At the Court-House, at Wells, in the Couuty/Of Somerset, on the 24Th
2715 Joseph Holland, -formerly of the Conch and Horses, Hol- Henry and John Hapkinson, as Wood. Tamers, and la<* linswQO.d, Oldham, Lancashire, Victualler, and in copart- of Puck;:yard aforesaid, Wood Turner on his nership -with Thomas Gee, as Coach Proprietors, and late own account, all the time residing at Out-court-bank, in Lodgings at Hollinwood aforesaid, out of business. aforesaid. James Horrocks, late of No. 81, Oldfield-lane, Salford, Lan- cashire, Plumber and Glazier. Robert Battersby, formerly of the Boar's Head, .Heap- At. the Court-House, at Preston, in the County of bridge, Heap, near Bury, Lancashire. Victualler and Lancaster, 'on the 25th day of November 184., at ,, Butcher, and late a Lodger in the Market-place afore- Ten o'Clock in the Forenoon precisely. said, out of business. ".. Joseph Prestwick, formerly of Eupuncliise-place, Green- Robert Harrison, formerly of Hope-street, then of Lan- n'ays, Chorlton-upoa-Medlock, Manchester, Lancashire, caster-road, then oi' Sleddon-street, and late of Chatham- . Letter Carrier, then of Bell-street,. Greenrhays aforesaid, street, all in Preston, Lancashire, Bricklayer. Letter Carrier and Fishmonger, Oxford-road, Chorlton- William Simpson, formerly of .George's-passage, Preston, upon:Medlock, and late of No. 30, Bridge-street, Green- Lancashire, Labourer, then of Kii'khaiu-street, North- kegs aforesaid, Provision Shopkeeper, Retail Dealer in road, Preston, Lancashire, Labourer, and late of George's- Beer, and Letter Carrier. passage aforesaid, Labourer; .James BFO-VV-D, late of, Bear Preston, Lancashire, Flagger and Slater. Christopher :Biuks,-formerly ofNo. 8, Middleby-street, New- u the Court-House, at Derby, in the County of ington, Edinburgh, Scotland, Chymist, residing in Lodgings Derby, on the 24th day of November 184], at at Portobello, near Edinburgh, and at the Finchhead Hotel, Newcastlc-upon-Tyne, Northumberland, and then in Ten o'Clock in the.
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