The online edition of Horace Mann Magazine enables readers to learn about Horace Mann School wherever you are, including through the newly-launched Horace Mann Alumni App available on your iPhone, iPad, or Android-enabled devices. We look forward to connecting, and to celebrating Horace Mann School’s 125th Anniversary together. If you prefer to receive your copy of Horace Mann Magazine online only please email your postal address to
[email protected] with the words “ONLINE ONLY” in the subject line. magazine Celebrating 125 Years: Preparing Great and Giving Lives, past, present, and future Volume 7 Number 2 WINTER 2012 HORACE MANN All Horace Mann School parents, alumni, grandparents, parents of alumni, current and former faculty & staff, and friends are invited to celebrate HM’S 125TH ANNIVERSARY and to benefit its present and future students at a gala event on Saturday, May 19, 2012 Formal invitation to follow but mark your calendars now to attend! Contentscontents 2 LETTERS 4 GreetINgs FROM DR. TOM KellY, HORACE MANN SCHOOL HEAD OF SCHOOL 5 GreetINgs FROM MELIssA PAreNTo ’90, HORACE MANN SCHOOL DIRECTOR OF DEVelOPMENT features horace mann school journal th 6 Horace Mann School’s 125 24 NeW INITIATIVes IN INstITUTIONAL ResEARCH Anniversary Observances Begin AND ADMIssIONS The 2011-2012 school year marks the 125th anniver- Horace Mann School launches The Office sary of Horace Mann School, and commemorates of Institutional Research and Enrollment 125 years of the school’s pursuit of excellent educa- Management under the direction of Lisa Moreira. tion. Throughout this year the greater Horace Jason Caldwell ’97 returns to Horace Mann as Mann School community is taking the opportunity Director of Admissions.