A Comparison of JEM and AV1 with HEVC: Coding Tools, Coding Efficiency and Complexity Thorsten Laude, Yeremia Gunawan Adhisantoso, Jan Voges, Marco Munderloh, and Jorn¨ Ostermann Institut fur¨ Informationsverarbeitung, Leibniz Universitat¨ Hannover, Germany Email: flaude, gunawan, voges, munderloh, offi
[email protected] Abstract—The current state-of-the-art for standardized video as contenders), it is of great interest to assess and compare codecs is High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) which was devel- their performance. This comparison can be performed in terms oped jointly by ISO/IEC and ITU-T. Recently, the development of coding efficiency but also in terms of computationally of two contenders for the next generation of standardized video codecs began: ISO/IEC and ITU-T advance the development complexity (run times for the encoding and decoding, as well of the Joint Exploration Model (JEM), a possible successor of as memory requirements). For JEM and HM, a straightfor- HEVC, while the Alliance for Open Media pushes forward the ward comparability is given because both codecs share the video codec AV1. It is asserted by both groups that their codecs same foundation (with JEM being an extension of HM) and achieve superior coding efficiency over the state-of-the-art. In Common Test Conditions are defined to configure both codecs this paper, we discuss the distinguishing features of JEM and AV1 and evaluate their coding efficiency and computational similarly [3]. To include AV1 in a fair comparison is more complexity under well-defined and balanced test conditions. Our challenging because its structure and working principle are main findings are that JEM considerably outperforms HM and fundamentally different compared to HM and JEM.