S S symmetry Article ArticleSynthesis of (R)-Modafinil via Organocatalyzed and SynthesisNon-Heme of Iron (R)-Modafinil-Catalyzed viaSulfoxidation Organocatalyzed Using H and2O2 Non-Hemeas an Environmentally Iron-Catalyzed Benign Sulfoxidation Oxidant Using H2O2 as an Environmentally Benign Oxidant Felix E. Held, Kerstin A. Stingl and Svetlana B. Tsogoeva * FelixDepartment E. Held, of Kerstin Chemistry A. and Stingl Pharmacy, and Svetlana Organic B.Chemistry Tsogoeva Chair * I and Interdisciplinary Center for DepartmentMolecular Materials of Chemistry (ICMM), and University Pharmacy, Organicof Erlangen Chemistry-Nuremberg, Chair Henkestraße I and Interdisciplinary 42, 91054 CenterErlangen, for Germany Molecular;
[email protected] (ICMM), (F.E.H.); University kerst
[email protected] Erlangen-Nuremberg, (K.A.S.) Henkestraße 42, 91054 Erlangen, Germany;
[email protected]* Correspondence (F.E.H.);: svetlana.
[email protected]@fau.de; Tel.: (K.A.S.) +49-9131-85-22541 *AcademicCorrespondence: Editor: Stephane
[email protected]; Béllemin-Laponnaz Tel.: +49-9131-85-22541 AcademicReceived: 11 Editor: May Stephane2017; Accepted: Béllemin-Laponnaz 7 June 2017; Published: 16 June 2017 Received: 11 May 2017; Accepted: 7 June 2017; Published: 16 June 2017 Abstract: The first organocatalyzed sulfoxidation reaction towards enantioenriched (R)-modafinil Abstract:(ArmodafinilThe® first), a drug organocatalyzed against narcolepsy, sulfoxidation is reported reaction here. towards A series enantioenriched of chiral organocatalysts (R)-modafinil, e.g., (Armodafinildifferent chiral®), BINOL a drug-phosphates, against narcolepsy, or a fructose is reported-derived here. N-substituted A series oxazolidinone of chiral organocatalysts, ketone (Shi e.g.,catalyst) different were chiral applied BINOL-phosphates, for the sulfoxidation or a fructose-derived reaction with environmentallyN-substituted oxazolidinone friendly H2O ketone2 as a (Shiconvenient catalyst) oxygen were appliedtransferring for the agent.