
ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 CREATING CHANGES

Vichian Puncreobutr

Faculty of Education, English Program, St Theresa International College, 1 Moo 6, Rangsit Nakornnayok Road, Bungsan, Ongkharok, Nakornnayok 26120, [email protected]

Received: 1 June 2020 Revised and Accepted: 10 July 2020

ABSTRACT: This research has the objective of studying the Collaboration Leadership, Leadership Behavior, Characteristic of Collaboration Leadership and Collaboration Leadership Styles to Create Changes. Studied from the document, in- depth interview with 83 executive administrators of PTT Public Company Limited, department executives of social sectors and international higher education institutions, who collaborate in creating the changes for the and for the . From the study it is found that 1) Collaboration Leadership is a process in which the leaders have the influential power towards the colleagues, both within the organizations and with other organizations by using the resourceful potentiality among the organizations 2) The behavior of the collaboration leadership consisted of 4 specific behaviors or STIC behaviors: S: Self- efficacy in creating collaboration, T:Transformation Catalyst creating changes, I: Imagining Future Possibilities and C: Corporate Social Responsibility 3) There are 2 important characteristics of collaboration leadership: Ability in creating the changes and the ability in creating collaborative activities 4) Leadership styles for collaboration to create changes are the relationship of the ability to create changes and the ability to create the collaborative activities, consisted of 4 types of collaboration leadership: developer, organization creator, changes creator, and social creator

KEYWORDS: Collaboration Leadership, Collaboration Leadership Behavior, Collaboration Leadership Characteristic, Collaboration Leadership Styles to create changes


Leaders are people with two important qualifications: proficiency and specific competency (Finkelstein and Hambrick, 1996). Successful leaders must use all abilities to lead the organization to achieve results in 3 aspects: Being able to set up the organization direction, design the styles of the organization and cultivating (Dess and Miller, 1993). Using suitable leadership in managing the organization with the collaboration of the people in the organization and with the other organizations effectively (Agranoff, 2007). Collaboration means, various organizations having different perspective on the problems but collaborate together in seeking the new inventive ideas, to have the changes in the working system (Gray, 1989), in order to obtain the new end products together (Linden, 2002). Leaders who use collaboration in working together, would begin from creating a collaboration group or a net work group, where the members of the group could voice an opinion freely and equally (Lucas,1998). Solving the problems together successfully when an organization does not have the potential to solve the problem self (Agranoff & McGuire, 2003). The collaboration among the business organizations has been in operation continuously which is the driving force to improve the quality of work (Jackson & Maddy, 2005). Apart from this, the among the business organization and educational organization in developing the education, such as, collaboration in education management with the local government organization (Chanita Rakpolmuang, 2015), research collaboration between university and industrial sector (Duangtip Viboolsakchai, 2012:8), collaboration from the elementary schools (Pisit Thep kraiwal, 2011) or collaboration from vocational schools (Vichian Puncreobutr, 2003). Leadership collaboration is therefore, expected to be applied as a guideline and a tool in the new, modern management (Agranoff, 2006). As for Thailand, there has been a collaboration in the business sector to create the changes, both, in business organizations and changes in the public communities or in the society, such as that of the PTT Public Company Limited which is one of the biggest business organization of the country (Pongsun Boonsun, 2015). Concerning PTT Public Company Limited, the leading business organization in Thailand, it is also a company with world class business management, the administrators use the abilities of human resources, creating collaborations from the personnel within the organization and with the other organizations in offering


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 the best to the customers and the society, causing an unceasing development in creating quality products for the market and creates social changes to be a sustainable society (Pongsun Boonsun, 2015). Therefore, when such a big business organization such as the PTT Public Company Limited which has been using the collaborations with other business organizations and with the educational institutions, that has created both, the company growth and the changes which are beneficial to the society. It is shown that leadership collaboration has been used in creating changes effectively. From the success of collaboration leadership as above mentioned, the researcher has studied the collaboration leadership to create changes, using collaboration leadership as tools in managing the organization. To be beneficial in managing various organizations, both, business organizations and educational institution administrators at various levels. To use in developing the organizations, together with being useful to the other concerned units of work in promoting, supporting the personnel development, to develop the next generation of executives.

Objectives The objective of this research is as follows: 1. To study the collaboration leadership, creating changes in Thailand 2. To study the behavior of collaboration leadership, creating changes in Thailand 3. To study the characteristic of collaboration leadership, creating changes in Thailand 4. To study the styles of collaboration leadership, creating changes in Thailand

II. METHODOLOGY This is a qualitative research, consisted of 2 phrases, as follows: Phrase 1. The study of the conceptual framework in using the collaboration leadership The study in this phrase is to analyze the document to obtain the conceptual framework in using the collaboration leadership to create changes by content analysis. The conceptual framework is further used in setting up a structured interview form. Phrase 2. The study of collaboration leadership, creating changes The study in this phrase is to study the collaboration leadership, behavior of collaboration leader, characteristic of collaboration leader and the styles of collaboration leader, creating changes.Using in-depth interview with collaboration administrators and civil society groups who benefited from the collaboration. A group of 8 collaboration administrators of PTT Public Company Limited and 28 administrators from the government sector, private companies, social organizations and international higher education institutions, who collaborated in creating changes to the organizations and the society. Civil society groups of 47 persons, benefitting from the collaboration consisted of community leaders and local folks in the servicing area. Totaling 83 key informants acquired by Snowball method. Tools used in collecting the data are analysis document, interview forms, voice recorder and the researcher self. The data was collected during January 2017-December 2019. The data obtained was tested by Triangulation and further analyzed.

III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is found that: 1. Collaboration Leadership From the study it is found that the collaboration administrators have the leadership by emphasizing on collaboration among one another in creating the changes. The characteristic of the collaboration leadership which occurred is a process in which collaboration leaders use their influential power towards their colleagues in their own organizations and towards the other organizations, in order to bring the resources abilities among the organizations which are human abilities, organization competency and the best performances of the organization, to use in creating new activities, affecting the changes in the organization/or the changes in the society. 2. Behavior of the collaboration leader It is found from the study that the collaboration leader has a specific leadership behavior of emphasizing on the creating of collaboration or it is called, specific collaboration leadership which consisted of 4 behaviors: S: Self- efficacy in creating collaboration, T: Transformation Catalyst in creating changes, I: Imagining Future Possibilities and C: Corporate Social Responsibility. Thus, the specific leadership behavior is called STIC behaviors as follows: 2.1 S: Self-efficacy in creating collaboration is the leadership behavior of believing in having the perception of the ability to create collaboration, demonstrating the confident behavior towards the success of collaboration and empowering the colleagues to work together to achieve the efficiently. 2.2 T: Transformation Catalyst is a behavior in which the leaders use influential power to motivate the colleagues to change the way of thinking, changing the working process, to achieve the goal in a different way


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 from the previous ways and changing the achievement of unchallenged goal to the change of reengineering by acting as a model and urging colleagues to follow. 2.3 I: Imagining Future Possibilities is the behavior of the leader’s ability in collecting, analyzing and interpreting data, creating imagining future possibilities of the changes in the organization and/or the changes of the society in the direction of raising the level of development to be sustainable. The possibilities of the future depend on the analysis of the data and between the collaboration leaders and the working colleagues. 2.4 C: Corporate Social Responsibility is the behavior of being able to administer under the principles of morality and ethics, good and managing the business and activities with social responsibility. Creating activities, emphasizing on the environment, creating benefits for the people, the communities, or the society as a whole. Not expecting any rewards, comply with the desire or the expectation of the community or of the society, in order to lead the society to becoming a desired society 3. Characteristic of collaboration leadership From the study it is found that the administrators of collaboration have specific behaviors or STIC behaviors which consisted of S: Self-efficacy in creating collaboration, T: Transformation Catalyst in creating changes, I: Imaging Future Possibilities and C: Corporate Social Responsibility, that created 2 main important characteristics of: Leader’s ability in creating changes and leader’s ability in creating collaboration. 3.1 Characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating changes consisted of 2 important behaviors: S: Self- efficacy in creating collaboration and C: Corporate Social Responsibility. The ability to create changes can be classified in 2 types: The ability to create a few changes or creates the changes only within the organization or aim at changing just the organization and having the ability to change a lot or can create the changes at the social level, that the society is changed in the better direction or aim at changing the society. 3.2 The characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating collaborative activities is the characteristic of creating organizations collaborative activities. This characteristic consisted of 2 important behaviors: T: Transformation Catalyst creating changes and I: Imaging Future Possibilities. The ability in creating collaborative activities can be classified in 2 types: The ability to create a few collaborative activities or having little effect on the changes and the ability in creating a lot of collaborative activities or having a great impact on the changes. 4. The styles of collaboration leadership, creating changes From the study it is found that collaboration administrators have the of collaboration leadership in creating changes. It is found that the style of collaboration leadership is the relationship between the characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating changes and the characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating collaborative activities. Creating 4 styles of collaboration leader: Organization developer, organization creator, changes creator, and social creator 4.1 The style of collaboration leadership in the style of organization developer, it is found that the leader in this style has the ability to create a few changes, aiming at changing only the organization. Having only the ability in creating a few collaborative activities, and having little effect on the changes 4.2 It is found that the style of collaboration leadership in the style of organization creator, has the ability to create a few changes, aiming at changing just the organization. The characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating highly collaborative activities and having a great effect on the changes.

4.3 It is found that the style of collaboration leadership in the style of changes creator, that the leader of this style has the ability to make a lot of changes, aiming at changing the society. But has the ability in creating a few collaborative activities, and having little effect on the changes. 4.4 It is found that the style of collaboration leadership in the style of social creator, has the ability to make a lot of changes, aiming at changing the society. Also has the ability in creating a lot of collaborative activities and having a great effect on the changes.

IV. CONCLUSION The findings from the study can be concluded as follows: 1. The collaboration leadership is the process where the leaders have influential power towards the colleagues within the organization and with the other organizations, in using the resource abilities among the organizations which consisted of human resource abilities, organization competency and the best performance of the organization, to use in changing the organization and/or changing the society. 2. The behavior of the collaboration leader is the behavior in creating collaboration or it is called the specific behaviors of the collaborative leader which consisted of 4 types or STIC behaviors: S: Self-efficacy in creating collaboration, T: Transformation Catalyst , creating changes, I: Imaging Future Possibilities and C: Corporate Social Responsibility. 3. Characteristic of collaboration leader is the result from the specific behaviors of the collaborative administrator or STIC behaviors which are specific behaviors, creating 2 important characteristics: The leader’s ability in creating the changes and the ability in creating collaborative activities.


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 4. The style of collaboration leadership, creating the changes is the relationship between the characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating changes and the characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating collaborative activities. Creating 4 styles of collaboration leader: Organization developer, organization creator, changes creator, and social creator, as shown in diagram 1

Changes creator Social creator

Aiming at changing the society Aiming at changing the society A few collaborative activities Many collaborative activities Organization developer Organization creator

Ability in creating collaborative activities

inAbility creating changes Aiming at changing the society Aiming at changing the society A few collaborative activities Many collaborative activities

Diagram 1 The styles of collaboration leadership creating changes

The organization developer style of collaboration leadership is the style in which the leader aims at changing the organization only, therefore, there is a few of collaborative activities and not much effect to the changes. The organization creator style is the style in which the leader aims at changing the organization but having many collaborative activities and great effect to the changes. The changes creator style is the style in which the leader aims at changing the society but having a few collaborative activities and not much effect to the changes. The social creator style is the style in which the leader aims at changing the society, having many collaborative activities and a great effect to the changes. Therefore, the expected collaboration leadership, creating changes, is the society creator style of collaborative leader which uses the resource abilities among the organizations, using the 4 specific behaviors of the collaborative leader or the STIC behaviors, creating the society to be a desired society.

V. RECOMMENDATIONS From the study it is found that the behaviors of the collaboration leader which consisted of the 4 specific behaviors or the STIC, creating the 2 characteristics of the collaboration leader: characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating the changes and the ability in creating collaborative activities. Therefore, the organization administrators or those concerned in promoting the development of personnel, should encourage the personnel to obtain the 4 specific behaviors which are S: Self-efficacy in creating collaboration, T: Transformation Catalyst in changing, I: Imaging Future Possibilities and C: Corporate Social Responsibility, in order to be able to raise both characteristics of collaborative leader higher. From the study where it is found that the style of collaboration leadership in creating changes is the relationship between the characteristic of the leader’s ability in creating 4 styles of collaboration leader which are organization developer, organization creator, changes creator, and social creator. However, the expected style of collaboration leadership in creating changes is the social creator style of collaboration leadership. Therefore, to develop the collaborative administrators, all the important factors must be emphasized. From creating and using the resource abilities among the organizations, using the specific behaviors of the collaborative leader or the STIC behaviors and creating the collaborative leader characteristics in the same direction, enabling the creation of collaboration leadership, aiming at creating the society to be of the desired society Recommendation for further research From the study where it is found that the styles of collaboration leader creating changes consisted of 4 styles and the expected style of collaboration leader is the social creator style which is a qualitative research of business organizations and educational institutions. Therefore, there should be a further study of other


ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020 organizations such as, a study of various other business organizations, etc. Together with a quantitative study to confirm the findings further.


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