Advantages at the Township School Area Bombe German Held Airdromes in Norway

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Advantages at the Township School Area Bombe German Held Airdromes in Norway

THE GLENGARRY NEWS Alexandria, Ont., Friday, April 19, 1940- VOL. XLVIH—No ■^lL $2.00 A TXAJt ioners of St. Finnan’s anil Other Frienis Council To Approve Change Greenfield Parishioners Major D. C, Cameron Gets PelerDoro Downs Millionaires in Abbreviated Join In Movinp farewell lo Departing Hector lo Store Closing Hours Donor Rev. C. A. Appointment In Ollawa Series Far Eastern Canada Intermediate Denar THURSDAYS AND SATURDAYS TO PRESENTATIONS MADE MONDAY 6. D. & G. OFFICER IS NAMED BE LATE CLOSING NIGHTS PRIOR TO HIS REMOVAL ASSISTANT TO COL. TOPP Maiville Prtsters Go Down Battling lo Hard Poaglit ydress Read to Rev. Ewen J. Macdonald Reviews UNDER NEW BY-LAW TO GLEN WALTER AT CAPITAL His Many ftctivities luring Pastorate oî As the result of a move sponsored by (Maxville Correspondent) Major Donald C. Cameron, O.C. Series at Ottawa-ta 4-3 in Bmtline the Chamber of Commerce, Town Hundreds from all parts of the par- “D" Company, S. D. & G. Highlanders Saturday and 3-3 Monday Twelve Ÿears-Purse Presented Council will hold a special meeting ish, gathered in Ghe Greenfield par- recently received notice of his appoint- probably late this week, to amend the ish hall, on Monday evening to take ment as assistant to Colonel C. B. j Doggedly fighting on despite heav- Rev. Ewen J. Macdonald, Rector o{ existing Business Closing Hours By- formal farewell of Rev. Chias. Tcpp, D.S.O., Commandant of the Ot- ier more experienced opponents, Max- St. Rnnan’s Cathedral here lor the Law, The new hours, which are fav- A Bishop who, this week, leaves for tawa Area with headquarters at ! vine’s doughty Millionaires dropped past twelve years was honored last Be». I. J. MacDonald Made Press Bax Sbols On ored by a large majority of the busi- G'en Walter, to which parish he has Queen Street, Ottawa. (their second and final contest in the Thursday evening by parishioners and ness men affected, call for early clos- been transferred, after spending the Prior to going to Ottawa Major- Eastern Canada Intermediate Hockey other friends who crowded the K. of C. fates - Maxville Dels Presentations In Cornwall ing at 6 p.m. on ail week nights ex- past seven years at Greenfield and Cameron had been with the S.D.&G. Series in Ottawa Auditorium, on Mon- Hall to bid him adieu. The popular cept Thursday and Saturday, whicn M'axville. Highlanders for fourteen years. On (By' Angus H. McDonell) day night, ending their most successful piiest left cm Friday for this new par- Parishioners of St. Columban’s will be late closing nights. The opin- Every branch of the church’s acti- becoming Major at the age of twenty- Like almost every other hockey club season of hockey in a long string of ish at Dickinson’s Landing. Church, Cornwall, on Sunday evening ion is expressed that toe new hours vity in the parish was represented, seven he had the distinction of being in Eastern Canada, .Maxville Million- Standing room was at a premium presented a purse to Rev. R. J. Mac- successes. Peterboro Petes won the will prove more satisfactory than toe the immediate sponsors being the one of the youngest' Majors in toe aires have learned that the farther during the entertainment and presen- Donald, at the church for the match 8-3 to add to their overtime alternate 6.30 and 8 o'clock closings choir, of which Miss Sarah MacDonald service, west or north you go the tougher the 4-5 victory of Saturday evening and tations which were of a simple but past three years, who leaves Cornwall row in force from Monday to Friday. if organist and director. At the beginning of toe present war opposition. That’s not news to-day, its proving nature. There were many evi- to take over St. Catherine’s church. cop toe Eastern Canadian honors. Greenfield this week end. A movement to change the closing Mr. John J. MaODonald was Chair- Major Cameron supervised the guard' history. Originally scheduled to play a best- dences of the warm regard felt on all man for the evening. ing of the Canal Area from Morrisburg The Glengarrians might have won Previous to Solemn Benediction of hours has been on foot for some time of-five series with the third game in sides for Father Ewen whose quiet The opening numbers were choral to Cardinal until the guard duty was the first game last Saturday night the Blessed Sacrament, W. J. Gault and at the last meeting of the Cham- Maple Leaf Gardens, Toronto ,on Wed- kindliness and active interest in the selections by members of the choir. taken over by the Veterans in the lat- against Peterborough in the best three- read an address to the departing cur- ber of Commerce every mer- nesday, the teams were advised that at yelfare of his parishioners as of Glen- Included on the programme were ter part of October. During the winter ir-five game series for the intermedi- ate, after which the presentation was chant present favored the Thurs- the Canadian Amateur Hockey Asso- garrians generally, have been appre items from each <# the schools In the months, he, in company with other iate hockey championship of Eastern made by Mrs, John Loney. Father day late closing idea. The ciation meeting in Montreal over the •dated to the full. He was greeted by parish. They Included, musical num- officers of toe S. D. & G. Highlander.;, Canada but there were no alibis for MacDonald replied feelingly, thank- officers were instructed to circu- week end it had been decided to change a Gaelic song and emphasis through- bers, readings, and a play, the latter conducted :a provisional school for of- Monday’s 8—3 defeat. Both games ing parishioners for their kindness late a petition and wait upon Council the Peterborough-Maxville series into out the brief programme was on things by the 6th Concession school, under ficers and non-commissioned officers were played in the Ottawa Auditorium. and generosity. Rev. J. M. Foley, pas- at its Monday meeting and there they two-of-three instead of three-of-five. Scottish which are so close to thi toe direction of Miss Stella MacDon- at Cornwall, which was completed with The remainder of the series slated for tor of St. Columban’s, also spoke received a- very sympathetic hearing. games. heart of the departing . ald. the examinations held on Miarch sev- briefly. Cierk Charlebois was to check the Maple Leaf Garden, Toronto, has been From all accounts of the series Mr. Donald A. Macdonald, K.C., ef- Other contributions included a varie enteenth . signatures on toe petition and if he cancelled by C.A.H.A. officials. Thus Feterboro iced a team which in weight, ficiently filled the role of chairman dur- Following the presentation, Father ty of selections by the ever popular The popular officer is a native ot found the necessary number a spe Peterbororgh are Eastern Canada In- speed and experience could hold its ing the enjoyable concert. Chief inter- MacDonald officiated at Solemn Bene- Morris quartette, vocal solos by Clin cial meeting would be called to put Lochiel, a son of the late R. W. Cam- tttmediate champions. cwn in senior company. The showing est centred on the presentations to diction. He was assisted by Rev. D. A. ton MacDonald and Bernard MacBain, the new by-law Into effect without de- eron and Mrs. Cameron, now of Corn- Saturday’s opener was a tough one made by the Glengarrians in holding Father Macdonald which came at the Kerr and Rev. D. A. McPhee, of St. piano solo by Mary Villeneuve and lay. wall. Since receiving his commission to loose after coming from behind to the Petes to an overtime win in Sat- half-way mark. On behalf of the Raphaels. he has been connected with “D” Com- The Chamber of Commerce delegates Scottish dances by Edna MacDonald tic- up a three goal lead in the custom- urday’s encounter seems all the more Alexandria Junior Farmers’ Club, On Sunday morning Father Mac- and Geraldine Pilon ,and piano and pany at Alexandria, of which he has also took advantage of toe opportuni- ary Millionaire garrison finish. Mon- remarkable in that light. Certainly which owed Its inception to Father Donald had been the recipient of u violin duets by Howard and Ralph ty to discuss with Council the general been O.C. for several years. Congra-J day’s game was the case of a good their loss in toe Eastern Canada finals Ewen, a painting by Mr. Stuart Mc- purse from members of St. Columban’s Logan. situation of the town and the possi- tulations. (Continued on page 4) to such strong opponents will not dim Cormick was presented, Daniel Mac- Holy Name Society. The presentation The address from the parish was read bilities of attracting industries to the lustre gained in their remarkable donald reading an address of appre- was made at a communion breakfast by Duncan MacLean, B.A., while the Alexandria. They were assured of progress through the regular schedule ciation and Gordon McKinnon making held in the parish hall. Other pre- purse accompanying the same was the hearty co-operation of the coun- and in succeeding playdowns. the presentation. Mr. Ed. J. Macdon- sentations were made the popular cil in any efforts to better conditions presented by H. G. Villeneuve. ald presented a cheque from the par- cleric on Tuesday night, at a social The sanctuary boys’ address was Their thousands of followers tn By-Law Governing Pigs Glengarry realize only that the Mil- ishioners, following the reading of an evening in the parish hall. The St At its meeting Monday, Council gave read by Keith MlacDonald, while the lionaires gained honors for themselves, address by Mr. Donald A. Macdonald, Columban’s Toung People’s Club pre- first and second readings to the by- gift was presented by Bernard Mac- the chairman. ented a radio while another gift was Bain. their town and their county. They will law governing the keeping of pigs FRIDAY, APRIL 12th be wishing them good fortune another Father Macdonald thanked the Junior on bdhalf of the Business Women’s within the municipality. It will be Both addresses expressed keen ap- LONDON—R. A. F. raids railway at Danish-German border. Following Farmers and the people of St. Finnan's Unit of the C.WL. preciation for the services rendered by season as they strive for an even passed following receipt of approval German reprisal threats, stretcher bearers are called up in London ready higher place in the hockey world. Well Parish ffcr their generous gifts and for o from the Department of Health. Father Bishop, and regret at his ap- for emergency. R.A.F. sinks 8.000-ton German supply boat in Kattegat done boys. the expressions of esteem in the ad- Under the by-law .except in the case proaching departure. convoy. dresses read. He also expressed his ap- Montreal Firm Takes Over The members of the household staff ol bona fide farmers resident in the ROME—Mussolini expected to call 1,125,000 more men to colors. Grant Does Hat Trick As Millionaires preciation for the co-operation he had were presented with gifts by Mrs. Sonii Hanger Building municipality, no more than two pigs BERLIN—Germans claim British air-sea attack on Trondheim repelled. Lose First icceived at all times from the various Rochon, while the address to them can be kept by any one person on any BUCHAREST—Balkan capitals anxious over reports of German threats Ottawa, Aprils 14.—Ontario, Hockey societies and other people in the A woodworking plant is to be Alex- vas read by Mrs. Innis MacDonald. one lot between May 15th and Octo- to retaliate with force against any “unneutral” act. Association intermediate hockey cham- district throughout his pastorate. He andria’s newest industry as a result ber 31st and at least 75 feet from any Father Bishop, who was quite visibly pions, Peterborough Petes took a step exhorted his hearers to avoid a de- of negotiations which have been pro- dwelling. affected, expressed keen appreciation SATURDAY, APRIL 13th forward, Saturday, In their campaign featist attitude in life. While admit- The NBayor and' Clerk were authoriz- of the kind words spoken and of the gressing for some time now and which STOCKiHOLM—Norwegians engage German In scattered fighting: to annex the Eastern Canada ting that Alexandria and the sur- ed to complete the sale of two build- valuable gifts with which he was pre- crown, defeating Maxville Millionaires culminated late last week in purchase Sweden prepares to safeguard her neutrality. rounding district as well had been hare ings on Gemish street west to Mr. sented. He assured one and all that 4-3 in overtime in the first game of a of the Bond Hanger building at toe LONDON—No. news of progress of naval warfare in North Sea; con- hit during the past ten years he asked Uiric Lecompte. the memory of this evening would long best-of-five series. his parishioners to face the future station by Montreal interests. Though remain with him as one of life’s sacred flict between air forces continues; Britain may seize Danish merchant ships. o The Ottawa and District titlehold- with courage and with confidence. Re- BUCHAREST—Fears of impending German-Roumanian crisis express- idle for some years now the building recollections. ers, fresh from a semi-final conquest calling that in 160 years the population ed as Rumania stops freight shipments to Germany; both nations restrict is still in good condition and should Purchases New Truck Rev. C. F. Gauthier of Apple Hill of Glace Bay Xidos, Maritime provin- ci Glengarry in Scotland had dwind- exports needed by the other. Otto Clingen, Alexandria, Hudson and Father O’Brien, who were pre- cial titleholders, fought an uphill bat- led to nothing and that not one Mc- be «ady for occupancy soon. Necessary cai and International Truck agent for sent spoke briefly. ROME—Italian fleet gathers for manoeuvres. tle from the half-way mark of the Donald -was left of the clan which had repairs will be made without delay and this area,made delivery last Friday At the conclusion, a social hour was opening period. ruled for one thousand years, Father production should start within a month cf a new half-ton Panel truck to Dick's spent, during which, .lunch was served SUNDAY, APRIL 14th oî six weeks. Macdonald spoke of towns in New Radio Service, St. Paul Street. Father Bishop’s successor will be LONDON—The German pocket battleship Admiral Scheer was reported The Petes scored three goals in the England which had suffered set backs Rev. R. J. MacDonald. torpedoed twice by a British submarine, the news following an announcement first period but Chubby Grant, who similar to that which we were experi- o that seven enemy destroyers had been sunk in Narvick harbor by a British scored all the Maxville goals, got his encing here. He reminded his hearers fleet unit, Saturday. British soldiers are now en route to Norway, R.AF. first counter in the second period and that the people of today were just as Advantages at the Township School Area bombe German held airdromes in Norway. two more in the third to send the good and just as useful citizens as Alexandria May Dave STOCKHOLM—The Norwegian news agency reports* that British naval game into extra play. their ancestors had been and that they SPECIALLY WRITTEN FOR THE GLENGARRY NEWS forces have taken Narvick .and Germans are fleeing into the hills. Motorized Peterborough’s greater speed and would triumph over their present dif- BY R. O. STAPLES. I.P.S., GLENGARRY Cold Storage Plant German units in South Norway reported to have reached Swedish border. stamina were offset in some measure by the Millionaires’ fighting spirit and ficulties. Serious problems remained The town and farming community WASHINGTON—Roosevelt declares Nazie invasion of Denmark and Nor- (Continued on page 4) to be solved by our legislators who Seventy-three Township School the Area is passed even though the will soon be enjoying the benefits of pulsed with heavy losse by French forces. had. to be alive to toe situation. He Areas in Ontario ranging in size unit does not begin to function until a Cold Storage Plant, according to well PARIS—Furious attack on Western front near Vosges mountains re- expressed his regret over leaving at a from two school sections to a whole the next year. Moreover this special founded rumors that have been cir- pulsed with ehavy losses by French forces. first ClieesB Brings H 3-ii time when conditions were not at township are now enjoying the edu- grant continues each year. So that the culating in Alexandria recently. The their best but felt confident that bet- cational, administrative and financial new’ board starts with a special grant enterprising young firm of Shepherd MONDAY, APRIL 15th There was a good attendance at the ter times were coming and that the advantages which come with the es- of Five-Hundred Dollars and toe as- Bros, taxi and transport, is reported LONDON—British troops landed at several points In Norway; two more first meeting of AV’xa.ndria Cheeset people would see to it that they would tablishment of the larger unit. surance of a similar sum each year decided on erecting such a plant. German transports sunk a convoy attacked and mines sown In Baltic. Board for the 1940 season, last night have social security for the future. In order to better understand the over and above all toe regular grants Negotations are now underway for BERLIN — Germans acknowledge British naval blockade of Narvik. in the Fire Hall, a full account of Other numbers of the programme benefits of the larger unit of adminis- paid by toe Department which are purchase of a portion of the old Munro PARIS— French and German lines unchanged after 24 hours ofthrusts which will be published next week. Lovell & Christmas bought the com- followed Father Macdonald’s reply tration, let us imagine such a unit not in any way decreased by the new & McIntosh property on the south east and counter-thrusts on Western Front. •which was greeted by toe singing of established in Glengarry. set up. corner of Main and St. George Streets STOCKHOLM—King Haakon urges Norwegians to fight for “freedom plete offering—250 white and 103 col- Economy In Purchasing Equipment. ored at a price of 14 3-16 cents. “For He's a Jolly Good Fellow." By-law Passed Before 1st of July. from the owners, the Brantford Coacn and independence." Other financial advantages also re- Among those with seats at the front Suppose, for example, that the five & Body Ltd. The deal is expected to go •of the hall were Rev. Dr. D. M. and school boards- in the north west quar- sult. When one secretary is purchasing through shortly and no time will be TUESDAY, APRIL 16th To Fut Bait To Free Train Bides Mrs. Macleod, the Manse; Rev. L. B ter of Lochiel Township decide to try the equipment and fuel for five schools lost in erecting the plant. LONDON—Allies pour big expeditionary force, including Finnish-Cana- Lafontaine, OP., Sacred Heart Par- the new system. These boards approach It will be possible to obtain more rea- The centre of one of the richest dian volunteers, into Norway to oppose German invaders, R.A.F. raiders Lately become prevalent among ish ,and members of the parish and the council and persuade them to pass sonable prices by buying in laigier dairy counties in, the country, • Alex- smash for seventh time at Stavanger, Nazis' most important Norwegian air youths of this district, the practice of quantities. This should result in con- Alexander Hall Committees. Through a by-law uniting the five sections into andria has long been in need of a cold base. hopping passenger trains for a free illness Rev. Dr. W. J. Smith, who takes one Township School Area under one siderable saving in the annual expense storage plant and news of the proposed OSLO—Young Norwegians made liable to death sentence by Germans rioe between Alexandria and Glen Ro- of operating the five schools. over the parish was unable to be pre- board of five members. This by-law, building project will be pleasing to for believing they had. “right to fight Germains." bertson is to be stopped, according to sent. passed before the first of July, does Better Distribution of Equipment. .. cheesemen throughout the county. PARIS—Localized engagements on the Western Front. word received by Constable Courvjlle The parish address was as follows: not come into effect until the first of A further saving may be effected BUCHAREST—Rumanian ban on exports of wheat hits Germany. from Mr. B. B. Harris, Special Agent Dear Father Macdonald: next January. by toe better distribution of the equip- BUDAPEST — Hungarians hear that Mlagyar free corps is fighting CNR., Ottawa, who asks that publi- Tonight With The Glee Cluh city be given the matter. Riding the It is impossible for you to realize with F-jve Members on a Board ment on hand. Desks not needed in against the Germans in northern Norway. engines as well as the passengers caw what sincere regret your parishioners In the meantime, the voters of toe one school in the Area may be trans- Tonight’s four-star- attraction is have gathered here this evening to say ferred to a .school in the Area where the Glee Club Concert being staged In WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17th between the two points has been com- five sections nominate and elect toe mon practise for some time. good-bye to one who for almost twelve live board members in the same man- they are needed: equipment for teach- MacLaren Hall, by members of toe LONDON—Submarine Thistle lost; Allied forces race Germans for solid years has not only ministered to toe ner and at the same time as toe mem- ing Grade Nine may be moved from A. H. S. Glee Club, a new organization footing and strategical striking position in Norway. On Wednesday Special Agent Har- school to school depending on which spiritual needs of the people of St. bers of the township council are elect- whose talented personnel is already STOCKHOLM—Germans hasten operations in Southern Norway. ris arrested two young men from Finnan's but has guided the entire ed. The township clerk acts as re- schools have Grade Nine Classes in any well known to local music lovers. The BELGRADE—Yugoslavia starts ousting German “visitors” suspected of Hawkesbury who were caught stealing community to nobler ideals and truer turning officer. Then. ,on the first of year. Adjustment of this and other equip Glee Club will be assisted by Miss spying and propaganda activity. a ride, and on pleading guilty that citizenship. January, the five boards now operat- ment among the schools of toe Area Muriel Duncan of Montreal, in pre- PARIS—Western Front quiet after British troops turn back two com- day before Magistrate Labrosse they Knowing your innate modesty I shall ing and consisting of fifteen men and should leave ail the schools better senting entertainment which should panies of German infantry. were sentenced to one month in Jail not burden you with a long recital of five secretaries hand over their books prepared to meet their immediate needs attract a capacity audience. and taken to Cornwall. without additional expense. the exceptional qualities which have to the new board or the secretary ap 0 THURSDAY, APRIL 18th Mr. Harris has been instructed to endeared you to all of us. This occasion pointed by the new board. And the Annual Profit of S150, Per 'Section VANNAS, Sweeden—Associated Press reporter finds British forces in check up closely on this district and cannot, however, be allowed to pass Township School Area is under way. A reasonable estimate indicates that Junior Farmers Annual control of Narvik, with Germans retreating southward. win prosecute to the limit. the new board would be able to provide without some reference to those out-1 Special Grants. An especially large turnout of mem- LONDON—Britain warns Italy to “behave as neutral.’’ R.AF. bombs i i better accomodation than Is now avail- standing virtues which have made' But already the benefits have begun bers is expected next Thursday even- Stavanger twice. Peace in Balkans. British aim. able in the five schools and still be Hostesses For les your pastorate so fruitful—jour un- for the Department of Education has ing when toe Alexandria Junior Farm- SHANGHAI—Allies ready for any eventuality in Far East; invasion of Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars to selfish devotion to duty, your sympa- paid In Its December issue of grants ers’ Club will hold its annual meeting Dutch East Indies by Japan considered “serious possibility.’’ At the regular weekly Red Cross the good at the end of any given year thetic understanding of the difficulties Five-Hundred Dollars in a special in the Agricultural Office. The first BUDAPEST—Hungary reported planning to ask Russia for help In Tea to be held next Thursday after- —a profit of One Hundred and Fifty faced by your flock and above all your grant to this new Area—One Hundred such for this young but active organi- staving off possible German invasion of Balkans. noon, the Misses Florencë GonnJey Dollars per section in the larger unit. unbounded charity, which not only Dollars for each section in the Area is zation, the meeting promises to be STOCKHOLM—Germans advance closer to Sweden in expanding hold in and Mary Jane McLeod will be hos- Many Educational Advantages (Continued on Page 3) paid in the year the by-law creating most interesting. Southern Norway. tesses. ' • ^ ï (Continued on page 2) The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, April 19, 1940- Page 2

tion of the war. Iceland, already prac- r I n. ypn the sections can be treated in a fair tically a sovereign state has invested L(J||y yl, hïSÜSuW o lllull tanach, Murdoch McPherson, K. Me- fairs of the schools promptly and ef- ;.impersonal way by a board not ail of sovereign power in its parliament, un- Pherson, Murdoch Ross, Wm Me-1 fieiently. He may be expected to be- whom would likely be involved in the Edward, James McDonald. John Ur- j come well acquainted with the regu- i The Ottawa Spotlight til Denmark’s position is later cleared local warfare. up The British navy will undoubtedly in Lanark and Glenprry quhart, Arch. Stewart, David Sum-llations regarding .equipment and may Study Of Education Needs keep a close watch on this . Northern Ottawa Citizen mers, John McLellan. R. S. McDonald, j even get to know something of the The board of a Township School BY SPECTATOR island to prevent n^ds under cover It was stated recently that the ear- Ranald McDonell. John Pettigall, J. E j complicated, system of grants. Area will meet more frequently for the McPherson. J. P., James Dingwall, i Lower Uniform Tax-Rate of mists and darkness by naval, or air liest St. Andrew's Society in Eastern study” of the educational problems of units from Germany. Closer to Can- j Ontario was established at Kingston Benjamin Stewart and Duncan Mc-1 Over the entire area the school tax the Area, and it is possible for such a OTTAWA April 16th.-The invasion' dttle butter, although cheese sales will Int rate is uniiorm and consequently fair ada is the vast territory ot Greenland, in 1840 with Hon. John Hamilton as j 5Te- , n,-r,hahiP that the salaries board to meet with the Inspector oc- The Ottawa society was organized to ah. It is pioDaoie mat. tne salaries casionally so that together they may 1 Danish crown colony with a population president and J. A. Macdonald (after- ! oi the five teachers may be placed on •raised economic as well as great mill- bacon export that Canada will have in 846 with William Stewart as presi- work out ways of meeting the special ward/Rt. Hon. Sir John Macdonald) j an equitable basis according to quali- Lv and naval problems for the allies ! to put its shoulder to the wheel. Can- 0, atoout 16i500 Eskimos and about 300 dent and Sheriff Simon Fraser, vice- educational needs of the people, On the economic side additional du-ieda under an agreement now “ îor“ Danes. Very little anxiety is felt about as vice-president; one article of their fications and experience. Both of these Germany attempting to establish an constitution stipulated that “Scotsmen 1 president. ^ i Special Classes Possible. ties will be placed on the shoulders ol has contracted from ^000 to feature make for fairness and satis- air or submarine base in Greenland and the children, grandchildren and Inter school activities within the Canadian agriculture and other Indus- ; 50.000 hundredweight <112 pounds) o. faction among teachers and rate- ' area can be encouraged and where, ^he occCtion of Denmark, j bacon weekly, but this Quantity must for attack on Canadian coasts. But great-grandchildren of natives of Scot- payers—especially when the unifonn The both Iceland and Greenland present land shall be admitted as members.' practicable the teaching of special, home of a highly'developed agricul- row be considerably increased, Ifalspes Of file school rate within the area, because. believed equal problems about which the Canadian classes arranged for. Many other ad- ture, means that Danish bacon, milk, Canadian producer But records indicate that years be- of economy ' and distribution and pur- j Government has been in com- vantages become evident as the new eggs and outter which hitherto have ! to the task, and it is hoped that th- fore the Kingston society came into lowoship School Urea j chase of -equipment and because of • munication with the Govern- being there were at least two others unit gets under way and discovers what supplied British markets in substan-: lessons of the last war wi av 1 Continued From Pagel) | favourable special grants, is consid- ual1 1 Government of Great Britain. In the flourishing in this district, one at can actually be accomplished through tial quantities will be diverted to Ger-; learned and that the « ^J” ^ th an rate of the av case of Greenland, Canadian interest ^Granny Cummings' Comers” (now Eut the Educational 'and Admini- ' -. co-operation many. The ruin of the Danish agri- maintained and improved. The block- strative advantages are even more im- ! erage section outside the area. Glengarry Child en Should be ipvr-n culture can be seen as an inevitable ' adt of the Baltic will mean also that is particularly strong because of tne Watson’s Comers) in Lanark., organized i Transportation To High School proximity of this land to Canada, and Equal Chance with Others result of German occupation as a. large Swedish and Finnish timber will be in 1826, and the other in Glengarry in ; portant than the financial ones. Space It is readily possible for the board because of Canadian imports from 2g33 j will just permit me to mention a few In conclusion may I emphasis» part of the feed for the animals (suenleceived m only small quantities m oi five sections to provide transporta- Greenland of cryolite which is ol them briefly. that these Township School Areas have L barley and oil cake) was imported Britain and Canadian exports of sawn The first president of the Glengarry tion for thé pupils graduating from ltd used in the manufacture of aiuminum. society was Colonel Lewis Carmichael, j More Active Boards bsen an unqualified success wherever by sea and this supply will now be cut lumber and pulp and paper will im- The board elected by the voters, of schools to a nearby High School. The they have been established. Educat- 1 The little colony along the fringe of who died in August, 1844, and under j off Deterioration of the herds and tioubtedly grow, not only to the United five sections and responsible for the Department pays sixty percent of the ional leaders are convinced of their decline in number through slaughter Kingdom but to the United States. the sea appears to have good supplies Col. Alex Fraser, who succeeded to ■ administration of five schools will be cost of this. Yet no one section alone great merit. If we who live in Giea- for food for the German, army and DANISH NORTH ATLANTIC LANDS of food; the natives exist largely on the presidency, it was decided to esta- likely to feel that the job is large en- ; may provide this opportunity for its garry can just free ourselves from pre- civilian population are considered cer- With Denmark occupied, the pro- the products of the chase and on sea blish among the members a fund with ough to demand a reasonable amount ! children. . judice and the fear of new things we., blem has arisen of what measures can food. If, however, additional supplies which to honor the memory of CoL , , tain. To fill the gap in butter supply _ . , , 'of attention and careful study of the ! Better Teaching CondKhms : without delay bring to our ehild- hitherto received from Denmark, the be taken to ensure the safety of the of food or other commodities are need- Carmichael. I ,, , , ^ may problems involved. i Under the board of a large area jen the advantages of much better edu- Ttaited Kingdom will undoubtedly look North Atlantic islands which owe alle- ed, they will undoubtedly be supplied Them sum realized was £25 17s and the . , _ . . _ Better Secretarial Wo k j teachers are fried from much of the cational opportunities which are al- tc Australia and New Zealand, which giance to the Danish crown. The Bri by the Nascopie, the Canadian Gov- subscribers were Alex. Fraser; Hugh j Five sections employing one seore- j petty personal bickering which is so ready being enjoyed by children in already export very large quantities to tish navy have taken the Faroe Is- ernment ship on its summer voyage McGillis, John S. Macdonald (Hon. ! tary will pay him enough to make it I often prevalent under the present sys- many other parts of- Ontario. the British' market. Canada exports lands under its protection for the dura- to the Arctic. CANADA NOT ATTEMPTING TO INFLUENCE UNITED STEATES The Prime Minister has issued- a statement that “the Canadian govern- ment has no thought of attempting- to intervene, directly or indirectly, in the affairs or policies of the United Stat- es.” The government wished to make its position clear because of “recent public statements.” The Prime Minister intends to take a. trip to Virginia for needed rest. If the visit is made he will probably make a friendly call on Mi-. Roosevelt and Mr. Hull. "They are both old friends” said the Prime Minister. “And I think it wise at any time, and particularly at such a time as this, for the heads-of friendly gov- ernments to meet each other and ex- press views.” NEW SESSION OF PARLIAMENT The first session of the new parha- ment will meet on May 16th. How long it will last is not known. It may run well into the summer. Certainly a feature of outstanding importance will be the introduction of the wartime budget, which will provide for expenses You PICK A SURE WINNER in this spirited, fast-stepping approximately double ordinary peace- McLaughlin-Buick. In looks, in action, in stamina, time government outlays. Althougn Buick is a true thoroughbred. the suggestion has previously been ad- That’s why this fleet, true-to-form pacemaker leads the vanced at different times that mini- field today—just as it has done for more than 30 years. sters of the Cabinet might have their Its big Dynaflash straight-eight power plant—micro- parliamentary duties relieved through poise-balanced now to the smoothness of a wrist watch the appointment of parliamentary gets you around in a jiffy — and -its coil springs all undersecretaries, a system in vogue in around see that bad roads make no difference. And all the time its easy Handishift transmission, its London, there is no intention of intro- quick uptake, its really thrilling pace, make handling ducing a system of the kind in the An ice-cold "Coca-Cola” this honey a pleasure that wipes worry and fretting Canadian parliament for the time be- is a thing by itself—the right out of your mind ! ing at least. There is, liowever, a' new familiar bottle of goodness It’s smart and distinguished looking. It’s thrifty on portfolio in the Cabinet, that of Muni- fuel, oil, repairs — springs, for instance, never need Illustrated: McLaughlin-Buick that represents four gen- tions and Supplies. Arrangements for "Special” Two-Door Touring "lube jobs”. Sedan. erations of experience in this were made in parliament last So how about putting this great performer through its September in special session. Mr. Howe refreshing millions. Its paces? Learn for yourself why thousands of motorists Minister of Transport, will have this say : "Best bet’s Buick”. clean, tingling taste brings portfolio temporarily at least as well a delightful after-sense of a the one he now holds. The War Supply Board is fused in the new de- real refreshment. partment, and Mi-. King expressed his MORROW MOTOR SALES, MAXV01E deep appreciation of the excellent work ASSOC. DEALER:— USE THAT REFRESHES performed by the chairman of the Authorized Bottler of “Coca-Cola” « board, Mr. Wallace Campbell and his A. W. TROTTIER, Alexandria. f « CORNWALL BOTTLING WORKS associates. The development of the air Cornwall. Phone 516. branch of the active service has led to the appointment of a Deputy Minister for Air. Mi-. Jas. Stuart Duncan, Vice president of the Masey Harris Company FOR CROSS-WORD PUZZLE FANS has been appointed to the list, while Col. Maclachlan and Col. DesRosiers, CANADA’S NAVY KEEPS SUPPLY ROUTE TO BRITAIN OPEN who have been associated in the con- kf ACROSS 47. 18. Condinapnt Plots l.One who 48. 19. Vertical , *duct of theMacaws National Defence Depart- ices DOWN 21. Short ment, are confirmed as Deputy Mini- |. 8. Triangular 1.Interval excursion j sters of the Navy and land forces res- Elisf&S sails 2. Abounding 22. Chin- pectively, the combined forces being t. A maxim in com whiskers under the direction of Hon. Norman I ü u ^ :ï«. Make 3. Throw off 24. A black amends 4. Twilled wood 1 Rogers,, Minister of National Defence. j!2. Nautical fabric 25. Drift along The new Munitions and Supplies De- term 5. Shirt ruffle 28. City in Penn. |13. Bedeck «. A detail 29. Melodious partment will have as its Deputy Mini- with gems 7. Marsh 33. Refers ster, Mr. G-eorge Kingsley Shiels of (34. Fasting 8. Scoffed 32. Named Toronto. period 9. lively 34. Loose hang- 40. Joke j 38. Short for r' dances ing point 41. Fly \ Thomas II. Ants 37. Anxieties 43. Back Type 15. Haul ‘ 3®. An artery 44. Friar's title A TESTIFIES 37. Place of (suffix 18. Slice 1*. Before (prefix) 20. Greek letter 2a. Pitcher ^.Internai de- ' cay of fruit 23. Blotch 25. Quarrels 28. Prickly en- velope «£ fruit 127. Whack 28. Abounding '(.in stones .J- 30. Eye socket 33. Seerch i «.Father' .36. Note of tke scale t

Living up to their tradition of being “the silent service”, the Cana- Canadian Navy as they patrol far out in the Atlantic, aircraft is a new The captain of the freighter dian navy is grimly, pursuing its duties in the Atlantic and Pacific, pro- danger of this war and Canada’s sailors must ever be in the alert for an which collided with the Halifax tecting the ugly, unromantic Ireighters which carry vital supplies to Brit- attack from the sky. Aboard one ot the Canadian destroyers on convoy pilot ship, Hebridean, sending nine ain in an never ending stream, through waters where German submarines duty, these gunners ate shown afc they maimed their guns and swept the men to their deaths, is pictured here in the last War spread havoc among Allied shipping. Submarines and sky with keen eye* for any «ins of hostile aircraft, m leaving a court room after testify» ♦ IBiaW art fiat foe only daager faced by the men cf His Majesty’» Royal jng at a courj £ i*--- Th# Glengarry New», Alexandria, Oui., Friday, April 19,1940- Page |

vilege and a dedication. Never I sup- j successfully without painstaking and pose, has the Association had a more | methodical effort. Ipbolii Irutli reponsible part to play than today.! Clothing,, blankets, and other articles t More Eeaulifu! Canada Christian standards and values are be- j subject to damage should be thoroughly The old saying that a home is not Urges The ieeen mg challenged at all points, and a ; brushed 6r sent to the dry cleaners a home until it is planted is true to- TELLS WORLD Y.W.C.A. TO AVOID purely material conception of life before being stored away during the day as ever. Every unplanted home in Wheels! MATERIALISM offered in their place. It is warm weather. Following this procedure Canada can be made more attractive 1 LONDON, April 15.—Queen Eliza- for you younger members to take they may be placed in boxes or trunks by the judicious use of trees, shrubs, beth, making her second broadcast up this challenge. .As individuals you made as moth-tight and gas-tight as vines, flowers and a well-kept lawn. since war began, told the Yeung Wo- can each do your part in witnessing to possible by sealing all cracks with ad- ; We axe influenced by our surroundi- men’s Christian Association of the the eternal truth. But as one great hesive tape. To remove all danger of to a greater degree than we some- •world Saturday on the occasion of the fellowship pledged to Christian ideals, infestation, scatter about one pound times realize. Children axe particularly ! organization’s 35th anniversary that your Influence Wall be invincible, and of either fresh naphthalene flakes or sensitive in this regard. Surely a home “a purely material conception of life '' will spread, as your symbol the blue paradichlorobenzene in each trunkful in and around which flowers are grown triangle has spread already, across the of clothes and be sure that the lid is twas being offered today instead of ’ is a better place to bring up “children “Christian standards and values.” five continents, binding the world in closed tightly. The concentrated fumes ; than a home where no attention is “It is for you younger members to a circle of goodwill and happiness. from these chemicals are deadly to the i paid to these friends of the plant king- In the strength of the unbreakable insects. Clothing that is placed in moth dom. If children are taught to love Get the best ride for your money! Check the Pontiac hugs the road because of "big car” K take up this challenge,” Her Majesty facts, make comparisons — you’ll discover weight superbly distributed. See how com- said. bend which united the members of bags may be given additional protec- j flowers and become familiar with them Pontiac’s ride is the best! pletely you relax in this roomy, comfortable car. The Queen, who is world honorary this great international association, tion by using a few ounces of one ol ! they will be filled with love for these president of the Y.W.C.A. spoke as I wish you all, wherever you may be, these substances. As the fumes are things and there will be less room in God speed on your way and God's follows: heavier than air the material should | their hearts and minds for the things blessing on your work. be suspended in cheesecloth in the that hurt and destroy. As your patron I am very glad in- o upper part of the bags. In order to re- Canada is a land of rare natural deed to be here to take part in these tain the filmes and to keep out moths beauty from the Bras, d’ Or Lakes in celebrations and it is an added plea- the bags should consist of some more Cape Breton Island to the Mountain ture to me to know that my words are fa Seep Clothes free or less impervious material such as Ranges of the Pacific Coast. Nature being relayed not only to the further heavy brown paper free from holes of has endowed this country with the Not one, but a combination of many features Springing; balanced weight; new, lower cen- parts of Great Britain but also to from Moths any kind. Damage to piano felting may most beautiful and the greatest variety produce Pontiac's smooth-flowing ride. For tre of gravity ; large balloon tires, and finest of members on the other side of the At- With spring here and wanner wea- also be guarded against by suspending of natural scenic grandeur to be found example, Perfected Knee-Action*; Exclusive seat construction. All these features—working lantic holding similar celebrations and ther approaching, people generally will about one pound of naphthalene or anywhere in the universe, mountarns, New Rear Springing; Sidesway Control together—give you an outstanding ride which who are now listening. be putting away their heavier winter ] paradichlorobenzene in cheesecloth lakes, streams forests, plains, water- through Hydraulic Levelators and Sway you must experience to understand and appre- To all members of the Association clothing in favour of more seasonable bags inside the piano, and keeping it falls, all are to be found in great abun- Eliminators; Harmonized Front and Rear ciate. We invite you to enjoy a ride. in whatever part of the w orld ^ey j apparel. This, too, is the time of year r closed whe n not in use. dance. The things which are unsightly " On All Special and Deluxe Models. may be, I send a greeting fiom this i clothes moths and carpet beetles and unlovely are made by man and it hall. I would like also to say a special It should be borne in mind that the btcome more active and do a large part would seem that the least we can do word of appreciation to members of larvae of clothes moths and carpet of the enormous damage that occurs is to make these man-made places staff and club leaders both here anti beetles may develop in many out of annually to furs, woollen clothing and way places, such as inverted lamp sufficiently attractive that they will, overseas. Yours Is the task' of fitting other materials of animal origin. It is globes, furnace air shafts, floor cracks, in some measure at least, be in keep- youth for the responsibilities of to- true that almost every home harbours | behind baseboardS; a,nd ev,en ^ the ing with the great natural beauty to be morrow. For this you have to keep at least a few of these destructive m-1 Kiendi,ng basket Discarded clothesand found throughout this great Domin- abreast with modern thought and at sects, but much of the damage is un-1 Im.nishings Mt in the basement or ion. the same time to’giye. the young ,that necessary and due to lack of informa-, aUic are aIs0 a frequent source of ln. There are many good reasons why Christian purpose and direction in life, tion on proper control methods or L taüon A periodical house_CIealling. every householder, rural or urban, ■without which no real betterment is foresight, and also to carelessness. In- wMch takes int0 acoount aII these and should do his or her part toward mak- possible. sects, particmarly clothes moths and j sjmilar „kely breediIlg is one of ing the home surroundings more at- Your task, then is both a high pri- carpet beetles, cannot be combated, . , tractive: In the first place, the money- ’ the most effective control measures. Rugs should be cleaned on both sides. spent for nursery stock or other plant- THEIR PEACE EFFORTS FAILED Where available, a vacuum cleaner is ing material is a good investment and a valuable aid in doing a thorough job. will increase the value of a home to a During the summer, when the fami- much greater extent than the amount ly is going on vacation and the house spent for planting material. Further ... there's a in every is to be closed for a time, it is wise to in the full .and. satisfactory life there scatter naphthalene or paradichloro- must be found time for both mental benzene liberally over rugs and carpets and physical relaxation and .where can price class starting with the Lowest afterward^ rolling them tightly and one find a more satisfactory place P 49B tying them up in stout brown paper. to get away from war-time stress and Upholstered furniture may be treated strain than among the flowers of the in a similar manner. garden. Another reason for putting forth a Much is heard nowadays of so-called MORROW MOTOR SALES, MAXVILLE special effort in home beautification moth-proofing substances. While some work just now is to make Canada more ASSO DEALER of these have definite value,, none gives attractive to tourists. The tourist trade complete and permanent protection from the United States is very import- A. W. Trottier, Alexandria under all conditions. A simple and ant to Canada at the present time and anything that can be done to help in- 1 airly effective preparation for home crease it will be a benefit to the Dom- RUMANIA AGAIN BALKAN “HOT SPOT”;. use may be made by dissolving two inion as a whole. , ounces of sodium fluosilicate in one We frequently meet with the object- Household ion that gardens and flowers cost too gallon of hot water. This may be used GERMAN RUSSIAN for treating rugs and furniture cover- much or that they take too much time, POLAND ►'POLAND ings, provided there is no danger of the truth is that it is not so much a Hints water damaging the fabrics. The solut- matter of time or money as it is of desire By MRS. MARX MORTON ion should be applied when cool by and disposition. If we are disposed to means of a sprayer or a sponge using have gardens and flowers and attract- Spring song in the kitchen is a sufficient • to saturate the material. ive home surroundings, we will have symphony of salad mixing, baking When dry, the slight “bloom” that may them no matter how busy we may be. and testing out new ideas aad teci- appear on the surface should be brush- Your nearest Experimental Farm or pes, not to mention new garnishes ed off. Sodium fluosilicate is a poison Agricultural College will gladly give for old favorites. and accordingly should be handled you information regarding suitable But first, here are some pertinent with due caution. varieties of planting material for the paragraphs to help along the kitchen district in which you live. The invest- For further information on clothes spring parade. For springtime ment that you make of time and money îtCNSfÀSf moths and carpet beetles write to the oomph for the dry cereal, use pre- in this connection will pay great divi- Division of Entomology, Science Ser- serves or jam instead of sugar. It’s dends in satisfaction, and if you make vice, Dominion Department of Agri- swell. If you are serving pork ten- your home more attractive you have derloin, and a very good dish it is. from becoming involved in the war between Germany and the Allies culture,, Ottawa. failed as Gérmany invaded Denmark and launched a lightning attack on o helped tb improve the town or com- de right by ft and cook it in grape- Norway. Unconfirmed reprrt? also stated that German troops had. land- munity in which you live. If you help fruit juice. You’ll be amazed. Cup ed on Swedish soil. The rnonarchs of the ill-fated Scandinavian coun- custards become self-saucing when tries are pictured LEFT to RIGHT. King Christian oi Denmark,-King tc make your home town or communitv Haakqn, of Norway and King Gustaf, of Sweden. more beautiful you have helped to a tablespoon of light or dark corn make a more beautiful Canada. syrup is put into the bottom of each Hints On individual cup. SWEDISH KING ORDERS MOBILIZATION Sunshine Salad BUM ^unshine salad is made with two packages lemon flavored gelatin, two Fashions cups boiling water, one cup pine- apple juice, two cups crushed pine- With the Balkans in a turmoil as the result of Germany's demand RAMSAYS apple, one cup grated raw carrots. for full control over the Danube, Rumania again looms as the “hot spot” Dissolve gelatin in the boiling water of the Balkans. If Hitler should decide to enforce his demands with and add the juice and the crushed armed troops, the chances are strong that he would receive little opposi- “THE RIGHT PAINT pineapple, also the carrots. Pour tion from Hungary, former German ally. In this case he would be able into well-greased mould and place to drive through and strike Rumania through the provinces of Transyl- TO PAINT RIGHT in refrigerator to congeal. Turn out vania, Bukowina and Banat (1). Should Germany decide to open a new on bed of curly endive or lettuce and war front in the Balkans, Russia might decide that it was ’an opportune garnish with canned pear halves time to regain Bessarabia from Rumania (2). Long coveting the rich Ru- tinted with vegetable coloring. manian province of Dobruja, Hungary would probably cast her lot in Honey gives foods that springtime with Germany and attack this area (3) in an attempt to cut Rumania off Wife Preservers flavor. To point up broiled or baked from the sea. Aid might come to Rumania from Jugoslavia at (A) at ham or pork chops, serve apples from the Allies, Greece and Turkey at (B). done this way: Honeyed apples are made with three tablespoons butter one-third cup honey, one-eighth tea- spoon salt, four tart* apples, pared scorn SCRAP By RJ. and quartered. Melt butter in skil- let, add honey and salt and blend. 4c PoLyptif* Place apples in mixture and cook MO-l'd tiA$ over medium heat until transparent BCN^rfivt RAW® and amber colored, turning carefully EARS IN at frequent intervals. Six portions. fCR-U of Honey Used in Bread ’'AK&NKA. Rob a little glycerine over the inside of Honey nut bread is made with two year windows next time yo« wash th«av. and three-fourths cups sifted flour, Th« will prevent steam from forming on three and one-fourth teaspoons bak- them. ing powder, one-half teaspoon salt, one-half cup sugar, two well-beaten eggs, one cup milk, one-fourth cup SAILY'S butter or other shortening, melted, one-half cup honey, one cup chopped nut meats. Sift flour once, measure, ; FOUR s-Afis of cos.* add baking powder, salt and sugar, ! ikF ffeU AM Hot and sift again. Add nuts. Combine eggs, milk, shortening and honey; ; S, MAM OR 8SAS<; add all at once to flour mixture, IN laOUS-fRIES- You' can’t beat the navy blue dEWfaE SfAMtllHS, stirring only enough to dampen all PCASfiCS, MOM.-1ÎIAN frock, especially when it is touched flour. Bake in well-greased loaf- up with crisp white. Here is an at- pan (9x5x3 inches) one and one- A HUNOMO tractive mode! of novelty weave half hours ’ or. until well done, in ■ « ALL navy crepe. It is two-piece, the 325-degree oven. Store overnight before slicing. front embellished with a crisp Give a springtime look to the table pique bow at the base of the neck Complete mobilization of Sweden's armed forces was ordered by by serving Grapefruit Primavera. and a lacing down the front. The Select firm grapefruit. Cut in Kin* Gustaf following the German invasion of Denmark and Norway. cuffs are also of white pique. The halves, loosening sections. Chill. Unconfirmed reporta stated that German troops had also entscë* Just before serving, place a ball of Swedish soil as the long awaited Nazi “blitzkrieg” appeared to Inry« jumper top is drawn into a buckle mint ice in centre and garnish with come. King Gustaf is shown here with Crown Princess Gustaf-Adolf an in back at the waistline in Polonaise a sprig of mint. For a fruit cup. they droite through the streets of Stockholm on t^ie King’s eightiefSt effect. The skirt is fully flared with serve the grapefruit sections in a birlhday. With them is little Princess Margaret!», a granddaughter «C the centre seam front ana Back. glass dish and dissolve after-dinner the Crown Prince! — wiats in &e jiure. The Glengarry New», Alexandria, Ont., Friday, April 19, 1940- Page 4.

ST. ELMO Mr. Dan Ross and Clifford Austin, making the first move on such plays DEATH CAUSES REGRET ehieesemakers, attended the 'short He fanned on one 15 seconds after COUNTY NEWS The recent death of William Sproul The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper course in Oasselman on Thursday. the opening whistle in the final frame. in Ottawa, caused much regret to be was observed in the Gordon Churcn Seemed to be off color, yet at times Economy Grocery store, Main St. MAXVILLB Mrs. J. A. Stewart and Mrs. James felt, by the people of North West Glen- here,, at the morning service, on Sab- Urquhart, are spending a few days made some brilliant saves. L'Heureux WATCH OUR ADV. NEXT WEEK. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. MacGillivraif garry. His wife was formerly Tens bath last. The very beautiful silver in- in Ottawa this week. head and shoulders over any man on WE WILL HAVE VERY IMPORTANT NEWS FOR YOU. THESE WEEK END SPECIALS MEAN SAVINGS FOR YOU, IF YOU spent Monday in Cornwall. MacGregor, Athol. dividual communion set presented to o the ice, ’nough said. Ken Jamieson a Tom Mimro is on the sick list and tMs church by Miss Corine Sinclair disappointment. The big youngster BUY AT BOISVENUE’S WE HAIL THE VICTORIOUS is confined to his room at present. and Mr. Peter Sinclair, in memory of seemed jaded, played indifferently PRICES GOOD FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND MONDAY MILLIONAIRES - Creamery Butter 30c Moth Balls, 2 lbs. for .. Mrs. Robert MacKay spent the week their parents, the late Mi , and Mrs. Peterboro Downs Millionaires and at times ineffectively. Sam Mac- 25c By the defeat of the MUlionaires by White or Brown Sugar, - Cracked Corn,, per lb. ?c John F. Sinclair, was used for the Callum and his poke-check playing ■end with her daughter, Miss Elizabeth Peterboro Petes, in the finals for East- (Continued From Page 1) 10 lbs. for 63c Golden Bantam Corn, 3 Mackay. first time. The dedicatory service held havoc with Pete’s forwards until thev Large Tins for 25c ern Canadian honors, Maxville Million- a four-star defensive display by De- Climax Soap, 10 bars for .. 25c prior to the serving of the communion got wise and then circled away over Nice Toilet Soap, 9 bars.. 25c Habitant Pea Soup lOc Mrs. W. B. MacDiarmid was in Ot- aires closed the most heroic chapter fenceman Bill L’Heureux. was brief and simple, by request, and either way. Pilon ,a left-handed right Extra Fancy Molasses, gal. 69c 2 Quaker Puffed Wheat and awa, the latter part of the week in their already glorious history. Don Coughlin and Bob Tompkins. 1 Puffed Rice, all for.. 25c much in keeping with the quiet ana winger, worked very hard. He took Nice Large Lemons, doz.. 25c where her son Donald was undergoing They went further than ever before, scored on solo efforts and Bun King-j Sunkist Oranges, nice and Fine Salt, per box 5c reserved disposition of those in whose more punishment than a German treatment in the Civic Hospital there. And no other place in Canada, with a don with the help of Tompkins and juicy, 2 doz 29c Nice Writing Pads 5c memory the gift was presented. Both pocket battleship heading for' Norway Good Fating and Cooking Envelopes, per pkg , 5c Mrs. A. J. MacEwen had with her similar population was ever able to pro- Art Heal in the first period. Mr. and Mirs. Sinclair were life-long through the Skagerrak. Always camej Apples, 6 lbs. for 25c Celery and Lettuce loc on Sunday, her son John W. of the duce a team in any line of sport that Millionaires didn’t recover their Carnation Milk, 3 tins for 25c Good Smoking Tobacco, 2 O-A.C. Guelph and her daughter Miss residents of this community and faith- back for more with a smile. The rest) won the right to compete for mationaï ful and valued members of this church poise until the second when Grant Economy Baking Powder.. 19c lbs. for 29c Catherine who is taking up a business of the team gave all they had but Toilet Paper, 8 rolls for .. 25c honors. Mr. Wallace MacKinnon, B. A scored his first goal on a pass from Salad Dressing, 1st quality course in the Capital. Man to man, they are the superior couldn’t cope with Peterboroughj 16 oz jar for 29c Montreal, ,is spending a short holiday L’Heureux in the dying minutes fleetness afoot. The visitors were more’, A week end guest of Mr and Mrs. of most teams they met ,and equal to at his home here. L’Heureux and Ken Jamieson set up than ’an intermediate i j N. L. Stewart, was their daughter any of them. Their defeat at the hands like seniors We deliver Mrs K. K. McLeod, Dunvegan, spent Grant for a second counter in the crew. C. BOISVENUE Phone 53 Miss Rhoda Stewart R. N. Montreal. of Peterboro was not due to want several days visiting Mrs J. W. Camp sixth minute of the third period and The crowd a little small. Too late Pied La Groix of the Canadian Bank of heart or ability, but rather to the bell. Bernie Villeneuve passed to the stocky of Commerce, Cornwall is holidaying shortage in man power. Twelve men right-winger for the third Maxville and too much hockey ,to quote Osie Miss Marian MacMillan, who has Villeneuve. “Osie’ ’tells us about all with his parents Mr and Mrs Fred. cannot accomplish what fifteen or been visiting her sister, Mrs J. W. goal 11 minutes later. La Groix. sixteen men of equal ability can. the MacDonells in Glace Bay, N.S. ; Campbell, returned to her home, Loc- In the overtime period Maxville did “And you hear them called Long John, ; BIG SAVING ADVANTAGE. BUY AT LAST YEAR’S PRICES Recent guests of Fred Tracey and Peterboro won however, and we hiel, the later part of the week. not get a shot on goal until the fifth Big Roary and other •nicknames just | Miss Sarah Tracey were, Mrs Stanley say in all sincerity “Congratulations’ Mr and Mrs D. D. McIntyre spent minute when Drake Jopling was pen- like around home,” grinned “Osie.” ! Smith and her son of Montreal, and It Is particularly pleasing to us on the week end with relatives in Montreal alized for boarding. Tompkins stick- Tire usual gang came up on a spe-; LIBBOS Norman Beattie of Ottawa. the home front to know that the re- Hie Literary Society Taffy Social on handled through the Millionaires to putation won by the boys, from East- cial train from Maxville. E MacGilli- J Wm. A. MacEwen paid Toronto a Wednesday evening last, was thorough- score easily after picking up a loose way, the popular MPP. for Glengarry Leading Shoe and Repair Experts business visit this week. ern Ontario to the Atlantic Coast, is ly enjoyed by all present. puck inside the Maxville blueline. one that describes them as gentlemen receiving the glad hand in the corri- j Announce their annual Spring Sale Mrs. Jno. D. MacRae ,and Mr. Mr. D. D. MacGregor was called to The teams: both on and off the ice. By this means, dor. We met Dave Lalonde in the Rae have .with them her mother, Mrs Ottawa last week owing, to the death Peterborough. Maxville main entrance, then “Fergie” Mac- i Of Men’s Handmade and Factory made Shoes. they have given this town an adver- Harding . goal Dupuis Begg of Sweetsburg. of his brother-in-law Mr. William Rae and Fred Broder accompanied by j tisement that could not be purchased Henry Sproule. Gardner defence .. L’Heureux Just completed—All sizes on hand of our MEN’S HAND-MADE Melville MacEwen, Peterborough was for cash. Well done Millionaires. his brother “Bill”, well known skip' SHOES—guaranteed, to be the best, most comfortable, waterproof a*, his home 5th Rox, the early part of Miss Corine Sinclair, Ottawa, spent Ellis .. defence .. .. Gamble of the Ottawa Curling club. To inject shoes, you have ever worn, made of genuine English leather—imported We would be withholding merited the week end with her brother Mr. the week. Kingdon centre .. .. Jamieson a war note. All four sportsmen were from FSigland—at last year’s prices. F&rly Buyers will reap the commendation if we did not extend Peter Sinclair and Mrs Sinclair. Mi's. .Duncan Kippen is at present Tompkins wing Coleman valued soldiers of Col. A. G. F. Mac- benefit. Take advantage of this Offer—NOW. congratulations to Coach Hoople, Mr. Eb. MaeNaughton spent the the guest of Ottawa friends. Heal wing ,... Grant donald’s 154th battalion in 1915. Then, call in, and see our supply of Factory Work Shoes—at an Manager Osie Villeneuve, and Presi- week-end at his parental home Dom- Peterborough subs: — D. Jopling, amazing low price—within everyone’s reach.. Judge for yourself, their MAXVHJJE AND RJOXBOROUGH dent J. Walter Smillie, as well as inionville. Crowe, Coughlin, Blewett, Starr, J. Hockey fans still talking of Mont- durable quality. BAPTIST CHURCHES, to all the other officials who ren- Jopling. real Royals defeat in three straight Individual orders, will also receive our best attention—while leather dered such splendid service in the ly Kirkland Lake. Lake Shore must Sunday, April 21st, Maxville, 11 MCDONALD’S GROVE Maxville subs:—Mum-oe, McCallum. is yet on hand. management of the team—and not have trotted an easy mile against Syd- o’clock worship: subject, “A commis- Mr Scott MacLénnan spent the week Pilon, Lalonde, Villeneuve, McEwen. forgetting the loyal fans. ney in their double meeting at the Au- sion based on à revelation.” Referees: Coster and Draper. end with Ottawa friends. ditorium. Thus crossing up Royal Roxborough, 2.15, Sunday School; COMING Miss Martha MacGregor spent the FIRST PERIOD scouts. Next time the high rated Mon- 3 o’clock, Worshp; Subject,' “Gambled 1— 10.00 Peterborough, Coughlin . As will be seen by an advertisement were-end at her parental home here. trealers stack up against the Miners with the devil with souls at stake.’ 13.35 in another column, the most interest- A number of our hockey fans were 2— they likely will exchange their satin ^Peterborough, Tompkins . ing travelogue ever presented here m Ottawa, on Saturday ahd Monday 3— Peterbrough, Kingston FROM ONE OF THE ORIGINALS trimmings for “oilers.” A word of will be shown by one of the Toll evenings to witness the Millionaire- (Tompkins, Heal) .. 14.40 Among those who extended best condolence over Royals sudden pass- “WANTED” Bros, in the United Church on Monday Peterborough hockey game at the Penalties: None. wishes to the Millionaires when, in ing from the playoff scene to the Me- evening next. It will show South Auditorium. SECOND PERIOD Glace Bay, was Geo. Dousett of Grims- Menamin boys of Montreal, well America- through the hitch-hikers Mi- and Mrs1 Jess Adams are spend- 4— Hard Maple and Birch blocks, 9” diam.M and up. axville, Grant (L’Heureux).. 18.51 by. George was one of the “Hungry known summer residents of Alexandria. eyes. ing some time in Fredericton N. B.. Penalties: — L’Heureux, Gardner, Seven” an aggregation of players who, Never mind John, Joe and Tony, think 50” long, clear material, $11.00 per cord visiting at the former’s parental home. Crowe 2. in later years made the best of them how lucky you are just now not to 57” long, clear material, $12.00 per cord ROTARY CLUB Mr and Mrs Ed. Cameron of Max- THIRD PERIOD step. Président J. H. Muaro, M.D., presid- be within ear shot of that ardent Beech and Soft Maple blocks, ville visited her ' parental home the 5— Lake Shore fan—John Myles Ken- Maxville, Grant ed at the Rotary Club luncheon on early part of the week. (L’Heureux, Jamieson) ... 5.41 , , “BUD" IS DEAD Friday night. nedy. 50” long, clear material, $10.00 per cord 6— 17.52 Maxville, Grant (Villeneuve) It is not known whether his death Community singing was led by Tom ■ GRAVEL HILL Penalties: None. Besides the black cap, Sam MacCal- 57” long, clear material, $11.00 per cord was in response to the demands of old Munro, with Angus McQueen at the lum must be carrying some sort oi age, or because the hockey season was Mrs. George Norman spent the OVERTIME PERIOD Still buying, LOGS. Hard Maple, Soft Maple, piano. 9.52 long service record. Seems to be all ol through for 1939-40. week end in Maxville a guest at the 7— Peterborough, Tompkins .. Messrs. B. B. MacEwen, M.D., Dan Penalty: D. Jopling. a dozen years since he starred on a Elm, & Basswood. “Bud” who was Les Kippen’s ter' S. Ferguson and John D. MacRae, home or Mr. and Mrs. H. S. McEwen. line with Hughie Robillard for Finch. lier had béen for year’s mascot for were elected as directors. The secre- Mrs. J. Cameron and Dan Cameron, Petes Triumph 8-3 to Win Sam was ho novice then either. When the Millicmairès .and when nights of tary was directed, to write the Mil- South Branch, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ottawa, April 15—Peterborough Maxville and Peterborough finished C. LACOMBE battle were on, there was no one lionaire Hockey Team and congratulate Harold Crawford, Friday. Petes tonight won the Eastern Can- their abbreviated series on Monday about Jubilee Rink with a prouder thetn on their success. Mrs. Elmer Montgomery visited her ada Intermediate Hockey champion- night ,the curtain was dropped on the PHONE 81. ALEXANDRIA 5-tf. strut than “Bud”, as he paraded about, The members were delighted to have sister Mrs. Earl Bender, Strathmore. ship taking then- second straight vic- Ottawa hockey stage for this season. clad in his coat of Millionaire colora as a guest for a short time Rev. C. A. Mrs. Arthur Crawford and Bruce tory over Maxville MiUinaires. Records plumped to an all time low Member of the team performed the Bishop, parish priest of Greenfield who Hill were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Held to a single counter in the first in the Capital. last sad rite of burial. was tranferred to Glen Walter this James Hill, Mohckland, Thursday. period tonight. Petes led 4-1 at the Pembroke garnered the Juvenile week. Howard Buell and Howard Haley end of the second period and outscored championship from Ottawa. Perth vient to Ottawa, Saturday evening to Captain Chapman of the Salvation the Millionaires 4-2 in the third. trimmed St. Pat’s College for junior witness the hockey game between Army, Cornwall, was the guest speak- Little Boh (Honey) Tompkins paced honors. Maxville defeated Post Of- Pure er and he briefly surveyed the plans Maxville Millionaires and the Peterboro Petes to victory, scoring three and fice. in the intermediate bracket. Hull Lct’s^ Go! team. and programme for the drive now be- helping in twe other counters. Other won the Ottawa senior City league. ing made for the raising of $1,000,000 Interment in the cemetery here of Pete scorers were Don Coughlin in the Cornwall Flyers nosed out Jimmy Mac- the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. James A New Travelogue for work during the prosecution of the first period. Bund Kingston and Don Caiffery’s Senators ^or fourth place Robinson, Monckland, was made on Maple Syrup war, President, Munro, Dr. Will Mac- Crowe in the second and Art Heal and and play off money in the Quebec by tbe Saturday afternoon. The child was Diarmid, MF., and Albert Cheff were Kingdon in the third. Senior Group. Hardly seems a true born on April 10th, its death occurred appointed a committee to plan for the Howard (Star) Coleman got Max- picture of a- town that was once Manufactured by TOLL BROTHERS the following day. organization of a committee to can- ville’s second period goal and Roger known as the cradle of hockey players. o vass Maxville and district. Lalonde and Doc Munroe the others in What causes such a record? No- “HIKIKG HOUGH SM WCT TAYSIDE the third. Brief reminiscenses of Cape Breton thing wrong with the fans. Over four Name.. Mr Lawrence Valley, Cornwall spent FIRST PERIOD thousand watch Maxville and Peter- With the best of still and mo- v/ere given by Dr. Howard Munro and 1— borough in two games. Upwards oi ^Peterborough, Coughlin tion picture equipment, The Rev. J. H. Hamilton. Tuesday at his home. Mr and Mrs Ernest MacPhail and Mr (J. Jopling) 4.21 14,000 attended the Kirkland Lake- Toll Brothers spent 16 adventure- Father Bishop expressed his pleasure Address., and Mrs Bert Renfrew spent Tuesday Penalty—Crowe, Sydney series. Perhaps the Auditorium packed months exploring and at being present and extended an in- in Cornwall. SECOND PERIOD takes too big a “cut” from receipts. photographing in Central and vitation to one and all to visit him at A number from here attended the 2— However, ,we have heard reliable hoc- Peterborough, Kingdon 50 South America. Glen Walter., hockey match in Ottawa on Saturday 3— key players say conditions are better License No - —....P eterborough, Crowe 5.34 They journeyed on foot and mule He warmly commented on the work night. 4— away from home. Can you blame the Maxville, Coleman hack across mountains and of the Salvation Army and assured Wallace Blaney, Maxville spent the (Jamieson, Grant) 11.31 players? through jungles, where white them of his sympathy and practical Net weight 13 lbs. 3 oz per gallon. week-end with Chester Valley. £—^Peterborough, Tompkins, For many a moon the 1940 games men had seldom been. support in their present drive. (Crowe) 7.18 W’ill be played over and over again Dan S. Ferguson will speak on Fri- It’s a story of youth, danger DUNVEGAN Penalty—Ellis. around the chairs in Laurie St. John’s day evening. and romance. THIRD PERIOD shop and açross the tables in Geo. MSss Harriet Campbell, Ottawa, 6— Peterborough, Kingdon Thousands of feet of film,, and WOMEN’S INSTITUTE spent the week end at her home here. Eppstadt’s lunch room. We don’t beautifully colored still slides- (Tompkins) 0.16 blame you Maxville, you brought honor The April meeting will be held on A number of our boys attended the UNITED CHURCH HALL, 7— and glory to your club, town and his- Maxville, Munroe (Pilon) ... 10.04 Friday, 26th inst., Mrs. Robert MacKay, hockey match in Ottawa, Saturdlay j 9—Peterborough, Heal toric Glengarry county. We hope to see MAXVILLE, ONT. president, will be hostess, and the roll night. (Tompkins) ». 11.59 you back again in ’41. will be responded to by “hints for Mr. Rae Austin left for Fournier on 1C—Peterborough, Tompkins MONDAY EVENING’, APRIL 22nij, 1940 beautifying the home.” Thursday, where he will assist Mr. (Kingdon) 14.35 Mrs. J. W. Smillie will subject the Albert McNabb in cheese making for 11—Peterborough, Tompkins ADMISSION; members to an intelligence test, while the summer months. (Heal) 18.36 Adults 25c. - Children 15c. current events will be presented by Mr. D. D. McCuaig, Montreal spent Penalties—-McOallum, Gardner. the week end with his mother, Mis. EYES EXAMINED Mrs. A. D. MacDougall. o The District President will pay her . A. McCuaig. —BY— Be prepared for the first run of sap. Have a stock Red Cross official visit to the Institute on that Miss Celina Austin is spending this Press 3ox lots of Maple Syrup Labels on hand so that you can market day. The music for the day will be in week with Montreal friends. Albin T. Jousse R.O. your syrup in cans when the price is highest. charge of Miss Catherine MacRae. Messrs. D. A. McLeod, Stewart Grant (Continued from page l) The hand work exhibit will be shown and Willie Clark are attending a con- little team stacked against a good big Vankleek Hill, Ont. NOTE—We can supply you with Maple Syrup La- ARMOUIIES DANCE by Mrs. E. S. Winter and Mrs. J. Rose. vention of Grand Lodge of Eastern team. Petes were heavier and faster. bels such as the above with your name and address, The election of officers will follow. Ontario in Ottawa this week. They threw their weight around any- On Tuesday evening, Mrs. Geo. Flem- where and everywhere. Displayed May ÏI to June 29 inclusive license number, etc., at the following prices:— The Glengarry Branch W. C. T. U. ing, Mrs. D. D. McKinnon and Miss more polish in finishing off scoring at- OPEN EVENINGS 50 for $1.25 250 for $1.80 OF THE The April meeting of the local Dorothy McDonald represented the tacks. branch of the W. CT.U. was held at Dunvegan Women’s Institute at the 100 for 1.40 500 for 2.50 Glengarry Red Cross Assoo. Maxville tried hard all the way, United Church manse on Tuesday af- Farewell Banquet held in honor of but couldn't get even a giggle out of 150 for 1.55 1000 {for 3.50 ternoon. will hold a Dance in the Mr. A. V. Langton, Agricultural Re- lady Luck. Once in the second period Mrs. R. W Ellis, president, presided. presentative in Martintown. We re- during a power play with Petes one For gummed paper add 25c per 100 The Bible lesson, dealing with “Stay- gret Mr. Langton’s removal from this man short, a Maxville shot hit the top ing by the stuff” was led by Miss Meta Taxi Service UMDUIIIES, mu district. cross bar. The puck was cleared out McKerchar. Mr. D. A. Gray and Mr. J. A. Ste- and the very next shot hit the post. Your Printing Orders will always be appreciated FRIDAY Annual reports forms were distribut- wart paid a visit to Ottawa on Wed- Then a pass to L’Heureux was inter- ed. nesday. cepted by Crowe and away he skips to tyjarccm S gonneville Miss McKerchar and Mrs. F. Rad- Mr. and Mrs. Campbell McLeod, easily score on Dupuis. You can't beat May 24th 1940 ford, were named as the nominating Dalkeith visited the latters mother, a smart hockey team and that type of PHONE 91 W The Glengarry News. Proceeds to go to County committee. Mrs. D. C. McLeod, on Wednesday. luck thrown in for good measure. Mrs. Annie Campbell is visiting her Dupuis made the first move on both Mrs. Ellis was in charge of the clip 5tf. ALEXANDRIA. RED CROSS sheets, which dealt with the danger of daughter, .Harriet and other Iriend* break away goals. He is too good a Keep the dette Open! in Ottawa this week. ^ goal keeper to get into the habit of SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GLENGARRY NEWS Hie Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, April 19, 1940- Page 5.

Miss Dorothy Arbuthnot, Lunenburg Everett Dickson, Samuel Calder, Frank NOTICE TO CREDITOHS ’°<3OOOSOOBOOOC3OO0SOOOSOSOOOOB0OSOOOSOBSOSOOSSoog<&oooe>&ooc>pcaoooooeoooooo

5C.4 bushels; shrunken seed 46 and cd to alfalfa and consequently a large broken seed 43.2 bushels to the acre. proportion of the hay crop is obtained Valuable Booklets large Flump Seed These experiments were conducted from this legume. Weekly over a period of six years. The outstanding effect of fertilizers TORONTO, April 13th: The Health TH IR ES A TSUCK Is Best To Sow Spring wheat records over eight years selected in accord with soil tests, is League of Canada today urged citizens showed plump seed producing 21.7 bu- that they heip to establish a good stand Garden-Graph of Canada to take full advantage of a Gives much greater yield per acre, shels; small seed 18, and shrunken seed of legumes and grasses. This practice Written by fine series of health books recently experiments at. Ontario. Agricultural or fertilizing the meadow1 and pasture DEAN HALLIDAT published by the Federal Department College show. 16 bushels per acre. k Large seed produced an average of at the time of seeding down is of ut- for ÇtMnl Press Ctaiii» of Pensions -and National Health. “A large plump seed will produce a 46.9 bushels per acre in winter wheat most importance. “The widest publicity should be given larger, more vigorous and more pro- with small seed giving 40.4; shrunken Minerals incorporated with the top tc these valuable booklets,” declared and layer of soil are more effective than SSEP ductive,:plant than a small plump seed, seed, 39.1 and split seed only 9.3 bush- POTATOES Dr. Gordon Bates,, General Director f p©fW8 /% ton u p or shrunken seed,” said John D. Mac- els per acre. surface applications, hence drilling the of the Health League. “Organizations Leod, Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, The above results point in a striking fertilizer in at seeding time places it in of all kinds should wa-ite for the book- Ont. Dèpt. of Agriculture, Toronto, in manner to the great Importance oi the soil at the point where best results lets and see that the contents are • GMC prices start with due discussing size of seed and seed se- removing all small plump, shrunken, can be expected. Many failures of brought before their membership.” lowest. Features include GMC lection. broken and split grain from seed to be seedings in Ontario are due to low; The booklets are written in simple faeavjr duty engines, Ridtr-East used for sowing, says Mr. MacLeod. soil fertility levels. Ca'bs — large load capacities — Mr. MacLeod recalled an interesting 1 everyday language,, each booklet deal- and valuable experiment carried on at On heavy soils normally low in phos- ing with a specific subject such as Synchro-Mesh Transmission. Gome in and see the extra value the Ont. Agricultural College, Guelpn, phate, use 2.12.6 or 2.16.6 at the rate of 'Hay Fever and Asthma." “Typhoid you get in a GMC. in which selection of seed of various Keep Bay Pasture 250 lbs. to 375 lbs. per acre. Fever” and “Holiday Health.” On light soils normally low in po- classes of grain were tested from six Health experts were engaged by the to nine years. Seed was taken each tash. use 2.12.10 -at the rate of 250 lbs. Higli Fertility to 375 lbs. per acre. Dominion Government to prepare the year from a general crop of grain and leaflets. They should be of great ser- Many failures of seedings due to low As an alternative, if manure is avail careful selection made. Plots . were vice to teachers of Canada. Dr. Bates planted of large plump grain; small soil fertility levels says Ont. Advisory able, apply on heavy land 10 to 15 Y cove B. said. plump grain; shrunken grain. Fertilizer Board. loads manure plus 375 lbs. per acre 20 CMC per cent superphosphate. VMITM SAHO The series of booklets,, which are A seven year experiment in oats ^ With 55 per cent of the total Ont On lighter soils, use 10 to 15 loads tew*; AA ••J’ty «Urt with potato** , free for the asking, would make up a proved beyond doubt, the value of sow- ario crop acreage being represented oy manure plus 375 lbs. per acre of 2.12.10 ing large plump seed. The large seed fine layman’s library on health edue- jbay and pasture crops, the mainten- or 2.12.6. produced 62 bushels per acre; medium Early potatoes can be planted just cation, according to Health League l of a fairly high level of fertility Fertilizer should be drilled in at as soon as the ground is workable. MORROW MOTOR SALES, MAXVILLE sized seed, 54.1 bushels and the small 1 officials. m soils devoted to hay and pasture is seeding time in all cases. Even if there should be a late frost ASSOC. DEALER or shrunken seed 46.6 bushels per acre | most important, says The Advisory it will do no harm if it is not severe ‘Particularly in war-time should A. W. TROTTIER, Alexandria. by weight. : Fertilizer Board for Ontario. enough to penetrate the ground to special care be given to the health of the depth at which the seed po- In barley, large seed produced 53.6 I The greater part of the arable land tatoes are planted. Canada.” Dr. Bates said today. “Can- bushels per acre; small plump seed, in Southern Ontario is specially adapt- farm Briefs One method of getting an early ada is fighting a, powerful enemy,, and With the spring w:ork just around start with potatoes, and gaining every resource at our command should about 14 growing days, is shown in BRITAIN CONVOYS A CONVOY the corner, now is the time to start the accompanying illustration. Cut be brought to bear in the fight. We curry combs to work on the horses. the potatoes into pieces, each piece will contribute more to the effort o: Getting the harness in shape will having one or two eyes, then place the allies if we maintain and improve in a flat. Cover with sand, as illus- also pay dividends. trated, and place in a warm room, in the health of our people.” sunlight if possible. The seed po- A vast amount of Information is Command* Home 2nd DIVISION O.C. 1 tatoes will then form roots and start available on health education and the Calf markets across Canada show sprouts from the eyes. Leave in the prevention of disease; the League Di- the folly of sending calves to market flats of sand for 10 days or two rector said. It’s a pity more people without finish. Prince Albert report is weeks before planting out. Do not let the sprouts grow too long before don’t take advantage of these free pub- typical: “One good veal at $7.50; the planting. rest $5.75 to $3.75!” Do not water the seed potatoes lications,” he said, urging citizens to while they are growing in the flats write to the Federal Department of or it will cause them to produce Health for copies of the new booklets. With stocks of export apples fairly slender soft white growths instead of dark-colored sprouts desired. o well cleaned up, the Dominion Gov- ernment has announced withdrawal of the subsidy on consignment of apples Uwvt à TW exported to Great Britain. Impurities in Beeswax to&aœo JUST LIKE J Eliminated by Sun Rays ' The. products that are most likely Beeswax, when pure, is tine male to advance in price during war are rial for high-quality candles, bu! im- wheat, bacon, cheese, canned tomatoes, purities are likely to clog the can- ELD CHUM wool and beans. The two latter have dlewiçk and cause uneven burning already experienced a boom. The ad- and a sputtering flame. Bees man- verse effect on apples and tobacco ufacture wax for combs. Pure wax I have DRESSMAKERa variety of sample of cloth may be only temporary. will burn with practically no ash or smoke, but wax gathered from for Coats and Suits. Now1 is the time the hive usually contains pollen and to have your Spring Ensemble mads- Honey Consumption in Canada is con- the substance known as propolis or to-order at Reasonable prices. Press- siderably higher than usual, probably bee glue, which the insects gather ing and Cleaning for Ladies and Men..! Si: Raipn F orbes, commander «la- Brigadier-General Victor Odium, as a result of the publicity campaign from plants, a gummy resinous ma- AGNES VALADE, Kenyon St.. Aiex- ' chioi ot the British .home fleet* ^ of Vancouver, has been appointed to encourage the use of honey instead terial that <}pes not .melt or. burn officer commanding the Second andria. of sugar. Although good prices are of- at the same temperatures as pure Division, C.A.S.F. fered for export honey .they cannot wax. If particles of propolis are drawn into the wick, they prevent be taken advantage of because of lack the even flow of the melted wax and of supply. may make a sooty smoke. Canada is still selling more wheat To purify wax for candlemaking than any other country in the W'orid, and for 'use in cosmetics two gov- with 37 per cent of the total move- ernment scientists have found that ment into internationàl trade. Australia solar heating is likely to be more and the United States are slipping satisfactory thati heating with boil- below can feel that it is well cell protected. JPar::aij -bible in the while the Danube Basin is merely ing water. Sun Jieat helps to bleach . UPPER LEFT is a British warship on the, Inokcir fiv king German the. wax. Impurities may be fur- submarines, .while overhead fly some of the forti' -lab r Anson recon- holding its own. Our backlog of wheat ther removed by boiling the wax in „ naissance planes of the Royal Air Force. They ale looking for sub- -reserves may play as important a dilute acids which destroy the pollen marines and for enemy planes as well. part in this war as it did in the last. and propolis without all'ecung the wax. The scientists found that the dark- ening of the color which has been Riding and Hiking in The Clouds attributed to heating is really the result of chemibal action that re- sults when hot wax is in contact with iron. Wax can be kept hoi for Our many friends among the Cheese hours in containers of glass, stain- less steel, aluminum, or nickel with- out darkening. Patrons and Factory Officials in Glen- For thread waxing, in grafting wax, and for waterproofing, the presence of propolis and pollen is garry are reminded at this time, no disadvantage, but in making cos metics and in pharmacy the prop- olis, in particular, is object -liable i as it makes the wax nluch mort acid, and mixtures which will be de That The News Printing Co., sirable in the pure wax may de velop very differently because of tlv acid of the propolis. makes a Specialty of Stationery

Locating Oil by Sound for the Cheese Trade: Opens Vast New Fields The Anthony F. Lucas gold medal for 1940 has been awarded to Ev Cheese Envelopes, Shipping Books, Milk erett Lee De Golyer, consulting pe 5 troleura geologist, of Dallas, Texas, Sheets, Receipt Books, Patrons Pass Books, in recognition of “distinguished achievement in improving the tech- nique and practice of finding and !! Shipping Tags, Etc., Etc. producing petroleum.’’ De Goiyer's plan for finding oil employs tracing jj ground supplies by using special sounding equipment. ji Prompt and Satisfactory Attention to Every Order. The award was made by the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. It was made on tire recommendation of a special committee of 16 leaders in BUY AT HOME the petroleum industry. it Mr. De Golyer was a -leader in the development of geophysics' methods for the location of pétrole Î! um deposits which have resulted OUR PRICES COMPARE EiOlil WITH ANY 'TWO highlights of the summer in the discovery of more than 3.U00. Marble Canyon in British Columbia to the hearty basic pleasures of the il -I season iu the Canadian Rockies to I.akc Isiuise. The Trail Hikers 000,000 barrels of oil since 1926. Vast will be the more than usunliv in- out-of-doors and kec|>ing the costs of the Canadian Rockies will have at a minimum. J. M. Gibbon, Windsor areas formerly ignored because oi No Orders too Big or too Small teresting outings planned bv the one central camp for four days in the Station, Montreal, secretary for both lack of surface indications of petro ii Trad Riders and Trail Hikers of the magnificent Egypt Lake and Simpson organizations- reports a growing in- leum deposits were reconsidered foi Canadian Rockies. Their mid-sum- Pass summit area. Their outing is mer excursions on horseback or by terest in this type of holiday and exploration as a result of these new from August 2 to f>. expects record numbers to take part if foot into beauty, spots off the beaten Both these organizations have a methods. path will be especially attractive this year. world-wide membership. Anyone can Otlierspecialentertainment planned His discovery of the Nash Salt /tfeis year to Canadians who will join, the only qualifications being for this year in the Banff-Lake Louise Dome on the Gulf Coast in 192-1 wjtlv ii stay away from the United States a love of the open and the willingness district includes such fascinating his own De Golyer Torsion Balance bêeause of high, monetary exchange to share#coramon pleasures with and to Americans barred from the events as the Indian Days’ celebra- —verified by drill in 1926—involved others. On the trail, members slpep tions at Banff, July 1-8-21; Banff Golf TIE NEWS Pillill COMPANY the first successful application ot ge ii I holiday resorts of Europe and at- in tents or Indian teepees; simple traded to Canada by favorable ex- Week, August 18-24; Banff School of i but satisfying meals are dished up Fine Arts, August 1-31; the annual ophysical prospecting in the Unitec i .change. ; in Hie cook-tent; trained packers States. He became Interested m tin The Trail Riders will hold their ht&mpede at Calgary, July 8-13; and if and guides do the heavy work. AJI the annual ramp oi the Alpine Club use of seismographs in checking or Phone 9 Alexandria, Ont * five-day outing from July 26 to 30, Unnecessary frills are eliminated, how- loUowmg a / spectacular trail from of Canada at Giacier Lake - limit. oil-bearing salt dome structures b\ ever; bringing the diitihga fight -iovrd July 14-29. • sound reflection in 1922. ii The Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont., Friday, April 19, 1940- P*f*I

I’m the other owner, ,and no deed can “Sorry, but I’ll have to pay a stiff pass without my signature.” price to get it. If you’re determined “Prove it!” Bradish’s face was purple to turn this deed business into a hold- *They Make Delicious Tea “I have the deed with me. I always up, I’ll get the rest <31 the story lor carry it because your friend Slanty hard cash and trade it in for your C-ano has a habit ol going through my share of the Circle V.” cabin when he thinks I’m not around. “Keep it,” said Lee grimly. “When The deed was made out while I was I get ready to do business with you away,, only a short time before Matt you’ll be glad to trade in for a chance cued. He wrote me about it,, but the to get out of the state alive Virginia letter missed me and followed me back I want to see you.” here. He said that he had done it as His brief gesture ordered the others CEAPTER XI “It’s too late.” She hurried on des- laugh, he picking her up for a swift, a proof of his affection and confidence out of the room. Lee closed the door SYNOPSIS {perately. “I want to, Lee ; I wish I heady kiss and putting her neatly and that I was to come back and the after them. TEA BAGS down. Lee Hollister, ratums unexpected- otùld, but I can’t. I - I signed the two of us were to run the place in full All trace of Lee’s anger went with ly from a trip abroad to find M'att Blair I the deed this morning.-’ “Don’t be alarmed I’m just going to partnership and make a big thing of the closing of the door, but a numbing his foster father and owner of thej For the space of about ten seconds convince him that he wants to give it it. The deed was placed for safe keeping constraint iook its place. back. Bet you a wedding ring that I Circle v ranch, dead by his own hand. | he stared at her. Then he turned ab- ^ in Judge Harvey’s safe, ,i'n confidence, “Virginia, it can’t be true! Whether ”/ was saying he was just 3 The ranch is going to ruin and Matt’s j ruptly and walked a few steps away can! to be given to nobody but me, or to I have any right to a father’s name or 4 daughter Virginia, now owner of the'toward the grey rim rock which looked' It "was the height of confident young Matt himself. I’ve played a watching rot, it couldn’t be true of Matt.” a friend' of the Family ranch, is living in New York with the ■ ocwn on the Circle V. Bradish’s Circle folly, ,but there was. something infec game to protect Virginia’s rights, To be continued Archers, her aunt and uncle. Her uncle j V now’. Virginia watched him miser- tious about it. Life was suddenly gay whether I kept the title to my half or o wants her to sell the ranch to Milton ably. She found herself explaining in a ’ and exciting. Lee could do anything, turned it back to her. But as she has To Drive Ambulance Eradish, one time Matt’s associate. Le- dead, .monotonous voice. Milton Bradish and his son saw them promised to many me, I think that persuades Virginia to return to the “I went down to meet Mr. Bradish. return. The elder Bradish, was stand. matter will take care of itself.” ranch. Her aunt follows her, accom- He came to see Stanley, but he knew I frig by a window and looking out with He looked for a second at Virginia. panied by Stanley, son of Milton Brad- was ready to sell and he had telegraphed pleasant complacency at the wide val- Her eyes were warm and lovely, her ieh. Stanley tries to discredit Lee in ahead for Mr. Morse to have the deed; ley that at last was his own. cheeks flushed with an excitement that Virginia’s eyes. One evening Josela ready. We went direct from the sta-1 Stanley also looked out as the two cheered him on. He handed a folded Ramirez, who is jealous of Lee’s in- tion to Mr. Morse’s office. And When horses came up to the steps. As steps document to Bradish. Bradish took it, terest in Virginia, dances for Lee and it was done,” she continued dully, “I ; came down the hall he reached for a scanned it swiftly and handed it back. throws herself into his arms just as was sorry. The thought of leaving the magazine and idled over to the other You win,” he said curtly. He would Virginia rides past with Stanley. Stanie* Circle V to strangers—and never cbm- side of the room, looking around with have said more, but Stanley interrupt- visits Josefa, and is shot from ambush. ing back—tore me into little shreds, a careless nod as Lee Hollister appear- ed with an air of bland insolence. Virginia feels that Lee is working A-nd so I came up here—” j ed in the door, but not volunteering Very pretty story, all this Damon against her interests and decides to He swung around and came back to , introductions. Lee ignored the. deli- and Pythias stuff, but people may won- sell the ranch to Milton Bradish. Vir- her. | berate rudeness. der why Blair was so generous to an ginia- and Lee meet Josefa who tells “But if you felt that way, why did j > “You are Mr. Bradish? My name is outsider at his daughter’s expense.” Virginia she hates her because she is l you do it? Was it money fir some-1 Hollister.” “You dammed little- pup, what do jealous of her. thing else? I’ve got to know, Virginia." i “How'd you do, Hollister. I’ve heard you mean?" Hot color came. It was not easy, j of you. . . . Come in.” 7?ie little MUiX cfd/ed “Jus’ what I say.” The tone was still Stanley rose hastily to his feet as but she looked straight at him and ; “Virginia tells me that you’re think- Lee jerked around and strode toward defiant, but the stamp of a small foot made her honest confession. j ing of taking over the Circle V.” was a passionate admission of defeat. him! “I mean,” he said coolly, “.that it LONG DISTANCE “I was angry. I believed things about ! “The deed passed this morning.’ was a belated act of justice to an un- “I go to his cabin, ,1 dance for heem j-ou that weren’t true. I think I want- j Bradish looked sharply at his visitor fâSftN ... and told me they were engaged and make him catch me in his arms acknowledged son. There is a little ed to hurt you.” - j and became bland again. “I’m a village just across the Mexican border jjg? . to be married!” Yes, Long Dis- ' when I know you wiU be there to see. He looked puzzled. “That shooting rancher now. You know more of this where some people have been well paid «8 tance is the answer to a maiden’s “But Josefa! How could you know business?” • place than I do.” He was the personi- 1 prayer .. . when she gets her man ! that I would be there to see you?" to conceal the fact that you are the [Kjs In fact it meets every situation in “Oh, that Stanlee!” Josefa’s angry son of a woman.Blair brought there shrug told all the rest. “That peeg! I years ago.” life when you must and can ignore distance, r am one besg simpleton to believe what All the hot temper that Lee had for a real ear-to-ear talk. After 7 p.m. (and all he say. I am glad he get shoot.He 'ang fought for years flamed up now and day Sunday) rates are lower as every ‘little ’round me wanee too much. Hah, but glittered in his eyes. “That’s a lie from minx’ knows! •he get beeg scare! He ron away like start to finish. You rotten little sneak silly rabbit!” I ought to quirt the hide off you.” Josefa’s scornful laugh broke of ab Stanley’s lip curled. “Go ahead; I’m ruptly. She bent her head slightly; she a cripple." was listening, taut and intent. “Yes, ,and I know how you got it. “Josefa, you don’t know what you’ve You’d better make the most of it while it lasts and get well as soon as you can Blonde and beautiful Miss Bea- done for me. I want to thank you for trice Phillips, daughter of William telling me—” because when I come back I’m going Phillips, United States ambassador Josefa drew back resentfully. “I do to give you the damnedest thrashing to Italy, is shown just before she you ever had in your life. Now hand sailed on the S.S. Washington for not do it for you I hate you! I do Europe. Miss Phillips will drive it for Lee.” out the name of that village.” an ambulance in France. Again the wary look came. She toned as silently as she had come, and vanished down an almost invisible GRIMLY CARRYING OUT VOW TO SWEEP NAZIS FROM THE *EAS trail. ||; TIME TABLE Virginia listened also, with shining CHANGES eyes. “Bet you a wedding ring that I can!” A little later, when Brimstone had Effective scrambled up the last grade, Lee saw “No . . . yes, that was part of it. fication of brisk frankness. “I know you SUNDAY, APRIL 28,194ft her beside the black horse, her face But I mean the girl—that pretty child. have been connected with it for a turned toward him and one hand strok- Full information from agents She was just here, Lefe. She told me.” long time and I know what Blair ing Black Lightning’s satiny neck. “Oh . . . Josefa.” Lee was faintly thought of you. I'm going to make a CANADIAN NATIONAL “Ling told me that you had started embarrassed. “She’s just a kid," he lot of improvements and have it run up this way. I heard that Bradish was said apologetically. Then he drew a right up to the minute. I can’t be here coming today, and I wanted to see long breath and came a step nearer. myself to boss things, and I need a you before you did anything about sell- “And now', Virginia?” good man to take charge. The job is ing the Circle V. I want,” he continued, “Oh, Lee, don't you know—by this 3'ours. Will you take it?” “to make a final proposition to you. time?” “Thanks. I’m not looking for a job.” I want you to let me take full charge A little later she raised her head The answer came in the mildest of for a year, without pay and without from a flannel shirted shoulder. They tones.. “I came for something entirely any obligation' for you to stay here.” smiled at each other. different. I’ve been talking to Vir- “You would be willing,” she asked T love you,” 'he declared, “a «ni ginia about the sale. She feels that the slowly, “to give a whole year out of lien times more every minute.” -whole business this morning was pretty your life for this? Perhaps for no- He stopped short at the stricken hasty, and she regrets it. In fact, she thing?” Order Bray Chicks now, and be look on her face. “lucky” when egg prices climb^ It would be the best year I’d ever feels very badly about it, and I’ve Oh, don't be nice to me.” She hur- persuaded her to let me make a per- next Fall. See me, or phone me, spent, Virginia. This is more than right away. Personal attention, ried her face in his shoulder with a sonal appeal to you. Her father was just land and cattle to me. it’s a cause, prompt delivery. smothered wail “I hate myself! To a good friend to you once, and you it’s a fight, it’s Matt's memoiy and MRS. C. H. SMITH, think that I've sold it—when you love your inheritance. Bradish is too an- have your chance now to be a good ÎUR. X ASesasadrila, it so .” friend to his daughter.” xious to get this place; there’s some- or Ts that the trouble?” He put a hand thing back of it, and the man who He was taking a folded slip of pa- W. A. SMITH ;; ; . under her chin, and for a moment stu- per from his pocket. turned a- sharp corner on old Don 3L ÏL. 1, Glen aSanciMA, died her shadowed eyes. “It looks,” Buis -wouldn’t hesitate to turn one on “This is the check you gave her this he said thoughtfully, “as if we’d bet- you. Give me that year, Virginia.” morning. I’m asking you to take it back ter get it back again. Let’s get down EYES TESTED “Don’t I can’t stand it!” She turn- and destroy the deed she gave you.” tc cases. Was it a cash transaction? WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON KTKM ed her face away from him and he From the other side of the room Did he give you a check?” WEEK j heard a sharp, indrawn breath. Stanley grinned derisively at this ex- She nodded,, looking perplexed. traordinary request, but Milton Brad- Good glasses a you need them, j “Yes. But Lee ” ish did not smile. He favored his visitoi Good advice a you don’t. “Did you deposit it?” with a contemptuous stare. W. C. LEYBOURNE, R.O., 0* UG BACKACHE “No. Somehow I couldn’t” "You’ve got less brains than I thou- Pitt St., Cornwall, at the office» of Df, “Good!” He laughed- under his ght.” he snapped. “Business isn’t done D. D. McIntosh, Dentist, AleuuMSM. OFTEN WARNING breath. ‘Don’t worry, honey. Were’ go- that way.” Every Wednesday afternoon. Backache may be the first sign o! Kidney ing down right now to persuade your' “Then you refuse?” trouble. When your bach aches, iook to Steam-Roller Bradish to tear up that “Certainly It was a bona fide tran- A. L. GKEWSON, M.D., C.M., (MeGflqj your kidneys. Don’t fail to heed this warn- deed." saction,, the property is mine and 1 LJVLC.C. V j ing—it is too important. Take prompt action All German warships in Norwegian w ..G! tco to have broken up all German naval con- to correct Backache, or its cause. At the first “But I’ve signed it. I've given my mean to keep it.” being hunted down by the British navy and meict* centrations and to have vowed that the entire Ger- BYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. sign of Backache turn confidently to Dodd’s word. You can’t do such a thing!" “Then I’m afraid I shall have to tell lessly being swept from the sea as lean, gray British many navy will be swept from the seas. British Glasses supplied and fitted. TetepbotMl Kidney Pills—for over half a century the “You underate my powers of persu- you that your deed is worthless. Matt destroyers and huge battleships cut through the cold destroyers, ^he • “tin-cans” of the navy are shown. favorite remedy for Kidney ailments. 107 TOP, cutting through the waters of the North Sea as 1245. 232 West Second Street, Coro- ssion.” He grinned at her. suddenly i Blair had only a half ownership ol waters of Skagerrak and along the coastal water of Norway in pursuit of the Nazi ships. Living up to the huge guns of British battleships roar their chai- wan, Ont., Please make appointment* Dodd's Kidney Pills gay. He saw her anxious lock and the Circle V to will to his daughter. their highest traditions, the Royal Navy is relinb'.v tc the N—'<=. BOTT^d with the secretary. Office open B—11, 1—5. Saturday 9—12. :MUGGS AND SKEETER By WALLY BISHOP PROFESSIONAL NOTICE ! LEOPOLD LALONDE Banister, Solicitor and Notary, K*nt Block, Alexandria. Tel 63. Omat Hours 9—5. BBENNAN & McDOUSAIX < Barristers, Solicitors, Notarié», Offices 102 Pitt St. Cornwall, O»*. G. E. BRENNAN, C. J. McDODGAlAk

INSURANCE Fire Ufe, Sickness, Accident, mobile, Plate uiass. Dwelling, Pfipl! ture, Theft, Wtnd & Farm We have also taken over Ain. A Kerr’s Insurance Agende». MORRIS BROS., 27-tX AKaandria, OASi Pa£3 S. Tie Glengarry News, Alexandria, Ont, Friday, April 19, 1940-

to fill in and remit the increase of SOCIAL & PERSONAL 20% over all other Dominion income Parishioners of St. Finnan's taxes imposed. This increase was pro- Mrs. D. D. McMillan, spent the week (Continued from page 1) vided by legislation passed during the end in Ottawa visiting her brother, Items oî Auld Lang Syne permited you to overlook the faults of War Session of last -September. Mr. Morrison. others, but compelled you to lend a If taxpayers will refer to Item 17K Miss Alma Beauchamp, spent the helping hand to all who were in trouble (4) on page 1 of the Income Tax Forms week end in Ottawa visiting her aunt Gleaned From The Fyles of The Glengarry News In this selfish age when many are they will see that this Item is the total Mrs. Harry Beauchamp. seeking their own advancement, even 01 Items 17K„ 17K (2), 17K (3) and Miss M. A. Rouleau, R. N. Montreal if others must be crushed or injured that Item 17K (5) requires that 20% In addition to all the accessories that make House was a week end guest of her father, A ceremony of exceptional interest to the general pub- in the process, the example you have of 17K (4) be added to cover War Cleaning such a pleasure to the average woman and a Mi. E. Rouleau and family. lic is announced for the middle of June, in the un veiling given us has undoubtedly made us Surtax. bane to every married man, we are offering special pri- 1 Mi’. J. H. Boivin, Montreal was in of the Monument recently reflect on the great precept “Thou- Failure on the part of the taxpayers town over the week end. ces on that most celebrated Jap-a-lac line of Paints and TEN" YEAJRS AGO erected at St. Raphaels by ‘‘be shalt love thy neighbour as thyself," to remit the War Surtax necessitates Mrs. Rene Legault is this week visit- Varnishes. Let’s talk it over. Friday, April 25, 1930 Historic Sites Commission of and it is our sincere hope that the seed the Department levying an assessment ing in Montreal. Canada, to commemorate the has fallen on fertile soil. covering this tax, which will include Mr. Geo. H. Goodfellow, Lancaster, Make Good Neighbors public services of the Honorable and Rt. Rev. Alexander The Scotch people of Glengarry owe interest -at five per cent plus additional was a business visitor to town on Sat- by fencing in your chickens. Macdonell, Frst Bishop of Upper Canada. The cere- you » debt of gratitude for keeping three per cent Penalty interest. urday. It doesn’t cost much at mony will be left in the hands of local historical societies alive in our midst the love of Highland Mi', and Mrs Geo. Layland, Valley- and work of assembling the General Committee is prgress- customs and traditions and we shall Cowan’s. Also Water Founts field, were week end guests of his father Ing Mrs. D. R. MacDonald and the Misses Teresa and consider it our duty and oui' privilege & Feed Hoppers to make Mr. Oscar Layland. Mildred MacDonald ,who some weeks ago left Saskatoon to to carry on this great work. May we 0BÏTDÀRY the chickens happy. Don’t take an apartment in Montreal, were Eastertide guests of Miss Mariette Hurtubise, Montreal, MRS. ANNIE MCDONALD spent the week end in town visiting express the hope that you will often cost near as much as it pays. | Mrs. D. A. McArthur, .here. On Friday Miss Florence be able to join us In honouring the The community of Glen Nevis was her aunt, Mrs. B. Saxton. Cluff, ,R.N., of Maxville, sailed from New York on the K.S. memory of our patron saint, and of saddened last week by news that Mi’s. Mrs. D. J. Dolan, accompanied by Use Celo-Glass for Bremen. She will spend the summer .abroad and will holi- ora- far-famed Scottish bard. Consider- Annie McDonald had died on April 10 her mother, Mrs G. McAuley, left on windows at 50c. a foot day in the British Isles, France, Italy,'Austria and Switzer- able progress has already been made -in the morning of the day, in the Tuesday for Perrysburg, Ohio, where land. Prior to leaving Dunvegan where they have re- in your research as to the history of evening of her life. 28” wide, or buy Glass- ^ she will spend some two weeks the sided for a number of years ,to make their home in West- cur Glengarry clans and as to the Bom in the 8th Concession, Lancas- Fabric 36’’ wide at 10c guest of her brother. Dr. J. R. Mc- ern Canada. Mr. and MTs. N. M. McCuaig and family were ancestry of many of our Scottish fami- ter in 1853 she came of pioneer Glen- a foot. Auley and Mrs McAuley. tendered a farewell banquet in Donald Dewar’s hall. An ad- lies, and w’e trust that you will now garry stock and exemplified all Its vir- dress was read by Mr. John D. McLeod and a well filled Mrs Donald McKay of Toronto, tues in her own person being a good arrived Tuesday, on a visit to friends have more leisure to pursue these in- purse was presented. The local fire brigade was called vetigations so that inthe near future wife, a good mother and a good neigh- out early Saturday morning to extinguish a blaze in the here. She is the guest of Mrs. T. J.. bor to all suffering from sickness or Gormley. we may have the pleasure of seeing in residence occupied by Mrs. Hayden, Catherine St. East. print these historical memoirs. misfortune. Her memories ran back Donald A. Macdonald, K. C., attend- Little damage was done. Mr John Chisholm of Win- Your efforts to educate our farmers as unbroken to the middle of the Nine- ed Supreme Court Sittings in L’Orig- Cowan’s nipeg, is visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. V. G. Chisholm, to the advantages of co-operative ef- teenth century; she kept to the last nal, Monday. Lochiel. The township of Charlottenburgh is calling for fort have brought results in the face of her faculties in all their fullness. After spending some time at hci applications for a Road Superintendant Messrs. M. almost insurmountable obstacles and High Mass for the deceased was Hardware & Furniture parental home, Glen Roy, Mrs. George Goodwin and Earl Bradley left on Tuesday for Pembroke, it is our firm belief that your inspirat- celebrated by her pastor Rev. Msgr. Donovan has returned to Detroit, Mich which will be the headquarters of the Edgar Irvine Co. ion has spurred on the younger farm D. R. Macdonald with singing by Mary- for some months. where she will resume her duties as va-le Abbey Choir. reporter for the Detroit Sunday Star. ers to give serious study to farm prob- lems and to think co-operatively—a The immediate surviving relatives Mrs. Rod S. McLeod was in Cornwall very good start indeed.- are Mrs. Roderick Maville, her daugh- Owing to certain differences which have arisen be- this week the guest of Mi's F. T. Cos- ter, and Chas J., Donald, John, Hugh, WHICH MAKE I WATCH WOULD YOU LIKE ? tello and Judge Costello. Your enthusiastic support of clean tween the management and the employees of the Carri- sportsmanship in athletics, and your Mrs. Harry McVicar and Margaret Mc- age Works, here, not a wheel Congratulations are extended to Donald, her grandchildren. Her hus- Duncan MacGillis, 5th Lancaster, who numerous contributions to the cause CYMA ELCO TWENTY YEARS AGO has turned since Monday. of sport have been of great value to band, John J. McDonald, predeceased Friday, April 23, 1920 While awaiting settlement the was successful in securing his Steam her 24 years ago. ELGIN ROLEX Engineering Certificate at Toronto, cur young people and we know that OMEGA LORIE men have conducted themsel- those you leave behind will make an She bore in her hands to the grave ves in an exemplary manner and there have been no dis- last week. two lilies brought by Miss Margaret BULOVA ZENITH Her many friends will be glad to honest effort to cany on your work in ADMIRAL WALTHAM turbances. The higher cost of living is reported to be the this direction. MacArthur. They were the first blooms chief cause of friction and Mayor Simon is bending every learn that Miss F. A. Rouleau, who from a plant which Mrs. McDonald HAMILTON LONGINES St. Finnan’s cemetery has been effort toward bringing the parties together. Mr. Edmund is a patient in the Water Street Hos- herself had given Miss MacArthur at, MONTROSE, TAVANNES vastly improved, systematic reforestat- Lalonde went to Montreal on Sunday to meet his brother pital,. Ottawa, is making very satis- the time of her mother’s death thirts We can supply you with any or ALL of THEM ion has been encouraged, Catholic so- David, who with his English bride was expected to arrive factory progress. year ago. at the Metropolis the following day.- At Monday’s Coun- Mr and Mrs John W. MacRae and cieties have been formed and developed, cil meeting MS’. Angus Cameron was engaged as Clerk of Mrs Wm J. McKinnon Lochiel, attend- Chisholm Park has been prepared as a sport centre for our little Town and the work on Special Roads, and Max C. Seger as an officer ed the funeral of the late Dr. Hynd- OSTROMS on every side we see evidences of the Students Graduate under the Ontario Temperance Act.—During the past two man, M. P„ at Carp, last Thursday. Druggist and Jewellen, Mill Square, Alexandria. weeks three sugar camps and outfits have been burned They also visited friends at the Manse constructive leadership you have given The seventy-third Annual Convoca- within a radius of two miles, west of Maxville. They were Carp, before returning home. us during your pastorate here. It is tion of The Presbyterian College, the properties of Charles McIntosh, Gilbert Morrison and Mr. and Mrs L. Greenspon and natural therefore that in view ol all Montreal, was held on Tuesday even- Robert Cameron. While there has been found daughter, spent the week end in Mon- this the people of the Alexandria dis- ing, April 9th, with the principal, no proof, incendiarism is suspected. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. treal visiting relatives. trict should view your departure with the Rev. Dr. F. Scott MacKenzle, pre- sincere regret. Bathurst, Dalhousie Mills, were in Ottawa Wednesday, at- Miss Eileen MacDonald of Cornwall siding. Ten students received graduat- tending the marriage of then son Mi’. Thos. W., to Miss Commercial College spent the week- As a slight token of our appreciation ing diplomas, their names and home Edna Proctor .daughter of Mrs. J. R. Proctor of Ottawa. end, the guest of her grandmother, please accept this small gift which, addresses being as follows; In a return brought down at Ottawa, Canada's popula- Mrs T. Harkin, Greenfield, while Miss we trust, ■will be of some little use in Jesse E. Bigelow, B.A., Wales, Ont.; jour new home. tion is estimated for 1920 at nine million people. The Theresa- O’Connor was the guest of her. G. Edward Bingham, London, Ont.; overall campaign recently inaugurated in the United States parents Mi’ and Mrs S. O’Connor, Signed on behalf of the parish. Samuel M. Brown, Ballymena, Ireland, to bring down the high price of clothing, js now spreading Alexandria. THE PROGRAMME Herbert M. Buntadn, B.A., New Glas- through Canada. Blue Jeans are now fashionable except Mr and Mrs. Jack Adams (nee Mar- 1 Gaelic Song—Mrs. Archie Ken- gow, N.S.; William H. Heustin B.A., in churches and at social functions. There is talk of form- garet McCuaig) of Winnipeg have tak- nedy and Mrs. D. J. Mclntosfi. St. Eugene, Ont.; James D. Howson, ing a club in Alexandria. Mr. and Mi’s. Wm. Proctor of en up residence in Sault Ste Marie, 2. Violin Selections — J. Neil Mc- B.A., Peterborough, Ont.; Harrison L. St. Raphaels, ,have taken up then- residence on Main St„ Ontario, Mr. Adams having been trans- Donell. Lamond, Roxbury, Mass., U.S.A.; John North. ferred to The Canadian Bank of Com- 3. Scotch Song—Grace Morris . M. MacQueen, B.A., Boulardie, N.S.; • »•••• merce branch at that point. 4. Highland Fling—Louise Slacdon- Alexander Rattray, B.S.c., Dundee, Airman Henry Sauve of the R.C.A.F. ald. Scotland; John A. Smith, B.A., North The newly formed Alexandria Canoe Club is in its quarters Toronto was in town for the week end D. Jock-o-Hazeldean—Dorothy Dale, Sidney, N.S. at the head of the mill dam. Already canoes have been re- the guest of his father Mr. Jos. Sauve, Penny McIntosh, Jack MoCallum, Many of these have preached as students In Glengarry churches and ALEXANDRIA DUTFITTERS ceived from the Peterboi- Main Street. Since receiving his dip- Willie Dale. THIRTY YEARS AGO ough Co. and the member- loma on completion of the Air Mec- 6. Gaelic Song—-James R. McDonell, their friends will be pleased to know Friday, April 22,1910 ship is growing. Mi’. N. Gil- hanic’s Course at Galt, late last Dan D. McDonell, Ed. J. A. Mc- of their graduation. bert has placed a gasoline month. Airman Sauve has been tak- Donald. The Church History Gold Medal was launch on the pond and each evening takes a number of ing further courses in Toronto. 7. Violin Selection—Howard and. awarded to Mr. Bigelow. The degree citizens for a spin on the water. In the list of success- Our three Alexandria physicians, Ralph Logan. ol B.D. by examination was conferred Super specials! ful candidates in the final examination held last month Drs. D. J. Dolan, M. Markson and B. 8. Song—“Loch Lomond” — Isabel upon Messrs. Bigelow, MacQueen, and at the Ottawa Normal School, we note the following Glen- Pruneau were In Cornwall on Wednes- MacMillan, Isabel Dolan. Rattray ,as wfell as upon the Rev. W LADIES’ COATS, Reg to $18.50 ÇC AA garrians: Margaret Daly, Greenfield; Ethel M. Hope, Sum- day evening attending a banquet and 9. Scottish Airs—Mrs. D. D. McIn- Jean H. Faurot,, B. A., and the Rev. All Shades—All Sizes «PO.UU merstown; Mary A. McDiarmid, Maxville; and Violet L. meeting of the medical men of the tosh, Mrs. D. E. McPhee. Alexander Mills, B.A. The Graduate CHILDREN’S and GIRLS’ COATS $0 QC Miarjerrison, Apple Hill. Messrs. Ewen L. McCuaig and Cornwall district, held in the Corn- 10. Duet—“Charlie is My Darling”— Scholarships were won by Messrs.. Hugh McGillivray of Laggan, left here Tuesday morning wallis Hotel. Claire Macdonald, Ida Morris. Bigelow and Rattray. The Honorary from ...., 'PL'Vdjj P D.D. was conferred upon the Rev. for Saskatoon. Messrs. T. Andre, A. Gareau and J. Sauve, Mrs. Alexander Grant and her son, 11. Shean Trews—Joan Gormley. MEN’S SPRING COATS from <£g Qg all of St. Raphaels, left for Winnipeg that same day. Mr. Lindsay Grant, are arriving from 12. Scotch Song—John Morris. James McNeill of St. John, Newfound- UP At a special meeting of Glengarry Presbytery held in Williamstown, on Saturday to attend 13. Gaelic Song—Mrs. Archie Ken- land and the Rev. John Flynn, Mo- MacLaren Hall, on Tuesday, Mr. W. McMillan. B.A., B D., jhe marriage of Mi’s. Grant’s son, Dr. nedy. derator General of the Presbyterian gj LADIES’ SILK DRESSES, Reg. JJ QQ Montreal Presbyterian congregation .accepted a unanimous F. Donald Grant, and Miss Joan Rich- 14. Violin Selections—J. Neil Mc- Church in Australia. Among the winners of prizes and call extended by the congregations of Dalhousie Mills and Cote mond. Byington, which takes place Donell. Jg PAIRS LADIES’SHOES, Reg. JJ QQ St. George. The of Mr. McMillan was fixed for that afternoon. Montreal Gazette. 15 “Will ye no come back again”— scholarships we note the name of Wal- May 3rd at Dalhousie Mills. Mr. Paul Decosse of the Mr R. S. Duncan of the Department Penny McIntosh, Dorothy Dale, lace MacKinnon, B.A., of St. Elmo, who won the MacVicar Memorial J. T. Schell Co,, left Tuesday for Estevan. ,Sask., where he ot Agriculture, Toronto, spent a few Jack McCallum, Willie Dale. LADIES’ SWEATERS, Reg to $1.95 gÇ) will supervise interior fittings of the new post office. hours in town on Thursday. Church Elocution Prize. Early this week the Messrs. Mulhern, owners of “The Pines”, Representing Glengarry Presbytery Main St. south, disposed of the property to Dr. J. Howard Woman’s Association at the Convocation were Rev. Dr. Berry MEN’S WOOL SOX ,Reg. 29c Munro of Maxville, who will take possession on August 1st. find dome Ransacked of Martintown, Rev. S. J. Sharkey ol The regular meeting of the Woman’s .9 PR. • •••••••• Lancaster, -and Rev. Dr. MacMillan ol Hawkesbury, April 16.—When Eu- Association of Alexandria United The last classes in the history of the Boy’s Separate Dunvegan. LADIES’ SILK BLOUSES gene Huot and his family returned Church, will be held at the home of School were held on Tuesday and the demolition of the $1.00 from their annual winter vacation Mrs. R. H. Go;wan, on Wednesday. building Has already com- spent in the South, they discovered April 24th., at three o'clock. LADIES’ SILK PANTIES THIRTY-f'IVE YEARS AGO menced. The new structure Mass Card Omitted that their large home, situated on Main Among the Mass Cards for the late -! .19 Friday, April 21, 1903 when completed will be one street east, had been entered and com- John R. MacDonald,, 6th Lancaster, MEN’S PELT HATS, Reg. $1.95 of the finest school buildings pletely ransacked.. Every drawer and Only One Radio License there was omitted a High Mass received in Eastern Ontario.——We understand the Bell Telephone $ cupboard in the place had been open- from the Dan H. MacGillis family, 1.00 will branch out from Maxville this summer. A line will be OTTAWA, April 17—Transport Min- ed and the contents thrown abour. ute? Howe announced yesterday that 5th, Lancaster. 40 MEN’S SUITS, Reg. to $18.50 Jg built to Dunvegan, via St. Elmo and Athol, while another Upstairs, the bed clothes had been line will run south, possibly to Apple Hill, On the 1st .?Jy one radie receiving licence will be removed from the beds and tossed in equired T>r all radio receiving sets May, the Commercial Hotel will pass into the hands of all directions. A close check-up reveal- Messrs. Gormley Bros.,, the well-known hotelmen of Finch, installed in a private residence in- ed that only the cutlery had been ta- stead of one licence for each set as HIT HEAD who have rented it for a term of years from Mr. Arch. ken, not a knife, fork or spoon being Come and see these wonderful bargains McMillan. On exhibition at Geo. H. Kemp’s shop is an formerly. left. Entry was gained by forcing the Today’s ruling is retroactive to April and yon will buy and save money. oil painting from the brush of Mr. Henry McDonell. A lock on a rear door. COLD MISERY life size figure of our Saviour following his crucifixion, the 1 last, when licences for 1939-40 expir- Right Where It Hits You! work is an ambitious effort. Among the appointments ed. CLEAR YOURNOSEofsuffocatingmucus We accept wood and eggs in trade. noted in the Ontario Gazette is that of Mr. Angus Mc- Additional licences stillv will be re- —open up your cold-clogged head— Donald, Alexandria, as License Inspector for Glengarry. ALEMNiM RIO CROSS quired for radio sets in automobiles. breathe more freely! Vicks Va-tro-nol is what you need. A few drops give vice W. J. McNaughton, retired. We understand that swift relief from head cold discomfort. J. A. Macdonell has purchased the lot on Kenyon street, Bean Supper THIS TREATMENT is successful because Is Specialize in Made-Measure Suits next to the residence of Mr. A. P. McDonald.—-Dr. J. SATURDAY Dominion Income Tax Va-tro-nol is active medication—con- Howard Munro who has practised his profession in com- taining several essential relief-giving agents plus ephedrine—expressly de- pany with his father at Maxville for some time, will short- Increase Of 20 Per Cect signed for nose May 4th, 1940 v All, ,J i05, ly remove to Greenfield, where he will open an office. and upper throat. ' ’ ’'O''* ' ALEXANDRIA OUTFITTERS It is reported Mr. Allan J. McDonald will erect a barber Income Tax Returns affecting the What’s more, from .5.30 on when used at first shop immediately south of the Grand Union hotel. Ser- individual taxpayer are being submit- sniffle or sneeze, Where Value and Courtesy Meet, geant J. A. McDonald of Kingston, was in town on Wednes- at the Masonic Temple ted in large numbers to the Inspector Va-tro-nol actu- Tel. 106, ALEXANDRIA, Lewis Greenspon, Prop. ; day recruiting for the Royal Canadian Artillery. oi Income Tax, Jackson Building, Ot- ally helps to pre- VICKS —' vent many colds -. - --A , PRICE:- - 25 cents tawa, and many taxpayers are railing from developing. *A'TRQ ’ N 0 L i

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