Final Report

Project: Strengthen democracy and rule of law by empowering citizens and Civil Society through participatory processes in governance (Municipalities of Korce, and ).

Table of Contents

1. Introduction ……………………………………………. Page 3

2. Methodology …………………………………………... Page 4

3. Municipality of Korce ...... ……………………………... Page 9

4. Municipality of Devoll ……………………………….... Page 49

5. Municipality of Elbasan .………………………………. Page 82

6. Conclusions ...... ………………………………………... Page 125

1. Introduction

The present report is written in the framework of the project “Strengthen democracy and rule of law by empowering citizens and Civil Society through participatory processes in governance (municipalities of Korce, Elbasan and Devoll)” and other data obtained during its implementation. Information and variables as presented based on a specific and coherent methodology are analyzed on two study levels: a. Data obtained during the questionnaire process performed in the first three months of 2017, along with their systematic analysis; b. Comparative data with “the Study Report” presented during 2015 for identifying the problems’ levels, whether they are solved or are worse than before, and the effects of the 2017 elections on these variables, etc.

Considering this, the questionnaire process performed during the first three months of 2017 coincides with the questionnaire process performed in 2015 in methodology, questions and demographic distribution. Similarly, the analysis process and the data instruments in both cases are convergent, in order to incorporate more effectively the corresponding comparison.

The final report is divided into three sections: study for the Municipality of Korca, study for the Municipality of Devoll and study for the Municipality of Elbasan. Each of these sections is composed of two subcategories: data study related to the towns and data study related to other administrative units. Comparative orientation will be in focus however, not only for reporting the data obtained during the first trimester of 2017, but their comparison to the data from 2015.

Before starting with the triple analysis, we’ll analyze the methodology of the study that is unchanged since the report of 2015. This analysis is made through a formula with mixed comparison with a coefficient. Explanations for using such comparison will be given along the following methodological session.

2. Methodology

i. Presentation Along with the methodological presentation, let us go on with the proceedings in location for the entire questionnaire stage for municipalities of Korce, Devoll and Elbasan. Tables 1, 2 and 3 illustrate in a summarized way the existing population report (Census 2011) for each municipality and commune, by attaching the number of villages for each. In the last column is displayed the exact number of questionnaires for each municipality/commune. The following methodological analysis will explain the focus during the questionnaire stage and the factual procedure in dividing the questionnaires from one unit to another.

DEVOLL (table 1) Municipality/Commune Nr. of population Nr. of villages Number of questionnaires 10.180 - 47 10.697 14 48 Progër 6.152 8 47 Hoçisht 7.398 8 47 Qendër Bilisht 9.101 10 47

KORCE (table 2) Municipality/Commune Nr. of population Nr. of villages Number of questionnaires Drenovë 5581 9 51 Korçë 51152 - 74 Bulgarec 9022 13 54 392 12 53 3438 5 48 1519 13 54 3832 7 50 Voskopojë 1058 5 48 ELBASAN (table 3) Municipality/Commune Nr. of population Nr. of villages Number of questionnaires Elbasan 79,703 - 109 10,700 17 54 Funarë 2,122 9 50

Gjergjan 5,126 7 69

Gjinar 3,478 11 71

Gracen 2,192 9 50

Labinot-Fushë 7,058 6 68

Labinot-Mal 5,291 10 71

Papër 6,348 13 52

Shirgjan 7,307 7 49

Shushicë 8,731 9 50

Tregan 3,036 12 52

Zavalinë 1,622 6 48

ii. Three comparisons

The focus of the methodological analysis lies on the inherent distribution of questionnaires and the whole interviewing process in general. The objective of the interviewing campaign is a better and all inclusive representation of the people’s voices in each municipality, administrative unit and village. In order to do this, there are three possible comparisons, which will be analyzed through an integrated exclusion: homogenous comparison, proportional comparison and mixed comparison with a coefficient. Furthermore each comparison will be brought along with pros and cons. A. Homogenous comparison: based on it, the Municipality has a specific and predetermined number of questionnaires. These questionnaires are distributed equally for each administrative unit. After such homogenous distribution, an equal sub-division is made within each unit based on the number of villages. Anyways, we think that the comparison in this case is inefficient and badly represented, bringing with it the incorrect representation of people in each inhabiting area. First, we cannot have the same representation as in a municipality with 51.152 inhabitants like Korca with a commune with 9022 inhabitants like Bulgarec. If we would decide about a homogenous basis of 20 questionnaires for each municipal unit (160 questionnaires in total for Korca) we would be able to represent only 0.04% of the inhabitants in Korca and 0.22% for Bulgarec. Besides the fact that representation would be almost inconsiderable as to make a tendency, it would be inconsistent. Therefore the study would focus its energies and human resources differently for each area. Margin of error would be huge. B. Simple proportional comparison: Based on this comparison, the distribution of questionnaires would be made based on exact concentration number of inhabitants for each unit in proportion with the total inhabitants in the entire municipality. Similarly, since 67% of inhabitants in the Municipality of Korca live in the administrative unit of Korca, and whatever the number of questionnaires, it would be concentrated on this administrative unit at 67%. In given conditions, there would be first a logistic problem: there would be needed a large number of questionnaires to represent a unit with 392 inhabitants like Lekas. There would be needed for example, 130 questionnaires distributed in Korca for each questionnaire distributed for Lekas. The other problem related to such bad representation caused by simple proportional comparison is the bad representation within administrative units, thus, villages. Administrative unit of Lekas is made of 12 villages. The minimal non-representation of 1 questionnaire per village would require about 1566 questionnaires only in Korca, without the other administrative units. This would create again an equality of representation: in some administrative units the margin of error would be very low and very high in others. Therefore, such methodological comparison is useless for the above. C. Mixed comparison with a coefficient: this is the comparison we used in order to reach a better representation of all areas. Based on mixed comparison with a coefficient, we have a representative comparison for the town.

Mixed comparison for the communes: First step is to determine a fixed number of 45 questionnaires (A) for each administrative unit (the constant). The second step is the distribution of bonus questionnaires for each administrative unit. This distribution of bonus

questionnaires (Bn) is made based on the number of villages (fn) for each administrative unit. Number of villages for each unit is multiplied by the

coefficient (k%) that is the percentage of inhabitants who live in town. Similarly,

since 67% of inhabitants in the Municipality of Korca live in town, k% is equal to 0.67, whereas in Municipality of Bilisht, where 23% of inhabitants live in town,

k% = 0.23. The total number of questionnaires will be written (Tk).

(1) Tk = A+Bn

(2) Bn = fn*k%

(3) Tk = A+n*K% This mixed comparison for the communes is made to increase the number of questionnaires interactively and dynamically, by compensating the demographic gap between communes and the municipality, in the same time with the heterogeneity of communes between them in proportion to the included villages.

Mixed comparison for the town: In order to estimate the bonuses (on the standard number A of 45 questionnaires)

for the main administrative unit for each municipality (Tb), we add the total number of villages for the entire municipality and multiply it with the coefficient


(4) Tb = f*K%

(5) f = f1 + f2 + f3 +…+ fn The results displayed on Table 1, Table 2 and Table 3 are illustrative of the results and application of formulas of mixed representation with a coefficient. There is a total of 432 questionnaires for the Municipality of Korca, with an equal focus and a minimized margin of error, 236 questionnaires for the Municipality of Devoll and 793 questionnaires for the Municipality of Elbasan. There is a total of 1.461 questionnaires for all three areas.

Municipality Total of questionnaires per Municipality

Korce 432

Devoll 236

Elbasan 793

iii. Comparison

The main reason for performing the interviewing during the first three months of 2017 is the comparison with the data obtained in 2015. During this year, all identified problems and their level were presented to the respective communities, whether inhabitants or local staff. The interviewing process for 2017 serves as a means to identify the level of improvement or aggravation of the situation in the respective municipalities, their specific administrative units, towns and so on. The statistics obtained during these two surveys are easily comparable since they are based on the same methodology, the same questionnaire, the same way of generating data and the same analyzing objectives.

3. Municipality of Korca

As shown in the Survey Report of 2015, each municipality should have a special analysis of the data obtained from the towns and those obtained from the other administrative units. Since the conditions, context, demographic distribution and other similar variables in towns change greatly from the other administrative units, the comparison between two categories would be irrelevant and incoherent.

The Municipality of Korca is composed of Korca town and 7 administrative units. While the comparison between the town and other administrative units would be incoherent and mistaken, the administrative units might be compared to one another because of the similar variable content.

i. Town

The first category in the survey for Korca town includes six services. The respondents’ answers were: “satisfied”, “neutral”, not satisfied” or “have no information”. These services are: quality of drinkable water, street lighting, a working sewerage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads and industrial waste management.

Each chart included the comparison between the first survey in 2015 and the second one in 2017.

As far as the quality of drinkable water is concerned (Figure 1), we notice a 17% reduction in the respondents’ answers who say to be satisfied. In 2015 survey, 95% of them in Korca said they were satisfied, whereas in 2017 it is reduced to 17%. Also, there is an increase of 8.5% for categories “neutral” and “not satisfied”, just to confirm that there is slight reduction in the quality of drinkable water.

fig. 1

According to Figure 2, a simliar phenomenon occurs with the street lighting. During the survey in 2015, 72.5% of the reespondents said they were satified with the service, whereas there an decrease by 20.5% in 2017. However, the re-distribution of 20.5% of the respondents who are not satisfied anymore, go mostly though the “netural” category by 18.5%. It shows that the town’s inhabitants are not necessarily “unsatisfied” with the street lighting; on the contrary, being neutral shows that the best quality of street lighting is a “a priori” service the inhabitants are used to get.

fig. 2 The sewerage system issue shows the reduction by 22% of the satisfaction level from the first survey. Increase of “not satisfied” category by 10%, shows that there is a reduction in the quality of sewerage system in the period between 2 years.

fig. 3

Wasre management (Figure 4) is the section where the greatest satisfaction reduction takes place from the first to second survey. Similarly, there is a shift from 94% in 2015 to 50% during 2017. The category with the highest increase in “netural” which shows that there is normalization of the situation related to waste management.

fig. 4

Figure 5 shows the comparative data about the damaged roads in Korca (town). There is a reduction of the satisfied people compared to the first survey at 31%. Most of these data have moved to “neutral” category where there is an increase comapred to both surveys by 20%. Similarly, it means that one of these phenomena occurred: in two years there was no need for rehabilitation of damaged streets or they were gradually and constantly maintained so that change in quality is not appearent.

fig. 5

Figure 6 shows the only service within the category which has been increasing from the first survey in 2015 to the second one in 2017. 41% of the respondents in 2017 were satisfied with industrial waste management, while a slight improvement by 2% has been noticed for this service. Also, it can be noticed that the rate of unsatisfied ones related to this same service has been reduced by 9% within 2 years, meaning that there was a significant improvement in the above service. fig. 6

The second category of questions for Korca deals with the presence of a series of basic services. Answers are divided into “positive”, “negative” or “I don’t know”. Asked if there exists a water pipeline system for Korca town, we notice there is an improvement by 11%. Actually, 100% of the respondents in the second survey think this system does exist.

fig. 7

There is an increasing tendency related to the existence of operating school and pre- school institutions. Similarly, if 64% of the inhabitants thought that operating schools and pre-schools did exist during the first survey in 2015, in 2017 survey the figure increased in 96%. The increase by 32% is mostly a shifting of the respondents to “I don’t know” section by 32% in 2015 and by 2% in 2017. This shows that there was an appearent change in building and improving schooling insitutions in areas within the town.

fig. 8

Figure 9 shows the presence of green spaces and parks in Korca town. Here too, we may notice an increasing tendency by 2% within 2-year period; 75% thought that these facilities were present in 2015 comapred to 77% in 2017. fig. 9

In the end, the only service that does not correspond to the tendencies of three previous servics is the presence of sports fields in town. There is a slight decrease by 2% if compared to the previuos survey: from 50% during 2015 to 48% in 2017.

fig. 10

Generally speaking, three out of four questions related to the presence of certain services, there is a slight but obviuos increase within the 2-year period. Such tendency contrasts directly the first category of questions related to inhabitants’ satisfaction or non- satisfaction. Why this contrasting tendency between two categories?

Firstly, the questions that deal with whether a service is present or not, are directly linked to sensory perception of these services. So, if a service did not exist before (such as a park or a garden) and they were established in these two years, the perception for the services presence would be increasing. Whereas questions in the first category of the questionnaires dela with satisfaction or dissatisfaction about eisting services; such category has nothing to do with establishing new services, but keeping up the old ones.

Similarly, during these two years in Korca town prevails the preception that new spaces have been established and new services as well which did not exist before. Meanwhile, the existing services do not show any obvious improvement in quality.

The third category of questions analyses the Municipality’s reaction in cases when one of services is identified as being problematic. Three services will be considered in order to measure how quick does the Municipality react: the scenario when a street is damaged; when sewage system is damaged and when there are garbage/waste thrown around inhabited areas or rivers.

Figure 11 ilustrates the Municipality’s reaction when a street is damaged in Korca town. During the first survey, 7% of the respondents asnwered that the Municipality’s reactio is prompt in such cases, while two years later there is a slight improvement (during the 2017 survey): 9% of the respondents think that the reacion is prompt. The highest increase is mainly related to the slow reacion by 10% within two years. So, a good part (9%) of the respondents that in 2015 answered that damaged streets are dealt with with average promptitude, have already worsen their attitude. fig. 11

A similar tendency is shown on Figure 12, reated to the Municipality reaction when sewage system is damaged. In 2015, 39% of the respondents thought thei reaction was prompt. Whereas this percentage has been reduced in 2017 to 23%, thus a reduction by 16%. Also, there is a huge increae of those who think that the Municipality’s reaction is slow when such damage occurs. From 7% who thought that way in 2015, they increase by 41% in 2017, so there is in increase in the dissatisfaction levels by 34%.

fig. 12 Figure 13 shows the reacion promptitude in cases when garbage is disposed in urban areas and rivers. This question shows that there is no inherent tendency related to contants and variables for the reaction promptitude, since here we notice the direct opposite of two first questions in this category. Similarly, there is an increase by 19% in 2017 of the Municipality’s reaction to garbage disposal in urban areas and rivers. As combined with a reduction by 14% of the number of respondents who think that there is a slow reaction to these cases.

fig. 13

Following with the survey in Korca, the respondents were asked about the communication between municipal institutions and the community. In such aspect, three questions related to this topic, are shown in Figures 14-16 as below: a. Do the Municipality’s representatives regularly attend mmetings to discuss and inform the community? b. Is there an information office with regard to municipal services? c. Do you know where to complain and what procedure to follow?

Starting with the survey results for the first question about communication, we notice that the answers given during 2015 and 2017 are almost the same, with slight differences. Similarly, 25% of the respondents in 2017 think that the Municipality’s representatives meet regularly with the community to discuss with and inform them. An increase by 2% can be noticed compared to 2015. Since in the course of 2015 Local Elections in were held and in 2017 General Elections will be held after the survey, we will most problably expect sort of different and more unsatisfying results for the upcoming years.

fig. 14

Figure 15 shows that 29% of the respondents in Korca town think that there is an information office regarding to municipal services. This makes up a reduction by 7% compared to 2015.

In the end, Figure 16 shows that both years do not reveal changed related to the question “Do you know where to complain and what procedure to follow?”. Similarly, both surveys show that 34% of respondents anwered “yes”.

All three questions related to the municipal communication, show an unchanged tendency in Municipality – citizen relations regardless the 2-year difference amng sorveys. This can be explained with the presence of the same variable: elections were held in both years. So it is expected, by deduction, the statistics in non-election years to be pretty lower.

fig. 15

fig. 16

The last category of questions for Korca town regards a series of services and their assessment from grades 1 to 10: 1 is the lowest grade and 10 the highest. Services that were mentioned are:

Reconstruction of schools, garbage disposal, health service and quality of drinkable water. The obtained data were compared to data collected during the first survey in 2015, as shown in figure 17. Reconstruction of schools shows low improvements by 0.5 during these two years, whereas three other services have been reduced. Garbage disposal presents an reduction by 0.5 during these two years. Health service presents a reduction by 2.5 and the quality od drinkable water has been reduced as well by 1.7.

Such decreasing tendency shows that whereas there is a generation of new services and faciltiies, there is a slight depreciation of existing services during the 2-year period.

fig. 17

ii. Other administrative units

Other administrative units within the Municipality of Korca are: Bulgarec, Drenovë, Mollaj, Vithkuq, Lekas, Voskopojë and Voskop. These seven other administrative units will be analyzed during this section. The analysis consists of two aspects: a. as a comparative analysis among all seven administrative units, to identify the specific problems and classify the needs of each of them; b. as a comparative analysis for each topic and their assessments based on both surveys; There would be an assessment classification in the first section for each administrative unit regarding the following services: - Quality of drinkable water; - Street lighting; - A working sewage system; - Waste management; - Rehabilitation of damaged roads; - A working irrigation and drainage system; - Industrial waste management; - Parcel road rehabilitation; - Riverbed rehabilitation. After providing the comparative assessment for all administrative units in the Municipality of Korca, an assessing classification of all urgent (and less urgent) issues is needed for all units, having them classified like a single entity. In the end of the session, respective comparisons will be made along with analytical and statistical data provided for Korca town.

Problems arising while making this analysis are a few. First, there is the dilemma whether the evaluation of the above listed services should be oriented at administrative units, service variables or comparison among both surveys. In order to avoid such an issue which would overlap data on the same charts, a formula is used for “translating” the percentages in estimation grades for each variable. Since the options were “satisfied”, “neutral”, “not satisfied” and “I don’t know”, a summary has been made for making the transformation easier.

Symbol Description Assessment in points

N Final grade Tot.

k Number of satisfied 10 respondents

n Number of neutral 7 respondents

p Number of unsatisfied 4 respondents

z Number of “I don’t know” 1 respondents

x Total number of - respondents

The formula which is used to transform the data obtained from the survey in grades from 1-10 is as follows:

N = [(k*10)+(n*7)+(p*4)+(z*1)]/x

Thus, there would be a grade evaluation from 1 to 10 (where 1 is the lowest grade and 10 the highest) for each of the services, comparatively according the administrative unit and the date of survey.

Figure 18 illustrates comparatively among the administrative units and the years of survey the issue of the “quality of drinkable water”. It is noticed that the administrative unit of Lekas is the only one that has an inherent increase by 1.95 grades during the two year-period. The majority of the administrative units undergo inconsiderable changes or very little such in Bulgarec, Voskop and Drenove. Whereas the other unites Mollaj, Vithkuq and Voskopojë there is a considerable reduction of the quality of drinkable water. Generally, it looks like this service tends to go down in the course of 2 years.

fig. 18

Figure 19 illustrates the considtions of street lighting. We notice that most of the administrative units present an uncgangeable tendency during these 2 years. Vithkuqi is an exception as we notice there is a considerable increase by 1.87.

fig. 19 Related to the sewage systems, as illustrated in Figure 20, we notice that the situation has been slighlty improved during these 2 years in Vithkuq, Voskop and Drenovë, whereas is has been worsen a little in Bulgarec, Mollaj and Voskopojë. Whereas the situation in the administrative unit of Lekas remains the same at grade 4 for both surveys.

fig. 20

As shown in Figure 21, waste management issue does not show a clear tendency while comparing the results from one year to another. Therefore, we notice a good increase in Bulgarec, Voskop, Vithkuq, Drenovë and Lekas, whereas Mollaj and Voskopoje result in decline. fig. 21

Regarding the results obtained as far as the rehabilitation of damaged roads issue is concerned, there is an average increase of the quality of response in Mollaj and Vithkuq, whereas in Lekas and Bulgarec there is little improvement by 0.26 points and 0.03 points respectively. Although the other units present a decline in quality during these two years, it is inconsiderable. It is noticed a neutral tendency; there is no appearent improvement of the situation of the damaged roads in the course of the two years.

fig. 22 Figure 23 illustrates the estimations related to a working irrigation and drainage system. Regardless the maintainance is considered important for the economy and the incomes of people living in these areas, there is no tendency for improvement or aggravation. For example, there is a slight decline in the quality of rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems in Bulgarec, whereas there is a considerable decline in administrative units of Mollaj, Voskop, Voskopojë and Drenovë. A slight increase is noted in Vithkuq and Lekas, regardless that estimation is generally poor (grade 3 in Vithkuq and 1.65 in Lekas).

fig. 23

As far as industrial waste management is cncerned, there is noticed a general improvement tendency of the situation in the course of the 2015-2017 period. Thus, there is an increase by 2.1 in Bulgarec, 3.25 in Vithkuq, 2.25 in Voskop, 2.04 in Drenovë and 1.95 in Lekas. The only exceptions from this tendency is Mollaj – from 10 in 2015 the quality and estimation are reduced to 8.67, and Voskopoja – from 9.3 reduced to 7.17. fig. 24

Rehabilitation of parcel roads and riverbeds (figures 25 and 26) are two important factors in determining the optimism or pessimism levels of administrative unit’s inhabitants as related to their incomes and agriculture businesses. Although, there is no clear tendency about the rehabilitation of parcel roads. It might be noticed an increase in such aspect in Bulgarec, Vithkuq and Lekas, whereas in other cases (exept for Drenova where the situation remains unchanged) it is noticed a decline in the course of two years. Generally speaking though, seems like the estimation for both surveys does not exceeds the grade 5.5 in all administrative units. It is safe to say that no good job has been done in rehabilitating these roads.

fig. 25

As shown is Figure 26, relabilitation of riverbed is a decresing tendency. With exception of Vithkuq, where we notice an increse by 0.75 and the unchanged situation in Lekas, all the other administrative units present obvious decline. Better job is needed in rehabilitating the riverbeds.

fig. 26

After drawing the results for each administrative unit regarding the above categories of questions, two very important data were identified as illustrated in figures 27 and 28:

The worst results and the best results took place on administrative unit level in the course of two year-period 2015- 2017.

fig. 27

The worst result came up in Mollaj as far as quality of drinkable water is concerned. There is a considerable shifting from grade 9.67 in 2015 to grade 5 in 2017 survey. The considerable difference between the two is grade 4.67 and requires immediate intervention for improvement from respective institutions.

The best result came up in the administrative unit of Vithkuq as far as the industrial waste management is concerned. There is an estimation of 6.38 in 2015 and 9.63 in 2017. A positive difference of about 3.25 grades is evidence of a systematic intervention. fig. 28

Summing up oll of the above-mentioned services, an average rating comes up as shown in Figure 29. Here is drawn an average estimation for all administartive units for each service, in order to show the tendencies of services in general for the entire area under survey.

fig. 29 The next category in the survey for the administrative units in the Municipality of Korca is related to five services namely: sport courts, water pipleline system, parks, functioning schools and kindergartens, and functioning bridges. Each of this services is estimated with grades from 1 to 10, where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest grade. Moreover, the comparisons between the two surveys during these two years 2015- 2017 are made for each of the administrative units.

Figure 30 shows the data obtained for the administartive unit of Bulgarec on five of the above services. It it noticed that sport courts with standards have a slight increase from 2015 to 2017. However, they get the grade 5 and more improvements are needed in the future. even the other services get an increase in this same administrative unit, pointing out the functioning schools and kindergartens and the water pipeline systems by estimating 9.5 and 9.25 respectively.

fig. 30

Administrative unit of Mollaj, as shown in Figure 31, presents a progressive increase in services: functioning schools and kindergartens (grade 9), functioning bridges (grade 10) and sport courts (grade 7.67). Services that present decline and consequently need intervention are: water pipleline system (grade 8.7 of 10 in 2015) and parks estimated with grade 5.3. fig. 31

Administrative unit of Vithkuq, as shown in Figure 32, presents a slight decline for two services and sustainable increase for the other three, as compared in these 2 year-period. So, parks show a slight decline by 0.6 whereas sport courts have reclined by 0.25. both services require immediate intervention since there is lack of recreational attraction mainly for young people.

fig. 32

Administrative unit of Voskop shows a slightly declining or slighty increasing tendency for four our of five services. Similarly, functioning schools and kidergartens have reclined by 1 grade. Water pipeline system has declined slightly by 0.15. Parks have been slighlty increased by 0.3 same as sport courts. Functioning bridges present the most considerable increase by 3.4 turining it into a model for the other administrative units.

fig. 33

As shown in Figure 34, the administrative unit of Voskopoja presents a declining tendency related to the water pipeline system. There is a decline by 2.7 grades. Meanwhile, we notice that in the course of two years there is the same tendency for sport courts with a pretty low estimation - 4. It is necessary to intervene immediately in this area. Almost the same tendency but with a slight increase by 0.37 points, it is noticed regarding to parks. Whereas there is a considerable increase in the estimation of functioning bridges and schools and kindergartens.

fig. 34

It can be noticed that in the administrative unit of Drenova results a slight change, whether increasing or declining for all the categories of the survey. Therfore, there is little decline in parks and sport courts which generally are estimated poorly in each of the administrative units. There is a slight increase by 0.8 grades in functioning bridges and slight increases in water pipeline system and functioning schools and kindergartens.

fig. 35

Figure 36 shows the situation in Lekas. There is a slight decline by 0.5 points for sport courts, whereas the situation of parks remains low, estimated 4 during these two years. Three other services report satisfactory increasing levels. Schools and kindergartens have improved by 6.48 or 2.58 during these two years. Functioning bridges have incresed in the course of two years. Functioning bridges have increased by 6.3, or 2.3 points whereas the water pipeline system has considerably increased by 3.6 grades.

fig. 36

The next category is related to the comparison with the two periods about the speed of response in each administrative unit when services need intervention and improvement. Ranked services being analyzed are shown below: speed of response when roads, sewage systems, bridges are damaged or when garbage have been disposed in the inhabited areas and side rivers. The efficiency is estimated in percentage, where 0% is the minimal response and 100% is maximal response.

Figure 37 shows the speeds of response for four services in the administrative unit of Bulgarec. There is a low response level in this area up to 45% in 2017 regarding the damaged roads. Little increase by 1% is noticed compared to 2015. Little improvement by 1% as well is noticed when sewage system was damaged and the same when a bridge is damaged. The only improvement in the area estimaed by 27% is related to the issue of waste disposal in inhabited areas. fig. 37

There is a similar tendency in the administrative unit of Mollaj. When a road is damaged, the speed of response has been improved by 8% in the course of two years, but it still remains at an average value at 53%. Little increase results when the sewage system is damaged and a lot needs to be done when a bridge is damaged. The fastest response level is when waste is disposed in urban areas resulting at 73%.

fig. 38

Figure 39 shows the speed of response in the admninistrative unit of Vithkuq. There is a low average for all services. It is noticed that in cases when sewage system and briges are damaged, the estimation remains unchanged and low (at 40% and 45% respectively) in the course of two years. The most estimated service with the highest increase at 15% is the Municipality’s speed of response in cases of waste disposal in urban areas.

fig. 39

Figure 40 shows the speed of response in the administrative unit of Voskop. We notice that there is a similar tendency with the above administrative units. There is a low average, at about 55% for three out of four responses. Thus, there is a decline of the speed of response when a road, bridge or sewage system are damaged. More care and systematic intervention are needed in order to improve these services. Meanwhile, just as in previuos cases, there is a considerable increase at 21% of the speed of response when waste is disposed in urban areas. fig. 40

Administrative unit of Voskopoja as shown in Figure 41, presents a similar tendency. There is a decline at 10% of the speed of response when roads are damaged, and an increase at 10% and 2% respectively in cases when sewage systems and bridges are damaged. Systematic work is needed in order to increase the response considerably. A considerable increase by 20% during 2015- 2017 is noticed in cases of waste disposal in urban areas.

fig. 41 Speed of response in the admnistrative unit of Drenova as shown in Figure 42, presents exactly the same tendency as in previuos units. To start with, there is a decline by 8% out of 49% in 41% in the course of these two years regarding the Municipality’s response when roads are damaged. Considerable increase results in fixing the seweage system at 14%, or 36% at 50%. This shows that positive intervention has occurred during these two years as the system is fixed. 8% is the two-year improvement in cases when a bridge is damaged, while waste disposal in inhabited areas is at satisfactory levels 73%.

fig. 42

In the end, the speed of response for the administrative unit of Lekas is shown in Figure 43. Here the response level is very low for all categories, while there were no interventions during these two years. Similarly, the speed of response when a road is damaged remains at 40%, same as when sewage system is damaged. While there is a very small increase by 2%, of 40% in 42%, when a bridge is damaged. In the end we can notice a positive shifting of 6% in cases when waste is disposed in inhabited areas. fig. 43

Considering the speed of response in all administrative units for different services in the course of two years, a clear trend is observed: more work needs to be done when a road is damaged or when the sewage system in damaged. Also, a better job should be done when bridges are damaged. Anyways, there is improvement in waste management all around the administrative units in the Municipality of Korca.

Figures 44- 46 show about the communication between the inhabitants of each unit with the municipal clerks and institutions in the course of these two years. Asked if the Municipality’s representatives meet regularly with the community to discuss and inform them, 17% of the respondents in Bulgarec answered positively for 2017.Also, 6% in Mollaj and 12.5% in Vithkuq answered positively. The most considerable decline is in the administartive unit of Voskopoje when 61% of the respondents answered that municipal representatives met with them regularly in 2015, whereas in 2017 none of them thinks so. Generally, there is a declining tendency in communication, with exception of Vithkuq with a slight increase at 8.5%. Since election will be held in 2017, these statistics are not favorable. fig. 44

There is a slight increase of decline related to the question: Is there an information office with regards to municipal services? There is an increase by 17% in Bulgarec, whereas a satifactory improvement reults in Mollaj at 72%. Also in Voskop a slight increase is noticed by 15%, whereas Voskopoja remains at the same satisfactory figures at 67% in the course of these two years. The other administrative units experience a decline in the information level from these offices. It is interesting a considerable decline in Lekas by 43%. fig. 45

Third questions related to communication is if people are aware about where to address their complaints and what procedures to follow (figure 46). There too we notice a declining tendency in unpleasent levels with exception of the administrative unit of Lekas, which presents an increase by 43% of those who are aware of these procedures in the course of these two years.

fig. 46

The last category of the survey evaluates the seven categories of existing services in each of the administrative units. This evaluation is made from a grade scale from 1-10. As in all above-mentioned service categories, comparison between evaluation from two periods 2015 and 2017 is on focus.

Figure 47 evaluates the school reconstruction for each administrative unit in the course of two years. The administartive unit of Bulgarec has increased by 1.2 grades during this time, estimated at 6.5 for 2017. Also, there is a slight increase in administrative units of Mollaj, Vithkuq, Voskop and Drenovë. We notice though a slight decline in Voskopoja by 0.5. Estimation by 2.8 grades in 2017 shows that the Municipality needs to work hard to improve schools in this administrative unit. The highest decline results in Lekas- from a satsfactory estimation by 7.8 in 2015, it declined at 5.1 in 2017. An immediate intervention is needed in this administrative unit.

fig. 47

Garbage disposal is another ctive service under survey, as shown in Figure 48. There is a satisfactory average estimation for 2017, with exception of Vithkuq (grade 4.7) and Lekas (grade 2.3). Both administrative units need intenstive work in this aspect. fig. 48

Figure 49 shows the situation of water depot management comparatively for each administrative unit. The highest estimation for 2017 results in Bulgared, at 6.2. five other administartive units have an average estimation, which means that they need to do a more systematic job in this aspect. The lowest result is shown in the administrative unit of Lekas, where grade 2 was all inhabitants could estimate the situation of water depots in their area, and a slight increase by 0.3 points compared to the previous survey. A more systematic job is needed here and things need to be taken more seriously for such a basic and important service.

fig. 49 Figure 50 shows one of the most important issues in the survey: health service. For the category there is generally a high average estimation for both periods, with slight ups and downs. For 2017 health service has been estimated with a satisfactory grade at 7.2 in Bulgarec, 8 in Mollaj, 7 in Vithkuq, 8.3 in Voskop, 6.3 in Drenovë and 7 in Lekas. A better job is needed in the administrative unit of Voskopojë, being an attractive ares for turists which is estimated with grade 5.4.

fig. 50

Land registration process, as shown in Figure 51, has always been a problem not only for the administartive units, but all over Albania. With exception of the administrative units of Voskopoje and Lekas where the service results in declines 1.6 and 0.6 respectively, all the other units have progresive and satisfactory increasea in the course of these two years of survey. fig. 51

Figure 52 shows the quality of drinking water it is noticed that five administrative units result with slight declines for the service, that in general remains on sustainable and satisfactory levels between 5.9 and 7. The only considerable change occurs in Lekas, where the result has been increased by 2.1 points.

fig. 52

Improvement of roads in villages is shown in Figure 5 and is presenting an increasing tendency in all administrative units. The most satisfactory estimation results from the administartive unit of Drenovë, at 6.2 for 2017. The administrative unit of Bulgarec records an increase by 1.7 points, whereas Mollaj increased by 2.5 points. There is a minimal increase in Vithkuq by 0.5 points and Voskop by 1.7 points. Voskopoja and Lekas remain with the lowest average estimation for 2017, at 2.5 and 1.4 points respectively. A better systematic job is needed to fix the roads in these administrative units.

fig. 53

4. Municipality of Devoll

Even for the Municipality of Devoll the same methodological instrument as in Korca are used. To start with, there is a division among data obtained for the town and data obtained for the other administrative units divided into groups. The analysis is comparable and analyzes the time frame between surveys in 2015 and 2017. There are five administrative units in Bilisht. Four of them that will be arranged together in a group comparatively are: Miras, Hoçisht, Qendër Bilisht and Progër.

i. Town

The analysis starts with data obtained through the survey in Bilisht town. The first category of the questionnaire includes 6 services which are: the quality of drinkable water, street lighting, a working sewage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads and industrial waste management.

As far as the quality of drinkable water is concerned, 82% of the respondents in Bilisht are satisfied. This tendency is declining at 18%, since the estimation in 2015 was on max levels 100%. Care is needed in order to re-establish the quality of drinkable water at as most satisfactory levels as possible.

fig. 54 Figure 55 shows street lighting estimations. In 2015 the service was on satisfactory levels at 76%, wherewas in 2017 there is an increase by 18%, reaching at 94%. A good job has been made as far as this service is concerned in Bilisht.

fig. 55

Figure 56 shows the satisfaction levels related to sewage system. There is an increase and considerable improvement at 41%, if we compare 2015 and 2017. In 2017, 88% of Blilisht inhabitants are satisfied with the service.

fig. 56

Waste management is a service which results in decreasing levels in the course to two years of surveying. Therefore, if 70% of the respondents in 2015 were satisfied with the waste management service, in 2017 it has declined at 29%. Only 41% of the respondents are satisfied with the service, while there is a considerable increase by 29% of those who stand neutral.

fig. 57

Figure 58 shows that in the course of these two years of the survey there is a large increase of the number of satisfied people with regards to rehabiliation of damaged roads. So, it has increased from 0% to 59%, and it can be noticed a similarly large increase of the unsatisfied.

fig. 58 Lastly, figure 59 shows that there is a decline by 18% of those who think that are satisfied with the industrial waste management in Bilisht town. All these people moved to “unsatisfied” category. So, it is needed a deep infrastructure analysis and improvement of industrial waste management in town.

fig. 59

The first category of six services, including the quality of drinkable water, street lighting, a working sewage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads and industrial waste management present a generally positive tendency. Although, a better job is required especially for the waste management in Bilisht town, since there is a considerable decline of the satisfied citizens about this service.

The second category of questions related to Bilisht town reflects not only the application but the existence as well of a series of other services, including:

The existence of a waster pipeline system; funcioning schools and kindergartens; parks; sport courts.

Same as with the Municipality of Korca, the classification of assessment is measured with percentage and includes “yes”, “no”, and “I don’t know” alternatives.

Figure 60 shows the existence of a water pipeline system. In considering the first category of questions where most of respondents were satisfied with the quality of drinking water, it is obvious that 100% of them maintain that there does exist a water pipeline system for both years of the survey.

fig. 60

Similarly, as shown in figure 61, there is a considerable increase of the number of schools and kindergartens during these two years. So, 100% of the respondents believe that in Bilisht exist functioning schools and kindergartens in 2017 compared to 47% in 2015.

fig. 61

Fiure 62 shows the existence of green spaces and parks in Bilisht town. There is a decline by 24% of those who think that there are green spaces in their town or the area where they live. A better job is needed and well-planned infrastructure for increasing the number of parks with high standards.

fig. 62

Unchanged and unsatisfactory remains the situation of sport courts in town. Only 24% of the respondents in both surveys think that there are sport courts in the areas where they live in town. Thus, more municipal investments are needed for creating parks, sport courts and recreational spaces.

fig. 63

Third category of questions regards the Municipality’s response when a service does not work. Services that are taken into consideration are: damaged roads, damaged sewage system and garbage disposal in urban areas and rivers. These three services are measured by percentage of satisfaction based on the following reactions: “quick response”, “average response”, “slow response” and “I don’t know”.

There is a high increase by 65% of those who think that damaged streets are quickly fixed by the Municipality. Generally speaking about Bilisht town, seems like it has a very good and efficient road network system. In fact, 71% of the respondents in 2017 believe that Municipality’s response in these cases quick. There is a clear proportional minimization of “slowly” category.

fig. 64

Figure 65 shows the Municipality’s speed of response when sewage system is damaged. Here too, an increasing number of respondents think that there is an improvement and speed of response. Thus, if 24% of the respondents in 2015 thought that the Municipality’s response when the sewage system was damaged was quick, there are 71% who think so in 2017 – a considerable increase by 47%. fig. 65

Municipality’s response when garbage is disposed in urban areas and rivers is shown in Figure 66. Even for this service too, the speed of response has been increased in the course of two years, and the number of satisfied respondents has grown from 35% to 65%.

fig. 66

A clear tendency could be seen as related to the Municipality’s speed of response when certain service is broken, failed, etc. In each and every case, it can be noticed that there is considerable increase of Municipality’s speed of response in improving its services in the course of these two years.

Figures 67- 69 show the tendency related to communication between the inhabitants of Bilisht and the Municipality. Figure 67 gives the answer to the question: “Do Municipality representatives regularly attend meetings to discuss and inform the community?”

There is an increase of the number of those answering “yes” during 2015- 2017. Similarly, if only 35% answered “yes” in 2015, there are 7% who are positive about the issue in 2017.

fig. 67

Figure 68 shows the answers to the question: “Is there an information office with regards to municipal services?”

It can be noticed here as well a considerable and sound increase of those people who think that these offices do exist. So, compared to 2015 when the satisfaction average levels was about 59%, it increased by 82% in 2017.

fig. 68

In the end, figure 69 shows that 71% of the respondents know where to complain and what procedures to follow for both 2015 and 2017.

fig. 69

As far as the communication between the Municipality and the citizens, it can be noticed an improved and considerable tendency. In 2017, citizens of Bilisht and the Municipality had a lot of intercations through insrtumentalization of municipal officials or information offices.

However, the same methodology as the one applied for the Municipality of Korca has been used. We notice the shifting tendency on four services: reconstruction of schools, garbage disposal, health service and the quality of drinking waster. These services, as shown on Figure 70, are ranked by grades from 1 to 10 (where 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest) and are compared based on the years of surveys.

For 2017, the estimation is low, but satisfactory nonetheless, and regards to health service. It has been estimated by grade 7.2, dropping 2 points since 2015. More care is needed so that it doesn’t go down in the future. Reconstruction of schools is ranked with grades 7.8, or 2.7 grades higher than in 2015. As notices in the previous categories under survey, good job has been done with schools in Bilisht town. Also, a slight increase by 1 grade goes to gabrage disposal, and a slight decline by 0.6 points go to the quality of driniking water.

fig. 70

ii. Other administrative units

Four other administartive units, including Miras, Hoçisht, Qendër Bilisht and Progër are comparatively ranked. The first category of their survey includes several services such as: the quality of drinkable water, street lighting, a working sewage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads, a working irrigation and drainage system, industrial waste management, parcel road rehabilitation and riverbed rehabilitation. Their measurement results from 2015-2017 surveys and is ranked by grades from 1 to 10.

Drinking water quality is shown in Firgure 71. It is noticed an increasing tendency in the course of these two years for all of administrative units. Therefore, there is an increase by 2 grades in Miras, an increase by 0.2 grades in Hoçisht, Qendër Bilisht increased by 1 grade and Progër by 1.9 grades.

fig. 71

Figure 72 shows the ranking of street lighting for all administrative units. There is an increasing tendency as well and comparative for these two years. There is an increase by 3.1 grades is Miras, 4 grades in Hoçisht, 4.1 grades in Qëndër Bilisht and 3 grades in Progër. It shows an appearent and sustainable improvement for the street lighting service.

fig. 72

Figure 73 shows the estiamation of sewage system. There is an increase of the service in all administrative units. Miras has increased by 0.5 grades, Hoçisht 3.7 grades, Qendër Bilisht by 0.4 grades and Progër by 0.7 grades. The improvement of the service is obvious.

fig. 73

Waste management, as shown in Figure 74, has been considerably improved in all admjnistrative units. The 2015 survey showed clearly a poor situation of waste management system, whereas in 2017 looks like a good job has been done for improving the service. So, there is an increase by 5.1 grades in Miras, 6.2 grades in Hoçisht, 2.8 grades in Qendër Bilisht and 2.3 grades in Progër.

fig. 74

A good job has been done with rehabilitating the damaged roads therefore increasing the tendency that there is a clear improvement of services in each administrative unit.

During these 2 years in Miras roads have been improved by 2.8 grades. There is an increase by 2.8 in Hoçisht, 2.3 in Qendër Bilisht and 1.1 grades increase in Progër.

A great job has been done regarding this service.

fig. 75

Figure 76 shows a sustainable increase in improvement of irrigation/drainage systems. So, as it can be noticed, it has been increased by 2.1 grades in Miras, 1.5 grades in Hoçisht, 0.8 grades in Qendër Bilisht and 0.6 grades in Progër.

fig. 76

Industrial waste management, as shown in Figure 77, is the only service in this category that presents decline in most of the administrative units. Therefore, there is some slight decline in industrial waste management in Miras by 0.3 grades, Hoçisht by 1.1 grades, and Qendër Bilisht by 0.2 grades. An improvement results in Progër by 1.1 grades, bringing the final evaluation at absolute 10 grades. Regardless slight declines, the evaluation of industrial waste management remains stable and positive.

fig. 77

Figure 78 shows estimations related to parcel roads rehabilitation. There was a decline of the service by 1.9 only for Qendër Bilisht unit. The other administartive units have been improved. An obvious improvement by 2.5 grades results in Miras, whereas a small but stable improvement is recorded in Hoçisht by 1.2 grades. Also, there is another small improvement by 0.8 grades in Progër. Generally speaking, more improvements are needed in services of parcel roads rehabilitation in these administartative units, because the average ranking grade is too low regardless the improvements. fig. 78

Figure 79 shows the rehabiliation situation of riverbeds. There is a decline in Qendër Bilisht by 1.4 grades where immediate and systematic interventions are needed. Besides, the other administrative units result in an increase of the service quality. There is a considerable increase in Miras by 4.3 grades in the course of these two years. Hoçisht has been increased by 2.2 grades and Progër by 1.3 grades.

fig. 79

In the end, the best and worst results for the above mentioned services have been drawn for all administrative units. The best results in services offered in the Municipality of Devoll are recorded in Hoçisht regarding the waste management. The best result comes during these two years from 2.4 grades in 2015 to 8.6 grades in 2017. This is the highest of all categories. Interventions occurred in Hoçisht in waste management in this period should become an example for all the other administrative units.

fig. 80

The worst result as shown in Figure 81 was recorded in Qendër Bilisht regarding the rehabilitation of parcel roads. Immediate intervention is needed since there is a considerable decline from 5.7 to 3.8 in the course of these two years.

fig. 81

fig. 82

Figure 82 sums up the average rating for each category of the above services on administrative unit level. Also, an average grade has been drawn for all the Municipality (except for the town) and has been rated based on services. The service with the lowest rating is rehabilitation of parcel roads at 4.5. The highest improvement is related to the industrial waste management at 9.4. Generally speaking, a better job needs to be done in rehabilitating the parcel roads, irrigation/drainage system management grade 4.9) and rehabilitating the riverbeds (grade 5.3).

Next category in the survey analyses separately each of the administrative units and shows that rating is made by grades from 1 to 10 related to 5 services: the water pipeline system, functioning bridges, functioning schools and kindergartens, larks and sport courts.

Let us start with the administrative unit of Miras, where parks have the lowest rating (grade 6), whereas a very good job has been done for rehabilitating the bridges in 2017 (grade 10).

fig. 83

Figure 84 presents the results for the administartive unit of Hocisht. Same tendency here as well: functioning schools and kindergartens and water pipeline system get the highest grade (9.3), sport courts get grade 4 and parks and green areas get 5.8. More parks and sport courts, green and recreational areas are needed.

fig. 84

Figure 85 presents thr data obtained for the administrative unit of Qendër Bilisht. There is a similar tendency with the other administartive units mentioned above. Schools and kindergartens get a high grade - 8.9 in 2017, whereas green spaces and sport courts are estimated minimally at 4.3.

fig. 85

Administrative unit of Proger, as shown in Figure 86, get a low grade for parks and sport courts at 5.8. whereas, functioning schools and kindergartens are ranked maximally by grade 9.3.

fig. 86

All four administrative units under survey show a clear tendency: there is an appearent improvement related to functioning schools and kindergartens. Similarly, there is an increase in the quality of water pipeline system. However, green areas and parks and sport courts get the lowest ranking everywhere. This shows that a better job should be done in order to increase the number of recreational areas and parks in all four administartive units.

The next category of questions is related to the sepped of response when a service is broken in the administartive units. Speed of response is analyzed by percentage; the highest the percentage, the highest the speed of response.

There are four service categories where the speed of response is analyzed: hypothetic cases when a road is damaged, when sewage system is damaged, when a bridge is damaged and when waste is disposed in urban areas and side rivers. Figure 87 shows the speed of response about these services in the administartive unit of Miras. There is a clear tendency: if we were to compare the 2015 survey and the 2017 one, we notice that there is an increase of the speed of response in each of the services. Therefore, the speed of response when a road is damaged has increased by 35% in the course of the two-year period. Speed of response when the sewage system is damaged has increased by 20%. Fixing damaged bridges has been anticipated by 16%, whereas in case when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers has increased by 38%.

Generally speaking, the administrative unit of Miras has shown evident improvements related to speed of response.

fig. 87

Figure 88 shows the speed of response from the Municipality in the administrative unit of Hocisht. We noticed here that most of the sevices have increased or declined only slightly, maintaining a neutral tendency. Therefore, speed of response when a road is damaged was anticipated by 2%, whereas it remained the same at 47% when sewage system was damaged. We notice a slight decline by 5% of the speed of response when a bridge is damaged, and there is an increase by 11% when waste is disposed. More consistency is needed when these services are delivered to the community. fig. 88

Figure shows the speed of response in the administartive unit of Qendër Bilisht. There are two services which maintain the same levels in both surveys. Cases when sewage system is damaged remain the same at 52% for both years of the survey, whereas in cases when a bridge is damaged the speed of response remains at 49%. Few increases result in the speed of response when a bridge is damaged (11% increased) and when waste are disposed in urban areas (8% increased).

The Municipality of Devoll should do more in this administartive unit as far as its speed of response is concened when services are broken.

fig. 89

Figure 90 shows the speed of response in the administrative unit of Progër. There is a general increasing tendency of the speed of response with exception when a bridge is damaged. In this case, it remains at 49% for both years of the syrvey. The response in cases when a road is damaged has been increased by 23%, whereas when the sewage system is damaged has increased by 6%. A stable increase results when there are waste disposed in the area, at 17%.

fig. 90 As far as the Municipality’s speed of response is concerned for cases when services are broken, we notice an important tendency: in all four administrative units results an increasing trend of response when waste is disposed in the area. Such waste management worked very well and has further improved in the course of two years.

fig. 91

Figures 91 – 93 tell about the communication between the Municipality of Devoll and inhabitants of the administartive units through three questions:

Do Municipality representatives regularly attend meetings to discuss and inform the community?

Is there an information office with regards to municipal services?

Do you know where to complain and what procedure to follow?

Figure 91 shows the answers to the first question from each administrative unit. It is noticed a stable increase in each of them in the course of these two years. There is a considerable improvement in Miras by 50%, reaching to an absolute 100% in 2017. There is an increase by 12% in Hoçisht, but the total 18% is not satisfying and too low. More work is needed in this administrative unit to increase the communication. The same thing goes to the administrative unit of Qendër Bilisht, where it does have an increase, but the total raking of 29% is low and not satifying. There is considerable improvement in Progër at 53% during 2017.

fig. 92

Figure 92 presents the answers to the second question. There is a slight decline or equal ranking as in 2015 for each of the administrative units. So, 72% of the respondents in Miras, or 3% less than in 2015 are aware that there is an information office about municipal services. There is a decline by 4% in Hocisht, from 22% to 18%. In Qendër Bilisht and Progër we have the same rankings for both surveys, 41% and 47% respectively. More work is needed so that people are informed about the existence of these offices.

We notice a slight decline even in the third issue about the communication, as shown in Figure 93. There is a decline by 3% in Miras or rather 72% of the respondents in 2017 know already where to address their complaints and what procedures to follow. Also, there is a decline by 11% in Qendër Bilisht and a considerable decline by 42% in Progër. The only increse though slight occurs in Hoçisht where 17% of inhabitants knew where to address their complaints and what were the procedures. This was in 2015 against 18% in 2017. fig. 93

Generally speaking, there is slight decline in communication between the Municipality and the inhabitants in almost all administartive units in the course of these two years. Better job is needed in order to improve such important relations.

The last category of survey ranks by grades several services in each administartive unit. Therefore, we will deal here with school reconstruction, garbage disposal, water depot management, health service, land registration process, drinkable water quality and village roads.

Figure 94 shows the situation of school reconstruction for each administartive unit. A slight decline or increase can be noticed during two years. Therefore, there is slight decline from 8.8 to 8.2 in Miras, a decline by 1.3 in Hoçisht, an increase by 0.5 in Progër and a stable situation at 7.3 in Qendër Bilisht. A better job is needed for recosntructing schools in the administrative unit of Hoçisht.

fig. 94

Figure 95 shows how garbage disposal is managed. Except for Qendër Bilisht, where we notice a decline from 9.2 to 5.1 in the course of two years, the other administrative units present good results. So, it appears that systematic and serious action has been undertaken for waste disposal. Greater care should be taken in the administrative unit of Qendër Bilisht.

fig. 95

The situation of waster depot as shown in Figure 96, presents some increase. We may notice that there is an increase by 0.6 grades in Miras, 1.5 grades in Hoçisht, 1 grade in Qendër Bilisht and 2.4 in Progër. Good care has been taken in all the administartive iunits concerning the water depot management.

fig. 96

Health service as shown in Figure 97, presents satisfying and stable levels in all administrative units. However, in Miras, Hoçisht and Qendër Bilisht the quality of this service has declines in the course of two years by respectively 0.9, 2 and 1.3 grades. There should be done more so that the health care in these three administrative units won’t decline further as quality.

fig. 97

Figure 98 shows how land registration process is ranked. There are different but stable results. So, Miras results at 5.2. More improvements are needed in this area and the process of land registration should go faster. A slight decline results in Hoçisht by 0.4, whereas the service has increased by 0.4 and 2.5 respectively in Qendër Bilisht and Progër.

fig. 98

Quality of potable water as shown in Figure 99, presents an improved tendency in the course of two years. There is an increase by 0.7 grades in Miras, 0.3 grades in Hoçisht, 1.7 grades in Qendër Bilisht and 1.6 grades in Progër. More imporvements are needed in the quality of potable water in Hoçisht since an average ranking by 5.9 is not very satisfactory.

fig. 99

Even the service related to improvement of village roads has been increased in the course of these two years. We notice that there is increase in Miras by 2.8 grades, 3.7 grades in Hoçisht, 1.9 grades in Qendër Bilisht and 0.5 in Progër. Improvement of roads and their rehabilitation needs to go on constantly in the upcoming years.

fig. 100

5. Municipality of Elbasan

The same methodology and analytical instruments as in municipalities of Korca and Bilisht has been used in the Municipality of Elbasan as well. Similarly, the town and administrative units are analyzed separately. The Municipality of Elbasan includes other 12 administrative units besides the town. They are as follws: Funar, Shushicë, Papër, Bradashesh, , Zavalin, , , Labinot Mal, Labinot Fushë, , . Therefore, it would be easier to identify tendencies if any.

i. The town

The first category of questions concerns the town of Elbasan for a couple of services namely: the quality of drinkable water, street lightning, a working sewage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads and industrial waste management. Answers of the respondents to these questions include: “satisfied”, “neutral”, “not satisfied”, “I don’t know”. Ranking is given in percentage and data from 2015 survey are compared to 2017 survey.

84% of the respondents in 2017 answered that the quality of drinkable water is satisfying. This makes up for an increase by 19%, as compared to the previous survey in 2015. Generally speaking, the quality of drinkable water in Elbasan (town) has no great improvements, but they do exist. fig. 101

Qualitative increase of street lightning happened as well. Therefore, if in 2015 78% of the respondents in Elbasan were satisfied with it, they are satisfied at 85% in 2017, marking thus a small increase by 7%.

fig. 102

Sewage system also has improved a little in the course of two years and has increased by 5% në harkun kohor të dy viteve, while the number of those who are not satisfied declines from 7% to 3%. Such slight improvement comes as result of the tendency of above mentioned services in Elbasan.

fig. 103

Similarly as in the above mentioned services, waste management service has slightly increased by 5% for those who are satisfied with it, from 67% to 72%.

fig. 104

In the course of these two years, rehabilitation of damaged roads results with a higher increase in Elbasan. The satisfied people with the service estimaed 55% in 2015, whereas in 2017 they have increased by 26% which totals 81% satisfied with the service. Looks like a good job has been done with rehabilitation of damaged roads.

fig. 105

Industrial waste management has an omproving tendency at 18% in the course of these two years of survey. However the service is still in low satisfaction levels at 38%, a greater systematic job is needed.

fig. 106

Generally speaking, there is clear tendency for a couple of services as far as inhabitants’ satisfaction is concerned: in the course of two years services have been improved slighetly and citizens’ satifsaction has increased as well. The second category of questions for the Elbasan survey regards couple of services which might or might not be present in town of Elbasan. They are as follows: water pipeline system, functioning schools and kindergartens, and green spaces and parks. Answering options as compared to the previous survey are “yes”, “no” and “I don’t know”.

Figure 107 shows the presence of a water pipeline system in town of Elbasan. During the survey in 2015, 96% of the respondents were aware that such a system was present in town. Now the percentage has been increased almost absolutely at 99% in 2017. Is hsows that there might have been some extenstions or improvements, slightly but satisfactorily.

fig. 107

Figure 108 shows the presence of functioning schools and kindergartens. There were 78% of the respondents who thought schools and kindergarten were present in town in 2015. In 2017 it increased by 21%, reaching the satisfactory level at 97%. Looks like in the course of two years the number of schools and kindergartens has increased considerably. fig. 108

The same tendency is shown in Figure 109 related to the presence of green areas and parks. 69% of the respondents agreed there were parks and green spaces in areas where they lived in 2015, whereas there is very high increase by 20% in 2017 or 89%.

As a conclusion, these three services and their presence are noticeable in the course of years, where more schools and kindergartens are created, more green areas and parks and powerful water pipeline system.

fig. 109

Next category of questions for the town of Elbasan regards the speed of response when problems arrise or several public services are affected. The speed of response is expressed in percentage.

Figure 110 shows the response from the Municipality of Elbasan when a road is damaged in town. In this case 73% of the respondents in 2017 think that the speed of response is high as compared to 2015 when it was 46%. There is an increase by 27% in two years.

fig. 110 According to Figure 111, 82% of the respondents in 2017 think that the Municipality’s speed of response is high enough when the sewage system is damaged. There is a noticeable improvement compared to 2015, when there were 56% of the respondents that thought so. The increase is apparent by 26%.

fig. 111

The same tendency is shown when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. The speed of response from the Municipality related to this issue is shown in Figure 112. There is an improvement of response in the course of these two years by 37%: from 34% in 2015 to 71% in 2017. Looks like the issue has been taken care systematically in these areas.

fig. 112 Looks like the Municipality’s response when services are broken has been anticipated and become more reliable in the course of years 2015- 2017.

The next category shown in figures 113 – 115 is related to the communication among municipal institutions and the citizens of Elbasan. Three questions are:

Do municipal representatives regularly attend meetings to discuss and inform the community?

Is there an information office with regards to municipal services?

Do you know where to complain and what procedures to follow?

Figure 113 shows the answers to the first question. In these two years, it can be noticed that there is a satisfactory increase by 9% in communiction between municipal representatives and the citizens. In 2015, 80% of the respondents thought that municipal representatives meet regularly with the communuty to discuss and inform them, whereas the figure has increased at 89% in 2017.

fig. 113

Figure 114 shows the results for the second question related to the communication. There is a satisfactory increase by 14% during the two-year period. So, if 85% of the respondents were positive about an information office in 2015, almost all respondents (99%) declared the same in 2017.

fig. 114

Figure 115 emphasizes more this tendency. If 68% of the respondents in 2015 knew where to address their complaints what were the procedures, in 2017 there are 92% of them who are positive about this issue.

Generally speaking about communication, we notice that there is a positive and healthy increase in relations between the Municipality of Elbasan and the citizens. Their communication has increased progressively from 2015 to 2017. fig. 115

Figure 116 shows the tendency for the four services by average grade: reconstruction of schools, garbage disposal, health service and the quality of drinking water. It is clear that the second survey shows a positive increase of ranking for these four services. Also, during these two years, reconstruction of schools has been ranked by 1.8 grades higher whereas waste disposal by 2.1 grades higher. Health service has increased in quality by 0.3 grades and the quality of drinking water has considerably increased by 4 grades.

As far as the average grade is concerned, it has been considerably inreased in these two years of the survey.

fig. 116 ii. Other administrative units

As we progress with our report, the other 12 administartive units of the Municipality of Elbasan will be analyzed. The first category of questions is estimated by average grades for a couple of services which are as follows: the quality of drinkable water, street lightning, a working sewage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads, a working irrigation and drainage system, parcel roads rehabilitation and riverbed rehabilitation.

Figure 117 shows how the quality of drinkable water has been estimated in both surveys, by grades from 1-10. It looks like there is an improvement in the administrative unit of Funar during these two years by 2.9 grades. A small increase by 0.4 grades results is Labinot Fushë, whereas all the other administrative units reveal declines of the quality of drinkable water. Shushica presents a decline by 1.8, whereas administartive unit of Papër has declined by 2 grades. The most considerable decline of this service results in Gracen, by 2.8 grades during these two years. Therefore, more investments are needed related to this concern in this administrative unit.

fig. 117

Figure 118 shows the estimation for the service of street lightning. There is a general improvement of the situation but for only two administartive units: Papër, by 0.1 grades and Gjergjan by 3.1 grades. All the other units experience declines. Funar declined by 0.1 grades, Shushicë by 0.3, Bradashesh by 1.5, Gjinar by 1, Zavalin by 1, Gracen by 4.2, Tregan by 1.1 Labinot Fushë by 2.4, Labinot Mal by 1.3 and Shirgjan by 3.4. It is clear that the administrative unit of Gracen needs immediate intervention for improving the situation of street lightning.

fig. 118

Sewage system presents a mixed tendency. There is an increase in the quality of sewage system in Funar by 2.3 grades, Papër by 2 grades, Zavalin by 1.8 grades, Shirgjan by 0.6 and Gjergjan by 4.7 grades. The rest of administrative units present declines such as Gjinar and Gracen, which declined by 3 grades. fig. 119

Waste management is shown in Figure 120. Compared to the previous year, it can be noticed that there are slight improvements in the administrative unit of Shushicë by 0.8, Papër by 0.9, Zavalin by 2.5, Tregan by 1.4, Labinot Mal by 0.9 and Gjergjan by 2.7. Meanwhile, there are slight declines in Funar by 0.8 grades, Bradashesh by 2.2, Gjinar by 3.2 grades, Gracen by 3.3, Labinot Fushë by 0.4 and Shirgjan by 0.6. Looks like the situation needs immediate intervention in the administrative unit of Gracen.

fig. 120 Rehabilitation of damaged roads presents a declining tendency in general in the course of these two years. So, there is decline in Shushicë by 1 grade, Bradashesh has declined by 1.2, Gjinar has declined by 2.3 grades, Zavalin by 1 grade, Tregan by 2.5 and Shirgjan by 1.5 grades. Although, the highest decline is recorded in Gracen, where theservice was estimated by maximal grade 10 in 2015. In 2017 a decline by 4.2 grades was recorded climbing down at 5.8. Investigation and analysis are required in order to identify what was done wrong in the course of two years.

fig. 121

Figure 122 shows how administrative units estimated the service for maintaining irrigation and drainage systems. They are very important components for agriculture which is the main lovelihood in these areas. There is a mixed tendency though, where the administartive unit of Gracen presents the highest decline in these two years. It is a considerable decline by 5.1 grades and it needs immediate intervention. Administartive units of Funar, Shushicë, Papër, Zavalin and Labinot Mal have recorded an healthy increase of the above mentioned service respectively by 0.9, 1.6, 2.8, 2.1 and 1.3. The rest of units present slight declines with exception of Gracen. fig. 122

The same tendency as in irrigation and draingane system is presented for the service of parcel road rehabilitation. There is a considerable decline in Gracen by 3 grades. It is recorded an increase in the rehabilitation of parcel roads in Funar, by 0.8, Shushicë by 0.6 nota, Papër by 2.2 nota, Bradashesh by 0.2, Labinot Mal by 2.4 and Shirgjan by 0.3. The other administrative units show decline of the ranking for the service of rehabilitation of parcel roads in villages.

fig. 123

In the end, the ranking for riverbed rehabilitation presents a similar tendency. Although, a greater number of administartive units present a slight increase of the ranking. Yet, the administartive unit of Gracen presents a considerable decline by 6.3 in the course of these two years. A slight increase can be noticed in Funar by 0.5 grades, Shushicë by 0.2, Papër by 2.4, Bradashesh by 0.7, Tregan by 3 grades, Labinot Fushë by 0.6, Labinot Mal by 1 and Gjergjan by 2.5 grades.

fig. 124

Figures 125 and 126 present the worst result and the best result that was generated on service and administrative unit levels as compared to both years. Data were gathered as compared to the values of the above figures.

Figure 125 shows the worst result in Gracen and it is related to the rehabilitation of riverbeds. From an almost absolute ranking at 9.7 in 2015, there is a considerable decline at 3.4 in 2017, or rather by 6.3 grades. An immediate intervention is needed in order to improve the service as needed. fig. 125

The best result is shown in the administrative unit of Gjergjan as is related to the sewage system. From a very low result at 2.1 in 2015, it has raised at 6.8 for 2017. Therefore, there is an increase by 4.7 grades in the course of two years. The other administrative units and their authorities need to analyze and improve the sewage systems following the example of this successful case.

fig. 126

Also, as it can be seen from Figure 127, that the average grade that is given to each service is in proportion with the entire Municipality of Elbasan (except for the Elbasan town). Therefore we notice that there is a decline in the quality of potable water by 0.75 grades during these two years, but however keeping the service on satisfactory level at 8.05. Also, there is a decline of the ranking for the rehabilitation of irrigation and drainage systems by 0.35. there is also decline for the service of riverbed rehabilitation by 0.3. A slight increase by 0.1 is recorded at the sewage systems whereas the other services show slight declines. Therefore, it is generally clear that inhabitants of these areas estimated the above services as poorer than two years ago, with exception of the sewage system. This fact is concerning and therefore it should put to work the authorities in order to prevent a continuous deterioration of the situation.

fig. 127

Moreover, each of the 12 administrative units will be further analyzed in order to see what grade do the inhabitants estimate with the following 5 services: water pipeline system, functioning bridges, functioning schools and kindergartens, parks and sport courts. Fig. 128 shows the estimation for these services as for the 2-year period starting with the administartive unit of Funar. There is an increase in ranking for four out of five services noticing that the only poor service in these two years was related to parks and green areas. Inhabitants think that their conditions have worsen by 2.1 grades (from 5.5 in 2015 to 3.4 in 2017). Water pipeline system has improved considerably and based on respondents’ perceptions it has increased by 3.4. The estimation for functioning bridges has increased by 2.4, whereas schools and kindergartens have improved by 0.8. the most important improvement is related to sport courts estimated at 4.2 in 2015, whereas they reach 9.1 at 2017.

fig. 128

Figure 129 shows the comparative data obtained for the administrative unit of Shushicë. It appears a clear tendency: there is a slight decline in the quality of these services in the course of two years. The water pipeline system presents ad ecline by 0.6. Functioning bridges are estimated by 0.8 grades less, and schools and kindergartens by 1. Green spaces, parks and sport courts have a more pronounced decline, at 3.6. It is obvious that authorities need to invest more in the administrative unit of Shushicë, especially in creating conditions for more green areas and recreation. fig. 129

Even the administrative unit of Papër presents a similar tendency as shown in Figure 130. We notice an increase of the estimation on functioning bridges by 2.2 grades and schools and kindergartens by 0.6. The most obvious decrease results at parks and green spaces where it is estimated at 3.6 for 2017 and sport courts at 2.9. More investments are needed concerning these two services.

fig. 130

The administrative unit of Bradashesh presents a similar tendency as well. Green spaces and parks present the lowest ranking (grade 5) and sport courts (4.8). A decline from 10 to 6.6 occurred from the service of water pipeline whereas functioning bridges present more satisfactory estimations.

fig. 131

Administrative unit of Gjinar is shown in Figure 132. The same tendency as above appears: there is a slight decline in water pipeline system at 0.9. Other services have a slight increase in the course of two years related to the improvement of the conditions of schools and kindergartens by 2.1 grades. Functioning bridges have improved by 1 grade and parks and sport courts have been increased by 0.3 and 0.7 respectively.

However, it can be noticed that grren areas and parks and sport courts as well have been estimated very low during 2017 in this same unit, by respectively 4.9 and 4. Systematic intervention is needed and more parks and green areas and sport courts need to be established in Gjinar. fig. 132

Figure 133 shows the estimation for these five services in the administrative unit of Zavalin. The only service which has incresed in this same unit are schools and kindergartens, by 1.3. Water pipeline system has declined by 2 grades, whereas bridges have declined as well by 1.5 grades. We notice a considerable decline in parks and green areas by 3.5 and sport courts by 0.7. These two last categories had the worst stimation even here.

fig. 133

There is a decline for all the services in the administrative unit of Gracen as well. There is decline in water pipeline system by 3.3 and functioning bridges have declined by 2.6. Also, functioning schools and kindergartens have declined by 2.2 whereas green areas and parks have declined considerably. Previously in 2015, they were estimated at 9.4, whereas in 2017 they decline by 6.1 grades reaching at low 3.3. Something similar occurred with the sport courts by declining by 5.1 grades or at grade 4 for 2017. Same tendency keeps going even for the other administartive units where sport courts reach very low levels.

fig. 134

Figure 135 shows the data obtained from the first survey in the administrative unit of Tregan. It is noticed an increase in the course of two years in improving the service of functioning bridges (3.6). A similar improvement by 2.9 grades is noticed at schools and kindergartens in Tregan, whereas a slight decline by 0.8 is related to water pipeline system.

Green spaces and parks have been poorly estimated here, too. They reach low levels as 4.1 for 2017. And so do sport courts and their creation at 5 grades.

fig. 135

In the administrative unit of Labinot Fushë, as shown on Figure 136, can be noticed an increase in all of the above services nevertheless the fact that green spaces and parks (at grade 5) and sport courts (at grade 5.7), are the lowest ranked for 2017.

Water pipeline system has increased maximally by 4.2 grades reaching 9.2 for 2017. Satisfying is the situation of functioning bridges and schools and kindergartens respectively at 1.5 and 2.6.

fig. 136 In the administrative unit of Labinot Mal we notice a deviation from the common tendency until now. Four out of five services show a stable ranking increase. Therefore, estimation for the functioning bridges goes up to 7.6 in 2017, or 3.6 more grades than 2015. Schools and kinergartens have been increased in a stable way from 7.6 to 8.7, and the same can be said for the green areas and parks which are estimaed by 8.6 in 2017. Sport courts have slightly increased from 4.3 to 4.7, and more work is neededas far as water pipeline systems are concerned, which have declined from an absolute 10 to in 2015 to 6.7 in 2017.

fig. 137

Figure 138 shows the respondent ranking of the above mentioned services in the administrative unit of Shirgjan. Two of the services which have increased considerably these two last years were: schools and kindergartens and sport courts. They have been increased by respectively 10 and 6.5. Two other services, water pipeline system and functioning bridges have slightly declined by 0.9 and 1.4. The service which has declined pretty much is green spaces and parks by drastically declining at 4.8. More investments should be made on parks and green spaces in this administrative unit. fig. 138

The administartive unit of Gjergjan points out the tendency as in most of the administrative units, where sport courts and green areas, respectively at 4.9 and 4.6, make up for a low tendency which requires investments. It should be considered what happened with water pipeline system since we notice a hugle decline in raking in the course of two years by 4.4 grades.

fig. 139

Speed of response from the Municipality as shown by ascending percentage in the comparative approach, analyses the average of speed of municipal intervention for each administrative unit when these services are broken.

In the administartive unit of Funar we notice an ascending tendency of the speed of response in the course of these two years. Therfore, when a road is damaged, the Municipality’s response for 2017 is 22% faster than two years ago. Such percentage has increased by 28% in cases when sewage system is broken. When a bridge is damaged, the Municipality’s response is 28% faster than in 2015 and also it reacts 27% faster when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. Looks like the Municipality of Elbasan has worked hard to increse the speed of response in the administrative unit of Funar.

fig. 140

Figure 141 shows the municipal speed of response in the administrative unit of Shushicë. Here we notice an ascending tendency for all cases in the course of 2 years. Therefore, the speed of response when a road is damaged has increased by 16%. It has increased by 20% when the sewage system is damaged. The speed of response has increased by 13% when a bridge is damaged and by 18% when waste is disposed in urban areas. The speed of response from the Municipality has increased sustainably. fig. 141

In the administrative unit of Papër (figure 142) we see almost the same tendency, but rather minimized. There is a slight decline of the speed of response from the Municipality by 10% when a road is damaged. A better job is required in order to prevent the ongoing descending of the municipal speed of response in such a case. Three other services have increased slightly in the course of two years. So, the Municipality reacts 5% faster in 2017 than in 2015 when the sewage system in damaged, 20% faster when a bridge is damaged and 4% faster when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers.

fig. 142 Figure 143 shows the speed of response in the administartive unit of Bradashesh. Besides the municipal response when a road is damaged, which by the way remained at 78% for both surveys, there is a progressive increase for each of the remaining services. When the sewage system is damaged, the speed of response has increased by 13%, 25% increase when a bridge is damaged and 25% when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. Generally, a good job has been done from the Municipality.

fig. 143

As shown in Figure 144, there is a slight decline of the municipal speed of response in the administrative unit of Gjinar: 4% when a road is damaged. However, such a service remains at satisfying levels at 86%. All the other services show higher speed of response: when the sewage system is damaged, the response has increased by 8% as compared to 2015. When a bridge is damaged, the Municipality reacts 4% faster and 15% faster when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. fig. 144

Figure 145 shows the speed of response in the administrative unit of Zavalin. It is noticeable also the ascending tendency for the majority of services. There is an increase by 2% of the speed of response in the course of two years when a road is damaged. There is an increase by 12% when the sewage system is damaged and 9% when a bridge is damaged. Also, a sustainable increase by 23% results when waste is disposed in urban areas. The Municipality has done a great job in increasing the speed of response in improving the services in this administrative unit.

fig. 145 Figure 146 shows the speed of response for the administrative unit of Gracen. The tendency in this administartive unit does not apply for the other administartive units since there is a decline in each municipal service. All services remain on satisfying levels however: in cases when a bridge is damaged the speed of response is at 80%; or when sewage system is damaged, the speed of response in at 79% However, authoroties need to analyze the reasons why the speed of response has declined in order to prevent it from declining further.

fig. 146

In Tregan as well, a general decline of the municipal speed of response is noticed (Figure 147). The only service which has increased slightly by 1% is the case when sewage system is damaged. In cases when a road is damaged, the speed of response has declined by 18%; 17% has declined the speed when a bridge is damaged and 11% declined when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. An analysis is needed and the speed of response should improve for the future, in order to prevent it from declining further.

fig. 147

Figure 148 shows the speed of reaction in the administrative unit of Labinot Fushë. There are slight changes in the speed of response, whether positive or negative. However, when a road is damaged, the speed of response has increased by 3% in the course of two years. The speed of response when the swage system ids damaged remained at the same levels - 72%. An increase by 14% is noticed when a bridge is damaged, and 1% decline when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. Responsible authorities should make more serious efforts to increase the speed of response in this unit.

fig. 148 In the administrative unit of Labinot Mal (Figure 149) we notice a progressive increase of the speed of response for each service. When a road is damaged, the speed of response is increased by 6%, 18% increase of the speed of response when the sewage system is damaged, 24% increase when a bridge is damaged and 11% increase when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. It shoud be said that authorities have worked hard to make these services sustainable.

fig. 149

Figure 150 shows the speed of response in the administrative unit of Shirgjan. There are mixed and unstable results: there is an increase of the speed of response by 4% when a road is damaged, whereas the other three services present decline in the speed of response in the course of two years. A decline by 8% results in cases when the sewage system is damaged and 4% decline when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. There need to be interventions from the authorities so that the situation does not become worse.

fig. 150

Figure 151 shows the speed of response from the Municipality in the administrative unit of Gjergjan. All services present declines in the speed of response from the Municipality therefore there is needed immediate intervention. The speed of response declined by 24% when a road was damaged. When the sewage system is damaged, the speed of response declined by 10%, and it declined by 13% when a bridge is damaged. A slight decline of the speed of response by 7% is seen in cases when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers.

fig. 151 As far as the communication between the Municipality and people is concerned, there are mixed results. Asked if the municipal representatives meet regularly with the community to discuss and inform them, we notice that there is no specific tendency and the Municipality has kept in touch differently with each of the administrative units.

fig. 152

A considerable increase results in communication as shown in Figure 152 for the adminstartive unit of Papër, where it has improved by 36% in the course of two years. It has declined though by 30% and 32% respectively in Gracen and Gjergjan. It is necessary that local authorities address to these concerns in the two above mentioned units.

Asked if there is any information office about the municipal services (Figure 153), again the responses for each of the administrative units were mixed. It is worth mentioning the fact that there is a considerable increase of the those who are aware of this service namely in Labinot Fushë and Labinot Mal, by 43% and 47% respectively. Meanwhile, there are slight declines in some of the administrative units such as Shushicë, declining by 19%, or in Gracen declining by 15%. Intervention should be equally distributed to all administrative units. fig. 153

Figure 154 shows the answers to the questions: “Do you know where to complain and what procedures to follow?” Here the results were varied and it is difficult to discern any clear tendencies. Thus, there is a considerable increase by 73% of the number of those who know where to addess their complaints and what procedures to follow in Labinot Mal. Whereas, there is a bad decline by 35% in Gracen. Here as well, it noticed some kind of homogenity and syncronization of information for the inhabitants related to complaining processes and respective procedures. fig. 154

Moreover, all administrative units of Elbasan are analyzed by grades from 1 to 10. The objective of such assessment are a couple of services: school reconstruction, garbage disposal, water depot management, health service, land registration process, drinkable water quality and village roads. The data obtained are compared to those obtained from 2015.

Figure 155 shows how people estimate the service of school reconstruction. Generally, an increasing tendency is noticed in all administartive units, in the course of two years, except for Gjinar, that declines by 1 grade, Gracen, declining by 2 grades and Tregan, remaining stable at 7. A considerable improvement result in schools reconstruction in the administrative unit of Funar. In this same unit in 2015 schools reconstruction were estimated minimally by 1.4, whereas in 2017 it goes up to 8. Such increase by 6.6 grades shows that there was an active and serious action undertaken from the Municipality on these two years. fig. 155

Ranking for the waste disposal as shown in Figure 156, shows more heterogenous results. It is noticed that in Funar, during these two years, waste disposal service has improved considerably with 5 grades. The same evaluation by 5 grades results in the administrative unit of Zavalin. Although, there were declines in some of the other administrative units. Let’s consider Shushicë, where the situation of waste disposal has declines by 0.5 grades or Gracen declining by 1.8 in 2017. Considerable decline results in Labinot Fushë (2 grades). The situation needs immediate intervention. Also, a slight decline is recorded in Shirgjan as far as waste is concerned by 0.2 grades. fig. 156

Figure 157 shows the situation of water depots and how inhabitants rank the service. Generally for 2017 rankings were pretty high. Also, the only administrative units that result in low grades for 20147 are Shushica - minus 0.4 grades, and Gracen declining by 0.8 grades. Some intervention is needed in these administrative units to improve the situation of water depots. Although, a good job has been done tiwards this service between 2015- 2017.

fig. 157

Health service (Figure 158) is the other service that results in a general and stable increase in the course of two years. Only one of the administrative units records some slight but insignificant decline: Zavalin by 0.3 grades. The administrative unit of Funar and Gjergjan show improvements of the health service, by respectively 3.6 and 3.8 grades.

fig. 158

Land registration process (Figure 159), shows that this is a great concern for the area. the majority of administrative units, along with a low ranking for 2015, present a more difficult situation for 2017. Therefore, the administrative unit of Funar declined from 4.1 to 4, the administrative unit of Papër declined from 6 to 3, and Gjergjan shows a bery small increase, but problematic nonetheless from 3.8 to 4. The same tendency persists in each of the administartive units. Therefore, a consistent and greater job is needed in order to improve the entire land registration process. fig. 159

Drinkable water quality shows considerable and stable improvements in the c ourse of these two years. The only exception from the tendency, is the administrative unit of Gracen, resulting in a slight but insignificant decline from 8.1 to 8. Generally, the other administrative units present satisfying ranking levels. For example the administrative unit of Funar which increased by 5.5 grades in these 2 years.

fig. 160

In the end, as shown in Figure 161, village roads make up for mixed results and cannot draw a tendency. Some of the administrative units recorded decline in the quality of roads between 2015 – 2017, namely: Zavalin, by -2.3 grades, Gracen by -3.4 grades, Tregan by -1.8 grades. These three adminstrative units need immediate intervention. Also, the same grade is recorded in Gjinar for both years at 5 grades. Here are also needed systematic repairs.

fig. 161


Data obtained from the municipalities of Korca, Devolli and Elbasan were classified into two aspects: the time when the survey took place including both 2015 and 2017 surveys and the distinction between town-other administrative unit.

These data vary in quality and expansion from administrative unit to administrative unit.

First, there are some tendencies formed along the comparative survey in town of Korca:

a. Besides a slight increase of the quality of industrial waste management, there is a shift from “satisfied” to “neutral” or slightly “unsatisfied” for categories: drinkable water quality (decline of “satisfied” by 17% from 2015 to 2017), street lightning (20.5%), sewage system (22%), waste management (44%), rehabilitation of damaged roads (31%).

b. The analysis for the second category of questions that is related to municipal services for Korca town, is based on four basic services: waster pipeline system, functioning schools and kindergartens, parks and green areas and sport courts. Besides sport courts service that is slightly decline by 2% from the first to the second survey, the other three services have increased. Thus, the water pipeline system has increased by 11% in the course of two years, schools and kindergartens have increased by 32% and green areas and parks also increased by 2%.

This is generally an increasing tendency and almost the opposite with the tendency of the first category questions. This shows that the basic existence of several services has increased within two years of the survey, whereas the quality of existing services has declined slightly or shifted towards “neutral”.

c. The question section related to the speed of response from the Municipality of Korca for services that are likely to be problematic, no consistent tendency came up. This means that it is impossible to make a unifying analysis of factors that affect the speed of delay of municipal response in such cases.

ç. Three questions related to communication, reveal an unchanged tendency in communication relations between the municipality and the citizens, regardless the 2 year period between surveys. It can be explained through the existence of the same variable: both years were election years. Therefore, it is expected that in non-election years, statistics are slightly lower.

d. The last section of questions was ranked by grades from 1 to 10, comparing thus the data obtained in these two years. Declining tendency was recorded here from 0.5 to 2.5 grades, confirming once again the data obtained along the previuos sections of the survey. While there is a service generation or introduction of new facilities, the existing services have slightly impaired in the course of two years.

Moreover, there are data obtained from the other administrative unit of the Municipality of Korca namely: Bulgarec, Drenovë, Mollaj, Vithkuq, Lekas, Voskopojë and Voskop these data had a double comparison: between the administrative units and between both 2015 and 2017 surveys.

The analysis identified a few tendencies:

a. The worst result during 2015- 2017 was recorded in the administrative unit of Mollaj and relates to the considerable decline of the quality of potable water.

b. The best result during 2015 – 2017 was recorded in the administrative unit of Vithkuq and related to the good industrial waste management.

c. Green areas and parks and sport courts generally result in poor ranking for all the administrative units (except for Korca town). Therefore, systematic intervention is needed to improve or increase their quality.

ç. Considering all the administrative units and the speed of response for different services in the course of two years, a clear tendency appears: more work is needed when a road is damaged or when the sewage system is broken. Same when a bridge is broken. However, waste disposal service has largely improved in all administrative units of the Municipality of Korca.

d. In the course of these two years, a slight decline is noticed in communication between municipal representatives and the inhabitants of the administrative units.

The same procedure as in Korca was applied for the data obtained during the survey in the Municipality of Devoll. The town was analyzed separately from the other administrative units and afterward they were compared based on two surveys during 2015- 2017.

Conclusions from the data obtained in the town of Bilisht are:

a. The first section of questions includes services like: the quality of drinkable water, street lightning, sewage system, waste management, rehabilitation of damaged roads and industrial waste management. they generally do present a positive tendency. Although, a better job should be done mainly on waste management in town since there is a considerable decline of satisfied people with the service.

b. Most people in town of Bilisht think that there are no green spaces or parks in the areas where they live, nor sport courts. More investments are needed on recreation facilities.

c. A clear tendency is shown related to the speed of response from the Municipality when services are broken or damaged. In all cases it is noticed that the speed of response from the Municipality has increased improving the quality of services.

ç. As far as the communication between the Municipality and the inhabitants the tendency was satisfying. People in Bilisht and the Municipality had increased communication and more interaction in 2017 through instrumentalization of municipal clerks or information offices.

The other administrative units of the Municipality of Bilisht are Hoçisht, Progër, Qendër Bilisht and Miras. Results are as follows:

a. The best result for services in the Municipality of Devoll was recorded in Hoçisht and is related to waste management. it is increased in the course of two years from 2.4 in 2015 to 8.6 in 2017, and it is the highest of all sections. The intervention in Hoçisht on waste management should be an example to all the other administrative units. b. The worst result is recorded in Qendër Bilisht and is related to rehabilitation of parcel roads. Immediate intervention is needed since there is a decline in the course of these two years from 5.7 to 3.8.

c. In all four administrative units of Devoll, the analysis reveals a clear tendency: apparent improvement related to schools and kindergartens. Also, the quality of potable water system has increased. Green areas, parks and sport courts show low rankings in all cases. More work needs to be done in order to increase the recreational places and parks in all four administrative units.

ç. As far as the speed of response from the Municipality is concerned when services are broken or damaged, an important tendency comes out: all four administrative units show increasing tendencies related to the speed of response when waste is disposed in urban areas and rivers. Such kind of management worked very well and is improved further in the course of these two years.

d. Generally, it can be noticed that all administrative units have slightly declined the tendency of communication between the Municipality and the inhabitants in the course of two years. More work should be done to improve this important relation.

The third part of the survey involved the Municipality of Elbasan and the same methodology and analytical instruments as for Korce and Devoll have been applied. It is worth mentioning a couple of specific conclusion for the town of Elbasan:

a. Generally speaking, there is a clear tendency in Elbasan inhabitants’ satisfaction on a couple of services: services have slightly improved and the people’s satisfaction has increased in the course of two years.

b. as far as three basic services are concerned in Elbasan, we notice that the number of schools and kindergartens has increased, more green areas are created and the water system has improved.

c. Looks like the speed of response from the Municipality in cases when services are broken or damaged has improved and become more serious in the course of years 2015- 2017. ç. There is a positive and healthy increase in communication / relations between the Municipality and the community in Elbasan. They have progressively increased from 2015 to 2017.

Important conclusions were drawn for the other 12 administrative units of the Municipality of Elbasan:

a. The best results were recorded in the administrative unit of Gjergjan related to sewage system. From the lowest ranking by 2.1 in 2015 it increased at 6.8 for 2017. Therefore, there is an increase by 4.7 grades in the course of two years.

b. The worst result was recorded in Gracen, related to waste management. From an almost absolute ranking at 9.7 in 2015, the service quality declined at 3.4 in 2017.

c. A clear tendency is noticeable for the majority of administrative units in the Municipality of Elbasan: green aras, parks and sport courts ranked low in the course of these two years, therefore, a greater job is needed and more investment should be undertaken in order to create recreational centers and parks.