DAILY WORKER, , SATURDAY', MARCH 3, 1934 Page Five WALL STREET’S Thomas Screens His Vast N.R.A. Ballyhoo CAPITOL By SEYMOUR WALDMAN By Sham Criticism to Deceive the W orkers WASHINGTON, March 2.—‘The Communist Party does in- ’ deed express the only fundamental difference, the only Now Asks “Why Did N.R.A. Go Wrong,” When He Originally Hailed it as a “Powerful Weapon, if Rightly Used, fundamental rejection of the National Recovery Act,” declared «*, isliuji* Mre '’A i for | Robert Minor, representing the Party at one of the Thursday Progress Towards Genuine Socialism; Admits Now Wages Slashed Through N.R.A., But Wants Workers To Submit ’CnSgßggjfe 'fcJalfSsE/rL - S 5- -jScxJ’flff to Section 7-A and to Avoid Strikes Against Bosses and Roosevelt . of the week’s “Field TTmfrt ft family and the family’s spiritual *• Day f - By li GANNES for Critics,” inaugurated health. A hundred years later it’s *tY vith a fanfare of publicity “retardation in by recovery.” Demagogy is a lot of chest-thumping. collecting its toll from the entire glowing promises to induce them to amples at minimum wages cut in the bombastic drillmaster, N. R. A. is the final art of capitalism,—and a FtEREamong those who helped Roosevelt American workingclass. For that forget their empty stomachs. half in pay envelopes with a con- black Administrator General Hugh S. John* one. spread his sweet words about the N. reason, the Reverend Norman l On June 10th, five dajte before the temptuous assurance on the part • * • I son. R. A. As the workers begin to. Thomas, in order to serve the cause N. R. A. became law—the Socialist of the employer that the employes was no accident that placed the awaken, and find sweetened N. R. of keeping workers from ! leaders as restive as racing can do But Minor or any other the j the revolu- j were dogs nothing about it.” before diamond-figured as » • • working r* William Green A. dose really contained the worm- ! tlonary struggle, finds it imperative In their efforts to help capitalism—- class critic, such as Pat Cush, the last speaker of day’s main (he stirring and magnetic president the wood and gall of wage-cuts and com-j to cover his N. R. A. traces. | Mr. Thomas hailed it as follows: N. R. A., Thomas admits, now program—the main supporter pany of the scrappy Steel and Metal Work- In the unions, those responsible in | Hence, he now writes and circulates i “The labor clause of the bill as F:Eturns out to be an instrument of ers ranks of the working class of starva- their own midst begin to set up a a leaflet entitled "Why did N. R. A ; introduced into Congress rightly the greatest oppression of the work- Industrial strike-breaking. Union, was per- tion and For Green chorus of howls about the N. R. A. 1 go wrong?” j used will give the workers an enor- ers. By means of It the bosses slash mitted to speak Is American capitalism’s chief left “not working.” The Thomases, Greens | “What did the workers, or a large mously powerful weapon for prog- pay in half and tell the worker to go demagogue, the diminishing on the starvation of whose and Waldmans, sensing the vast number of them, hope the N. R. A. I -1 ress towards genuine socialism.” to hell. In fact, while the bosses and strike-break- Influence among workers is an indi- disillusionment, atune their howls to would do?” he asks. “They hoped Nothing less. were doing this, and when the work- mg cation of the growing appreciation of it, and utter "critical” words about that N. R, A. and the codes set up What Section 7-A Did ers through strikes, nature of the 1 resisted the New N. R. A., ad- the Communis Party as the leader the N. R. A. | under it would, by shortening hours It is precisely by means if this Leader told them not to hamper the the fellow-flghter ministration lead- and of the working What they are afraid of is that the and increasing wages, abolish un- clause (sectioi. 7-a), which Norman N. R. A., because they would be in- ers endeavored to class. workers will not only recall the Com- employment, increase spending power Thomas greeted as progress to terfering with the development of Parroting give “genuine map out the li- Johnson's demand for THE FASCIST HEIMVVEHR munist Party analysis, warning and and to the workers’ own unions socialism,” that the bosses socialism. pa- up mits of the critic- criticism,” Green reiterated his advice on the N. R. A., but will now recognized standing.” I set company unions, broke the On 5, act of calling Austrian artilterynsen, out of range of the guns of the Viennese August 1933, an article ap- ism. trtoteer’s on the work- fdllow It in action. Thomas's Trickery ! Weirton, Budd, Ford, coal, steel and peared in the New Leader, declaring ers to “stand behind the President a leaflet with | Here the Socialist reverend is doing lowered the real "We shall con- workers, rain death and destruction on their lives and homes, drowning Recently appeared other strikes, and “Whatever the risk we run on bank- tinue in and the Administrator of the N. R. the heading: "Why did N. R. A. go some sleight-of-hand skullduggery. wages of majority of the em- the fu- the recent uprising in a river the ing too much upon effort A„” (the A. F. L.) of blood. you He his this »o ture as in the and “labor of will wrong,,” Who do think wrote it? j doffs pink vestments and dons ployed workers in the United States. place industry on an even foundation Seymour Waldman The overalls. The workers While Norman past to weicome stand with the Administration.” very same who American had | | Thomas was embel- i that is, a smooth, basis)— • • • the Workers so no reason, from bitter experience, to lishing the of socialism, as no-strike constructive criticism,” sang out promised much would charter much more danger lies in trying to Johnson. one adminis' ration supporter come out of the N. R. A. expect from capitalism but what they written by Roosevelt and passed by hamper Ha try-out.” In other words, did recite 'n Norman Thomas work- eventually got. a capitalist congress, the Communist Then Ricliberg, ONLY not the main act—the wants the the Socialist official organ told the Donald SU.UOO-a- Socialist to forget his past | However, when President Roosevelt ■ Party accurately warned the working- year head lawyer N. i Party. Which did not deter ers preachments workers not to rock th# Roosevelt of the R. A., 1 Louis ’he Code Chairman Delegates to Demand Release about submitting the N. R. A., not unloosened his flood of ballyhoo class of what actually would happen. meetings are the Waldman. to recovery boat by strikes. orated: "These for of the Public Affairs Oomm’ttee of striking against it. He this for j promises, the Socialist leaders Now Norman Thomas, in that wis- purpose of discussing principles does A little later, Joseph Baskin, an- . the Socialist. Party, from misreore- the express purpose of keeping the stepped in to help the bosses. They dom which comes of present necessity, rather than the individual provisions ' other Socialist leader, general secre- i senting the Intrinsic character of the Filipino Workers' Leaders workers from following the path of strove to instill into the minds of. . writes: tary' of the Workmen's in the codes ...it will also be Os Circle, strove most N. R. the class struggle against the whole the workers just what Mr. Thomas “But today, after covering a helpful, aThough perhaps A., starvation codas and strike- to revive dwindling faith among the this is ask- breaking Socialist, program, to revolutionary says now the workers hoped the N. large part of the United States, I ing too it edicts. “The Party leading i R. I workers in the N. R. A. On August much, but would be most the representing in struggles against capitalism. Just as A. would do. The object, of course, can add my voice to the voices of helpful if appear in of United States, Roosevelt, Hughes, Quezon, Guevara All 26, 1933, he wrote: witnesses who case a as well Refuse the Austrian social-democratic lead- was to keep the workers from fight- millions of workers and say N. R. these meetings would bear in mind this consumer Interest jj “We are not inclined to shout as producer interest, approves and to Hear IV. Y. Workers' Demands ers preached that peaceful submission ing back to improve their o™n con- || A. Is not working; it Is not ending that there are usually two sides to a democracy bring many that the entire recovery act is a supports the obiectives of N. I. R. A. to Dollfuss's would ditions. Mr. Thcmas himself, at the unemployment. . . In cases question, and sometimes three or swindle designed to blind the in so far as they create a socialism, so Norman Thomas ranted time 100,000 coal miners and 25.000 C. W. A. wages are higher than eyes tour, because is not entirely help- public NEW YORK.—President Roosevelt, to see the delegation by stating that of the masses, that the of the it agency which through, government that working for of the steel workers were striking last fall, wages fixed In codes. None of gains ful to present wholly the Supreme Court of the United “It is not only unwise but also em- the success th? workers in one side of a capable of N. R. A. pave the to told them “Now is not the the codes contain the provision that some industries are com- picture many action Is establishing max- States, Manuel Quezon, chief political barrassing for the represen- would way time to pletely has . . Filipino devoid value.” which sides . of imum hours of emplovment. min- of American socialism. strike!” wages shall rise automatically as we cannot expect the advocates of agent imperialism in the tatives in Congress to stir up public Now Mr. Thomas sings another tune imum wages, the abo’ltlon of child and Guevara, res- Every demagogic move to strength- Lest he forget some of his service the cost of living rises. . . We shall special or particular interests to be Philippines, Pedro opinion” in the case, hypocritically and for another reason: labor, and ’he perfection of Industrial ident Philippine commissioner, have adding that he "wants to be en the power of finance-capital, every for the NR .A., in his haste to become have the back again in impartial . .ws are engaged in helpful “It is already clear,” writes. the supervision." This, of niece of legis- ail refused to see a delegation of oppressive act against the workers, one of its “critics,” we will recall full power. All over the United he most devoted effort to sustain and to a to Evangelista and others, but we “that the codes are likely to become lation promulgated bv the Swooet American and Filipino anti-imperial- can accomplish proper is greeted by these worthies as a new some of his own words uttered in States minimum wages tend to advance them ( earlier referred to as more through a straltjacket for labor.” , of ists which will be in Washington negotiations with agencies in Pullman to socialism. these days when Roosevelt was pump- | become maximum wages. . From 'our political theories and and other Industrialists America! the the 1 But he forgets to add that the so- institu- attempting Monday, March 5 to present demands Philippine N. R. A. did not take long in ing the minds of the workers full ! Maine to California I found ex- of government") and to main- And to blind workers Islands than by bothering The i of! cialist tions for the release of Communist the government of States leaders helped the bosses strap tain all the purposes and principles to the fact that the financiers and the 17 the United the straitjacket on the workers industrialists created sh» R. A. to leaders of the Filipino workers and which has nothing to do with the and traditions of American life upon n. The Socialist reverend's belated and wages peasants who are imprisoned in the case.” we lived and prospered smash and prohibit strikes and unwilling made for wh'ch hove wage gen- islands. Concord, N. H. W orkers admissions are and moved ahead for something over thßt the “minimum” has Actually, the government of the a purpose, the same purpose that ac- erally become the maximum, Louis refusals made in United States has been directly in- Holsters ... engaged S. "‘Criticism” Demand urging 150 years we are not in The were wires P. Enactment of tivated him in the to appealed to Johnson, in the workers or bringing about a class Waldman the and letters to N. Schor, secretary of strumental obtaining vicious greet the N, R. A. as a powerful perpetuating ruling sentences against Evangelista and struggle. We are engaged in seeking executive lieutenant of the the Action Committee for the Re- the Workers’ Insurance Bill weapon, if rightly used, for genuine “power” other workers’ the good of all the people of the class, to use his against those lease of Filipino Political Prisoners, and peasants’ leaders socialism. With the whole country who Placed him just where he is. received today. who organized militant action against JN. R. A. Strike Breaking Bv a Worker Correspondent United States.” seething with disillusionment and “The N. I. R. A. gives you ’he power its imperialist schemes, and have CONCORD, N. H„ Mar. 2.—At the But a few minutes after Richberg The delegation, which will be strike struggles against the N. R. A., you never used (!). power been assisted in every detail by the meeting of the Coun- college which the headed by Maximo Manzon, prom- Unemployment if the Socialist leaders are to serve had wound up in orator stvle prescribe Filipino representative in Congress. to maximum hours, the inent Filipino intellectual, and will in Hearing, cil here on Feb. 23, twenty-two work- capitalism in their particular about the N. R. A. as “the goal of the power Louis Waldman, Demands “Better man- to prescribe minimum wages, have on it representatives of the In- Telegrams to p resident Roose- ers joinedthe Council, and all present ner, they must to greatest indMdual happiness for the power still continue the to prescribe conditions of ternational Labor Defense, the Fili- velt and the U. S. Supreme Court, Enforcement” voted to send telegrams to Congress- dangie the bait social- greatest number of people, buoyed up and L. of "peaceful” employment, and unless you utilize pino Anti-Imperialist League, and demanding freedom for the Filipino man Tobey Harry Hopkins, ism but this time with paper swords with the sen=e of freedom and re- that power you political prisoners, and a hearing federal relief administrator, demand- will be doing, under other working-class organizations, Daily Worker, Washington Bureau As one of the “changes and modifi- tilted N. R. A.-wards. sponsibility for their own lives.” exactly I proceed for the delegation, should support ing passage of the Workers the law. what Pres 'tent will to Washington Satur- WASHINGTON, So- cations, most which do not immediate In fact, Norman Thomas becomes Geonm F. Houston, President of the this action. Feb. 28.—The of require Unemployment Insurance Bill R. Hoover tried to do wi’hout the N. I. day and demand interviews from cialist Party today proposed ways and a change of the law as much as a