Historical Library
EEEVERGLADES SSSOCIETY FOR HHHISTORIC PPPRESERVATIORESERVATIONNNN P.O. Box 46, Everglades City, FL, 34139 www. evergladeshistorical.org HHHISTORICAL LLLIBRARY CATALOG OF BOOKS (updated 1/5/17) , Collier County Heritage (, pb, , WEST COAST ) , Thomas A. Edison Winter Home & Museum (n/d, pb, guide book, photos, FT MYERS ) Akerman, Joe A., Jr, & J. Mark Akerman, Jacob Summerlin; King of the Crackers (2004, pb, , WEST COAST ) Akin, Edward N, Flagler; Rockefeller Partner and Florida Baron (1988, pb, , EAST COAST ) Allman, T.D., Finding Florida; The True History of the Sunshine State (2013, hb, , HISTORY ) Ames, E S, Deaconess of the Everglades (1995, hb, 1st edition, DEACONESS ) Andrews, Allen H, Yank Pioneer in Florida, A (1950, hb, , JOURNALISM ) Anholt, Betty, Sanibel's Story; Voices and Images, from Calusa to Incorporation (1998, hb, , SANIBEL ) Army, Secretary of the, Comprehensive Report on Central and Southern Florida for Flood Control and Other Purposes (1949, pb, incl. map, GLADES ) Arnold, Eugene, Big Water: West to the Everglades; A Novel of 19th Century Florida (1993, pb, fiction, kids, GLADES ) Atkins, Richard L., Atkins Family Geneaology (1999, pb, , ECITY ) Bailey, Francis, My 92 Years on Sanibel; Remembering My Family and My Island (2012, pb, , SANIBEL ) Bailey, Sam, Sanibel Son Looks Back, A (2008, pb, signed, SANIBEL ) Baum, Earl L, Early Naples & Collier County (1973, pb, signed, NAPLES ) Beardsley, Ruth Robbins, Pioneering in the Everglades (1973, hb, , LAKE O ) Beater, Jack, Islands of the Florida Coast (1956, pb, , PIRATES
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