Esri Conservation Program Illustrated Guide to postrgreSql for ArcGIS & Server DRAFT please send comments, suggestions, omissions to Charles Convis
[email protected] This guide was started in 2014 in response to the lack of any single organized source of guidance, tutorials or illustrated workflows for obtaining, installing, operating and updating postgreSql for ArcGIS Server installations. It is current as of version 10.3, and due for update in late 2016 OBTAINING POSTGRESQL: Postgres install files need to be obtained from because of the version-linked spatial support libraries provided. You get a free account at within a few days of your very first esri software grant. Check your email for the grant activation message, it’ll often say “LOD” (license on delivery) Hang onto that email but don’t use the token url more than once. You will do your additional downloads via the myesri account. You can download as many times as you need to: especially useful for machine crash recovery. If you just want to transfer licenses you can do that directly at by deauthorizing an existing machine and reauthorize on the new machine. If you do happen to run out valid installs for your authorization just call esri tech support and they can add more as needed. The other way to access is if you have access to an ArcGIS Online Account or are part of an ArcGIS Online Organization account. Anyone who is an administrator can log in and click on “My Organization” to see the following: What the admin then needs to do is right click on the gear icon next to your name and scroll down to “Enable Esri Access”.