
For Preferred BirdTracksthis special becauseYou have edition you received are of a A special BirdTracks edition from Winter 2011 preferred WBU customer!

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Serve by KEVIN J.COOK as Tools ou use napkins and fl atware, ladles Eastern kingbirds have bristles ® around the mouth that help it and spatulas, shopping bags and to catch on the wing. groceryY carts to help you with your food and our partner and feeding needs. use utensils, too—sort of. Th e ’s talons, the humming- ’s tongue, and the ’s bill all come to mind; but something else is commonly used: rictal bristles. Tracks by DR. DAVID BIRD Bristles—feathers that are all shaft BIRD and no vane—grow on birds’ heads. Red-Winged Blackbird Th ere are a few exceptions, such as he most misidentifi ed songbird in Red-winged Blackbirds, who like to be open their bill against resistance to ex- the ones that grow on ’ toes. Each all of North America may be the near water. Ah, the irony of it! pose insects hiding in plant material or bristle arises from its own follicle, and Tfemale Red-winged Blackbird. So often under stones. According to experimen- each follicle has a special nerve struc- • eat fruit or seeds, which do not insects after dark. bird watchers learn to identify the adult Varied Diet tal studies, these birds essentially learn ture. Any stimulation of the bristle need to be caught; Pewees, fl ycatchers, phoebes, and Male redwings enjoy the high fat what to eat by watching others. Red- male, black with red and yellow shoulder content of black-oil sunfl ower seeds, but triggers the nerve. • forage under water; kingbirds, plus wrentits, kinglets, gnat- epaulets, but are totally stumped when wings spend much of their time Th e rictus is the fl eshy area where • eat insects only for a short period catchers, thrushes, and thrashers grow I recall that the smaller females often at ground level and their walking ability the streaky, mottled brownish female perched on my tube feeder containing the upper and lower halves of the bill each . well-developed rictal bristles that are comes into view nearby. In fact, this bird is so well-developed that they can actu- meet, forming the fl eshy corner of a A few common backyard birds easily seen. Nyjer seed in our backyard. If you fol- ally walk backward. is sexually dimorphic not just in plum- lowed the dietary habits of Red-winged bird’s mouth. Bristles growing here are lack rictal bristles altogether or have Although present, bristles are visible age: Th e males are also larger and behave Th ey love to bathe, too. Take a close called “rictal bristles.” extremely small bristles that cannot only under ideal conditions on swal- Blackbirds diff erently than the females. over the Ornithologists have long suspected be seen. Th is group includes wrens, lows, jays, chickadees, , Most ornithologists agree that the that these sensory feathers eff ectively starlings, some warblers, blackbirds, vireos, and tanagers. course of Red-winged Blackbird is just about the the year, extend the reach of a bird’s bill as a and orioles. Now that you know what they are most abundant and best-studied bird on food-catching utensil. Understandably, such as Whip-poor-wills and which birds have them, rictal you would our continent. Its range stretches from discover these bristles are poorly developed or grow prominent rictal bristles. Th is bristles should give you a little motiva- southern Canada down into southern absent on birds that: makes sense for birds that catch fl ying tion to watch those birds feeding in that they eat and from coast to coast. mostly plant

your backyard with fresh eyes. III BILL THOMPSON, Because they are so adaptable, you matter such RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD— Continued from page 5 can fi nd them nesting just as happily as corn, sor- RED-WINGED BLACKBIRD— Continued from page 1 in a large marsh or fi eld as in your own ghum, wheat to three days for the female to weave a live? Th e oldest wild redwing on record backyard. When we lived in suburbia seeds, tree In every issue of BirdTracks with a good-sized backyard with trees look the next time you see one taking his head, tilting his bill upward, or giving we feature questions from from plant material onto several is a 14-year-old male, but the average life seeds, and a bath. Th ey wade in until the belly is various calls from prominent perches— vertical stems. Redwing clutches aver- expectancy is just more than two . but no pond or creek, we hosted a pair most impor- submerged, fl uff out the belly feathers the most important tools he uses are his you, our best customers. age about three pale blue marked Other than bird watchers and those of redwings that showed up every spring tantly, a good while dipping forward, lower the wings red and yellow epaulets. When they are We welcome your with black or brown, one laid each day. enjoying them in the backyard, Red- without fail to nest in the top of one of percentage of and fl utter them about to splash water exposed and exaggerated, they constitute suggestions, comments Th e young hatch in roughly 12 days and winged Blackbirds have not exactly our tall cedars. Ron (as I had named him, weed seeds. all over their body. After a good shaking, a powerful weapon for territory defense. and questions. We also take the next 12 days to grow and vacate enjoyed the best of relationships with after my father-in-law) certainly declared Th ey also the blackbird fl ies to a nearby perch and If these epaulets are experimentally the nest. Both parents feed them, but the humans. In fall when the fl edged young our backyard as his turf. It was fun to consume in- preens itself for several minutes. blackened, the males generally lose their hope to share your tips and involvement of the male varies with each join adult birds to form huge roosts, watch him sail into the with sects. In fact, territory. ideas for enhancing our population. Th e diet is mostly terrestrial sometimes mixing with other “black- his scarlet epaulets fl aring as bright as if you watch Territoriality enjoyment of backyard and aquatic insects. birds,” these armies descend upon the headlights on a jumbo jet at night. them closely, Although fi ghting is infrequent, a male Courtship and Nesting various crops such as rice, corn, and We recently moved into a rental loft they engage will sometimes grab a rival’s feathers with Most publications on Red-winged birds and wildlife with house right on the shore of a major lake other BirdTracks readers Mortality sunfl ower and do considerable damage. in a foraging his feet, while beating it vigorously with Blackbirds discuss their polygynous mat- What does Red-winged Blackbirds in? Even though the farmers may be par- in the same town and had to set up our technique the wings and pecking it with the bill. ing systems. Sometimes one male can all over North America. Well, predators account for the biggest tially compensated by the fact the birds feeders on the back deck of the second called “gap- GEORGE GENTRY/USFWS Occasionally the two combatants will have as many as 15 mates, but the aver- losses of eggs and nestlings, as many also consume various pests and fl oor overlooking the shore. We have Male Red-winged Blackbirds are unmistakable thanks to their namesake ing,” in which shoulder patches. roll over on the ground several times and age number is fi ve. I could fi nd no pub- A female Red-winged Blackbird bringing as 40 percent from a given population. weed seeds, a fair bit of research still managed to attract virtually all of the they forcibly even fl y upward at one another fl ailing lished information on this, but the pair food to her nestlings. Write to us at: Raccoons, minks, magpies, and various we had hosted before, except the goes on today to come up with a pub- Continued on page 5 away with their feet. of blackbirds nesting in my suburban BirdTracks and owls are among the most licly accepted “magic bullet” to either Another behavior to look for is the backyard seemed quite monogamous, territory rather than be paired monoga- c/o BWD important predators. Highly territorial scare the birds away from the crops or courtship chase, in which a male pursues making me wonder whether gregarious- Marsh Wrens peck holes in eggs and kill Feature Backyard Café Th e Backyard Watcher mously with a male holding an inferior PO Box 110 decimate their numbers. Red-winged Blackbird ...... 1 Eating for the Season ...... 2 Top 10 Things to Do in Winter ...... 4 a female at top speed in fl ight. If he over- ness and polygyny are mostly features territory. Marietta, OH 45750 nestlings with their sharp bills, presum- Meanwhile, I urge you to sit back takes her, he might grab her rump, caus- of populations nesting in extensive ably to lessen the competition for food and enjoy these colorful birds in your Birds In Depth Depending on where you live in North News on the Fly Specialized Feathers Serve as Tools ..... 5 ing both to tumble into the undergrowth. marsh habitats. Given a choice, some American, redwings return from their in the area. Th e usual parasites, living backyards. I certainly miss the antics of Bird News and Discovery ...... 2 Readers’ Questions ...... 3 Although the male engages in various females would rather be part of a harem wintering grounds anywhere from late Or send an e-mail to: both inside the body and on the , Ron the Redwing! BRIAN HENRY territorial displays—either thrusting out of a dominant male holding a superior affl ict these songbirds. How long do they CONTENTS March to mid-May. It takes about one ISTOCKPHOTO.COM [email protected] 5 1 For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers

BirdTracks_27_WINTER_11_v1.indd 1 10/28/11 4:38 PM News on the Fly The Backyard Watcher BIRD TRIVIA: central Michigan. Fears of imminent ex- for the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler urban environment. The measure aims tinction were rampant. Now, almost 40 regardless of the its status under the En- to reduce the preventable deaths of Bird News and Discovery Recent Records Set years later, the population trend appears dangered Species Act in the future. Con- birds in the city—up to 1 billion birds are thought to die across North America Top 10 Things To Do In Winterby BILL THOMPSON, III by DAVID BIRD in the Bird World: to be reversing. This past spring 1,828 troversial efforts also continue to control singing males were recorded, eclipsing Brown-headed Cowbirds in the warbler’s from collisions each year. Longest time holding breath under One way the measure attempts to Opening Museum Drawer Leads to It is the first new bird species water: 27.6 minutes by an Emperor the previous high of 1,826 in 2009. Cen- habitat to prevent nest parasitism; more Feeder check. I know it’s obvious, next boxes outside the normal breeding Listen for owls. January and February to be discovered on U.S. soil reduce bird strikes on new buildings and the birds don’t really need our season. New Species Discovery in Cape Washington, Ant tral Michigan produced a count of 1,170 150,000 cowbirds have been trapped dur- is by employing a cost-effective tech- 10 3are prime courtship and nesting time After nearly 50 years of sitting mis- since the Po’ouli was discovered - singing males, while the state’s Upper ing the 39 years of this program. feeders to survive, but let this serve as a for many species. This means that identified in a cabinet drawer in the in the forests of Maui, Hawaii, arctica (2010). nique called “fritting,” the placement gentle reminder to check your seed stock Follow a feeding flock.While you’re of ceramic lines or dots on windows. the owls may be calling in the middle of Smithsonian Museum, newly named in 1974. It may also be the rar- Peninsula recorded an all-time high of and on the status of your feeders. While out filling the feeders or out for a the night, communicating with potential Longest one-way migration by a Mayor Wants Bird-Safe Buildings in Already used to reduce air conditioning walk5 in the woods, watch and listen for Bryan’s Shearwater (Puffinus bryani) has est breeding bird in the United bird: 50,700 miles (81,600 kilome 35. Other good news was the presence inspecting my feeders the other day, mates or rivals. Take a moment to step joined the list of the world’s 9,000+ bird States: There was a record of - of 21 singing males in Wisconsin, and San Francisco costs by lowering heat gain, fritting ap- I noticed that our large gazebo feeder signs of a feeding flock. Winter feeding ters) from Greenland to the Wed On October 11, 2011, San Francisco plied in particular patterns on external outside and give a listen. Here’s a tip: species. The specimen had been col- one in a burrow on Midway in - another two in Ontario, Canada. was nearly falling apart. Its replacement flocks comprise birds of different species Cup a hand behind each ear. This focuses dell Sea in Antarctica by an Arctic mayor Edwin Lee signed into law a windows increases their visibility to that are loosely knit together in a quest lected from a burrow in a petrel colony 1990, and one suspected sight- tracked by a data-logger The Michigan Department of Natural looks a lot better and holds more seed— the sound, creating a kind of parabolic on Midway Atoll in the northwestern new bill called “Standards for Bird Safe birds, while still allowing a clear view for food, while being vigilant for preda- ing of a single individual flying Resources, the U.S. Forest Service, and Buildings” after its unanimous approval an all-around upgrade. gathering of sound. If you hear an un- Hawaiian Islands in 1963. Peter Pyle at sea as recently as 2005. (2010). from the inside. tors. A typical feeding flock here in Ohio the U.S. and Wildlife Service man- by the San Francisco Board of Supervi- The guidelines also call for the reduc- familiar sound in the night, consult one found the bird in a drawer and used Switch to high-fat foods. and might consist of chickadees, titmice, of the many excellent audio guides to The most bird calls imitated by a age about 190,000 acres of public lands sors. Aimed at reducing bird collisions tion of unnecessary interior and exte- peanuts are great high-energy foods nuthatches, kinglets, , DNA analysis to show that it was indeed Kirtland’s Warbler human being: 151 different bird 9 bird sounds to solve the mystery. While a new species of shearwater. As the specifically to help protect the bird’s with buildings and other structures rior lighting during the bird migratory for winter . Today, more creepers, and perhaps a Yellow-rumped Sets a New Record calls made by Gautam Sapkota of within the city, the bill includes sections seasons, reducing risks to flying birds listening for owls in the winter a few smallest of the 22 known shearwater nesting habitat: young jack-pine for- than ever before, there is a plethora of Warbler, an Eastern , and a years ago, we discovered that coyotes In 1974, the world was down Nepal (2008). on safer windows and night lighting, fatally attracted to the bright lights at great peanut and suet feeders available Hermit Thrush. The flock will make little species, Bryan’s Shearwater is black and to 167 singing male Kirtland est. This past spring, the three agencies had moved into our area. Hearing those white with a black or blue-gray bill and as well as regulations concerning the night. to discerning consumers. Head to your chips and seets and other noises while Warblers, all of them heard in pledged to continue conservation efforts construction of wind turbines in the coyotes yip and howl was thrilling and blue legs. local WBU store to browse the selection. flitting through the trees looking for eerie at the same time. Some suet blends include fruits, oats, food. If an alarm note sounds, watch for Frequently Asked corn meal, peanut bits, or peanut butter the flocks to stop moving or make a dash : I’ve been gardening for birds for several years but just received my first house as a Watch for signs of spring. While your Backyard Caf´e in the mix. Such high-energy foods help for thicker cover. eyes and ears are tuned in to nature, Qgift. I was excited at first, but then a speaker at a local bird club said that are hard to provide birds with the calories they 2 on birds. She didn’t elaborate, but now I don’t know if I should hang the bat house or not. listen and watch for the first subtle signs Eating for the Season need to ride out bitter winter conditions. of spring. Many resident bird species will by KEVIN J. COOK : Bats receive bad press on two issues: They carry rabies and they eat mosquitoes. Watch for unusual visitors. Bad begin singing on warm, sunny January days, even though the breeding season is hen filling the bird feeder • Winter eating. Long, cold nights or per day just staying alive. Eating A Yes, of course bats can carry rabies, but the vast majority of them are not infected. 8weather can really smoke out the require little birds to use more fat just must yield surplus energy to provide Furthermore, hanging a bat house does not mean you invite the bats into your home to unusual birds. Heavy snows here in Ohio weeks or months away. The lengthening becomes a frequent chore, a days and increasing intensity of sunlight personW can easily wonder, with a bit to produce enough heat to stay warm. for all the other things birds need to share your living space with you. If bats use your bat house, it means they are in the area will bring lots of our usual feeder visi- tors to our yard, plus blackbirds and the act to stimulate the birds’ hormones. They must eat enough food in eight do, plus enough left over to produce by Kevin Cook anyway. The bat house just makes them more visible. of grumbling, if birds do anything Evidence of this is seen in the increased other than eat. hours to acquire energy to last them and store fat. So, winter eating means ’s The mosquito argument is that Purple Martins eat mosquitoes; so when you invite a occasional oddity such as a Swamp Spar- attention that males will pay to females Just look at those chickadees and 24 hours. This ratio varies according to pudgy birds. Q bunch of bats into the neighborhood they eat the mosquitoes the martins could have had. row or a Savannah Sparrow. Will this latitude and altitude but still makes the Some people push the argument to the point of absurdity about martins becoming endan- be the winter that the northern (singing, chasing, defending) and in the juncos and finches out there. Eating and increase in general activity among your eating and eating. You’d think they would point: An ill-fed chickadee can deplete So yes, those little guys do eat a gered because of bats eating all the mosquitoes. invade southward? I hope so. I always all its fat and die of hypothermia in a lot, especially in winter. If everything Not all bats eat mosquitoes, and those that do eat night-flying mosquito species that are not available during the day, when mar- enjoy seeing a Common Redpoll or an birds. Long before any nest building eventually become too heavy to fly. takes place, our Mourning Doves are do- In fact, eating and flying and fattening single cold night. works properly, a will weigh tins feed. Further, analysis of stomach contents indicates that Purple Martins eat few mosquitoes. Evening Grosbeak. During winter those chickadees, more at 4 p.m. in January than at 4 Hang the box and enjoy the bats as much as you enjoy the birds! ing their sad cooing, our male do connect in a bird’s life; but they do Make bird shelters. Our windy ridge- are chortling and waving their wings so differently according to season. juncos, and finches in your backyard p.m. in July. Being plump is seasonally : I attended a fund-raising garden tour where a rather bitter argument broke out over citronella candles. One hostess was using them top yard catches every gust of cold Checking your nest use less total energy during their daily okay, but being too heavy will never be 7 boxes in winter may from the top of our houses, and our male Qto keep mosquitoes away, and one of the participants claims that citronella kills birds and shouldn’t be used. Is this true? winter weather. We try to make our goldfinches are getting just a little bit • Summer eating. Those little song- activity period, partly because their a little bird’s problem. birds a bit more comfortable by building yield evidence of activity periods are shorter and partly roosting birds such brighter plumage. birds at your backyard feeder use fat as : Citronella is two things: a South American shrub (Latin name Citronella), and a chemical extracted from an Asian grass brush piles and lean-to wind breaks on as a White-breasted an energy source. Metaphorically, fat is because they pur- A(Latin name Cymbopogon). People have used “citronella” from the grass as incense and a fumigant for who knows how many the windward side of our feeders. These Nuthatch. Keep a journal. When did the first kerosene in the space heater rather than sue fewer kinds of In winter, a plump centuries, but it has been licensed for use in the only since 1948. Historical usage does not address the issue of structures, which take only a few min- junco show up at your feeder last an insulation blanket wrapped around energy-demand- Dark-eyed Junco is a safety, however. utes to build, block the full effect of the fall?1 When did the last the water heater. Storing fat, however, ing activities in healthy junco. Citronella has been studied rather thoroughly. When applied directly to the skin or to clothing, it does repel certain nuisance wind, giving the birds a sheltered spot Look at tracks. A favorite winter activity of mine is trying to determine depart? What date do the Fox Sparrows increases body weight; and heavier winter. Thus, they insects. As a vapor from candles, however, its efficacy is quite low, partly because in an outdoor setting the active ingredient dis- for feeding and resting. Creating these pass through in spring? Did that sap- birds require more energy for flying. At are able to devote perses so rapidly that an effective concentration cannot develop. Unventilated indoor use would be different. sheltered spots gives me more satisfac- what4 a bird has done by looking at the impressions it has left in the snow. It’s sucker show up in 2006 or 2007? These some point storing fat becomes more more daily activ- I have occasionally observed House Wrens exploring citronella candleholders after the candles are extinguished. They glean tion—almost—than feeding the birds. are questions that can be answered with costly than productive. ity time to eating. dead insects that were attracted to the candle flame. Both wax and citronella—at those concentrations—are nontoxic. amazing how much of your yard is vis- ited by birds in the course of a day. The a quick reference to your bird or na- During summer, days are long and Birds expend Check your next boxes for roosting ture journal. As I’ve mentioned before warm and nights are short and cool. energy looking : We recently moved to Texas and soon discovered small geckos in the yard—and in the house! We have also seen mockingbirds, birds. If you have sturdy nest boxes bird tracks left behind in the snow can QBrown Thrashers, Blue Jays, and Great-tailed Grackles foraging along our fence where we often see the geckos. Would such birds 6 be a great indication of what birds were in these pages, keeping some sort of This allows a small bird to spread its for food and then on your property you may already be written record of your sightings can be food intake over more hours so that it more energy actually eat geckos they find? providing a sheltered spot for your there and what they were doing. I espe- cially enjoy looking at crow tracks to try fun, useful, and fascinating. We keep may devote time and energy to other manipulating the birds. Check inside your nest boxes for our journal in a spiral bound volume activities, such as territorial defense, food once they : Depending on where you live, you could have the indigenous Texas banded gecko or the exotic Mediterranean gecko. Both are evidence that birds are using them as to discern what these very smart birds cute little things and entirely harmless. were doing and thinking. Sometimes I’ll intended for that purpose. We also keep courting, and nesting. And short find it. Further, A nighttime roosts. Our bluebird boxes bird sightings notes on our home com- nights require less fat to keep the inner they use so much Famous for their climbing abilities, geckos climb any vertical surface including walls, fences, and tree trunks. Their coloration host as many birds in winter as they do find a spot where an owl’s wing and leg allows them to blend exquisitely into the background. prints tell me of a plunge after an unseen puter. Things to note in a journal include engines running. So, summer eating energy per min- in summer. Nuthatches, titmice, chicka- sightings, date, time, weather conditions, means lean birds. Once local birds discover geckos as a food source, they will devote some foraging time to look for them. All the bird species you mouse, or a set of tracks headed ute or per hour BRIAN HENRY dees, woodpeckers, wrens, owls, star- named do eat geckos. for my neighbor’s cornfield. As an added plus bird behavior, arrival and departure lings, bluebirds, and House Sparrows are dates, and interesting tidbits you wish to just a few of the species that will roost in activity try to decipher the many BRIAN HENRY tracks you’ll also encounter. remember. Try it, you’ll like it!

2 3 4 For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers

BirdTracks_27_WINTER_11_v1.indd 2 10/28/11 4:38 PM News on the Fly The Backyard Watcher BIRD TRIVIA: central Michigan. Fears of imminent ex- for the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler urban environment. The measure aims tinction were rampant. Now, almost 40 regardless of the its status under the En- to reduce the preventable deaths of Bird News and Discovery Recent Records Set years later, the population trend appears dangered Species Act in the future. Con- birds in the city—up to 1 billion birds are thought to die across North America Top 10 Things To Do In Winterby BILL THOMPSON, III by DAVID BIRD in the Bird World: to be reversing. This past spring 1,828 troversial efforts also continue to control singing males were recorded, eclipsing Brown-headed Cowbirds in the warbler’s from collisions each year. Longest time holding breath under One way the measure attempts to Opening Museum Drawer Leads to It is the first new bird species water: 27.6 minutes by an Emperor the previous high of 1,826 in 2009. Cen- habitat to prevent nest parasitism; more Feeder check. I know it’s obvious, next boxes outside the normal breeding Listen for owls. January and February to be discovered on U.S. soil reduce bird strikes on new buildings and the birds don’t really need our season. New Species Discovery Penguin in Cape Washington, Ant tral Michigan produced a count of 1,170 150,000 cowbirds have been trapped dur- is by employing a cost-effective tech- 10 3are prime courtship and nesting time After nearly 50 years of sitting mis- since the Po’ouli was discovered - singing males, while the state’s Upper ing the 39 years of this program. feeders to survive, but let this serve as a for many owl species. This means that identified in a cabinet drawer in the in the forests of Maui, Hawaii, arctica (2010). nique called “fritting,” the placement gentle reminder to check your seed stock Follow a feeding flock.While you’re of ceramic lines or dots on windows. the owls may be calling in the middle of Smithsonian Museum, newly named in 1974. It may also be the rar- Peninsula recorded an all-time high of and on the status of your feeders. While out filling the feeders or out for a the night, communicating with potential Longest one-way migration by a Mayor Wants Bird-Safe Buildings in Already used to reduce air conditioning walk5 in the woods, watch and listen for Bryan’s Shearwater (Puffinus bryani) has est breeding bird in the United bird: 50,700 miles (81,600 kilome 35. Other good news was the presence inspecting my feeders the other day, mates or rivals. Take a moment to step joined the list of the world’s 9,000+ bird States: There was a record of - of 21 singing males in Wisconsin, and San Francisco costs by lowering heat gain, fritting ap- I noticed that our large gazebo feeder signs of a feeding flock. Winter feeding ters) from Greenland to the Wed On October 11, 2011, San Francisco plied in particular patterns on external outside and give a listen. Here’s a tip: species. The specimen had been col- one in a burrow on Midway in - another two in Ontario, Canada. was nearly falling apart. Its replacement flocks comprise birds of different species Cup a hand behind each ear. This focuses dell Sea in Antarctica by an Arctic mayor Edwin Lee signed into law a windows increases their visibility to that are loosely knit together in a quest lected from a burrow in a petrel colony 1990, and one suspected sight- Tern tracked by a data-logger The Michigan Department of Natural looks a lot better and holds more seed— the sound, creating a kind of parabolic on Midway Atoll in the northwestern new bill called “Standards for Bird Safe birds, while still allowing a clear view for food, while being vigilant for preda- ing of a single individual flying Resources, the U.S. Forest Service, and Buildings” after its unanimous approval an all-around upgrade. gathering of sound. If you hear an un- Hawaiian Islands in 1963. Peter Pyle at sea as recently as 2005. (2010). from the inside. tors. A typical feeding flock here in Ohio the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service man- by the San Francisco Board of Supervi- The guidelines also call for the reduc- familiar sound in the night, consult one found the bird in a drawer and used Switch to high-fat foods. Suet and might consist of chickadees, titmice, of the many excellent audio guides to The most bird calls imitated by a age about 190,000 acres of public lands sors. Aimed at reducing bird collisions tion of unnecessary interior and exte- peanuts are great high-energy foods nuthatches, kinglets, woodpeckers, DNA analysis to show that it was indeed Kirtland’s Warbler human being: 151 different bird 9 bird sounds to solve the mystery. While a new species of shearwater. As the specifically to help protect the bird’s with buildings and other structures rior lighting during the bird migratory for winter bird feeding. Today, more creepers, and perhaps a Yellow-rumped Sets a New Record calls made by Gautam Sapkota of within the city, the bill includes sections seasons, reducing risks to flying birds listening for owls in the winter a few smallest of the 22 known shearwater nesting habitat: young jack-pine for- than ever before, there is a plethora of Warbler, an , and a years ago, we discovered that coyotes In 1974, the world was down Nepal (2008). on safer windows and night lighting, fatally attracted to the bright lights at great peanut and suet feeders available Hermit Thrush. The flock will make little species, Bryan’s Shearwater is black and to 167 singing male Kirtland est. This past spring, the three agencies had moved into our area. Hearing those white with a black or blue-gray bill and as well as regulations concerning the night. to discerning consumers. Head to your chips and seets and other noises while Warblers, all of them heard in pledged to continue conservation efforts construction of wind turbines in the coyotes yip and howl was thrilling and blue legs. local WBU store to browse the selection. flitting through the trees looking for eerie at the same time. Some suet blends include fruits, oats, food. If an alarm note sounds, watch for Frequently Asked corn meal, peanut bits, or peanut butter the flocks to stop moving or make a dash : I’ve been gardening for birds for several years but just received my first bat house as a Watch for signs of spring. While your Backyard Caf´e in the mix. Such high-energy foods help for thicker cover. eyes and ears are tuned in to nature, Qgift. I was excited at first, but then a speaker at a local bird club said that bats are hard to provide birds with the calories they 2 on birds. She didn’t elaborate, but now I don’t know if I should hang the bat house or not. listen and watch for the first subtle signs Eating for the Season need to ride out bitter winter conditions. of spring. Many resident bird species will by KEVIN J. COOK : Bats receive bad press on two issues: They carry rabies and they eat mosquitoes. Watch for unusual visitors. Bad begin singing on warm, sunny January days, even though the breeding season is hen filling the bird feeder • Winter eating. Long, cold nights or per day just staying alive. Eating A Yes, of course bats can carry rabies, but the vast majority of them are not infected. 8weather can really smoke out the require little birds to use more fat just must yield surplus energy to provide Furthermore, hanging a bat house does not mean you invite the bats into your home to unusual birds. Heavy snows here in Ohio weeks or months away. The lengthening becomes a frequent chore, a days and increasing intensity of sunlight personW can easily wonder, with a bit to produce enough heat to stay warm. for all the other things birds need to share your living space with you. If bats use your bat house, it means they are in the area will bring lots of our usual feeder visi- tors to our yard, plus blackbirds and the act to stimulate the birds’ hormones. They must eat enough food in eight do, plus enough left over to produce by Kevin Cook anyway. The bat house just makes them more visible. of grumbling, if birds do anything Evidence of this is seen in the increased other than eat. hours to acquire energy to last them and store fat. So, winter eating means ’s The mosquito argument is that Purple Martins eat mosquitoes; so when you invite a occasional oddity such as a Swamp Spar- attention that males will pay to females Just look at those chickadees and 24 hours. This ratio varies according to pudgy birds. Q bunch of bats into the neighborhood they eat the mosquitoes the martins could have had. row or a Savannah Sparrow. Will this latitude and altitude but still makes the Some people push the argument to the point of absurdity about martins becoming endan- be the winter that the northern finches (singing, chasing, defending) and in the juncos and finches out there. Eating and increase in general activity among your eating and eating. You’d think they would point: An ill-fed chickadee can deplete So yes, those little guys do eat a gered because of bats eating all the mosquitoes. invade southward? I hope so. I always all its fat and die of hypothermia in a lot, especially in winter. If everything Not all bats eat mosquitoes, and those that do eat night-flying mosquito species that are not available during the day, when mar- enjoy seeing a Common Redpoll or an birds. Long before any nest building eventually become too heavy to fly. takes place, our Mourning Doves are do- In fact, eating and flying and fattening single cold night. works properly, a nuthatch will weigh tins feed. Further, analysis of stomach contents indicates that Purple Martins eat few mosquitoes. Evening Grosbeak. During winter those chickadees, more at 4 p.m. in January than at 4 Hang the box and enjoy the bats as much as you enjoy the birds! ing their sad cooing, our male bluebirds do connect in a bird’s life; but they do Make bird shelters. Our windy ridge- are chortling and waving their wings so differently according to season. juncos, and finches in your backyard p.m. in July. Being plump is seasonally : I attended a fund-raising garden tour where a rather bitter argument broke out over citronella candles. One hostess was using them top yard catches every gust of cold Checking your nest use less total energy during their daily okay, but being too heavy will never be 7 boxes in winter may from the top of our houses, and our male Qto keep mosquitoes away, and one of the participants claims that citronella kills birds and shouldn’t be used. Is this true? winter weather. We try to make our goldfinches are getting just a little bit • Summer eating. Those little song- activity period, partly because their a little bird’s problem. birds a bit more comfortable by building yield evidence of activity periods are shorter and partly roosting birds such brighter plumage. birds at your backyard feeder use fat as : Citronella is two things: a South American shrub (Latin name Citronella), and a chemical extracted from an Asian grass brush piles and lean-to wind breaks on as a White-breasted an energy source. Metaphorically, fat is because they pur- A(Latin name Cymbopogon). People have used “citronella” from the grass as incense and a fumigant for who knows how many the windward side of our feeders. These Nuthatch. Keep a journal. When did the first kerosene in the space heater rather than sue fewer kinds of In winter, a plump centuries, but it has been licensed for use in the United States only since 1948. Historical usage does not address the issue of structures, which take only a few min- junco show up at your feeder last an insulation blanket wrapped around energy-demand- Dark-eyed Junco is a safety, however. utes to build, block the full effect of the fall?1 When did the last hummingbird the water heater. Storing fat, however, ing activities in healthy junco. Citronella has been studied rather thoroughly. When applied directly to the skin or to clothing, it does repel certain nuisance wind, giving the birds a sheltered spot Look at tracks. A favorite winter activity of mine is trying to determine depart? What date do the Fox Sparrows increases body weight; and heavier winter. Thus, they insects. As a vapor from candles, however, its efficacy is quite low, partly because in an outdoor setting the active ingredient dis- for feeding and resting. Creating these pass through in spring? Did that sap- birds require more energy for flying. At are able to devote perses so rapidly that an effective concentration cannot develop. Unventilated indoor use would be different. sheltered spots gives me more satisfac- what4 a bird has done by looking at the impressions it has left in the snow. It’s sucker show up in 2006 or 2007? These some point storing fat becomes more more daily activ- I have occasionally observed House Wrens exploring citronella candleholders after the candles are extinguished. They glean tion—almost—than feeding the birds. are questions that can be answered with costly than productive. ity time to eating. dead insects that were attracted to the candle flame. Both wax and citronella—at those concentrations—are nontoxic. amazing how much of your yard is vis- ited by birds in the course of a day. The a quick reference to your bird or na- During summer, days are long and Birds expend Check your next boxes for roosting ture journal. As I’ve mentioned before warm and nights are short and cool. energy looking : We recently moved to Texas and soon discovered small geckos in the yard—and in the house! We have also seen mockingbirds, birds. If you have sturdy nest boxes bird tracks left behind in the snow can QBrown Thrashers, Blue Jays, and Great-tailed Grackles foraging along our fence where we often see the geckos. Would such birds 6 be a great indication of what birds were in these pages, keeping some sort of This allows a small bird to spread its for food and then on your property you may already be written record of your sightings can be food intake over more hours so that it more energy actually eat geckos they find? providing a sheltered spot for your there and what they were doing. I espe- cially enjoy looking at crow tracks to try fun, useful, and fascinating. We keep may devote time and energy to other manipulating the birds. Check inside your nest boxes for our journal in a spiral bound volume activities, such as territorial defense, food once they : Depending on where you live, you could have the indigenous Texas banded gecko or the exotic Mediterranean gecko. Both are evidence that birds are using them as to discern what these very smart birds cute little things and entirely harmless. were doing and thinking. Sometimes I’ll intended for that purpose. We also keep courting, and nesting. And short find it. Further, A nighttime roosts. Our bluebird boxes bird sightings notes on our home com- nights require less fat to keep the inner they use so much Famous for their climbing abilities, geckos climb any vertical surface including walls, fences, and tree trunks. Their coloration host as many birds in winter as they do find a spot where an owl’s wing and leg allows them to blend exquisitely into the background. prints tell me of a plunge after an unseen puter. Things to note in a journal include engines running. So, summer eating energy per min- in summer. Nuthatches, titmice, chicka- sightings, date, time, weather conditions, means lean birds. Once local birds discover geckos as a food source, they will devote some foraging time to look for them. All the bird species you mouse, or a set of turkey tracks headed ute or per hour BRIAN HENRY dees, woodpeckers, wrens, owls, star- named do eat geckos. for my neighbor’s cornfield. As an added plus bird behavior, arrival and departure lings, bluebirds, and House Sparrows are dates, and interesting tidbits you wish to just a few of the species that will roost in activity try to decipher the many animal BRIAN HENRY tracks you’ll also encounter. remember. Try it, you’ll like it!

2 3 4 For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers

BirdTracks_27_WINTER_11_v1.indd 2 10/28/11 4:38 PM News on the Fly The Backyard Watcher BIRD TRIVIA: central Michigan. Fears of imminent ex- for the endangered Kirtland’s Warbler urban environment. The measure aims tinction were rampant. Now, almost 40 regardless of the its status under the En- to reduce the preventable deaths of Bird News and Discovery Recent Records Set years later, the population trend appears dangered Species Act in the future. Con- birds in the city—up to 1 billion birds are thought to die across North America Top 10 Things To Do In Winterby BILL THOMPSON, III by DAVID BIRD in the Bird World: to be reversing. This past spring 1,828 troversial efforts also continue to control singing males were recorded, eclipsing Brown-headed Cowbirds in the warbler’s from collisions each year. Longest time holding breath under One way the measure attempts to Opening Museum Drawer Leads to It is the first new bird species water: 27.6 minutes by an Emperor the previous high of 1,826 in 2009. Cen- habitat to prevent nest parasitism; more Feeder check. I know it’s obvious, next boxes outside the normal breeding Listen for owls. January and February to be discovered on U.S. soil reduce bird strikes on new buildings and the birds don’t really need our season. New Species Discovery Penguin in Cape Washington, Ant tral Michigan produced a count of 1,170 150,000 cowbirds have been trapped dur- is by employing a cost-effective tech- 10 3are prime courtship and nesting time After nearly 50 years of sitting mis- since the Po’ouli was discovered - singing males, while the state’s Upper ing the 39 years of this program. feeders to survive, but let this serve as a for many owl species. This means that identified in a cabinet drawer in the in the forests of Maui, Hawaii, arctica (2010). nique called “fritting,” the placement gentle reminder to check your seed stock Follow a feeding flock.While you’re of ceramic lines or dots on windows. the owls may be calling in the middle of Smithsonian Museum, newly named in 1974. It may also be the rar- Peninsula recorded an all-time high of and on the status of your feeders. While out filling the feeders or out for a the night, communicating with potential Longest one-way migration by a Mayor Wants Bird-Safe Buildings in Already used to reduce air conditioning walk5 in the woods, watch and listen for Bryan’s Shearwater (Puffinus bryani) has est breeding bird in the United bird: 50,700 miles (81,600 kilome 35. Other good news was the presence inspecting my feeders the other day, mates or rivals. Take a moment to step joined the list of the world’s 9,000+ bird States: There was a record of - of 21 singing males in Wisconsin, and San Francisco costs by lowering heat gain, fritting ap- I noticed that our large gazebo feeder signs of a feeding flock. Winter feeding ters) from Greenland to the Wed On October 11, 2011, San Francisco plied in particular patterns on external outside and give a listen. Here’s a tip: species. The specimen had been col- one in a burrow on Midway in - another two in Ontario, Canada. was nearly falling apart. Its replacement flocks comprise birds of different species Cup a hand behind each ear. This focuses dell Sea in Antarctica by an Arctic mayor Edwin Lee signed into law a windows increases their visibility to that are loosely knit together in a quest lected from a burrow in a petrel colony 1990, and one suspected sight- Tern tracked by a data-logger The Michigan Department of Natural looks a lot better and holds more seed— the sound, creating a kind of parabolic on Midway Atoll in the northwestern new bill called “Standards for Bird Safe birds, while still allowing a clear view for food, while being vigilant for preda- ing of a single individual flying Resources, the U.S. Forest Service, and Buildings” after its unanimous approval an all-around upgrade. gathering of sound. If you hear an un- Hawaiian Islands in 1963. Peter Pyle at sea as recently as 2005. (2010). from the inside. tors. A typical feeding flock here in Ohio the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service man- by the San Francisco Board of Supervi- The guidelines also call for the reduc- familiar sound in the night, consult one found the bird in a drawer and used Switch to high-fat foods. Suet and might consist of chickadees, titmice, of the many excellent audio guides to The most bird calls imitated by a age about 190,000 acres of public lands sors. Aimed at reducing bird collisions tion of unnecessary interior and exte- peanuts are great high-energy foods nuthatches, kinglets, woodpeckers, DNA analysis to show that it was indeed Kirtland’s Warbler human being: 151 different bird 9 bird sounds to solve the mystery. While a new species of shearwater. As the specifically to help protect the bird’s with buildings and other structures rior lighting during the bird migratory for winter bird feeding. Today, more creepers, and perhaps a Yellow-rumped Sets a New Record calls made by Gautam Sapkota of within the city, the bill includes sections seasons, reducing risks to flying birds listening for owls in the winter a few smallest of the 22 known shearwater nesting habitat: young jack-pine for- than ever before, there is a plethora of Warbler, an Eastern Bluebird, and a years ago, we discovered that coyotes In 1974, the world was down Nepal (2008). on safer windows and night lighting, fatally attracted to the bright lights at great peanut and suet feeders available Hermit Thrush. The flock will make little species, Bryan’s Shearwater is black and to 167 singing male Kirtland est. This past spring, the three agencies had moved into our area. Hearing those white with a black or blue-gray bill and as well as regulations concerning the night. to discerning consumers. Head to your chips and seets and other noises while Warblers, all of them heard in pledged to continue conservation efforts construction of wind turbines in the coyotes yip and howl was thrilling and blue legs. local WBU store to browse the selection. flitting through the trees looking for eerie at the same time. Some suet blends include fruits, oats, food. If an alarm note sounds, watch for Frequently Asked corn meal, peanut bits, or peanut butter the flocks to stop moving or make a dash : I’ve been gardening for birds for several years but just received my first bat house as a Watch for signs of spring. While your Backyard Caf´e in the mix. Such high-energy foods help for thicker cover. eyes and ears are tuned in to nature, Qgift. I was excited at first, but then a speaker at a local bird club said that bats are hard to provide birds with the calories they 2 on birds. She didn’t elaborate, but now I don’t know if I should hang the bat house or not. listen and watch for the first subtle signs Eating for the Season need to ride out bitter winter conditions. of spring. Many resident bird species will by KEVIN J. COOK : Bats receive bad press on two issues: They carry rabies and they eat mosquitoes. Watch for unusual visitors. Bad begin singing on warm, sunny January days, even though the breeding season is hen filling the bird feeder • Winter eating. Long, cold nights or per day just staying alive. Eating A Yes, of course bats can carry rabies, but the vast majority of them are not infected. 8weather can really smoke out the require little birds to use more fat just must yield surplus energy to provide Furthermore, hanging a bat house does not mean you invite the bats into your home to unusual birds. Heavy snows here in Ohio weeks or months away. The lengthening becomes a frequent chore, a days and increasing intensity of sunlight personW can easily wonder, with a bit to produce enough heat to stay warm. for all the other things birds need to share your living space with you. If bats use your bat house, it means they are in the area will bring lots of our usual feeder visi- tors to our yard, plus blackbirds and the act to stimulate the birds’ hormones. They must eat enough food in eight do, plus enough left over to produce by Kevin Cook anyway. The bat house just makes them more visible. of grumbling, if birds do anything Evidence of this is seen in the increased other than eat. hours to acquire energy to last them and store fat. So, winter eating means ’s The mosquito argument is that Purple Martins eat mosquitoes; so when you invite a occasional oddity such as a Swamp Spar- attention that males will pay to females Just look at those chickadees and 24 hours. This ratio varies according to pudgy birds. Q bunch of bats into the neighborhood they eat the mosquitoes the martins could have had. row or a Savannah Sparrow. Will this latitude and altitude but still makes the Some people push the argument to the point of absurdity about martins becoming endan- be the winter that the northern finches (singing, chasing, defending) and in the juncos and finches out there. Eating and increase in general activity among your eating and eating. You’d think they would point: An ill-fed chickadee can deplete So yes, those little guys do eat a gered because of bats eating all the mosquitoes. invade southward? I hope so. I always all its fat and die of hypothermia in a lot, especially in winter. If everything Not all bats eat mosquitoes, and those that do eat night-flying mosquito species that are not available during the day, when mar- enjoy seeing a Common Redpoll or an birds. Long before any nest building eventually become too heavy to fly. takes place, our Mourning Doves are do- In fact, eating and flying and fattening single cold night. works properly, a nuthatch will weigh tins feed. Further, analysis of stomach contents indicates that Purple Martins eat few mosquitoes. Evening Grosbeak. During winter those chickadees, more at 4 p.m. in January than at 4 Hang the box and enjoy the bats as much as you enjoy the birds! ing their sad cooing, our male bluebirds do connect in a bird’s life; but they do Make bird shelters. Our windy ridge- are chortling and waving their wings so differently according to season. juncos, and finches in your backyard p.m. in July. Being plump is seasonally : I attended a fund-raising garden tour where a rather bitter argument broke out over citronella candles. One hostess was using them top yard catches every gust of cold Checking your nest use less total energy during their daily okay, but being too heavy will never be 7 boxes in winter may from the top of our houses, and our male Qto keep mosquitoes away, and one of the participants claims that citronella kills birds and shouldn’t be used. Is this true? winter weather. We try to make our goldfinches are getting just a little bit • Summer eating. Those little song- activity period, partly because their a little bird’s problem. birds a bit more comfortable by building yield evidence of activity periods are shorter and partly roosting birds such brighter plumage. birds at your backyard feeder use fat as : Citronella is two things: a South American shrub (Latin name Citronella), and a chemical extracted from an Asian grass brush piles and lean-to wind breaks on as a White-breasted an energy source. Metaphorically, fat is because they pur- A(Latin name Cymbopogon). People have used “citronella” from the grass as incense and a fumigant for who knows how many the windward side of our feeders. These Nuthatch. Keep a journal. When did the first kerosene in the space heater rather than sue fewer kinds of In winter, a plump centuries, but it has been licensed for use in the United States only since 1948. Historical usage does not address the issue of structures, which take only a few min- junco show up at your feeder last an insulation blanket wrapped around energy-demand- Dark-eyed Junco is a safety, however. utes to build, block the full effect of the fall?1 When did the last hummingbird the water heater. Storing fat, however, ing activities in healthy junco. Citronella has been studied rather thoroughly. When applied directly to the skin or to clothing, it does repel certain nuisance wind, giving the birds a sheltered spot Look at tracks. A favorite winter activity of mine is trying to determine depart? What date do the Fox Sparrows increases body weight; and heavier winter. Thus, they insects. As a vapor from candles, however, its efficacy is quite low, partly because in an outdoor setting the active ingredient dis- for feeding and resting. Creating these pass through in spring? Did that sap- birds require more energy for flying. At are able to devote perses so rapidly that an effective concentration cannot develop. Unventilated indoor use would be different. sheltered spots gives me more satisfac- what4 a bird has done by looking at the impressions it has left in the snow. It’s sucker show up in 2006 or 2007? These some point storing fat becomes more more daily activ- I have occasionally observed House Wrens exploring citronella candleholders after the candles are extinguished. They glean tion—almost—than feeding the birds. are questions that can be answered with costly than productive. ity time to eating. dead insects that were attracted to the candle flame. Both wax and citronella—at those concentrations—are nontoxic. amazing how much of your yard is vis- ited by birds in the course of a day. The a quick reference to your bird or na- During summer, days are long and Birds expend Check your next boxes for roosting ture journal. As I’ve mentioned before warm and nights are short and cool. energy looking : We recently moved to Texas and soon discovered small geckos in the yard—and in the house! We have also seen mockingbirds, birds. If you have sturdy nest boxes bird tracks left behind in the snow can QBrown Thrashers, Blue Jays, and Great-tailed Grackles foraging along our fence where we often see the geckos. Would such birds 6 be a great indication of what birds were in these pages, keeping some sort of This allows a small bird to spread its for food and then on your property you may already be written record of your sightings can be food intake over more hours so that it more energy actually eat geckos they find? providing a sheltered spot for your there and what they were doing. I espe- cially enjoy looking at crow tracks to try fun, useful, and fascinating. We keep may devote time and energy to other manipulating the birds. Check inside your nest boxes for our journal in a spiral bound volume activities, such as territorial defense, food once they : Depending on where you live, you could have the indigenous Texas banded gecko or the exotic Mediterranean gecko. Both are evidence that birds are using them as to discern what these very smart birds cute little things and entirely harmless. were doing and thinking. Sometimes I’ll intended for that purpose. We also keep courting, and nesting. And short find it. Further, A nighttime roosts. Our bluebird boxes bird sightings notes on our home com- nights require less fat to keep the inner they use so much Famous for their climbing abilities, geckos climb any vertical surface including walls, fences, and tree trunks. Their coloration host as many birds in winter as they do find a spot where an owl’s wing and leg allows them to blend exquisitely into the background. prints tell me of a plunge after an unseen puter. Things to note in a journal include engines running. So, summer eating energy per min- in summer. Nuthatches, titmice, chicka- sightings, date, time, weather conditions, means lean birds. Once local birds discover geckos as a food source, they will devote some foraging time to look for them. All the bird species you mouse, or a set of turkey tracks headed ute or per hour BRIAN HENRY dees, woodpeckers, wrens, owls, star- named do eat geckos. for my neighbor’s cornfield. As an added plus bird behavior, arrival and departure lings, bluebirds, and House Sparrows are dates, and interesting tidbits you wish to just a few of the species that will roost in activity try to decipher the many animal BRIAN HENRY tracks you’ll also encounter. remember. Try it, you’ll like it!

2 3 4 For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers

BirdTracks_27_WINTER_11_v1.indd 2 10/28/11 4:38 PM For Preferred BirdTracksthis specialYou have edition received of A special BirdTracks edition from Winter 2011 preferred WBU customer!

Birds In Depth PRST STD because you are a Customers Only U.S. POSTAGE Are you enjoying BirdTracks? We’d appreciate your feedback and comments MARIETTA,PAID OH PERMIT NO 161 Specialized Feathers the next time you visit our store.

Serveby KEVIN J.COOK as Tools ou use napkins and flatware, ladles Eastern Kingbirds have bristles ® around the mouth that help it and spatulas, shopping bags and to catch insects on the wing. groceryY carts to help you with your food and our partner and feeding needs. Birds use utensils, too—sort of. The hawk’s talons, the humming- bird’s tongue, and the woodpecker’s bill all come to mind; but something else is commonly used: rictal bristles. Tracksby DR. DAVID BIRD Bristles—feathers that are all shaft BIRD and no vane—grow on birds’ heads. Red-Winged Blackbird There are a few exceptions, such as he most misidentified songbird in Red-winged Blackbirds, who like to be open their bill against resistance to ex- the ones that grow on owls’ toes. Each all of North America may be the near water. Ah, the irony of it! pose insects hiding in plant material or bristle arises from its own follicle, and femaleT Red-winged Blackbird. So often under stones. According to experimen- each follicle has a special nerve struc- • eat fruit or seeds, which do not insects after dark. bird watchers learn to identify the adult Varied Diet tal studies, these birds essentially learn ture. Any stimulation of the bristle need to be caught; Pewees, flycatchers, phoebes, and Male redwings enjoy the high fat what to eat by watching others. Red- male, black with red and yellow shoulder content of black-oil sunflower seeds, but triggers the nerve. • forage under water; kingbirds, plus wrentits, kinglets, gnat- epaulets, but are totally stumped when wings spend much of their time foraging The rictus is the fleshy area where • eat insects only for a short period catchers, thrushes, and thrashers grow I recall that the smaller females often at ground level and their walking ability the streaky, mottled brownish female perched on my tube feeder containing the upper and lower halves of the bill each year. well-developed rictal bristles that are comes into view nearby. In fact, this bird is so well-developed that they can actu- meet, forming the fleshy corner of a A few common backyard birds easily seen. Nyjer seed in our backyard. If you fol- ally walk backward. is sexually dimorphic not just in plum- lowed the dietary habits of Red-winged bird’s mouth. Bristles growing here are lack rictal bristles altogether or have Although present, bristles are visible age: The males are also larger and behave They love to bathe, too. Take a close called “rictal bristles.” extremely small bristles that cannot only under ideal conditions on swal- Blackbirds differently than the females. over the Ornithologists have long suspected be seen. This group includes wrens, lows, jays, chickadees, nuthatches, Most ornithologists agree that the that these sensory feathers effectively starlings, some warblers, blackbirds, vireos, and tanagers. course of Red-winged Blackbird is just about the the year, extend the reach of a bird’s bill as a and orioles. Now that you know what they are most abundant and best-studied bird on food-catching utensil. Understandably, Nightjars such as Whip-poor-wills and which birds have them, rictal you would our continent. Its range stretches from discover these bristles are poorly developed or grow prominent rictal bristles. This bristles should give you a little motiva- southern Canada down into southern absent on birds that: makes sense for birds that catch flying tion to watch those birds feeding in that they eat Mexico and from coast to coast. mostly plant

your backyard with fresh eyes. III BILL THOMPSON, Because they are so adaptable, you matter such Red-Winged Blackbird—Continued from page 5 can find them nesting just as happily as corn, sor- Red-Winged Blackbird— Continued from page 1 in a large marsh or field as in your own ghum, wheat to three days for the female to weave a live? The oldest wild redwing on record backyard. When we lived in suburbia seeds, tree In every issue of BirdTracks with a good-sized backyard with trees look the next time you see one taking his head, tilting his bill upward, or giving we feature questions from nest from plant material onto several is a 14-year-old male, but the average life seeds, and a bath. They wade in until the belly is various calls from prominent perches— vertical stems. Redwing clutches aver- expectancy is just more than two years. but no pond or creek, we hosted a pair most impor- submerged, fluff out the belly feathers the most important tools he uses are his you, our best customers. age about three pale blue eggs marked Other than bird watchers and those of redwings that showed up every spring tantly, a good while dipping forward, lower the wings red and yellow epaulets. When they are We welcome your with black or brown, one laid each day. enjoying them in the backyard, Red- without fail to nest in the top of one of percentage of and flutter them about to splash water exposed and exaggerated, they constitute suggestions, comments The young hatch in roughly 12 days and winged Blackbirds have not exactly our tall cedars. Ron (as I had named him, weed seeds. all over their body. After a good shaking, a powerful weapon for territory defense. and questions. We also take the next 12 days to grow and vacate enjoyed the best of relationships with after my father-in-law) certainly declared They also the blackbird flies to a nearby perch and If these epaulets are experimentally the nest. Both parents feed them, but the humans. In fall when the fledged young our backyard as his turf. It was fun to consume in- preens itself for several minutes. blackened, the males generally lose their hope to share your tips and involvement of the male varies with each join adult birds to form huge roosts, watch him sail into the bird feeder with sects. In fact, territory. ideas for enhancing our population. The diet is mostly terrestrial sometimes mixing with other “black- his scarlet epaulets flaring as bright as if you watch Territoriality enjoyment of backyard and aquatic insects. birds,” these armies descend upon the headlights on a jumbo jet at night. them closely, Although fighting is infrequent, a male Courtship and Nesting various crops such as rice, corn, and We recently moved into a rental loft they engage will sometimes grab a rival’s feathers with Most publications on Red-winged birds and wildlife with house right on the shore of a major lake other BirdTracks readers Mortality sunflower and do considerable damage. in a foraging his feet, while beating it vigorously with Blackbirds discuss their polygynous mat- What does Red-winged Blackbirds in? Even though the farmers may be par- in the same town and had to set up our technique the wings and pecking it with the bill. ing systems. Sometimes one male can all over North America. Well, predators account for the biggest tially compensated by the fact the birds feeders on the back deck of the second called “gap- GEORGE GENTRY/USFWS Occasionally the two combatants will have as many as 15 mates, but the aver- losses of eggs and nestlings, as many also consume various insect pests and floor overlooking the shore. We have Male Red-winged Blackbirds are unmistakable thanks to their namesake ing,” in which shoulder patches. roll over on the ground several times and age number is five. I could find no pub- A female Red-winged Blackbird bringing as 40 percent from a given population. weed seeds, a fair bit of research still managed to attract virtually all of the they forcibly even fly upward at one another flailing lished information on this, but the pair food to her nestlings. Write to us at: Raccoons, minks, magpies, and various species we had hosted before, except the goes on today to come up with a pub- Continued on page 5 away with their feet. of blackbirds nesting in my suburban BirdTracks hawks and owls are among the most licly accepted “magic bullet” to either Another behavior to look for is the backyard seemed quite monogamous, territory rather than be paired monoga- c/o BWD important predators. Highly territorial scare the birds away from the crops or courtship chase, in which a male pursues making me wonder whether gregarious- mously with a male holding an inferior PO Box 110 Marsh Wrens peck holes in eggs and kill decimate their numbers. Feature Backyard Café The Backyard Watcher a female at top speed in flight. If he over- ness and polygyny are mostly features nestlings with their sharp bills, presum- Red-winged Blackbird...... 1 Eating for the Season...... 2 Top 10 Things to Do in Winter...... 4 territory. Marietta, OH 45750 Meanwhile, I urge you to sit back takes her, he might grab her rump, caus- of populations nesting in extensive ably to lessen the competition for food and enjoy these colorful birds in your Birds In Depth Depending on where you live in North News on the Fly Specialized Feathers Serve as Tools...... 5 ing both to tumble into the undergrowth. marsh habitats. Given a choice, some American, redwings return from their in the area. The usual parasites, living backyards. I certainly miss the antics of Bird News and Discovery...... 2 Readers’ Questions...... 3 Although the male engages in various females would rather be part of a harem wintering grounds anywhere from late Or send an e-mail to: both inside the body and on the plumage, Ron the Redwing! BRIAN HENRY territorial displays—either thrusting out of a dominant male holding a superior afflict these songbirds. How long do they CONTENTS March to mid-May. It takes about one ISTOCKPHOTO.COM [email protected] 5 1 For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers

BirdTracks_27_WINTER_11_v1.indd 1 11/22/11 10:52 AM For Preferred BirdTracksthis specialYou have edition received of A special BirdTracks edition from Winter 2011 preferred WBU customer!

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Serveby KEVIN J.COOK as Tools ou use napkins and flatware, ladles Eastern Kingbirds have bristles ® around the mouth that help it and spatulas, shopping bags and to catch insects on the wing. groceryY carts to help you with your food and our partner and feeding needs. Birds use utensils, too—sort of. The hawk’s talons, the humming- bird’s tongue, and the woodpecker’s bill all come to mind; but something else is commonly used: rictal bristles. Tracksby DR. DAVID BIRD Bristles—feathers that are all shaft BIRD and no vane—grow on birds’ heads. Red-Winged Blackbird There are a few exceptions, such as he most misidentified songbird in Red-winged Blackbirds, who like to be open their bill against resistance to ex- the ones that grow on owls’ toes. Each all of North America may be the near water. Ah, the irony of it! pose insects hiding in plant material or bristle arises from its own follicle, and femaleT Red-winged Blackbird. So often under stones. According to experimen- each follicle has a special nerve struc- • eat fruit or seeds, which do not insects after dark. bird watchers learn to identify the adult Varied Diet tal studies, these birds essentially learn ture. Any stimulation of the bristle need to be caught; Pewees, flycatchers, phoebes, and Male redwings enjoy the high fat what to eat by watching others. Red- male, black with red and yellow shoulder content of black-oil sunflower seeds, but triggers the nerve. • forage under water; kingbirds, plus wrentits, kinglets, gnat- epaulets, but are totally stumped when wings spend much of their time foraging The rictus is the fleshy area where • eat insects only for a short period catchers, thrushes, and thrashers grow I recall that the smaller females often at ground level and their walking ability the streaky, mottled brownish female perched on my tube feeder containing the upper and lower halves of the bill each year. well-developed rictal bristles that are comes into view nearby. In fact, this bird is so well-developed that they can actu- meet, forming the fleshy corner of a A few common backyard birds easily seen. Nyjer seed in our backyard. If you fol- ally walk backward. is sexually dimorphic not just in plum- lowed the dietary habits of Red-winged bird’s mouth. Bristles growing here are lack rictal bristles altogether or have Although present, bristles are visible age: The males are also larger and behave They love to bathe, too. Take a close called “rictal bristles.” extremely small bristles that cannot only under ideal conditions on swal- Blackbirds differently than the females. over the Ornithologists have long suspected be seen. This group includes wrens, lows, jays, chickadees, nuthatches, Most ornithologists agree that the that these sensory feathers effectively starlings, some warblers, blackbirds, vireos, and tanagers. course of Red-winged Blackbird is just about the the year, extend the reach of a bird’s bill as a and orioles. Now that you know what they are most abundant and best-studied bird on food-catching utensil. Understandably, Nightjars such as Whip-poor-wills and which birds have them, rictal you would our continent. Its range stretches from discover these bristles are poorly developed or grow prominent rictal bristles. This bristles should give you a little motiva- southern Canada down into southern absent on birds that: makes sense for birds that catch flying tion to watch those birds feeding in that they eat Mexico and from coast to coast. mostly plant

your backyard with fresh eyes. III BILL THOMPSON, Because they are so adaptable, you matter such Red-Winged Blackbird—Continued from page 5 can find them nesting just as happily as corn, sor- Red-Winged Blackbird— Continued from page 1 in a large marsh or field as in your own ghum, wheat to three days for the female to weave a live? The oldest wild redwing on record backyard. When we lived in suburbia seeds, tree In every issue of BirdTracks with a good-sized backyard with trees look the next time you see one taking his head, tilting his bill upward, or giving we feature questions from nest from plant material onto several is a 14-year-old male, but the average life seeds, and a bath. They wade in until the belly is various calls from prominent perches— vertical stems. Redwing clutches aver- expectancy is just more than two years. but no pond or creek, we hosted a pair most impor- submerged, fluff out the belly feathers the most important tools he uses are his you, our best customers. age about three pale blue eggs marked Other than bird watchers and those of redwings that showed up every spring tantly, a good while dipping forward, lower the wings red and yellow epaulets. When they are We welcome your with black or brown, one laid each day. enjoying them in the backyard, Red- without fail to nest in the top of one of percentage of and flutter them about to splash water exposed and exaggerated, they constitute suggestions, comments The young hatch in roughly 12 days and winged Blackbirds have not exactly our tall cedars. Ron (as I had named him, weed seeds. all over their body. After a good shaking, a powerful weapon for territory defense. and questions. We also take the next 12 days to grow and vacate enjoyed the best of relationships with after my father-in-law) certainly declared They also the blackbird flies to a nearby perch and If these epaulets are experimentally the nest. Both parents feed them, but the humans. In fall when the fledged young our backyard as his turf. It was fun to consume in- preens itself for several minutes. blackened, the males generally lose their hope to share your tips and involvement of the male varies with each join adult birds to form huge roosts, watch him sail into the bird feeder with sects. In fact, territory. ideas for enhancing our population. The diet is mostly terrestrial sometimes mixing with other “black- his scarlet epaulets flaring as bright as if you watch Territoriality enjoyment of backyard and aquatic insects. birds,” these armies descend upon the headlights on a jumbo jet at night. them closely, Although fighting is infrequent, a male Courtship and Nesting various crops such as rice, corn, and We recently moved into a rental loft they engage will sometimes grab a rival’s feathers with Most publications on Red-winged birds and wildlife with house right on the shore of a major lake other BirdTracks readers Mortality sunflower and do considerable damage. in a foraging his feet, while beating it vigorously with Blackbirds discuss their polygynous mat- What does Red-winged Blackbirds in? Even though the farmers may be par- in the same town and had to set up our technique the wings and pecking it with the bill. ing systems. Sometimes one male can all over North America. Well, predators account for the biggest tially compensated by the fact the birds feeders on the back deck of the second called “gap- GEORGE GENTRY/USFWS Occasionally the two combatants will have as many as 15 mates, but the aver- losses of eggs and nestlings, as many also consume various insect pests and floor overlooking the shore. We have Male Red-winged Blackbirds are unmistakable thanks to their namesake ing,” in which shoulder patches. roll over on the ground several times and age number is five. I could find no pub- A female Red-winged Blackbird bringing as 40 percent from a given population. weed seeds, a fair bit of research still managed to attract virtually all of the they forcibly even fly upward at one another flailing lished information on this, but the pair food to her nestlings. Write to us at: Raccoons, minks, magpies, and various species we had hosted before, except the goes on today to come up with a pub- Continued on page 5 away with their feet. of blackbirds nesting in my suburban BirdTracks hawks and owls are among the most licly accepted “magic bullet” to either Another behavior to look for is the backyard seemed quite monogamous, territory rather than be paired monoga- c/o BWD important predators. Highly territorial scare the birds away from the crops or courtship chase, in which a male pursues making me wonder whether gregarious- mously with a male holding an inferior PO Box 110 Marsh Wrens peck holes in eggs and kill decimate their numbers. Feature Backyard Café The Backyard Watcher a female at top speed in flight. If he over- ness and polygyny are mostly features nestlings with their sharp bills, presum- Red-winged Blackbird...... 1 Eating for the Season...... 2 Top 10 Things to Do in Winter...... 4 territory. Marietta, OH 45750 Meanwhile, I urge you to sit back takes her, he might grab her rump, caus- of populations nesting in extensive ably to lessen the competition for food and enjoy these colorful birds in your Birds In Depth Depending on where you live in North News on the Fly Specialized Feathers Serve as Tools...... 5 ing both to tumble into the undergrowth. marsh habitats. Given a choice, some American, redwings return from their in the area. The usual parasites, living backyards. I certainly miss the antics of Bird News and Discovery...... 2 Readers’ Questions...... 3 Although the male engages in various females would rather be part of a harem wintering grounds anywhere from late Or send an e-mail to: both inside the body and on the plumage, Ron the Redwing! BRIAN HENRY territorial displays—either thrusting out of a dominant male holding a superior afflict these songbirds. How long do they CONTENTS March to mid-May. It takes about one ISTOCKPHOTO.COM [email protected] 5 1 For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers For Preferred Wild Birds Unlimited Customers

BirdTracks_27_WINTER_11_v1.indd 1 11/22/11 10:52 AM