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The emergence of nitric oxide in the

of bacterial natural products

Jonathan D Caranto

Nitric oxide (NO) has a broad range of biological utilities The breadth of NO’s biological utility reflects its ability to

including as a biosynthon for bacterial natural products (NPs). participate in diverse reaction pathways. This reactivity is

The biosyntheses of thaxtomin A and rufomycin require an NO- well illustrated during nitrosative stress—cellular damage

dependent nitration step where a bacterial NO synthase resulting from exposure to NO [14,15]. Cell lesions

provides the necessary NO and nitration is catalyzed by a observed during nitrosative stress include the inhibition

cytochrome P450 homolog. Undiscovered NO-dependent of metabolic , nitration [addition of nitro groups

biosynthesis pathways are likely to have similar requirements: a (R–NO2)] and nitrosation of biomolecules [addition of

pathway dedicated NO source and a metalloenzyme to nitroso group (R–NO)], and DNA mutagenesis or cleav-

catalyze the NO-dependent chemistry. This review discusses age. These damages can lead to cell death; in fact,

the current literature on NO-dependent nitration biosynthesis macrophages generate NO and superoxide (O2 ) during

and relevant enzyme mechanisms. The proposal that NO is the human immune response to kill invading microorgan-

important for N–N bond containing NPs is also explored, isms [5]. While NO can directly inhibit or degrade meta-

particularly for the formations of nitrosamine and nitramine bolic proteins, reactive nitrogen species (RNS) resulting

NPs. from NO reacting with O2 or O2 cause the most serious

damage. RNS including peroxynitrite (ONOO ), nitro-

gen dioxide ( NO2), or dinitrogen trioxide (N2O3) are


nitration or nitrosation agents [14–16]. Nitration of cata-

University of Central Florida, Dept. of Chemistry, Physical Sciences

lytic amino acids can inhibit enzyme activities while

Building, 4111 Libra Dr., Room 255, Orlando, FL 32816,

nitrosation agents react with thiols or to form

Corresponding author: Caranto, Jonathan D ([email protected]) N-nitrosothiols or nitrosamines, respectively. The latter

family of compounds promotes DNA alkylation and

mutagenesis [15]. Degradation of ONOO can form

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 2019, 49:130–138

hydroxyl radicals ( OH), which causes DNA hydroxyl-

This review comes from a themed issue on Bioinorganic chemistry

ation and strand cleavage. Nitration and nitrosation reac-

Edited by Kyle M Lancaster

tions initiated by NO appear to be repurposed by bacteria

For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial for use in NP biosynthesis.

Available online 11th January 2019

The resurgence in research on bacterial NP biosynthesis


is driven by the need for new drugs and aided by modern

1367-5931/ã 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

DNA sequencing technologies and genome mining strat-

egies [17]. Genes coding for the component enzymes of

an NP biosynthetic pathway cluster within the genome,

resulting in, so called, biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs).

Genome mining can identify BGCs by searching for

Introduction clusters of previously characterized NP biosynthetic

enzymes. Currently, there are few genetic signatures

Nitric oxide (NO) exhibits several physiological roles

for NO-dependent pathways. However, pioneering

spanning all domains of life. In human physiology, NO

research led by Loria, Crane, and co-workers on thaxto-

is a signal for vasodilation, neurotransmission, and apo-

min A biosynthesis has suggested a blueprint for such

ptosis and is generated as a defense molecule during the

pathways (Figure 1): a pathway-dedicated NO source and

human immune response [1–5]. Additionally, NO is an

a metalloenzyme to catalyze the NO-dependent chemis-

important signal in plant physiology and for the formation

try. The following reviews recent literature on NO-

and dispersion of bacterial biofilms [6–8]. NO is a key

dependent nitration and NP N–N bond formation and

component of nitrogen cycle pathways. In fact, biological

discusses evidence that NO is required to form nitrosa-

NO was first observed as an emission from denitrifying

mine and nitramine N–N bonds.

bacteria [9] and later identified as an obligate intermedi-

ate of denitrification [10], bacterial and archaeal nitrifica-

tion [11,12], and anammox pathways [13]. A new role for NO-dependent nitration mediated by cyt P450

NO has been recently discovered for the biosynthesis of Study of thaxtomins revealed the first NO-dependent NP

bacterial secondary metabolites, otherwise known as nat- biosynthetic pathway. Thaxtomins were discovered in

ural products (NPs). the extracts of potatoes infected with scab, a disease that

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Nitric oxide as a biosynthon for natural products Caranto 131

Figure 1

The Blueprint: NO-dependent Biosynthesis

Thaxtomin A L- 4-Nitrotryptophan Cyt P450 (TxtE/RufO)

NO from NOS (TxtD/RufN)

L- 3-Nitrotyrosine

Dedicated NO Metalloenzyme Rufomycin source mediated

txtD txtE txtA txtB txtC

Nitration enzymes Thaxtomin A biosynthetic gene cluster

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

Nitric oxide (NO)-dependent nitration in the biosynthesis of the bacterial natural products (NPs) thaxtomin A and rufomycin. The biosynthetic gene

cluster (BGC) for thaxtomin A is shown to illustrate the apparent minimal requirements for NO-dependent nitration: a dedicated NO-source and a

metalloenzyme to mediate the nitration. For thaxtomin A and rufomycin biosynthesis these are (NOS) and cytochrome (cyt)

P450, respectively.

causes lesions in root vegetables [18,19]. Treatment of Thaxtomin A is a cyclic dipeptide formed from 4-nitro-

immature potato tubers with purified or synthetic thax- tryptophan and . The piperazinedione core

tomins induces scab [20–22]; thus, thaxtomins are the is constructed by two non-ribosomal synthetases

chief virulence factors of scab, with thaxtomin A specifi- (NRPSs), TxtA and TxtB [25]. A cytochrome (cyt) P450

cally shown to inhibit cellulose production [23]. This homolog, TxtC, hydroxylates the cyclized NRPS product

disease is onset by plant-pathogenic Streptomyces species, to complete thaxtomin A biosynthesis. The stereochem-

with the virulence genes located on a mobile pathogenic istry of the piperazinedione core and the presence of the

island [24]. Genetic studies of this pathogenic island nitro group are critical for thaxtomin A’s virulence activity

allowed for elucidation of thaxtomin A biosynthesis. [22]. This nitro group is incorporated by an NO-

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132 Bioinorganic chemistry

Figure 2


(a) Ferryl intermediate

Trp-H Trp-H Trp-H (c)

Ferric Compound I Compound II peroxynitrite (b) FeIII-ONOO Trp-H

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology


Proposed intermediates on the TxtE nitration pathway. All pathways initiate via formation of a ferric-peroxynitrite (Fe -ONOO). In pathway A, the

key intermediate is a ferryl intermediate, which mediates hydrogen abstraction and nitration occurs via radical recombination. In pathway B,


nitrosonium ( NO2) is formed which adds to tryptophan by classical electrophilic aromatic substitution. In pathway C, the key intermediate is

compound I, which mediates hydrogen abstraction.

dependent direct nitration of tryptophan to form the 4- on isotope labelling studies [29]. Figure 2 shows three

nitrotryptophan precursor. A bacterial nitric oxide proposed mechanisms consistent with this result [29].


synthase (bNOS), TxtD, oxidizes (Arg) to form Tryptophan binding gates reduction of the Fe heme to


(Cit) and the necessary NO [26–28]: 2Arg + Fe . O2 binds to Fe to form a ferric-superoxide, which

+ + III

3NADPH + 4O2 + H ! 2Cit + 2NO + 3NADP + 4H2O. reacts with NO to form a ferric-peroxynitrite (Fe –

A cyt P450 homolog, TxtE, catalyzes the NO-dependent OONO). In one proposed pathway (Figure 2A), homo-

nitration of tryptophan in the presence of O , NADPH, lytic cleavage of the O–O bond forms a ferryl interme-


and electron transfer components [29]. This biosynthetic diate and nitrogen dioxide ( NO2). The resulting ferryl

pathway has been targeted for synthetic biology and intermediate abstracts a hydrogen atom to form a tryp-

engineering efforts [30–34]. tophan radical that reacts with NO2 to form 4-nitrotryp-

tophan. Alternatively (Figure 2B), heterolytic cleavage

A second NO-dependent nitration was found for the of the O–O bond results in formation of nitronium


biosynthesis of the antibiotic rufomycin, a nitro-contain- (NO2 ), which reacts with tryptophan via electrophilic

ing cyclic peptide produced by Streptomyces atratus (Fig- aromatic substitution to form 4-nitrotryptophan. A third

ure 1) [35 ]. The rufomycin BGC was found by searching possibility (Figure ) is based on canonical cyt P450

for NRPS, tryptophan N-dimethylallyltransferase, and activity, for which compound I promotes hydrogen

nitration genes in S. atratus. Rufomycin biosynthesis is abstraction [36]. This species could result from hetero-

largely mediated by an NRPS where one precursor is 3- lytic cleavage of the O–O bond with concomitant forma-

nitrotyrosine. The presence of adjacent bNOS (RufN) tion of NO . Hydrogen abstraction by compound I


and cyt P450 (RufO) genes suggested their necessity for forms the tryptophan radical (Trp ) and compound II,

3-nitrotyrosine production. Under turnover conditions which oxidizes NO – to form NO . Radical recombina-

2 2

and in the presence of NO, recombinant RufO catalyzes tion of NO2 with the tryptophan radical results in 4-

the production of this precursor. Thus, rufomycin pro- nitrotryptophan. All proposed pathways proceed via the


vides the second example of an NO-dependent Fe –ONOO species, which in principle, could also be


nitration. generated from the reaction of Fe -TxtE with

ONOO . Notably, myoglobin reacts with ONOO to

The TxtE/RufO mechanism has not yet been eluci- form NO and ferric myoglobin [37] via formation of a


dated. Only one nitro oxygen is derived from O2 based ferryl intermediate and NO2 as proposed in pathway A

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Nitric oxide as a biosynthon for natural products Caranto 133

for TxtE. However, cyt P450 reacts with ONOO to Recent studies show that metalloenzymes catalyze NP


form an {FeNO} complex [38]. Thus, it remains to be N–N bonds, but NO is not essential. Instead, N-oxygen-


seen if Fe –ONOO is a viable intermediate for the ation of amines, to hydroxylamine or nitroso NPs activate

TxtE nitration mechanism. the nitrogen for nucleophilic attack by a second

[39,40 ]. This strategy is observed in the biosynthesis of

both L-piperazic acid and hydrazinoacetic acid (Figure 3),

Are there NO-dependent N-nitrosations? precursors for kutzneride and, s56-p1, respectively.

Over 200 N–N bond containing NPs have been identi-

fied, including hydrazine, hydrazone, hydrazide, azoxy, For L-piperazic acid biosynthesis, a flavin-dependent N-


diazo, nitrosamine, and nitramine compounds [39]. Bals- hydroxylase, KtzI, oxidizes L- to N –OH L-orni-


kus and co-workers recently reviewed the known biosyn- thine [46 ]. A heme protein, KtzT, couples N –OH with


thetic pathways for these NPs [40 ]. An earlier review of the a-amino group of N –OH L-ornithine to form L-

these compounds by Le Goff and Ouazzani proposed an piperazic acid (Figure 3). This reaction is not dependent

N–N coupling pathway in which amines couple with on either the heme oxidation state or the presence of O2,


electrophilic metal nitrosyls. Such species could include suggesting against further oxidation of N before N–N

6 10

ferric- or cupric-nitrosyls ({FeNO} or {CuNO} in Ene- bond formation. Furthermore, NH2OH inhibits L-piper-

mark-Feltham notation, respectively) [39]. Iron-nitrosyls azic acid formation, potentially by binding to the heme.


are commonly observed as intermediates of nitrogen cycle These observations suggested that N –OH is activated by

enzymes that form the N–N bond of (N2O). binding to the heme cofactor, thereby polarizing the N–O


An {FeNO} intermediate was observed for the c-heme bond for nucleophilic attack by the a-amino group.

enzyme, cytochrome P460, a nitrification pathway

enzyme that oxidizes hydroxylamine (NH2OH) to N2O Hydrazinoacetic acid biosynthesis is also initiated by

[41]: flavin-dependent , which catalyzes the con-


version of to N –OH L-lysine [47 ]. N–N bond


2NH OH ! N O + H O + 4H + 4e .

2 2 2 formation is catalyzed by, Spb40, a fusion protein com-

posed of cupin and methionyl tRNA synthetase domains.

Evidence supported a mechanism for which N–N bond 6

6 This enzyme couples N –OH L-lysine with to

formation resulted from nucleophilic attack of {FeNO} 0

6 form N -carboxymethylhydrazino-2-amino-hexanoic acid

by NH2OH. The reactive {FeNO} could be formed

III (CHAHA). This compound is rearranged by Spb39 to

independently by reacting Fe cyt P460 with NO. By

form hydrazinoacetic acid and L-2-aminoadipate 6-semi-

analogy, one potential NP N–N bond formation mecha-

aldehyde (AASA). of a in a putative

nism is reaction of an amine or an organic hydroxylamine

6 metal binding site of Spb40 abolished its activity, sug-

with {FeNO} .

gesting a metallocenter-catalyzed N–N bond formation.

Mechanistic studies of NO reductases (NORs) suggest

6 Formation of NP N–N bonds do not require metalloen-

that iron-nitrosyls other than {FeNO} are competent for

zymes. Formation of xiamycin dimers, or dixiamycins

N–N bond formation. NORs reduce two molecules of NO

(Figure 2) occurs by an apparent radical initiation

to N2O:

[48 ]. A mixture of N–C and N–N-coupled dimers

+ was observed upon incubation of xiamycin with the flavin

2NO + 2H + 2e ! N2O + H2O.

enzyme, XiaH. This observation suggested that XiaH

The bacterial respiratory NORs, fungal cyt P450 NORs, catalyzes the one-electron oxidation of a xiamycin mono-

and flavo-diiron protein (FDP) NORs have different mer, monomer release, and non-enzymatic radical recom-

active sites and exhibit different metal-nitrosyl inter- bination of xiamycin monomers to form the mixture of

mediates prior to N–N bond formation. Bacterial respira- dimers.

tory NORs have a mixed heme/non-heme

where the reactive intermediate is a heme/non-heme Finally, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) may activate


diferrous-dinitrosyl ([{FeNO} ]2) [42,43]. Fungal cyt NO2 to react with 3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-methoxyben-

P450 NORs have a mononuclear active site. Radical- zoic acid (3,2,4-AHMBA) [49 ,50 ,51 ] to form the

radical coupling of NO with a ferric-hydroxylamine radi- diazo-NP cremeomycin. Remarkably, the NO2 needed


cal (Fe - NH2OH) is proposed to form the N–N bond for diazotization originates from an aspartate oxidation

[44]. FDP NORs have a binuclear non-heme diiron site; a pathway encoded in the cremeomycin BGC. The flavin


binuclear non-heme [{FeNO} ]2 directly precedes N2O enzyme CreE oxidizes aspartate to nitrosuccinate, which

formation [45]. The accumulated studies of these four is a substrate for CreD, a lyase that produces NO2– and

N2O-producing enzymes show precedent for N–N bond fumarate [49 ]. CreM is an ATP-dependent enzyme; N–

formation by metalloenzymes with NO as a precursor. Are N bond formation was proposed to occur via nitrite

metalloenzymes and NO also required for NP N–N bond , which would activate nitrite for diazoti-

formation? zation of 3,2,4-AHMBA [50 ].

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134 Bioinorganic chemistry

Figure 3


L-ornithine N5-OH L-ornithine L-piperazic acid


Hydrazinoacetic L-lysine N6-OH L-lysine CHAHA acid


Xiamycin Dixiamycin


Dihydroxyacetone phosphate

Aspartate 3,2,4-AHMBA Cremeomycin 4-semialdehyde Current Opinion in Chemical Biology


Recently elucidated biosynthetic pathways for the formation of N–N bond containing NPs. (a) Biosynthesis of L-piperazic acid from N –OH L-

ornithine, the former is a precursor for kutzneride biosynthesis. (b) Biosynthesis of hydrazinoacetic acid, a precursor for s56-p1 biosynthesis via

6 0

N –OH L-lysine and N -carboxymethylhydrazino-2-amino-hexanoic acid (CHAHA). (c) Dimerization of xiamycin into dixiamycins by a radical

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Nitric oxide as a biosynthon for natural products Caranto 135

Figure 4

(a) Ureido transfer N- OH N-nitrosation OH I Arg derived NH N O O 2 O N nitroso? HO HO O OH OH OH Met OH Glucosamine Cit or Arg Streptozotocin

(b) N-nitrosation Oxidation Arg derived NO2 nitro OOC NH OOC N 2 H 15 14C,15N-Glycine N2-Arg 15 15 C, N2-N-nitroglycine

Current Opinion in Chemical Biology

Proposed biosynthetic pathways of the nitrosamine, streptozotocin, and the nitramine, N-nitroglycine. Panel (a) shows the origin of the

14 3

streptozotocin carbon backbone as determined from C/ H labelling experiments (Ref. [56]). Streptozotocin carbons were derived from

13 15

glucosamine (blue), (red), and from citrulline (Cit) or arginine (Arg) (green). Panel (b) shows the result of C/ N labelling experiments

13 15

for N-nitroglycine from Ref [58]. The asterisk (*) denotes C or N labelled atoms.

While NO is unnecessary for many N–N bond formations, provide candidates for NO-dependent NP biosynthetic

15 15

it may be necessary to form nitrosamine or nitramine NPs pathways. Since bNOS convert N2-arginine to NO,


via N-nitrosation (Figure 4). N-nitrosation is well studied N-incorporation into the nitroso or nitro group of can-

in acidic conditions where NO2 is converted to the didate nitrosamines or nitramines, respectively, could

nitrosating agent N2O3 [52]. However, nitrosamines also suggest the use of NO for their biosynthesis.

develop in the lower intestine where the pH is neutral or

slightly basic [53]. In this environment, NO has been One candidate is streptozotocin, a nitrosamine produced

proposed as a nitrosating agent precursor. Furthermore, by S. achromogenes subsp. streptozoticus. The origins of the

14 3

N-nitrosation in the gut has been traced to bacterial streptozotocin carbons were determined by C/ H label-

metalloenzymes [54,55]. Since NP biosynthesis largely ling experiments (Figure 4): glucosamine provides a

occurs at neutral pH, NO and metalloenzymes have a role majority of the carbon backbone, the N-methyl group

in NP N-nitrosations. This would follow the strategy for is derived from L-methionine and the ureido group can

NO-dependent biosynthesis illustrated by the thaxtomin originate from either citrulline or arginine [56]. N-nitro-

A pathway (Figure 1): a dedicated NO source and a sation to form the nitroso group was proposed to result via

metalloenzyme to mediate the NO-dependent chemistry. NO2 [56]. Alternatively, N-nitrosation could be NO-

So far, bNOS is the only known NO source for NP dependent, with the NO generated by bNOS. In this


biosynthesis, providing one gene target to identify new case, stable isotope labelling with N2-arginine would be


NO-dependent BGCs. Stable isotope labeling can also predicted to result in doubly N-labelled streptozotocin;

initiated pathway. (d) Diazotization of 3-amino-2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzoic acid by nitrite. Parenthesis indicate confirmed cofactors in each

enzyme. FAD = Flavin adenine dinucleotide; FMN = flavin mononucleotide; ATP = adenosine triphosphate; NADPH = adenine

dinucleotide triphosphate; AASA = L-2-aminoadipate 6-semialdehyde.

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136 Bioinorganic chemistry

15 15

bNOS activity would convert arginine to NO and N- other potential NO sources and thus, target genes for


citrulline, which would result in N-labelling of the genome mining. Discovering NO-dependent pathways

streptozotocin nitroso and ureido moieties, respectively. will uncover new metalloenzyme reactivities, pathway

Reports on streptozotocin biosynthesis are greatly intermediates, and targets for protein engineering. We

anticipated. will also expand our understanding of the breadth of

physiological utilities for this fascinating molecule, NO.

Another candidate for an NO-dependent biosynthetic

pathway is the nitramine N-nitroglycine produced by

Conflict of interest statement

S. noursei [57]. This biosynthetic pathway was proposed

Nothing declared.

to occur via N-nitrosation of glycine followed by oxidation

of the nitroso group to form the nitramine [39]. Recent

13 15

studies supplied S. noursei cultures with C, N-glycine Acknowledgement

15 13 15

and N2-arginine, resulting in triply-labelled C, N2- JDC thanks the University of Central Florida College of Sciences and

Department of Chemistry for startup funding.

nitroglycine (Figure 4B) [58]. The labelling of the nitroso

group by arginine suggested that NO formed by bNOS is

required for N-nitroglycine biosynthesis, however, the References and recommended reading

Papers of particular interest, published within the period of review,

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have been highlighted as:

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as an independently evolved cyt P450 homolog or a non- of special interest

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