A Landscape Approach for Reviewing USAID Uganda Activities in the Southwest

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A Landscape Approach for Reviewing USAID Uganda Activities in the Southwest A Landscape Approach For Reviewing USAID Uganda Activities In The Southwest April 2001 Task Order No. 35 Contract No. PCE-I-00-96-00002-00 A Landscape Approach For Reviewing USAID Uganda Activities In The Southwest Prepared by: Rob Clausen, Consultant International Resources Group, Ltd. 1211 Connecticut Avenue, NW H Suite 700 Washington, DC 20036 Tel: 202/289-0100 H Fax: 202/289-7601 Prepared for: USAID/Kampala And USAID/Africa Bureau – Office of Sustainable Development April 2001 Environmental Policy and Institutional Strengthening Indefinite Quantity Contract (EPIQ) Partners: International Resources Group, Winrock International, and Harvard Institute for International Development Subcontractors: PADCO; Management Systems International; and Development Alternatives, Inc. Collaborating Institutions: Center for Naval Analysis Corporation; Conservation International; KNB Engineering and Applied Sciences, Inc.; Keller-Bliesner Engineering; Resource Management International, Inc.; Tellus Institute; Urban Institute; and World Resources Institute Table of Contents Table of Contents....................................................................................................................... i Acronyms................................................................................................................................. iv Executive Summary................................................................................................................. vi General recommendations are the following ........................................................... vii Specific recommendations covered in Section Four include................................... vii I. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Rationale For USAID Support In The South West .....................................................1 1.2 Overarching Themes....................................................................................................1 1.2.1 ENR, Agriculture and Livelihoods...................................................................1 1.2.2 ENR and Health................................................................................................3 1.2.3 ENR and Education..........................................................................................4 1.2.4 ENR, Governance and Conflict........................................................................5 1.3 Why Use a Landscape Approach?...............................................................................6 1.3.1. A Landscape Approach For The South West...................................................7 1.4 Structure of the Report ................................................................................................7 2. Describing The Landscape Of The South West....................................................................9 2.1 Biophysical Factors ....................................................................................................9 2.2 Socio-Cultural-Economic Factors...............................................................................14 2.3 Conservation And Development Activities In The South West .................................18 3. Landscape Approach for SO7.............................................................................................22 3.1 Biophysical Elements..................................................................................................23 3.2 Social Elements...........................................................................................................24 3.3 Valuation of Resources and Ecological Services........................................................25 3.4 Enabling Conditions....................................................................................................28 3.5 Summary Of Landscape Elements For The South West And Suggested Follow Up.30 3.5.1 Biophysical Elements.....................................................................................30 3.5.2 Social Elements ..............................................................................................30 3.5.3 Valuation of Resources and Ecological Services ...........................................31 3.5.4 Enabling Conditions.......................................................................................31 i 4. Constraints, Opportunities And Synergies..........................................................................32 4.1 Historical Perspective .................................................................................................32 4.2 Poverty, Empowerment and NRM..............................................................................33 4.2.1 Decentralization of Government ....................................................................35 4.2.2 Using Local Government and Local Organizations for ENR Management...36 4.2.3 Collaborative Management Of Parks, Reserves, And Other Natural Areas...38 4.2.4 Building Local Management Capacity...........................................................39 4.3 On-Farm Productivity and Production Options ..........................................................40 4.3.1 Soil Management............................................................................................41 4.3.2 Nutrition, Homegardens, Livestock and Crops ..............................................42 4.3.3 Agrorforestry, Forestry and Fruit Trees .........................................................45 4.4 Environment and Natural Resources Management (including Biodiversity).............46 4.4.1 Protected Area Conservation..........................................................................47 4.4.2 Climate Change and Biodiversity...................................................................47 4.4.3 Local Community Participation in ENR ........................................................48 4.4.4 Institutional Development ..............................................................................49 4.4.5 Decentralization of Environmental Management...........................................50 4.5.6 Tourism ..........................................................................................................50 4.5.7 Summary.........................................................................................................51 4.6 Business Management Capacity and Savings to Improve Livelihoods......................52 4.6.1 Business Management Skills..........................................................................52 4.6.2 Savings ...........................................................................................................54 4.7 Markets and Capital ....................................................................................................54 4.7.1 Intensifying Production and Services.............................................................55 4.7.2 Capital Requirements .....................................................................................56 4.7.3 Transport and Processing ...............................................................................56 5. Summarized Findings and Recommendations for SO7......................................................58 5.1 Findings .....................................................................................................................58 5.2 Major Recommendations...........................................................................................60 5.2.1 Strengthen And Expand On Current Successful Activities ............................60 5.2.2 Expand Current Target Area To Entire Albertine Rift Districts.....................61 5.2.3 Support The Development Of An SO7 Information Service Activity............62 ii 5.2.4 Integrate Activities Of SO1 More Thoroughly Into The Western Districts.....................................................................................62 5.2.5 Program The Majority Of Mission Resources To Field-Based Activities ....................................................................................63 5.2.6 Stratify Areas In The Western Districts For Monitoring And Evaluation Purposes ...............................................................................63 5.2.7 Promote The Development Of Pilot Co-Management Schemes Between Central Government Agencies, Local Communities And The Private Sector............................................................64 5.2.8 Adapt The Landscape Approach Model For SO7 Strategic Planning............65 Appendix 1: Carbon Value Assessment of South West Districts............................................66 Appendix 2: Projects As They Relate To Landscape Elements ..............................................71 Appendix 3: Describing The Landscape Of The South West..................................................73 References..............................................................................................................................103 iii Acronyms AFRENA Agfororesty Research Networks for Africa AWF African Wildlife Foundation BINP Bwindi Impenetrable National Park CIP International Potato Research Center DTC Development through Conservation Project EPED Environment Protection for Economic Development Project GMU Grants Management Unit ICRAF International Council for Research in Agroforestry IGCP International Gorilla Conservation Project ILM Integrated Lake Management Project ITFC Institute for Tropical Forest Conservation
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