New Jobs for AMO As Crowley Tanker Louisiana Enters Jones Act Service
Volume 46, Number 6 June 2016 NNeeww jjoobbss ffoorr AAMMOO aass CCrroowwlleeyy ttaannkkeerr LLoouuiissiiaannaa eenntteerrss JJoonneess AAcctt sseerrvviiccee Continuing its innovative vessel (dwt) 330,000-barrel-capacity Louisiana Attendees representing Marathon monial bottle of champagne across the build program, Crowley Maritime joins two Crowley sister ships, Texas and Petroleum Corporation, the vessel’s charter- hull at the Port of New Orleans. Corporation May 5 christened the third Ohio, to be the first tankers ever to receive er, and shipbuilder Philly Shipyard Inc., “This is a great day of celebration of four new Jones Act product tankers the American Bureau of Shipping’s LNG- watched as Carrie Templin, wife of Don for Crowley, Marathon, Philly Shipyard at the Julia Street Cruise Terminal in Ready Level 1 approval, giving Crowley Templin, Marathon executive vice presi- and all the people who had a role in New Orleans. the option to convert the tanker to liquefied dent, carried out the time-honored tradition ◆ The 50,000 dead-weight-ton natural gas for propulsion in the future. of christening the ship by breaking a cere- See Louisiana Page 2 Photo: Crowley Maritime Corporation American Maritime Officers mem- bers working aboard the Jones Act tanker Louisiana May 5, here in New Orleans at the ship’s christening cer- emony, included (in no particular order) Captain Calvin Patterson, Captain Scott Davis, Chief Engineer Daniel Savoie, Chief Engineer James Gushee, Chief Mate Michael Stutevoss, Chief Mate Scott Payne, First Assistant Engineer Eric Dobbin, Second Mate Peter Guggina, Third Mate Kyle Demonterey and Third Mate Joseph Martinet. With them are Crowley Chairman and CEO Tom Crowley and AMO National Vice President, Inland Waters, David Weathers.
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