1 ON T H E #169 • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016 Illinois Council 31—American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees—AFL-CIO Standing Org Postage PAID AFSCME U.S. Non-Profit together for a fair contract 31 Ave. STATE EMPLOYEES RISE TO MEET THE CHALLENGE 60601 IL Floor Council Michigan 21st N. Chicago, AFSCME 205 2 On the Move January-February 2016 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT On the Move AFSCME Illinois On the Move is published six times annually by Illinois Public Employees Council AFSCME never quits 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. Send correspondence to:
[email protected] or: AFSCME, On the Move, 205 N. Michigan Ave., 21st Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Roberta Lynch, Executive Director Mike Newman, Deputy Director Unions faced with unprecedented assault in high court Nell McNamara, Editor Dolores Wilber, Designer Council 31 Executive Board Officers STATE EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT Ralph Portwood, Stateville CC, Local 1866 CITY/COUNTY EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT Carmin Willis-Goodloe, Cook County Hospital, Local 1111 that same kind of warm, fuzzy PRIVATE SECTOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT encouragement to quit from Yolanda Woods, Hope Institute oes Bruce Rauner go out for late- Local 2481 another faux friend, Gover- UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT night cocktails with Charles and nor Bruce Rauner—the same Dorinda Miller, U of I Clericals, Local 3700 governor who is leading the David Koch, the infamous uber-rich SECRETARY D charge to drive down the Pat Ousley, Department of brothers who are seeking to remake the take-home pay of state work- Employment Security, Local 1006 TREASURER American political landscape with their vast ers, abolish the collective bar- Rob Fanti, Sheridan CC, Local 472 fortune? gaining rights of local govern- Board Members ment employees, and S TATE CONFERENCE BOARD CO-CHAIRS w Gloria Arseneau, (RC-14), DOES THIS TRIO RENDEZVOUS echoing the Center’s argu- privatize whatever and wher- Northeastern Illinois State Employees, EVERY YEAR AT SOME EXCLUSIVE ments.