... 'i.r.'.'...... R y d e r_ 'MakcMcA^ Continued from D l # 2004I 10 p rev io u s Ryder C up 'mtm atch- £2004 i es. a n d it looked like thatt recordre Ryder CupIP' 1 would remain iniaci whenien Ben Crenshaw went aliead foifor d ie • • TV: USA, 6 a.na.m.' Miguel IAfl Angel Jimenez. Europe, first tim e al th e IGih. R id vy fPairingi vs. Davisivis love III and Chad I But Darcy won the finalnal tw o • YardaM: 7 07077: Par: 70 (35- CampbellDell United Stales. ho les a n d Uie m atch. Aftererm i ak* 3 5 , . 6:40 «.m..m . — Paul McGlnley and All you hove to do> ijis look for bills like thisIs o( n e e v e r y d a y in th e TinImes'News beginning in g ;i testy. douTihiU puiiI fr

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Idaaho's ^ C hoilice ■ N o t a g re a3t t 1c lip p e r a n d s a v e r? Moyi:oybe your neighbor, or co-vI'worker or relative is... X you can pool3ol your efforts, and yourir dollars,d to bid and win! forSService, Paiiirts, & Sales5 I The Weekly Millitlionaire III Roffle | ^ Mr.MaEonoir«itodwlxO I ninwWbyrWrotnhim •tgd»m4M«onipna>..iniwRWi Leave Yourir Vehicle> In the Hammds of Certifled Techr:hniclans ■BSK el M>tonort B mntf «9Mol Ip or>r cjUM^ng< lh* Mat omeunt of S MM* money priMtd lo doii In I^mI n at lh* iloil o< IW «rttsfwd by il* MV« Peace of Mind hlxd mo niaphon* and iht pna RMt b* damd ard dam awtfitd by ISt« r.n»>.Nm,I by >1^ in and Quality doi*'o(i»K<^tlxb«g Service i I NM h II TWI ■ iUm 1; HrnVM It Guaranteed ItanniwtWiM I Mmt Tt> W Im , IU r«W b «R. Iw rAuar 1 •( lUbnait n BOOT W Im )■> •« 4 Bret Black Luluis Aguilar . Jama■ai Bloxham •W * h«i«t tl, Uw im-iww I M aril dl MfaiM h m •( M *-•I iiJ k1 i *rtwi IWI k ik-.< .«■ I $ I *.liirfiwlcitl.iH«ni.li|W»m«dU. No Appolntmtment Necessory, G h^ Us a Calk 73^33-1823 I UU tad MM Ml n mW> «ita > — S------(>6 TImos-News. TwinIn Falls.F Idaho FHday. Soptomberor 1J 7.2004 • . ' •' ■ 1 " •

_N m M

Chasise is 0)nfor NASC: a r ’s top ccurmi]ildgeoiIII

N liV y-yoilK (AP)h — In , lhe r ~ - I matter .what." n ig h t .to oITer their congraiigratulaT . . (lays luadihg up inI ih llie Ijisi nicT’ ^ - M artin said ol lioI n s o n w h at we've done."1C." ■ ■ • iif NASCIAlfs chJinuinipiDiiship crew chlef l’ai Among tiiem. was RcR oush ; (ivialilyiiiR ciUblT. iis'jiis.top niciii^' . ^ • I'ryson a n d ■ teaihmatet Matt' Kenseth,u h , . Uie ■ i-u n m id n i‘()n '\v{i.s an ji'ji aiiyuisli- • , ' (he Nu. (i te:iin . defending scries chtimi:im p io h , ■ • UT.ickcd. slL'cp-duprn[invei^ mess, r a/ •: ^ for Housh' who lUughcd-about hoih o w it . . Mark Manin. ar^irjitiably llie i'';;',., . • lliiciiiH. liv^en iJ' - ' sse e m e d M an in hiid Worrlcirrled for hc'si sKK'kciir raciTrneveriovvin ni ' V; M arlin hiidn't .. nauglit. : ■ NASClAirs tnp tilk'.. wwasinilaii' ' ■* ' m ad e' it in to "H e wiLs so stressed quo u t oU to l'th i-s y e a r s 'th e rm a l 10. h e ,' w eek, 'lb \vatch'hlm it wm as s ki in d .. «'h:ise iflu ck w asn’tt wilh\v him ill V .;—JM ^ j said. ”1 know c f c u te ,In a wiiy. ev en tli.ctlio u g h Ihc- Chcvrolc'l -IOO atai IUichninmi . MarkMartliartln in . niy h e a rt; he's only got a couple df.yof.years liiloriuiijonal Haciivva;vvay . ihilt Ihis Wilii ;i’ . left;”it KenSeUi said. Mill [hen M arlin d dii id w hal. he" teiim iliatislKiulij'vebeen sl in'ihe "I Uiink he’s really Ujcic ddark- (loL'sasvvolIasanyoiii'one—^ saved lop live il thiiijis would liiive • '.'hhorse. He’s been runninjling^ so . his car. and tiis I'iiancaiiees. with a none helier-er-l'or u>.,lt sure b eats good Uie hist few nionUis.Jis. a n d ilaz/.ling IKiO-di'urci.'ree spin lo Wliai we hatliullasiyeiir.'' ; watching him at Michigan,m ,e < v e n av(ii(i ilio n in h is l>inj'ify-esi w reck. ' M arlin linlinished.lTihin poinis sitting in the car iifter he! passedpa ^layinninconifniion;Dll a n d o ut t>l' ' lasi. year, only on die seccmd time' m e, 1 w as like ii race fan,, w aatcli* ■ tro u tiliM o rarii a lH'tli-I'th'place Iln- ■ in ih'e lasi1 ir>’seasons I: he's been ing and cheering himim o n ish and a spoi in'ihIhc 10-race oiiisiile liiele itop 1(1. becauseI) I hiivcn’t seen iiimlim r u n ' ili.is»vrorN.\S(l\HViii-title. In lOol'ilii'iliose seasons, lie Iln- likeII thill, for four b r five year'ears.” ' .\i)vv ils d ie o thher e drivers' ished in iliilhe |(ip live wilh I'our I Iciiding into tills weekieekend, iiinit(>\\orr\-. • seco n d s, iniiu'ludiiiK iuul SI h e B S ^ I Mn iirtln Is ei{^uli In points,hts. b ut "Marks in." liininienie lohnson. loiirihirds. his four top-S finishes in tlie last w iio is .\i). 2 ill tlie pcpoinis race. Now. liiei’e n e w poinis race ihiii fivefi rat:eii suuid as Uie beib e st in Slid lliis week ivheilien lie »vas h ejiin s ' SiSuiid.iy in .\'ew .PPM. tiie ,j series. asketi ahoiii oilier ilrilriver.s he's : Ihiu ip sliiteV :is il chiince lo pui MIchiIchael Waltrlp’s car (99) throirows sparks as .he spins InI (nfront of Mark Martin (9) duHduHng the Emerson Miirlln. 45, claims Uiclie ,p ast . ainivrned aboui in1 lheil lop 1(1.' behind him111 ;ii blown en g in e and. 3dlo 250 NASCAR Busch Serleries raco at Richmond IntornBrnatlonal Raceway In RIchmoimon'd, Va., Sept. 10. chamnionsliip near-mi:•m issw "Marks gol a lot (H ni(monieiiliun' l.'ird'placeL- runr in ilie seiison* don'l iio ih e r hitii hov^, b bui u t he onliissiile." openiii}* l)a\)a\H)iiji ri(K). as well iis alsoa: know s this m ay b e thlhe e Ibest Noi just inonu'iiiuiiium, but also .oneoilier l>NI-iiiulariillori)ad10 hesa-•saitl. - pulling die tensioni) behindI him niotingfor for h im . , clcliatice h e h as at th e cup.). a dt'ieniiinaiion to> slsh o w iliai liiL'k dial' nii'n iad e liis last cliiuice lollowing I'ol lhe nice. Miiriinin iiiidgeitringuiilorilrlh e c ln ise . "It reiillyally means a lot when "We know thtit we've conc o rn e a even ilioiigh his lean•Jim n eed ed to iim ke diehe chase coinpletelv plainiinned lo Ily his lamily hon:nne 1-ir.st. ihere were.-e. iUiiink you.s the guysi inin tlie gitntge give you long lc way.” he said, "butit iiit’s a aJ/ ntces (o siviia*a* il spot. i( e.sliiiiisrin^.i. ■. to Il-'ioric/ii. k {lopi'rii'a^'ainsi iioji:jfie fJiaf n e e d e d to h e s;iisiiicf. n ot o n lv tliat kind d of t respect.” he said, wiioJe w new season now. WeVe can'tc hi’lonns in llie race. "Il's been‘ll tli<‘ hardesi iliiii^ ihiiiill IWOi h u rrican es liadn'l don:>ne to 'th e fan s iin d hisliis team , bu’t '' riie re wvere e r a lot of tirlvers that rt.rest on anytliing and wcvc sure: '"ll i> a loj) llve__ raeece team, no I've ever uel Harris ,932 systei:;tem. Thund'indcr Stocks. .TooIbo biid for h o lh o f iheni. ' ; Grand National Sporljortsm an FFinal . • J'htriie rmal lO-race chiis\av ^ 1 L .oan Doan 879 1. Bills Scr^sabiabaugh 789 bef?inKins rhis w eek en d itt New ei ^ Jeff Gordon meets with teamnammate 2. Jc-fi Weacs • 798 • 2, CraiR MuHVI*'vik 759 ||iini|:mpshiro. iind the cliiimpioi Jimmie Johnson (n the garageage a t . 3. Micnaei f.tai'.u 796 3. Micnael Ep.n .starts as a deiid • hejii.II. wilii' just -ir> points sepiis M : : ■■ ./;-y AUTOMOTIVE riiiint*in^* llrsi'placu Ciordon lion »-■'. ■ i()(h-ih-phice Newinaji. Thihe ■■ MUriLliR m W lldings Ciin be ju m bled in1 ili • S sillKnle lc Rice. • .. A m k ' - - J < ^ ^ l-ver>'bt)dy is in ih e sainuis to hrdon is con 1 8 1 W e ll: : t r i v e r s ! . in* N ew m im . tiie re.st of o the field out how to \win a championship en o u g h for th e UUe. lls dt ne

T h is wEEK i END’5’ S RACES-

NK\"i'KLCri> ■ Schedule: I'riday.y. 'cjuiilifying. I1 ::ho a.m.; Satunurday. -racc NASCAR stalandings Sylvania 300 (Speed Channel. 11I a. a.m.). Noxtol Cup 10 ' f e >ke:l.oudr)ii,N.M. •lYack: N ew IHampshire ! „ 10. A shton Lewis. 2 .8 7 0 • >olnts standings 11 ichcdulc: I-riday. (pilifyin] International Speed' 11. , 2,858 s' T. 1 p.m .): Suntlay. .nici rdon. 5.050. 12. 12 Casey Atwood. 2.839 ,-lf 1 .O.'jH miles. 12 degret M T. 11 a.m .). in turns). Johnson. 5.045 13. 13 Kasey Kahne, 2.820 " t['rack: m * New Ilatnpshirt Race distance: 21 jrnhardt. Jr.. 5.040 14. 14 David Strcmme. 2,812 ' fr Iniernerniitioiiiil Speedwiiy '(oviil 200liips. ewart. 5.035 . 15. 15 Slacy Compton. 2.773 jnseth. 5.030 16 • 6th Annual NASCHSCAR NAPA ISO ■ . “ • l.onHi')H miles. 12 tlegrees bankini Last race: Ted Mu.liisBravc led I "?"''!™ : 16. Tim Fedcwa. 2.749 • Budwefser Graiirand Nationals . in «'*!'<:unis). _ •. ;ill but 10 Itips and Jadler. 5.025 17. 17 Michael Walirip. 2 ,7 4 5 {ace distance: H17.<] miles md huld off f' S pisch. S 5.020 18 W • NAPA Auto Parisrrts Pony Stocks impI teamniiite Jainie MeHcMurray in I 18. . 2,728 m A u m m tn ' ) laps. lartin. 5.015 19. 19 Roben Pressley, 2,721 Trucks an a b o n c d tw o-kipisprimcutli.; s] 8 “ ='l'M";li Last.4ist race: lerem y M ayfiek finish a n d w o n th e KKn oB cr2Q 0at Mayfield. 5.010 2020. Mike Wallace. 2.693 SEOi EASONmtai£... andyourONLWLY CHAHCe to SCO w onn hhis first race in more ihai Kiclunond.Va.. 10. Ryan New'Jewman. 5.005. tholho HASCAR NAPa ISO! Get youi our Adult Advancod lo uir r yiyciirs and iidviinced lo tht Last year: Jinmuiny .Spcnccr J l'? ""i't!"=McMurray. 3.171 . Craftsman Trucks 77CATickcts at NAPA AUTO POmS or ■or any TWIN STOP chainiim p io n sh ip ch ase hy tiikiii} IieUlofrciiiril-dwiirds,'. Jef Mears. 2,762 6.' 18. Casey Me 3. Chad Chaffin. 2,276 6atK 0penAt2p2 pm •M cD onald’s Time TriallaUatepm^^^ Clordcrdon anti Michael Wallriff'P O n Ih c 19. Sterlingle NMarlin. 2.752 7r. .' , 2 ,2 5 0 lidetl in pit row. causing hltp://w\v\v..cc)•.com ’ 20. Greg BIffli3lffle. 2.749 85. .David 1 Starr, 2,125 G i e esn n R ag Faus At7.-05prri m rcjon’s ciir to h u m p Johnson'* ■ 9.1). Mike Skinner, 2,124 C hevnevrolei. Busch Series 10.LO. Rick Crawford, 2.106 c a S l i l ; SIWESTI Nex)by G o rd o n l . Martin Truerruex. Jr.. 3.954 12,L2. Steve Park, 2 .0 7 0 wiieeyouparehaM /om roar B d u tila ta v M e n t Am TurinvktSloplocttlca. O)n n th e N etet: %vent fro m tiiird tolo first In a 2. Kyle Buschsch. 3,849 13,L3. S h a n e Hmiel. 2,047 p://\v\vw.nascar.com ^ three*car batUc witlitil 15 laps to 3. Jason LeHliefder, 3,501 . 14,L4. , 2,021 go a n d lield to .win tlit tlie Emerson 4;GregBime.rfle. 3.436 15,L5. David Reuiimann, 1.988 250 at Riclimond.Va. CRAI'I'SMAN 5. David a Gr«Green. 3.332 16,16. Torry Cook. 1,987 _ 1 MUC W est Ot The Twin Next racc: Siackcr Vin Falls Airport e r 200. Sept. 6. Ron Hornetrnaday, Jr.. 3.236 17,17. Hank Parker Jr., 1 ,918 Tho Onir Place In WaWaho To Seo The 25, Dover, Del. T r u c k s 7,JasonKclle;cller, 3,219 18,:8. Tracy Hines. 1.879 Nasear WaakWIII/ iRacing Sarlcsl - . O n th e : Sylvania 200 N et: 8. ,Iss. 3.094 19..9. Shane Sieg, 1,841 hltp://www.nascar.co m n v j•’: i . W : U l siltc: u e L oudon. N.M. '•com • 9 . Bobby Ham(amitton, Jr., 2.896 20.!0. Andy H ouston. 1 ,756 A ' RWq,SmtMibfrl7.2004 Hii»rtl«n,TWnM«,l

C o m i c

Classic Peanuts By Charles M. Schulzilz ; For B e tte r o r Fbr Won<>rse ByLynnJohrist(inston S d(ZOUf>ie6?ll 6l2AMPS-n ; • .wBausrwAi^o-teai«BT ^w B N Ty BUCK6 APlBCe 5 ^ ' JNCH e o n OUPP& ANDJO CA& r p j t e . HONie' I COULD HAVE I ■ f e s s w a’>HD IS O f O ID FBfSTS UKR, OSU£ H W 6 S 0 M 6 : l! /THEN a g a inI,. \ V i V M H TOLCJVOUTHAT WOJLP TAK60(»FS0fi*Ofi««T. W UC 6A R 6A SK IN 6R 3 J / MAyeE THE ONLY I ■ Uft! w e DID <90« FI«S1 m u m - / A L0N 6TIM E ^ ' —WB’Vg.ONl.V‘■’ PI«ilD P E B » « M A N C 6 “ E ^ E Z 3 uI i RE&LL0VEI9. i m A60...ARE,. 2 K^-WlSWEeKI^^-y^ I ' KtWEENAeO'i'lOV^U::?- V .jfl■ M l ' THERE AW ^ P H I S P O ^ S-- A MORE COOKIES

* ffl -99 S ' . ; ' ■ . . Dllbert ■-' ^ , By Scott Adams'IS .B londle ■ By Dean Young & sta n OralDrake ~ — l i l I— T • 11 I'M SINKINS y . ISU36'36WISMYOU- l-l we-S6A®0ururrotossousrw o )| .F hatlATWAS \l£7'SJU ST)TH K T'STHS T« | FASr.COBA IW pENIT T; SCK, BOSS' I - p J ^ S B«STACCOUNTS,'.f->' S - BS»JnLUAHT. I HOP&KE vouwt€N5L sew ousi ■ ' .FIVEYEAFLAR.S. UJHEN . g caiRSI- d a . ■ D O 'I GET•T PROrAOTEO'; I ^ cj:??// ( 'HEFWOS r ^ ' y ' TO EXECUcunvE? Jl 1 > ^ • > OUT yoo 1 • ' :• .. THAT'S. u y ^ WEC5NT h '# 5 5 i i ; A S '[ sspious | . i f ■ V > ^ _ I W

o S s t t o b K ■■ V'' ' • ^ U | L S B

B.C. '______8y Johnny Hartirt pickles . By'Brtan CCrar rane f F r ] Ybu CM POOL AHOALl stn’t&yMUsrfWJu iTo |||W OP£. l'MflA>iKi\N I REALLV? ‘toOCAhi ■ p 3 5 . « K ?T.J- ’ PIEPRCWSOOM?K i? R ^ OW UVJJN& ^ poTm rr^r-— ' . S ^ e O r W F ^ SS - e>FTHSP€i?FlS ALlOFTriSP££^n£ . - l b Win AN OSCAR,. • — J \ J^e\Jeg^ ^ ALLOp-n^BTtfAB.. SCM SCPW mS,Sy ■ A ilo fT A e m s. ■ £) SS 'S ■*

' I B JIS ^ y A f \ 9 / i f V

H la n d U ls By Chance Browne 1

•’ Wav cfon'T voii ^ 7 SeCAUSE S M E ^ JO S - ASK HER o u r 1 A urrue eir. , nrsiiiriC^'’' JF y o u UKB 4-Nfc^TAti.gR -mAM \\e.'&/■ ■ . w ------r p / ^ OF lN,CHeS.' m . . >leRSOAAlJCrtJ^ J \S I H ^ I;i c e ll: - ^ “How 'b o u t callinin’ Uncle Bob on his ce miC w JL 1 — <, phone so I ca:an try to play ‘Happy y •W HIUE YOU’R E AT\T IT, CAN SOU SWITCH H^1S iS Birthdiday’ for him?" iMQS SW AJW PItlSTCTO//AW RUS?" • The wizard of Id ; ■ ; - ' . ■•• ■■ ■ ■ • ■ \ BBy y Brant Parker & Johnny Hartirt ; ..- Rose ll Rose ' ••’ • ByPatBraiBrady* --■-

A ' / r r w A » \ V s H^'s a X n . rrLLfiTAVINIMEPDNG'^ O N C X ^ . 7IMNKIe i» & \ / e iT H e R \ y scHtJWu* \\ f RKBNTMeNTUNTIl f ) / KeRe^?R ^ ^ Jj b y ^ T < 7 W !? R k V , J / WITH H IS A I ' r V^gTite'K y a

^40TUINIIN& SPELLS APPeeCI&TION^ i .6CME0N6 a s e PWN& ™ i j y ” L n 4 ^ TU6 C O O K IN G / ^ Hagar th e Horilble By Chris Browne,le, z its ' By Jim Borgman and Jerry ScoS cott : . ;' ^CO;*C> VOi/ 1 1 ^ ■ “ \ s a m i ^ K \ . . . i^ESEMYM sraw^uKEWf lieSPPBSENCEi^iM., J fi/M’TOM H o K ^ e , I' k : ■ TJ ; , -, ' ;

t-n IM iMi Beetle Bailey By Mori Walker.}r.- Luainn By Greg EvanE v an s' DIDN'T YOU \ ] ~ tA PEW I D O Y O U ( I'L L LOOK I ? I . DlB<.OlD \HeV;ISOT» T 4 5 1 ^ TO I I f V V S C M . DOCU, IF I/I CONT wC f PR09ABLYIN YOUOKSPeCT f •BOUTKST e o OUT WITH I Y ^ EAR6 STILL HAVE; IN A\Y . I - A VDLU«B TCTT VOU roucu/JPBorecr1 MVa PBOPEW ^ . A K IM CO H B N J\ I LITTLE t ^ V TOJl. MAVK YOU ChUI^So^ > i^®0 . HER i 0 wOUUDNrr HAFTA K?£/B€T1•TTK » . .r - — O N C E ? > / f H U M B ER /A S LA C K \ / P ^ •^V WCCRV A80UT A WOCRV •&•BOI/T i| / S , ' 5 > ^ ^ ^ « 0 6 ^ V TMIEveS- y v Tw/5... I J " J K w ' ' *"^q-l7|lW ggg=i - ^7B T iL i i Rank and Ernest By Bob Thaves5 S tran g e Brew By John Deerlnjiring Non Sequltur By WileW iley:; T f l . ' &3'nm‘z I f tc u - f W put- 1 1 - t o v u iUW f t t r ' r w N O i L J u a U i e W e ^ l O H tn R ... j iS o O l'N O LOWfWW '^. I l'W\ «>RW N o ^ COIK&. £6ME?T:Ib&CT I IN.C^^e T U I^ t ^ l i ' X i V O L V t b . i r ■ / .T&CPN? psRWvjEhlENKifr I poNT WiRK OUT _____5, / I P E G tttA T l f t TlHHSRADe ■■ M 6 T K / C K f P I f ART ■ m SAh OIN s ; C U S ? ■ ' ^ ! ' J l y f V " , s5 o 0 M f g 0 i > Y ’J J fA C fl V f A ] < « *. •* * 0 e ^ ( / [ \ U I Dj.;'

> . z \ ;<».Cfl^^ I TheBomLoter By Art Sansom & Chip 1 T j / / I I UCM', I DUNMO, Bo&...a ... i - ’ ^ I '^W*fA€' m w . ' i piLLOw'sEews' i‘WTWiN&-roTO ? )' m N6W. I M ^ T W £ B•Ll«« L l« . y K . TO K ^ v e N A N E ilM *■ >st? Of |tN 0 R>.MC&\CS. • W r tV - - ' >t4i& . W7. f ^ & L E . ■ I B / •LC. •

I £ • • I fl"

HJ rn ^ I H n : . ' . - I

: D-6 Tlnrn^ew t.TwIMn ir Falli, Idaho Mdsy. SeptemI^mb«fl7,2004

.N a t i o nN ' Terrbi suspec faceirmore ^

charg(? e s ^

. .WASllINCri'ON>N (AP) — A . L w riUusiiniiin widill Ilinks 10 th e ’ ■ f i H)n:mi)rlcl'lr;uk'CeCenierbonih* ’ i A 1 • in ^ a n ti iin ‘lij'y[•gypiian were f ' " charn cd ■I'hursdayay wilh provid- V ing'tlniiiKial siip|i(pport for terror groups and rt'cniiiitiiiingwould'he ifrrorisis. iiitludiniJing alleged.all-. ■' ' Qarda plotter lose Padilla.. . . ; A I0*couni . T\\Hi ‘t SiS lw lle r ■ ‘BiirU njt • ^ l u d l o r ■ : 73(0ihl Siudtcr federal grand ju r y ' ind ict- 7 S fi-2 2 m9 9 J ' -2 2 ^ S . O-J4 3 - 4 3 2 0 m e li t reliirned . in M i a m i ’ Twin Falls Shelterr ■ . Twin Falls Slieltert e r . c h a r g e s T he h( Adlian. Amin j - • hew shelter is I lassoun atid I nearingig completion, M olia'med1 ' Block N. of Falls A ve.. ^ Jay,, September frceddnisiliaioursdr.socielyhasio offiff Blue Lake Blvd. N. MeilUlne H Surger}' i n ■ofler, w as 'secredytly plotting to 7 ' 508 N. GrvvnwocKi Shoslionv • (20K) KH6.23S2 04 at Blue Lai H H C o n tactct People for ciTiiied hy'Hassouni.in was l*adilla', a rom ier ('hicago gang(>ni ineniber Pets-IVl£i/lagic ■ Valley i •• and Muslim convcn'e n now being . held hy the Uniied!(l Slates£ a s a n ^ H um aneie Society, Inc. enemy comhaiant.!It. Sevenil law ^ ' k 1 for iniforr)rmation. Join us cn ro rcem en l ofiiciaL:iaLs, speaking o n co n d ilio n o f anoinonymity for ."P"Panda" a m ale ^ his celebrated R y / . legal reasons, confimfinned ihai Husky/SheShepherd x 9 weeks old "Lavern'''is ^ ”Moosc" a 3 year old ncutcrciitcred -I’lidillaisUieindividindual referred pup w ho com m urunity • activity 10 has grow n,up a t th e "H<"Honda" a long haired»d Terrier mix fernaleale adult male Sdmoycd/Sibcrian x whow ho Is tc in Uie indictineni er and needs a home. so help support gentle, house-trained,j, kti ■ - ' . I 7 3 3 - 0 9 3it 1 at th e AsionAi Episcopal ^ R e in k e free on bbond izz=]~] Church,1, 371 Eastland r Drive NoJorth, Tvi/in Falls, ailC A C K ) (/\l’)' -— An Iniqi- honi miin accused.'.■d.of being a. H K U II .. Idaho. AllA anim als are "sleeper agent" sent sei 10 th is ■ M 8 counlry by Saddam encourataged to attend am 1 lussein's K sH I ■.v. intelligence scrvicee wasw ordered ^ V to b e ■ blessed.b Make released ’Jluirsdayy oion S250.000 J bond and placed 011nn house ar- su re yo/ou have your , re.st p e n d in g trial. "Spencer and Humphrey" anim alss se cu re d . Sami Ixitchin, 57, 57 w as re* ' ■ are ore sleek long hoir block ond . leased after relatives'es posted Ihe "F a la " a "C harlie" a fav o tlte buffH aai n d ■ i jines totaling «'a.' 3an.8 month female whitew neutered mole thot "Scotch" a long hair I c o n ta c t eqtiiiy in their^ioim w h ite n eu tered m ale 16 . ' S;H),0(XJ to secure iiis could go point Siamese x male I iiis hond. M astiffff that will be extra ^ r “ i K vIVHS, Inc. at w eek old th a t will p urrT hishi ■ "Do you understarsiand that if i l together or seperotely active and needs a you flee this jurisdicidiction, these large,}, tbut extra loving! — ,e. 208-736-16-2299 or the way.into your heart!t! __ loving home, in n o cen t p eo p le willLvill lose iheir ARI\R K A N IM A L H O SPITA L —------churchI a t ■ p ro p en y '/" U.S. I3istdistrict Judge ^L ------r------R cbecca U. Pallnie'iieyer asked .ed 208-733(3-1248 for ACEJ PRINTINCNG L 'uchiti. S p o n so re i A. te pleased to■o beI "Yes." I^itchin sail ihrough HH i | m m ore infciformation. j2Tacm^ a sponsor ofo f an Ambic interpreter,ter. I le prom -' b y '.ik this pet. ised h e w o u ld n ot lleiIkx'. A dopt thithis loving animal at: Small Se Large Animals /Vssistani U.S. Aiior . Or. Bill Fulcher iiorney Jam es 1 3 93 £6th Ave, West' Won-f a 1 3 9 6 1 208-733-862313 M . C onw ay hiid oppo lon-Fii: 8am • 6p'm •~Sot: 6am-Ipn 8lh.j/lpe. M/. i[)osed allow- - .y . ^ p. Linda 6 2 8 . lng U ilchin lo b e frec(x'cdonbond. Twm FaFalls • 736-2299 24-Hoor2 < imergettcy Strvke s a ^ n g Ihere w as too 678-1177 son v i n -^cdls 00 m uch risk wvTO.inj9giclink.cofti/web/petsonlineid Stevens< th a t h e m ig in Hee toilto avoid inal. 7S0 2 h lS t. Heyburn (Alfresco Rd) \ 2 0 8 - ' , l-^c*denil prosecutorItors aay Uiat IIII 1 1-aichin was a "slee|eeper agent" Buhl Shelter se n t hy th e Iriiqi, intelligencein . Twin Falls Sheltere r service to lie low forr sesevenil years - . before sia n in g w orkk aaj sa sp y . They say he previously |: ^ w o rk e d fo r th e ininielligence service in Greece. ButBl Laicliin ^ .;L^^ denies that he wass anyai k ind o f intelligeiice operative, He is not charget& 6- G fA vcI Ih c . HOV! ST u ^ a NM the ciii/^nship appliiplication by failing to mention hisliis m em ber- F IN D IN G Afl/i nni/,Ji// ship in Saddam's Ua; Uaaih I,>any ViejflUHOM E FOR luipfinrt r/in nnima! nfinlttrr nndnn< a n d h is service in d ie li PETSI •Mint tn hnlft fin d ijttntid ligence Service andd'^^'ili^ng I V E fi Anmnn far animnfn three overseas irip.sswereviica- w ' llOOBv 5 4 3 - 5 7 6 2 lions when in faci he niel wiUi e 5 4 3 -5 2 5 2 | _____ his intelligence handleidler. ^

A Execiitlve privllIvllege: VVhysbmeexeaCCS Inside plunder dieir firii3 n n s . . . Stockc k s . . . , ...... E 2 Classssifieds, ...... E4^16 ,. PageE2 lY: Meym■ ■ . BiiSihtsiness Ef/iror VHulehim J 133-093 xt. 242 ' T hc 'I’irncs-NcVcws Friday, Sep;ptcmbcr 17, 20044 ' ■ Scctiqnn E] Brier Delta audito]:or ■ I I a j o k )ICE IN MonNEY' ■ ■ ■ ' . 'issues I doubtr t Sem inisopen mm abouta futurer e centerinC liir : TilThe Associated PrMS , TW IN FALLS- —— .Oxnard, ■ ATLANTA — D elta Air LinLbies’ ■ Calif.-based seed , produceri in Scm inis Inc. — wJiichich has a rc- in d ep en d en t aud ito r h as ralsraised dc search and cusiomemer-scrvice doubts about die carrier’s-•r’s fi- facUity between Filercr Ja n d IVvin . naiicial viability as die nadoad o n ’s , dl liiUs— said'riiursdayay itI o p ened diird-largest airline revisedicd its . a seed conditioning andaiK packug- annual report to,includcle diei .in g cenler in Beijing,; aQ i m a .' possibility of*a Chaptci-ci- 11 ■'nic nevv'Ueijing facfacility pro* bankruptcy petition "inn ith e , ; vid es . S em inis w v ilh ncneai; term. , springboard to expandm d pres- Della — whose, S;ill LikeicC C ity encc in llie Chinese.Ale.vcgetabic luh u b is IVvin Falls air travelcvelers' seed markci, wiiicli is currentlyi oronlv nonstop destinationan — supplied by tJioiisands s m a ll., saici.Wedn'esday diat since•filing fill ■ local seed providers.”:s.” Scm inis its an n u al re p o n w idi d ie SecSecu* said in a staiem ent. ritrities and Exchantiange - “China represents a Ikey mar* . CcCommission for die yearI diald' ket for Scminis andd V b c 'a cendl'd r Dec.. 31. "significaficani criUca! proving grount cvevents .have occurred' whikvhich _ marketing siriuegy inin emc erging hahave materially adverselytly iaf- ‘ • countries.” said Alfonsinso Romo, fcifccted Delta’s financa n d a l Seminis cbainnan andn d ch lcf cx* , cohdidon and results of opei>pera* ecuiivc ofllcer. lions." , Scm inis currently h a rc- "These events, which hahave . search stations in uiinliinaaswcll l>ecn re p o n e d in D elta’s subsiubse- as eiglu sales ofllces. :]uent SEC filings, includcjd c a- furdier decrease in domesinesd c Airline will cancticel B S I passenger mile yield andI nnc ear eiiiistorically; higli levels of)f a air* Sandpoint flightsIts ■ cn:raft fuel priccs.” die statcmejm ent iaid. ■ ■ SANDPOINT— Airirpasscnger pi mUKU m service from Sandpointlint to Boise . Della said its indepcndendent a n d Seattle will b c dlscciscontipued auluditor. Deloitte & Touclic.e. h as o n Oct. 15 after a fo u ■ L rcix'issued Its re p o n "to raiseI sub*su trial. \ staitantial d o u b t abo tii tlth e M cCall Air started1 ilillic & nd- ' ------1 co;:ompany’s ability to contimiilnuc point scrvicc in June. asis a going concern." ' 1C. fcnying. Rob Vanderliejheyden, a Junior at the Unlversilirsity.ol Dayton, sits at ,the uruniversity this week In Daytoiion, Ohio. Vanderheyden Is d( • passengers between J double-majoring In n- )In a separate armounccmeim ent. mtrepreneurshlp. Recent reseai S an d p o m t and Seattle's5 ?s B oeing ” "1 «nt, search by professors a t NorthiEheastem University showedId 1th at a college student's majorma Is evert more DcDelta said it had ofl'ercd to ccx* Field for S262 per roundmdliip. important thartian w hat college they attendd In determining their startinfng salary upon graduation.- ch.rhange S680 million of its.d dc e b t "Operationally, thehe scrvice t 1 - - wilvidi new n o te s secu red byy SSl l.3 w e n t great.” said D anI ScScott. Me- ' I U\ jUlion wordi of debt-freee aiair- Call Air's president. ■OncGwe "C JV JL ; :raft. fli^ ii sim ulators a n d Oigm ^ it got people to fly-witliUl us. lliey ^ • market makesi Jpicking (collegei tricky 1raining equipmeni. The onofTer ^ ,vas wa m ad e to h olders o f S2.6.6bU* b w ere hooked. B ut tlieJ ppt assenger t h e A ssoeiat.ated P re ss n't rcj lond%vasn't tiierc." really signaled what I ouglght^ Sarban'cs-Oxlcy Ilegislation, jobs or becomcbc< what's being ion lio in various forms of DelDelta Tlie ciglit-passenger to be studying in coUcgc," sallaid boUi of which put aaspodigiiion s| . called undindcremploycd." §aid Jcbi. dc (Caravans averaged just NEWYOIIKIIK— It’s a well-worn econco n o m isi P aul-H arrington, dieth proper bookkeeping,:ig. R o b en ,CZhellc. h c director of thc ’Hie Adanta-based airlinele hh a s ' sengers per fliglit dur a s -c at collegc keg par* ' leadid a u d io r o f die N ortlieastcrcm "Accountants, wlio'h o h a d h e e n Ohio coUcgilegc’s Centcr for Entre* , .varned vvi it Would be forccdd ininto summer. Scott said. i your major? studyidy. Wldi ncidier wages nor nc relegated to a servicvice posidon. - prehcurialal Leadership. "We're jan ba k ru p icy court to seek; recreor- Sandpoint business oday’s uncchaln job diec jobjc markcii growing muclich. arc now frbnt and ccr:ehtcr to CEO. c^ericncincing a very confident jan ga izad o n a n d p rotectionI frofrom viewed regular,air serv a lo t m o re. Positions "it’s*s hard 1 to figure out in Uidie survival." said Andndres Fortino. . kind of studentstu< wlio, wants to rrcditors crt Unless it could uvin in :Sl criiical marketing devicivice for th e ; o n c e filledI bby . graduates \vitli shonon run what s going to woiork dean of die school1 oof manage- take chargcJge of dicir own des* ;}iIlion bii in concessions from)m its community of7.000. • yesterdays hoth< majors, are dis- for■ me.m vvhat my major shoululd ment at Marisi C ollege in tiny.” . :)il()ts pil o r restru ctu re partsi ofo f its ■ ‘'We’U reassess. we'Uj’Urvgroup appearing oor .being shipped be."' Pouglikeepsie, N.Y./’Faculty "F and -Chelle said si the program’s 920 S2i billion in debt. ’ - ' a n d %vc‘ll look for otliererfoirnsof. 1 overecas, so0 a student's answer rhc Thc most obvious recerent ’ stucicnts have ,plckieked up on teachers stressst dial studenis Wednesday's ' announcunce- fundinfr" said Ron Nowlova. chair- quesd!sdon is one of the trendnd is a retreat from computcIter dial!" should notot cxjiecti to stan dicir nents hi( came after chich lef man of. thc SandpoIpoinl Air niost importainant financial deci- scicmcnce studies, whicli was a hetiot. . And at a time whc/hen Donald own businsiness;- right out of ixecutive exi Gerald Grinsteistein Scrvice Committee. "It’sIt’s a dlsap* sions tliey cvc:vcr will make. arcaii;a In d ie 1990s before th c t ^*cli, Ihim p Is a poster boy)oy for reality school, althdihou^ it’s possible, bai>ackcd olTIils earlier hopee didiat pointmcnt. but it wasIS a valiant • • Research1 byI profes,sors at' bubblbble burst and conipanleles ly. entreprencurshlihip has bc- Radier. dieyicy should look first for ,n an agreement with pilotsIs oon - eflbn."-' Northeasternsrn .;Universiiy .in begangan oflslioringprogrammen;rs’. comc a popular majilajor. A 1970 work:incor]rorporate and govern*. ’ stelemming- early retiremcnic n is - Boston showsws that a collegc stu- jobs.>s., • - survey found onlyy 116 college m en t dcyelivelopment olllces. or coiould be* workcci oui by weelv-eck’s Consumer prices >r is m o re b n p o n a n t WinA liai em erged a s o n e su b stiliti- courses o n tlic topic.ic. acco rd in g nonprofits:s lookinglc to e x pand. encnd- SMrollegc tliey attend in tutec isis actually one of tlic oldcJer to Maria Anton, execuicutive editor DaytonI junior ji Rob Vander- . Aif a Commcrce Qub speecleecli jobless claims Upup ■ determininglg tliicir starling — andan( decidedly unexciting -— ' of Entrepreneur magiagazine. Last licyden. a a doublc-majof in toand,t6pro* aj “It’s not3t a h u g e n u m b e r," .“i ' th is /eek." iliai most other pricescs arc re- Working Americ ric a s ta n e d a n in* lo sining, g jobs to foreign tradeic. vide training to enhinliancc d ie Sohn saidl."But . "I 1 ililnk thecon- ^ malning well behaved,J. analystsii tcractive. VWeb database Users:rs can ( type in a ZIP codc ancn d skills o f U.S. w orkers,s. ccrn is mlore on about die future Grinstein did noitake funhiin h er . say. Cheaper prices foror clothes.< Thuisdaytoid) identify employers get aa listI ol businesses widiirlin Wliilc. there’s linktile dispute than aboutIt tiUic p ast.- , ucstions from reponers. cars, airfares' and gigasoline dial diw sayy slship jobs overseas, tliatt areaat dial show U{) on gov-)v- tliat A m erican w orkc hihas mi^i* The issiissuc Is politically Earlier, in his speech. GrirGrin- helped to temper priceL:e^creas- , •njcsitcrclieilies on government ernmcment databases for mas*iss cd to factories aniand offices chargcd. butbut. dierc are circum- icin said that regarding; th e • cs for mcdical carc. edu L-ducaiion, data, media rerepons and corpo* layoff3ff notices or trade assis-is- overseas, no one hasha; specific stances undin d cr wliicli It could ompany’s larger request forb rS S l so m e food item s smd soi somc cri- niic filings.. 1The government tancecc cerdficadons.( , numbers on the los:oss ot such make sensese tot uso low-cost pro*' r illion, in concessions fromn pl­p ergy goods. inform ation1 iiincludes advance Fortor thc state ofvyisconsin, dieh c jobs. , ducers cisevv;e\vherc, S o h n said. )ts he is optimistic aan llie ' inflation pictur iure was notices fromm companies in* site showssl: 50 . companies-.ex*!X* • . "It’s very dlfijcull; tcto tell h o w ’’At d ie sansame time, we sliould pp*grecmcnt'can be workedI ouout. slighUy belter tlian som ome ana- tending massss layoffs and plant poninjting jobs sincc January 2001,)1. many jobs have beeicen moved try to keepp asa many jobs as we u,:e gave n o tim eline.- b ut wiiWJlS l « t s w ere expecting. Tlie nicy were closings, as wewell a s federal grant a n dI 163 1< companies , reponingng overseas," said Samnnmls Wliite. can in the U.S.. especially ^lulunt in his assessmentIt co f . I ' forecasting a 0.2 pcrccnt ent rise ,m applicaUons5 ffor w o rk ers w h o layofiisifiis as die result o f foreign;n , director of die Center,cr for Work- through edueducation and tniin- "'‘2*hai’s at stake.. both tlie overall CPI and f Id for corc have lost jobs)S bbccausc of foreign trade,le. force Developmentnt at the ing." hc said.lid. . , "W liat weVc asked o f diec pipi- - . prices. • , , compediion:i; UnicInions have m a d e d ie loss olof University , of Wiscoiconsin-M il* T h e AFL*'•L*C10 says its job .J.?*?>ts Is a significant concession,ion.” "W idi thisIs n e w tool, every jo b> s overseas.ao\ central Issue Inin waukec. "Tliere aree (confusing tracker haslas information on V*'”rinsteln said, adding. "Tlicy’V'ey’vc Rates on 3&-year3f worker in AnAmerica will now dic20C2004 presidendal campaign,Jl. lines." m ore tlia n1 2t200.000 U.S. com pa- L'veloped a lifestyle a n d a nncx cx - 15 , , know what compaiiicsCOI in tlieir. Democn o crat Johii Keny. e n d o rseId d Sung Won Sohn,I, i die Min-, niesandsubiubsidiarics sending or .■elation' a b o u t w hat is goin;[oing mortgages declimline neighborhoodfads and which local by hedie AFL-CIO, says he wouldId neapolis*based ch ief'.{economic t losingjobsab5 abroad, aldiougli die I happen ‘J and tliey’re UTcsdinjding WASHINGTON — I!,1R'troe n n industries arcrc exporUng jobs," lowercr taxest for companies crc-c- . ofiicer for Wells Fargargo & Co.. numbcr.of)f jobsj isn’t available id i it. M y con v icd o n is d iat» WCwi 30-year and 15-ycjir moiS s™ RichTVomkn.a. AFL*CIO secre-.' adngg jobsj< in thc United Stateses. cited csdmates fromm Forrester bccause ii’s;’s oftenc not disclosed ill get d ial rc>solvcd a n d 1 hopilo p e ■ fell tliis week, good ncnevi Tor tary-ireasurerer said in a and enforcecr trade agreementsIts Research Inc. th a t shoiiow.400.000 people, tlilnking about[buying bi a lelephone confsnfcrcnccThtusday to protirotect American workers. U.S. jo b s h av e gonele overseas. • Pleasi>ase see JOBS. Page E2 Please see DaTA. PageSeE3 E: iiom c. Freddie Mac, in Its wect vey released Tliursday,;‘^$!^o?,'s re ConsiSinner pricices nudgeB U p 0 . 1 plercent, t qi[uells inflai S ■ ■■' tliat rates o n 30-'ycar. fixcd*rate fuu ition fears m ortgages dropped to1 5.^5.75 per- The Associateded Press-______cars,, airfares i a n d ' g a so linIC e rose last week by a si1 seasonally Hic cconoinomy hit a bit bf a ------cent Tor die week endinjlin g SepL helpicd ed to tem per pricc incrcas-5- adjusted 16,000 to 333133.000. th c rougli p ach tc h in die laic spring Q< ,16. T h at w as dow n frorio m 5.03 WASHINGTCrrON — Consimier es forjr medicalr carc, educadon,n, d e p a rtm e n t said in a sc1 sccond rc* and summer.icr. but now appears Consumer prices percent last week andi markedn prices rose jusjust 0.1 percent in somefce food items and some en-I- p o n . N e ith e r HtiHuiiricancs to bc gainin{ling g ro u n d . 1-ederal Heilere is a look at percent die lowest rale on 30*yearear mort- August, a sigr ign that inflation crgygoigoods. . Charley nor- Franceses affected Reserve Chairman C Alan chshanges from the preceding! gages sincc die b e^inning n ■ df poses no immemediate risk to the Theic' inflation picture wasIS die increase, a Laborior Dcpiin- GreenspanI says.sa molonth in the Consumer Price:e AprlL Rales on 30-year?ar m o rt- eco n o m y slighdyidy better than some ana*I* menfanalyst said. Tlielie 333.000 Bush says,lys. d ie b e st w ay to Indid e x . gages b it a higli tills year i ‘arof634 The overi/er-Uie-month-ln- lysts werewe expecdng. They were•e • level o f claim s w as sstill i better strengthenI economy c activity $«a ofliiitXM pcrcent the week of M ay 13. crease in th e (Consumer, Price lorccasii^asUng a 0.2 percen t rise ihh th a n Uie 340.000 to 346146.000 d iat a n d s p u r mlore o r job creadon is to 0.6% o ■ , Itaies slo%vly drifted dowownw^ Index, die gov'ovemment’s most bodiI thcdii overall CPI and for corc■c so m e analysts w ere cx]:3xpccdng., make his taxtax cuts permanent. - as economic activity coo 0,5 • COTled in closely watchedicd inflation gauge, prices,JS. The pace of layclyoffs has Kerry saysi die tl president’s tax die late spring and carly irly Siam- ctime after pricirices d ip p e d by 0.1 "1 don’l dc see any significantI t , slcnved over th c last ye;year. A year. cuts have mainlyma benefited die o. m c r an d inflation fears re< i receded, percent In Iulyily die Labor De- danger;c r d ial infiadon is g o in g too ago. new filings were at! at 401.000. wcaldiy. haveaven’t produced sig- ^ For 15-ycar< fbced-rate lie mon* partment reporlonedThursday.' runawjaway from us," said A n*o-I- a level associated withidi a weak nificani jobb ptjv^ii and have gages', a popular optic Ition for Excluding erenergy arid food nyChaihan. senior economist at JPP labor market, compaipared with plunged thc { ).i% refinancing, rates decreasi le government’s bal* o. prices, w hichI co o n sw in g w idely M organgan EemingAssct Mahagc-!- die current 333,000., w eek to 5.13 perccnt. fror ancc sheetss ddl e e p e r in io th e red. g S om 5 2 2 fjo m m ontli tcto m o n th , "core*' m eit. n t. T h e e c o n o m ic lullII T h c latest b a tc h o f c< perccn t last v ^ k . , f economic Thc nadortIon’s payrolls pickcd prices also inchich e d u p b y 0.1 p er- cjqjerici:ricnccd in thc late spring I lowever. rates on on g news comcs with Elcciccdon Day up in August,'st, w ith th e ec o n o m y cent-in Augus[ust for the third and earlycar summer, economists adjustable rate mortgage s less than two montliith s 'aw ay, a d d in g 144,0i4.000 posldons. die ages rose month in a rowow. T h a t suggested said, made m It harder for some sli^itly to 4.03 pciccnt, froS o m last c President Bush and DeiJemocradc most sincc MMt ay Sdll, d ie econo* Jier p ric c s a re rc* co mpanics p ar to raise priccs, thuss . rival John Kerry havec markedlyr my has lost;t aa net 913,000 jobs •« I w eek’s 4 pcrcent. SONOJ FMAMJJAI A m aining well b

I ft . &2 (n M « ,U a h o .FM ty, SffptwnberW 1 7 .2 0 0 4 , . ■ M o n e y(■■; Stocks$ regain mnomentunm oniiewVS Execut]tiveprivilc lege: SomeJ company NEWY0RK'(AI>)-) — Stocks re- j sooTi y >1.16,2004; ------^ ^ -^-7—------:------— 10,750" gaincd some m o m e n t u m w Jones ■niurstlay as frcsli:h economic n execs ftfeel compeelled to difpintofmidids d a |a s u g g e s te d inOinflation rc- mdUilustrials Chicago Tribufw . . ’ • ■ Instead;ad of diinking about c mains well under• control,cc but ------JtSl-:------9.7S0 cliainnan.of die Scciuldcsi e s a n d _____ w hai is fai voladic oU prices gavipive investors I fa ir o r rig lu , s o m e C E O s Exchange E Coinmission. W liy w o u ld 'l y cCO o Intem adon- - look arou'round to see wliat dieir In Black’s case, die amlo oui u n t b f . s o m e p a u s e la ie InI UieUii session, ^— . ’0.2'».2'*4.49 " " jun julIL "“ aUO " SEpf al Chief--Execut:utive Officer peers at d AnaJysis arc closel>sely vyatching Pet ctunMM i High Low It d ie lo p o f d ie h e a p a a* m r oney he look eacli year,ar. frofi m »* B*cofdWoh: 11.722.98 . D ennis Kozlowskid uuse company getting in siocks for signs tljatat idie market frompf»**vfeo«: +0,13 . lO,281.Ba 10.228228.04 Jan. 14,2000 in cash, stock opdons Hollingcr I was determ inedd bb] y his ___J m o n e y t o p a y f o ra ; $15,000poo-- andperics,rks,sucliascorporatejets c yvill s ta b iliz e in th eL* s8.38 March 10,2000 ' v a n ts? s u li a n tss. , which works vrfth liven in cases in wliicliic ll d ie casLs a n d m i ^ e c oonoinicdaia. n c ^ ------=— U is easy cnouglj^ i lo under- . businessts clients.c "In our recent C E O Is d ie m a jo rity ow n e! r, r ,hhi e o r . “O nce again, we've stand wliyalinanciaiclally.svappcd , businessB culiurc,c it has become she sl lia& an obtigadon to> aac c t in nge. rebounding from ' inflaiiflatioii rem ains in check, an inio die headlines. Ii; uia- bookkceperorafhisriistrated cxlh:- m o r e a ni d m1 o r e a c c e p ttk l to liv e , die d best interests of his co-bi I- . ■ . ly-sts sts say die is unlikely D -bw n- always find ourselves(CSWiUltlial ,'’™ 7X b<, y ?P, u tiv e p a s s e d o v e r foif o r d ie t o p jo b ’ lik e a p oJtentate." te i , ers. ei die individual investors v ibor Department rc* adopciopt a m orc aggressive poll ir s w h o staring us down anyt 3licy^ mij^itsteal'froin hisIlls company.. Last moinondi. Black and Davici' e u x p e a a r e tu r n o n d ie ir cquiiq u ily . , ).l percent increase in onn rm a te s . W id i oD p ric e s, d ie joi sianing a rally," siild B lobs .But n .ls far moreore difficult to Itadler. HoUinger’s.H g former sec- .,, ln extreme cases, somene top ., , ifher Price Index, die pictuicturcand die presidendal nn veld, head trader for race fadiom why die panlampcred per- ond-in-cbi• c o m m a n d , ' w e r e execudves e> believe diat thele nn d c s .‘nt's most closely allJ comcc ing into play, however, Investments. “WeVe er, a s o n a t d ie to p w o uiildplunderan ld accused1 ofol being die country’s of ol socicty do not apply to> diid ie m , nlladongauge.Itwasa . greatreat deal of uncertainty r strong move, but it \ re- enterprise diat wasas paying him' latest exanicample of "klepiocrats.” G cling dian die 0.2 p e r - m a in Gordon said. A grandioseI ssei e n s e heiilihy for die nuirkc ES tains. M arket watcher say didiis milllonsofdollarsa' ! a y e a r in c a s h e x e c u tiv/es e s wiio steal from die of ol self develops, and dieye y fee1 l >rccastbycconomists.. shouloiddn't scare investors to tl solldate. It could gi die and stock. At die1C veryJeast, companieslies Ihat issue dieir pay- larger la dian life. T hey experiei.‘r ie n c e ite s in H a d o n p o s e s n o siddelines, e ii but it underscores d pedestal toinove Iligiu die spending corporatelie money on checks, • nin o re m o r s e fo r a c d o n s tha t h u r t “ c‘^e‘ risk. Analysts said needled to keep expectations i in die fourth =«:ono.nimic lull in late spring diL^:]iL*ck. economic number: te m a l R e v e n u e Servi:rvice audit In bombast:t rerc g a rd in g d ie ir ac c o m - * n ic m e n ta l h c a ld i c o mim mu im i- :ummermadclthard-. . “Now “Ni diroiigli die.end of died . die worst case, sue c h a n g e a n d o il s ta y s in lucli behavior pllshment!mts as sclf'dcscribed ty has a word for • ssl u c h • le companies to raise year:ar therei m i^it be som e anx .'Ilie Duw Jones indu nxi- could cost a CHO hihis seven-fig- “proprietorItors,’ Black and Radier • individuals: in sociopaths,s. O f iduswal av- prices. ' . ety,y, butb diis is die tim e to real erage finished up 13.1 lally u tt- jo b a n d la n d liiirlim in prison, -macle it: theirth business to line cocoursc, jio dysfunctional1 in d i- 13.13, or 0.1 Followingig a weaker, session get b !t b a c k to b u s in e s s a n d mAke a i *I1ie simple ansviswer Is dial dieir pockeckets at die ^ en se of vii percent, at 10,244.49. . . W e d n e sd a y , \ v id u a l e x ists in a v a c u u m .. I n di ie y, w liic h a n a ly s t s s a id y oiu u r mi o n e y in d ie m a rk e t." isaisaid soine CEOs lose dieirdu sense of Iloliinger ;i The broader gau(auges also ^vas overdue ;r almost every day, in cocorporate world, dilets wh ho; o a rc je after four weel« of Davieavid Ilegany, head traderr aj t r e a lity a n d fe e l e n ddded d i to wiiat- almost ever closed in positive nmge, rai Ihe soUd gains. rvcry way diey could de- lo:losing dieir bearings luh a v e s. die infladon data Conujnunerebank SecuriUes. "W'We ever diey can get ; Nasdaq com posite indl !t aw y widi, vise," accoi;coiwng to a 513-page bcboanu’of directors diat arc■e ssi u p - . \v a s a w elco;come, buying incen- haveive f o u r m o r e m o n d is h e re!, , s o p s y c h i a t ^ t s a n d c o r 7,56. or 0.4 percent, to :orponite gov- report preprcparcclforiloUinger^ pcposed to help diem mainiiu n ia iii !° tive, and morcn tlian offset tliisis isi where die action liarap- emance experts say. I lie S t a n d a rd & P o o r ’s £ ly. . R ic h a rd BBreeden, a former pcpcrspL*ciivc. rsSOOmdex negative earnings ea warnings pens,•ns. I'm confident in th gained 3.13, or 0.3 pc th e _ percent; to fromseveralcal companies, includ- markiI lelecomle equipment gian iint tage of federalI assistance fortradcassassistance benefius. Not forbr trade asslslanc^ a chec h e c k •week. Crude prices werewei dovm . Much attertendon has bc^en fo- wamiim e d d i a t r e v e n u e fo r d ie c u r ur- available lo diem bobecausc dicy all companilanies eli^ble ftir such \viividi the Department of LLab a b o r most of the day, but}ut inched cused on ecoconomic data aliead rentII auarter< would be lowe ver losttheirjobstogloba)b a l tra d e , a c - a id a p p ly'.hesaid. , he sluhows Grade's peddon was d hij^ier laie in the session ses as of next weekMJk’s meeting of die tlian is d C f in die pnivious period. ah

NMM Mv LM Chg Cem«mB:™>3tt6ea*s «ijf' noiCUZ.lt* 51,54 -14 ■ ^ 9 . 8M. -M 't Chg O se ^ ;.. a a -04 UMMMAntjoina .a Ftoaualvnioo10 o a ConfttiS> S• S S 1” OaTiM .. a42 .49 Ugtndl 0 1121 .77 .077 •( QSI3IHIKS MB _ n a *M naurt>pia7* 17.1010 . a ACEUt M 4017 .37 C ern >ST Active (11 o07»2 .47 UI2 •< Active (sioMMK} M o srA cTWE n v (*1 on ion) Aocw ... (jt.»717 -06. tang .... 4.74- .06 Um U AOAC J t 3a9t . o CeiCoii SM>AO 24* Mil .Jl u.m. ■Ul a a a .10 neda 4a *,*a ■ 40 ai4 .« X4iog9 tOI 42St .1 stccomia asa .so 2 2 ! — yol (00) Latt .Chfl Hama Vol (Ofl j4. .ce- Ona .. a e ucasmiSm« .. tiO .01 % r a . a04}4 - a . ACLAm 1.16 n to ..10 Cnn* A .(« SUtCp a 4t.19 .22 NodoiNH U 2 2 L j£ S _ c h 2 :: \l%9 ’ .04 : OinM .. Isa .01 AMI ... OiS .06' eremettnJ*nJO U6.80 .AS . aw .< tu: lao s>78 .;.73 SPXCp 100 » a .12 LuMntII 297091- 3.28 -.04 SPOn 2270S7 22 113,14 *J4 Orado 57328 .47 SIUoO .12* 17B2 -07 3283 11,23 -.10 - 3166 - -03 ENk>en._ i n *J7 MC0C4ICtpia 1768 - 06 SOACcn U6.I717 .,18., • •AUT X t542 . 23 Cut«i»«I5ralio 7026 III KfySMXinuSIO .i Q 216137 40.04.1,12 SamlHTr 21 11 ' ATTWli ...uWM -01 C»pS»"„ . gm KntCk ICO 66 31 -2- a S*r,H«JO 044 .12 214176 30.08 -.06 SMusS 4726712679 2^7 +.08 S •• .04• *n**rdii a '. l a MO»enre(i.4«i 16M ,3S s*l*cs a8u4aM» . .; a - AUOpmiariuo *.n Knco 2» 50 97 .130.13 Sthmt 2003 -t9 Cp I69G9I 13.69 >,32 OJlADiamI 545685 102.75 * 21 "Cisco 36217<2174 19,59 * 03 - .J”4 .21' esstka _ 7a . a hfr a AM *.7) SvOaki S » . t(M cao .18 Krgftm ., 12a .It.1 SUM . 7114 -87 ' 123426 31,78 -.07 l5hRs2000147000 4 114,63*1^ Micw«fl 35567'»7S 27.26 .07 J J S 3 S »9 .45I ErHM . 1044 - 06 MQRtl’f*! .- 27.40 -41 s«t™ _ 7 a12 -os .1 Atvfk: iO 3J40-.70 DPLI t .M »wrt»>a 94M , 3 -.14 EtfeSlv 11a -40 MRVCmC" - 1« *.« s«>ar« .. uai3 .: 2 -41 *cea*g* _ t a *J6 U nte 13 . a ..Aoann - »»7 .3S DTE. 206 JO « » »<«^*13» osa -I-3t Sail . 200* 1202 - 08 uAINEain» S (S 2 oahom) G ainer:RS(t2oiiMonf).: Gainers5r^ .. 16444 ..; ..75 MD - 1ZI7' -OS O m: C i m » 42« .» K«. .4948 --la la . SKmSBP.IOl 12 05 . 03 u ™ J .18 M t« - 266 . « UKirrrtiIrt* .- w « - a s*af*Oip_ .7a0 -( -M Am 04 99a - a 0«vr» fo t . a ^ 821 ro 9 .11 StHM 7$ 281 .11 2 2 2 ----- U tl ciw %Cha Name L 2S_chLmi -as- : > .- te EtMArai ... 46.19 . n M«n«l» - a a .37 Sanaert . I6aS'.. ■ AJCnpS .. $*« -77 » . , 3164 . 64 Ww*™ 12t4 .« ' *« en . laa .io i4vaRn . i a - a so k d s tn .* •« Stfwtn 2 1948 -oa AhjCllinaiu 54.S2 *5,42 *11.0 Aihym 24.092‘ *334 *16.1 AmeiConiwl2io2-60 *.56 *25.0 A J ^ ... |4» ). . » EnWrrm .. t68t . a a -a Aon I3S -Ol Dmi* 112 n: 6499 . 58 ■ UA m 67S .a,05 s*n«ri£flin»i0 .a I ! ,-a E « « .16 S024 . 02 M*I*IU|.“* - ^ • ' S K .40 aidOOS2! .'.34 142 U76 .21. a S40 4699 .41. « 68UU3 .33 ----- Uat Cha %ChQ Hama Laatatt ChQ^ha jgf' « ;] « ^ 3646 - a Shl . _ 2SS77 .11.115 .62 9sd>o ..vita -a Dona39^ 6.08 -"to .106 Tbam U ’ .,ts {Mtm _ 497 . a Uoeop 7 . a . Akg&w . .. ISO< ..Oi .. a a ; a u csmn2 i i ...1300tI'I; *06" 2 a « M ■- 831 .3 . MfN 113 2647 . 09 Ot <640 .34 UonOlg _ u6i0 .Jl S«rf>K ,. e«9 .19 UhOAL26026 6J0 -,70 -10,0 Foodim 4!42,00 .4.50 -9,7 BakwtFIn 7.50 1 .24 W7S.3210'.05 WiuUdl 321 22a .01.M SfcnGffi. isa LohOAia f.50 i130 .14,0 Angwi ... 58.19 > .( .04 FmnM sa saas .,i6 uootcat(t2eo544t .71 I .10 FHmt _ lit «,1S MtvtO 3 -05 • Memcn . S7» .04 OM 140 I4( 4299 .l80 9406 .79 Sru*« m 4SH -13 B i » .19 Atem 1 12 48« .17 OMbgniMfICO I6S9 .31 Diaay D . .t.lS Forty . IOS *27 HyiMQn Se<.c*n .. Sti '-09 DtAflY DtAFto n y S £ . I .01 Fu«m. a a -46 48 -2452 • .21 g SoiHnCol40 M37 .33 AAronwd 3 - « . MM 192.4691 -W ETr»J.. 1207 . 09 72IuaaO .X . 2.419 Advanced 511 Advancod T " 2!? ‘2 Sm." - »« -0 Arrew '.95* 2109 . « EMCCp> .1073 . - 02 HDml J6 .2SJ3 .1J3 JS, : ' 'm~ :J > . a «d 833 Oociinod' 337 Oaciirwd 1.076 Arm ... 50)I. .,t1.,l 0*nrt« _ 171 *47 NMM* Anrwi 2M 4660 . « EKoa* .50SO 3117 .117 Mj^g1i2 7191 * .6i 2 S0«rSS242i 4042 . 99 u«*ang«ingod 146 Unchanged I .« AnMM. .. 61) .01 EcM 32^082 32 . 10 «»Ulg1Mu43*. .M i - 99 Unchanged 434 AiAM ... l i aI '.n.118 0*r«lto ,. ||.« .77 Nunii*. S a * n i «»«•» ScmFONieidoa .C7 Totollestwturns 3.400 Toial IsstMs3 . 947 Total is}u«} A«.■ “ . « 1! ^ . 4se! .a. a AEP 140 S(0' .24 £A»nn« 80ao a?2 .06 Mvovnico MI2 .13 S um f 701 7232 . a NewHigtlS I *42 AnC« 40 W90 AQ£«raai(«*W»S3 .13 1» 4575 .a l-Sh* • 144 NowHiglis 18 NowHight gg **»One . 1649< -4.40 G4nB .661 a a . .28 NMMp•e “ 22i4 .34 U S ? 2 m - AfncftriOO 140) .11 QPtxCpl.KIfilie 842 . 19 - ILU ^77 ♦'« NowLows0«s . 13 NowLows 2: Ami ...... JTO■ . .0 « Otnnnw .. 5407 •-.74.. iM«nrfl I . « , u SUrtM 1.121 4149 .W urjiKTu* • 7 NawLowa 23 ^ tffleiuS942 . i a S 2 S L ■■ , 5 *z ' AnMCp 30 7147 . 2S D«i 2400 ..IS u«cp2oe« a«4 .i« a • 1.417.591.470 Vohma. 198,813,615 Vokjma 1 «J< OMitfl J4 t&a . i a NoMC . AnnSOin 96 . 2496 . 4« EOS 2»n2CM 2010 . 27 UM V t608 .,0 . 10 SkCi i 230 2155 .02 • U13.C32.729 AuW«k .I2u4619 .»< .9 CMSdt,. ua»4 . a Nnvii S :: s s ;1! ^ I - a ., AMtogOf>» 36S3 .(0 EmiftOI IUIU <269 . 24 Uun.02 SSS S wm -02H 64 4SM .46 A»»ii .. 240 ■n -0 GttM .. a a . . a mmmhMn _ a a *2a I *-**M . ' Amw 961 6131 . a ^ 1110 .41 WyOS . 97 276 .Q .Q SBMS» 64 44H .08 ... 4SS4.16.167 OteupBM. 1.18 *,12 NBTTfil I .« 4ia I •'*. i a AMm . . r40 -26. E<«£PKI70IH70 47J8 ^10 Mytag 72 317 .04 -04 SaMU . I4U - a AM ,.. 8a .17 Gao^n .^11197 .197 MnMIt - 924 . 2 - ,®®I '. J a ApitfKl J2I 4490 . 33 EMginI 771 771VI987 . » . UcOrMi SSI TM .06 .06 8MniR,40iii 10.15 .il S2.\sz-y/Mk .. Hal ' YTD 1 52.wk ., 7» .1.15 Hsnrac .. 627 .IS IMWniIt • »aa . u s»ni«»c*,- 5 ia! ' .31.3: .A(ttiv 240 3S24 .M E^tM IMIM 246S .35 MdUuen 24 2782 . .22 a &ePtn*245luiSI4 .16 HlollIII Low ttoma ______Uft Chg %Chg % -02 Hsngi .. 5.72 -O Mm6 I . a ' to 2996 . 05 MMmc M 4972. .10 LSSsusaaL E S -: =!S .83 :! H*lMl .. a a .K HMa I .47’ AftHte) .30 1642 £fl»m 160160 (on -tl UMB M 1X25 -lia 3,83 9.230,47 OowJonoslnduUlalaIs 10.244,49 *13,13 *.13 -2.00 - *6.06 DeganUe _ 6I0S .*3 a Homsan. .ija ^ia rMi* .. A>m(i&nl 72 3i:« .71 Ena«e .. .. ISSO .40, I-M IS2I 4516 .22 3.01 2.CC0.66 Dow Jonas Traftsportal.talion 3,233.41 *17.66 *.55 * <™ *970 MMMI . . 1896 .29 52 S2 .997 .06 UMQM _ 1U8 .Jl *7.53 *14.45 Oom 30* 4sn -90 .» HMKp: _ I7M . a OSFTnn iJl7 I ^ •J' TECO .a 13X .It 293.603.60 243.16 OowJooatUUibn- 294.25 *2.62 *,90 *li*1025-*18,06 2 S " - .at :« . im . .44 Om&rfr :, iis .w ti.88 ..m a AukCta u 42M . e EgOePTJOO200 27eS .j«. U«SHw . S48 ..1«•■J TJX .18 846 ,. 6.798.12 .UI lifU) sa M46 - 64 CmMni .12 AuBZn. .. 7S1S . 2 EffiOM 171171 3145 .27 U«TKyn 64 SI66 .» B.12 5,614.46 NYSECo>7(x»<1a 6.574,61 *28.29 *,43 *:*2.09 *1227 ona 1216 .o r **** '*3 ♦“ TXUCop SO 4Sa .S7 1578981 01 960.94 Amai Index .06 MrtM ea 2465 .24 Onaioi)'rt'--.32I ..13 • '5 o Awiw . . lUS ..TO tNKnil2I12! 370 .31 a 37r . « . 1.245.91 «6,87 *54 +1+6,17 *25,79 S S S .;’: _ ii*f.T .. aea .,12 on>>Pn1 - 40« -.14 »|^».18» 27«7 -21 . AmBi S2 I6i6 '.2a EwrMllOaXloa 47SS ;i2 MCMI . IIJ7 - -02 « » 2.153.83].63 1.750.82 HaadaQComposil« 1,904.08 *7,56 . *.40 - *>m 1747 .to Fricp 27?27? eaoo . a >*ns» suuseai .co '•B** . 33 4Sa -24 , .C.,V)) 23 990,36 SAP SOO -4,96 -.29 BiMiM .. 14a . .> » MNnc . 2i a .56 Ckn»9rr9rn 9 2 -m - ' Aktii S6 4205 . 49 tantttS 1 1367 .21 UfcnOfn ,. 1910 .12•“ TMoti 18 »ai .55 ’-IS ” l,12d.50 *3.13 * 28 *1,04 * *8.07 Q k ^ 321 a n .81 .8 bmli . 634 . 06 Orad* ... I ia .To .• ' . a • , US< 32.4970 .S3 FlnOr 3134 2770 . « U«>rKl>n04 1712 -CO TiWaU. 82* 1344 . 38 . }.« 482,13 Ru6S«a2000 574,54 ,*6.02 *1,06 *3.17 *; *1060 on,c^44 a n • .a: a . tnucti . 577 . 2 Omt*.I - an .15 ?*** OJlWW 2705 •..90 FJm«»rt08•208 7144 . 18 uensms .58 350 . -21 r Tdd*. aa 4sa . » i U71-1.14h 9.595i0 , WHthlfoSCOO ■ ' 10.956,52 *43.67 *,40 ♦1,45 *' *8.74 ^ .01 *0, Mn* .. 54.10 .iS Tnam*a ... i.|7 DPPICI7M 5512 .26 ftflCiCp itt a ^ . » . l l 2 UcrgSlanlCO u a ,U>M T*n*»«. . loa .01 .13 hiM . 24S -01 TrMlSMn_a7e47 *4,18 . BiUHj if 4141 .29 .40 1835 .» Uoerou .16 1679 .44.44 2u »sa -01 CrtaSdil 134 Me*M h m it . 48n .«a PuCSn■». -. 9 a -.16 . 5 7 a - ♦« amug l » 4719 .04 F«tOS $4$4 4651 .U l>M»l 12 1944 .gl .61 TniVi 1349 - a CmEd .. .31 .> lxy>i . gi4 -31 PaosiI 60 B a . a ■ .. .19 ... QhXAnoiaO 4434 . 17 fnO ta 0608 4]»5 .19 HCnCe ... 481S .106106 .. 27S6 .19 C«tA« _ 7.16 04 *J< M*noPh_ 7.77 *Jf PxSumm .. 2175 .($ 1>W>4l - ILO .271 -271 BKV- 80 29™ .19 foM 4040 t39S -14 NilOrr I4MUJ0OI .tl .61 T*.M 30 4615 . 09 YTDro YTD C^aOn ... 16a - -8 a HPrC4« 2 a 07 . 54 PM rart«B. .26J8*2a 1'P*7 ... ia .a, .07, DMram60> 3378 . 15 Fatjnrf)>l32l(1321 7405 .It NaO«l.72.4l» .BS .BS TuM 09 2159 -St g??*. ' Olv PE Lart Cho »ChQi a Mama Dl» PE LaatIt Cha %Cho C«i3m ... S7.n .19-.11 MtSpa 4146 . a pM w» - a i l .117 TnOn . 30 BarMt 1S»5 .62 FmMKdJOl1J0 67a9 . » N«S«iTi». 1444 ..83 0 TiP« S0«40.|i0 Atwnsn .87' MimM ., 6.12 .07 PwA) !> • .••76 25 '24,18 *;i8 *636B HonwOp , 34 .18 38-70.ra. *31 * !: S S L " g :S W 37,a. .46 *WA*iiy*- .a .-J4 BarPtni . 4210 .IU F6« *« *,12 ji -45.5 e CMftn ....tea -o< - "51' AmerCas« .50 15 2920 *,42 *193 .04 >I«D>' - loa .04 P»d«i I 46 a a . a usEn . 2ts . a OrfSa«il06> 77M .17 CAn 8080 a n . » HmCoBcetSM .77.77 icdcsn isao -to Aon Coro 93 Keycorp 1,24 14 31,79F9 *.16 *8,4 cmnn -... s a ..10 .ie s a .. 7H -oe p«2 *.32 +7.5 0«si . 44S6 -66-« Wii. .16 a.II -3t P*r*»n. a n . a u«gB ., 874.. -.17-,i7 BocWR aa 47»4 .29 t e 0909 «33 .16 NctMCat, .. u43»4 '.39 TnCora 16 1672 . 10 ftkSSm. ,„ >„ 631 .,02 -46757 MlaonT ...... 1226!6 +.16 -9.0 cnn W 4iai .10 -10 fmm .. 3s« ;.i2 p«fr«tfi .OoMrOat 762 .ot (WwOit.», SIS3 -21 M*uCo3a( I3M ■» .32 46 40»4 .59 S S y *18 1.60 12 4434 *,17 *103D3 RodiTon J4 26 5.09» *27 -12,6 CM. _ 1959 .03 . 1144 . a p»«<4»t 1 . .12 a a .01 .. . BM>n 80-J4J2 .66 GtrOri 144144 96a . a HgrM ss 1978 .01 ■80 20 31.86 *31 .3.0J.0 ScottPw . 1.42a 29.9717 *,44 *1(73 CmiSr .. 17*4 .37 tl*6*e ... 1644 .,19 Pmmioii. .M _ a a -• a a BomC 80 1186 <31 O01OK 8080 3153 ItottSo 401 »00 .39 I 1.86 19 40.45 *-45 *43t2 Sansienl .60 14 1,6515 +.18 *105 Ceglrtl „ a09 ' .34,i4 Mrri ,12 15K .10 Pw ...«n3i . a 'M n ., t84 . a Botfiat 3S64 .10 C«MH124I1241 4(77 . 34 NonWII _ UO -JO a -1,04 16 . 26,98 *,29 *22 ee)«M. 827 . 04 (MM 200200 4201 '.Q8 N»M0ct» 437D .61 5S” iS J S S : 5 SkyWast .12 11 43515 +20 -20.6 S s* # - » » -JO tM . 4447 . a P>MU .. 9 73 . a .. I9a -.14 frid O* 2620 .CS CMcbSSiai3131 24 03 . 02 NoOM 3» 4105 .11^ VMSO ... 1905 . a , .40 24 4137 *.16 *11,81.8 Taradyn ,.. 54 13.4919 -25 -47,0 .72 •» hHWgi ,. 5616 .lil PlliwSrf - t i a . a -, 17a *as MlrSo 112 2441 .IS GMct331S61S6 ai9 . « NM«II0(92 S2S .49 u«rP«ta saas .04 -74. 20 4858 *,73 -9.8).8 T i ^ o ,86 16 17.4919 *24 aq CmM ., a44 .40 R sn . 731 .04 Ptaa ... lo a .,16 Mot , .527. *01*01 M A , 66 47 61 .26 1»120 3789 . 39 H-mG 130 3184 .34 tf 1.861 30 34,06 *,79 *9.91.9 USBanap ' ,96 14 293515 +J4 .. . a . u* _ i n *j7 Ptf)irMilaw I a a .44 .. 141 ,m > 2100 .« N0MM1..74* 5232. -02; s J t s iytaids w ,64 16 3SA3 *,13-1.91.9 VaW - . .24 6 1435 -07 ' Pnma>> ... e a ..10 Wa«*» .. 2« -M- a . S5C.SSS :S S3"»» »12 . a nu9a j 2 aco .(o >1 ,501 42 56.65 *.18 *18313 Waiuan ' .52 24 - 52,77I “*■' Canm Z 1846 1.15 .. a n Kil . . l a **a a dCNArtat- 287 . 02 'j'"* «6S 4147 .31 NAU S3 10 07 . 07 6 1.67 22 25S7 *60 *2i\3 WashFad -641 is 25-95I r « 11 .. « * ' - « i a - a vwK> _ 8 a - a 1154*4273 . a OooPfl II0VS39I .23•33 USBropW a a .34 Hoifu • t *f3 CamtM ... in .u.06 .. 2401 *24 PngSM CUSEra 9S3 .09 OuoSmiSi* l;14 17 37.19 *,11 *2.1>.1 WelsFtgo t.921 16 5923 .tg jrafa. .. 2434 .17 PreOag 1 .. a a .,11 «M**n*a_»(Ut *U4*U4 CNFhe 40 4142 . 11 <5W»fif.20i » a « .69 OWW 14 97 . a.a ussM a 3780 - a f* J2 17 18-22 -.06 -20,71,7 Zlooocp: 1,28 16 61.073 ♦• 3 ♦•2 C4p*rt 1672 - 48 .. a a .w w m ra t4 -ta a -4S-45 CmCHSS* 18 70 .OS Gatt>pgt6lt6l 1247 . 17 _ UllM 140 9487' .89 7 -.13 ..4 1406 _ Aoanad .UI600 -a PioonA 1 .. • at . a m n m -. a a .. a a cn 64 1287 .12 OottnmSlOO1100 ni6 .75 ■ UttMo 01 69a -50 .02 ttATne a34 ..14 OIT is a . n VMM ., 1.57,.»,.»• cvscp ja 4080 .sa Ooat^ .. 1106 -01 pcaecti .. aeo ..1010 IMn 166 4160 . a CottB 40 4IS7 ..tg K«wn .44 12.10 ..12 I -. a u . a wittfin ..looa .40.40 OtAvMY .. 2042 . 22 C>*»* 4040 tISS .199 PPG 180 5960 .3434 UMon »M .03 Haroorot M Syi . 7ja *J4 Kmart _i*82 . 2 Otofft .. ais .45 mMecp. 9ui«iJi MCM 3(11049 .19 S252 SOS . « PflC Cnthe .. aca .34.34 •»W‘T a 4040 -.17 VMM ... a n -te-.16 . a m ... 178 . 08 « *•" SOSO :3t« .17 PtfCnt . a<9 . n tho Naadwi NaboAtl Moifceta and 101 W ^ tn w t* ^ w Arycan StodtJe*Ewfl«90., .. 1367. .37.J7 KikM .. 5 74 - a OMCSa...■ ii.a .« nisa ..uaa .1,12.1,12 Ot(i% e 2648 .13 H>fr^ 4040 S«M .161 p«wwi a S689 '.nn ^ B Q S S S ^ H Mutual>1 fundafur aim 1.115 tofoott. Stocfcalnbc .35 !W«n ... 24M ... RFUcfi ,.. sn -a xow _ 2*9 .a CvOnt .11 7262 -16 t32I321 ■SIS .07 PmUvE so 5444 .122 W*«Ph 31 24 14 .30 sie!£S:__ y :::gg :f,'« - *** "«*■ - ISO .31 xfes a a e s ..is..IS CM M .12 47.75 -ai »4«#n 112112 (OOS .60 Pmt SO 37.73 . 38 UlTAdi .. a is -.10 (MM - 4 » .04 _ 32» Cm tAi .. 2932 . 21 J*24 1842 . 06 PmEfl 2 16 4132 >S72 VMnCn CO 7140 . 46 Namt-SH1: Stock* oro H««l nlphabet>eaBy by Ovtho compan/a fui nama (not ha abb ■ tJaiwM .. asa ..n m w . . CVTMl i0u4606 .TB Mwrtllt24124 :a » .21 P^mCa 92 4697 . 402 32 2IS0 .54 - 1518 .14 VttoafU .4516 . a ■any namea motfo up o( InMala appoarlar at Iho beginning of aach Mtara'Rai .IS iMO .. U4 ,a M l a* a 7a, ^ 2Wkp,ia 6ia ..ti..11 CMipttl64l 7484 .19 WCP»t67(67 I 897 .<0 PM£»n a 1611 .« >irram .12 UarM ... 7» ..a . IMACl . •. CMK9' ...mxS,f I4a .19« 2S; iH 2S ‘S annual dMdend rato paid onI stSlock, baaad on (ataat quartaily orirsolnlannual M .. ais - a a ..10 ftgp . 10.72 .40 CtnMM M 22 96 . 92 24>t -H P)Ah 119* a04 .OSU Vni£reml44 4016 .'a ration, unloaa ottmwtoa lootnotad. C m m 40 1076 .J« 6» .13 Ptar 68 3178.-07„ Vkinfi 24 3431 .13 U * f PftePrtoa atoch wa* tradhg at whan a«h9 OneriE « » « . 2 OdlMOas 0>MW t 12 2491 .21 32 182' .06 Prmtt 180 4IH .»a \taMnw37i 047 . 24 SM 'Ntlt N>UiPk 42 610 .04 .M P T ! ? - *'■« fiNWooatg S 2 2 :!1 ..98 . OMTottaO 50 97 . 07 08 « J I8S6 .24 PcMt » 3IS5 -0404 Wnd9 2M «44i .156 Cho* MD«h oasot vahM, or prico at which fundnd could ba aold.. . At*«<», 45 E<9And.. ai -M SAtiOCOI' 34U3tn .31 PUrOk144l »88 .52 t)a»y not cftanoa NAV. Evuftnai 19to' ... m S wni.iamei.ia i , RMifT ae* etn • .n a < W « . 37a6 .S3 52 MUHc*tl30 aw .04. 0“ ) -« c«-w «» «« *45 Ti n »S7 .19 pobfi. 30 w a -na . WKtiMieo 47J7 .,15 StoekFeeti ^ pdaWg . 2t7 -OS a«PMl9eJt"ai^l2 » S*m«Tr.1l. a « .« aeo .41 pnpiag aj7 .«13 MM*1 52 S277 -14 IM *1 IM 12 rm*. d . Nnr S2«k l0w du ■“ EW^n l a .05 h«Olg 61 ..IS g a :s i w H 4313; . 40 PndM . 184] .05 .S.t. n - Ntw Is m m pad S2 ««■. q - CfeM ^ ■ £»«♦» l« tsei .04 ttHAP ” .. r',:S,S5 .34:i‘ » VWjn 2II.J70I - a a i f e " «Mnd of 25 pet er IM U Ov I OokSkg ,. 4a .n M«rtfi ,ia .M teo 4718 .20 J Jjfg _ ^ I 56» -3* PnnFna 15 aOS .»» WAIU 1761 400 . a .16* ttB .13 •“ Cbccm*l00nl307 .22 £ “ »« ' »5 j - « PwlOl 100 SS9I -»» WmMM I9C 2731 .13 lUSTSI i S s T c Xu/ujTuu ; i u ^ y y O0W(< lS0l«730 .97 S ' J.™.79 • « a .4$ Pnrttbix av .66SJ matpn .. aer .ia ^!^n^un - UnS wd-^SnM nS^^ s r : ^ 5 n .ta u i *ia »’« ' at an -.12 C M S iia 2900...20 a 2 a « .41 Pn»SHh33 l a .oe WWMMMnMt. -u .-. nnw oraOoM ., 2M -W - a « r.io 6PCtr«iiiai*ll.40 .,19.,19 CtoaOMnSOi 3Uf- , . a '•.16 ' 1202 . 10 Pim Mi 1512 .07 * wvAiiee a NfKC« . ; « J S to .15 S S a 40 32a .50 RPW 58 I63< .18" moa cs 411 .03 Mdwid or «»rvai. y - Ei4 *Mnd 4nf «ai r*rupH y«» CMaCp ... il -n-02 Alktare* IOM . a w>gaig . .48 CVfOl 40. 20a -14 J J P *®m «i 0t . « R„,*„ to a » .1010 »4 a i l .04 OBnwm. ' Oai«4ie1M 2U4 . *,n a SlUK .48* laio . « NowQMoi.ffC «aS o l S a ^0 4 • »B RMtco ■ a a . a« WM*irU2*seo . a .01 aspsooi,73*i»a .4i ^4t* 77,» ..15 'tag0rrivl6*47« -co-O S K . S S S : s - » 5 ‘07 ftoirtMAmiaoTsa .»« i*t>n SB a o . a SSS.’ ,S :S M a24» ..10 wrigT8Ui5i*»aao ** a a . ccmPMi.73 7aj» .09 " f * * 22 2 2 *'J 040 -.11 ■tnioadnwy DMiteni9e*i02n ..21.21 Bi7-W1BUI2Ma. .47 Pttcii^ia:Iia 1204 ,30 WS»nrg .. U7 * a s £ ? ” * ™ DonBto - a .Al.in »i.3iBi44*ai7 .,14 C a ^ 22» «J3 .» rS : 5“ J*;a ♦» ft»*i . 24i2 via ______ao«r»;T»>Awei Bb 7aa .01 HhaaAg _ 2 » ,0)•to CnM&ll.l4 4030 •JS »****’ *32 a«5 -01 I n ^ S3 4417 .iaa vijtM .40 4oa .. — aaelalad Pr— .BUa^flQurwOTia• MwWalat. I o*LM» - • a ' a l ^ b ’"*'7070 r K :t. k : ; ” s ■"

4 k '■ ■. y

■ rFMdiy,»tpt«nb*ri7.20644 tliM»Ntwi,^nMli.ld«hoIho M m m m i ■ ■ Dellita CLX3SING FIT O T U R E 5 » f f i . iiS ■ i«j*-'|404.70ltoyo*.,NVM»i ■Hi!-§Pls3r S•eur haifara 11B.00-143.00: iioek eowa « Contlnind<1 fromtr El Delta fears diat its pilp ilo ts K-Sa.S!?ffl£-J!±iS'»:da ise be- SS'SlSr^r.TiSS ‘ S marfct: Cow* iitaoy to itreng. eaivti atai 3«vtr-ie.2IBlrwex..N.V.MiMtre ipei Tnu. It wlU nOt3t tb e to o far in to d ie fu- cccould Jump ship en masse I 1 , 1 “^ f idart ttaaoy u 3 nigrtaf. lure, becaiicause these are really c«cause they are worried aabi b o u t plS siS iS !;: nMI,OSI.I»I.WI ' CKIQAI CKlft,. PMllinum»543.30troyei..NV,iYMi^Ti'wlhu dlffloult dndmes." . their dl pensions. OM J-Y«n .9174 .«t31 .1 T ? " n Q -not quoiao, n.i.-ooi avaiiab , A skedI fofor a response.' union United Airlines' threat to ter-t » i r ,:S81 , S i i ,:| j ; S s ^ ,MEW VORK (AP) - Kty eurrin voman Karen Miller, m lnatelu employee redremie m e n t ^ . s s a 'ft’a v i i s ' i i^e.can only be pan of p pl la n s h as rolled w orkers a t d iat l a i r : ! ! i Dm cSnS'd* do“ r!ngS?770# * | i i ^ fr 15,51 •( II 51.15 50 43 *.7t id o n , b u t a re co m m it- airline, ali and prompted conccm cem ' .iu . . Euro '11.2115r.s"' S5?o'thelping Delta In its among ar many in WashingtonTon., • Z feS5KffiSK?“i ' Pound . 11.7040 M i i - i l l .SMtttrano . 1.3070 f. We believe that we ' S everal-hundred D elta pllipilots Canadian dollar 1.3B00 ^ iiS iaS T ii 1 S iS !3 !S “ iS !3 !S : i r s . i s T i ofocus i on our efforts at have h{ retired early, in reccrecen t i s f f l , "lirsffiis-ij,t, E .Mtaieanpato n.4880 ° . !*“ *“ , i h e b a r ^ ■■A! . € , ^lining table and do not months, m and more have threh re a t- ? .'a 5 ! - ,’?s iS ' a r * , i negotiate bi the press." ere n e d to d o so. • . F o s s i l f' Ul E L S ' o»e CoRw ra.ta 76.u ti llz6.64VI'M i?Sr-«1 n & s s r U7 vitrin^-Tt sJ" . a s s : !!is j)iM-1473 -37 WM.-»Ul«lU,K ’ .NEWYORK(API-Fuluflllr|{ OB • vorti Mtreamila Eienangt Tt>uri !! ll 1I4,«7«,up 3,824 . 'N e » ,1 M perb ^ ' . . iJSr. 1 g uoHT°S5«roW„ m ' ^ '-y P rkces . , K.’. K ' -1.000bbLide«inparbbl' p i ^ Oa 43 75 44 20 42.755 4 ■ 3 58 . 30 Contlnuidfn , ?K K r S K K K:iS S ” Nov 43 05 44,t2 42,75 . dfrom 'El- ■ dipped di] 0.3 percent, ^ e rr aa-: l.9 • 8m FMmrMn«l14.l0114 09l Ote 43.30 43.72 42.4| < percent decline In Iuly. Forr bbc o d i p d FaMtrMIIIfflia.17111.901 E k m - ' ^ g ; : ® . 'Jin 42.63 43.18 41 BS'8 « • M *1 T h e Fed.ed. however, is widely pe Fib 42 30 4395 4t 855 42M • H . e x p ected 1 ti to boost ahon-term months, ni' declining gasollsollne . ■ ■■ P K.“K.‘;?SiV“¥ «S i? ;i I s l 35 Mil .41.30 4213 41 20-< prices eclipsed higher costs 1 r S S : ! l 1 € ‘ !!:!8 !?,SS -;:S78 .Apr 41.32 41.08 4Q.B0o 'l • i i a “ 4 -interesi ratrates for a dilrd time pr s ts fo r K :!S!!S:?S U:!g!,S3SV:S. ,S! !9i:!!.li:li:!SJl:lS :B =:!i fS ! 18 ' Mty 41.95 41 55 41 24'.4'. 4 .V34 ‘ 4 this year. , ■. otlodier energy products. ■ ^ s:;s ssis s s; -m s . a?K SffiK K g|i:S S :l:? S .5?," . X I B8 Jun 40.40 40 51 40.00 < vould raise a key rate to Food prices, meanwhiw hile, Om Whfit 1411/4 jaa aM 82 Jul 3B.0B <4042.39500 Jo • 42 *4 T h aiw o ii n39.g#4,up308 , . Jun; B H:!8 'S!:!S !I:!S S:!8 .t:8S . 40 01 > 4 ,1-75 p ercenrent, from 1.50 percent. * ^dedged iip 0.1 percem In Auguugust. :■ ■ k ; SS- 'SS ::::; ■' ; j S S sss U !i S3S ;1! 395? " l l ' A n aly sts• saysi that rates. stlU dovm do from a 0.3 percentIt ad-a 7^83.80 1 53 50-1.40 ' ^ I 5 3 » 53 90 .,90!8 S J ...... ffisr-ifjM jsisi i : ; i • S0 1B8W1M,70-1.60 La*t«» .* quite loww by historical stan- i-ance. va 0.50 107.00 107.30—1.10 ' Elt, ial> . .Ote 36 00 39 00 35.20. i !” ,V,!S-” “ ia 1 3 8 ! Malaa 15,145.Wad't aalat 33,744 '. 35 64 -.1* - . aards. shothould go up because Elsewhere ' In the repoeport: Fib 3700 35.3l' 37.10 \ s £ k s : n s m iili:!S:.a ffi'!3S! Mir 3745 37 B8 37 452 : 25 21 * the econonlomy no longer needs □odilng Cli priccs in A u^stst de-d i:i§;??:8§ z i t s r> 3 B8.50 B ^ BI.OO '00.07 *1.38,« Apr. 3713 37 89 37.133 : 3708 * 4 th eir braclncing to n ic. :lin cli ed by 0.2 p ercent. SKIESaS :iS s s !?:?! :;!S r .... ;.. 0I.B8 .1 10^5 Miy 98 00 37.43 3815 : la.os — Od 1 .001 ”a.i :§§!?? oSl?8S§-.lJ§- w ; •• 93 . Jun 3840 37 17 3835I : I7M? A its said the CPI report New autorhobile pricprices ' :::::■ :;::: S!:JS :S3U Jul 35 45 , 38.87 90 381 : 38 97 .4 ‘ would justiisdfy die Fed sdcklng dropped dn 0.3 percent andd air-a IMS ■ r ;. ■“ ' ■:: ISSS.-'” "a.iiI. taiat 3t8.Wad ‘t laiat 104 ” ' Aug . 3815 30.75 38 18 : IMO - WM.'»ialM3U0 id.'topanmi 1J70'. Stp 3S00 3860 3998! : 3!« :i >'<* gradual sr approach to fares fai fell 3.7 percent; d ie larotargest n il !i3215 : : w m.'»opw w o l f , V : ■ Oet 3S51 3043 398t1 C M27 ‘ II raising rate!ates. . . ■ iropdn sincc June 1999. MedicecUcal a§E Sa?;l :!i !l;!l !i ,.r N»v 39 54 38 27 39 04 ; M e t a l s /M o n e y,Y ' OM 3 5 « .381‘ 3529-9-35 : 11 '.U G rcenspaspan says widespread, rare cai costs rose 0.2 perceniH aai n d 1348 * " ' • • ■ rh ^ i h e e s e Fib :i': 34 78 'sl unwantedJd Inflation isn't cur- jducaiion ed costs went upp 0.6C , . . By ThairtwAatoelaiadPiiM Jun 34 42 39.22 34 422 : 3522 *54 rendy adania n g e r to th e eco n o m y lerceni. pe IO Ch*dd«rehM»{iiiI piieai on tna Cnicaao Mirean- Sttactactctao world gold pHeat, T^uli(Uy. . Dm 33 eo 3457 3319 B e a n s « Kong lati: S408.ll ofl SO 80. i despite highigh oU prices, w hich So J far this year, consumlu m er , !§______. s : , ? . " ® ,..O4OO;4O-poun0btockir . , .’ Len%M‘ Om . 33 2S 33 78 33.25 i disA memno luir>D: 1404 40 up S0.4S. Om 32 40 33 12 32 40D i 33 12 .54 h av e d a mupened p economic ac- priirices arc rising at n seasonal Oon aRan«oon nimo; S403 40 on SO 58. Wt0'IUItl304.B83 anally sourlaayaianMiFMdt. Lwsonl tivity. I ■ ' ad _ Ptnaa aK< ! S S ! S » i 5 idjusted rate of 3.7 percetrceh i, ■ cn taia adamoen: S40349 m 5012. n 'i R i i r o r “D espiteite tlie rise In oil priccs coi:ompared ,'vith an increaseise o f S u g a r Handy t Harman: 1403 40 on SlOS. 43.000 Oli. e m PM oai s s ™ - ■ S l Hanoy I Harman labticaiad; 5499 07 on,n ' Oa 131 20 124 00 117 80D12332 1: -2 J1 througlt mid-August.m! inlJaUoh l.y 1.9 perceni for all of last ji^*ar. f e n tia>*.. Nev '122.00 134 00 118 80 1 >>-8i*gaf lutur** titd-inB on in'a * V EngainiiO:6*no4 S404.74 en Si.08, Dm 122.48 1 24 II IIB 851 1 ill andinflatlo;don expeciadons have Thlhe pickup largely rerfecfleets , S.SS. r W J S,o^«a^u-«^ Cha M Enganiiotabiieaita S436.00 on si.i3.I. . Jan 123 54 1 24 31 120 00} I124 31 ^214 ' e a se d inin recent months," hlfilgher energy prices. , Mtre. goM tpol month Thu' S404 70 0I t!?94i l l t l G re e n span a n said • lasi -week. , Excluding 1 food juid, enerinergy S l ^ ^ j niaM rb NVHSBiHSBC Bank U9A4 p.m. Thu: S404.S0 oilBfl Apr 11249 11471112095 11 ti47i -2t4 C ru d e p ric•ices e c lim b e d to record pri May . 107 80 110 45 107 00 11 irlces, "core" prices in th e flrstfli .r/rsaw -ififfli s f ISS J;SS Jun 105 39 107.71 109 39U 10 J!;!::!! . highscorlierller this summer, lop- elgllghl m o n th s o f this year ha-have V VORK 9- • 'Sip 104.90 107 18 104.90iiofiollu 10 moderatedBd In1 recen t w eeks. co:ompared widi a ,1.1 perceiircent ' bey oi.; doivt pat My 01 Oet 109.00 107.71 109 00 10 igust, ener^ prices adi ^ .ffi'.sa S.S ts S:S . N w 10500 t0826 10550ll§8« \0 :iu Augu; idvance In 2003. 'SS S Dm ...... 1 0 404.50 408!oO 403:il6 409;00 - i o ,105 81 .214 ■»4*e58.up 4,447 Nov «40530 408 80 408.30 405.0 —.30g Jin 105.45-10911 10«45'10 Dae 4C Iti par fe P(B 40iS!:i8!S!:!SaiSS:38':S|S Mar'...... 10 G r a i nJ s S K “ » 'S f ” S!.f10,fo 0.85 30.55 -.0 5 Apr 40 5 WM.'i u la i 90.928 ■ CoUl 30,70 20 8S 20 58 —.05 Jun 41 ::S8 1.842 Uege___ _ — ^ ^ iK K IS:’. VilltyOtaint May 20.00 SO\tn B H it &? ...... s s f s r . ' " . . . ContinuedI fromfro El . Uk(ikely to have eidier secondnd ori . PnctilornliMtMtbuUMCmlltdU»d O'Aln. MU. Jul 21.10 21.1 « Od 121.05.123 00 115 30 12 -^l.P ncM .ut*. . 8 « 31.10 21.1!};]§ ];?S ll:?J =:?S Sg « Ndv 11992 13080 11680’I 1220” :il6 . jobsbattlinilin g c o m p u te r viruses tliiiliird careers In 10 to 15 yearsears," ^,.,„ .... 21.10 - .1 0 , • Apr ..,, E E i i s ” ; l s’0 DM -117.39 11846 11500 1i r. S4.B0; oatt. ' 003 ’ 10 Jin ; 117 00 117 59 116 90 1117 it 86 t l ” taWtig ng core o f aging baby saiiaid Andrew Flagel. dean of3 fad- a< moiitufi). Ptiea* Wid.'t opw< iM 11,370,up3l711,5 Oac ...... *0 .Fib 117 60 11834 116001 118 11 34 *131 b oom ersex]e x p ected to rem ain in ml:nlsslons at George Masclaso n , ; « Mir 118.00 11689 11800.11 ::::: :::::S8=!:?8 in co m in g years. UJnlversliy.. n ■wn'S5*a'ihiii._ L r v i 0 Apr: 12438 12549.122.75’ ’’122 12 d e m a n d in ( V E S T T O C K °£ "T hey need sufficient e diu u ca- o S4.B& (4«.b : mMfflum) «m s Z ' ■:: ■ i” o4 *148 B u tm o)st sti experts say basing a TWin Fill* md OooOWio; eom, *4.9 TWINFALLS—.IM.IWn Falli Uvaiieck Commit- 'wao.'t» Jul 11873 121.94 119731 12121.04..145 m ajo rd ecislcision solely bn die ex- 4°'lonal grounding so they hav(jha> en^).^P(|Mi quoiM Oy Und O'Uii)'UkMlne.in ikmCo.tfponath* M ^ ,3 ie.u p 3,334 Aug 117.03 11024 117.03 II HvMtoek Ml* rwid W Stp 113 08 110 09 113 88ilJowllle II pected hot]ot jobs of the future is he bjjportunity to make thosedio! rviarjiEw r* ■ » WM.-IMlai 57,754 . H(«deou)ii;t«i 2 507 n o t n ecessassarilywise. shihifts.". . . POCATELLO (AP)-IOtho Firmirm Bu'aauE imar- Stitn: und«r 400 a ^ ? ' ‘s ? r « 7 o “ 5|«.o , 1 ' S,glsW.;‘!i® 5S« F " ^ , ■ S tevenI Rodiberg. R president For some, the economicc u|u p s .53S!Effi^"X:S.'2?¥.-f%*U.ov.:ii md downs and recent cofpiofpo- ■ s s U9.5 £> 0355 SSO^d'Ulie I v si“”.'sa“ vs,rjs.“I 4.71B . —tos o f ' Minneapolis-based f ' »lbt..S1te-SI43;400tBS00 Jan .... NOv 5.970 5.580 230 9 ate scandals have influenctinced, ' IIBSSE ;0: 500lo500na.. Stio- Mar 0311.0 03 0380 l\. DM 0.249 6.280 .830 1 8 tS’ -? 5 CoUegeRecilecruiter.com. recom- [?’ eMtwVilf(3.3B(up1): 14p«rc«nts r . p W ? A i » . “o*7®^* 037.0 839 8 032.5 097.7 .1 Jin 0.970 6.580 .020.I. « !953 .20 . mends stuctudents flrst consider heir choice of majors. [sS;S.-,rM ® ,'s, ffi' 840.4 .1 Fib 6 588 0.580 3tO 6 When Bobby Cupp siaru:artcd .... 842,9 *1 Mar 5480 0 483 259 1 6 453 their compmpetencies. interests ) '. s s s . " ” " ” . m 040.0 iJ 048.1 845 0 040.1 .1, Apr ' 5.970 5.950 880 9 lollege at die U niversity oifCal- f D /a); eom 118,76. S-H30 . ■ . Jtn ..,. I |g .-17 and values.^es. “ I May 5.555 5.580 .770 fornla-Berklcy .in 2001. 1 000-51,040 Mar „„ t 683 -19 “N o d cee diattil compensadon Is J l I, he .TClaady): . HjgjHM ^ . ^ 0 'E E | f :!;■ M I S I Ib IS t?0 ecalls. "il seemed thai.a coreirareer Du»n*l a.as (ttlMy). .. Aug 5.060 9.960 690: SiS I I I n o t o n eof o fdie factors. Nodce fr , ' Fi«M> buna; *88-171“k - E ' s 1 soft\vare was a safe bet. tl’ MINNEAP0U8 DM 0.410 0 430 330 J'S "If die y’ focus foi on what diey’re «alth. ; even if it wasn't all1 ththi a t • “ S? ... s s r l H i " ,..:. 0770 ••1.7 nba. Se3-SB7;'fil lambs. SB2- . Wad.'a'ai s g ; 8 ^ :8S SIB - 5 good at. whatwh diey like to do. iteresdng. N6v«idays. h ’s harhard . . . a ^ r rawM.S3S0enoiaDuea- ( TeoSOtpimgart: Sl.iS:S§ ■ .gsas •. Nav 5800, • 5.900 5 803 OoBot'SO^TtadftTTfu.: iS3?2,^«j?.';y,Wip,oo7,,. . stu d e n t’s m ajo r often , ‘'^tclie world in a negadve light,S? — cw .s.afes ; DM ..... ■ "to -22 WHE.T" W • « ' ■ . ^ I Tlare l lUyat ipol mor«r> ThwrMay S5.25B up 231 -22 has nothingn g 10 w ith d ie ir even- he e said.5 5.000 bu mMRwn; e « a ew bualM . i S S S i ’S r Si® Jm . Z?, . wal carccr.er, causing many to . .5. So Cupp setded on.a m ajorio rin i I 11. epan hailar taia leoay NEW VOfYORK (AP) - 8pm nenfirreu* mtlal S S 35S“ “ S = .i £ ! : ? ' pnCMTKb 399 -37 recommendn d th a t s tu d e n ts w ldi urbrban educadon. fl -H ZZZr,-I —Idano Farm Buraaulniai- Alufflinumn M • 77.0 Mnit par lb . Lenflon Mttal1 ' May ' Siuo S.Sitb 5.2U ffi' 3I!:I. S ’A il3: ' Jun 5.340 5.340 5 299 299 Z37 n o c le a r: careerc ambidons • "I've "1 seen a huge numbere r oc f O'.-133.00 canta Cairwda full plaia. U.SS Jul. 5.370 5370,5.289 c h o o se , broiiroadly focused ma* my»y peers decide against corpo)rpo- ,StS . “ • “ ”55 ‘-'J fe sS K laUortt. Aug 5350 5.350 5.312 K aa.r.ir™ '.- S '?ar -139.50 ewiia par R>.. N.Y. Mtre (pot 253 -37 jOrS. ratfilie careers, as diey are noinow KISESf'Stwj ' l.4l§ |-2|g I.I.'I S S f fs.ffi5r,ssrw'?av” i “ • 5990.00 par maine ion. London Matal I!r .-.WhattheLhe p u n d its arc telling riskskier a n d n io re m orally queslues- uahal . iiadt>iiaar«ei.o64B.149.l7W43eaniaib,!oai«traO. • WM.'lMlaa.109,070 nove 30.35 -3.28 ealMt 85 00.900.ovrOVhd; lai lamM 63.00-03.50; OoU -• S409.40140 Hartdy 5 Harman (onfy daily .• ,WWtBO«nml40l.19i who arie graduadng gn now arc towiward lives in service." he said.saic

■ W ” «*" ow UMtp IM . p24.14.a fldirWtdt; UuCw82Zpa2Z7B *07. USBIK lt.31 *0t OUOTr)Tim IK Mmm s a .02 USiUSO<« 924 .01 TRn . »{| .04 I I *<0 ..OB ALMt 2324 ..17 IMCv IB 04 PutrumFundiV; Inim Bmy Uoe 8: CCCicep22ll. .0) U.Rn 11U« •' .o 5 :s 's s a a “.» ffiS’it I IBS4 .,14 VMon *7.02 .*41. EnCrC kknmSUiUmlnil: PHCOFuitaiA: <K m s .« rt&Bi 1247 •05 .a T*»afl: U4JS-1 10« : M7 .CO .BcndB- (.17 .04 tM a 13. S? iJS :s? ^ssm si\32 CrAfkwntlil .03 LirfXiA lOa *9101 WEa 20»3 .01 5* **04 WVmAaO M4 I n t t M,'SS,-" a i :s !«!JK .?:s se; ss :g ° S•I f' 3T47 .24 JehnHineediB: ' M H ^ 1S» .01 'SrmBimnC: ' H .n d>4« «oa >5M *,10 M«USs totow . a BMn » a .w Qiawi »M .» j2cofJS*o I - " S " IS .1< S £ . S : s K ? a v KTMnBra *.tj ^ i ? ? s : s ; ^ 94 RSP«n 'ijijl -43 US .= s;"!!g» - .X '* *04 OatltFuniieftr: . EaJjCp 57:!S:S ^ '." s rs sssf's:S .Ji S,v;!! ;2 ££, tVVM 1301 «0S * inyFunMi T«a«p' 211 .02 Ou •“ .« S^""'"■:141 .1C . n xsa ;,1» »Aflt #3717 «04. mVmY a t t .U E ^ l 24AI m y a T t .08 JuiiuiOawrtMi; ^■lis Sm is S H '-“** T7^ra*i,' .14 .04 8 « ^ UH . » STAPn .1r T ' '.. . « lYi' NVVinCr5t *1} OvSkp UTI oW 'iSS sa,!;- S : i r ” S S ; S ^ NaMniFundilnvB: nraaci2ll7 .09 »>fln a »'* 4 ‘« *09 OritnnknMA: CMvCpM4i « '?» • « li«nMn»*T: CntSr »01 .10 SDGrMnlO-l.i S S : J ! s a t t Srr«ei'*.'o4 M ^ r n* In 2lCo t S J i S . . * ” SSISI « w i i a s - ^ r i ? S ? :SJ ‘f i S T i o . *0. " 5 Ruu«IFundi8: tifvrntMoe- SiTlined 1040 *02 MAMp 2S.16e ‘.It•. 8aCV8l».7» O l 2 2«P i; f ■w SmMXm: LtBBHaMniFtf tr« U S1 An 1013 >01 OpnTiMJSl .17 tW “ s m S ii :S • » - s 9M.ce J io4 “ g y p ’f*;,!!! :S K S S :s SSSSffl§ i i « i s S iteFunM: Sptivp 4341 .) t UK X OiJn£sSJ«lt .11 » » .35 rJaT utl t o Trt«ir«4io .1 : s i S S* 'S ’?•! r “ «mAinl02l .ot Stxk* S72 . 02 VlTTrp 91M . a K StC K :!! ,SS2.” •“ . r. . 7.69. isn '*»*w .o: •' i t s J'S " MrttnllU .« NMMrlerFwidi; . WTrwi 8 l» .27 KnbtrgwlBinnn«uI o>aiv loil .« I'b V-mlimFd” iV«*,n,2iMM . ’• & i l p ir' *•" ; J £ . t- ■ *03 a w - S S - W W '’-'”® uso^-itii .« « .<3 . .J l*rtienlJ17 . a C«M « *16 VmXlmeFwtMAr ISiSis >c: •( : s S s s 1 : 5 I s s E f : 1 m ’ i« I s*?sr;!: ”& .CD K*»p ISK .12 A n«lr.a» •MNtAt SnOp 29U .12 P»n !S :s W S g! ::i S ' W . f . l',f.vS 3ar,?J :a 3SfJH.i?i 1!; S iis t t '* ^ n " «tS' *«• « ISL*. V««9«iaraidiF«4;F«i: i i , - K S ’ ™ : s w ; a B^p3«4 III IS0O4 IlSo' .08 C«nt«a C«n MM .17 tUnwFJnd'iB'*'’^ at iO' ? s : s a S S! :s :l S»!!! :s & iS iMpITU >n LerdAbbMA: - Nieni : K =is ii . %Ap2l»..17 AlUa I3H .06 ,N«nn Nen Uti .29 PWrt«.Fw >*0' ;S ^ 4 P t l H .02 Enr«n 277gPO ,.a ..J iiffMM»ii!” i i “ ! :!i*■' • * S ffi' '!S ssfjfcf" ssasisis :i; . 83SW :g KffJ'iS :S,S V«i Ump FunM I: 0>O>nn 24 4« .g 2791 * a «>rCpApZ7ilI **: a M n S n i i .40 vnnti »:!5m H “iV, -s —S 2 ? 5 U Ea

04 AMritMPvMal:“•i. ^ •* sss !S m S t 2 M .1031 .OS Nanfart < ^S S i'r -'• S2S;ii!i - V^FijdlC: sJSl„3SS.0 ..2 a S S BM M .u S » “S Si, l!S:! | s : s S S : s ; ! I s*™ •” Hi® s s .'" ssL«’sa:ii sss?uUs’:!:Or IIS .01 uraFimeiAiHis •" 1m i 3 .03, • ■ ai!!S:SP fflss:;•E a5* jra -01 .mSkh45 .a MlMrunMl A»W| :2 w r " :l s r.,g 2 K " ’!S :!!■f I SSSS,IIS :S r2ii:S » , S3:g S5MCt>n}12« .17 : « I 0 .09 S S M S :i! S f ; i’Sl:S w ss:g O T*i S •« iSfeiS :s •RffinsiniVu . S ♦ff' S S ■ggb’S ':? STfillSrS 4 .10 siJJi :s '3 s r ’2^f‘*=.- S ss.gs:s .» i ’i! :!! K .tl & S S *"» 8 .11 toir Tn imwcMn” * i . 2 8 3 K ! !K :S iFdi: . LMinp40«4 <30 UWMuMNi:L=“ S i s Sg=-.« W 1|S :S ■£; ' snoai IIU *oj Mne 44« *j s :s S 'li;? ; E "!!7i[?i : g S K p S S : s ' s a s r ^ i f o s . « ^ - 2 S S 5 « 3' .ce Ijeooipipn ,m jg, »n .j i« e 4 io - .a ,25*'P J’ “ ♦ " ivii i » I ! S : 3I 9 . a I :s E " 5 S :s S , S S >«* SKS'f *®’ iSg!!?; : S4WiwnBree«n:* 0 > ^ p t2 a .0 S twip, 21M • » MMnFvnM: U uttf IIM .01 WMM7M"* •» r a s s :« l"S£ .J, tSinA .« gs } HYiBA l u .02 Hn£et4S “ S a :g -"S32 .29 ^ p a « .m r .e.H MfTtor«l4« .01 PMhn«u K«qaaeo .M •» ^ iS£ :S f e g : gs leMnaFunai:i . MT>3BMp42S .01 3 .21 1 *.10 Dr^Pmiitn Cttt Miliil !S3cm.V :« as.'isn 1434 .01 ^****2 ‘li K22S l^lnl457 . 07 14C4eWn2lH .17J ,& . > ^ nU» .Iff W ^ p lOj^ '.Ms M ”■0 :.10 ; !iKi:» » ,5 S :S M (7frWrni0lS .09 SCmn 2351 .z S .1 S :S SS IS!S .,v ?Sg.,5J!:S S ,sIrrdaa.O f (h«tMB»J5 *.1} KOHNi™ r- 'is is ^^ W M i n *”3 I IS^'r^n Tl" .1^? 9U 'mM . LXfTrAdmOM TBMn 1S144 .0.09 ■ ■ ' ' ..11 UenVMMQAi ManMAi 24B .,” HYtFApioei Toi I SIFr TM *03 IMrrMn.72 . 02 S k a U4' USO0.4 IH • « TrtlQl tO>« ..03 idAA: 37B .M OHAn IIM .01 1 ^ ” |« s r :S ,SSl/£.cr ^ Jrp'SSrS E» = ’5 .« KS'ST;,.I i ScuMtrFuneil: TuiECi tOH .01X. ^ I t.. »eer -SB5 .01 .0' 0800«*«7.,3 Ira r.„ ssst’iisa f s s ’nJM .01 ^ Q rw ^ lja . « EtfcM 2121 9>MP 42 .Ot iSwnrunaiA- D Cm I7S1 .OS i « ’i !i5 •?* I x 0«Mp ISM .02 ^ P I&48 , IS :i! .1®"!?;, S A( Amur a n >08 s a3 .01 .O' S r •’ tSS«P !« .01 gSSWAM* SSSS?l“TfM' S S IS ? *2 M ClplerjllJS *“ .*® » oSfes* Cf 2011 t o uso.«i»4i Ima cmtV n a t « "*»• «» ,iis H .'li=» SM ' ' l : ! ! J f f l , ! S :Si fM f i M aS I .07 o«Mp tOO« .02 ,l«C4nr21 > 34 . 02 TCWOaMoFdr CALTn llM . a 902 .(k HartaWi.ftji*! EdMp tlOS ..01 WFOS f MM .tJ SaCarr 1770 .OJ0) C4(iCMnroe .t« wg4 THI .0' .01 c::B,s;s E*ii s i.“ S S' w ' - g ' r r r , 5 ‘.".i S ' 'SB l«CoOre22Q) -01 TanHUnHHt: ^.OGrenllM .0< USSoT!,? .M » " g g ” S jejjB IIO la Q*M%as' Io? [■ 'J I 2 P " 2 S *i: » «1 . r f“ S s s :s ffis.ris:s s» is:g SK-113 :s aS'.'IS!' ; 8 S • .01 g ra^jj B S s :J SK SS :S 81®',!!! :Si * ■: ffi. w is t .0* s 5»i!S :s if r " 1 5 '!S2ii,S‘;» Esr; > .n k i , i ! S : s ‘s s ‘ n& ^ iiil ^ ia is E'lil! S is. E ?illiik w S l 12717 *M j S T '.a iW tli! 'Smxa B44 .n ucCieviitt . 0: •» W iii:s Bsaa y/lMJI .11 H M iliM ii; nelAisn r. K -sis;KuMwlnMiHNRt ThoMienFMM: '* n»44 .07 M t IUI .M e S , i MlFlMieil.- TMmMHi A! '* W OtnlBll . a BtCmV SHI .O' .0* S is :i‘ S '!* .« 7 .1« ‘•a ®Js!^ H lf- K illiiI ^ HMd t i a .01 i«cos* H74 . m« sssissis srssrj ffi.« ss!af,s.ji ssrsiij'S B i 'a j s a r ^ ® ' m : s 'KSKAC^rlOOO M>VHAs1147 .11 •« 3 . a S i l v i a ffi ssa-, S3 SBSES iieSAMMFM: TiE«Ap IM .01 A » ES". i!S :!! Uhn HM *n- CcMitlMni is Sivj Kr t& I E S •” S w tw ISH .64 usotApiia . a Sn E -" Silsis 1 .11 S = 2iH '2!-iHCO M W t: vraAp l a *c« c ” SS^’,:S s? sss *;i a VWMMnTn .0* K®!'-*' a •“ ffis ,ii! .i iar:K;iii i ;.l! t ! S 'l& .0. £ £ < tMMOUH -M Wr*P is a *01 £ 5i r . ' . a s : i i B s a ! S . . . InABmayAi BirCsSmSIO .tli5 sa;® ;g 'S i'xr'.. ' J s r g s * : . SSfiSS:!! laKilV : s ! s u s i : s g £ i .!! ;S i i :,S S T ' S W E l s i s Bisr"i'i-:i! 'SK"55‘'.» 1A«OrAp! MK *24 1Wp lOt .01 } '.01 • tl30 .N TM H i l '. i l M X n< A«Ap I4C1 «0> TMnMNlB: I -Oi ga„ a :S W .Si : S ^ M S . » s:s iss'w s 83". 2114as *43 OMOTruMI; «eUMp S S i 1!S :S f f l " :!!? :S FdMAp S 13(7 . n l4(^Fl2tO .U" a!K.lii! :g i s s s Eeiy IIM >04 CcMbMCMm I i 104 «0I blMlt tU2 *3t HMoBi® ':s jssls is s UgM^plSSl -04 TgmrPurM: i .02, ' » . ! % :S % ’„ iIJ4 S *oi lSmb i«r ^ SfMtnitlI«ll71*.10 to tl42 . 05 im tm n s r ,'IS •“ K f'S2 :!! : ...... s s a I S - 1 a s s : ? IrMtlB^AIwA; M 4000 . r r t ^ n UTI -.et cm tin> .03.01 HW 447 .01 UWJMITJt :S^ ^ „ ! ! ! •■! s £ !.S M ION .01 FutiMFuMlH: MMApH IIM *02 TABUA: IM^n ton .01 MhmlMtH; i!S:3 3& .;;:;s sa- Wl 1054 . 04 0«KP i r .01 HQroA H I2M *011 OrtoTAp i r I IAM«nt2M .05 MOM UMI .1].11

\ 1 ' . , .

£ •4 T im o 8>NowB,, TwinTw Falls. Idaho Friday, SaplBpt8mber17,2004 I E Z l'nlieHmes- J u i [§;ss m g Eli |S 1 1 BHS. , y .;;; M i' EHr a i l s mm 3SS. nn?V'till^lltllnW A hW Ib mrm}UND Black Labs(2) LOST ■ STC6ckatiol. no LOST' CeilC< phone on ALCOHHO L ies , BANKRUP!lUPTCY ''’analos healthy, happy oran{ingo on cheeks. Sept,. 1,1, Dierkes Lake ANONY Inexpensive; W, e k S™®' . bbi e; Williams . NOTICE OF AVAILfAILABILITY OF FEDERAL ibth with collars. RO- - W estist Ave.1 G a re a . Ro- a r e aI. . Yellow/Black Y 208-733-53-8300 & Law, 736-0'J6-0699* IN THE DISTRICT /s'Richard /g/i Whitehead perlort/Burloy a re a. Call w ard BLOCK GRANT PLANPL/ FOR PUBLIC REVIEW^ COURT OF THE FIFTH 39 rd lo r re tu rn . C all Motorolarola. 734-1221.', 721-( 3228 Spring C rook Dr, :20£I08-436-4895.* 208-3J}-324-3S88.’ . j — I------— iAiiKRUPilUPTCY' JUDICIAL DISTRICT tw sable SUBJECT: proposedied use of iwo federally lunde,d Twin Falls. Idaho 83301 SSTT y o u r o d I Allordabli 3d • OF THE STATE O F (208)m 733-9688 )UND German Wire- LOSTT English( Bulldog. nt plan. Block Grant Plans:: AvailabilityA\ ol Plan lor publiclie IDAHO. ANO FOR THE ic/ lair puppy, lemale, red& & white, last seen ■ review. /s/James B, Alderman AcSKKI. divorce & COUNTY O F TWIN BATTb a & FISHER . LLP pprox. 5 mos. Out by ' on 10010 South In Ru- • crim inalI matters.mai P U R P O S E : Tho purpoirpose'is to receive comment on FALL'S MAGISTRATE ,p r h e S ugar Factory fn . port,t. n n e e d s to le o d her i 6th Ann the proposed uso of Ifunds'during Federal.Fiscal •P,0. BOX1308 I'’* knnual TImoloss ' B ra d RVceat ice ■ a l DIVISION Boise. Boi ID 83701 . I "win Falls. Call puppIjples, Pleaso re- Troasursures Doll and . Y oar 2005. The BlocHick (Grant Plans being reviewed w w . 208-734-3.>4-3367‘ id Case No. CV-04.4260 (208)331-1000T^c 06-324-2473.-■ turn,I, reward.670-1069.*re Boar ShowSh and Salo . will.be; NOTICE TO ! lOIey.com BANKRUPTCY FOUIlUND large animal at l o s T c iturday, Seplem- maSicvall rcY------■ •Tho Substonco AbuseAbi Provonllort and Treat*»• CREDITORS PU T gold money,clip, PUBLISH; September ourur house last Sunda- Earlv 8th. 80m to 4pm. , G uaranteemeed monl Block Grant •(I.C.'1S-3-801) ,7 rly September. ' K r-Pi: 17, 24 a n d O c to b e r 1. y.184 .1 W. 200 N. in $1 oO t T h e King Oath- . fnr<'i>our , lowest prIC - Tho Social SorvlcosIcos Block Grant In Iho Matter ol the • 50/ 00 REW ARD. •(/ liling lee: 2004 Jor r n e r o n 7th a n d C-fas.st/tt-./ 9:00 a.ni, in the confernference room on tho 5lh floor>f WHITEHEAD ond . Aciions Acl planned and ny/ SSpaniel x. m ale, no LO ST C "'■’'• " " " ■ • I r c “ EAN7 - 7. GOLDEN LAB. W oodrtdrufi in Idaho t o a ll Rl odho Pete Cenarrussaissa Building, taken by y o u r g o v e rn - coll. RV park Accepting newew clients.( GARY EUGENE laki jllar. while body with mediurlium sized lemale. Falls. CompBllllon,Coi rai. ro s ld o n n AVAILABILITY O F P,PLA N S: T h e P la n s will bee W HITEHEAD,- m moi oni a re c o n ta in e d In sppolled o head. 324- justW Its of 2004 ■ Referencess available.avi • - available lor public revnreview at; t West ol Filer. Her lie tablebles, 21 dealer fair, onI Sept.S 7th. Call 208-737-S37-9293* Deceased. public pub notices. They are 254:542 or 539-5540.- nameno is ‘Maggie". 2 ' booths,is. demonstra- ?004.the1 The Departmont ofI HeHealth and Welfare'CeniralX . NOTICE IS HEREBY part pah of your right to know =577; a Twiln Falls UND puppy black & «llar»srs/tags, 543-5245 tions and food.* County lairb OUicelocaleJinthePoiP e ic C e n arru ssa Building, 5ih^ GIVEN lhal the undor- and to bo Informed ol irboardvoted . • Floor. 450 West Statete SSireet. Boiso. Idaho, in. 4 months old, 2 s. 543-0979 • days.*. . = = - lo chango 1 S y s te m s - signedhasboen what wh: your government swrence at SUBM ISSION OF WflJ/VRtTTEN COMMENTS: Any^ mars. -208-324-5306,- UOSTr man's n- wedding idvcrlisiii/i IH o n th e R V p ' appointed personal i is< s d o l n g . A s s e l l - • _££!!? tbji-ei lo Hie fair week, 1 lain Sprin- . o n e may. subm it wnlioiiiten comment regarding lhe ' UND. golden roiriov- b a nd, d ,lost I a t R ler Fair- .Z, p ' r e p r e s e n ta tiv e 61 th e governmeni gov. charges all FOUr lavspapcrs will o e a s fc Installing proposed use of theshose funds (or these block citlz'ons to b e inform ed. . o•r X x near Hazelton,- flroununds restroom. , ^ - j o i n i e s t a t e o f t h e ' citlz holder of anRVsisacean or winterlzlnizlng^your : grams. Forms for thisIis purpose or a copy ol the this newspaper urges lem;male.no colar. buff Goldd with'blackv an- taiidardii o f ^ above-named dece- this 004 falr^w“!l system, 733-R/ P lan s m ay b e obtainedcd IIrom Ihe C entral OKIce 450 every citizen to read coloilored. approx 9m o.,', 11 q ujing I n and small • ri„iKepluiicc. -ri, -lor the 200 3 d e m s. All p e rso n s hav- e v e Timcn-Navii . have first rig Wesi Slate Streci • Sth floor. Boise. Idaho, or callll ., Ing claims against the and and study these notices, toI 1i year old. Call diamonn.nas.35a-Q050.- right o ire lu s- W ill b a k e ayb y o0 rd er. ■; • (208) 334-1944. For)r morofT Information, contact the riglif at on thesame sa space Cinnamon roles,roles pies. t decedents or the joint W We eadvisethose 208- i ^ s f p Phans Stangof at1.(208) (2 334-4944. or Lynn r Pit Bull puppy. i’(/>V.-al. abhixvialc. for 2005. SpaceSf must etc. Call 543-i>43-6808 : ] estate of the decedenis ciIIcitizens who seek l oSTl4yearold.deal, s t black.vk. wilh w hite mark- declincc'IC or properly be paid lor Sanderson at (208)5) 3334-6606 Department off are required to prosem lurther lurt inlormatlon lo or by S e p t. or 308-3231)231.* ; malo Beagle. Sept. ingss wearingw a rod classi/««!/>• o/j.v ad. ■ 30th, 2004 II Healih and WoKare. 45045 W est S ta te S treet - Sth'' their claims within four oxe III th e sp a c e exercise their right to . athII at■ Grey’s Landing. traininling collar. Last Heccipit h a s not b e e ' Floor. PO Box 83720.20. Boise. Idaho 83720-0036,'/ m onths after tho d a te ol acciaccess public records p p f o f copy.Liii ease call 206-736- seen1 InIr .the F a rm e r’s •mole entry - by Sepl. 3 n B H S H Written comments regiregarding the .plans must be9 the first publication of and and public meetings q^ec:56. leave m e s s a g e . C o rner/BLM n e area. (fax.v-i. ”is.s“sr kii3^ siibmiitcd on or beforeire iS e p te m b er 29. 2004, ‘ sp a ce willill b e co m e ' ^ this Notice or said . IMPORTANT | lino10 answ er.- • REWAIVARD.312-1822.* doan iiafiiai cpimfittiic available lor DATED this 2nd dayol''Ol S e p te m b e r 2004. claims will bo forever Pioj or Ilrst co m e ■ David Builer. DeputyI DiiDirector Pleaso address-all logal r;r;:= .1, fiiinlflfa'pru/ici- oci by |(rst sowoOOct, 1 1st. ARN/MOTHERER ■ barred. adviadvertising to: ' LOST5T Beagle, fat, fe- LOSTT PomF eranian. ih im ii 2004, Twi Division ol M anagemnent en' Services' • • ale. brown, ton & - •Pope' ^newspaper. win Falls • ' . ICCP/CPRCorCertified . I Claims .must be pro- LEGALl EC ADVERTISING- "lali 10' reddish blonde. The ■jdvcrliniT;aelv not Counly Fai D epartm ent of H ealthh oiond Welfare sonied to Iho under- 7 lito, na m e Is Donut. Lost: in in H ailey W ood- 1),^. 'airboard.- Openings, allIII shshills & et, Sth Floor Tho Timos-News .• iiouupaper = = s = ^ = 450 West State Sireet,! signed at tho address PO B ox 5 4 8 324-14-8551 4 reward.- sido0 Area./ 9/08. . ------■ ages. Meals3 && ssnacks : PO Box 83720 m nnenfull k J M Included, 734-434-4070.* . indicated, and liled with Twin F a lls. ID LOST jved lamily pet. rvsoa.^poimihility Boise. Idaho 83720-0030036 the Clerk of the Court. ST Cot, 4 monihs •83303-0548 aoo.0 . stilt looking. Long i«f721-08l3Lisa- the truthful DAYCARE, liclice e n s e d . : DATED Ihis 15th day of Deai openings lorir dayda ond PUBLISH; Septemberer17. 1 20and21., 2004 Deadline for legal ads: modsdlum gray hair LOST■ SiameseSI cat, fe- conipil\'iil o f their — BBCBMAMrv September. 2004. 3} daysda prior to publica- w/wf CrCRISIS swing shilts.ts . t m e a ls white nose, chest male,i. spade,s about 1 c S ™ ------non,ion, noon on W odnes- aiidd feet. II you have year ok ? £ £ TeSTS. a n d sn a ck s. ICCPICC and - old. had 2 collars Q |n * ri ontldenilaf. CPR refs. 735-4 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICECE lay for Sunday, noon soonon him pleaso call on w/t{v/tags when she O ini TI HI D A Y 35-4193.*- ; . . NOTICE Is hereby givengiv( that the City Couricil of TwTwin Falls will hold a public )n Thursday lor Mon- 73313-6165.3300 disappoapearod. Horfam- D t-in PLAYTIM E ChllcChild c a re : . hearing f.or consideratioiation ol an am ertdm ent to the 202003-04 i fiscal year budget • 2?.^'.fay, noon p n Friday for rowiiward..*. Ily miisses is her. Call ^ rnl v O j T O S : has openings.IS. C P R /F -'-, •. • • by appropriating bddiliojitionai monies received by thene City of Twin Falls, said I!f®-ruesday and W ednes- ___ _ 733-5463,* Have .ouyou loigollen to CP cenifl- lay. noo n on M o n d a y "VoiTvDVi losi ihm tuocol . h e a n n g to b e held at1 CitCity Hall Council C ham bers aat t e6;00 P.M, on S o ptem ber , _____ ■ p ickupI your.yc birthday I-12S9.’ ; 27. 2004. or Thursday and noon p«i. advioitiBOod 10 find ihom LOST: smallsn black cam- photos';)s? Wo have ■ ■ PPROPOSED EXPENOiTURE! in Tuesday lor Friday '"'foe0 dassiliods. TMoy ii ' e ra bag, ba{ with digital some photosphc we are BANKRUI omoso,on, 733-0931 Kodak • General Fund ind S a iu rd ay . H oliday bo Morr ok camera. Lost sure ouyou would warn. •. Competitiveo m1 o s ''o n lat spociai • - • 1/2’Auger Falls prop)ropeny pu.'chaso-Transierto Ctct Fund S650.000 le ad lin es m ay v a ry , if ,_____ - ' on Fish’Ishcreek Reser- - These cancai be picked Chaplor 7 banI 0 find thorn ! voir Rd, Animal Shelter lundijndihg-Transforto Cl Fund 400.000 'OU havo any questions Rd, on Sept. Sth. .up atlhe the The Times- . jeff Stoko K ' t " “ - Is, THo/11 • • . ' S iR C O M M settlemimont e paym eni-Transfor lo Cl Fund Fu 723.000- £2"':all Ruby, legal clerk, a t . 886-2452451 or544-2479.* NswsClasClassified Dept.* 208-734-8i-S452- Bohi.miiMon.733.733-0931 '35-3324,• TotaTGoneral Fund Pro|Proposed Expenditures 51.773.000 iead The j== Street Lighi Furid L 0101. ^ H B ^ H . . . Sireet lights 329.000■ ^ Total S tre e t Light Fundnd 529.000 C \lassifieds i FOU'OUND 2 fab rad o r re- .Airport Fund . trievers. trie near Castle- , r* Air.show expensesQS 829.000 • ford fort on Saturday. Call tV^/ery < Day! ' Total Airport Fund Prope'oposed Expenditures 529.000 • to to.i' .identify 734-3578 Iv ms!m sg ,' ■ _____ C apital Im provem ent FuiFund , SIRCOMM debt payijaym ent 5723.000 Total.Capital improvemejm ent Fund 5723.000 NOTICE O F THE REOPE3ENING OF SALMONSAI TRACT RURAL FIRERE PROTECTION Historical Preservationm CComm. Fund DISDISTRICT 2003*2004 FISCALL >YEAR BUDGET Reimt). To Historicalical Proservaiion Comm, S525 OCOCTOBER 1, 2003 TO SEPTEfEMBER 30. 2004 Total Historical Proservairvatibn Comm. Fund S5 2 5 ' . INCCNCOME: A irpoa C onstruction Funi -und ADV\D VALOREM TAXES 42.751.00 BLM 'ianker projectct 3310.000 TORORTLEVY . 8.000.00 ' Misc. construction^ prprojects 25.000 ' OTH)THER INCOME . 1.700.00 Total Airport Constructioi:tio n F u n d 3335.000 GRA5RANT INCOME* 63.000.00 CARi:a r r y o v e r 65.113.00 WatePiVOfks Fund TOTALT( INCOME 180.564.00 ■ Fillmore pressurized;ed Irrigation pum p sialion' S11.600 Casilewood pressuri:iurizod Irrigation pump station» 27,500 EXPIiXPENSES: letors. etc, lnvcniory*waler molo 112.000 MAI^1AINTENANCE.& OPERATIONSNS '1 09.564.00 k Total VVaterworks FundId 3 1 5 1 .1 0 0 . EOUlOUIPMENT* 6 3.000.00 h • INSU'ISURANCE 8,000,00 * • Golf Fund T(TOTAL EXPENSES 180.564.00 Unemployment expei•pense — 57,500. C hem icals 3,700 ‘AddA dditions Total Golf Fund S11.200 NcNotice is hereby given thahat tho Board of Comiommissioners ol the Salmon1 Tract' Rural Fire Insurance Fund Proleroiectlon District will roopon Iho10 ibudget for 2003- ' Claim s . • .313,000 2004Q04 fiscal yoar on Septemberr 222. 2004 at 7;30 Total Insurance Fund 513.000 PMM fl a t a s p e c ia l m e e tin g , a t Ihe lh Hollister Fire PROPOSED REVENUES■ • Staticlation, 2411 East 2450 North. Hollister.H< Idaho. ' ' G eneral F und Chor^horyl David. Socretary/Treasurei R e se n /e s 31.773.000 Total General Fund 31.773.000 ■ PUBIUBLISH: S e p te m b er 17.2004 S ire e t Lighi Fur^d Transfer from Street•etFund f 329.000 INVITATION TO BIDBl Total Street Light Fundd 329.000 ALL Atl soaled B ids will bo roceivoc— Soptioptombor 29, 2004 ® 2:00iUl f ood fiPSQfid on Airpon Fund Idahilaho Transportation Depart) PM MOT at Iho Air Show R evenue3 irtm ent. Supply H h k 3 29.000 SorvKorvicos Purchasing Section focot I Total Airport Fund 329.000 • Slateiate Street. Boise. Idaho. Bid« to d a t 3311-W est intereterestod parties are invited toUdders bi and olher C apital Im provom enl Funi=und b idd oopening. ; This Is to furnish bea present at Ihe Sees what's behi Transfers from Gener,neral Fund' $723,000 laborbor for the Installation of Ovoiall m aterials end Total Capital Improvemennont Fund 3723.000 the10 SStanley M aintenance Shi'orhead Doors at tomor.rrow's headl; s pleclficallons e d contained In roqu•hod, as por the Lines I' Historic Pres'ervation Con-2omm, Fund K-13S•135650. quisltion number Gram Revenue 352 5 PUBLJBLIC WORKS LICENSE REOL W hen the funfuture arrives, ifl! be In lhe h«h e a d lin e s . Total Historic PreservaliorIlion Com m , Fund 352 5 No b 3UIRED Mo bid will b e co n sid ere d unless ( DDon't wait for tomorrow. anI ac(accoptablo.guaranty In an ams oi accom panied by Airpon Construction Fundund fivo0 p'percent (5%) ol tho toial amilount not lo ss than R(Read a newspaper toiJay! • Prepaid Rent 3335.000 Thislls cguaranty must be in the fonmount of the bid, Total Airport Construction;ion Fund 3335.000 chocklock or a c a s h ie r 's chock dravsorm of a certilied, • barik.irik. m ado pa y ab le to Ihe Idohoawn on an Idaho Waierworfis Fund Depai)partment, or a bidder's bond,ho Transportation R e se rv e s 5151.100 forleitiieltod In tho ovont of loilure toid. si S u rety will be. Total Waterworks FundJ 3151.100 Tho The Idaho Transportation Depaisign th e contract, the0 right rl| to roject all bids or lo Golf Fund deomtomed best lor tho State ol ldahoo accept the bid Transfer (rom Generalaral Fund 311.200 Daiedlied this 1 st day of Soptemberho, g l TrheTimess-Nem Toial Gojf F und 311.200 RODE3D BECKER, PURCHASING ACir IDAHCAHO TRANSPORTATION DEP/^GENT Ir^surance Fund CopiCopies ol Bid P ro p o s iils , Bid RePARTMENT R e se rv e s 313.000 Holdc>ldors List, may bo obtainedResults and Plan Total Insurance Fond • 5 13.000 th e9 Idaho Id Transportation DoparId by contacting ' It all sta]a r t s w i t h nev: w s p a p e r s . Sorvicirvices Section. (206) 334-867artment. Supply WVwviAV.newsvoyager.org Dated this ^ 3th d a y ol SopSoptember. 2004 S tIto a te Sireet : - Bolso. ID 83703) 972.0 (3311 West /S/City Clerk yourur lclocal Plan Room , or by contacting THIS MESSAGE IS OnOUOHT TO VOUJ DV THIS NEWSPAPgRANO THE NtWSPASPAPEn ASSOCIAI.ON OF AUEmCA

PUBLISH; September 17 as n d 24. 2004 PUBLIIBLISH; S o p tem b e r 13. .14,15.1 . 1 6 a n d 1 7 , 2004 |______

------1------:------Fridariday, September 17,2004. TimImes-Nawa, Twin Fall*. Idahoh o iE-5 '

------, c CHILDCARE ‘ CONS3NSTRUCT10N DRIVEF L LABORERS • MANAGEMElIENT Christian School needs Genei :iAL GENERAL P o - R - Y p uurself t Ideas ^ moral Laborers need- Truck^drivers 0 needed B Trimmer, Immodlate op«ipenlnga TRAINEE . ' Child care and cleani- ed fc whiringfor Exp.Tree T id for Dairy construe- lor theie harvest season. ave drivers Twin Falls areaar tor We'refookingforrHIGH-HI( ng. Call 734-3693.* tionIon site near Oakley. Call 2C206-438-5234.’ managenlem ent position.' m u s t h a v e Sreat Job! license. 22 yryrs experin- Heavy Duty positions,p( energy, career■ orient­orii , CLERICAL c ^ Call:all 208:250-2243* , DRIVEFERS Great^CJt Company! c e . Paying>g topK wages. • P™cessissing. ’ ed, prolesslonalal p e o - . .R. Receptionist Full-time ORIVi«VER ApiApplyat Call324-76£7697* - all Shilts for sarlanltatlon. pie to learn oui'if busi--bi ■ with real e sta te back- c D3L L CDrivers, tonhoren- • Jlsslo'nal Truck singirsTS In a ta C a sh - ______p ro c e ssin g , packag- p. 'ness Irom the groig ro u n d ' line. ■ up. E ntry-levelll M.M an- gourhnd dependable dorslorsem ents, local, Dnving School 655 BlueJO UI kes Blvd* - GRAPHICC DESIGND I I"? ' ^ in&inter-. agem ent Train with good communi- waoi/age DOE. Apply at 5!’®’'ake Big Bucks • • ------' «i« il< >ii »|i>ii :ii lit • ■ application a i 'n e e cation skills. - i view call 735-S>•5002 or positions are- opjp e rn in . 1 1 Filor Ave ask lor UAL ■ • I • TimeS' S e n d r e s u m e td KeH*:eri* . . . ictlyat Twin Falls,'If you)u hhi a v e 7 1 7 B lu e L a k e s BlvdN. ______latftO ponlnbsl ' lookingi£ I i “ . s G ikei N* a 4 year degree,le. c cus- ' or fax 734-4487. rnna iers(ow n tools) mdividu£ —■ tomer service:e a n d ' r a v i r — 1 p i j f eral Labor exporien' N o p h o n e c a lls p lo a s e ' 'ERS I ♦ Genera npu?er'” MAINTENANClICE sales experience.:e . ( and ill-tim sm olier •►Housoksokeeping ^ compu a r e w illin g to wc CONSTRUCTION 5 w o rk Vestern stales * Conslrusiruction Graphic D hard-for a compe Exp. Framers needed. S S i s col to work' i ?it n ' r ■ M m p a n y & A ibena. ' ■•.Ciencal th a t p r o m o te s IriIrom 208-308-6107 M— • POODS- 3lay runs from '• - ♦'Po.fkHH/'liltAfVorehouse' - Twin FallsallsoHice.. ■, iMvurn' no calls after 9pm* . int, uccessful' liJB.-.'ii... J..,...... •" within then pi6aiseM s e \ sit Intorstate Driver jeroirome. Idaho to . * OnyorsjrsCOLA •. , The succ - . our w ebsite at - . CONSTRUCTION Cleai:lear Springs Foods, caigzigary/Edmonton. . PERSiix Kximy ilrawcn Top Pay; /orlong haul,driver Hor s J b I e . EnlBfprlsaRent-a-< nn eacli ok plun (No. 3 : E GENERAt. ■ Techniclarto n s .. Full-time; m ijst hhav av e . needed. For moro Info nateambaslsio h EBM AU '. 'will hav D nkii Purkuge «N... C77l fes D ea ra e Term Coi.om m ii- gvvn tools. Beneliti'lefits.. coll2p8-481-03ii* : deldellverseafood iiittSK • U Ji ■ Loans/C order, cliclc llcin(»)'.topUe.k , project i,« lunciional •! apply in person *TC e. d e p e n d a b le G raphic Ari 1338 ulip ^eiitl w/check lo; In K etchum Area. ' “ P f ■OP GUN g°Sr-3. 32-40 hr/wk.- equivak o r coll 324-7600*iOO* ■ . Competitive wages. jetween ihe hours tbu« U-lllId Feutum iicna (the IWO ImtKini drawer* lerience neces- Exponenc Coll Todd 01 . 3f 8eam -4 p m . Mon- idaho'« ® . MECHANICS RO. cnoujih t for nie folilerx). a- o 's Finest Slate- sary.willll 10 ic train. Macintosh co . the middle and iwo piilMnit , day through Friday ’ ren" -Norsun Food Grouir o u p . Van Nuy*. CA VIJIW I Rasco Construction. jnified'CDL- ' Fax resesumoAttn: usingOuarl< ak lAncMiknamliwoUrawer’i ■ 206-720-2309* j)*it-the plant opera- ..-.in ig Inc.. IS s e e k in g .I lull-l lining facility. Marycarolirol 732-0052- A dobe lllus > time.mechanicsc s I for . O r cull ( 8 0 0 )ll-lop 8 covcr. . _J Ions olfice locaied Tomonn Reimbursementr - — ■ IP* '•( V ' lMllllll4incasiirc« .H) iiiclie« liin|t >iy CONSTRUCTION se«seven miles nonh ol , — Photosi oiiOavs) ’acility in SugS u g a r Money UuckleuJcdp. i .Excavation Q, Lead mon Buh3uhl on Clear Lakes ' low/inti- iVi ■ I This IS a lu loose C.tylD, Must: hha a v o 1 year foreman expe* ' r q £ n l S t a n c i n g , Ipf .position Wlih o. 371). . . $V.V5 ~~] h =Joad. Orcall me wmo « o « o r ln g Looking lo my welding, electricitric a i. rience. must read qisti luding; , . 4 7 W 10OS leneral >7) C dlstribulion Manag- p„„ni,ning ClassoslI J ) S - ' hydraulic and gene r~~^m peep! i blueprints. Class A or a jp e n e- ’1 ...S 2 4 .9 5 - ,p j )r at 208-543-3428 735-6656 •• * 83338 maintenance exper CDL prelerred, to rc thQiifiA Health ins.nsurar,ce '’‘’TcciiR®iH nee. Wage DOE. cdNofpn>jcct.)...$2.(M» 'C 0 request an app»- • HaHabla Espanol * e icxcepi cnialott-only iitd w l I Also. ® Equipment cal: a 110 n b y m a • 1. 4 lift ■ ♦ Paid vacfl .com ‘ Applications will b e Operators. Pay DOE. • addapplications will be OualiliedcaiS a t e s - — I ■' accepted at ' STAY AT HOME MOM• . ' I’lcii«e l 1-2 Week* for ’. •hi person hired for Requireired. Pay DOE. orcall? *or general mailamtena- PO Box> 359 Call Kayla 324-2651/ ' 208-726-9225* . ,his T^ln^aS,",;s . ID 83303 ; n e e S e e c u s i his position will be Pu'=ull bonelils. ■ istomer Sugar Cily ID 834413448. . Tired ol DBycaro? Lols) 82-U-BILD CONSTRUCTION C< Olferilferod a very com- - Idaho ( ------or em ail ;efsum s u e^and serwice or MallII colfice * Free Workplac(place 3 Concrete Co. ' cover iett< of attn.I ICCP CPR^ck ^ I Framers ,E* wanted lor tho P®n>etitive wage and 1294 AdW d iso n A ve W. HAIR = = ; EOE* koniOmagicvoiicvalley.com* I MANAGEMENT c ert 8-6 pm 212-3262-. Boise Area. W age )enelit.program 10 ' Drug FreeFn workplace" DOE. 208-650-8982’ ■■'Ou ------M anagem entt'^eam K [ miscellaneousu T “ R S "Looka k in g to h a ir s t y l i s i anm ent Sun Valloy R e ss o r r t t l sli . BAR/RESTAURANT b “ “catiooond '-S fS ;*ST • for 24 unit apan Someone to manage CONSTRUCTION C ------’ It^liholidays Brothers needs Advdvance robyntodiODD IS now com plex iri Ru;Rupert. hiring fo r th o bar/restaurant RV Framing A laborers »paP a i d P e r s o n a l „®*P®perieneed truck vm i.-r'f.r 'n r o o r ‘>9 "'- hiring a part->an-time hair Computer knowiiwiedge Maintenance andm d - ■ Career?? stylist. Apply t park. 27 m iles from experience C prelerred. L ■ os oave ■ 3rs for local and YOUrCa Dly in person helplulI. Mountain Oepts,pts. I Ely. NV. Call 77S-289- Call20B-731-9704* F Family Medical & regionallal. CDL required, at th e Magicagic valley 'Coll 208-678-9,•9141 • Im m ediate I 2541 or 775-296-0554.* 7 Dental Insurance lent - bonofit pack- f S r p a t l vin Falls. lor more inlormrmation - opportunities:s: . CONSTRUCTION 'Don 5 401k. Salary V aiedl'jtCIips, Site Superintendent ■ *l-iloJlo Insurance ^9® * ------This instilulionn isi: an Journeym an ■ CARE GIVER I E. Please'apply - HOTEL Residential home'bulld- . lO lk'Plan nunity Pium berand ADVERTISING Small assisted living ^ Elm . Buhl, ID. I - ,- , D ayssinn In ■!^rSr“ SA L E S In g c o m p a n y . F o r *EmpSmployee Slock irg e s t sin g le . .5 seeking cu r 1 Electncian..PaintersIters, home is seeking care ■_£ J custorrier inter muUiple projects. . OwnershioPlan O _orcoll2 are brand in oriented peoi ------Carpenters. Wintei Tha Wood Rtvar givers to work with CC EARCH S easonal Positionsions: Journal ■ I elderly during pm, must be organized II yoyoupossessa S. & Canada Pan-time From Fn m t v - i Snow m akers. Lift Has ah Immediate night and weekend and B hove construction CorCommercial Driv riRiuBB W ith OVi3ver2.300 pan-iimeNlgl '^Ight Audit. fM K im M ld|a£|U Electrician. Ski andanc shifts. CNA's and knowledge. D orsrs License (Class R,eh- n s. h a s a n , Apply in pen 1). a n d havo a prov- . j person'at . BEnQ SK Bsn*n SnowboardI : oKM Si.,„g _ CpR/«rst,ald trained S en d resu m e lo A), a nate opening ; Days Innn next n, 10 1 H as imrnedia P0 5162 enlon long haul driving „ , jty h s tin o u r - Flying J High' liate . .Instructors, ' Salesperson in our C' encouraged to apply- ■orsnoododll Slin S ! Iighw ay93 openings lorlot Sk. School Cashier,ner. Wood River Valley .K o r wilt train. Com poll- '■*'Tw in F a lls . ID 83303*- b ac^«kground apply pxiPTv •alls location! nq p n o n e ;atlscalls p le ase , part-nm e wori ler th e BEST • ork. ' Ticket Officee olfice. Applicants tive pay arid benelits CORRECTIONAL ^ clfSr ,B I ' (15-30hrs/perwweek). i . Sales/From Desk;sk; must be leam play­ nsation pack-' INSURANCE, avail. Rosetta Assist* _DEPUTY z ctoa 3M;F): Snow Groomers.rs. '■ ers with Iriendiy K s s r :DLRlqu°ed°*. age in oOUI ur industryl -Twin F a lls In: . od Living, 1177 East COAccepting appllcallons Buhl III If interested. • people skills. Sales 'uhl. Idaho 83316 A gency seekiiirs'ss'di ■ R i d g e C o u r t, T w in Sltiand tesilng to esiabltsh 20 ^ If you a re interesrested piease,i:oniact:t • • experience a plus. 208-543^428 w. r. f e t o n , . »'OVAVACATION personal lines , Falls, ID 83301. Fax Re: a n eligibility list. An Ert h a v e P& C following.ig. Sun Valloy P ersonnemtwi S e n d your resu m e to; r resum e ^^ith salary - ir .EmployeeOwned . er, Must ha Applications available C o m p an y .' 0 A Laid-'Back“k Work 208-622-2061 oor r Kim Patterson ■ history to 734-9423. m PAtDHCHOLIDA YS license w/ex( Joromo County aa/E>A/EOE/M/F/D/V * B ase with /^nmmcort f r S n '' EnvironmentIt . grulherford@sunsu n The Wood River Email: jobsatrosettah- m O A b s o l u t e l J Corrections ADVANCED Health and rt iiyNo vallev.com* J o u m a l ome.com. or call 734- ai 300 N. L incoln, RIVEIV E R ------DRIVER • Sales Calls) P O B o x 9Q8 fAINING plan availabl 9 422 a n d s p e a k with kr Joromo, ID Wantedlied experienced 10 rr Trucking j inc. ' lable. Send Market ResealaT ch^ — n e w s p a p e rR Hallay, ID 03333 or Linda o r Margaret.* * . resum e to Wa g es DELIVERY Call Lt. Cornett, w heelleol drivers lor hay I. ID. ' Full time.' . c i/v m c .. B ox 9065:le e c ® Competitive W . e m a il to milk haul, tank- y SIGNING • O lnc8nli.es substitutes=S CARPENTER . 20e-324-7Se3‘ ' a n d corncc han/est. Call rn 30NUS T h o Tim es- advertising^ . C lass A CDL ff J^o O Walking Dististance Would you like to eear arn Knowledgeable alt tv 8-324-7148* * PO Box I woodrtveiloumal.com* b'tJSTOMER SERVICE 43-8044 or a i 1 n iit impus . extra cash deiivennje nng aspects ol carpentry. ^ B u d g e t R en t A C ar - 'DRIVEF CLIENTELE------Twin F alls,in ID iwini- ''O'" CSI Cam ------s Must be able to run a nc VERS 31 . I D 83303 Q s ta r tin g Timim e to Tftff Timos-News. Now.hlring. All Shifts. C omm o jo in o u r teom . OVIDEDI ^------lAr 11 h ^ut nol commitment•nt of0 AOVERTISINQ . ® crew Salary DOE. Call ac * JANITORIAL7 ------C o i n c i d e w Must b e 18 w/valid Enjoyay bbeneliis such as: DRIVERS 3 urs '7 days a week? Tha Tlmoa-Nawa 324-3301betweea „ HANTEED MAINTENANCl'nce' ■ . School Hou drivers license. homeTie timo. good pay. Tell t duling ■a is Twin Falls oflice has '7am -3pm . lor appt.* II u s w hen b a s e w a c Fuil.time JDeninoope in. Flexible Schedu The TImes-Newa No phono calls please. vacaiization pay. health you'd II 'A G E S7^12 curmntly looking5 for . . ., . a n ope n in g for a . Ilke to worki it Jerome; ADpiicant:Ap -©Scholarships' CARPENTRY V Ap Apply In p erson at insurdurance. &'miiliiplc Relief i dependable, motivatevated . Classified !l & pari-ttm e MEDIC must be able.01^10 Hoan available Lbcal remodeling com­ Budget Rent-A-Car, salety:ety bonuses. Team. driver JICAL.i - up a n ' people in m e a resa a totc I ers needed. OEN]zNTAL w arehouseland an be as- P'ease pick u( S ales pany seeks positive Twin Falls Airport • S o lolo, , or Relief. New Retiree t. deliver rouies-asi-as Individuals to expand Drug Free Workplace* equlpn edwolcome.. msuRURANCE sured that Representative < [IL ___- W ork a s; littlelit or a s much • y Indoporident.t. o p e ra tio n s. All levels 1-886-606-5785 as ^LANS e q u i p m e r Full-time. ' JRILLER'S I'M IS you like. * ^ ' ' m achines are 'roup Contractors . Hourly w ag e plus, ' ol experience needed. ASSISTANT bel^Iween 0am-5pm.‘ -2 yrs- ^ve, on-ari .-is-npgtfoa b.isn3asis. Benelits available. rsvertfiable MATEfTERNITY w 0 r k I n g 0 commission. !ang Exploratory, f ------: O T RI eexperience ' i J ^ iza) Call today tor morelore Call Kim at 733-3180 ^ EAVE Resume rec inlormalion aboulI this Job Requfcements: -n Drilling Is looking for DRIVEIVERS - Clasia ss A CDL . * * . Wage DOEr?3’3 73 T 7 ? - for m ore Information.* p Austin's - Good Pay - I ■ opponunity. 735-3302, ♦ High School = ambitious people ihat / ay! G ood Miles! m a n AGIiGEAfewr • • ' ♦ .Diploma required. CLERICAL------^------want No a chance to start Trarrransportation Coil 868-865-7600*88 OPPOflT•RTUNITY ♦ Minimum typing ' Administrative Assistant building I a career, Comiompany Drivers ' . d riv ersiS * needed. Prolesslonal iwner/OperaiofS w”' . s p e e d - 4 5 wpm . ' As a drlllor's assls- Owm dependable & v/(MAnBESSfi ■/ appearance and com- tant, No you will learn ‘ Noed PRODUCTCT BONUS FACTORY) • ♦ Excellent computer ' jodlmmodiololy exb ?rJruck .drivers & * puter (Word/Excel) •how .• , to operate a van- rogli skills, ^ oglonal drivers fra?torr operatorsc for PRODUC I skills a must. Sales ety E of equipm ent radlu! UCTIVITY ♦ Accurate spoiling.' . * 6 beot han/est. BON' IMMEDIATE OPPENINGS background helplul. typos, while you gain Weekly r,u - . ♦ G o o d co m m u n rca * S S I S r r cCDL req.. new • Pay DOE. Excellent Da (No QuotasI)Qu ' SIhipping h l | Supervisor: Exp(perience required .tio n sk ills, ' . f the knowledge ,and f Jeromo area. * benefits. Send resume H d T ♦ Ability to handle experience needed to VaiVaSK, ^ iS nn c e s. HIN B ox 90417 c / a ' FUI Factorjory Production Posilion)n s: Training providetd multiple tasks “ a d v o n c e w ith in o u r, . Paid3 HealthHi ins. 401k r Jn I 06-678-8283*m NON-COM! ♦ W ork In a high . I T h o T im es-N ew s fcom .* ' pany. You need to 1-60i-800-635-0825* - . LeadD,Driver for Retail: Great: customo er skills required. •. energy envlronrrieht i PO Box 548 . ‘•sjbe able to lift 100 *■■ ■ I EDUCATIIfioF5“ ------: while managing Twin‘ Falls. ID. 83303.* pounds, r i be drug Iree, rnp'iwp, I T aking apapplications lor . o c ,„ 't clean driving rece c o rd . V ERS 6 th JCATION . multiple deadlines. E l S r IE a u ------^ abletoobtaina th g ra d e a s s i s trANCE a i TO irehouse Position: Hea commercial drivers ID A sroom aide oS! Ware javy lifting required,. People skills . ctFull tim e olfice position ' bui 'TOCT working in Deed Pro- license As and onjoy VBp rtdn.School Dist _ fork!'klift skills required, Include: , working outdoors ' : - S-837-4777* ' Greattt Clips( «... ♦ Ability to work wlih « cessing/ Personal ■ tai Property and DMV a s at -ho' o ur drilling locations QtiDrive for tho FARM------Salotions RetailIll R ecep tio n ist: Oigan'izilized, great inteipersonal . a variety o f r over 2,300) a floater. Applications throughout st Ihe west- Trans>r G E O r e q u i r e d . d a ys . C l a s s A 6 DL. v n u r I 1 aide to - Conduct public opinjon 3ood driving record doublebles. tanker en- i’UW I resume'to 208-365- I'’ 'HIRING; lays a week. ' i ' ’ I - polls over the telephone. 5017 or caii 365-5016* ‘>'^0ind a Class B CDL dorsemiement. 2 yrs OTR « RN’s Nigh.N Shift 'S ta ABSOLUTELY , ' Thi equlrod. Must be able ' exp, req. rec Food Grade c, shifts E L iR iC A L ------^------X t NOSALESrii a< 0 pass d CDL physic- product:uctl 6pm-6aoam Wigcaddoidonfor ft( I Part-time Terminal e r Strictly research, ' iq ll. M ust bo ablo to lltt E a rnn u p to .3 3 cpm New Shif Support Assistant __ 1 . hilt Differential Bath Teamim membersr j S7.00 to $ 9 .0 0 p e r h o u r ' ci nore lhan 30 pounds. basedId on< experience ■ for RN's'$ Must be CNA.CN, . Casual work environment Hours Mon-Fri approx DRIV(pply In p erson a t a n d drivdrlvlngrecord. ____ Flexible evening, day.- oi23-rpmor4-8pm. We\meriprldo Unon & Idaho Ml r and weekend hours. D uti e s in cl u d e tlihiApparel Services Bu GEVIEW BRIDGE'iEVIEW 15-30 hours per wook. answering phones, lhe403 MolnAveW. -1-800800-967-2911 b i l l i n g a n d f i l i n g . ' Mu: OFF G re a t part-tim e ni win P a lis, ID 83301* M on - Fri FERS; OFFEIERS; I p t o M job or second Job. Please ch apply online at ant .S 2 0 0 0 SI Sign 1 on Bonus [ Close to CSI campus www.myyellow,com\|obs* g. Hig w ^ Two VVcc •kPald ■ For more Information CPHHUNICATI0N5 ni or i 144IC . Vacation Specialist and ■ uo< Call 208^6-2853 *^| . anr ou r c u sto m e rs. Ify o u - DISPATCH. Beginning ^mi D cntd,.„d d e a le rsh ip in Halloy re runs. Home every 3-4 days. NNe' ew pay scale. • ^ Healih. D monlhlysolaryS2310. ta r a n c t Opi cal tisurance e r , a rc v e ry organized,01 self itioiivaiciled, and enjoy working is now accepting The dispatch Is a O _ w ner/O perators bring on- v ] o u r ow n resumes frem op uition u n s u p c rvvised, is then wc have Ihc1 pcrleci husine.ss non-sw om position In Twirtruck or w e will lease you one. experienced ^ m e. Be your Assisilinct 'ip) o p p o rtu nlily il) lor you. We invite individualsin who rcflcciI Service Managera. cMlian law enforcement i— support services. The own Boss, A verage S1.10 peper mile for (ScjiolarshS p ) M ove to o n o of tho ep o u r c o mimitment m i to customer sci;cr\'ice and circulation1 primary responsibility le port 0/ our To become pertper 0/ our . fa s te s t growing P< all m iles ran.______To become is to ta k e, prepare, Mpei«on t process end dispatch C lass A CDL. tan k er endorse for g rea t sa lary plus Drsemem, Bridjcvie-iew Estates Brldse,4ew ! commission, 401k, bolh I em ergency and : years OTR exp. req. Food Gradrade products. |S28 Bridg T O Times-News im has inde|lependeiii contractorr m edical, dentol, a n d ' dirnon-em ergency calls dgeview Blvd 1828 Brldgevi for the City Communica- strong technician te am no Califor details. Twin Falli.I, ID 83301 Twin FaUi,ID ID 83301 o p p o n t i nlitie m s in inany^ a re a s ihiIhroughout the .Slagii; lions Center. Must bo • rl Please email to t )8-736-3933 o r caU 208-73-736-3933 Valley. btoothmanOsawtoolh ' i willing to work a r,,, rotating shllt to cover a uto.com o r call B rad Et 1-800-967-252911 rt Person: Contact Person:P« ^ ,, at 208-768-2216* 24/hr, 7 day/week • Ot Mon-Fri 8am to Spm MDMDT W anda d t Holt BHan JJo o n e s C aill l l Jeni at 208-733-00931 ext. 302.. operations. Forlob de- ^ scription and employment OW eppllcation contact the P erso n n el Office, 321 ' aH 2nd Ave. E, Twin Falls, ID63301,phone (208)735-7228. or 2 V6 direct em ail to person- neiO tfid.org. Tho Clly of Twin Falls is an ' Equal Opportunity Employer, Drug Free Workploce.* L — B-g TlmM-Ntwt.ra, l^• ln F«Ha. Idaho Friday,, SiS*p|*mb*r 17, 2004

MECHANIC WAREHOUSE • • BUI to o ia' TECHNICAL lURLBY business lor C ------NO Handyman . ^ , Muat hava.own too • Vardperson, ROUTES sasale. Creations Chris- OOODirJING 1450 sq ft, 2 ^ g ^ S11.3 s ibdrm,, large T \ experience. Applyolv In Vole* data technician' Fork lift e x p . M ust be bd rm1 pplu s h o m e. With- • for South Central AVAILABLE tlatIan book store. Great riot, S25.000 paraon only ' able to lift 100 lbs. ministryml opportunity.' g a s furnace, fu diah- Ivt Iclaho. r ier. stove & refrig. caah. 208-934-6956.*208- BIN'* A utom otiv* Dnjg Free Workplace Call 20B-677-4855,* TWIR"iriN FALLS 402 Main Avanu*f ES * Minimum experience i3- ' . 250 S outh Park W. O p e n H ou** . 'JL " *}|| ' gro o m ed fenc- JE R O MIE E 2300 2 sq., 4 EMPLOYME! ------years prelerred. NEC, ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ISllJ PLUMBERS . a 735-2400* lat. 4Sun, io-5pm. . ird. 1 car garage,' bdrms,I, 2.52 bath, 2 . Nortel, key. PBX.& IT TWIN FALLS arage shed, Nice . living rooms,roc iarge Shane’a Plumbing 3 bdrm 2 bath MECHANIC ng is Boiutlons. Call and askIk WELDING Available nowl • ' hom e 1934«»975.* kitchen,n, d di eck , porch, Puil'tim* «nowmolmobile interviewing for .1 al . for Brent 20W04-1270.0. • Stainless Steel Welders Th* TIm es-Nawa Is Vending V mechlnos. ' >mpleiely rem odeled ome 340 Ven Bur*n nnontiL- ’. ' s p rin klers. le rs Priced to ATV, i w M tr craftcr. Vf- apprantloiin*rv‘ In^ouch Soultion** Fabricators. Exceilant currently looking lor ’i1NQ o n e of th e s e ll $159,950.850 1 5 9 ••rv ic* tachnlcfailcS[nln- .P J M i* call 420.304 _ . 'pay & benallta. Independent Rout* Pop=>op & s n a c k s M akes S n dow n, low interest. o m s s i e M ^ " o ms V mosi beautiful 1 sth AAvi ve.E.Call •. ElkoNV, Exp..ina m uat p r o f c s s IONAL ------TECHNICIAN Call liSM 2O »43M 06O * Carriers MO^10V1NQ. M UST SALE 814-20B-Oi18-0523.* p lu t rofarances,I, ben*.bl - Phy,CO SocialI Aulom atea Dairy Sys-»• PUBLIC SERVICE . ' $15,000 $1 or Less for I iilullylandscap*d „ flla. Fax raiuime m a to Rahabllltaion■t terns is looking for Ihe>• M ESSAGE HAILEY catcash-Red" 308-2348* ^ 8 0 ! s n tIrrigated acres. WMBERLY?LY 1 bdrm col- 77B.738.2730-^30* 8pecIalHt,Sia,S.S20/]20/hr. right person to foln ourjr Don't pay to find work Motor Route 602 . ■■ I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . sheds, corrals, tage, largesrge fenced lol, “ t: • S e n d rasum a to;o; team of dairy proles-i* belore you ge t the job. Motor R oute 601 ' m b *235,000.(24 "•"foorroli room lor RV N A N N Y .. • ► ** * * * ★ * • addltlor 206-539-5802* Nanny/housakflfl26h Motor Route 600 ' H eym ent? Cell me ------:— waek. rafaraniS® ":, ■ 20B.67e.S069.-I.* services 10 our cuaio-I* ployment service ' ouhtry living in ------m ere.'This ifl a i*r* scam s, write to the BfzAdvocates.com idayl Pam el 208- ■ HANSEIEN 2 bdrm .. 1 I 1/2 acreslrrl- raqulrad. SSa end RESTAURANT GLENNS FERRY ^ rasuma io Box 80 .L,fnn ’'ic* t*chnlcian poai-I* Federal Trade Com- f fenced yd., lend-, S d sasturepash 4 bdrm. . [8 6 6 1 8 . Q o ld a n C orral Is takli • tion wilh income and Motor Route 607 .. ilik Mi(Bi>i»Acqultllloni . c /o T h a Tlmaa*Ni|.N*w*- . applications lor . d mission, Washington, . ^ ng,.shed, carport, rbWh.lgthig theatre room, ■■ beneliis lo match a ’ D.C.. 20680. or call 7 3 6 .8 4 4 8 Sept. 16th •' ‘J 00.423:9199.* ' . P O B o x 648 C aah lara ' seif'stener deslflng lo . JER O M E ' c i r s M s ' Tw in Falla, ID 833 0 ■ t|ie National Fraud In. ' 1 0 a m - 2 ,p m . 83303*' Hoat/Hoataaa, ■■ excel in the dairy R oute 520 ^ 8B8.644;S219 ^OA c 00. 423.4785.* PAUL 3I bdbdrm,, large .. S*rv*ra. y lormailon Center. , < I Acre parcel pn the . SoZiSOC • , • OFFICE • . . Industry. ExperienceB 1-800-876.7060.*. ’100-600 1st Ave, E.’ ' The Tti toui lourct for Snake « River.- • u.-_, shops ancand oulbulld- E xparlarcad Iront ol ' ' Is great, but more. : 400-600 2nd Aye; E. biiilnais bi ewnsrthlp • Thecoi1 combined construc- .TON live in style Inge, 10.010.000 bushel m an'agar lor bl II . training Is expected, • dresmil I • tiori tlor techniques o l. renter meke du- granaryy on0i 4 acres. chiropracllc oillolllca. RESTAURANT ,' Call for an application,; 'R I o u te 5 2 2 ■*------strawrawbalo/yahoo'day ’ payment. Sky- 5 6 0 ,00 0 0 0 . C a 11 -Com putarlllareerate. Waltreas/Wailar wan/ant- or present a resume 10 100-700 E. Ave. A - a n d post/beam . . , tile, new carpet, 208-438-818-8148.* . mulilMaBkIng; bllllbilling. ed We do offer beneBnef., Imd oul If you qualify. , . 400-600 E. Ave. B ^ 3 ia k e this e unique ■ .M ECHANIC ------" ONE Beautiful ' schadullno, & goodood or- Ita. Please applyly I in 20B-324.3213*' . . 'I voiiingi This 2 bdrm, ■” « . Service technician' | I., 2 bath.1600. ‘ gan'izallonsl akakiila parson At Travelerler's ------:------• R oute 523 1 bath residence Is manufactured h eavy duly.iruck s h o p .' t roqulradt Hoiira's Sam6 . Oaals. 1017 S. 115050 E" TECHNICIAN ' 100.500 W. Ave; C SSilTSELL DIRECTSS ' gl^ourroundod by trees, ).n 2 '1 /2 a c re s ,. , 2 yrs; exp. required; 2 ■ • 'loeiaOprrMoii-Thi•Thura. Junction 102. Eden.*in.* Service Technician , 200.600 W. Ave E Raceeceiving peym enta on • ‘ ofivatiIvate pond and w ater u n i 1 d iv is io n . J u s t . . ' night shift, lull benlllts. iqo t e r lasubdlvl Plaasa bring raaue a u m e = m ■ Post harvest agricul- . retreal estate sold? We ' leatuleture. Has views ol V uuprti ready to'move . to: Oahl Chlroprai3raetie SALES . lural storage veniilo- salary DOE. Apply in Motor ^ R oute 613 ' «pa^pay m ore for ali types a be TORSI 3 bdrm. perso n at I beautilul waterfaij ‘ ' SI bnb over 1 acre. 95.800. ' Call- '826 Blu* L akaaI Blvd.Bl ^ tlon. refrigeration; of loans, from Perfect acroicross tho liver. Cali fJ:, ", ? 4-0020,* 1 1381 o st., Heyburn.* if ho m e how w as axpact.anintroductliuction.* . J g temperature coniroi tlto defaulted. Cali' jasorison with questions. 595.000. Save SHOSHONEINE Smaller 2 and humldiflcationI j aSH OSHONE (60C300)001-9301 or visii promrom Bliss heading 535.000, now bdrm: 1i bath,be partial . PRESS OPERATOITOR I systems. Elecirlcal & ^ I \iTOHBWrntm RRoute 413 • WWWww.webuyloans.com* gasto st on Hwy. 28 t u r n '• a ni° A* ' Tha Tlm§$'N»W9V9 mechanical ability I 200-500 S . Apple ------^59,900. Home bsmt, ]asgas heat, oul- . D R A C O “}lt M(south) on River o u lto d c e ilin g s bidgs, 2 lots, loi lencod. Islooklnjjtoraf B T h e TimoM -Now« required. This posf. * 200-500 W. 8 . Sl. ld.golorl.1 miles., i n v e s t m e n t - ireat open floor. NIcel 517i17ET5thSt, praaa workar.gr . has an immtidiiite tions oilers a base' ikeTirst right on Bliss ‘ I . I PUBLIC SERVICE - la s dining room . S72.500,),'423.4221.* 4; ' aniry laval with f n salary plus commission. - M ESSA G E ^Roule 418 CORP. gradtade. go 11/2 miles ' d a afra to laarn r a Blue Cross Heallh r 200-700 W, 7th St. CASH lor overt ir b a th & S u p e r c a i i « Federal employment f e r bridge and up hill, cems packaSe. FALL-Z l s .------' Urbanite press. Bt insurance. . Inlormation is Iroo. 100-500 N,Apple CDeeds ol Trust, takecolor process, ■ ■ ■ m R m im s Disability Insurance ' Remember, no one • ,, . • Mortgages h and nalBi, lookli lor Redllsh ofn ng 2 story, 3 carnera work andanc • op«niiig for unI Life Insurance can promise you a ^Motor Route 659 Realleal Estate Contracts Realtyr sions, ^ >rs welcome. bdrm. 1 3/43/4 bath. New ' plote devalopmnent er in Twin FnlJi. ■ 401K company lunded lederal Job. For Iree CellCe today for a freo, 20i 80B-720-4S59.- ISTER 3 bed- rnace. carpet, and registration.[on. Ify o u w arn 10 retirement plan 'informaiion about,fed­ II you live in these no-obllgallon no quolo. ------= more. $92,500 uchivvu yuur b'oiils>18 Caleteria plan eral jobs, call Career , a re a s a n d are (i(208)733-3821* E 5, gorage; New §ffe541-1282 ,2 or 409- B U H L : r »windows, i paint: l Must bo knowledgiIdge* ' w hile h«jl|iin(; Mall.your resume to the America'Connection. •, 'in te reste d In being a = = CD'S BEST BUY ^ c a i 324-8039.* |( I n g businusH iichievi- newspaper ■ ■ arpet.S74:000. J8 5 8 o ^ able on workin Agrl-Stor Co. 478-7S7-3000* ixquisilo country westnf, a V y theirs, ' c a r rie r...' H rro R. E. G roup. TWIN FALLSt L S ------. aroundheav PO Box 425 = m e wilh 2 a c re s ol c n ii poa Slely weahoulUt/ilk, 38-539-9950.’ Reword for'Sellingfor ; this- machinery salel . Twin Falls ID 8^303* ' | Please contact I gated pasture and ' and b a lamiliar withwli Collogo degreo or Kathy. Ciatrlct Mgr: ■ ■ ' — :— c l a s s i c: 2+ 2-« bdrm, 1 I bdrms, 2 baths. ■ j e r o m e rnechanlcfll maintilinte- e q u iv ale n t tiiilus« TRUCK WASHER I" . 735-^348* ' ■ . IE bath, hardwirdwood lloors, I k 3 bdrms, 1.5 new paintint &< counter ' n ance & adjustmenTient. experience Full-time truck washer E D U C A T I O N HUH . , t h e „ oxpoctod. I s s f s s : plus basemonl. tops. Lg.). IrontIn porchi Addltlonelly. th lor local trucking co. wall M ail y o u r ro a u m e : L ances. shed. £78,500.>. 644-1282 '64 or ability to work wa Wages DOE. Applyat t T t t t t t g / i with others, to IlltIftss S Jonet Goffin 731 Gotf Cour** Rd BARKER WDlorshishares, lerge lol. 409-6858Bor324.8039.* o r : REALTORS S119.90I lbs., to stand anand ThoTimoa.NewH" Jerome* LLS walk th e majorityitvol c POBoxS48 all208S43-4371 • 5.84 AA°=°,..-His,o,ic : CIllassifledsj /. 3 bed ro o m , 2 Sharpisbed- the work shift, anand Twin Falla, ID w a rI h o u s e ^ ROUTES 2 bath home climb ladderssas a ^ 83303 /DRIVER . “ B U H L L K olome. small 2 fk^ninc mPRISE...int\ia b o d ro o n place. Private n e c e ssa ^ . £ in u il y o u r resum o; om. home ond • S 'V lrdrd «with m ature .Dock/Delivery driver, CURRENT It p a y s t o re a d th e story homo HAS - unique.1. spacious: rock . •Hours of work; arare Janet.Gm* a b le and hard working. 100-400 Elm St. N I00-400 Casa Grande seiunaIng property? • . = = Wage DOE. Catl^9; pleasecall 1100-1300 Heybum ’ 10UTE882 . . gS? 1-775-753-2119 EOE* II p a y a n y fe e s until c:Burley B |H ✓ ✓ . 733.9277* , A v eS 101000-1300 Blake J sold. F or Iree infor- O O R .t PRODUCTION FR T 7 4 3 S n’atioItion oboul avoiding 8-677-4543 p w ?0UTE883 ,1--. . . . PACKAGING 400-5004 Sophmore leshare ond reol es- rT e r^ tOO-700 R idew ay Dr. Z f® :R custom built uHlBUl t n a Times-Naws I's [ S a l e s . . . Blvd. s sc a m s . m ilB 10; • h o „no ,o 1620 sq It, 3 a:c%o?.500. 613 Idaho. idrl{ Sales Manager 1600-l700BelAlrClr 1< ||I youy live In any ol orreference d llmitotion I.934-BS61.* If interested, pleasea s e . R T 6 3 8 - these lh areas and are baser discriminBtion fill out an 100-500 Polk St inierested Inl in deliver- orased r on race, col- i. ■■■ - - 100-300 Taylor St ing ini The T im es News. hr, a nreligion, ( sex, T h W S . ” ? , ! . R T 6 3 9 - please Dl stop by our statiandlcop. lamiiiei 132FalrfUldSt.W . 200-499 Fillmore St. Burloy Ii olfice lor a n , orioliatus. or national jgi A ttn: D an W alock m mFMTOS 1300-499 Taylor St, ae '^igin, o r a n Inton- m application. alon m a g l i v o 5s a ■ Equal oppom r on, to make ony • i»Uey. J £ £ j • ■ ' lOC-49911 Pierce St _ ------1 Ifmlle • . 7(700-800 Filer Ave, ------nilation or dlscrlm- Kimberly PUBLIC Pl SERVICE ation." Familial RT 567 M ESSA O E , 8'«tua tu s Includos chll- Visit us online 2004VtfolRswagiien Jena CenterI St, W 200-800 BIgp) prolits usually m e an . en under the age i and check outt , Jellersonj( St. 200-600 5'9ilg risks. B efore you 18 llving wilh par- Stocwn33054 d10 o business with a *f'‘*Its or legal custo- . Magic Valleyy area homes. If you live n e a r o n e of coriom pany, c heck it out an; preg n a n i wom- ■ ■ j p th e se a re a s & would /ith th e B e tte r Busi- 1 and ?' people se- ClkkonRiReal Estate. like to be a carrier ess Bureau. For free irlng custody or . P le a s* c o n ta c t iform-allon about lildren under 18. Jenn, Dletrlct Mgr. “vcvoiding investment. 735-^349* seacams, write to the , Thiss nn e w s p a p e r will ' H )t knowingly ac- ■ . [ Nn 1 EW SPA PER I S m l s ^ o S * - Ipt a n y advertising ■ E am extra SS in 'JWashington, D.C... ffV*r reel estate which ■ sp a re tim e. . ‘20580, or call tho « In violation ol th e ■ National Fraud w. Our readers ■ ■ m Drl^rsw onlS I are a highly ' moiivaled seif-staner Informaiion ®f®tii C nter, 1-800^76-7060.* at all dw ellings ad- H looking to e am I •Automatic • Ctmo Control _ y - some extra money irtlsed in this ■ n e»w»paperare w n„. 1 ■ •AirConditioning .•Moonroof . ( ^ Y » in your spare time, k a v a l knnlsS R. Curtis i MarkE. /enable on an Kelly Runyonon ■ • P o m Windows: •Aihrfmotls then this could be a ^ 3 i e q u a great opportunity |ual opportunity D:DRCurtliCo. Robenin jo n ts Mdwell Bankerker W & O o o f Locks • Wt Steering p u n h M p lifm isis. To complain for youl. - o f d l Rea“ l'y Curtis Really The Tlmes-Newa Is discrim ination y P ■ / kxMngforindMduBla ! BUSINESSES B <■>'1III i H U D T oli-froe Interested in selling AVAILABLE 1.800-669-6777. h ' w new spaper le Toll-lree tele- subscriptions aa ' & lone number for lnd*p*nd*nt Bu » hearing Impaired Contractor*. II you ft A d v ise r* 1-600.927-a275.* V C a re Interested in this 8 opportunity, Ki ir HV has seen mor* www.conpaulot.eom //ay trian open road. IV pieaseP call Jeni at w M a g ic V a lley R ei a l t o r s n l in e 'W tnoutii 0\»nrcrfl(W ttOieJB93-<>4M tO>tl 9 »'0< 208.735^302? ■ 3 rtia* with a clBMlflad R O IE . TSSay. 733-0831 ______Fridaiday. ^ p te m b f .17,2004. Tlrr1mM-N«wa. Twin FaJJa, Idahoiho IE-7

TWIN F ' Friday, Sopt.1 .11 7 ,2 0 0 4 FALLS *69 mo- JEROMEIE 3bdrm., 2 TWIN FALA L L S B u ff ' ' « .« bile hh( om e. 1 2 x 5 5 , bath mobi tobllo home, no smaller 1 bdrm, bd office T W IN F A L L i TWIN F A L L S ,,.1 ,t{ 9 9 3 ■ '______good { >ng term, $500 & nursery.ry. $450: per ' hom e In quietlet noigh* 4 ^ I Call 20»47¥8^°V. « 4 bdrm. 3SII. Call 208- m o. $ 3 5>0 0 deposit.1 borhood'. 3 b t c h e n . FALLS 3 bdrm. 32-»-S90303 or 543*8342. Pots neg..734*7935.* 73 ' bath, fe n c ^ y j : I T H EI A / C ES ON BFI R I D G E ^ BobuyIb y w o ltr Dhook- mth, 71, $7,500 JEROME : — deck. Pels neg Up, central air,r, 2 car' IE 3 bedroom , t w in fa lLS l<$ oxc. loca- $995 per m o .» offer, cash.a 734*2351 ■* noar Hori 1;« . ' gofago. fencedd yard.yi $550.408 r schools, 3 lease. 208*73333-9144. ftv parking. $1200200 per “/ concede: nni othing until they - . NORTH 09-n-A a i lboth, ' family — JEROMEE CCleon & qui* , rm., appls.,s.,' no1 smok* I month plus dep.p. 208-2 throw dirt onn r,m y face." A J 6 5 2 ^ 732-8284 or 731-30(1-306Z* — idrm,. 2 balh, , Ing/pets, $750 $7! + dop. John Moyionks Jr., Sy Bartlett, V A 3 3o. Qood area. 479 Mauricjrice Slreoi . andOHi Henry Hathaway ♦ Q J 1 0 8“ S 5 : I Rl mo. No pets. ,Nonh.206*7:6*734-0565.* ^ I m fO can help•V r o O U I ■ A '5 . I I rent your rents/?llfl/? ^-326*5887.* TwiNFAils'LS for renl or ,WV E S T E A‘ST ST r ™ ^TIMES-NEWS I JEROME= ^ a a l i 2 bdrm. sale, all brlc> E d d i e K a n $425 month, old, 3 bdrm ISING Classifieds(ds antar’s latest book, " 4A Q 0 8 7 3 A KK '4 C';:ia>slll.d 3 Irm,’2 bath. noo^Q-nmi , “Kantar on Kc o p o rtm o n l 8-324*9413.* 3 c a r garagrage. Saw- OPPORTUNINITY . : Can) Kontract” (details of V% J 6 2 ’V 10 lool District. All real estate i which can be = . ■ c SisKlad S ervice • '^ '> . 9M “ EsludIo tooth Schoo B adver* 733*0931 ext. 1.22 be fouAd on kantar- i K 7 ♦ An <9 £ . Qflnr 3use betw een *925. mo.. 308-5343.* 3< “ sing In thisS news*i twmadiSmw^atov.ce bridge;com .), i: prosenlallves' , — ' paper Is subiibject to — ■ ‘ SLSS. ), is a combination of ♦ 45 Monroe' gal to advertisilise ‘any g - : : : S'.Kantar’s liptip is that ifa contract 00. No pets. St. $600I +4-' utilltlos. preference imitationlim V K Q 7 4 ibolcs h o p e ics ss. s . p la c e th e o p p o sin g ' 58,r . • Call Dorothy>thy toll fre e ,, o rd isc rim ln ■ , ♦ 9 6 3 •■Callallourolllces ' . lee S New, clear lean 2 cards where youyo need them to be. i m 1-4882.* based on rocrhood. 1. No pols, rofs LLS Great handicap, fai easy, the expepert will ask himself v I • Burlei ofhood;.5 status, or nai 'S475/mo. +deposit,lOSit, Vulnerable: North-South ’allnljla now. Cn JS 112.*.. w hat can go) wrongV. and what,.if DealerD South ,208.736.>773.- balh with origin, or ori i • a n y th in g , c a n b room. RV , . sion, to makiW. NW all oppls, y o u a r e h o mle e ifree. If East wins s a weak „,ioi. s,S450/m o. Coll goraQO $525 S5: + $400 the trick, he hahas no spade to re- hand or is playing for pen>enalties. 2 O8 - 4 :3 8^8 8 6 3 0 r iocurity. 73 Since it seem s unlikely^ tl t h a t h e 208-431 turn, and thee diamondsc can be '____ TWIN FALIkLLS 2000 + easily establishcshed. In otherwords, can be w eak with yourr E R H O a b u r leyY fen ito ow n3 sq ft, 2 1/21/2miles west ^ r i B B r e a 1 to protect againainst 5-2 spades and passed hand, double andmd hope Mnn ?2 baih, 24 hour on Hwy..30. 3 smoke lA K c ^ ing. 434-1520. tree! Good ilV E T O ^ TIT! ! split diamondd 1honors, duck the partner can convert this to p e n & . SUS lod for home M r - Iln VVest real es* business1.431*7387* c ^ .opening lead. tieties, in which case the oppcpponents wis prot MEW! 2004HM a z d a 6 X . . mmay i be going for a telej ' m r mLLS x 3 bdrm. W Iephone filer lLarge house n,ath nice nnu u m b e r. ice fenced yd. '.M jwj.tjw•79M and aparlortment for renl. aodIs rec rM room. AC. M 326*3555‘S2or 543-5161. HyoiI you woiihl Ilki! 10 contact IMiliy Wollf.r.(vmiiilhJmat NeedsJds moving, 14x70. fron « d deck, storago ok. $8500 rmo. +dop. ■ _ > 5 ^^ wT • • C/uat Confre/ M $84,900 Grandma's dederground Otlls., oxc. 2 bdrmarm Ib a th w/gar- u n K nnd d boat house. Coll 208*7g794-4764.* W X f j ff)/ houso. 2064 sq.ft,, 3' vieview ol valley. $39,000. donI tub,tui 8 X 12 stor- Coll 206* iMnHtnni;.- •MSnermg .M g!Z3-»-140t/ , ^ , -NFALLg mKMom •At Cefufinonma K HOME INSPECTIONS bdrm home in good Doug Dd 208^24-0011.* age.t, 12 15 X 40 covered a --.- - — .LS 3 bdrm. 2 \ ^ / / .Ly & SD<»)owImKs •Juwnoof shape, has full partly :k/carporl. Great .HAGERRIMAN 2 bed- bath; rec.c. room. Ig. vM vJxv. : 2000 since 1993,- i^CDERMITT,' NV, 640 Big Baker. 208-326-S11S, finished ■ basement. pe. S7.000/offer, cottage , style dining H& livingli rm.. . Good l^brningsida acres Of Virgin farm S i-543*6884.* i : hotne. $550. $5 Avail, on kitchen w/broakfost w/l ground for lease 6 location, large fenced 9'; ERMAN g bd o rb o fooro i Oct.1st. . nook.Vi//iV/D, o v e n . back yard wllh deck, miles ^ west of. Mcdor- HAGERI 9 866-762*7007 , ra n g e , refie frig .. DW, gos hoat, could have milt, NV. Harney eloc- bath,1, remodeled,re must Ifao?.?!780-8060.* g r e a t fea n n c e d y d .. 2 nd bath and more trie power, 2400 gollon , $3500/oller. Call — 5 ------10731*6589.* ^ per minute well, good 726-84fi-8493 or 837-4357.* HAZELTtTON Rent*a* ^ ^ 0 . Lyle? bedrooms downstairs. • • ranch. 33 bedroom;, 2 .TWINFALLS.LS3bdrm., , . Call Tom Uoyd today.- deep.soil, for more inr — • TWiri FALLS 1366 ' formation contact: d c i i , Jounlry living. - g a s h e ait, t, AC, out’ 7 3 5 -3 9 0 0 737-3924 or 308-, E M E M B E R , Large yard,ya corrals, buildings && frvit1 trees. sq ft. built 2001, 3 (0117. MLS#111528 Eddie M enUberry www.conpaulos.iS.com bdrm, 2 balh, cen* | . .P.O. Box 248 ThatUjWMxMyMyouptacM $700/mnonth o + $700 $700 plus P W JIW I ^ J } ^ uw ^iVcr'4.'Aaxiwtf$r»Uiar i garage.Dean STATE > REALTY. INC. sursurlzed irrlgatlon.Call ' ■ /mo, 736-0322. { j t C i ^ ■ 208-420^716. 208*324-6652 208-788-1231.* 20( 1"“ “ ■; ll89V ntanela‘ = TWIN FALLS Fixer Uppers. • | Foreclosures. I B. ' Fre? Ust. | WIN FALLS For sale EXIT 182 Off INTEBSTAnAn «4 • TWIN f AUS 2KD RV MAURn T o im u r r 1(888)453-4177 B o dui nmRARY ROAO1WMmt fFAUS, 10 • 208*7U*A75« • l-MOM>0*«26-S336 duplex. Investment . Id# 1042 TWIN FALLS, 1628 property ore per side; : www.twlntallsiorclos . sq.100l,$134,900,2 I.320sq.tt.1 3; 2 bdrm.,2 - S e p t e mrnber Speciaa l s ! . . uros.com car gorage, 3 bdnn, bath, bat 2 ear garage, No Monoy Down 2 both,kiichen, fami* both botl sides are leased. Homes. ly room, living room, Coll Cal 208-734*9567.* Free Report; . dining room.gas . 1 (888)453-4177 ' heal, hot tub & dish id# 1051 washor. Contaci ^ 5 ) N Y O U R ^ Bryan Newberry Cornelia Igua at •Canyonside Realty 208*736-9370. “ 1^^281 or New Polaris 330 . ^ 806 Hiawatha Wav* CARAREY -The Loading I V I ^ ® rw Polaris 330 Ne Newm Polaris Sportshtan 1 A R K ^ ■ I 2hule Bor and Grill*, I nil Boss Ma Trail WENDELL 2 bodroom, luJJIquor license. In busi* SOO^^m^^^ mo)>) 2 bath on 3 acres, big loss since 1950. Call m ,m % 2 3 2 * shop arid outbuildings, ^/Vfllter823*44SS.’. mature landscaping.- ____ ; . cColl 208-53B-2251 or “ c o m m e r c ia l I TWIN FALLS 208-539-1905* 2 ) For sale by builderl .' = REAL ESTATE REDUCEDI ^ AUCTION 3 bedroom, 2 bath A Wed. 10/t3 11 AM custom, 260 0 sq. tt. ■ 1995 E. 1775 S. with 2 000 sq.ft. — Gooding. ID 8330 i , ^ 1 New Polans Predator unfinished basoment JEROME Dalry*Dbl. 9 , ■9 Acros. rw Polaris Sportsman iiv 2 acres wilh walor. w/rapid w exits commod* II.200sq.ft.SHOP, . Demo S259,500. Terms oh ity, it hospital, permit 830 sq.ft., OFFICE, ' •• Oil Fumatio, >3,769 closing costs. 713 7 cow, grade A. ’5 .553 ’^'^ M ,9 5 0 734^9/4206210* . Marva Landmark ^bovo Ground Tanks. . Realty Fenced. I Gate. 324-7518.* Graveled, No minlmums. MALTA, Idaho For preview D&Deardorf Farm, 945+/- dotes go to:. IlfiRQvrfii acres ot higher eleva- prim tiontil pasture ranch. 208-232*4912.*21 H H H H H I H . Sl.140,000. Call Knipo Land Co. FEN(■NCED LOT 2 3 7 ' X 'ew Wildcat 31QBH New Wildcat 30KLBS TWIN FALLS For ° 208*345*3163* ^7272'. Storage contain- sale byawner, '__ olidiy Rambler All sewin- Quadliad bunks uich slide, lots morc With ' aidc.iojJci a rr. . 40' X 8'.$350. r wilh slide, loaded. custom built home C” moniwnth. 208-420-0427.* m In like new cond., 3 ^ ^ 2 7 ,9 9 5 bdrm. 2 bath, 2,030 B TWNAN FALLS 2 9 .9 9 5 * * ^ y 2 4 J 9 5 sq, tt.. 2 car garage ™ Newliwly cleaned and wilh RV parking BUHL BU 3 Acre* perfect smodeled 4 office ^ $181,000. for r your rhfg. homel rea,2 bathwlihkltch- 230 B uckingham Dr $32,000$3 Call Rod now! f "n and®' ample parking. 420^25* I S ./M rR M ttc» s NIC'lee fenced back ■ 2 I ▼ roa-$899 -f dop. TWINFALLS Noar : —______KRAWLEY REALTY ^ completion. 2 beauti* BUHL BU 6 .7 5 a c r e s in 734-5858.* ^ New ful homes in North MelonValleyw/carrals ------GO Sandpiper Z y m ■ " loafing shod, gated t . 500i few Sandpiper 29* Sport New W M woeilZ’FDL)L Poinlrancharea, 1422 slide utiu, a 1432 Anny Dr. e. pipe. P'l & water shores ^511 n m DIrectlof)*: Go W/. on $45,000,543*4149.* W ; N. College Rd., N. on ^ ■ ^^17,995 * * ""'^‘10,999I RLER lois, all utilltlos IE SHARE RonUng. • Wendell Sl. Look for in. in Owner moy .finance ' J51,, Go directly to C l o s e O C u t S p e c i aa l s ! ts t h ouses on loft In or or trade. Call Tom oil lor information ■ now construction aroa 220 0 8 *737:9109.* . nd destination. wwviirw.lDW heelsForyou . with Dragt Construe- W-308-2436.* ■ tion sign. Starting al “300DING O' north. 112 = = . $145,000 depending acres « ot pasture and k : on options. Call 404- . hay,>10 with 93 water m SK . NcwA Q shares, almost new 3 It's your only . 4345 or visit ^ By Holii ; www.dragtconstjuctton* bdrm, 2 bath home, v .... m I IHL&JEROME trailer3 M 3 1 with garage, and sep- Horse Aluminum New>3 3. Horse Stock Gmbo iwor, manufactured STOP M op 3 Horse Gooseneck arate 20x30 shop. U-alk in ocli, All alumiuminum, walk in tack ' ^ll $350000 Miom«im es for s a le with m / 0 Ul aluminum, tUni UuJ, walk in ; bdmi. Close to CSI, 2 ^ Csll 208*B34'9470.* J'’®"'loncing for qualified for vehicles uk Sc nx>rc,. ■ storage sheds, auto ___ bUVQIlyors. 2 and 3 bed- " ^ % 0 3 1 ' sprinklers and covered 'SRoiStnpping tlw ciasstiiAd* rolom o r unils. Must ’ patk}. Call for Infonna* wUwUMv«youtltTMand 1 remamain in our parks. Won the internet : -tion 208-732*5383.* mofvnon«y..733^1 CaliHI 208-543-8342.*2 j ' : i J NapSa Witbsh m n m

iu.com I B

H B |

NewSHi SUnc ioiJ HI m(Hicl9408 E*a TImeS'Nows,'s, Twin1 Falls, Idaho Friday. SoSeptember 17,2004 -

GOODING 2 bdrm rm nuPERT Nice apl. lorir TWIN FALLS 3 bdrm., TWIN T FALLS small 1 j eEROME r 3 bdrm., 2 c ------r [2) purebred, utn.. appls., furnlshe shed. rent. References andd 2 bath. 5650 mo. * bdrm. I Smoke free, baih, bai fenced yard. ^ : oid, 1 Gelve SSOO. 208-539-0805 a 305. d e p o sit required. No0 dep.Call Adela 731- 5300-fdep, ! 431-7367.’ SSOO. S5< 323 4th Avo, ^ o 1 6 ^ 7 o i■ i ffl ed Angus. C all Bed- . pels. 208-^32-4191.* 097 7 or 734-8143. TWINFALLS f i ■ ~ .WeWest: 208-324-4529* ■-4824.' ■ BUHL ^ ------! H A G E R M A N 1 Be< ^ k j STUDIOS available at ' ^ = 2 bedroom, applian room afcanment. 53( TWIN FALLS " TWTn FALLS Cloon 3 S' ------BUHL HL private bath, ' : • • - GOATS,N:, N igerian Colonial Park-5315 — k Hallows Proporiliances. a month plus 53Cr1>r i trails Special PheasantIt b e d r o o m s , 1 b a th . ' Various ages, dep. No pets. ' ^ 6 lyllght bsmt. No I 7 ^ : . ’ Mgmt. 734-433porty deposit. Call 837-62J View T ow nhom os. laundry hook-ups, J, loking. 543-4782;*. -• '*'Xl3 N N E C T . K . T“5'led babies. * 4334 . or 539-1919 for appl2 ^ 2 & 3 bdrm. lownhomes, 5495 m onth. Call 363 1/2 4th Ave. East: ^ WITH Great pels.;3IS. 326-3473* s.com , 208-280-0754,'' -• ,1 be’droom. 1 bath - —...... " , TWININ FALLSi Looking ^ 1,0 1 Ilies hookup, storage 3 T 0 M E R S W e a n e r p I< BUHL62of.0W0f,g r - — ■ HANSEN Ali utililie: S350 4 deposit. ' TWiriVIN FALLS lorr oneo r roommate to ,1 ig-3 ' a sm, back yard, TWIN FALLS Clean. \ WHO noted mand d w o rm e d . ■ 2 bodfoom , AC.c' w/i:)' Incld. spacious*: BRAWLEY REALTY Office O ahd rotail ' sharolaro largo 3 bdrm. v iced ■ Available now, 2 bedroom. 2 bath. 62(M,526 sq. ft. three i fyjF F O 734-2791H after all 5pm.* hookup, relrigeriiflrniof 'Mrm. appls, fence* ■ 734-5858 • « eo bath condo near N ildo ’ Save up to 5495 5550 -K dep,, $200 olf Several locations, canyo . stove. Ulils. allowa»aneo' back yard, oulsldi30 Coll Falls Apt. Evos. &.Wknds. S' nyon rim. 5350 m o. Y•Y ' O U R r — ^ , , Rental assista 1st mo, Includos ail H am m ac k ' ail utii ITaSoe polposslbli.SBSO,ood 734-6600 . Davo 731-5861.* ^ utii. including'satel- c c i , avail. 735-8048. .£ , appis, and W/D. Catl = Manogemont,- litooand ai high speed • E R V I C E . I Vho- '"'“ ■'-s eoo( SORR.YNQPETS,* 734-4121 or734-8674* T 2 0 8 -7 3 4 ^ 3 3 9 .' Inlernt BUHL Brick 1 —: bd:------cond 2 bedroom ornet. Washer/dryer. Adve/ertise in >'ol t a b l e . C a l l t h o c wiih.garage. kitebdrm.. oppis, W/D hook.^^* TWIN FALLS IVIN F A L L S L o c u s t ’50- BRAND NEWS 8ED- '**'******' I 4-9155* ' Service i o o h1EAD e a OF a p p lia n c e s , wai' •. RENT-5700 dep,. St. & Fourth St. 2 ' VIN FALLS ^ p v t 9 ' COW '208-306-3668.*'s - C a i l .w ater incld. S425. . I ^ Cow/ftailI paipairs, bred inyl t24f2-6th Avo. East. ' . . bdrm.-2 bath &'3 with this ad ™ Ollice/Reiail. - ' NEW CA RPET/viny bdrni. 2 baih, 378 $29.95 single,. ' heifers,rs, &a heifer , BUHLEY C lean 1 I J.P; BRAWLEY REALTY ■ • 17l.500sq.ft. '^G.GRICULTURE. F ' ■ 1 bed- ' 1 bodroom . ap .• — I • calv«:alvas room; 527S. 2 t 375 734.5858.':‘ .Lehore St.,.3 bdrm, SI 35 weekly Locations-Severat in 2 bed-' pis.woierIncld.537f 2 bath, 1 car garage: ?A 'ir Sale Oct:Del: 4 .. a t ■ ■ rbom. 5300. No p Twin Falls O lde .-uHallows n Proporty , im o t ic EHO'Ask'aboutlopets. iTheMflmt .7 33^9‘ TWIN FALLS Duplex 2! All apts Incl, DW. Tow ne Lodge ? iT IC E T O ' I ‘ ‘ Wooden ShpeShp Forms . ' back to school spe HAZELTON 1 bodroor»m. 1 both, appls,. • relrig.. W/D hook- 248 2nd Ave. W est > issilied A dvertisers '. , ^ M Blackfookfoot, ID (208) 208-678-74:spjC^ElaJ' li9 M ain S t..5 3 1 0 /mI/mo,, i n o p e t s / s m o k i n g . . ups & AC. Starting Call 208-733-5630 O U R 406-254->54-1247 5475/mo. 733-3742 * •asa check your aa , 208.684-584-5252,* CASTLEFORD 1 at dep. 208-726-4911 at 5595 mo.+ dep. E x p ires O ct 31 2004* . TWWIN tr F A L L S o f fic e s Call Chris 208-736- S• ...... = - = i .2ndind Ave. S, 800 sq It. r accuracy Ihe llrst M bodroom.apts.'" a* " “ P HAZELTON------ions: I TWIN FALLS ~ | 2999.* i•k -k -k -k -k a .-k 39-1539 or 837-4532.', day/ln/ns.'T/J© . A ^ D Thisyoa wililxfill IM bur bosi. • now! Rent baseo Now taking application;IS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ------^------TimTlmeS‘News will t im 'e s Cc LA SSIFIED Clossillods.. 733733.0931 income 208-543-8: ' Syrlnga E sta teslulot . E x p ec t to bo ^ TWIN FALLS duplex 3 SAVES5-S10 C— , onlynly Ibe responsible d e p a i Equal Housing3-8833 1 bedroom apts. Quic >ARTMENT • ‘ ' ' • ied ' ; Impressed > bdrm.. 2 baih: 5650 With this ad ^6C foranr any errors report­ '" S ' ' . ond Well maintained Opportunity-* o a rs . Spacious 1 a •mo. -fSSOCdep: No' TTwin Faiis Old Towne ddonio n the lirsi day ol y- ■ for residanis 62 year r E M B E R '■ * pQtS; Appi, inci. C all ’ Lodge. 529.95 • 'publicalion- 208-7 I FAWNBROOK ' . ^ 2 bdrm s. Quiol radyoo'p«c«d f . I ofageorolder.3le'd ’ building with gated 423-6931 Iv, message.* single. 5145 weekly 'BURI Pleasecall , , JRLEY This very nice P OR • ■ ; ' ■ 9em«t>moo90in90•“ . • -Housing. Caii L akes Blvd N. Lg, utility a re a . l c a r TWfWiN FALLS HBO, ,------15,®,ie hospilal w/.labs, Burh Zuttonw' rap 208-544.2432 * g a r a g e , n ic e d e c k , mi xam rooms and de- . TlThank You’ I _____i___ I • Se«vor3- no smoking, no pels bdrm l bath, kitchen Dally D and weekly STTnj Bedroom Apt. todr ian- Laundry, storage, appls. No peis/smoki- rates.rc Quiet, clean. /IN FALLS CrewlII Cab •> + + + today! + S4SO/mo, + dop. Shan,*' Spacious 1 4 2 . + + non 208-532-4555.* ng. 5375'fgas heat allordable. at 733-8620, w.TwinFallsShops.com • 1,111 iTim II ANAWfiHBKAH 1 bdrms. apanments' 'low, Lower R a to s ' ^ 4 0 . •. '. ■ ■■ 7 3 4 - 1 6 0 0 pd, 208-735-0473.* ^ . 647,F a w n b ro o k3 Av .. JEROME 2 bdrm..vith 'fOm 5395. - , Equal HousingcAvo. bath apartment witllj,„ 833 S ho sh o n e N. ' TTWIN PALLS Large 1 ^ /IN FALLS/KIM- * ^ |0 bdrm .,, aii utiis,, furni- H . Opportunity.ng . free.iaundry laciiity 208-280-2699* ERLY ,40'x30‘ I. 5400 mo. + deposit shed.Nosmok- ■ 1quipmenl shed. 20’ x M g a Handica£accessi^ sibio* Call 208-324-5970.* ing/pets, 5495-I- BUIUHL 2 bedroom . 1 0‘ shop.on 1/3 acre, J J i l FILER .'senior citizor ^ TWIN FALLS 1 bed- deposit. 733-8437.* bath, bj ho pets. Need • Lnomeed yard. Call at MI733 iiSfT" JEROME Nice 2 bedAli ro o m 5 3 6 0 /m o n jh + ' = bdrm.. no pets. ;ci TWIN FALLS Large 3 references. Call 208- 36-734-9922.* & stove (unlshcrolrig • '00'*’ to w n h o u se! i6k- Al 5300 deposit, min,-1 ^ shod appliances. No smok' bdrm, 2 baih duplex _S43-8087or731-5584,* TWIN ■ 5350/m o.+ 51 :all yoar lease. 733-6475* 'IN FALLS EB 51 00 ■ Ing/pets. 5495. Cal w/ f.uli basem ent. BUIUHL 3 bdrm. 2 bath. ShopJ cleandep.C i spW arehouso^co: C a l l 324-3213 ext. 106*_ TWINyALLS • 5650, Call 734-4120* In In country,.no sm oking 20 0 0 -4 0 0 0 sq .lt. ■ V . . . 208-326-4022.- 0 2 1.2.3,4 bedrooms, f; JEROME nice clean 2 TWIN FALLS Uke new or ®'’. (nslde pets, S480A ’fallo w s Proporty ■ ^ . . 9 F' , GOOOING C lean,s nnice bodroom. 1. 1/2 bath,Ilh, appiiancos. V mo,-fdep, 543-6971* Mgmt. 734-4334 Q pT 1 bdrm. units for I' no. Vaiious sizes and prices . • 2; bdrm.. 2 bath, all _ •4 x 4 Cmise Contfc or iow All a p p ls , 5 4 8 5 m o, vlnlollsrentals.com. y A/ income. 62 and ol< 11- Hallows Property 'appls.. AC. W/D. no BU j U .AutoTrI Transmission • .Trailer Packag i older 324-2744 420-1011.* smoking. 737-9635.* Tr or disabled. Wests! “ Mgmt. 734-4334 Trollor Court, 2 & 3 C ^ . '•Air'CpConditioning • 9200GVWR bdrms. available. ^ 6 1 ( C ourt Apls. 934-49>StSide ItlMBERLY 2 bdrm:all' . .1 twinlallsrenials.com TWV INFALLS N.E. New e ? 5 3 0 0 / m o . a n d u p . l" . ^ Equal Housg Opponun1-4986 b a th . No p e ts . C a ll 3 bdrm. 2 baih 5640 ___' TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. 1 -i 5100 cleaning.dep. >nun.iy* 208-736-0042,* 5500 dep. 731-9269.* Call 208-312-1929 or HEYBi ------1 KIMBERLY 2 bdrm,, fBURN Potato sior- . •Is- paid’S375^‘73^4''-140V* TTWIN ' FALLS new 3 208-673-6620,* 20 . oge I ‘ R ead The W/D hookup, appls. le lor ront. Scales .bdrm., 2 bath duplex, eILER t t (3) 3 bdrms. 2 o^aiN incld,.S375,3l2-2111* TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. AC. j fenced yd., 2 car ^1.“ ailable. Relrigerat- m duplex, 5550 m o , oath. (1)2 bdrms. 2 P''P'I potato storage for C lassified!, H s I RUPERT S r. C itizen garage. & moro, 5795 30th. Coll 208-326- '8 0 d 5500 dep. 734-9182.* 734^1235 ; Or 280-1212* laseattheJR Handicapped and 3552 or 208-543-5161.* Simniplot p Planl. Call . B' TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm.. i= . E v e r y D a_y . Olsablod Housing, TTiviN FALLS . .1 ¥iU mny Cunis ® D.R. ay! Now taking 1 bath townhouse. ' ILER Extra nice Ig, 2 c u rt" ThoSwfmmlng bd3drm., 14 It. wide, IJ irtiss b , Co. 208-878- • www.conpaipaulos.com •I applications lor i or renced back yd.. W/D 56 or 208-670-3944.* v.»^ hookups. No pels, a w o lts a n d B B Q 's gjood o area, 5375/-t- c ifT W. V.-Vif vr-rt ra « cip.rtrtOZJW.'. 0 2. _ _■ 2bodroomiipts, aro great dei ■„ J Rent determined byy ■ 5470 -► dep. Cail 208-' • lep. No pets. Relere- , at'Saratoga nc< income, HUD 736-8884 after 5pm .‘ ices. Cell 326-5887:* Apartmonts Tp? ' S . subsidized. Q uiet ).- TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm .. ( C om e se e Ihe luxury ja lh in couniry. ■ 324- V neighborhood-.EHO. 1 bath wilh laundry fa­ that awaits youl aoi Sunsdt Manor VI }284or731-4650.* ^ cility, 5425/month -f' i.2&3bedroom 51015lhSt. :0 5250 dep. 324-2244.* apanment homos WINFALLSVery iji ' t.2.uiH).1t>nlr(wni■------' Call 2 0 8 -4 3 6 -1 3 8 0 * W asher/dryer o'®:lean, new carpet. 2 •U u|urtt»nU iMHim.“ or 208-312-2899* J ★**★★*'*****★*' * Hrms<.turliiiuuli)iihS5W * C entral h eat S air >drm., 14'vi^de. Slove. TWIN FALLS AVAIL. * efrig.. waler. garbage ^ .Lutiinliiuvuiuii --Hear the . -NOW Clean 2 bdrm,, * Swimming pool ’ ' *'o^' * Fiinesscenier ajj'md sp a c e rent liiclud- aIli*iJal.lfV«” • lbath.S4iOpermo.+ * id. W/D hook-up a n d : M END quiet! * Business center [YEAR~i 5200 dep. Some utils. * a s lurnaco. Set-up in ' § ' SSRivercrest incl. No pets. Located * Enclosed garages Laurel Park 651 S a ra to g a Dr. amily park. 5365 a ' ■ JC O L N IVIERCURYIRY H near downtown. Cred- , lonth and might con- lA 'O U T ^ i 2005 Rivufcrcjt Drivo Callor.VlsIttodoyl IC L O ^ rivo Apartments . it check req. 733-2218. ‘ , g> Call 120817324H0C 208-735-1600 * . Sj^dider,selling. Call unn I 176 Maurice St'OOt *****★*****•**• [_ - - 1 , 20808-733-9259.* S ^ I Twin Falls 734:4195* m

i ■■ t f l - t m

WAS ^38,C,62srE Q $ji SAVE »9,09 5 2 l l k S « 5 6 ,5 1 5m I g r a : 2 P V SAVE h - SIZ ^jJnlV im BH‘ S f |« 1 2 ,5 4 2^" HHI' [3,973 B ■ g EBjIil I

W AS«54,00 0 0 ''"i SOT »1Q,55 3 6 | | L ^ K m m I ( e • SOOIConsuner^DigiDigMSsta^'CtfitHCk E l I iQWWTOWW,I L I N C 0 I N MEBCUay ftom iBiwfidOTrron otl select new tMiwdetiS K f l ' WILLS (iM-OSCmySedwdara.**miVRtnMinj ■ F M j E E n m H tarGOinonn>ainm T«your«uncalS(rv oedtrMrlwdDonl a s / { 4 1 m rOYOTA ' SIOOO txnweit Me fron dealer stod( tv I |al I.SO O .552.00 2 8 6 ^ z l T s ^ o n e Stre:reet West. • Twin FallsIs • 733-2891 >247 • www.willstoyota( t a .c o m aOMbmtiiMnrtw 1-800-621-52^ \ ■ ' Rlltolf.S«lt«iili.tl7,a2004 Tlni»M »i,1M nM i.liWIdaho i E-9 ■■"■IH HWIWIMII MS d

8fm vs^

M fe e D o B u s in e s s A B I e f f e r UV a y ! J u si i f A s k O u r C v s f om i c r s ! ! ! ; "I needed«d a truck to go. huntinling in. I , "Mountaitain H om e A uto Ran< "M y purchchose at the M ountoinin- "I originally COIom e from Southern w as toldd toh go to M ountainI Horneh . wasas a very enjoyable H o m e A uuto t i Ranch w as' easy/ Califbmia whenife buying o car cann ' . A u t o R a nnch.Tm d glad I cam elsl Chad experiesrience., M y salesrridn and fast. III highly recom m w dd be extremely/ undaunting.I O ur m y solesmcm an w as easy to, talkIk tb. He was veryve helpful In getting entire purchasei e^qberiehce< couldn't w as very smsr arf about the truckck. I will me a.nevtew truck. The personr ig here. Thanks!" have been easieier! Eveiyone treated , lef peopleJ kfK5wk how gcibd A/teAountotn workeded great as a team tb I" R K J O N E S rne extremely^ly w e ll In a r e a l l y . ] H o mle. e ,A uto Ranch Ford ts ." ^ mm < e w h a t I n e e d e d . " e t c h u m ) relaxed atmo!osphere. Thanks!" KELILLY GILLESPIME JERRIRILL ALDOU!IS J O H N IVI/lO R E L A N D (OCarlin, NV))■ ' ( B o i s e ) ( H oa i l e y ) fiaiLAJK IVENTOIRy : t t S m m ! s | 9 i

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i X l l i . } |X ■. '■ iSRfflSlBRII . .

...... m i 2 o ...... J39.760 ■ -•■ 5t«S^":p:ooo;$Q ■/^Sdoto.:;.,.'

■ H i s \ Si J' E*10TlmM4to%v*,l« , TVrIn Fall*. Id ah o 'F rid ay , Septemter17.2004.S«

BORDER COLLIE, I5 FREE kittens, some L LABS'black & yellow. IHHC 1480 combine, 41.FALFASEED p* HAY CON SAYS ... weeks old. well col: o |. Manx, 1 silver point, 1 S250. AKC reg. Born 8 3400 hours, $11,000. a MIm irr^^ grasses and CERIsRTlFIED WEED / ored, both parent:n t s calico. Call 934-5121.* 07-10-04. Dom & Sire C Call 208-670-2399 . ■ • FREE • i on site. Oowdawed S 15 ea. FREE Lab cross pup- IDl2 row22*comhoad Will<^11 deliver. Roy O der- 20e Check out thesese • 4 FOOT SHOEINC all shots. Cal) 208- p 208-280-0037 . •* . pies to a good home. Polytin $22,000. JD mott)Ott.208>46S-528q* 208.536-2236,* 208 A ccoptlng new dl« r 436-0493 or 312-2493.* q Will trim m iniatures Rc; C.II4M.4538.- _ 6 7 0 15 II o lfse l disk,- n r r r - ires A BOXER puppies. AKC 26* blades,- SI 0,500. HAV'kY15ton, 2nd cutting HAYr CertifiedC weed. I R B I le ac h h o rses to> pi<^ck 2 brindle moles, 2 solsol- FREE Pom eranian MALTESE pupplai. (2) 2; BFiriBMlMm »edor hay. small free.>. $100$ a ton o r $4 up feet. Schedule n I, Dodson x. 2 yoars old. mates, $500 each. IH It 165 5 bottom on *®.®' le now white temotes, 1 ales. Coll 423-5136.* a bale.ale. 208.543-4970.* ' 25122 oroi spoi on eye. Familjnlly Call 208-420-7708.* 208-543-8313,* . . Sei>ee our updated web- uTv^tY400 bales. 2 string, H A Y'. . BLISS, G organ- iFliOIMJm site at: nyssatroctor.com nnoi V«lat53&-1027.*•7.* raised. Sold to apap* GERMAN SHEPHERD , HMINI-PtNS tails doccod, asturo grass. $3.00 Ic/allallalfa orchard 4yssa Troctor & Imple- nnror bale. Call 676- grass, FOUNDATION«020.* £ s s . 1st, 50 ton test- .'02 PontiacP G rand Am : AQHA. yeorlii n *■*25 e ac h . M ounlair'ain avail. Sepl. 30. $350. m ale $ 2 5 0 .2 m os. old. a65or431-3S89.* ed.noin o rain, 2nd 23 ton m - ■ ■ stallion. DispositicJtinrT Honie 208-580-2587.' 733-4893/420-0182.* Purebred. 358-1076.?.. lOHN DEERE4010 :~Tr- t, no rein, Srd 35 [ 296 hrs.. lojtsJir & HAYY SOT.1 small b a le s. to n certified.cer Coll 208- ,,J _ • performance aridd «con- BOXER puppies.-AKCKC. G E R M A N S h e p h e r d MINI-SCHNAUZERSV bi (ormatlon througho blade. $8000. Stoin- panan deliver. 4-5 ton 324-30;-3033 or 539-7698.* |||l | jh o u l. '1 l e m a l e , S 4 S 0>• , i 5 white purebred-puppi- 3 lemalesrS-moles. iq Its. Call 208-829- ______Sale al private trea loss PPO iiprsyer, lots, irealy, males. S400: Readjady OS, 13 wks. old. shois- $ 250each.Call 121 or 2 0 8 ^ 1 -3 4 3 5 .* HAY., quolltyqu oilalla, de- ||jf^ 0011208-328^198.’ S200. 12‘ disc, $400. 5121 98.* on 9/14. Exc. blooc>od /wormed. $200 each, 208-733-6310:* 788-*595or72(M422* 7j HTTl oredondhand • GELDING, AOhOHA tempera'ira- 208-837r6619.* ' p Y ellalfo 2004 crop, sta^otH0 0 por 1 ton, 2nd cut- . HORSESEH A Y MIX.1st&' World Show. $14C d s , 4 woter. Coll 731-0196 s 1400/ COCKATIELS birds, POMERANIANS, KC. LZ5733-1678 or 420-2137 tinqvig w ee d certification, . 2 n d cutting,cut no rain. . . offer. U sed ran c h Sf k e Or 733.1957.* “ t ir Locks 4 Windows; Crulso ^ fi.sad-. heatthy and make . $ 3 0 0 . pu p s and adults. MAlACK ^9 SupoMlnor, S110 ill per ton, 308- Fr»dKJpKlpp.,543.«373.- . • dIe/wade tree. looksloo goodipets, S65 and >920...... :.... * 8^ ,2 8 8 - great. Si400/oli( '"d • GOLDEN REFTRIVER S43-4330.Soooiwww. i 8V92..13 8\ Speed, air 1281‘81 or 423-4214.* 3I fe r. up. Can 208-733-4240* W b i g bales, wiil. puppies. AKC, 6 Fe- ' proclouspom oronlons ride, rid with 20^com plote ■ ■ 208-539-7903 lv.. mms sg __ ikir>giw exira vacotion § ellwrar. r. Call 208.678. '03 ChevyCl G a ra lie r: 3SS m a l e s , 5 M a l e s , .com* - . ______rebuild rel hydraulic ma- GELDING, OH. 14 ye FOUND Slam ose/crossM) Ready Sept 18lh. .5; wy?Tbocla««itleno«neontact 'C ird e D’ HORSETRAILEi-=-= FREE Half Siam ese3Q trade; Coll 431-4494 k :iydo’s Pipe Ropair ^ C V T T m O / -U v/estock Jsl Supply. K J ^ Ready for hunting kittens. Male Dingo or438-4616.* ■ Hond lines, main linos THrHRASHINO 32i324-1490 o r B K Bed-table-storag Cross. 2 yrs. old. Call a n d w heel linos. 3S358-0^.* I gooseneck 18‘2 hors 208-J23-4124.* , JACK Russell pups, _ (even In tho flold). Pickeckett t-Slepcuttor slant wrtock rm. SSOO — . tails & dowclaws ro- ALLOWAY At TOP Mos- - 208-431-7149.' andiId Pickett Columbo p / 5000 FREE kittens healthy. r o c k s I offer. 208-366-7713.’ 'y- m oved, first shots. Ab- terU Two. boot delolla- = ;^ combine.' m or and Loaded! 13.* • groat outdoors, variety 1UNDERBIRD wheel I’V solutely.adorablol tor. t< 6 row. hydraulic all 208-312-1862 #1157,...... ;...... :^ 9i .9 j s i a ■ HORSES 1-ArabiaQfan of colors. 734-5178,*_ ■ $300. 208-677-4412 . scalpers,s steorablo n o ; $2,000. Coll 829- -“ IL lo r estim ate.* | R o7ck c k Pickers . 9 9 J - and 1 -Paint, gooood FREE Kittens, 6 wks.;s. or 208-431-4767.* roor r« axlo, good condi- ^1.i121 or 431-3435 coll* ■ J S Jeep Grand Cherokee w/)(lds. a n d hunlTng, .tion, $3500. Call 208- K— 29. 2 old. young c o ls 6 m os.>S. ' la b yellow AKC pups. idor, 4-Wheol Orivo horse trir. S3,500 Ic 552-4362Iv. m sg.' ^ 7 I M anualualro^plcking an/Call208-731-6405. old. Healthy, aUecihn-J' .3 males,- 3 .females. J-731-7229or #342239/119A ...... ^ 1 1 . 9 9 i 8 8 • . ate. box trained. 3- shots, wormed, dew- BEAN BE COMBINE Ullls- ^ F a r r i e r 2 008-^34-5140.* s4 HORSESHOEINGg HJ .208-326-3683.* • c l a w s . O F A : S 4 0 0 ton. tc $5:000. J.D . 4020 T.RIMMING. . Goim a females. $375 moles. w .FALFASEED . - fh e e Kiltsns, all while, w /158 loaderSIO.OOO: hunting? Get you ,x Coll 208-756-8208.* 829-5443 8: or312-3032* s o m any g ra sse s and Butiutch Shields Ga ro r o w y d u r horses shod. Tractioirtinn green eyes. liter box lovers. Famier-famtor. 20 y e BUYwrmI y e a rs experience hb n u . s l n e s s f p M ' devices available. Ca trained. 208-73S-831616 LAB/Australlan Shep- C CA A S E IH .7 1 1 0 T ra cto r„ WillI/Ill deliver. Ray Oder- Acceptepting new clients. S h a n e a t: or 208-404-6639.* h e rd X puppies'. $20 . h hi a s 9.000 hours, over- mo!lOtt 208-465-5280*. Perlo ON-FIDENCEE 208^2-5230* — 9 weeks. Coll 544- hauled hi at 7,000, 14.9 fertlsolnrho FREE Killens. males, : 2345 ask lor. Jessie.* .R ,R 48 tires wilh duals, I Bualnoss A f O l i n - - ORANGE PANNIEFIE R in te r box tra in e d . .12 ssHr* Vico Directory . ‘ lur . Satisfaction •6 LA'B/BORDERCOLUE « pack deck, 2 horst, r s e w ks old. Coll 423-5226 I ”4 ' iid cout more call I C puppies. (4) 3/4 Border ^ K T ^ T blankets. Cala 11 after 6 pm lv. msg.* ______■ Classlassllieds @ s Guaranteed! — Collies, (5) 3/4 Black DIESEL Dl HEATER. ALF 208-733-S227.* .FALFA new crop. .LetyourMiTgamge u io 00 208-733733-0931 ext 2 . r^E 1 ____ ^ E E Kittens. While0. Labs. (1) 3/4 choco- Val6. V 111,000 BTU, grajrass, bright groon, no mi 11 cona n bo, Atfvoni»e tho o r 800' .PERUVIAN PA SO , big,big w/grey tabby spots, late Lab. Going qulckl p< JOO-658-3883 • * 5S 1Day/250 Mto black beautiful. 12 yi portable radiant diesel rainiln. 2 string. Will sell time andtnd data in me ' e 2 yr. cute; friendly, heallhy./• Asklng$50: Call heater. h< Used very . sme o ld g e ld in g . 1 5 .2 H Ttall am ounts IIIII! ' dassilodilod*. 733-0931 - I . I M « ■ 2H .- 324-7901 or324-258d.* 208-490-0062.* Iltllittle. $825. 316-0715* 324-4-5 0 8 2 or 308-0073. . Money Ml BBPanlBe s o n of C h a m p io n ElE , . . Tumi. Hero Is you’o u r chance to own one o leaieF (nrmty these great horses a a very reasonabt< Uctaded price ol S4000. Excel -. Sm dealer for deiaiis. - lent trail horse, jus ' * Excludes velticlts nurksd‘as Is* needs someone wii( has time to ride ihin f S i ■00 Ponliacoi Bonneville y and love him. Cal S Sedan. SSEI 208-731-4717.* = i » | »A...... :..... :...... > 1 1 .9. 9 8 8 8

Butch Shields 4-Door dikswagenSo Beetle •J /32fiie^ 20 yrs experience. I. Leather and Morel A ccepting new clients • Performance horses...... ^ 1 4 .99 8 8 Haul-ln discounts. $ Suniool.MC3500 L Sierra Crew CCal a b . • ...... Pilef208-731-9768* ’ , Only S9K Milas - ' ‘ QUARTER HORSE, 10 year old and-4 month I . ’9 8 G MB...... :...... / 1 5 . 99 8 8 ' ' ' old lllly, professionally trained, or trade for A A I S Dikswagen^ Jetta : fo r od 1 disposition, has hadla d I ‘’’02 For W est Nile shot, SI 200. j ||H K S |||M 1 Call 208-837-6652.’ QUARTER Horse, sor- rel.geldlng, 18 yrs. p AOHA. Greal all arou­l i B S lliis WKMri 196 fi m vows nd horse. Nlce klds Id s > ' ‘S toJ c C ^ k # H 1 2 1 I I stock #8341 stock #G72B - horse w/litile work. S1200. Can 678-5377.* p i r ' ^ • ■ H t n I | H Powder Mountain 12 SUVI p a n els * ride through A...... :...... ^ 1 8 .44 8 8 i 8 gate S600. '90 0 & B stock/horse trailer,; B ^ I______” /: Loadod SUncoin Navigator ’ good cond.. 6'x12', # 1 1 8 9 0 ^ 51750.208-308-8293.' S g [ I . '9 9 L in e SHETLAND pony, sor- I ' rel Paint. 5 yeors old. well broke, greal kidsi mmmm linanMuriISNcJ !994EXPSj08ffi . pony. $600. 423-9199.- * H 1 8 3 , ■ Pfeft' stockick stock #G93fi Stock #H143

.-S AUSTRALIAN PUP- me! Drive PIES/PUREBRED: V...... ^ 1 8 .93 8 5 i 5 1 red Merle & 1 black & while male puppies. ,1'. -V8.4-wnBiird Expedition - M K #2Gi4sa^ 3 monihs old & have UV with Low Miles! oil puppy shots given. M j g t '01 Fun»...... * 1 8 .91 8 8 i 8 733-2269 anytime* I , M m | V ^ Family. SUV BASSET HOUND pup­; p E m InMMKicn M IEKURrSH levy Traiiblazer - 0 #2310850 .„ pies, registered, tsi'?! J Stock f e i .. . S t o c k # H 1 1 4 Stock «B38T shots, wormed, dew- ' claws removed. S400. HHE I ’04'chB< Available 9/28AM. Call 208-733-7904 or . 208-539-5593.* Ksromn BEGINNING DOG O be- I dience Classes start­ ing 9/13/2004 at CSI. 530.208-732-6290.* w i BISCHON FRISEAKC. Drive. LS malo pups, $550 each. o s t iiiohti...... ^ 2 1 ,9\88 8 8 . Health guarantee non M-WliralDrl1 shod 543-2279/ ' 8 evy Avalanche 1500 ? 10 cim os BLUE TICK HOUND IM »ai I Ltd. Edition ID ij ^ puppies. 8 wks„ old.d, ...... * 2 2 .9\88 8 B $150 for females andId rd F250 4x4 $100 for males. Call111 . ’02 Ohm 208-823-4376,* .NorthlacoI. LiU riat Diesel BORDER COLLIEE »191113A...,...... : * 3 2 ,9188 8 8 .pups, purebred, firstst shots, wormed. Only males. Grandfather is M U M i i i a national champion. I, Very reasonable. Call111 775-755-2205.* H am ~| If • 1

R e a d T h e

l a '4 - 3 3 o o ^ i s s i s s t C lassifieds i e ipanlos.com — E v e r y D a y !

www.conp t t PlICMI^

P FridjyjSjptjm b^^ Tlm*a4<*wa, Twin Falls, Idahcl a h o E ^

DOUBUEOVEN/Range, g ood ceh d ltlo n , al> mondcolor,$l25.Call c a n y o n m o t o r s 4-ucuitom Choppim .2825.5349 731-0385.* Green chop & com. «. lANTiauES H*RANQE Kenmore 30* Coniact UwrencaI" 3; Indoor FIlT ' electric ' w/over the .-.T . ■ .. , 8283 or a08-731-0260.* range microwave. ■OIIattsat20M54-20» L F lu M tr k e t Dlsnwisher. □' Like . • 208-431.3064 or 2l»4 8m Honda —- M Iddlekauff •\ Hf o n ^ r - ' si S p n i I MORRE BANG FCOR YOUR Bliiiiil i USEDD SUV'S ANHD TRUCKS IFOR I I AllI YOUR HUINTINGNEEDDS! j rWE ONLY DEAURSHIP IN TWIN rAUS WHIRE YOIrou CAN 3 i g O WVNAMaomrofimnio N l0UNCOlN,MIIICimYOR3R HONDA fij WITH UP TO 7 YIAM/^1/100,000 M llU WARRAIRANn I BY KACrORY TRinUUNED nCHNIOANS. 63 KMW O N T H Fl^9NANCING. OAC *S '04 Merc Mourountaineer 4X4 . 5 »«S8SlMtr*.]idSMI S O ^ ISmi,B-0.k Cm w ' MtFAcronr cERTineoi 3 L D I Xii.SMIl, , . X '02 Lincoln Navigator4X4 r ..WASS34.995•95 NOW $29,950 S A V EES5.045 S 4 Subi3am Forestster XS ^ . 'M1(C(«AHwtKUC00l«( :oof«dSuii.l2ViiviV'B. F*fttcrORY CEfmeiEDt Stk f4 0 6 9 -.All WheeI.Orive. Autor IT' '• 'lijflE * . J'dSHtTKm.liWmiiv*nmf» r « Jtomatic. Air Corflitiomng; 1 . ... Cruise Contfoi. Power Windows, Po> ‘03 Honda PUo Power Door Lotts, Power ?UotEX4X4 .....WASS31.995>95 NOW S28.«5D SA V E S3.045S “ Mirro's, Cargo Tray, Tweeteis1 Kit.Ki Air Filtration Kit. 3 «1S<01IA2(0Ho>simvww«,V6,J-aSMi.flM.A;f, ftfAcroRY ceHTiFieoi (Q .iHVw.AllPowtrtgu^V 3! MlASRP $ 2 6 ,1 6 1 SAVE $4500 M •5- s‘02 Honda CR\:R V L X 4 X 4 ...... WASS20.995»95 NOW $17,950 SAVESE S3,000 • Ci «l)01SAA>itonMt<.Atf.<,Atf,Pw«W«9M,lOCkJ, . . MCTO/tY ft CERVFieOI ~ C»om«WhMti.CHrtei>lrt6Kfflcltt.lOO(M*ntv' ' * . f •5 '03 Ford Fr3501504X4 6.0 ...... WASS39.995•5 NOW $34,950 SAVEES5.045 S g ' , 5 IIMISCC>twCl9.t*>u CEHTIFIEOI ? 5 2 t €B m A I. t*>4i. Pm* StiMt. iHtnr. loieis : 5 '02Chevy'Suburb u r b tn lT ...... WASS.n.995'5 NOW $23,995 S A V E: S8,000j g- * • #lt4O7l0«MI/7Tm.Vi■en.Vo.1icV-8,WS«t.HMiA,r. CEnTIFIEOI

— • m *04FordF.lS0Si10 Super Crew 4X4WAS S33.99595 NOW $2H.97.5 S A V EES5.020 3 g • «SMl2XllS4V'e.P0M CEHTIFIEOI g &uiM,A(lovVfli«l|,AKt I, AKt.PMCO, Bm lin»f. Fieiorr W»«infrmly . . . . 5 '03ChevySUveiUverado Sporulde WAS $29,99!995 NOW S24.930 SAVEi $5,045S a 3aru Foresti t e r X T , ^ 9 >60387 »(LSQuMCm«(0u>ppM.tSOt8*MiiaimiOnPietoiyW*ff»rf,. ttk 14097 . All Wheel Drive, Autonitomatic, Alf Conditioning, Cruise Control, Power Wmdowj,, Turbo-Charged,Tui 250 hp. . • '04 Ford FreestiestarV an...... WASS27.99595 NOW $18,950 SAVE159.045 S g. C' A ■ ■ ■• U . >UtlS6C|1.Dutir4.ACP4>f>9 000». flW A«. FW W>WMrt. • CEHTIFIEOI Keyfess Entry, Secunty 1 imiiliinj P»no5 NOW $22950 SAVE155.045 S J ... * il34O0rBU<:V'l0U>vr CEHTIFIEOI • . ig '02GMCEnvoyJOY SLT 4X4 ... .-.WAS $26,9955 NOW 1 $22,950 SAVE: $4,045$ § ’, 5 41340(SClNtR«>.la*iM. CEHTIFIEOI Pff»«(SMtj,AMPM.CO ^ :00 Toyota 4-Ru•Runner Limited \VAS S26.99595 N O W S22.972 S A V E: $4,023 $ »l j ■ »6««03Vi4M,l«iw,liw. Sirtssl. CO, Aiitfy.Wh«iii, low M.I»J - CEHVFIEDI M '03 Honda CRVRV EX 4 X 4 ....-.WAS 524,995)5 NOW $20,950 SAVE! $4,045$ g «eMlSunGCl.Po»«liV>«iiV>nlo<»i.loeU.Cn;ningfKtorvWl>t|ftr* • , Sub<)aru Forestte r XS . ^ 5 . -03NimnXtett terra SE 4X 4....WASS23.995»5 NOW$19,950 SA V ES: $ 4 ,0 4 5 a stktk #4127 - All WtiMl.Onve, Auiom:oma!ic, ^ r Conditioning, ------. O #50632 V-6. Auto. Ajf, Pow «|i| CEHTIFIEOI ■, Pow W«ftw, L«U, T^i, Cnnii, Alls, WhMii B l Cru:ruise Control. Power Windows, Pe;v’o;ver Door Locks. Power I '02 Mercury-MoMountaineer .. .WAS S21.99515 NOWS 17.955 SAVES.: $4,045 (8 Mrrrofs, Cargo Tray, Tweeters Kit. Air Filtration Kn • «eO>t3AWDrtyt.WS!mlSKttlAif.JfaSMl. CEHTIFIEOI P«**WiB93M locM.Cnu, Cn..wT(ll. AmrfW-CO, Alloy W>i«li S’ 1SRP $25,286 SSAVE $4400 Iga *C '02FordExpIon 5 NOW $17,950 SAVES-: $4,045 g ■ 3 ostxuv-e.Auio.Arf.Pilorer4X4XLT .WASS2I.995 h CEHVFIEOI. ■ i : Arf. Po*tf WrtdtrM. lockj, rn, &«-»#; {Q l'0SUIUwMii. ntt. Pmr Wii4owt • CEHVFIEOI ; 1 leckj,0»or!*Wt'«l|.lwii.lcm.Uiti M. '01 Pontiac MonlontanaEXT ...WASSI7.99515 NOW $13:975 SAVE S^$4,020 i Subclaru Forestte r XT _ ^ «:}ta3iADMitmi^i>«x • CEHVnEOI ll^.lMStr.QnSlKlOUM. >tk 14111 • All Wheel Onve. S'SpeeIpeed, Air Conoitionmg, S : '96 Nissan Pathfi thfinderSE4X 4 .WAS 511,995'95 NOW $8,790 S A V E S$3,205 : 5 ; Cruise Contfol, Power Windowsows. Keyless £ntry. , . g *I«0nAV-8,lwM,lH.f MCO CEHTIFJEDI, \ S ilH. PffiW W«»M, lOCU. Till, CmHI. AM-FM'CC Air Filiration. Cargo Tray. SplSplash Guards '96 Jeep CherolceoJcee C o u n try ...... WAS 58,995195 NOW $5,950 SAVE $:$3,045 a MS *»imoa«^t.PwwW W.n*hW, lakj, Till, &a,H, CO C^4fl(«’ CEHVFIEOI ISRP $26,861 SSA V E $4600

Puna »% DOM\ S »S l» B Us CM.l.rdine>flBoU«.IlHiorDw>DicP«c«af Itl I Pdtfwb^bHWIWOnly S . ^ f : ' ’ ? (B) T $ 2 Z 28 6 1 ^ I MIDDL . MOMOA • V . m n m m n ■ ■ f *Q ^ ( I P l ^ 1 .8 090.552.0987 ( ‘ I , ms) Best Dl)^ls in Town!

■ x l Powtr windows, lodu,xkiih,tn*i.AM/FM/CO, . l l ABSbrok«,diK)l^oir^gi,3.0U»»rY6 H WSRP *22; D R iVT B N B Y W H A'ivrs INSIDE" ■ iM i . t ■ Subaru}I Forester is the onlyc small SUVr ever to n Hr receive the high*hest rating fromn - ■ A ? aM S J i i M 1% down lot ?;inenPi»wdaofioiindua«tt».iB«.nuiwfli«iirtfocti*.4.g%.OAC.Piaiwtorauii Is ™ r IIHSinbomth front and siiide-impact tests.s.

i i r i v t ® n n m m n n n i I H ..... H ' ^ 2 . 0 2 8 6 U B , ^ 1 .8 0 0 .S 5 2 , nw Ai/u.iin*anw [ ' ______•WWBlwTl^fltloiC• tpttltrOecNt. • ______E-12tlmo#-Now*.T». Twin Falls, Idaho Friday. Sepieptemb«r17, 2004 ' .

HUTCH beautilul solid 'lid- r —FIREPLACE p Heat & GOOCART5.0H.P.. in- APPLIPLES. highest quali- WANTEITED POTBELLY t ' '■r- m HARLEY DAV>AVIDSON maple, largo table,le. ^ 8 1 4 . ^ B n 2 ^ B Glo < gas unil w/logs & - dudustrial engine. S350. ty.. .3.35/)b picked. Jono STOV3VE 3-4', U.S. L « g c^ chairs, S750. Call 934->4- I '02 Springerier I- H eritage a instructions. 5200. (2) _CaCall 410-2651.* gold.lid. red delicious, Ida Armyy Cannon C Heater, Soft Toll, '95'9 5 KII fuel : J 5290 after 6 pm, * ■ swiv.el rockers 550 YAiARDMAN 21* self . feds.ds. gala, honoycrlsp, o r similiImilar.' Must b e In B Injected, red,red, exc. & VVASHER/ORYER s< ’ sot ■ LANE large sectionalI3( A l R O T O T IL L I N G , e\ ac h .2p6-733-5611.- prcpropelled m ow er, 5.5 ' o'T’PliDplre. Plums. 4 varl-' g o o d wworking cond. q o l p r a a 19,000.'Call KonmoTO. ExcoNei ^RT -84 Club- with recliner ond hide-lo- Weed mowing, loader ^ H.p. H o n d a e n g in e . o lioie s s . .3 0 /lb p ick ed . Call 208-824.5577.*20E il”? r 734-7074.* •; - ' condition. S2S0. Sli ,(] a n d d u m p tr u c k fo r FREEZER. '' 5150. so- p f - ■ ■ c a r , n pw w b a tte r ie s . 3 0 6 - 5 ^ o r 73- Sin- a.bed. Excellent cond. , fa.5200.2chairs5l00 Insulated dog houso ' senlonior citizen friendly, w a m t c i gle w asher SI 2: 4. sfhall driveways. Any- ' to season peaches TED rear tractor tinted windndows. cover. HONDA '95> XXF R-250R. 125. S700/offer. 206-654- ea,.Call734-0363.' for m edium d o g . Call l-ale w arranty. w here in Magic Valley. J 20B-735-9515.* -• 423-43-4096closetoTF,* 1, 12.4-36. Rims S875.206-18-420-2771* 2 t r a i l 9 0O ’e 's . C a l l 9969or312-2409.* Jeep.Cherokeo. Call 208«736^BOS. — Call206-326-4631* HAVILAND H- CHINA <6) Vounth^ClJb 208-423-4806.306.* LAZY BOY lift recliner. ------. APPLC >LES, M acintosh & C all 208-438.8215 201 or JEROME o fw HYBRID POPLARS 1 6[ piece place senlngs kL Q»d. 5475.637-6474,•t- gal. 55.00 ea. 2 gal. « . g ujms. m : Dream Acres wAMTcnrED tailgate for a ,,^33-6241I aftert 6pm.* good cond.'.d.'. 51700.'■ — §8.00ea.3gal.5l0.00 5150.1 ProForma 520 B Ch.,d. 733.0127:- 200 e v e s.’ : H I ' MATTRESS & box set. rowing m achine. 77^ ; Chevy Silverado WORLD. OFDF LEISURE' 208-829-4200. 5159 Queen piiiowtop.I'-, ea. Call 208-326-5010 I LTO SAX B u n d y II. “ — g" in pool table. ‘ HONDA '01 CR0O,CRi ^ ' Pj or208-731-5122.* IBM Selectric 11 typo- B&G Produce. (22x67]67) in exceffent j regulation ■ I THE TIMES-NEWS/VS brand new. factory wrltor4differeni fonts. 'T“'Yamaha llute. Both in Pall pgn V egetable salel co n dI. . CallCi 543.5676.* exc. conplp.. includes 51700.00. : . ixcelleTit cond.Best caii Classjfled warranty. 420-6350,* LAWN MOWER. CrafIS- MOVINGI SA LE. Call :all 206-326-3302.* .^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3001 c u e rack Call 206-750-320-3406.* . -j- man,22inch^5hp. Cut 2 ,ll.r..a0^.735.ei07- rSD Trailer for 2 ' S n d M , O 'opartm ent • MATTRESS & box set. 206-734.2032.* • • RTLETT,Pears 4.whe yf^JnBelseto HONDA90'aO’aTrall • or mulch. Good condi- .jr; Classiiied Servicece S239 King piiiowtop. .UTE Gomenhart, S6.00.00 bushel picked. 3 208-539=V9%“7i V = “ ''. - “ «y 1200. 200-, motorcyclas,s. 208-733-2( P- . n o n . 5 6 5 . C a ll 2 0 8 - QUEEN MATTRESS ixcellent condition. Miles 539-7372. ; > 731-3121.* .Representatives.as • never used, (actory a n d b o x s p r in g s <25 „u. les N. 1 Mile W est u,AU-rt:n ______. 2530. fy ■ 73^8359 afternoons.* J Ike new. 5400/offer. of^JeiJeroma: Call 20B- . " “ KrED f used plastic . • - . are available from3m ' warranty. 420^6350.*. spis). Used motel ' cni :lp1pe.6M0*and ■ H H B KAWASAKII '94 KLXR . : - LAWNMOWER riding. f :all 208-432-5677.* 324-j'.-4ia4.^30M135.- . 8:00drtT-5:30pm se ts- still in oxc. con^. ° g °Call a 316-0715.* . 650. low milesIlles, good V' Johp'Deere Sabce. dltion.Yourchoice d e w I n s t r u m e n t s c o rSN-Fresh n Sweet; waMTcr • . M onday - F rid3y ay '■ queen doubie-siidpd.' FED VIOLIN 3/4 ■ ' ^ . s h a p e .,5 1 01000.-Coll 0 1 '.d-. 'e x c c o n d ; 14.5 hp.'A T .<590 , « a sot. See at 132' ■Wim Warranty io^51. /S I HAY 54 bale. piiiowtop s,ei. Nam'6 ■ . nice condition. 'H . .886-7052 leavesave msg.* ; . 5000.208-731-3121.* W v .•500 5 . Jero m e, ID • Flutes 5 200 ' Farmrm eggs 51.25/dz. ^ Call our officesas brand! New. never 208-734.9426 or ■ K A W A S A K I 'G V. LAWNMOWER, riding, 208-324.5419.* 2 Violins 5110 • TrallBIller 5350. Doora. 208 :T *9 s T oo • in Twin Falls- u sed , List 51199. sac- >473* ■ ^ r e c r eEATIONAL; ATV. .1400 miles, mil ex- . rifice 5599,420-6350.*. P ianos 52.100 .733.613-6636 Anytlmel- Craftsman.44*. i6hp. - sSAMARI / SWORDS pm; ...... ,.*■ cellontcondo n d l t l o n , 733-0931 ext..2 or jr' 6 spd.. exc. cond.. b Bufley 6 77.4042.-2^' M ATTRESS SET. Full. beautiful set. with . ^ ^CHES Harvest E ^ 'I S3000. 208-324.324-5518.* O rthopedic. S99.['■ < 5900. Rose 734-1026.- stand, s brai-d new, 4 . 703 )r in one week.. 22 ^ 8 2 3 ^ B Brand new. 420-63S0.* -pieces, stainless steel. 'your box. 56.00. ^ ■ 1 RVICE • SUZUKI 04. ATVAT\ Elgor : blades. 5i00. Call for =— wars Orcharda.' '" r ’irT S t S d v 400. Only 75 miles. - ffi- MATTRESS SET. details 734-0251.* ;• %N0, antique cabinet. ' .CoiiII 206-543.6B60,* 21 LIR-. CH/;hair extra ig.. ' DIREC;CTORY 54800. Call 673-5365.672 : H .'queen, orthopedic. oofis & works.great. y.'u&ed 6 mos.. DAi f l L Y ' YAMAHA ■81.Y, ™ Sl09.newwnh STROLLER and CAR- 5^0500.2O0.326-3473*. iCHE§. PEAR^,' ?;Y®Sl'51300. Asking - a’ndlihd '1.Y Z 125. ' B A R & W E I G H T S ®S .JS : S' 000/bBst.olf!.offer. Call ; . . SM ;'2004 digital key-cey- warranty. 420-6350.* SEAT, perfect shape. — rU S E b p iA N a s PL E S, PRUNES &, II 00. 737-093573 'Tisg* 'biisinesse: •pad.LEDchanglnfi Olympic Size. Rack for hever n been used. • » re! Bowman Orch- ?p 20B-735-8107.-07.* . J?,® M ATTRESS Spring Air We Move Them! . s -iighis. w ater fall, If w e ig h t lifting, m a k e- 5SiSO. 208-732-5354.- \ . 208-358-1024.* f ] \L': Comfon Flex Vienna WeBuyThemI -ZZLZ rO ' YAMAHA ’933 T\ TW. trail - . S3B00'otfer. 654 .2 2 3 2 / a offer. 208-731-3121,* T p M . i f l . pillow top w /boxsphng TIRES (4), Michelin 'Wo Sell Them! PICKUlCLING cucum bers. Advert sod cond. • & Iram e. 53 50 ®. « O O O ft l> L'LTX M.'S LT 2 4 5 /7 5 ' Welch Musib beets'.Its. tomatoes. No rtise. in ffjoral's'’,!•9122.* • ; ' TANNING LIGHT, lull p 734.9010' pesticiticides or chemica- ^nn w g ' 208-737-0699.* R-16. Jus: like new. _____ / e a t h e r b y ervice yamaha ’944 XTk 350, : - '. length, lilts to ceiling . y. :all206-543w|895.* usod for approx. 2 vToIOLIN 3 4 G laesel. wilh sc ope, good DireCiCtOry Enduro.lots:s ooi f n e w . a '• w hen not in o se . 575. m months. 5110’ea. Call tow3w & case . 5200/oller REDSPUDS SP eariyand cond. 56£ •a O all °’4.9969 or 312.2409.* latevarlotlos.25.50& va m T g r u q Please>e u a il , 644.9429or731.731-1745.* ifom SiSO Call— needs refinishing, lib.bags.Call208- «iv bni W A S H E R /D R Y E R VIOL3UNS t2l lull size In­ -733-C■ 0 9 3 1 YAMAHA *977 TW200.Tl •: 20B-732-0512.- 5150.732-6179.* ' * ' | ( •5486orS36.5486.* S tac k ed , eXc. c o n d . ' ,w ccases and bows.- lor. 5 boxes 0Xt.t . 2 * Big Back Racklack, both :- H P P aviliion. P e n t.® II. POSTER BEDROOM 5100'Ofler. Computer Excxcellent condition. E—^------. am m o 53< ,5300 320-2510.* — ' - J sprockets foro r hwh y. & • ■ 25CMB RAM. CD— & SET 7 pc. Brand new. de sk 520. 734-0557.' - 5201200 each. 324.0220.* ^ g 2 2 mnt.. how bbac a c k tire . COnw. floppy, usb. II. • com plete se t includesI DESK Oak Veneer, m n o r i nNKO.Chinose k C ^ irying lo dna a gooo usco C ’, am m o bolt & good bike! S11500. I 50 Call ports, keyboard,J a bed, nightstand. dress-, great shape.575. ^ ffifflnafg 543-40516-00 eves.*e\ m 0 u s e . pl 0 n 11 o'Sb r , or/mirror, chest. Brand Whirlpool heavy duly AUIOmoDilO^ Cncck out ' I--- 7.62 amrimmo. 30 round mo eiRssiiicas'orthe - 'TED clip. S400400.410-2651.' speakers includod.•• new. silll boxed. W onh: washer. 4.5 years old. . '"e (as pumps or gas ********* YAfllAHA'98: WR400F.WF . Original purchase3'' 54000. sacrifice greal condition. 5150: id'Cesi 'f'C seicci>on .iv.-tiiaoic I ARCTIC CAIAT. BRAND S3000/6ffer.f e r . C a ll in yoyi aro.1 lotl.iy ,73M33t ' >pV'M ACHINE . «"s ta tio n Item s. . , ,9't998. Just recently3d • 51499.206-420-6350.*i Call 208-539-2927.* >ny< 3p m oney paid. . NEW 4-whoileoler. bright 208-720-3406.*36.* Oder »FP-3280 ,Topj ■ green.and upgraded. Still runs SLEIGH BED solid y 206.866-0274.* YAMAHA '00 P. Pananasonic. complete <' • • ‘ -M miles, av 0 PW 50. good. Saoo'offor.' Call wood, queen piiiowtop ___ with ion.-5650. Ith lop doc' feeder. W ANN T E D 1 q t ,. P h o aisant/Chukar sa i ' condition. 55 • 208-543-2572 * • sel. Brand new. in l)ox. ' IS^°00;ol7e' S fjo T S3-5706.* 'S 5591}95.208^733.7175.* embosito sse d S a g e Bm sh. huH un tin g Call 206.73<:-34-2949.- . C°l. 208-308-57 Lisi'S1199, sell 5399. . LAPTOPS------hair tonic or Shampoo Fairfield & ■ YAMAHA -001 YZ426F, Y2 ___ C all206-420-6350.' Id & S hoshone. ------■ Dell lease returns fully e. 208-655.4381,* ‘ Nowow booking DO YOU HAVEH A has 2001 ong.ni^glne with refurbished & warran- . SOFA * LOVESEAT TED 4 1 0 . 20. 12 d ay huntshi for MOTORCRCYCLE less than 10000 hours.f- . teed; S399.'Economy,/ excellent cond.. 4 n.members.. . YOU AREE PROUD Great condition.tlon. runs- ■ Repair 530 Blue Lakes ye ars Old, paid 52500, FHE m etal nigh spd 206^*3i 0 Sportsmans ’ OF'iF ? ' s tr o n g . 5 3 0} 0 0 . C a ll .8lyd.’206»733-9444.- ^SeSga**' .Idaho S Cabin/den style, :KH h I precBcision. with stand. Club. S hine it upi anda show 208.324-6664.*14.* TED all baby ond rtni red/tan plaid. 5650. r.ri'. • tra tools, 734-0625.* I .idahohuniing it off at The ILynwood jrnity accessories. lO Intel 2.4 Ghz. 256 MB. 734-4733 Iv. m sg.*» :lub.com* Shopping ( Wa dblAL'ARMSAW,\ -TncKuding furniture. I - »C«h'e,-s J M DVD.CD-RW, LAN. ,p SOFA & LOVESEAT, Crafafisman. exceflent clothesies and misc. Call ru g e r n S390 or cu sto m m ade, c o n =I .#1-B 25-06, Annual Mo!lotorcycle both reclining, burg- inditlon.5135. 734.31c3106 or 420-7799.-. m odel 77- . Call 208-423*9241 be-I:- ■ undy. like new. 5750. iNDING MACHINE. 77-243. 10-22. Shoi 9«h ^S S TRACKEI lore 9pm.' ■ • *f' . Sofa & loveseai. blue . 5 2 0 ’x l 3 ’ ■ “dooor size) good rED hot lub cover 5500. 525iS250.5100. Call S a tu rd a y So condnd.«on.-S400(oller. ^ ft. round tub. Call 206-654-2•4*2711.* N oon to0 4om^ 16 foot boot,^ SSOOO.5! ’®‘ plaid, like new.- 5500. >12-1362.* Call208-539-2420.* Call:I.l20a-062-0402.- 731-3029.^ . WIN CHESIESTER 270 & This is a non5n-Judged. . 436-5201 or312-l To ngue & grdoM' knoin- pi ''"'NTETED live trees. . 30.30. St fee show. BAYLINER'909 0 2 0 It SOFA-SECTIONAL y pine conslruciion • , S t e v e n s bolt jce. Crab.'Pine, action 30.30.5400.3G 5200 Grancnd prizel ' . Capri, new 4.3.3 V6VI plus tan. built-in table, hide- Porch, celling fan/lighi. 2 rooms,ra mctai raofl ^ 8 2 ' FIREWOOD ^ ! »n & others. Larg- S350.520C2 0 0 , 837.9081.- Registrationn startsI at extra. 56500/c) 0 /o f f e r / a-bed. 5250. Call FASTDELIVI »front of trade. Call 731-6' Cut. split firewood. S90a ■— 208-736-7107.* . 1 V £ B 1 :H L ial..76e.2676;- wiMnHP.c;- 11-6791.* ESTER Model Banon’s^Je per pickup load, S120 PLES 56.00 bu. WANTEIrED pick-up bed 12,12 gau go SOFA sectional, blue. 6 See (? Interm ountainn Motor Homes ga u g e shcjtgun. C a llP e nnnva,*^' r BOSTON WHALEftLER '71 • percorcJor,S140per. ked. bring yourown trailer)r ( o r sm all ulilily E x c e lleent n i condition. 734-202064 13'.40hp/9.5hp.ih p Jo h n - 20 piece.5500.Bar Exitl55\Vcndell*fJ*536-r»0t box cord delivered. . X. 326-5670. 1152 trailer.>r. Call 208-404- 51000/firrr'firm. C all 20B. • oick a t 7333 3 ^ 1 5 - 1 ng tackfe 208-324»7697‘ er stootB (2). 5250. Call I S. Stevens.SI. Filer.* 3332.' 733-1919or890-1422.* !.' 543-241414 evenings.'1 26-3172* ; split. S75/cord, You TABLE OaK kitchen haul. Call 837-4184,*Iry. round table w/4 chair- ' ou s. 5400. Call 208-543- FIREWOOD Seasoned.,* . 8257or208-731-3738.* • II 1 ^ 1 Various types of hard* wood, pine. & popular.jd? TABLE, oak. dining • m m 543-6541/543-2717rd- ' room, with 6 chairs 208-863-4297* . ■ ar. and leaf. 5150. Call . 17 208-734-700S,* - ; . , ULTIMATE CARE Wm M [ ^ 1 LANDSCAPE g , 'Firewood large vanety. ... S125 a cord. Split & .- . delivered, ' Coll 20e-677-2382-I' ^R CONDITIONERS. in excellent shape. Fits nicely in your win- . s s dow opening. 530 H each. Call 208-734- ^ AIR H ’ CARPENTRY I FENCING I I iZAJVJNDYMAN\ |i«AWDSCSCAPWOl I— ■ ______STORAOIGE . i 8704.* CONDTTIONINC PAIJVTIn j v G BABY CRI8. white Torres Carpentry SERVICES WWORK liley metal with mattress.■ EARTH WOODSTOVE A rtistic LandscapeLa & R E P .^ te with pipe in good Soneral homo repairs, 540,200-423-6839.' , SA W TOO TH Bl hom e repairs. , a n d1 PaversP* s. condition. 5300. Two niorior/oxierior. Install p R i SHEET METAL wm orior/exierlor. Yard cleatloan up and Intorior/exterii I BEDROOM SET: 5 pC, couniry style bar windows, doors etc. ' Fen pfhn) I all brand now. still In A/C service and repair. 25 2! yrs. oxporionco nblng, painting. ' pruningning, lawn p ressu re wi ^ . stools, 560. Call . • Commercial ywoii. 16 + yrs, malntointonance. Electric’S w ' 053* , ' boxes. List S1499.,' 208-436-5866.* ' sacrifice S450. Call and Residential OSca358-0^B^M927- entry experience Irrigation)n Installallonli h e ate rs noi.low/can 208-420-6350.‘, 9. LOGGASSTOVE. 208-733-8548 or F rooclo e s tim a te s a n dd rorepairs. refurbish.i F I r e e TRACTOI Ill n ew Enviro 1 3-. 24 hrs. 300-0444* ------CCliL232:4fia6------i J o h n 208-735-5179*20 *We sellell Pavers*I estim ate BEDROOM SUITE- ■ —' Freo EstimatesEst 734-2708/53939°2706* JC ceramic, free standing - L WORK Exquisito solid wood ^c L E A N IN G I i = ~~ (208) 733 r: fireplace. Never been ' FUIU ^ IT U R B r i Hirr.P 733-5120.* - sleigh bed. dresser, . u sed , SBOO/offer. Call AUTOMOTIVB\ PSERWCE ------Front end loadeiader, mirror, chest. 2 night-r 208-878-5841 or r , Happy REF'.FINISHING reading stands. Heirloom 208-312-3841.- . PARTS H(Housekeepers ofui Hands: I -LAW7VC A R E l PARTIEiia n "nratfcISS3hlng. quality Royal Hentage H eipfi Oaih iote stress and RENT/. colleciion. Valuem RUDD g a s furnace and Call or Com o In ’“'Si K '" ''' NortIrthern Lights Efiminoti ■ le air conditioning unit, Independence. C r e a t i v e S6900 sell S2300. Call for LOW pricos on residential Woodcraft VV J,' Iv e T o u c h issltl.ng, stop- , Total yar 200^420-6350.: ' - e 50.000 BTU. 5400. Name Brands! BBonded, insured. Repair yard care Parties &Ri Ill G a s sh o p heater, ceil- : , daycare/your LoaMa.lc Rentals TREE BOOK CASES (2). oak. Magic VaUey 7733-7300 Tw in On s 1 ' ing mount. 160.000 . 678-4040 Burlev* Woodworkina Wc nome.-9. 303-5455.* Shaping. II .S100 ea. D ressor— BTU. 5400.532-4157.- Auto Parts .■ Rain gutter f;§a"nc<,. .SER V ICCE E w/mirror.Sl50.Rahgo, 2 2 6 Main Ave. North ------■ ' ‘ 201l08-934r9081 lopios. WOOD STOVE Con- I WWW.w.northernlights . and m ore.a.J 306-8070.3i ' 3 0 » decorations “ or fi almond colored..self Comminod to f J SERVICES REPAIR w & CCLEANUP weldinding, rooling, Call AriineloorLlnall, c .731-665158* S e r v i c e B Can 2C6-733-5043.' ’ Exeoiianeor ■ * . . rorrremodels. <0 orgairganlze - ■ Rem oval. Trimminiiming, 'C heckbook balancing. . In-hom Ih-h e repair a n d ^ ■ — Topping, Shrubs Cbl^lGN your antique tutorial. Guaranteed . Safaza2ars Solutions „ Any rep-epalr needsi your homer e o1 r office. '- m bs, TNT PUBLIC I *bookkeeping luto — ■ I Stumps. Insurod and colloctlbles nowl to fix your problem , W0 e fix f problerns n Home Works "Your mesness is our . urod. J AUCTION *Semi ' M ileage reports to l c co ssi- For me All American o r sen/lce call Freeee Estimates. 734-9430 or - succe R O T O T I LLUNG l Z571* I Sat. 9/25. 2004 9 am 'Pick up and Delivery < i g Solutions Auction Annual Fall is free. . odd obs,job remodeling. 306106-5168.* Organizings Preview Fri. 9/24 avail. *A«k for April — > 731-81-0128* • Fall specialiRoti Antiouc- a rd Collectible (cotl) 420-2796* . remeTioval of debris. - . blolllllno. TREE Auction. To be held ■ 9 am -5 pm ' 20B«324-1188‘ (« lawn prep, co . 2353 N R e d w o o d Rd - ' ■ * W1 edo d it alf + m ore SERVICESL s ' S eot 25tri at the lh 206-734-6506* H C I Idano Auction Barn S alt Lake City. UT. ^OM E ■ PAIN!vTiwG m d “ i r i n l • Surplus Vehicles. — X)tVTJtACTOR = = Inio soil. t r e e s * STUMP: 1836 Eldredge BULK I REIEPAIRS C atl Jo o fMPS (1'2 miiQ v.esi ol Pepsi • T rucks • Vans . p * G arr's PiPainting 734-0634 306-i8-0635* OF MAGIC VALLIILLEY MAILING MMagic Vnlloy HAJU V D Y M A JV l Plant) rrore mlo call • H eavy Duty T ru ck s. Hom eRopalrs • lnterior/E>r/Exterior ■ ^ I ISA Certified.id. • Bicycles DeaD esig n & G e n e ra l ------Froo estimates.:os. ' 734-1635 o r 731^4567 & Umdscaping n d 25 years experience.oxp ■ • Much Moro! Contractors Dav< ______r i Tim A b b o tt 42 0MI771 < 7 : wvAv idaftoaucttons.com'- . Mail brochures. • ^ ^ ive's Home Fauceii;eis,drywall. Husbandndiwila I SPA&HOT- CONSIGNMENTS announcements 4 -New,vJew - R em odeling- • im oprovements i palntinIting, trash tean T-TUB 734-7919* I* ' . COUCH & Lovesear WELCOMEII mmercaol/Residential ' aii tvoe removal Jock and'hclL ana. VE — New cond.. Brown vel­ news-letters. Save . pes home repair rer SERVIC I TNT Auctfon Kitchens, bonus andd remodeling.r Wedowh. vet. extra long, cun/ed labor & p o sta g e. '' ' what you can't Call 208-73:-73S-0227‘ ^ . TREE "Tho Full Service Mr. Postman rooms ™ & baths. natestoring to the Tony-7^-734-3322* ‘ Originally S900 ea. Atwttoh SpeclallstB" 734-1531 If n o ^on g TRIMMINCNO Will take S750 for set. 206-734-4646.* om e owner. 1010/490-0074* _ PAINT • • Call 208-733-7232.• . j__;ai ITING Crystal ClC le a r F o rre sl'a T ree• e COUCH _ KTTCrC H E N I Spa Car

BulibiiI n q C/(lassified Line} e A d s V uu iI t h ^ 4 illINES $ is! 1 0 1Days )r item s under or.a.adding lip to S I1 01 4k B gain For doo (Maximum off 4 items) S2 each additlonional line. Private Party only.ly. Merzhondlse1 Sl pets only.

riThe'fiineS'Neww C a l l 7 3 3 .OJ5931 Ext.2 o r' 6 7 7 - 4 0 4 2

CONCOF3RD *73 Motor LAYTONti '79' 24 ft..' C------INTERflJATIONAIAL '79 FORD '86 3/4 ion.I. 4x4x4. . . h o m e . 24 2 foot, run's 52.000.). Hi unter's k.ifuw .J1in? Paystar 50001 0 . 2 7 0 ’ AC. R uns great. NevNew. ^ g o o d ; clean.ci S3500. • Special. GcG ood condiii- Cummins. 9 speed.sp er tires, trailer hitclhitch, 678-2651€1 or 431-0700.’ on; Call 208>08-324-7959.* ■ .. 'With '96 2 0 ' Moilohrlang Needs paint. S230I2300. 4TTRA1LER 14‘ rinnftp"i -74 Thunder* MEDALLICJON By Me- ACURA inlegr:Dora B18A1 ■ h y d r a u l i c mlanure a Call 20B-308-8293.-33.* I 25. Cali 208-324- '02. 36 fl.. 3 engine, newle w p ig s . sp rea d er. 536-5C H e.es S'.I.n.l.- ■ 1 9 ‘. fu lly s e l f ' ' K e n z e '0 2 -=°^3- . fOR D '8SF.150.5 0 7 2 ' • led. Low miles. - slides; S60960.000 new. seals, comesies wilh’ wif* V O LV O '9 6 M1 l 1 1 ,1 0 w heel drive. AT. 140114OK, ERFORM IS.foot 360 eningine. runs Exc.'cond.nd. 837,000, Ing harness9SS. ECU. speed, new LF '"b o ft^a LP22.5 S1.250. Call 208-42:M 23- ■ JEROME Saturday TW It & trailer. 4 pas- great, AlAT. cruise c o n . 733-2323Jor733-7051.’ or . tranny. headoiIdor. tires, with '03 PParmfl' 4461t’, ' 2pm-8pm. Saturday. sengei Onlyl 8am*2pm. Mov* 2p iger. 50 HP Mercu- irol, duellei luol tanks. 50 n a s h '0il'29 1 : it,.5th ACURAInte.itegra ZC silage irailer, I 8am'4pm. Sofa; love- ry eng '!• FORD '89 F-700.T ACa c : . . Ing *alot Clothing, 6a engine, exc. cond, g al. watTTN. 4 399 N 1200 E r : ROCRAFT'80 14 Caii 208* KIMBERLY Sal. onlirl . fum!! 238 4th Avo E* r=-rr.------wheei.excei .e CHEVY'75 withth cus- . HUNTERS! 732-6115iltS ,’ • (Melon Valloy)* Deep, fisherman. OODGElE X travan- .,jon. $5000 SNOW TIRES I 9 -1 .4 family yard sale! TWI■WIN F A L I^ Sat. 7am - nearly 1 iriynewlShp'Evin- Explorer,sr. Deluxe trav- 436-5201 oor r3 ?2 ‘‘ric'’- s e ' -^A% 2qH. :LTc'mu“ Te% FORD '93 F-150rexTT exi BUHL Saturday and ChildrensI clothos. 12:30pm. 12 Women's rude,e, Minkotaf trolling et/cam ssRie.studdc • cab, 4)14,.only S4,59£1,595, Sunday 8am-4pm. toys, t books, home . priprolossional attire, .motor,lor. exc cond. Has conra035.025V .CHEVY'78 1 OW Furniture, sporting n 67.000 miles, . FORb ''94 F-250." HDh d : . ments & tools. 508 Dl*' eers, r men's dress & 734*65:*6542 Iv.msg’ S l'0.00 0 0. C ai I c ^3K. good cond goods, and lots of ao m o n d & 602 D iam o- . ca: «se0**S35°' TIRES & WHi J?, r ,! ! su p e r c ab . XLTx l t ; . casual pants & shins, pn. ^ .p i s '00 Virage 208-733-3 -4 5 9 7 ' ' ' M u s t! ■ With c am p e r Shellell. Call 7 .3 L p o w e r s tro k e miscellaneous. nd. r Follow «lgn* off ■ sh !b37®6532 •' ^ \5 n5/16.S300- s m . 208-324*7195,* ■oke. • . shoes, household -ft 3-men., ^ around 30 - HOLIDAY ______• S11.985. 324-7687.*17.* '9 0 9 B ro a d w a y A ve. N* ofMalhSt.* o iteitem s, furniture. _ /offertogeta e t h e r o r ______urs. exc. cond. -78 24 fi 6 travel trail-. s e p a r at te e C all CHEVY '90 with antiques & collectibles, ' F O R D '96 Fr350 dieseileseL ■ BUHL Treasure Hunt KIMBERLY Saturday 00/olfer. 320-2349* . exc. con 505 • '■ear e n d . custon •2921 E 3600 N. ond,, updated 208-326.4805. long bed. 4 door. 96K96K, antiques and collecti* .Only! ^ 8am*7 Whirl­ S2300/oller, = s = = = ^ ^------h a u s t , 3 5 0 m c In tho back.* SHUDDDDLECRAFT '97 ' OPP'S.• RunsF great. FORD AT. many extrasr a s , - bles, will be open. S a t- pool n clean top stove. ____ . Call Steve at • 20® -308•l8-7880 or jUKM S3200/oller. Fl urday 9;30am to 6pm. . ^ ft b o a t, and trailer S4900. C 2475.’ . ^1004JQ5E! S17.995.734.4B48,’18,’ ',1 0 x 1 0 x 6 dog k e n n el, TWl:WIN FALLS Salurday I '9 9 GTX 951 ilm -' gOS-249-i9-0469 • ■ 775*755*24 '8 7 ext, c ab , AT,' - H ope to se e you th e re , t, runs very well S3<53000/- FORD '99 diesel poweow er .. ■ bicycle, snow board. 8am*2pm, 8a MOVING TtldI sea se doo jet ski, Ita s c a ' 13.Slh wheel P a t And Navarre. toys, tt clothing & misc. S SA A L E Every room In r'S ra'ciass o fler. N IS SA N4 ''97 S Slroke shod bed. 4x44x4. . 923 K ath erin e St.* ^ 00/of(er. 208-420- c. 2AK.(. quean walk out. " awning. HArsPPMAMmsWAP c speed, 2.4L. 4 cyl,. . Lanat package, CaiCaii household Ilems. Ihe the house; everything 1975015or734*l908,’' • around.loloaded 530- microwava v e . q u e e n 3 0 6 D iam ond Dr.* must mu go. .. ( around bed. “ EET & CARAR SHOW low ered 2*. S350<500/olf- 208-678.6938,* . BURLEY Friday & Sat- = ^ = = g s 0 00,206-)8*404.619O’ ■ urday, 9am to Spm. jr. 156 Carney* ------n e w rubbeiber roof like H & 26lh . er. Caii 208-732-5: MURTAUGH Sat. ^ F O R D '0 1 XLT. c re v F u n d ra ise r fo r R u th * llSlS'90 3VFt. new. CallIII 2 0 8 -7 3 3 - 8-4pm & Sun. 9-4pm. 'l'*!WIN FALLS Saturday CHEVY '92 1/22 ton. cab. dies.el, duallyal*y, BIII ol Rupert. Lots of ! \ - Ford,Model 3038or208-08-420-2375.’ 208*837*46‘ 4x4. 350. AT.. 1 114K S29.SO O /offer, (rad< JD 6 hole machinery 9-3 ?*' & Sunday 11*2. r a d e . ' treasures, donations t F53*46C60. 35K.CaM TOAUcrVQ Farmaii M original, groatI ccond, down. Cail.73i-679t*791* hubs w/axel. rototill- Antique ]?" beds, baby TRAILER 62 TRACTOR Far appreciated. 312-1922. " Items, clothing, an- c],.ISED , SHELLS” * Jerry 208 condition. 54500.431-6288 ors. born wood, home ® I* m ost trucks. • FORD '02 Rangerg e n , . ■ 16th Almo* f, tlques & misc,3 ml. W, c'f., Interior, sm. appls., eiection-Ouaiity-' .E ‘87, liber- . Ing trailer,» si ; k : s‘‘tibg.‘gaj°3[■'*36-8148,’ C H E V Y '9 3 S -110 0 4x4 • 6180K. lull warranty.*My. A ol Blue L akes on Pole- ■’*® , ' electronics, fumiture. SI! -Low Prices- • . lutside, 1 piece Cali 208-54;•543-8022.’ VW '67 BuQ.3. redfi with pickup. S2,595.5. Call- cyl.. AT. AC..CC..tilt;..|iit. fIlS ^ ® line Rd. Right on 2700. ’ . 3 4 7 7 N. 4 600 e : 208-312*1525* . 9®'lenorator, AC., THAUPrTp-.rRAILER. 19' black interior,or, oriainal, I 208r7B8-2225 dirdir.* r e d u c e d S 8 9'0 0 0 0 . . to 357 Edward* Dr.* ..,, . ° • ru n s g re Indoor FUer — reat. Needs a -ITJlod condition. clean, neww chromoc CHEVY '94 Silvei 208-735-7473.- RUPERT/HEYBURN TWii P E R '84 8 ft, with iKtie TLCl c . Best olfer. Flea Market "U WIN FALLS S aturday iforhuntingi wheels, lenew w ti r e s . ext c ab 4x4. shon Annual Declo High g.- box. furnace. 3/4 aossibieie finance.Call < ortbox, FORD '03 FX4 3503S0: 2004 S u s o n O p e n a r ; 9*? Sunday. 9-12. o.dafi3 • c a m p in g]. , S850.'Caili S2000 orbesbest ollor, good cond. SSOOOOO/oll; su p ercrew . long bedbed. . a t T F Fairgrounds. School Trend Setters - Movingm o *aleJ Tools. 10173TShot, S400. Cali • i5l-280- ■ 208-731-06:0639.’ Call Mike at1420-1801.; 421 er324-5813 420-7)-7602.* d ie sel, loaded.-shelliheli,' ’ Sept ieih& 19th, Garage Sale (yrfurniture and lots of •73->’3230.* , I_ wiNNEBA 00 W.6 iiner and Yakima rackrack. . New de ale rs w anted Sept. 18 Only- ,^^1*miscelloneous. - CAMPE WILDERNESlESS '94. Sth ' CHEV Y '9 5 1 SOO 1PER8 1/2’.fUll o!. 37 5* s on« S34.S00. Mark 208208- 7a m -lp m . 44004 N. 2600 E,* overshcrshot. stove, heat- 300 A m .? ; Wheel. 277 ft,,ft, siide-out. ^ l 0 0 5 . ^ 3 ! S a 4x4, low milos. Cali 312^4900 „ins 516.’ Everything from ' ' Lots a n d - acks. ready to go, • e sod. c >et & awning, Ifi Ilk® 733*1699or420-5516. Lots of good stuff. WIN FALLS Saturday It condition. ■ ! nipg. FORD '04 F-150 Uriotariat, antiques to Only! 8am -2pm , 3 Unit 0.208-837-4184.- ^ only30K.k^eiiSic^h- ExcoS'c ■ owner, exc. cond, garage sale items’ Home*Sweet*Home 1.9458.’ • loaded, black/tan; nevinew storage sale. Wash* CAMPEIPER. overshot eilns; Mt ' n e w t i r e s . 2 2 n 408 Wee! 400 South.* 'or ■ . CONNEC 000, ar/dryer, deep Ireezer. standaridard bod. propane List S94, ------1 S5.600,208*788-9 S36.600 seli-S31.000 'ILER Frl. & S at. 9am* 'SSHOSHONE I Saturday TVrv's, funiiture, holiday heater.ter. stove, oven, forS75.00000.420-5853.’ WILDERNE5JESS -85 21 WITH Vortec Oftenng cash incentiventive CHEVY '97 Silver . Spmi Lot* of good-. Onlyl Sam -2pm . deciecor& much more,' • w/|acks,cks; great hunting ' lOOt.'CUSKstommade’ CUSTOME »denb Call 208.878*7187.’7 .’ things to se e. M ultlfam ily S a le ! 21311391 Hwfy. 30 W est* rig S38£ cover, good "WHOMCDC 2500 wilh 454 powerV( GMC '86 1 ton duallyjaiiy . 2 184 E 3840 N . ;385..May trad e lor ^ one MERS- ■ engine.- extended L ots of great stuff. ' 7^ s. 208*736-8040.’ I8-423-5103.’ . NEED ig bed 2WD.AT. new AC.AC.' Off o f S te v e n s g o in g ■ 10 • tow p a c k a g e , pc nt con* r u n s & lo o k s g ree a t. t; Old High School ?nIyl'8a'rnlp*m!“M ul- IDAHOO CRUISERc Mod- =0 ' everything, long ' South.* ■ n i M ' y o u r I. C a ii. S4S00/otfer. 731.9834* Baisketball Court . M.F.G. - Nampa' POLARI! 834’ Ifamllyl Furniture el 3 M. IIS '02 RMK ^ 9 0 7 ,^1B f M M ' -S E R V-,o IC . w/iiner. excellent FILER Fri., Sat.. 8-? 1 A cross Irom broad maker; oxer* Idaho.10. S lid e In. 8 It. 8 0 0 .140G00 miles, great dition. S9990,______GMC '98 Sierra 271, 3 Girls toddler clothing. | T 3 1 snack Bar.- :lse equipment. Lots ' bed liner*lorline Focd wllh condition;in; S4700. Call ' ■"■■Mi Advertlsf'ICE 208-731-SS59:’'crado door, extended cab, boys clothing, wom- >1 household items. canopyspy. Your chdise 431-6288ie .' F L A T B E D0 ttrlr. 16 It. loaded 4x4. loaded. Rhinelin o ens clothing, girls ^TWIN FALLS Frl and ol; the Serv:ise in c h e v y '9 s smvci Sat. ESTATE SALEI 'MO130 A d d iso n Ave. E * S75. Me jr. now tires ‘ j®®” 0 trlr.. liner. S14.000. 320-J20- ' clothing, toys & lois of r99 MM700. ' tois. S1950/ • Directc‘rvlce- 3/4T;. 4* 4 .454. io)iOS.*.- • 0028 Of 324-9445.’ • misc. 405B N. 2250 E. Wood Wo tools, all house* TWirVIN FALLS S alurday ' 20a 7^3^, a p e Wilh cover V S 12.OOO. C a rg o • 11/2 ml. N.cf fair.* hold jj' Items, furniiure. 03nly! n 8am*3pm. -E2123: )/offerC ail 733-092:tory ' lo'xexe. 3oe-6ioi'e ra d o NISSAN '97 4X4, Extra[xtra knlck knacks, dishes. - RefRefrig.,walking ma* * ,******* * 735-1838}8 evenings* METAL STOCOCK TRLR.. ayt 9 5, 4x4. Cab, 7 2 K ,5 sp d .. AC. ' CHEVY'01 S.lvei FILER Saturday only. Picnic pi table. Entire ' chli:hlne, recliner, rug JAYCO,: 0 . 2 4 ft p o p - u p i ■ . 2 Wheel.,_S200, S; .Cail. 1931 ^ , i, load- w rie e is . nd. n d . 0 ■ quad cab.1500, 8am to lp m . com puter household he must got w/nv/runner, clothes, tont trailer.trai Sleeps 8.‘ k J J0B.B37.4^£ •9345.* •. S7200/offer,'Caii 733- — ' ^ 271, Exc. cond, I desk, TV, microwave, 419 4i Borah (between 1994 is< Canyon Trail refrig,,j„ furnace,f 2 drs,--^906^B ^ C L A R K L ilt II 2593 or 421-0393/ a n d m iscellaneous. In T O O L T R A Il 5000#/6000» , Jackson & Van Way awningsIngs. sc re e n e d In ■ lllliliH closed. 551 iTTTuTkT 539-9: Midway M eadows. B uren)* j m atic tires, Ihre cab. 4 NISSAN '00 Frontieritier 208*733-9050* pai‘0. e; ITE'91 29-Sth -Cfl" 208-731^31*9373, , uprights, side)0», s New- CHEVY '02 Silveiaded. crew cab. aulo. 55K.-■5K,- • Ju st W of Curry C ro ss- — 37lforT^V s5/ AJPENLITI Ihree sta g e L S. e x te n d e d ca ■ Ing then lett. TWTWIN FALLS Frl. a S at. TWiFVIN FALLS snturdny 788-3711 , with slide, TRAILER pliide. You have dition. 3 piac onnn ' ° u a d c ab . 4 x 4 .5}w^3^S^ : WWW., Saturday Bam-? lothes. Nice toys. ron excellent ext condi- . • to soe thi !.“ ?■ 74K. good cono.f maglcvalley.eom noon. No e ariy bird*! ' b■aby a b girl clothes. 3 |o „ g l Ihls ono! Has aluminum sto Furniture, cabinets GLASLITE'01 phonl ho. sio rag e bo«. S9500. 308-3aiO ^ S a r s S- s u p a r lilt. n e » and household items. T a b le & c h a ir s , lik e mo.< iook*ups,, ca- new radiaiialtires. — ■ w S hrfsen s e c am per shell. ble hook-i<-ups. satellite' si550/offer. ■MBt ? lires/rlms, Never *Sl*4t ^ «fifi liUici' ijour 1954 E 1775 S. new washer.tents. 761 71 Filer Avo.* w h ite . i )r. Caii 734* FREIGH.TLINE off road. O lher e> baby Ilems. and misc. e. from a 2001 clish, Velelvet Cherry 6797 after •6pm.’6p FLD CONDO 4: C all clossl/fftMlni. «f<.*f<.' off 3rd S tre e t W est,* /IN FALLS Saturday shortbec Jiic 1737 3 rd A . . E.- :bed Ford 3/4 ton, cabinetsj. microwave. troit.9spd..3.gCINER *94 -too m any to list.-S HAQERMAN Frl., Sat., ___ >nlyl 9am -2pm . Mov* o x c eillont lle i condition. aC awnin 0 430 0e- SOOVofler. -■C . C’/a.s.si;Jrti fitrnon.* LPl24.5lires iruck. S u n . M oving e s t a t e TWIrWIN FALLS Frl., Sat.. ‘"O'igl Mountain bike.. Both includein< intorior caii 208-7^736 11^4 premium steer3.90 rears, 208-679-4663.’ s a le . F o llo w s i g n * 9'5, 9-! Household itoms. orla potty, porta light.I. YY o u r c h o ic e . ^ ro s , 9S«^b f o r d '58 dump tr caps rear, brak [o“ad1 f r o n i A m « r l e a n clothes, cl< and lots of shoihower, baby itoms. S700.2G. 208-825-5881* . ELITE '04 3 eer. 80,s riew brakes, ri 'D. central AC, ' 6 0 «<>. well main ;0 || a t Lsglon H*ll. Cali miscellaneous. ml Nice o ts a n d lots ol misc, p a l a mM ikiN O -'o2 c am p . S a t S - I . m a n y p a r ttrakes s t( 60- great, hauls a Ic 208-837-4184.* . , *tistuffi 2535i35Ellzabelh Blvd.* er s'. AC liras, S 1 7 .0 0 0 .. ____ AC. S7200/ofler. 2oK20.2-2173.’ ^ANSPORORTATION Si 4.000/offerlaint., too SI 575. Call Scoi new . 32B Heyburn W.- S-7TT BULK BED BELT new HANSEN Sot. 8-6pm. /IN FALLS Saturday Call 20S-736.705S208 or ■ ’ I !■ consldertrac M onn ft. 4 in.. 24 in, wide./Ide. . inlyl It'* A Mon's 208-404'104*3876,* K IT '8 4 Clompanlon o i 26 O I partial. 208-431-t1 '? .'w ili Lg. y a rd sa le . T e n ts, TWIrWlN FALLS Friday & 9[;l rade'for PORD 78 F-250pffi® S275.209.733.2530.*30.* • ski boots, cake deco- Sa ole 1.9am-5pm . j b h e l l • ires, mattress, .S aturday, 8a m lo 2pm. ,L'97/'98 Ford .N e w e r f u r - C lassified AdvenisersAd\ . FREIGHTLINE131-5480.* 4 0 0 sm e n g in e.i/offer, I g rating, car seat, win- *uo lotorcycles & irailer. Love seat, chairs. ' bed. Never used. SacL & Loiiet, Catalatic . FLD fiat top,.;______b e d . A T. n e w pipm.*' a dows, antique, kitchen tools, to( kitchen Hems, oat motor, airplane. n«ar/fre•/front windows. hM ,?, S N E R '9 7 . m ust s e e . S5800/O ndFosssaddli^. ^4®qo^ m a n y m o r e P'easo checkK kyourod Cummins43 oppis., toys, & m ore. knickknacks kni & lots ol .'208-212-5469.* nnwrfariq op. N14 733-8924 after Sprcondi- i32 Highland Ave — — s, 54000, Call acythelirst speed. 690K. 1 I 331 M apio A ve. W.* mil miscelianeousllllllllll > 732-5208''°f- Standard Ira very good cond.. fully UN FALLS Saturday ^ 9 0 4 ^ K IT '84 Conompanion.20 onlyberespesponsible ' ' . 10.?&Satufday9-?.5 jwrWIN i FALLS Friday & .S'l,-"™ mlasion. StOOO._____ I equipped, bike rack.ick. family. Collectibles, 'sa niy, 8am to 1pm. loranyerror. .-1030. 208-878-1432,’. 4x4. XM radio. 527,500.00. Saturday. 2 family. NiceIce variety and lols s t h W HI '• |3 5 0 0 , Call ed o n the ffreftfS^o/Iln . REMEMBE name brand shoes & pn ifHEEL 27' with soaisSTlgt 100 Ci Call 208-471-0280.’ Power/hand mowers. of ml •9083.* publlcattefltfon That &nwflvna you— { - FORD '79 F-150. 4 clothes of all sizes. Ig grinders,qHi engines, air 2167 Don't pass this IBER 35K on rebuilt, soc CHEVY '83 SuburbanBM iS^'grrV oTbr.- o'wra vflcan'of r . Please'>e callc iorpe nmo bqo m Th# silk tre e s a . plant. Iln* compressers,S q porta TwiiJ Jp. Good shape LooKing loroi youpiacoa , 6 cyi., needs trar- - • Clean, new motorir & e n s, cookware, sk is & pot 'IN FALLS Saturday, in s ide e and a out. New. monoy?Tho«.oeitiMii.00# Twin Falls 733‘093t73 Waits’ Now time powers, come alongs, T c .2 or comos.cn up .your Th«r»n#». work. SSOO. 308-611) ext. trans.. nice tiress && welding equip, space •5, V rain or shine, tires.. SB.300.S 560 cnnnoipvou111 8011 trwso • !,49S. wheels, 53200/offer,fer. 10 longor nood Burfey 677-77'4042 SiOD Oy trie CuJiomef FO R D '8 5 F -1 5 0 t heaters, exercisers, ace car bed, boys Crestvitview Drive, nomsyounoi lys or Cali'208-423.54453 or i8h, 733-0931 Thankt You'Yi Saweo Deci looay’ • c a b . -VB. AT, S2.4 • ■ ______• radios, floor polisher. f'®"othes (0-5). tools. 208-733-■33-8465’ for QUICK cash fes,’ 208-423-4566.’ ys & lots of misc. 208-324-2449 day! Old m a gazines, goose 1059WIr*chlng 208-324-2313 eve: 8 a m . M u lt M a m l ly do«dow n, Wiltori cak e de* Bit«V v g*r*g* **1*. Furni- cor, coi books, pans 4 a rW .to Grandview* ture, appliances, and aciaccessories. Micro- TWIN lots of miscellaneous. wave. wa Ice maker, lots Onlyniy! Sam-7 Multi* ' 5 1 8 1 * I A v * .E * . ool f! kitchen, household famiimllyl Household |>n< £mZ i & miscellaneous. . goc0 0 d s , w a s h * ^^^^ExceII^J.D oor>r I ’9 4 « l « e p Q r a n d Ch ao r o k e * (i *95 O o d g a iDodgo In tf pid SE JEROME Fri. & Sal. 8192ndAve.W* er/d7dryor,computer W S a M tT m r 9-5. M oving/yard ___ JgeComnn If *981 Z )sk. couch & chair. **1*. M ore Item s - t■WIN w i F A L L S F r id a y c oiffee lle table, clothos & . Inside. Bed. books, amand Saturday 8am- . misciiscellanous. h o £ T K antiques, clothes, and ' sprSpm & Sun. 2am-5pm - 2051058 H lllcrest Dr.* ^ ^ " 3 . 9 9 5 : lotsof Items. ■ EetateSale. •69 R«no» Rover - * 2 , 9 9 5 f 909 8th A ve. E a*L ‘ 4010 y FalU , Id ah o FM diy,■y. Septem ber 17.2004

CHEVY'88 conven/erslon CADILLAC 7 9 ,4-aoor. . van. Has wheelclBichalr. ^ mtn , CHRYSLER'00 300M, HONDA HI '87 Accord LX, MEFlERCURV '9S T™c«r p'oNTITIAC '01 Sunllre, TOYOTA'TA' 98 Camry, $800 Pteasa call' red with, grey & weod lots li of new parts. Mar- I-S lift with lifting capeupaciw , ^ K Q n | | | 208-878-4086.* • LS STATION WAO- , Inn, ;4 4 door, auto, new while,, grealgre cond, very • ot eooibs, tie dowr)wns & ,, • grain inierior. immac- c u r y '8 6 Lynx, call . OON N , e x c . c o n d . 40 tires). Great condiiion. clean,1, PW, Pi PD, CD. . CHEVY -aa Subi uburban. seat belt for whi ulata condition, healed Tammy1 212-0749.* . mpg.. mp| new windshield. 2 8 ,9300 0 miles. Asking . now wheelswhe & tires. — CADILLAC '97 Seville, leather, mamoiy seats, -7= brakes and liming bell. ' $6 8 4 ' 3/4T, 4x4, tow p w packa- chair.? oPW. n iy PU.| a c u T 0 M A T I CC STS, 70K, pearl white, JEEP '98 TJ, S- lin wilh p ,0 549/Offer. Cail 208. Call 735-!'35-5914* R uns transmissions 4 disc CO and Infinity Premuim stereo and 423-4( oe. '6.2 0fosel S sl $3750. 76,513 m iles. Rl 5 very nice, 311.990. over 14K in accesso- . ■»( ■4023 or 320-1972.* V6 l V 0~ '99 £ V70 XC. Call 208-326*56!•569i;* great but Is no longerlor ^S pecial S359.95. stereo.'Oniy S9K ° snow tires. $5200. B . Call 208-731-0470.* • aii freeway mllea. Full ' ries,' 35K, $16,300, 2 20i 0 8 - 7 2 0 - 3 9 9 5 o r SUBAFi\RU '90 Legacy, 4 AWD Tgrbo.Turl S17.495. , T needed, Call 208-S'8-543- American vehl-I 404-9577 or 404-9578.* 208 CHEVY'9S Tano ,80580x318-131 3 0 4 , cies, parts, labor 'I-a CHEVY '84 Corvette of luxury features. ^ goa-7e8-209o.- , aoor,'r. AWD, runs great. 208-768-268-2225 dir.* 4x4,super e! I miles, new tires. v w 7T buc g I, no Installation Included,J black, CP. automatic, $14.000/Offer. Call KIA io '98 Sephia. Very OLDLDS '9 7 , all pO»»r, s f ts o ' Bug, runs good. S7.g95..7ae-222: ' Economy S399S. Must selll 734-.- 208-349-5757 or reliable „ with great gas AT, 50-326-5B91.* h g o ?Id d condition. « C all. 208-312-5757.* . „ M , exc. car, great------CHEVY '00 Blazeazer4x4. gHBVV *92 A stro' • 3110 leave message.* • • mileage. Red with suy. buy $2475. DODGE SUBAFARU,'98 Legacy 734-7309<309 or 731-2984,* '60K, new trant ol?»' tended van. 8 sei™ “ i" 1 CMW.S7eO CHEVY'8 8 IROC-ZCa- CHRYSLER '01 intrepid black ^ bra. CD player, . '993 3 Caravan', iow Outbasack Wagon. Toiad- .vw '90 JettaJett GL, while, alon, PS. PB. .^.^•/-^•“AC ACtpW ahd locl i l t I • maro. 5.7 tuned-port ES, exe. shape, 57K, new , tires. Only S3500. mileTilles. great cond. AT, ed. $5,400. S£ ^92 Ford 4 door,r, AC,A( CD, Runs Sl1.0tl0/offer..ei-T. captains chairs,8, i tow BMW '8 6 528 E, runssd injected, CD player. T- ' will seil for iow whole- 420-0273or733-9018*^ S>22592 2 firm. 326-6856. ger XLT exl. cab oreat. 107K. 10 S1800. 2540 or 260-154 S3,900.731-1172*. eall2bB-4 pkg.. rodTrack,, riruns exc,. autbmatic, pow-'ns tops, 1 45K. Runs' sale. 208-420-2458.* MAIL jjj/ JEEP '78, right OLDLDS '78 Toronado. 06-404-1712.* ' ■ CMC.*81 Jimmyimy, ful! w e lJ . g o o d c o rn 'd , . eraverythlnglncl, sun-IW* greai. S4000. Cali DODGE '91 Stealth. hand^ drive. SlOOO/off- goo)ood condition, ali IT h p; tTIMES-NEWS I V w W9 p P i a s s a t CLS size, SI .695. CalCall 208- ' $2,500.208-788-1•1080,* Of roof, S2000.404-6142.*jn- 208-423..6201 or i er. Coil 208-788-7460 origi)rigionai, SiSOO/oflor.' ' ' " > 1 » 7B8-2225dir.* ■ 2.* 208-280-0167.* Good condition. Needs . bi C iassilied , only S9,995. * ■ ' DODGE '00 CaravivanT BUICK.*94 LoSabre. • new engine. SI 700/of- after ®' 6pm:* Cali:aii 208-655-4391 .* . . 38-788-2225 dir* .QMC.'83 Sububurban ' handicapped eququip,. - runs greatl l20K-arid•e. CHEVY'93 Cavalier, • )oparlmonl , .fer.Call208-420-8668.’ f = OLD!i.pS '0 0 intrege GL, c la ssslliedServlos s VW'Ol1 JettaJ, VR-6. 2500. Classic;ilc; very 3,3 L. en g in e, 32K, 3S many moro to go!nd convertitjie iop, family NOTICETO V/66, keyless I entry, rear p - n jaded. 733-7377 • good condition,an, extra R oii-over. good>d for $2250/olfer, Call 208-ol . out grew the car. iDODGE '01 Neon SE, Classiliod cl Advertisers sp o jpresantatives ' A C .C O . lo a d e d . 5 ipoiier, exc. cond., " f a 1-8979 in.eves.* ■ ' ■ heavy duty spspi rin g s parts. 208-436-49E4985,* •736-1947 or 308-3263.*-)3- Plen&e help n eed a . '4KS8000,734.3421'. ^ available (fom * 308-89. ■ and sinocks, "OWne 16 • ^'^o;90Aerosiarv 3. • van, 206-948-0412 . speed. Musi seli. Pleose a checH your'ad , 'Oam - 5:30 pm . V W ‘01 Jetto. Jett biack.1.6. ■ SS499/Offer. 731-9576.* 3NTIAC .'90 G ra n d -' Mon jrbb, woifsbiirg•• ' .. In. m ag. w heele els. 40 76,000 miles. 5700. S7i .4dr,30 mpg. fop corid!■7 7 ' anytime,* • for accuracy on the 3nday-Friday oal. fuel tahK.:k. Side- . Call 208-825-4256 first day It rvns. Thd km, runs good,'needs m, exc. cond.’ >56 or asklng.S39S0. Books< CHEVY '01 Geo Metro. :DODQE '0 3 'Neon SE, ‘ nufller. Isoo/offer. winder'w lnch.1. heavyh 420^1582.* ks S3600/offer. '90 Geo ■' TlmBS’t^ewswlir ^juf 00. 736-8990, forS5800, 866-2487.* ■ 4dr.,onlyS7,995.Cali Jail 208-212-5469,• Jail our ofiices | ! 8 .ici>484aQ or 308-1049.* duty brush guardard. now , ' M e t r 0 / n 0 n r u n • 206-788-2225 dir.* 'only be responsible Call n Twin Falls 306^^04Bo upholstery, and i ------CADILLAC'81 Eldora- ning/olfer. 736-0138.* for errors reported pO5NTIAC N ' '91 Grand . 7 3 3 .n 1 S5250.Cail 733-33-7693 -REMEMBER‘R ’ do, great condition. FORD '56 Chassis. on tt]e first day of- Am •0931 exL2or I who can helpYOU >m. looks and runs - n,,rialey 677-'4042.* , and leave messassage or • Thai&finaayaoyouDi«e«,iacM ' 114K. S2500/offer:n. CHEVY '04 Tahoe LT * S800. Please call pubtlcatton.'. . goocood, Nice Siarter oar. — sellV youryot car? . • , . . call after 6 PM.*1.* . *omoii(Ti0«B0in Th#rtfnnmw. Call 733--95e3.* )'• 5.3, loaded. 7K. white, 208-328-5891,* Pleaso call:' S16C1600/offer 324-9407.: 3rd seat, S37,900. Twin Falls 733-0931 =7^ , TA '03 Corolla S C\a*s< - •.QMC *89 Jimmy, »» ■ CADILL'AC '85 El .FORD’9 7 Taurus SHO, V >NTIAC '.9S Grand.* .35K, 3; s slfie d s ■ engine, new tramm nsm l^’ «>"• » « up your (xiure, 17 Coll 208-260-0463.* . f ■■■ exl. 2 or PONl 37-40 rnpg, must . Dorad.o, excoiiont . fully loaded. 8 8 K. • m. 4 door, loaded, sell. S 14,0 0 0 /O ffe r. ' ' C s a n ! ' . ' sion, new paint, ' cdnd.',:low miles.nt CHRYSLER'00 300M,i’ SS200. Caii 208-404. , Builey677-4042 i s s K s r ■ 'ThenHYou*. 4 .5 0 0 m is, S3750. CD, suisunroof. 206-431- 733-093■0931 ext. 2 tires, lilt kit. S4 S4.000,208-320-2173.*s. leather, only S9.S9S. , 9577 or 208-404-9578,* L - 34-4998'or431-4998* 4958 or208-677-4946.*or ItwinadOmoQ Call 208-543-6266263,* V Call 208-788-2225 dir* QM C‘03 Yukon>n 2 dr., 4x4. S5.495. Callpall 208- , 788-2225 dir.* . GMC'99 Yukon:sn SLT, T m ^ 4X 4. 4* lid, 35 inch A IN OS l ' G C K N o w The Best Backed CCai o r s ^ J tires, Mickey The . son rim s, TVrvT& P i 2005 Po>owER S troke Super Du- DVD's, carbonsn Ifiber B |fl. ' , d ash . S17.000. Call WM Co/nc in ’Jbflay anti 208-736-8812.* See for Yourself! W o ricd l , HO N D A ’04 CRVRVLX. K fl _ 3 ^ a o rJ 5 ^ 0 0 D mileile . p f l . IOK, $19,995.5. Cali< ■ v l HN R i l 208-786-2225 dir. K M . M HONDA'04 Pilotlot EX. M i- M 5 year 60,00rmilele . ' all whes! drive, leath- ie ■ ■ ■ Bumpu ftbumptrwBttanty er. exc. cond. $;28,500.26,: 734-8523 or420-5S>5504.* ' V v . 10 year 100,000 mile■lie ■PawiiltornwoiiBntyonomOMMIHuhhlnthtk M M . rsuzu'SS Rodeo.so 4x4, m oonrool, 1 0Oi 5 K , S5200.208-736-2C3-20B8* K r f l m \ LLV/ IS J I ■ iSUZU '01 Rodeo 4WD. ISK. toad i f ma exc. cond.. $15,G5,000. ■ ■ / m ■ ■ I r t • 6 (y(lndti ' . Cal! 208-622-4038038.* K J j M ■■ . CyMir ' 7. B 9 ^ H 9eyl.S t\ Ranied(rouovetSUViqu^wirhV&'3iW.3.8. ^ j ■ speed. P.S.! P/aP/disc i; • « - oprwd()VOV<)»(nia>tginm«ntSYS>«m .brakes, low miles,> s r , n s w . B y ^ f 'ASS MdRt B C - 9 ' . parts, drive anywhi jffllnufflWhHh B F . 'f l where. w.^7::v 9.1SS MSRPtP ...... '.$24,460 *(P • H i r f l . $4100.208-734-43:•4376.* n a R.b.w . ..; ...... 3,000 ' ' RebiieHe ...... $3,000 KlttWPaclogi ll Kebaie...... $J,0,$300 • MUiUr>wry ...... $500 JEEP '99 GrandI Cher-Ct Mlllitry ... .MUIury ...... $3 w v e . okeeUredo,SlO,G10,995. ■■ ,$750 ' OFF U lm c ...... '..$750 fir.* . BlftHwnf.v. OFF L(t>«...... 2,296$7 : Blftffw 208-768-222S dir.* BlftKOWtf...... $2,2 «>ml...... $32 2 JEEP '01 QrandI Cher- Cf B E I Ita A f l s A v t . . r e i ' okee Laredo, 9< tavB ii Ki* }, 9 9 ^ ^ 5 0 9 1 exc. cond.. SIO,4 Q , I f I $6546 [1 Call 208-251-1734.« L!% 7462 \ NISSAN '01 Pathfiniitinder V A LE. 4x4, Sie.99S.(IS. Call IB CE S S I e l 5 i spHd n/octtiM • 2,41 SOHC14V w/AWo/nn H y 208-7B8r222S.d!r.* '.'• A h f«l iii«lioi» • AH/FH/CDw/7 Infnty sptok-spnl !iii_ B 4:1 J^tdii. .R tH '' RANGE '89 Rover,3r. conly K - f l • . iM'Ofk ^ •w • Sowoof • Sleaing ««bel ovdo (onliols.ihols. K j f l . S3.995. Call 208-7 • 2225 dlr.‘ ' pL wWw,.' SCOUT ’74 runs—M go y H H m i H new tires, plus a pi <(IR«bil( ;.,.J « 0 ...... vehk:le. 206-487-35; n»l>.le ...... -...$2.01 ^Retuies us id $3,000. Sola at Ixioty invoio •^7^- K M Mlillurj ...... $500 FMCC ...... :c...... $1,000 TOYOTA '0 1 , RA\=IAV4, K S FMCC...... $2000 OFP U mc...... S5MSSI ' U « « ...... $750 314,000. AWD, maimanu- BlftHsunr,...... ,$ 9 7 6 • iry ...... $500 al trans, maintenarmance' H nfl ■ (CMI ...... $2,500 'record, block hootloeter, MkM C ■ ■ 30mpg, exc. cor Call 208-73S-3926. ^ # 8 2 5 0 2 A V ’c ' E SSlSnnm nHHln _ 1 L F3M95 TOYOTA'92 4-Runtlunner >75Q Jp K . SRS. V6, S4,49S. C 208.736.2480 ' 208-768-2225 dir.* iiiiB lii 1.800.476.5797 TOYOTA '98 4-Rumlunner B i T a V LImted, $13,995. C - 208-788-2225 dir.* . U E L 7 A K ^ 2 0 0 8 .7 3 6 .2 4 88 0 1 m 3 0 0 .4 7 6 .5 7 CHEVY 7 9 Spon Vc 7 9 7 1 y . , 4 barrel 350, IHrui'Ur'S IS p strong, some fro body dam age, S29 Ca!!208-888-7794,*

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