Proceedings of the Ninety-First Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union
PROCEEDINGS OF THE NINETY-FIRST STATED MEETING OF THE AMERICAN ORNITHOLOGISTS' UNION RICHARDC. BANKS•SECRETARY TI-IE Ninety-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union was held 8-12 October 1973 at Provincetown, on Cape Cod, Massachusetts, under the sponsorshipof the Nuttall OrnithologicalClub, which was celebrating its centennialyear. Business,technical, and social sessionswere held in the ProvincetownInn. Field trips were taken to various localitieson Cape Cod. BUSINESS SESSIONS The Councilmet in the morningand afternoonof 8 Octoberand again in the afternoon of 10 October. The Fellows met in the late afternoon of 8 October and again in the afternoon of 11 October. Elective Members and Fellows met in the eveningof 8 October. A summaryof important actionsat these meetings follows: Future meetings.--The Ninety-secondStated Meeting will be held at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 14-18 October 1974, at the invitation of the University, the Oklahoma OrnithologicalSociety, and the ClevelandCounty Bird Club. The Ninety-third Stated Meeting will be held in Winnipeg, Manitoba, in August of 1975, at the invitation of the University of Manitoba. The Ninety-fourth Stated Meeting will take place at Hayerford College,near Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, in August 1976, at the invitation of the Academy of Natural Sciencesof Philadelphia and Hayerford College. An invitation for 1977 from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, was extended,as was one from the Linnean Society of New York for 1978. Action was not taken on these. Election o] oJJicers.--At the meeting of Elective Members and Fellows, Donald S. Farner was electedPresident; Harrison B. Tordoff was advancedto First Vice-President; Charles G.
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