

Eur Neurol 2009;61:257–268 Received: May 28, 2008 DOI: 10.1159/000206850 Accepted after revision: November 11, 2008 Published online: March 17, 2009

Cognitive Impairment in Spinocerebellar Degeneration

Y. Kawai M. Suenaga H. Watanabe G. Sobue

Department of , Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya , Japan

Key Words Introduction ؒ Spinocerebellar degenerations ؒ Cognitive impairment Neuropsychological assessment Spinocerebellar degenerations are neurodegenerative diseases that involve the , stem, , and basal ganglia to various degrees. Patients with Abstract spinocerebellar degeneration display limb and truncal It has been reported that patients with spinocerebellar de- , , dysphagia, extrapyramidal sign (dys- generations (SCDs) have cognitive dysfunction as well as tonia, rigidity, and bradykinesia), pyramidal sign, and limb and , dysarthria and dysphagia. We review autonomic disorder. Although they are also reported to cognitive dysfunction in common types of SCD, including have cognitive impairment, this remains controversial. spinocerebellar ataxia types 1, 2, 3, 6, and 17, dentatorubral- Spinocerebellar degeneration includes both sporadic pallidoluysian , Friedreich’s ataxia, and multiple sys- and hereditary forms. Most cases of sporadic spinocere- tem atrophy. There are few studies that address cognitive bellar degeneration are now considered to be multiple function in SCD. Although there are few comparison studies system atrophy (MSA). Although some of these patients among the various SCDs, cognitive dysfunction may be have symptoms such as cerebellar cortical atrophy, they more common and severe in spinocerebellar ataxia type 17 may subsequently display extrapyramidal signs and au- and dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy. While cognitive tonomic disorder similar to MSA [1] . Hereditary spino- dysfunction in SCD appears to represent frontal dysfunc- consists of autosomal dominant tion, the mechanisms of cognitive dysfunction have not spinocerebellar degeneration, including spinocerebellar been directly clarified. Nevertheless, various lesions, includ- ataxia (SCA) types 1, 2, 3, and 6 and autosomal recessive ing those in the cerebrocerebellar circuitry, cortico-striatal- spinocerebellar degeneration, such as Friedreich’s ataxia thalamocortical circuitry, and the frontal lobe, may influence (FA) [2, 3] . Recently, responsible for these diseases cognitive function to various degrees for each disease. were cloned [4–7] . Although cognitive function in SCA Copyright © 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel patients were examined before genetic analyses became available, these studies were controversial as they includ- ed many types of SCA. On the other , there have been several recent clin- ical reports of patients with cerebellar lesions and cogni- tive dysfunction [8] , and the importance of the cerebel-

© 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel Gen Sobue 0014–3022/09/0615–0257$26.00/0 Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine Fax +41 61 306 12 34 65 Tsurumai-cho, Showa-ku E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: Nagoya 466-8550 (Japan) www.karger.com www.karger.com/ene Tel. +81 52 744 2385, Fax +81 52 744 2384, E-Mail [email protected] lum in cognitive function has been recognized. Here, we pallidum, and subthalamic nucleus, while the cerebral review cognitive dysfunction in common types of spino- cortex was normal [3, 14] . Gilman et al. [15] showed that cerebellar degenerations, including SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, SCA1 patients exhibited hypoperfusion of the cerebral SCA6, dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy (DRPLA), cortex, caudate nucleus, putamen and thalamus, as well SCA17, FA, and MSA. as cerebellum and brain stem. Cognitive impairment in SCA1 is therefore contingent upon damage to different parts of this cerebrocerebellar circuitry. In addition to Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 1 cerebellar connections, cognitive impairment in SCA1 could result from disruption of the basal ganglia-thala- SCA1 is characterized clinically by , mocortical circuitry. dysarthria, and bulbar dysfunction, with variable de- grees of brain stem oculomotor signs, ophthalmoplegia, , , extensor plantar responses, pe- Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 2 ripheral neuropathy and fasciculations. Although there are some studies that examined cogni- Ataxia is the predominant clinical manifestation in tive function in SCA1 patients, most of them were re- SCA2, although the SCA2 phenotype differed from those ported before genetic analysis became available. In fam- of other SCAs with higher frequencies of slowed ocular ily members of a large SCA1 kindred, Kish et al. [9] found movements, postural and action , , and decreased Mini-Mental State Examination and verbal IQ hyporeflexia. Several clinical investigations disclosed the scores, suggesting general intellectual impairment. They frequency of in SCA2 patients to be between 19 also revealed impairment of memory, naming, visuospa- and 42% [10, 16–18], although in a comparison of various tial function and executive function. Tang et al. [10] found SCAs, Bürk et al. [12] did not find significantly lower that clinically, dementia was less frequent in SCA1 than scores on neuropsychological tests in SCA2 patients. It in the other SCAs. The first comprehensive study of cog- has been reported that SCA2 patients have various cogni- nitive function in genetically confirmed SCA1 was de- tive disorders, such as developmental delay [19] and ol- scribed by Bürk et al. [11] . They examined 14 patients factory impairment [20] . In another study, Bürk et al. [21] with SCA1 using a neuropsychological test battery. Ver- systematically addressed the issue of cognitive function bal memory and executive function were significantly in genetically confirmed SCA2 by means of comprehen- impaired in these patients. In the verbal memory test, sive neuropsychological testing. Twenty-five percent of SCA1 patients reproduced significantly fewer items than the SCA2 subjects showed evidence of dementia. Even in did controls during the immediate recall of the consecu- nondemented SCA2 subjects, there was evidence of ver- tive categories, randomized categories and uncategorized bal memory and executive dysfunction. Demented SCA2 lists and during the delayed recall of the consecutive cat- patients exhibited significant impairment of the immedi- egories and uncategorized lists. Test performance was ate recall of uncategorized and randomized category lists not related to either trinucleotide repeat length or disease and the delayed recall of consecutive category list type. duration. A comparison of cognitive dysfunction among There was no relationship between test performance and SCA1, SCA2 and SCA3 patients revealed that executive trinucleotide repeat length. Le Pira et al. [22] partially dysfunction was more prominent in SCA1 patients com- confirmed these results, but they also found defects in at- pared with other SCA types [12] . It was also reported that tention as well as nonverbal intelligence task. Fernandez- depressive and memory symptoms were found in 25 and Ruiz et al. [23] tested 43 SCA2 patients and their matched 42% of SCA1 patients, respectively [13] . controls in prism adaptation, a kind of visuomotor learn- The mechanism of cognitive impairment in SCA1 re- ing task. SCA2 patients showed an impaired strategic mains unclear. There are only a few studies that address control that affected the adaptation rate, but a normal supratentorial change in SCA1. Neuropathological find- spatial realignment measured through the aftereffect. ings were reported to be loss of Purkinje cells and variable Although the mechanism of cognitive impairment in loss of granule cells in the cerebellar cortex, neuron loss SCA2 remains unclear, disruption of the dopaminergic and moderate gliosis in the dentate nuclei, neuron loss was reported in several studies of SCA2 and severe gliosis in the inferior olives and the pontine patients. A reduction in striatal dopamine transporters nuclei, loss of neurons and pigment deposition in the sub- resembling that observed in patients with Parkinson’s stantia nigra, and variable involvement of the putamen, disease (PD) was found in SCA2 patients, using SPECT

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[24–26] and PET [27]. Another PET study in SCA2 pa- tention, verbal fluency and set-shifting. Kawai et al. [36] tients showed reduced fluorodopa uptake in the striatum examined 16 genetically confirmed SCA3 patients using and normal dopamine D2/D3 receptor density, all typical neuropsychological tests, and found more extensive cog- of idiopathic PD [28] . In an [ 18F]-fluorodeoxyglucose PET nitive impairments, including those of verbal and visual study, decreased regional cerebral glucose metabolism memory, visuospatial and constructional abilities and was found not only in the cerebellum but also in the brain verbal fluency. None of these impairments correlated stem and the parietal cortex of patients with SCA2 [27] . with CAG repeat length or disease duration. It was also Using voxel-based morphometry, Brenneis et al. [29] ob- reported that depressive symptoms and apathy were com- served significant volume loss not only in infratentorial mon in SCA3 patients [13, 35–37]. Recently, it was re- regions, such as the cerebellar hemispheres, vermis, pons, vealed that SCA3 patients were impaired on a Theory of mesencephalon and thalamus, but also in several supra- Mind task, although they were not impaired on tasks re- tentorial areas, such as the right orbitofrontal cortex, quiring attribution of emotions or judgments of behavior right temporomesial cortex and the primary sensorimo- in social situations [38] . tor cortex bilaterally in SCA2 patients. This involvement The neuropathological findings of SCA3 consist of de- of widespread multiple regions was confirmed by neuro- generation in the dentate nucleus, superior cerebellar pe- pathological examination of SCA2 , which revealed duncle, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, subthalamic degenerations mainly in the cerebellar vermis and hemi- nucleus, red nucleus, pontine nuclei, oculomotor nucleus, spheres, including Purkinje cells and granular cells, mid- medial longitudinal fasciculus, anterior horn, spinocer- dle cerebellar peduncles, inferior cerebellar peduncle, ebellar tracts, Clark’s nuclei, intermediolateral column, substantia nigra, inferior olives, pontine nuclei, Clark’s and lateral reticular nucleus [3, 37, 39] . However, it was nuclei, and dorsal columns. Neuropathological progres- found that the nuclear accumulations of expanded poly- sion later included neuronal loss even in the neocortex [3, stretches also involved many neurons cover- 16, 30] . These degenerations might result in the more ing a wide range of central and peripheral nervous system common morbidity of dementia. regions, including the cerebral cortex and thalamus, that have been categorized previously as spared regions by conventional pathological studies [40] . These lesions, Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 newly recognized by polyglutamine immunohistochem- (Machado-Joseph Disease) istry, may be responsible for the cerebral cortical dys- functions in SCA3 patients. Consistent with the results The wide range of clinical manifestations in SCA3 in- of this pathological study, the regional cerebral glucose clude cerebellar ataxia, hyperreflexia, spasticity, eyelid metabolism or perfusion in SCA3, studied with PET or retraction, ophthalmoplegia, , , SPECT, was found to be significantly decreased in the hyporeflexia, fasciculations, myotrophy, sensation loss, entire cerebral cortex [41] , occipital cortex [42], frontal, restless legs , cold intolerance and nocturia. temporal and parietal lobes [43] as well as in the cerebel- Several clinical investigations showed that dementia in lar hemispheres, vermis, and brain stem. Murata et al. SCA3 might be less frequent (5–13%) than in other SCAs [44] found similar results using MRI; not only were the [10, 18, 31] . However, it has been reported that SCA3 pa- widths of the superior cerebellar peduncles reduced and tients do have various cognitive and psychiatric disor- the transverse diameters of the globus pallidus and pons ders, such as REM sleep behavior disorder [32] and de- diminished, but the frontal and temporal lobes were also lirium [33] . Maruff et al. [34] examined cognitive func- atrophied. As in SCA2, disruption of the dopaminergic tion in 6 patients with genetically confirmed SCA3 using nervous system has also been reported in SCA3 patients. a series of subtests from the Cambridge Neuropsycho- SPECT [45] and PET [27] revealed significantly decreased logical Test Automated Battery. These patients had defi- dopamine transporter binding in both the putamen and cits in visual attentional function that were characterized the caudate nucleus in most SCA3 patients. Also, fluoro- by a slowing of the processing of visual information when dopa uptake in striatum was reduced, but dopamine D2/ task demands were high and an inability to shift attention D3 receptor density was normal in most SCA3 patients to previously irrelevant stimulus dimensions to discrim- [41, 46]. These results may indicate that SCA3 patients inate between complex stimuli. Zawacki et al. [35] gave 6 exhibit dysfunction, not only in the regions with appar- individuals with SCA3 a battery of neuropsychological ent pathological involvement such as cerebellum, brain tests, and found relative impairments on timed verbal at- stem and nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, but also in

Cognitive Impairment in Spinocerebellar Eur Neurol 2009;61:257–268 259 Degeneration the cerebral cortex and the striatum. The basis for cogni- dysfunctions in SCA6 patients may result from prefron- tive dysfunction in SCA3 may be multifactorial, includ- tal dysfunction, based on the functional deactivation of ing cerebral cortical dysfunctions due to the nuclear in- the cerebello-ponto-thalamo-cerebral pathways. clusions, disruption of cerebrocerebellar circuitry, and cortico-striatal-thalamocortical circuitry. Dentatorubral-Pallidoluysian Atrophy

Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6 DRPLA is a spinocerebellar degeneration that is rela- tively prevalent in Japan. It is characterized by various The clinical features in these patients consist of cere- combinations of ataxia, , myoclonus, epi- bellar ataxia of the limbs, trunk and gait, horizontal nys- lepsy and dementia that resemble symptoms of Hunting- tagmus, and dysarthria without extrapyramidal signs, ton’s disease [3] . Patients commonly show psychiatric ophthalmoplegia, and . There have symptoms, such as instability in mood, irritability, apa- been very few studies addressing cognitive function in thy, childish behavior, and euphoria, and less frequently, SCA6 patients because researchers assume, and it is in- delusion and visual or auditory hallucinations. Cognitive deed true, that SCA6 patients are rarely impaired in cog- profiles in DRPLA are generally compatible with those nitive function (0–20%) [18, 47–49] . Globas et al. [50] ex- frequently seen in patients with subcortical dementia, amined cognitive function in 12 patients with genetically characterized by relatively mild memory deficit, psycho- confirmed SCA6, but found only mild deficits in fronto- motor retardation, and abnormal executive function. executive tasks that were not significantly different from MRI or CT scans often reveal atrophy of the cerebellum those in controls. However, Suenaga et al. [51] examined and brain stem, microcalcification of the basal ganglia, cognitive function in 18 patients with genetically con- and leukodystrophic changes, although they are variable. firmed SCA 6, and showed that verbal fluency and im- Ikeuchi et al. [59] reported frequent observations of atax- mediate visual memory were markedly impaired. These ia and dementia, and significant correlations between the cognitive dysfunctions did not correlate with CAG repeat size of CAG repeats, and dementia and psychiatric symp- length. Moreover, SCA6 patients were impaired on a The- toms. Schöls et al. [3] recommended that genetic analyses ory of Mind task [38] . for DRPLA be directed to patients with dementia or psy- Neuropathologically, SCA6 is characterized by al- chosis as well as those with , myoclonus or most exclusive cerebellar involvement, particularly se- in autosomal dominant cerebellar . Although we lective loss of the cerebellar Purkinje cells and mild to found no comprehensive neuropsychological examina- moderate loss of granular cells and neurons in the den- tion studies, we assumed that the profile was similar to tate nucleus, while cortical structures and basal ganglia those of other SCAs. are spared [3, 52–54]. Thus, SCA6 might represent an Neuropathological examination revealed combined excellent model for investigating the cerebellar contribu- degeneration of the dentatorubral and pallidoluysian sys- tion to cognition. However, imaging of regional cerebral tems [60] , and degeneration of the fastigio-vestibular sys- glucose metabolism and cerebral brain perfusion in tem [3] , while loss of neurons in cerebral cortex was mild. SCA6 patients has also produced conflicting results. In some cases, dramatic myelin loss in the cerebral white Soong et al. [55] found that glucose metabolism rates matter was accompanied by axonal preservation and were significantly lower not only in the cerebellar hemi- mild atherosclerotic changes in vascular blood vessels spheres, but also in the brain stem, basal ganglia, and [61] . These results were consistent with those of neurora- frontal, temporal, and occipital cerebral cortices, while diological studies [62] . Honjo et al. [56] found that regional cerebral blood flow Quantitative evaluations of DRPLA cases revealed no was decreased only in the cerebellar vermis and hemi- significant loss of neurons in the nucleus basalis of spheres in SCA6 patients. Recently, statistical parametric Meynert, and no clinicopathological correlation between mapping demonstrated that brain metabolism and per- dementia and involvement of the nucleus basalis of fusion were diminished in the cerebellum and the pre- Meynert [63] . Yamada et al. [64] reported increased nu- frontal cortices in SCA6 [57, 58] . Kawai et al. [57] re- clear labeling in large populations of neurons in many vealed that neuropsychological test scores in SCA6 pa- CNS regions, including cerebral cortex, globus pallidus, tients were significantly correlated with a decrease in subthalamic nucleus, oculomotor nucleus, red nucleus, prefrontal perfusion, and suggested that the cognitive substantia nigra, pontine nuclei, vestibular nucleus, cer-

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ebellar dentate nucleus, and spinal anterior horn. The re- F r i e d r e i c h ’ s A t a x i a sults suggest that the novel lesion distribution revealed by the diffuse nuclear labeling may be responsible for a va- FA [for review, see ref. 2] is the most common of the riety of clinical features, including dementia, in DRPLA autosomal recessive ataxias, occurring with a frequency [64] . of approximately 1 in 30,000–50,000 in the Caucasian population. Most cases of FA are caused by loss of func- tion mutations in the frataxin , located on chromo- Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 17 some 9q13. Neuroimaging does not show progressive cer- ebellar degeneration, unlike the autosomal dominant he- SCA17 is a newly described, dominantly inherited dis- reditary ataxias. It primarily affects the spinocerebellar ease that is caused by a CAG or CAA repeat expansion in tracts, posterior columns, and to a lesser extent the cor- the TATA-binding protein, a transcription factor [65] . ticospinal tracts. Clinical manifestations include gait and The presentation is variable, but most individuals present limb ataxia, dysarthria, pes cavus, lower extremity weak- between the ages of 20 and 30 with ataxia and dementia ness, cardiomyopathy, and diabetes [2] . [3] . MRI or CT findings indicated diffuse cortical and There are few studies addressing the cognitive profiles cerebellar atrophy in all patients examined [65] . The clin- of FA. Slowed information processing speed, visuospatial ical features of SCA17 patients, manifested by dementia deficits, impaired verbal learning and executive dysfunc- and psychiatric abnormalities including , per- tions have been described in recent studies [74] . Most of sonality changes, aggressiveness, negligence of personal them were reported before genetic analysis became avail- hygiene, delusional thoughts, and hallucinations, differ able. The first comprehensive study of cognitive function from those of other SCA types [66, 67] . Although this in genetically confirmed FA was conducted by Mantovan genotype is rare: 15 SCA17 patients in 1,318 SCA patients et al. [75] . Neuropsychological and affective changes in 13 [67] , it is important, because genetic analyses for SCA17 FA patients included lower IQ scores than controls, and should be directed also to the patients with dementia or impairments of visuoconstructive abilities, verbal fluen- psychosis, in addition to those with cerebellar ataxia [3] . cy, attention, information speed processing and plan- The full phenotypic variability has not been determined ning, and implicit learning. They also described a per- [68, 69] . sonality pattern consisting of increased irritability, poor Conventional neuropathological examinations re- impulsive control and blunted affect. The GAA expan- vealed shrinkage and moderate loss of small neurons sion size did not correlate with neuropsychological per- with gliosis in the caudate nucleus and putamen. Similar formance. De Nobrega et al. [76] described differential but moderate changes were detected in the thalamus, impairments in semantic, phonemic, and action fluency frontal cortex and temporal cortex. Moderate Purkinje performance in FA. There was no correlation between the cell loss and an increase in Bergmann glia were seen in degree of atrophy and either neuropsychological assess- the cerebellum [65–67, 70]. Intranuclear neuronal inclu- ment or the score on clinical scales. Degeneration in FA sion staining with anti-TATA-binding protein and anti- first occurs in the spinal cord. Cerebellar degeneration is polyglutamine were much more widely distributed usually mild, and occurs in late stages of throughout the brain gray matter than in other SCAs FA [77] . By examining the correlation between cognitive [67]. In neuroimaging studies, SCA17 patients showed dysfunctions, and brain atrophy, perfusion and metabo- significantly reduced glucose metabolism and dopamine lism, the mechanism of cognitive dysfunction in FA may transporters in the basal ganglia, suggesting disruption be revealed. of the dopaminergic nervous system [71, 72]. Lasek et al. [73] reported degeneration in the bilateral cerebellar pos- terior lobe, bilateral putamen, left thalamus, left inferior M u l t i p l e S y s t e m A t r o p h y frontal gyrus, right inferior parietal lobule and left cu- neus, among others. They also showed that scores on the MSA is a sporadic neurodegenerative disease that Mini-Mental State Examination were significantly cor- presents with parkinsonism, cerebellar ataxia, autonom- related with atrophy of the left ventral striatum. This ic failure, and pyramidal signs of varying severity during broad involvement of the CNS may result in the dementia the course of the illness [78–80] . Diagnostic criteria for and psychiatric symptoms seen in SCA17 patients. MSA proposed by a Consensus Conference in 1998 [81] recommend designating patients as having MSA-P if par-

Cognitive Impairment in Spinocerebellar Eur Neurol 2009;61:257–268 261 Degeneration kinsonian features are predominate or MSA-C if cerebel- C patients, a study using voxel-based morphometry re- lar features predominate. vealed that gray matter was reduced in the bilateral cer- Although dementia consistent with the Diagnostic ebellum [107] , and another study revealed that atrophy and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM IV) is was observed not only in the cerebellum, but also in fron- an exclusion criterion for the diagnosis of MSA [81] , some totemporal areas of both hemispheres [108] . The patho- studies have reported that MSA patients have a cognitive logical background of cognitive impairments in these pa- decline when compared with controls [82–88] . MSA-P is tients might be the widespread cortical involvement. the more common manifestation of MSA in Western U s i n g 1 H-MR spectroscopy in MSA, Watanabe et al. populations [89, 90] ; therefore, cognitive dysfunction in [109] found that the N-acetylaspartate-to-creatine ratio MSA-P had attracted considerable attention, particularly in cerebral white matter, as well as in the pontine base and in comparison with PD and/or progressive supranuclear putamen, tended to decline in long-standing cases. In palsy [82–84, 86–88] . MSA-P patients showed significant voxel-based morphometry, white matter atrophy in MSA- deficits in the tests previously shown to be sensitive to C was observed in pons and mesencephalon as well as in frontal lobe dysfunction [83, 85, 86, 88]. There are sev- frontotemporal areas of both hemispheres [110] . Hence, eral studies demonstrating that MSA-P patients have the cognitive dysfunction in MSA may be also influenced apraxias [91–93] or depressive state [94–96] . In compari- by white matter involvement. sons among PD and MSA-P and progressive supranucle- Other possible explanations for the cognitive deficits ar palsy, although results were not consistent, all studies in MSA-C are based on the disruption of cerebrocerebel- showed patients with progressive supranuclear palsy were lar circuitry, or on the disruption of a cortico-striatal- most severely impaired in cognitive function. This may thalamocortical circuitry that links the frontal cortex to be due to which characteristic MSA and PD patients were the basal ganglia and thalamus. In support of the latter, matched in their studies (severity of motor symptoms, MSA patients exhibited significantly decreased dopa- age or disease duration). Dujardin et al. [82] reported that mine transporter binding in the putamen [110–112] . MSA patients have more severe and diffuse impairments To clarify the mechanism of cognitive dysfunction in than both severity of motor symptom-matched and dis- MSA, Van Laere et al. [113] examined the relationship ease duration-matched PD patients. Using discriminant between brain perfusion and clinical parameters in MSA- function analysis, Lange et al. [97] found that verbal flu- P. Perfusion in the bilateral posterior associative cortex ency tasks discriminated among the three patient groups and posterior cingulate was negatively correlated with at a level significantly exceeding chance. cognitive function. Kawai et al. [99] examined the rela- Recently, Bürk et al. [98] examined comprehensive tionship of cognitive function to brain perfusion in MSA- neuropsychological tests in MSA-C patients and found C and MSA-P, and showed that there were positive cor- impaired verbal memory and verbal fluency. Kawai et al. relations between the scores of neuropsychological tests [99] compared cognitive profiles of MSA-C and MSA-P and perfusion in the prefrontal cortices in MSA-P pa- patients. Although they had similar profiles, on the whole, tients and perfusion in the prefrontal cortices and cere- MSA-P patients were more severely impaired in cognitive bellar hemisphere in MSA-C patients. These results sug- functions than MSA-C patients. gest that the mechanisms of cognitive impairment in In recent years, some cases of MSA were reported to MSA-C and MSA-P may be slightly different. We suggest have cerebral cortical atrophy with white matter involve- that the performance on cognitive tasks in MSA-C pa- ment [100–104] . The main pathological change com- tients is influenced by various lesions, including those in prised cell loss and gliosis in the putamen, substantia the cerebrocerebellar circuitry, cortico-striatal-thalamo- nigra, locus ceruleus, inferior olives, pontine nuclei, cer- cortical circuitry, and the frontal lobe. ebellar Purkinje cells, and intermediolateral cell columns of the spinal cord [105] . Sites mildly or rarely involved included cerebral cortex, thalamus, subthalamic nucleus, The Mechanism of Cognitive Impairment in caudate nucleus, globus pallidus, dentate nucleus, nucle- Spinocerebellar Degenerations us ambiguous, vestibular nuclei, anterior horn cells, and pyramidal tracts. However, oligodendroglial cytoplasmic Cognitive impairment in spinocerebellar degenera- inclusion-rich structures occurred in primary motor and tion patients is variable, but similar to that for prefrontal higher motor areas of cerebral cortex, ‘pyramidal’, ‘extra- dysfunction ( table 1 ). Schmahmann and Sherman [8] pyramidal’ and cortico-cerebellar systems [106] . In MSA- suggested that the cerebellum participates in the organi-

262 Eur Neurol 2009;61:257–268 Kawai/Suenaga/Watanabe/Sobue

Table 1. Summary of the neuropsychological and neuropathological test results in spinocerebellar degenerations


General MMSE =44 48 8 IQ global 4444 IQ verbal 484 4 4 IQ performance 484 4 Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrices =4 4 8 Verbal memory disorders WMS immediate recall 4=8 48 4 delayed recall ==8 48 8 Word lists immediate recall ==8 88 8 delayed recall ==4 44 4 recognition 44 4 Visual memory disorders Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure copy 48 44 immediate recall 4 delayed recall 44 44 proportional recall 44 44 Visual Reproduction 1 (WMS-R) 4 Visual Paired Associates 1 (WMS-R) ==4 4 Visual Reproduction 2 (WMS-R) = Visual Paired Associates 2 (WMS-R) =44 4 Visuospatial and Block Design === constructional disorders Line Orientation 44 = Language and speech Sequential Commands 44 disorders Naming 44 Vocabulary 84 Repetition 4 Verbal Fluency phonemic === 88 = semantic 488 88 = Executive dysfunction Alternate Uses Test 4 Tower of Hanoi, Tower of London 4= categories 488 44 8 total errors =84 44 8 perseverative errors =88 44 8 Rule Shift Cards Test =4 = Stroop Interference Test =4 = Oral Symbol Digit Modalities Test = Letter Number Sequencing 8 Trail Making A = Trail Making B = Attention disorders Digit Span forward 444 44 4 backward 484 44 8 total 444 4 Corsi Block-Tapping Test = Mental status Depression 4= 4 = = Anxiety 844 4 Major regions of degeneration abc de f References 3, 11, 3, 16, 34–37, 3, 50–54 98, 99, 82–86, 88, 14, 15, 21, 22, 39 105, 106 92, 94–97, 37 30 99, 105, 106

4 = Not impaired; = = impaired; 8 = impaired in some studies and not in others. b Purkinje cells, granular cells, middle cerebellar peduncles, inferior cerebellar pe- All comparisons are with control subjects or normative data. SCA1 = Spinocerebel- duncle, substantia nigra, inferior olives, pontine nuclei, Clark’s nuclei, dorsal col- lar ataxia type 1; SCA2 = spinocerebellar ataxia type 2; SCA3 = spinocerebellar ataxia umns. type 3; SCA6 = spinocerebellar ataxia type 6; MSA-C = -cere- c Dentate nucleus, superior cerebellar peduncle, globus pallidus, substantia nigra, bellar; MSA-P = multiple system atrophy-parkinsonian. MMSE = Mini-Mental State subthalamic nucleus, red nucleus, pontine nuclei, oculomotor nucleus, medial longitu- Examination; IQ = intelligence quotient; WMS = Wechsler Memory Scale; WMS-R = dinal fasciculus, anterior horn, spinocerebellar tracts, Clark’s nuclei, intermediolateral Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised. column. a Purkinje cells, dentate nucleus, superior cerebellar peduncle, middle cerebellar d Purkinje cells, granular cells, inferior olives. peduncles, caudate, putamen, inferior olives, pontine nuclei, medial longitudinal fas- e, f Purkinje cells, putamen, substantia nigra, locus ceruleus, inferior olives, pon- ciculus, spinocerebellar tracts, Clark’s nuclei, dorsal columns. tine nuclei, intermediolateral column.

Cognitive Impairment in Spinocerebellar Eur Neurol 2009;61:257–268 263 Degeneration zation of higher order function, and behavioral changes were clinically prominent in patients with lesions involv- in patients with lesions involving the cerebellum were ing the posterior lobe of the cerebellum and that lesions characterized by impairment of executive functions, dif- of the anterior lobe of the cerebellum produced only mi- ficulties with spatial cognition, personality change, and nor changes in executive and visual-spatial functions [8] . language deficits [8] . The distribution of patients’ scores Cognitive dysfunction in patients with spinocerebellar differed significantly from the normal distribution, with degeneration may be also influenced by the site of cere- the most marked deviation from normal evident in the bellar degeneration. To address the background mecha- categories of executive (for example, distribution of Z - nism of cognitive dysfunction, Kawai et al. [57] examined scores for the patients: –2.7 8 1.8 in the Controlled Oral the regions in which regional cerebral blood flow was sig- Word Association Test and –0.89 8 0.76 in the Trail nificantly correlated with scores of neuropsychological Making Test part B) and visual spatial function (for ex- tests on which SCA6 [57] and MSA [99, 113] patients ample, distribution of Z-scores for the patients: –5.9 8 showed impairment, after the influences of age, educa- 3.2 in the Rey Complex Figure test and –1.2 8 0.9 in tion, ataxia and parkinsonism were excluded. They found Block Design). Attention and orientation, and language that there were correlations between the scores of neuro- functions more closely approximated a normal distribu- psychological tests and perfusion in the prefrontal corti- tion of scores. They proposed the name ‘cerebellar cogni- ces in patients with each diseases. These results suggest tive affective syndrome’ for such cases. The clinical ob- that cognitive impairments in spinocerebellar degenera- servations in these patients are supported by functional tions result from prefrontal dysfunction. However, dis- neuroimaging studies demonstrating cerebellar activa- ruption of the cerebrocerebellar circuitry or cortico-stri- tion in cognitive tasks. Cerebellar activation has been ob- atal-thalamocortical circuitry may also cause prefrontal served during tests of word generation [114] , processing dysfunction, so the mechanism of such dysfunctions re- of words [115] , working memory [116], verbal memory mains unresolved. Thus, it is important to compare the [117] , motor sequence learning [118] , cognitive processing various cognitive impairments with their specific neuro- [119] , classical conditioning [120] , attention [121] , mental pathologies. imagery [122] , sensory discrimination [123] , and visual discrimination [124] . Neuropathological changes in spi- nocerebellar degeneration are various and include those Conclusion in the cerebrocerebellar circuitry, cortico-striatal-thal- amocortical circuitry and the frontal lobe; however, We reviewed the cognitive dysfunctions in spinocer- patients with spinocerebellar degeneration all have in- ebellar degenerations, including SCA1, SCA2, SCA3, volvement in cerebellum. Cognitive dysfunction such as SCA6, DRPLA, SCA17, FA and MSA-C. Cognitive dys- prefrontal dysfunction, which can be seen in all spinocer- function in spinocerebellar degenerations was various, ebellar degenerations, may result from the involvement but appeared to represent frontal dysfunction. Cognitive in cerebellum, and represent the ‘cerebellar cognitive af- dysfunction is not characteristic for each disease, but fective syndrome’. The fact that patients with SCA6, seems to have a similar profile. It is difficult to compare which is characterized by degeneration that is greatly re- the cognitive dysfunctions of the spinocerebellar degen- stricted to the cerebellum with cortical structures spared, erations, because the progression of each disease is vari- have cognitive dysfunction similar to those with other ous. For example, SCA6 is relatively slowly progressive, spinocerebellar degeneration, suggests that cognitive while MSA-C is relatively rapidly progressive. Moreover, dysfunction in spinocerebellar degeneration includes which characteristic is used for comparison matching ‘cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome’. (disease duration, age, or disease severity) also compli- The mechanism of cognitive dysfunction in spinocer- cates the comparisons. However, it is considered that cog- ebellar degeneration has not been directly clarified. How- nitive impairment is common in SCA17 and DRPLA, and ever, various lesions, including those in the cerebrocere- rare in SCA6. bellar circuitry, cortico-striatal-thalamocortical circuit- The mechanism of cognitive dysfunction in spinocer- ry, and the frontal lobe, influence cognitive function to ebellar degeneration has not been clarified [77]. The pa- various degrees for each disease. The pathology of spino- thologies of spinocerebellar degeneration are diverse, and cerebellar degeneration is various, and may be related to this diversity may be related to the natures of the cogni- the diversity of cognitive dysfunction. Schmahmann and tive dysfunctions. It is important to compare the cogni- Sherman [8] found that cognitive and affective changes tive impairments with their particular neuropathologies.

264 Eur Neurol 2009;61:257–268 Kawai/Suenaga/Watanabe/Sobue

Also, neuroimaging studies have revealed cortical atro- not clear. By evaluating the correlation between cognitive phy, white matter involvement, brain hypoperfusion and dysfunctions, and brain atrophy, perfusion and metabo- hypometabolism in spinocerebellar degeneration; how- lism, the mechanism of cognitive dysfunction may be re- ever, how the results are related to cognitive function is vealed.


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