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Download English Mindview 8 MindView User Guide Table of Contents Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Trademarks ...................................................................................................................................... 4 MindView Windows and macOS – End User License Agreement .................................................. 5 Welcome ........................................................................................................................................ 13 What's new in MindView 8 ............................................................................................................. 17 Important terms .............................................................................................................................. 19 Installation and login .......................................................................................................................... 22 Installing MindView ........................................................................................................................ 22 Logging in ...................................................................................................................................... 25 Support .............................................................................................................................................. 28 Getting help .................................................................................................................................... 28 Reporting a problem ...................................................................................................................... 29 Quick Start ......................................................................................................................................... 30 First step: Creating the mind map .................................................................................................. 31 Second step: Enhancing the mind map ......................................................................................... 33 Setting up........................................................................................................................................... 39 Setting up your workspace ............................................................................................................ 39 Setting up your preferences ........................................................................................................... 46 Basic tasks......................................................................................................................................... 51 Creating a mind map...................................................................................................................... 51 Saving a mind map ........................................................................................................................ 53 Opening a mind map...................................................................................................................... 55 Entering a branch label .................................................................................................................. 56 Inserting branches ......................................................................................................................... 57 Designing a mind map ................................................................................................................... 61 Viewing a mind map ....................................................................................................................... 65 Zooming in and out ........................................................................................................................ 69 Inserting text notes ......................................................................................................................... 71 Inserting comments ........................................................................................................................ 76 Inserting icons ................................................................................................................................ 79 Inserting pictures ............................................................................................................................ 82 Inserting task data .......................................................................................................................... 86 Inserting timeline data .................................................................................................................... 90 Inserting calculation values ............................................................................................................ 94 Printing a mind map ..................................................................................................................... 102 Further tasks .................................................................................................................................... 104 Formatting a branch ..................................................................................................................... 104 Editing branch data ...................................................................................................................... 108 1 Moving a branch .......................................................................................................................... 110 Focusing on a branch .................................................................................................................. 112 Creating sub-maps of selected branches .................................................................................... 114 Filtering a mind map .................................................................................................................... 116 Using conditional formatting ........................................................................................................ 119 Attaching objects .......................................................................................................................... 123 Inserting audio notes.................................................................................................................... 125 Dictating text ................................................................................................................................ 127 Creating hyperlinks ...................................................................................................................... 129 Creating branch connections ....................................................................................................... 131 Capturing text and images ........................................................................................................... 134 Finding and replacing text ............................................................................................................ 137 Using predictive suggestions ....................................................................................................... 139 Setting up suggestion sources ..................................................................................................... 141 Inserting a new root ..................................................................................................................... 146 Detaching a branch ...................................................................................................................... 147 Setting a password ...................................................................................................................... 148 Tracking changes ......................................................................................................................... 149 Working with legends ................................................................................................................... 150 Presenting a mind map ................................................................................................................ 152 Checking a mind map .................................................................................................................. 154 Packing a mind map .................................................................................................................... 155 Sending a mind map .................................................................................................................... 157 Publishing a mind map................................................................................................................. 158 Creating project reports ............................................................................................................... 160 Using the Picture Catalog ............................................................................................................ 162 Using the Properties dialog .......................................................................................................... 168 Using the Overview panel ............................................................................................................ 170 Using the Object list ..................................................................................................................... 171 Using online workspaces ................................................................................................................
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