Hydrogen Storage a Brief Overview of Hydrogen Storage Options Rich Dennis Technology Manager – Advanced Turbines and SCO2 Power Cycles
Hydrogen Storage A brief overview of hydrogen storage options Rich Dennis Technology Manager – Advanced Turbines and SCO2 Power Cycles Ref:(https://www.greencarcongre ss.com/2016/09/20160911- doe.html) 2nd workshop on Thermal, Mechanical and Chemical Energy Storage OmniPresentation William to Penn; Pittsburgh PA; February 4, 2020 Sponsored by Elliot Group; Co-organized with SwRI and NETL 2/6/2020 1 Presentation Outline Small-scale to large-scale hydrogen storage provides attractive options • H2 physical properties Months Hydrogen • Overview H2 production, transportation & utilization Weeks Texas, US • H2 storage technologies • Compressed storage Days • Liquid storage CAES • Materials based storage • Chemical hydrogen storage Hours • Vehicle & portable applications Pumped Hydro • Storage in NG pipelines Minutes 0.1 1 10 100 1000 • Summary GWh Ref: 1. Crotogino F, Donadei S, Bu¨ nger U, Landinger H. Large-scale hydrogen underground storage for securing future energy supplies. Proceedingsof 18thWorld Hydrogen Energy Conference (WH2C2010), Essen, Germany;May 16e21, 2010. p. 37e45. 2/6/2020 2 2. Kepplinger J, Crotogino F, Donadei S, Wohlers M. Present trends in compressed air energy and hydrogen storage in Germany. Solution Mining Research Institute SMRI Fall 2011 Conference, York, United Kingdom; October 3e4, 2011. Physical Properties of H2 vs CH4 H2 has a very low density and energy density, and a high specific volume Hydrogen 0.085 120 11.98 10,050 Density Lower Heating Value Specific Volume Energy Density Property 3 3 3 (kg/m ) (kJ/kg) m /kg kJ/m 0.65 50 1.48 32,560 Methane 1 atm,15°C 1 atm, 25°C 1 atm, 21°C 1 atm, 25°C 3 Laminar Flame Speeds Hydrogen burns ten times as fast as methane H2 CO CH4 0.4 1 2 3 meter/second 0.3 Ref: NACA Report 1300 4 Flammability Limits In Air Hydrogen has broad flammability limits compared to methane H2 4 to 75 CO 12 to 75 CH4 5 to 15 0 25 50 75 100 % in Air 5 Diffusivity in Air In air, hydrogen diffuses over three times as fast compared to methane H2 CO CH4 0.2 0.5 0.7 1 cm2/sec Ref: Vargaftik, N.
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