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45th June Year! 2015 A S H M O N T OUTLOOK Published at Dorchester, Massachusetts by the Ashmont Hill Association, Established 1970 June is Bustin’ Out Dorchester Rising Stars Ashmont Hill Association Thanks to Bob and Vicki Rugo for Ashmont Hill Chamber Music show- Monthly Meeting hosting the April meeting and to every- cases two talented young musicians from Thursday, May 28 one who attended. Dorchester, Tony Rymer, cello, and 7:30 p.m. The next AHA meeting will be on Phuong Nghi Pham, piano, at a benefit Thursday, May 28, at 7:30 p.m., at 60 concert on Saturday, June 27, at 5 p.m. 60 Alban Street Alban Street, hosted by Gary and Julie Burros, Arts and Culture Chief for hosted by Andrea Barsomian-Dietrich. On the the City of Boston, and State Senator Gary & Andrea Barsomian-Dietrich agenda: Charles Yancey, who currently Linda Dorcena Forry will be special Supper at 7, desserts appreciated represents City Council District 4 and guests. The concert and reception follow- is running for re-election, and Patricia ing will take place at the Carriage House Agenda: Lampron, principal of the Henderson at 31 Ocean Street, the home of Nancy City Councilor Charles Yancey Anderson. The concert program includes K12 Inclusion School, who will give Patricia Lampron, Henderson K12 works by Bach, Brahms and Prokofiev. an update on the Henderson’s expan- Inclusion School sion from an elementary school to a Tony Rymer grew up on Ashmont Hill Anthony Stankiewicz, Codman kindergarten-grade 12 school. and started playing cello at age five. Square Health Center Also on the agenda is Anthony Phuong Nghi Pham began piano lessons at age five in Vietnam and moved to the Stankiewicz, Esq., the Chief Advance- Community Calendar ment Officer/Chief of Staff at the Cod- United States with her parents in 2004. man Square Health Center, who will Both musicians have won numerous Shakespeare’s Romeo & Juliet talk about the Health Center’s plan to prestigious competitions and scholar- Friday, May 29, 7:30 p.m.; sell the Odwin property at 1943 Dorch- ships and have performed on NPR’s Sat, May 30, 2 p.m. ester Avenue, opposite the Carruth “From the Top” as well as with well- Strand Theatre, Uphams Corner building, to one of two developers. known artists, ensembles and orchestras. Free Hatha Yoga (See page 2 for more information on Tony is currently a Master’s student at Tuesdays, June 9 - 30, this matter.) Come to this meeting to the Hanns Eisler Hochschule für Musik 6:30 - 8 p.m. learn more and express your views. in Berlin. Phuong Nghi attends Amherst Fields Corner Library College. Boston City Singers David Mooney Tickets are $100; proceeds benefit President, Board of Directors “Sing All Together” the programs of Ashmont Hill Cham- Sunday, May 31, 3 p.m. Ashmont Hill Association ber Music. Advance ticket purchase is Strand Theatre, Uphams Corner recommended as seating is limited. To Ashmont Hill Book Group order tickets or for more information, Wednesday, June 3, 7:15 p.m. go to or call 42 Ocean Street 617-680-7542. (continued on page 4) The way city living should be 2 Ashmont Outlook • June 2015 CSHC Weighing rental housing as well as commercial/ The Ashmont Hill Developers’ Plans for retail/restaurant space in and around the Association Odwin Property historic electric substation in Roslindale Village. Info: www was established in 1970. A non-profit 501(c)3 organ- Several years ago the Codman ization, its mission is to provide a forum to enhance Square Health Center purchased the Anthony Stankiewicz, Esq., Chief the quality of life in and around Dorchester’s historic Ashmont Hill neighborhood by fostering a strong former Odwin Learning Center at 1943 Advancement Officer and Chief of Staff sense of community among all residents. Dorchester Avenue, across from the for the Health Center, will speak at the We welcome news items of neighborhood inter- Carruth building, for some of its pro- May 28 AHA monthly meeting to est, space permitting. Submis sions (no longer than 250 words and including a contact name and phone grams. They have decided to put the explain the Health Center’s process and number) should be sent to P.O. Box 240217, Dorch- property on the market instead. After hear neighbors’ views on the two pro- ester, MA 02124, or left on the Message Line. We reserve the right to edit submissions for clarity and receiving expressions of interest from posals. This is a follow-up to a May 12 length. some 30 parties, they have narrowed community meeting on the proposals at Epiphany School, to provide further Advertising down the list of potential buyers/devel- Classified: $10/insertion for heading opers to two. The Health Center leader- opportunity for neighbors to learn about and four lines of copy. ship is interested in receiving commu- the proposals and offer their input. Com- Business ads: $30/insertion or $250 nity input regarding these two ments should be submitted to Mr. for full year (10 issues). proposals prior to making a decision. Stankiewicz at anthony.stankiewicz Leave ad info request on Message Line. The two developers are 1) a joint ven- or by mail to him at the ture of the Codman Square Neighbor- Codman Square Health Center, 637 News and advertising deadlines: Washington Street, Dorchester, MA June 12 hood Development Corporation and The Outlook is distributed approximately VietAID, and 2) the Peregrine Group 02124. NOTE: The deadline for sub- one week after each deadline. LLC. mitting comments is Sunday, June 7. The Ashmont Hill Association neither endorses The CSNDC/VietAID proposal is for nor warrants the products or services of 35-40 affordable rental units for low- April Meeting Notes Ashmont Outlook advertisers. and moderate-income households in a C-11 Community Service Officer AHA Board of Directors five-story building, with retail space at Mike Keaney reported a quiet month 2014 - 2015 street level. Construction would be except for several recent robberies and David Mooney, President financed through government funding car break-ins. C-11’s farmily-oriented Vicki Rugo, Vice President sources. Both non-profit organizations Bike Rodeo is Saturday, June 20, 10 Lianne Ames, Clerk have experience developing affordable a.m. - 1 p.m. at Florian Hall on Hallet Charlie Holmes, Treasurer housing in Dorchester; CSNDC has Street, with a free bike raffle, free bike Pat Burson, At-large developed some 1,300 apartments helmets, food, and more. Outlook staff mainly around Codman Square, and is Marva Serotkin, executive director of Lianne Ames, layout/production currently in the running for several The Boston Home, described the Har- Vicki Rugo, writer/editor other projects, while VietAID has been mon Apartments (named in honor of Andrea Barsomian-Dietrich, webmaster the developer for several projects in the Home’s founder) that TBH propos- Ashmont Hill Association Fields Corner and elsewhere. Both es to build to serve people with neuro- P.O. Box 240217 organizations provide social services logical diseases such as MS who are Dorchester, MA 02124 and other services as well. Info: able to live independently with support Message Line: 617-822-8178 and and accessibly-designed housing. Of Email: [email protected] The Peregrine Group proposal is for the 39 units, six would be market-rate 35-40 rental units at moderate market- rentals, the rest would be affordable AHA is grateful to the Codman Square rate rents, aimed at young profession- rentals. TBH would like to make all Health Center for providing the Message als and empty-nesters; 15 percent of units available to people with disabili- Line. the units would have affordable rents ties; the realistic goal is 70%. Financ- Like us on Facebook as required by law. Their building ing would be through tax-credits and would also be five stories with retail other public funding sources. Set into To subscribe to the Ashmont Hill list- space at street level. The project would the sloped site, the building would be serve, send email request with your full be privately financed through bank four stories fronting directly on Dorch- name and street address to resources and private investors. Based ester Avenue, and three stories towards [email protected] in Rhode Island, Peregrine has devel- Range Road. Mature trees would be oped a number of residential projects retained and supplemented to provide a and is currently creating market-rate (continued on page 3) The way city living should be Ashmont Outlook • June 2015 3 About the )Neighborhood 36th Annual Yard Sale Report Yard Sale impresario Joe Gildea reports that there were 58 selling loca- tions with a total of 74 participants in this year’s sale. After expenses are covered, $479.72 will be added to AHA’s treasury. A million thank-yous to Joe for putting together this very successful event! Boston City Singers News Dorchester’s own Boston City Singers are among the finalists on WGBH’s “Sing That Thing!” series that AHA Clean-up showcases amateur singing groups in Thanks to all the neighbors who participated in the annual clean-up and photo! Greater Boston. Watch the season finale on Channel 2 on Friday, May 22, at 8 Head of School John Finley, 617-326- p.m., to learn the results. BCS also summer2015 for details. Info: codman- 0425 x206 or jfinley@epiphanyschool presents “Singing All Together!” featur- [email protected] or 617-407- .com. ing 200+ young singers ages 4-18 on 5347. Sunday, May 31, 3 p.m., at the Strand The Ashmont/Peabody Square Farm- April Meeting Notes Theatre in Uphams Corner.