Proyam Sltt/I", Whuf Lillip, , 1925"1930
\ 6, BREEZE )e---- Volume 64 July 17, 1926 Number 29 I. Hessian fly conirolled 100�. / 2. Smut of whea • .;: ,dIld, sorqhum controlled 8'0 %. 'J£>, ,3.tlarkel Reports fol,lowed �110"4 V ·.of f�miers. 4. Wheat sold on protein tln4 qr4df: b�is by 60� <If farmers . .s. Standard varieties planted, by 86�. 16. ,Crop' rQtations Plldiced on' S � of (M'� �1/f()(/J1tal1i;qJ in crop raId/ions. lelJumts.. 'Kansa« .WheatBelt SeM supply. S"d e",h4"ge: ""IMds./)t,,,,s/r4Iti1ns ""ri",,,,,,, pllrily 01 NI/lw Irwi',Sf'lC;",; �"d 9'rmill�l/o" {tJfT1 ""dlNfil' 'OIIIf'll'is(II1; dtmonstrdlion$ • 11MrJe 01 K,lir. Proyam Sltt/i", Whuf lillip, , 1925"1930 L"lul"lS ""tI Anillysis o� , Supply pill" s"d'. Sum,",r Itil/ow tJrwid, dtll1011Sfrdh'olls on . mlfrluf sillI4lifJl1,' SiN! t.l'ClltlI191S,v.m'e'y spm;" dtmonslr� lio(ls, se/11119 4ntl �ufln9 ISSllil1� of 'tsls. S14M4'" Hlde"ts. Wtlrl(0II1r�/· IIoislllft �, on .pr"fun "iTt! "'onlhly M4r/(,,1 dlid "rI1/I1141/on d'" pilrily Whnt. corn 4111/ I fr.dd� .oIlSIS r,.."n(l$.' ltd demonsflillions, sor�h(Jm t;l/lllJr�, ;.� " I I' , I ,I' f .� .... , 2 I- Kansas Farmer for July 17, 1926 These 100.00O-Mile Studebwrs are proofof One-Proft� Val� In March we published a roster of 274 Studebaker owners who had driven their cars from 100,000 to more than 300,000 miles - a few of the veteran Studebakers throughout the world. tj Since then, hundreds of new names, voluntarily submitted, have been added to this record of Studebaker dependability and stamina.
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