Green Anarchy
GREENGREEN ANARCHYANARCHY AnAn Anti-CivilizationAnti-Civilization JournalJournal ofof TheoryTheory andand ActionAction SPRING/ SUMMER 2008 we live to live ISSUE #25 (i guess you could say we are “pro-lifers”) GREEN ANARCHY PO BOX 11331 Eugene, OR 97440 $4 USA, $6 CANADA, $7 EUROPE, $8 WORLD FREE TO U.S.PRISONERS Direct Action Anarchist Resistance, pg 26 ContentsContents:: Ecological Defense and Animal Liberation, pg 40 Issue #25 Spring/Summer 2008 Indigenous Struggles, pg 48 Anti-Capitalist and Anti-State Battles, pg 54 Prisoner Escapes and Uprisings, pg 62 Articles Symptoms of the System’s Meltdown, pg 67 Silence byJohn Zerzan, pg 4 Straight Lines Don’t Work Any More Sections by Rebelaze, pg 6 Welcome to Green Anarchy, pg 2 Connecting to Place In the Land of the Lost: Fragment #42-44, pg 46 Questions for the Nomadic Wanderers The Garden of Peculiarities: by Sal Insieme, pg 8 State Repression News, pg 70 Hope Against Hope: Why Progressivism is as Useless Reviews, pg 74 as Leftism by Tara Specter, pg 12 News from the Balcony with Waldorf and Statler, pg 80 Sermon on the Cyber Mount Letters, pg 86 by The Honorable Reverend Black A. Hole,pg 14 Subscriber and Distributor Info, pg 90 Second-Best Life: Real Virtuality Green Anarchy Distro, pg 90 byJohn Zerzan, pg 16 Announcements, pg 92 Canaries In the Clockwork by earth-ling-gerring, pg 17 A Specious Species by C.E. Hayes, pg 18 Alone Together: the City and its Inmates .. .. .. inin thethe midstmidst ofof activity,activity, by John Zerzan, pg 20 therethere is a blurring between The End Of Slavery: Urban Scout On Creating A World thethe solosolo and the swarm.
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