Wolverhampton City Council OPEN DECISION ITEM

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Wolverhampton City Council OPEN DECISION ITEM Agenda Item No: 6 Wolverhampton City Council OPEN DECISION ITEM Committee / Panel PLANNING COMMITTEE Date 14-FEB-2006 Originating Service Group(s) REGENERATION AND TRANSPORTATION Contact Officer(s)/ ANDREW JOHNSON (Head of Development Control) Telephone Number(s) (01902) 555610 Title/Subject Matter PLANNING APPLICATIONS Recommendation That Members determine the submitted applications according to the recommendation made in respect of each one. PLANNING COMMITTEE (14-FEB-2006) INDEX REFERENCE SITE ADDRESS PAGE NO Bilston East 06/0061/DW/R Land at 131 - 133 Ashley Street, 4 Bilston North 05/1917/FP/M Former Bilston Girls High School, 8 & Windsor Street, 05/1918/LB/M Bushbury North 05/1989/OP/M Goodyear Dunlop Tyres Site, Stafford 13 Road, Bushbury Sth/LowHill 05/2068/DW/M Wolverhampton Council Depot Fifth 30 Avenue, East Park 05/1862/FP/C 1 Willenhall Road, 36 05/2028/DW/C Land off Stowheath Lane/Bursledon 40 Walk, Ettingshall 05/1959/FP/M Land at Spring Road (Baylis Distribution) 44 Heath Town 05/1999/RM/M Part of former Chubb Safes Ltd, 48 Wednesfield Road/Woden Road, 05/2013/OP/M Site of former Edward Vaughan Stamping 55 Works Horseley Fields, Merry Hill 06/0010/FP/R 83 Castlecroft Road, 68 Oxley 05/1877/DW/M Land at Rakegate Infant School, Renton 73 Road, 06/0076/FP/R 24 Lodge Road, 81 Park 05/1930/FP/M Land at Gibbs St & Coleman St, 85 2 Tettenhall Regis 05/2016/FP/R Verge outside 5 Malthouse Lane, 91 Tettenhall Wightwick 05/1962/FP/R 48 Denham Gardens 96 05/1986/FP/R 17 Torvale Road, 100 05/2031/FP/R 6 Tinacre Hill, 105 Wednesfield South 05/2062/FP/C Starchem Ltd Strawberry Lane 109 3 PLANNING COMMITTEE - 14-FEB-2006 APP NO: 06/0061/DW/R WARD: Bilston East; DATE 13-JAN-2006 TARGET DATE: 10-MAR- RECEIVED: 2006 APP TYPE: Deemed Planning Permission (WCC development) SITE: Land at 131 - 133 Ashley Street, Bilston PROPOSAL: Residential development (OUTLINE APPLICATION) APPLICANT: AGENT: Regeneration and Environment Property Services Resources Panel Resources and Support (Housing Portfolio) REPORT: 1. Site Description 1.1 The application site consists of a vacant plot of land that was formerly 131 – 133 Ashley Street. A small part of the site is within the fifty metre consultation zone around the Bilston Conservation Area. The street scene is characterised by two storey terraced houses and maisonettes within Ashley Street and Mount Pleasant. The houses are set close to the street and there is no off-street car parking. To the rear of the application site in Newbolt Road, the predominant residential character is that of two storey terraced and semi-detached houses. 2. Planning History 2.1 The site was formerly used as two terraced houses and that use ceased in 2002. The site is presently vacant. 3. Application Details 3.1 The application is for outline permission only with all details for subsequent approval reserved. 4. Relevant Policies 4.1 Within the adopted Wolverhampton Unitary Development Plan, the application site is not allocated for any particular use or purpose. 4 4.2 The relevant Unitary Development Plan Policies for this proposal include ENV 2 – Design Standards. SPG No.3 – Residential Development. 4.3 Planning Policy Guidance Note 3: Housing 5. Publicity 5.1 The application has been publicised by letters to adjoining occupiers and site notice. 5.2 Neighbour letter expiry date – 08.02.2006. 5.3 Site notice expiry date – 14.02.2006. 5.4 No reply or response received at the time that this report was written. Oral update at Committee. 6. External Consultees 6.1 None. 7. Internal Consultees 7.1 Transportation – to be reported. 7.2 Conservation – a small part of the site is within the 50 metre consultation Zone around the Bilston Conservation Area. However it is considered that the proposal will not have any material, adverse impact on the character, appearance or setting of the Conservation Area. 7.3 Archaeology – No archaeological implications. 8. Appraisal Impact on Character of Area 8.1 The properties in the street are predominately two storey terraced houses. The site was previously used as two houses at the end of a terrace row. These have been demolished. Policy ENV 2 states that new development should respect the established scale and pattern of the group of buildings / street scene of which it forms a part. The policy also states that development should not result in cramped layouts and / or obtrusiveness in relation to adjoining properties. In view of this guidance it is considered that appropriate development for this site would be two terraced houses as this would be comparable to the existing pattern of 5 development. Car Parking 8.2 Car parking provision in the immediate locality is on-street and it is considered that there is a sufficient level of provision on-street to satisfy the demands for a proposal of the scale of two terraced houses. 9. Recommendation 9.1 Delegated authority to grant planning permission subject to receipt of no additional comments raising any issues of significance in relation to this proposal, subject to conditions to restrict development to two terraced houses, which should follow the front and rear building lines. Materials and drainage should be reserved. Case Officer : Phillip Walker Telephone No : 555632 Acting Head of Development Control – Stephen Alexander Chief Planning & Highways Officer - Costas Georghiou 6 Planning Application No: DCSW/06/0061/DW/R Location Land at 131 - 133 Ashley Street, Plan Scale 1:1250 National Grid Reference so 395351 296768 Plan Printed 06-FEB-2006 Application Site Area 214.795 7 PLANNING COMMITTEE - 14-FEB-2006 APP NO: 05/1917/FP/M & WARD: Bilston North; 05/1918/LB/M DATE 12-DEC-2005 TARGET DATE: 13-MAR- RECEIVED: 2006 APP TYPE: Full Planning Permission and Listed Building consent SITE: Former Bilston Girls High School, Windsor Street, Bilston PROPOSAL: Amendment to Planning Permission Ref 04/0655/FP/M and Listed Building Consent reference 04/0656/LB/R to convert existing school into 25 No. two bed apartments and 12 No. one bed apartments APPLICANT: AGENT: Morris Homes Nicol Thomas Ltd Delta House Gateway House Pendeford Business Park 53 High Street Wolverhampton Birmingham WV9 5HA B4 7SY REPORT: 1. Site Description 1.1 The application site is situated approximately 4km to the south-east of Wolverhampton City Centre and covers an area of approximately 2.6 hectares. 1.2 The site located in a predominantly residential area and is bounded by Wellington Road, Cemetery Street, Windsor Street, Green Lanes and Claremont Street. 1.3 The site is generally level but falls gradually from Claremont Street to Windsor Street. The former Girls’ High School building is a Grade II Listed building. 2. Planning History 2.1 Two applications (planning reference 04/0655/FP/M and Listed Building consent reference 04/0656/LB/R) were submitted on 3 August 2004 for the redevelopment of the building and site to provide 17 town houses, 58 two bedroom apartments and refurbishment of exterior of Grade II Listed building, demolition of temporary classroom at rear, removal of doors and windows to balcony walkways in courtyards and conversion of former school building to provide 9 one bedroom apartments, 22 two bedroom apartments with associated car parking, garages and landscaping. The applications were reported to your Committee on 2 November 2004 where it was resolved to grant planning permission and Listed building consent subject to conditions and an appropriate Section 106 Agreement. The applications were approved on 8 July 2005. 8 3. Application Details 3.1 The current applications for your consideration are for an amendment to the Listed building element of the previously approved applications, to provide 6 additional apartments (3 one bedroom apartments and 3 two bedroom apartments). There are no other proposals to modify the remainder of the overall development scheme. 4. Constraints 4.1 The only constraint to the proposal is that the former Bilston Girls’ High School is a Grade II Listed building. 5. Relevant Policies 5.1 Within the adopted Wolverhampton Unitary Development Plan, the site is not allocated for any particular use or purpose. 5.2 The relevant UDP Policies for this specific proposal are: • ENV2 – Design Standards • ENV15 – Safeguarding Historic Buildings • ENV16 – Alterations and Extensions to Listed Buildings • H10 – Housing Suitable for Occupation by People with Disabilities • H18 – Planning Considerations • TP13 – Provision for Pedestrians and Cyclists • TP14 – Planning Standards – Car Parking. 6. Publicity 6.1 The applications were publicised by means of neighbour letters, a site notice and a notice in the Express and Star with time for comment expiring on 29 December 2006. 6.2 In response to the above publicity, there has been one letter of objection from neighbouring residents at 50 Green Lanes. The issues of concern include possible overlooking of the rear of the property, and possible noise from vehicles and residents. The residents of this dwelling objected to the previous applications. 7. External Consultees 7.1 English Heritage confirm that they do not have any comments to make on the applications. 9 8. Internal Consultees 8.1 Transportation remain concerned about the provision of one parking space per unit as approved under the previous application. 8.2 Conservation/Urban Design Team confirm no objections to the revised scheme. 9. Need for Environmental Impact Assessment 9.1 Environmental Impact Assessment not required. 10. Appraisal 10.1 The key issues to be considered are the acceptability of providing 6 additional apartments within the Listed building and the impact on the Listed building itself. 10.2 The proposed additional apartments would be contained within the existing Listed building, and would be provided by the additional subdivision of space within the structure.
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