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November,1916 NOVEMBER,1916. MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. 6% from the hi her illuminated air masses and that diffrac- only on our side of the latter. If the former, than the tion can in Buence only the color of the light. clouds intercept the purple-colored solar rays; if the The color and the time of occurrence of the western latter, then the purple doe8 not develop where the cloud’s purple light and of the afterglow are in agreement with shadow falls. The former appears to me much the more all three classes of explanpt,ions. The relahe rarhy of probable case. the afterglow and its varying intensity with the osit.ion The western purple light, then, seems to be the evening of the sun speak in favor of the-iden of mirror re ection. glow of the hi her air directly illumined by the setting It seems to me, however, that if the .oause were mirror sun, reflected 8;own into the earth’s shadow to our eyes. reflection from the sunset zone tslie l!ght woul? appear The eastern afterglow shows us mountains and air in- somewhat less scattered and would gve more llght wid directly illuminated by the reflection of this lofty evening shade efkct in the mountains. As a matter of fact I have glow. .,. often wondered, as I stood in the mountains in the after- 7, at glow itself, the shadowless or ver weakly shadowing TWILIGHT PHENOMENA IN ABIZONA, SEPTEYBEB TO character of this eculiar flesh-red ligi t: and how it often DECEMBEB, 1916. a pears not mereP y as the western purple and tho eastern aP te low but fills the whole interveniii space wit.11 By Prof. ANDREWELLICOTT DOIJ~LASS. its a-pervading mysterious, gloomy ye1B ow-red. The [Dated: Deparlniciit of Physim 3nd Astrouomy, University of -4Iizm8, Tucson, breadth of the light-giving surface nnd of t.lie mirror Dec. 2, 1916.1 together are after all an inadsquatmeexplanation, it seems [In his letter transmitting this gper Profemor Douglaee correcta his to me, for this diffuse behavior of the after low. Just as statement, quoted by nie in the EVIEW for August, 1916, 44:434, to t.he effect that red sunseta were not observed by him after the middle the sk is blue and tho mountains and vaf leys are fillrd of September, 1916. His accompanying description of twilight rolora wit8hblue haze durin the dsv, so nom- the sky is yurplc, is closely in accord with the claeaical description b von Besold, which, eo per-oolornd, or re dish yetlow and the mountains and t,ogether with Exner’s classification of the twilidt phenomenon will d be found translated on pages 620 to 63of this number of the REVIEW. vaPI eys aro filled these colors. If reflectioii throws Therefore. with the consent of Professor Douglaes, I have inserted in the western purple light. into our eyes and upon the east,ern brackets in his text the designation given bv Exner to the hase of mountains, t’hen t,here must. he n much stronger pohbriza- the t.wilight.deecribed. Thus, [(C) Fimt twilight arch] ie to %e inter- tion of the purple. greted aa nieaning that the phase of twili8ht under consideration will e found under (c) of Exner’s classification to have the deeignation If the sky’s blue were a true fluorescence of bhe air, given.--If. H. h’hball.] then the western purple light and the afterglow- would he here blue instead of red. I conclude, from their colors, that Prom September 16, 1916, to tihe present time the the sky’s blue is mere1 a pseudo-fluorescence. writer has wat,ched ever. evening aft,er sunset for the The peculiar form oB a “ salmon-colored spot ” in which occurrence of bright. t,wil ‘ght and afterglow colors, and the western urple light often begins, has not yet been shndow phenomena. The clearness of our atmosphere explained, wR ile the arched form of the western purple permits all t,hese henomena to be seen with greatest seems to be a matter of course.. Evidently we have not. ease down to our x orizon of mountains, which averages vet the last word in esplanation of the western purple about. one degree in elevation in all directions. From bght and of the afterglow. In the case of the afterglow west-northwest to wst,-southwest the average height is we may have to do mt,h the conibined effects of several about ISo, while in the northwest the apparent horizon factors. Nature is. indeed. always more coniplicated descends a very slight amount below the true horizon. than we like to kqsurne in thought,. On! t.lling is quite In the enst t.hc niounta.ins rips from 1’ to 3’ above the certain, thhe afterp.lOw on the ea&m m.oimtuana miid the cast- true horizon. ern 8k.v iS not a direct evening red. but an.inc7abect PrerLing On account3of t.1~clearness of the air t,he sun is never red which k brought down into the ea.rth’s .Q?t.m70ii7 hy mir- under any circumstances faint enough t.o be looked at wriri or difuse rqflcrtion. rc.nQ (1.ifkctiin.n. Put niorc directly hy t,he naked eye. Clouds are rare and two levels sim &: The afterglow in t,he east is the reflcct,eds >lendor of clouds still more rare, so that it heconies possible to of t e western urple light. We may t,hcrrfore cescrihe1 estimate cloiid heights lq- t,he t.inie when direct. sunlight the Rafterglow a o as an indirect, dpen low. Here also is c-enses to illuniinat,c thein. It thus becomes possible here repeat.ed R relation similar to t,hat. of t.5 ie fiist dpe~~glow:to usc nieniis of inrestigat.ion that, would seem incredible The west furnishes light and color, t.he east is illuniinat,cd to an observer nccust,omed only to A4t,ln~it.iccoast. con- thereby. Thus it. conies about t.hat light, nncl color are d i t,ions. stronger in the west than they are siniult.aneouslv in t,he Out, of 80 niglit.s, cloucls have interferred to tl serious east. If one stands on t.he eastern mountitins and wholly extent on only li nights. Plight. cloudiness has prevailed in the afterglow: there appcura no repet,ition of sunset in on over 51) per cent of t.he nights. In fact, it is a con- the west; one sees only a reat surface of purple light. dit,ion of n fcw thin, scat,t.eredciriiis clouds that is most spread over almost the whof; e westmeinsky. favorable t.o t,he heautiful ray phenomena so often Here and there a sheaf of divergent rays [crepuscultlr noticcd. [See Ahlso’s translations of Heim’s and Bezold’s raw] from a mountain or a cloud in the west.ern sky, descriptions of t,liesc crepuscular rap: this REVIEW,p. 622 reitches high up into the recently enlpurpled heavens. and p. 625.1 (See Heini’s fi . 18.) The shadow rays [or crepusaular As soon as the disk of t’he sun is behind the western rays] a pear bf ue-green in t.lie purple. Hence one niaq‘ mountain, a heavy bronze area [(b) Twilight low] is conclua e that the air tmhatmappears to he already in the apparent. estending to a dist,a.nceof 4’ or 5’ in a5 direc- western purple, as we stand down below it, still receives tions from the sui1 itself. At, first this bronze is of a direct rays from the sun at high levels above us. The &her yellowish color, which soon changes to a reddish western purple light therefore arises first from direct il- tone, lasting some 20 minutes after the disappearance lumination of the u per air lapis. Diffusereflection and of t,he sun. diffraction are but tK e processes t.hat conduct the splendor -4fter the sun has really set the clear western sky in down to our eyes in t.he eart,h’s shadow or across to the that. general vicinity shows a structure which seem8 momt aim. likely t,o be due to a high layer of haze in the atmos- This does not enable one to decide. however, whether phere. This structure usually ap ars as a faint, soft the purple light originates in the west behind the cloud or etching of large numbers of paralelp“ lines. In general Unauthenticated | Downloaded 09/26/21 05:20 AM UTC MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW. NOVEMBER,1916 these lines have a slight inclination from the horizontal, out to get the elevation of the layer or curtain on which the northern ends bemg a little lower than the southern and shadows are projected. The process is ends. The lines vary in size from a quarter of a degree simple,these 'Y or the length of time after sunset gives a rou h in width and several degrees in length up t,o 1' by 10' or idea of the hundreds of miles of distance between t% e Kear the horizon the size is a.lways small, observer and the clouds which are casting the shadows. growingeven lary arger at the higher e1evat.ions. The coiispicous- This distance is easily shown to be 300 to 400 miles, ness is very different on different nights and the view is for some of the best raylike shadows appear 30 minutes alwap improved by good field glasses. A number of after sunset, at ,which moment the sun is setting at a observations have been made on the motion of this point some 400 miles west of ur.
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